How to cheer up a guy when he is sick. How to cheer up your boyfriend or husband: by correspondence and in live communication

If you want to let your husband know how much he means to you in your daily life, try to focus on making him feel better. This means speaking inspiring, loving words or showing your love and tenderness in actions. Even some small action or a kind word can greatly affect his mood and let him know how much you love and need him.


Show love and care in words

  1. Say “thank you” and “I love you” every morning and every evening. When he has a day off. Start by saying thank you for everything he does for you. When he leaves home, tell him about your love and gratitude, so that when he leaves, he feels that he is loved and appreciated here.

    • At the end of the day, also say “thank you” and “love you” so that he goes to bed and goes to sleep knowing that you care about him and appreciate him. If you know he had a hard day at work, you could say, “I know you had a hard day, but remember that I love you and am grateful for all you do. You are very dear to me."
    • Another slightly funny way to tell him how much you love and appreciate him is to write a note and stick it on his car window or on his bag for him to read on the way. This can be an encouragement for him for the whole day ahead.
  2. Send him an SMS with a compliment. During the day, periodically send him pleasant SMS, this will please him. They should be short and energetic so that he understands what you are thinking about him and gets a boost of energy when reading these SMS.

    • For example, you could write, “Thinking of you. I am your biggest fan. Go ahead, you will defeat them, my lion!” or “I don't talk about it often, but I appreciate your hard work and your ambition. I'm so glad that you and I are on the same team.” Notice one ability or skill that you admire in your husband, for example: “You are a true professional, I am honored to be your wife.”
    • You can also remind him of your plans for the evening so that he looks forward to the time you spend together. For example: “I can’t wait for the evening with you! I cherish every moment we spend together.”
  3. Call him periodically throughout the day. Sometimes in the cycle of working affairs it is so nice to hear the voice of a loved one and exchange a few words with him. Cheer up your husband, call him unexpectedly during the day and tell him that you love and appreciate him.

    • He may also be pleased if you call when he is tired from work and needs some kind of outlet. This is the best time to exchange a few words with a loved one. Be willing to listen to what he has experienced during the day and express your support to lift his spirits for the rest of the day.
  4. Send him a funny joke or video. Another way to cheer up your husband is to make him laugh. If you come across a funny joke or a funny video, send it to him so he can watch it during his lunch break or free time. This will make him laugh and make him feel your concern for him.

    • You can search the Internet for funny jokes or videos of his favorite comedy show. Even a short clip or picture can make him laugh and put him in a positive mood.
  5. Write him a love note and put it in your pocket. Prepare a pleasant surprise: write him a short love note describing how much you love and appreciate him, and hide the note in his jacket pocket for him to read on his way to work. He will find her at some point and be pleasantly surprised.

    • A love note can be spiced up, sexy and suggestive. Your husband will obviously react positively to a funny note and flirting.

    Try to brighten his way to and from work

    1. Make him coffee and breakfast in the morning. Give him a great start at the beginning of the day, prepare coffee and breakfast, this is especially important if he has a busy day ahead. Of course, you may have your own work to do, but it would be great if at the beginning of the day you are on top and prepare coffee and breakfast for both of you. Then you can have breakfast together before leaving for the whole day, each to his own business.

      • You can make him sandwiches or a quick breakfast on the go, such as yogurt and muesli with fresh fruit. If your husband is usually in a hurry and runs out quickly in the morning, make him a smoothie so he can take him to work and start his day with a calorie-rich breakfast.
    2. Cook him lunch with you or bring him lunch to work. Try to make your husband's day easier by making him a lunch that he can take to work. It can be sandwiches, fruit salad or chips, or leftovers from last night's dinner. This way, he will not only save money at lunch, but also remember that you care about him and try to make sure that he eats well.

      • If your husband prefers to eat the same thing every day, or even skips lunch altogether, try surprising him and taking him out for lunch at his favorite restaurant, or drop by his office to take him out for lunch for a while. He will certainly appreciate your concern, and he will be pleased to dine with you for a change.
    3. Prepare an audio mix per track for him. If your husband has a long morning commute to work, try making a flash drive for him to listen to on the way to work. It could be a collection of his favorite music or songs he loves. You can burn songs to a disc or quietly download music to his phone or player.

      • If you want to make him a collection of music for a track, remember what artists he likes to listen to when he is alone at home or together with you. You can search for new music on the Internet or ask friends. If you prepare a collection of music especially for him, he will feel how much he means to you, it will show him that you want his day to start great.
    4. Cook his favorite meal for dinner. Think of a favorite dish that he eats at home or in a cafe, it can be lasagna, curry, or even venison burgers. Prepare his favorite meal when you get home. This will be a pleasant surprise for him after a long day at work and will bring a smile.

      • If he likes ready-made food, order his favorite dish for when he gets home from work. Or maybe you should arrange a special date at his favorite restaurant?

      Make him feel special

      1. Give him a massage. To help your husband relieve stress or tension, offer him a nice relaxing massage. Take an emollient body oil or lotion and work on any tense areas on his back and other parts of his body. This will allow you to have a great time together and cheer him up.

        • If you know that your husband has tension in certain parts of his body, such as his neck or lower back, try to massage them well with warm body butter. Try to improve your massage technique by watching video instructions on the Internet.
        • You can also surprise your husband by going with him for a couples massage or gifting a professional massage just for him. In professional hands, he will be able to relax and relieve stress.
      2. Surprise him: a gift or a romantic date. If you really want to give your husband a great day, plan a surprise date at his favorite restaurant or cafe, or give him a gift you know he'll love. It can be a small gift, something that he has been wanting to buy for himself for a long time, or some serious gift for which you had to save up for several months.

        • If you arrange a surprise date, it will allow you to spend quality time together and create new memories together. And it will also give you confidence that you are actively involved in the life of your husband and make his life more beautiful and happier.
        • You can also make a surprise and bring him his favorite lunch or something delicious to work. This will give him a boost of energy for the rest of the day. Even a small surprise can make his day more joyful and let him know that you are thinking of him.
      3. Let him spend time doing his favorite activities. Sometimes your spouse needs time to do their favorite things, hobbies, hobbies. Give him at least one hour a day to be alone, watch his favorite sports show, tinker in the workshop, read a book. Of course, you will not do this together, but if you support him and let him do his own thing, he will see that you want happiness for him and respect his desire to do some personal business.

        • It is also useful to allocate an hour of time when each of you will go about your own business. You can do something in different rooms of the house or even sit next to each other, but everyone will do something different. This will show that you can coexist perfectly together and are comfortable doing different things while being around.
      4. Help him deal with something on his to-do list. If you see that your husband is under stress, that too many things have piled on him, offer him help so that he has a little less of them. Most likely, he will appreciate your offer and he will be pleased that someone extended a helping hand to him in difficult times.

        • You can mow the grass on the front lawn or take out the garbage. If your husband often works overtime and comes home late from work, you can take over his household chores so he can come home and rest.
        • If you have children and they are already at an age when they can do some housework, ask them for help and do some work with them that usually falls on your husband. Together you can do more.
      5. Let him spend time with his friends. Show that you care about his needs and let him have a good time with his friends. Let him invite his friends to play poker at your house, or invite him to go to a sports bar with friends and watch a match. This will show that you care about his interests and you are not against his communication with friends.

        • Don't scold or scold him for the time he spends with friends, especially if he usually spends a lot of time with you at home. If you support him when he wants to spend time with others, it will show him that you trust him and want him to have meaningful interactions with his friends.
4 322 0 Hello! In this article, we will talk about how to cheer yourself up and those around you. How to do it by correspondence or how to cheer up quickly. We will talk about all this and much more in this article.

We are all inspired by positive people who know how to stay positive even when the going gets tough. Or, let's say, not as good as we would like. How do they do it? Moreover, the aerobatics is to know how to cheer up not only yourself, but also those around you, be able to inspire the lives of other people. Coping with stress, apathy, depression, staying on a positive wave, energizing yourself and others are invaluable skills that are becoming increasingly needed in our time.

First of all, you need to understand the reasons for your bad mood. What does not suit? What fails? Why am I not happy with what I have now? These and other questions are important to ask yourself, understanding what caused sadness or apathy.

Possible causes of mood swings

  • When, due to various circumstances, we cannot currently get what we want, especially if we make efforts to do so. This happens in situations where our desires and capabilities do not coincide. Then we feel disappointed.
  • Poor health, various diseases. Physical ailments lead to mental disorders.
  • Lack of sleep and rest significantly increases the tendency to depressive states. This is our natural need, which should not be neglected.
  • Hormonal disorders that may occur at certain periods of life (pregnancy, menopause) or, for example, as a result of treatment.
  • Constant worry about someone or something.
  • The influence of others. We can experience negative emotions because we are not paid attention, criticized, not reciprocated with love and care, not recognizing achievements, not being supported, etc.
  • Experiencing stress.
  • Conflicts, quarrels quite often devastate us emotionally.
  • Waiting for some unpleasant event.
  • Doing something you don't like. It usually takes a lot of strength, but moral satisfaction does not come.
  • Financial difficulties.
  • When we experience any negative feelings (envy, jealousy, hatred, fear), then the mood decreases.
  • Personality traits that predispose to experiencing negative emotions (melancholic type of temperament, anxiety, suspiciousness, self-doubt, and others). In this case, it is not so easy to cheer yourself up, because serious inner work is needed to overcome the complexes. But with a strong desire, it is very possible.

How to cheer yourself up when things are bad

Make room for positivity

  • Do the cleaning. It has long been noted that order in things leads to order in the head and soul. Putting things in their places, we achieve stability in emotions.

, we seem to be clearing ourselves of negative thoughts and feelings, freeing up space for positive energy and fresh ideas.

  • Get rid of negative emotions. You can do this by throwing them out in a constructive way. Write on paper, draw as a picture, crumple and throw away or burn. You can scream a little "nowhere" (without scaring anyone at the same time) or beat soft inanimate objects.
  • Sleep is one of the best medicines. If you don’t get enough sleep, then brain activity drops, and with it your mood. Sleep - and you will feel a surge of vivacity and a desire to act. By neglecting rest and sleep, and thereby wishing to have time to do more, we engage in self-deception. After all, the body wears out, and we begin to work "at half strength", without enthusiasm. As soon as you allow yourself to get enough sleep, you will immediately feel a surge of vivacity and will be able to act faster and more efficiently.

Act, strive, change!

  1. Take care of what you love. Each person has a favorite thing that charges with positive energy and helps to cope with a bad mood.
  2. Take a walk. Visit the park, walk from work to home, go out of town to nature. The main thing is to be outdoors. Saturation of the brain with oxygen helps to improve the condition and mood, the emergence of new ideas and bright thoughts.
  3. Get creative. Many well-known works of art were born to famous figures precisely at such moments.
  4. Sports and occupational therapy are also effective ways to deal with blues.
  5. Smile! To yourself in the mirror, to your loved ones, to passers-by on the street. This is exactly the case when giving positive emotions to others, you will feel a double portion of them in return. Just like in the children's song "Smile".
  6. Treat yourself to a new purchase or just go shopping.
  7. Finish what you started: something that you constantly put off or were afraid to take on.
  8. Maybe try to change something in your life? The choice here is great: from the appearance (hairstyle, clothing style, etc.) to the development of a new activity.

Express ways to cheer up

Your main assistant is you!

To quickly cheer yourself up, you can use the following methods.

  • Give yourself a compliment. Praise yourself for any accomplishments, no matter how small.
  • Within 30 seconds, remember 3 of your strengths. They will be your inner resource in overcoming a bad mood. Recognize these traits in yourself, and they themselves will help you deal with negativity.
  • Chat with a loved one, with a friend. It is important that this is someone you trust. Moreover, both the communication itself and the exchange of interesting information, as well as the opportunity to receive support from the outside, can give an effect to improve mood.
  • Watch your favorite movie. Doubly effective if it's a comedy. A good opportunity to recharge with positive emotions.
  • Listen to music or dance(you can combine everything). If you sing along, even better! The more emotions you throw out in different ways, the faster you get rid of negativity. So turn up the music and have a blast!
  • Flip through the photo album. Pleasant memories and the opportunity to once again plunge into the positive emotions that are captured in the photo will make you distract from gloomy thoughts and bring a touch of positive to your mood.
  • Do something good. It can be a small gift to your loved ones (colleagues, friends), a phone call or an SMS message with warm words. Show care and attention. Prepare an especially delicious dinner for your husband or take your child to an amusement park. Give help to someone who needs it. Now it is very easy to take part in various charity events. Even a small contribution can help improve and save someone's life. Help others - and the soul will become easier!

Let the delicious be positive!

  • Eat something tasty, something that you like now. It has been proven that some products contain substances that contribute to raising mood (serotonin, tryptophan, endorphins and others). These include: fatty fish, cheese, eggs, nuts, seeds, chocolate, bananas, citrus fruits, avocados, whole grains.
  • If you get up in the morning in a depressed mood, then the cause may be a lack of glucose in the blood. A sweet drink (coffee or fruit juice) will energize you and help you feel better. And be sure to have a good breakfast. Cereals, eggs, fruits are perfect.

For soul and body

Stress and apathy always take over both the body and our emotions. Therefore, in the fight against them, both physical exercises and psychological methods will be effective.

  1. Take a shower . The feeling of freshness is uplifting. From the jets of falling water, you can get a massage effect. The most suitable in this case would be a contrast shower.
  2. Use breathing techniques . We do not notice how, under stress, we literally catch our breath, which leads to a lack of oxygen. Or, conversely, it can become more frequent, which also disrupts its rhythm. The most elementary action is to take three deep breaths through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Over time, you can master longer breathing techniques that will help improve your physical condition and free yourself from negative experiences.
  3. Relaxation (relaxation) . This method is based on the use of special exercises, when you take a comfortable posture, focus on sensations in different parts of the body and imagine pleasant images. For example, you can imagine how you are swaying on the waves or lying on the beach, and your body is blown by a pleasant warm breeze.

Positive "in your pocket": pleasant little things for every day

You can come up with and make symbols that will always help cheer you up.

  • "Positive figure". Make one of your existing souvenirs (or buy a new one) a talisman of positive emotions. You can carry it with you, you can just keep it on your desktop or a shelf on your home rack. Look at the figure more often and recharge with positive energy.
  • "Notebook of good mood." Print out a notebook with a life-affirming phrase on each page, such as "I can handle anything" or "Today is my day!" You can use the statements of famous people, but it's best to come up with a list of phrases that are meaningful to you.
  • "Calendar of solar emotions". Custom or print your own wall flip calendar with your photo on each page (corresponding to each month). Important conditions are that they reflect any positive moments of your life or that you smile at them and look happy.
  • "Envelope of Luck". Make a beautiful small envelope (in the hand-made style), put “prediction” cards or motivation cards in it in the style: “Your salvation is in creativity”, “Color the life of others, and yours will also become brighter”, etc.

How to cheer up other people

If we find ourselves in situations where our relatives or friends are experiencing certain difficulties and are not in the best mood, then we are faced with the task of giving them support and positive charge. How to cheer up a friend or girlfriend? The following methods will help you do this.

How to cheer up a guy

  1. If your loved one does not make appointments, does not invite you to his place, tries to “close for a while” from everyone, still find an opportunity to come to visit him. You will be together - and this is the main thing! We can watch a movie, listen to music, dance with him. If he stubbornly refuses, then begin to dance vigorously yourself and say that you want to teach him new movements. Take food with you to prepare some delicious meals. Most likely, your friend will be involved in this process with you.
  2. Show care and look after the guy. Let him relax and take a break from the role of the conqueror for a while. Buy a friend something, clean up his things, etc.
  3. Talk to him frankly and support him. Sometimes it’s enough just to listen to a friend, to be there. Try to get him to share his feelings. Try to reflect your vision of the current situation, recommend something to him, because men always strive to find a solution to the problem.
  4. Give a friend a massage, help relax his muscles. From this rarely anyone refuses, moreover, such actions bring together.
  5. Invite him to a cafe, cinema, club, bowling, etc. Pleasant leisure will always help to distract from negative thoughts.
  6. Get out together in nature or just take a walk down the street, in the park. Fresh air and the opportunity to chat at ease will help to cope with stress.
  7. Involve the guy in some business, saying that you need his male help. For example, fix something or figure out a new gadget that you recently purchased.
  8. Invite him to do something that he has not done yet, but would really like to. For example, skydiving, flying in a wind tunnel or snowboarding. All men are attracted to extreme sports to one degree or another. In this case, there is a powerful release of adrenaline, which is useful in the fight against bad mood.
  9. Dream together or plan for the future. Dreams will help you experience pleasant emotions, and plans will bring constructiveness and specificity that men love so much.
  10. Consider your joint photos that are filled with positive impressions. Ask a friend to show you a children's album, comment on their photos.
  11. Have a relaxing exercise session with your boyfriend (assuming he agrees, of course). When he is in a comfortable position, invite him to completely relax and voice pleasant images to imagine.

Many methods are similar to the previous ones, but there are some peculiarities.

  1. Give a sincere compliment. Notice something that has not been told to her before (in beauty, in clothes, in skills, in inner qualities). The main thing is not to flatter, but to highlight what you really like.
  2. Invite to a cafe, cinema, park or exhibition. Ask her about her impressions, share your emotions, try to communicate more.
  3. Be sure to listen to the girl. Let her be emotional, cry into your vest, express her feelings.
  4. Surprise her. It can be some small gift or an invitation to spend time in an original way.
  5. Make a joke, tell a funny story. Women are very fond of male humor and return their laughter in gratitude.
  6. Prepare something for the girl. The fair sex appreciate men's culinary fantasies and abilities. In extreme cases, you can just pamper the girl with some purchased goodies.
  7. Give flowers. They rarely leave women indifferent.
  8. Warm the warmth of your hugs and kiss. It always gives strength and helps to cope with negativity.

How to cheer up by texting

This is true when you exchange messages by phone, email or social media.

  • As in a normal conversation, ask what happened, what is the reason for the bad mood and anxiety. Emotionally connect with a friend (girlfriend) with sincere comments: “I'm sorry”, “Yes, this must be hard”, “I understand your concern”, etc.
  • Just write warm words of support and recognition (depending on who the interlocutor is to you: just a friend or a loved one). Submit an inspirational poem, if possible your own.
  • Try to distract from negative thoughts by setting a topic for conversation. Share your impressions and ask the opinion of the guy (girl) on this issue.
  • Send a positive picture or video that will make you smile. You can choose them depending on the problem that worries a person. For example, using this to give a friend (girlfriend) self-confidence, push for some important decision, stop worrying, etc.
  • Diversify messages with emoticons and various symbols. The main thing is not to overdo it.
  • Take a photo of yourself with a sign in your hands, on which there will be some kind of inspiring phrase, and send it to a loved one.
  • You can take advantage of the offers of social networks and send some kind of virtual gift, which will also help cheer you up.

Attract positive energy into your life in every way. Start smiling and over time it will become a habit. Laugh and improve your health. Do good deeds and you will feel that you can change the world. Agree, this is a powerful argument to cheer up.

In life, you can’t always be in a good mood, obstacles get in the way, you have to face problems or just unpleasant thoughts. Because of this, the mood of a person deteriorates, he plunges into a sad state and nothing pleases him. It is very difficult to observe this from the outside, especially if you like this person, and immediately there is a desire to somehow cheer him up. If you know him well enough, you can improve your mood even at a distance. The main thing is to choose the right way.

Anything can be the cause of a guy’s unstable emotional state, even an insignificant trifle can cause anger, irritation, longing and sadness. An oblique look, a “pungent” word said at the wrong time, problems at work, difficulties in relationships with management or work colleagues, just gloomy rainy weather can spoil your mood, deprive you of self-confidence, plunge into despondency.

The most common causes of depression in men are:

  • difficulties and problems at work,
  • problems in personal life
  • inability to develop professionally
  • Lack of money,
  • betrayal of a friend
  • misunderstanding of close people.

How to correctly assess the situation and try to smooth out sharp corners in communication through original jokes, affectionate phrases, and attentive attitude? Or maybe even leave a friend alone for a while?

Is it possible to cheer up at a distance?

There is a misconception that if lovers are not nearby, but communicate with each other using messages, it is difficult to influence the emotional background of your partner. But in our time, there are so many opportunities to contact a person on the other side of the Earth that distance is no longer a hindrance. The main thing is to choose the right words that will really support the interlocutor in a difficult period of life and return a smile to his face. And the method is actually not so important:

  • in the social network
  • by email,
  • by SMS;
  • call or write on skype,
  • chat on whatsapp and other messengers.

And for the romantics regular paper letters. Expressing your feelings on paper through writing will never go out of style. This refined version of communication traces its history back to ancient times. Years ago, a handwritten letter was the only way to communicate. Entrusting your emotions to paper is a great opportunity for a friend to show her originality, modest charm, unobtrusively talk about her feelings, add romance to relationships, and improve relationships. If you wish, you can perfume the paper with your favorite perfume, the message will acquire not only a verbal, but also a fragrant trail! After receiving such a message, any guy will smile and be inspired by what he read! The letter has another very remarkable property - it can be stored, re-read many times, inhaled the aroma of ink and paper. Each such message from a loved one keeps warmth, tenderness, support and romance. The only drawback of this type of connection is that it takes too long. If a guy is sad right now, you need to act immediately through modern gadgets.

Change the mood of a pen pal

Modern technologies do not stand still, especially mobile communications and telephony are developing actively. Every modern phone is equipped with a function of SMS messages. With the help of a sms tag, you can easily and quickly cheer up a guy. A few suitable words will dispel the trail of sadness and cause a smile, but picking up a well-aimed phrase can be very difficult. It is best to invent it completely on your own, taking into account the circumstances that caused the young man's sadness, as well as the features of his sense of humor and preferences.

But we admit that not everyone has the ability to come up with well-aimed phrases for the occasion, so that they fit the situation and look appropriate. If there is no such talent, you can take a universal concise phrase with a pleasant message and send it to the addressee. Sometimes it’s just the attention given that matters, and the phrases themselves go by the wayside:

  • Honey, I miss you!
  • My dear, you can do anything, you are strong!
  • Together we will overcome everything!
  • I believe in you!
  • Your love is limitless, mine knows no limit!
  • You have the mind, talent and courage to achieve everything!
  • Cheer up, I'm near, even at a distance, my love and tenderness is only for you!
  • Your cheerful disposition conquered me!
  • I admire you my hero!

An effective, proven way to improve emotions is to write something naughty! Humor and laughter are a real cure for blues, depression and despondency.

  • My gentle cat, your "Murmur-meow" sends you a kiss and wants to see you on your doorstep!
  • Honey, if you don't send me a bouquet of roses right now, you'll be fined a million kisses!

Be sure to add emoticons, characteristic gestures, funny pictures, cute animals (especially cats, dogs, bears and bunnies), funny anime characters to a love or humorous message. If the recipient is in a mildly depressed state, try to make him laugh with a playful rhyme, a perky song, a cool video. Your efforts will not be in vain and your friend's mood will definitely improve. The main thing is to choose pictures that suit the tastes of the interlocutor - someone is amused by touching videos with cats, and someone cannot help smiling when they see someone fall. If you are not sure what is suitable, try looking at the guy’s VK page - maybe there will be reposts of the records he especially liked.

What are the features in the social network VKontakte

If we are talking about this site, then you can communicate here. After all, there are much more options to cheer up a person than in SMS or in a messenger. You can post messages on the wall for everyone to see, or you can be more personal - communicate through messages, tête-à-tête, where it will be easier to open up to each other and achieve the desired result. Choose what to send yourself, because there are a lot of options:

  • send a text with a short joke, anecdote or an incredibly funny story that happened to you or your friends the other day;
  • gifts - a huge selection of beautiful and original gifts allows you to choose an option for every taste, although this method requires small investments and is not suitable for everyone;
  • a picture with a funny phrase or image, choose according to the taste of the interlocutor;
  • videos on an interesting topic with a cheerful message, the choice in the VK search is huge and for any request;
  • your own video, where you will read a funny verse, confess your love and express words of support, dance funny or in a squeaky voice, voicing a cat, you will ask him not to be sad. It all depends on your imagination and preferences.

A light dialogue on a social network is not particularly binding, but at the same time it allows you to establish contact, get to know each other better, find out tastes and preferences, as well as a sense of humor. Sometimes, in order to change emotions from negative to positive, you just need easy, easy communication, distracting dialogue, simple unobtrusive phrases.

The main thing in such communication is to correctly assess the reaction of the interlocutor by correspondence. React to his words with humor, send surprised, upset or funny emoji, depending on the topic of the conversation. Ask interesting questions, playfully respond to answers, ask funny and ridiculous questions that will make a man smile, or remember an anecdote on occasion. Every man will appreciate a girl with a sense of humor and original thinking!

Actually, the ways to cheer up a guy are very similar to those listed in a similar article about girls. Just in case, take a look and see the ideas from that article, there are several unique ones that may be suitable for a young man. The main thing is to take into account the character of the man and the seriousness of his problems, so as not to aggravate the situation with jokes. And if he asks to leave him alone for a while, you should not be offended, because some people find it easier to overcome sadness alone and this has nothing to do with you.

Changeable mood is more typical for girls than for guys. If a man is blacker than a cloud, then the matter is serious. In order not to fall under a hot hand, you need to cheer him up and cheer him up. Next, tips will be presented on how to cheer up a guy, both general and situational.

What cheers up guys?

The strong half of humanity is considered less emotional. Indeed, it is much more difficult to upset a guy than a girl. He will not be saddened by a broken nail or the absence of new trousers in the wardrobe. The reason for a bad mood should be more serious. For example, a car breakdown, lack of funds, or a serious conflict with superiors.

To fix the situation for the guy is to solve it. It is unlikely that the girl will be able to help with this. However, there is another option. In order for a man's mood to improve, you need to distract him, make him laugh or share his sadness. Men themselves admit that it is best to be distracted from problems by sex and food. A less preferred way is to watch a funny movie, chat with friends, go in for sports or play a computer game.

For a girl who now cannot pay attention to a guy, having come to him, you can offer an option, write something pleasant to him. As the saying goes, words can hurt and they can heal. Affectionate treatment or a joke will be a sign that the guy is not alone, he is loved and accepted, despite all the troubles.

SMS examples:

  • “Darling, I’m waiting for you at home at 18:00. There will be a delicious dinner and a sweet dessert”
  • “Hello, (name patronymic of the guy). Your doctor is concerned. You urgently need kisses to heal the wounds of the soul.
  • “Whatever the streak in your life now, black or white, know that I will always warm you, feed and caress you!”
  • “My dear boy, don’t be a cactus, don’t frown and look at the situation with humor!”
  • You are my Napoleon! I believe in your inexhaustible strength and I am proud that I have such a man!
  • “Remember that everything passes and changes. No matter what, I will always love you!”
  • “Evening comes, the city falls asleep, know that in this world you are dear to someone ...”

Cool pies:

  • “Are you Cinderella not in the spirit or something, well, I can understand a pumpkin in soup, but what kind of mole and mice are in stew”
  • "Let's go free from the hateful apartments, grab a couple of sandwiches and the world"

How else to cheer up a guy by correspondence? Leave him funny, funny pictures, anecdotes, cool videos. Interest in any event of his interests, offer your help and support.

Please note that sometimes it is better to contact by phone. A gentle, worried voice will help the guy to believe in himself. Be unobtrusive, don't question. Most guys need to close in on themselves in order to generate a solution to a problem. Be prepared for your attention to be irritated. If this happens, it is better to lie low for a while.

If the guy is near and sad

If a guy is attacked by sadness and melancholy and you, by a happy (or not so) chance, are next to him, just smile at him. A sincere smile and warmth are the best medicines for an upset person. Be responsive, hug, caress, offer to take a walk in the fresh air.

Hiking and a lot of oxygen have a positive effect on the emotional background. If the guy likes to fool around, you can think of some kind of prank. To cheer him up, pretend to be a rooster and crow in a crowded place, or buy ice cream and start eating it, deliberately making your face very dirty.

How to make a man always happy

Unfortunately, this is simply not possible. To be sad, as well as to rejoice, is a normal human condition. It is impossible to receive only positive emotions. Negativity happens, and you need to learn how to deal with it correctly. This means not to fall into despondency and depression, but to look for ways to solve the problem.

How can you help this guy? You do not impose your way of thinking, but you can set a personal example. Take trouble with a grain of salt, smile, and find time to relax and joke around. It is also important to discard self-pity, not to be afraid of obstacles, but to perceive them as an opportunity for growth.

Ways to improve men's mood depending on the reasons

There is no such pill that would cure all diseases at once. You must first study the patient's medical history, so to speak, to delve into the essence of the problem. Only based on this, you can act for sure. So, tips on how to improve a guy’s mood depending on the situation:

Important! Do not forget about the individual approach. Characters are different, what is good for one, then another is death. Try to tune in to the same wave, remember his preferences, think about the appropriateness of the chosen method.

Original ways to cheer up

The concept of "original" is different for everyone. For some, it will seem interesting and unusual way to go to the computer store together. Others like, as an option to cheer up, a parachute jump. Still others will appreciate the performance of their own songs, poems. Do not feed the fourth with bread, but serve tomfoolery - a pillow fight, putting on tights on your head or a promenade along the main street in shorts over jeans. The main thing is not to be afraid to seem funny and connect your imagination.

The opinion of psychologists about the mood in men is unequivocal. They, just like women, are in trouble. The only difference is that they keep most of their emotions to themselves. It's so laid down by nature. You can’t show your weakness, otherwise you will be trampled by the pack. Men who get emotional and complain may later blame themselves for being too outspoken.

Psychologists advise a girl, a woman not to provoke her beloved to show feelings. The best help is to become feminine and charming. Be attentive to him, gentle, affectionate. There should be an outlet where it is warm and comfortable. A simple phrase: “I love you and believe that you will overcome any difficulties” can inspire a man and cheer him up.

In addition, as a loving person, you must be on your guard. If a guy shows signs of depression, melancholy has dragged on for too long, or thoughts of suicide appear, you need to insist on the help of a professional psychologist. Alas, nervous disorders are not treated with love.

Sometimes when our loved one is sad, we girls get really lost and don't know what to do. Start with a warm message. If the guy responds, use the heavier artillery. Stick to the golden mean, be indifferent, but unobtrusive, appropriate.

A guy who does not want to correspond, most likely, craves solitude. Do not worry, when the life horizon clears up, he will crawl out of his little cave and behave as if nothing had happened. Men, what to take from them.

Lena, Kostroma

Most guys aren't stoic geniuses who can't be made to smile. If you know his sense of humor and let him show his best side, then you will build a bond that will make you both laugh until the sun goes down. Read Step 1 to start the fun!


Part 1

Looking for humor

    Behave like a fool. Most girls find it difficult to conquer the company with short jokes or well-timed anecdotes. To show our humor at its best, the simplest and most effective way is to be silly. This will show that you are happy, cheerful and don't take life too seriously. Here are some ideas:

    • Choose physical humor. Make faces, pretend to move in slow motion, jump on his back (if you can do that, of course) or start a fight with food.
    • Act out the show. Speak with an accent or pretend that you are him - tease him a little, but only by flirting, of course.
    • React to it in silly ways. Were you pressed against him? Start purring like a cat! When he says "Oops, I'm sorry, I drank your soda," say "OK, I'M MOVING TO CANADA." And then smile and start talking about how you can't wait to play hockey and take care of beavers.
  1. Be yourself. There is no one better than someone who is truly sincere and comfortable. The humor will come naturally if both of you are happy and relaxed!

    • Don't worry about being funny enough for him! If you are carefree and you like to have fun, then he will like to have fun with you. Don't worry about the impression you make. Do what makes you happy and he will probably want to join.
    • If you are trying to be funny, it will be obvious that you are trying to be funny. Be natural and let the conversation take its course. Humor will come!
  2. Be positive. Of course, from time to time you meet a person who seems insanely funny to you because he is dry, cynical, sarcastic, and also a little dark and gloomy, but usually you only want to be around such people for a while. We all want to be around bright and fun people because it's contagious. They make us bright and cheerful (and being bright and cheerful often means being funny), revealing the part of us that we are confident in. You can't help but like it.

    • If we are optimistic, everything becomes brighter. When things are a little brighter, it's easier to joke around (and smile back). It's easier to see an ordinary situation and turn it into an opportunity to have fun. The more fun you have, the more you (and he!) will laugh.

    Part 2

    How to joke in his style
    1. Get to know him. Humor is subjective. What you find funny won't be the same as what even your best friend finds funny. So to find out what makes him laugh, get to know him! What series does he like? What comedians? What kind of humor does he use? These are all clues to what makes him laugh.

      • Even the most appropriate joke, say, about Michel Foucault, will not make a guy who prefers toilet humor laugh. This is true in the opposite case as well. Does the guy you like prefer male jokes? Can he subtly joke about the latest news? Can you win him over with a play on words in Klingon? Find out!
    2. Laugh at his jokes. In general, women value a sense of humor more than men. What do men want? The one that will make their feel funny. Instead of trying to impress him, show him that He impressive you. If you show him that he has the right to laugh at his own jokes because he's so cool, you can win him over in no time.

      • You don't have to laugh at every joke he makes as if it changed your whole life. If he ruins the joke, laugh over it but playfully. Did he just try to make a joke about the blonde? Oh honey. Show him how cute he is in his attempts to make you laugh and smile.
    3. Pay attention to his humor. If we fit a person, then chemistry is almost impossible to ignore. To show him what you are understand him and appreciate his humor, use it! Did he just impersonate his version of Sean Connery? Answer him in kind (the joke does not have to be good - it his moment). If you're not very good at parody, can you quote a line from the movie or challenge him with a parody of Christopher Walken?

      • Good-natured jokes can build rapport between you, creating a bond that's hard to break. Whether he's joking about himself or quoting Family Guy, take it. Show him that you appreciate how funny he is.

    Part 3

    Communication with him
    1. Help him to become happy in general. If life is difficult, we won't laugh at anything. To see the funny side of things, we have to be ready for it. So work on helping him be happy (it's impossible to make someone happy - he has to want it) by showing how awesome you are and making his life better.

      • If you are positive and cheerful, you will do your best. Be his friend (or according to your relationship), do small things for him and just try to make his life easier (especially if he is going through a tough time). Let him see the bright side of life so that there is room for humor in it.
    2. Be willing to laugh at yourself. There aren't many things that are funnier (and uplifting just as much) as a person who can get into an awkward situation and not make a big deal out of it. There can be nothing worse than a person who is in an awkward situation and begins to feel nervous and ashamed. So when you spill soda on yourself, just say you'll save it for later, and brown still suits you better than white. And it's like a two-in-one tool. You are just economical!

    3. Move on to physical humor. Farce, physical comedy is the only kind of comedy that has existed throughout human history - and still exists. If you're not famous for your natural wit, don't worry! You can convince him that you are the funniest girl in the world after Tina Fay just by using non-verbal fun.

      • Popcorn? Yes please! It's time for the "Who has the best aim" contest. What about spaghetti? It's time to reminisce about Lady and the Tramp.
      • Standing in line for your favorite movie? Are you so bored that you are ready to bite off your hand just to do something? Why not dance the macarena?
        • Unless he's one of those people who quickly vanish, this method will work for you.
      • Try to playfully fight or attack him. The human touch is as strong as steel. Isn't it time for a rematch in the finger war?
      • Laugh. You don't need a good reason! Laughter is a chain reaction that often makes other people laugh. And you'll be happier too!
    4. Relax. If you are very tense or stressed, you will not be able to be carefree and cheerful. Do you know a girl who constantly acts like Princess Nesmeyana? Don't be the person who spoils the mood for others! Relax. It's the only way to be yourself, to fool around, and create an environment where laughter will come naturally. If you are relaxed and enjoying each other's company, you will start laughing on your own.

      • If he doesn't laugh at your jokes, that's fine. You think you're funny and that's all that matters. If he sees you in a natural environment, when you act naturally, there is nothing that he does not like. So exhale with relief - it is already under your control.
    • Be patient and let the natural flow of the conversation guide you.
    • Make sure your jokes are not offensive. It is better to stay in safe territory, and this applies to everyone.
    • You shouldn't force things. If you're trying too hard to be funny, he'll think you're trying too hard.
    • Never be afraid to tell him everything; it is important to feel comfortable in his environment.


    • Don't be upset if he doesn't laugh; his thoughts may be on something else. Try it the next time you're together.
    • Beware of cliché jokes. They give the impression that you are joking just to join the company. Make sure the jokes feel natural and unintended.