How to dye artificial hair with hair dye

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  • Wig hair tinting

    Changing hair color by half a tone is the most gentle coloring procedure. It allows you to restore its color without damaging the hair of the wig.
  • Wig hair coloring

    The procedure for dyeing wig hair in the Camellia salon is carried out only with the help of the most gentle oxidizing agents or organic-based dyes.
  • Wig hair highlights

    Highlighting is performed only after a face-to-face consultation with a specialist. Based on our experience, we do not recommend highlighting heavily bleached wigs as this will deteriorate the hair structure and may subsequently lead to tangling.

Toning, coloring and highlighting of wig hair

During use, over time, the wig changes its color, its hair begins to slowly fade. There is no need to be afraid of this! It is possible to return lost color! You can dye your wig at home (if you know how to do this), or you can contact our salon for help and choose one of the color restoration procedures:

Tinting is the process of dyeing wig hair with unstable dye, as a result of which the dye molecules do not penetrate into the hair, but remain only on its surface, forming a renewed, rich shade. The procedure takes on average from half an hour to an hour and a half and allows you to change the color of the wig by half a tone or tone. She puts minimum damage the hair of the wig and allows it to sparkle with colors again.
Since tinting paint is not permanent and is quickly washed off, we recommend, after consultation with our specialist, to carry out the tinting procedure once every two to three months.

Hair coloring of a wig can only be done after wig inspection by a master! For a wig it's quite difficult manipulation and therefore paints and color changing agents are selected based on organic dyes or with the weakest oxidizing agents. Take this step very seriously!

Highlighting, as well as coloring, is quite difficult to tolerate with a wig. Therefore, before the procedure, the master must personally advise client. We are most concerned about wigs with light-colored hair. During highlighting, these already bleached hairs are further exposed and can become very tangled or even break off.

A luxurious mane of hair gifted by nature is wonderful. But you rarely meet owners of such hair. That’s why a wonderful part of the planet’s population uses little tricks. To increase the mass of their own curls, ladies use artificial locks. But what if the new strands don’t match the tone or you want to change the color? How to dye artificial hair and is this possible?

Artificial locks: to dye or not to dye?

Hair extensions are not a new idea, but this method of tidying up your hair has always been popular. A wig, chignon, clip-in locks or extensions are modern ways to increase the mass of curls, give the hair volume and the necessary thickness.

Repainting a hairpiece or wig is not prohibited, but you cannot use the usual dye for this. You should not use tonics or coloring shampoos. The reason is simple: after such a transformation, the wig will resemble a washcloth.

Methods for coloring wigs and hairpieces

Hair extensions are a popular technique among many fashionistas. Wigs and hairpieces are made from artificial and natural strands. But, despite the quality and external similarity, such “hairs” differ noticeably in properties. The usual paints, even from the most famous brands, are not suitable for changing their shade.

But markers are allowed. The curls will not deteriorate after using this product, and the color will remain for a long time. Select a suitable tone and carefully paint over each strand. The procedure takes a lot of time, especially for long curls with clips. Therefore, it is reasonable to use this technology to change the tone of small light-colored wigs or several strands. A rich and dark shade will be provided by the use of ink.

Batik fabric dye is also suitable for changing the color of a wig. The wig is kept in a mixture of a couple of cans of this paint and filtered water for two days. Then the false strands are dried for 24 hours, carefully combed and used carefully. True, even taking all precautions will not protect artificial curls from fragility and stiffness.

Pros and cons of coloring

Coloring with a felt-tip pen? Possible, but very long, difficult and tedious. It is especially difficult to dye long curls. If we add that it is important to separate the smallest strands from the total mass and carefully color them in order to obtain a uniform tone along the entire length, then it is clear: the work required is titanic.

It is much easier to use the batik technique. The wig is soaked in a solution of this dye overnight. The proportions for artificial hair are special: three liters of water - three cans of dye. But after changing the tone, the strands will become stiff and brittle, and combing them will turn into jewelry work.

It is optimal to purchase a wig of the desired tone in a store rather than waste time and effort on recoloring the existing one. Then the new strands will last longer, and such a wig will look much better than after a home transformation.

How to dye strands on hairpins

Maybe artificial strands on hairpins can be dyed? They look natural and are no different from real hair. But such curls are afraid of both tonic and usual dye. True, there are several ways.

The desired shade is selected from alcohol-based permanent markers. To dye the strands on the hairpins, wear gloves. Using scissors, take out the rod and remove the protective film. It turns out to be a coloring sponge. A rod moistened with alcohol is passed along the strands, carefully coloring each of them.

The batik technique is suitable for artificial locks on hairpins. The curls are placed in a solution prepared from three cans of paint and three liters of water for three days.

However, such methods are good for those who prefer experiments. Those ladies who don’t like to take risks should think carefully about whether they need such a waste of energy and time if the result is unpredictable?

How to color artificial locks after extensions

Strands of extensions are also artificial in nature. And under no circumstances should they be lightened. Even the most gentle means can turn artificial curls into a tangled clump of straw.

Painting the house is also not advisable. The recommended tone should be a couple of shades darker than the new strands; there should be no dye on the capsules. Since the structure of extensions and natural curls still differs, self-dyeing gives an uneven color.

It is wiser to entrust the procedure to a professional. In addition, dyeing it yourself invalidates the warranty on new strands. However, following the rules will give an excellent result, and you can enjoy the new tone without worrying about the condition of your hair.

It is much easier to choose a wig that matches the tone of your curls. Then coloring will not be required. Do not expose purchased strands to chemicals. Even you need to wash them very carefully, first foaming the shampoo. While combing, do not touch the base of the wig.

Paint... Yes or no?

Professional paints give good results. But the materials must be high quality. The dye oxidizing agent is no higher than three percent, and only ammonia-free paint can be used.

There are special compositions for coloring artificial strands. In this case, both tonic and shampoo will not cause harm. But the share of oxidizing agent in them is two percent, no more. Tonic does not dye curls, it only changes their shade by several tones. There is no point in expecting radical results, but it looks natural.

And it’s very good that dyeing for wigs is still allowed. It is worth remembering that lightening is not for strands of unnatural origin. And home dyeing methods are also not suitable for them. Visiting a salon will allow you to get a good result and keep it for as long as possible. If you treat hairpieces and wigs with care, they will last a long time.

Therefore, ordinary hair dye can seriously damage your hair. The same can be said about tinted tonics, shampoos, balms and so on. If you, for example, wash or paint the fishing line, it will get tangled, become brittle and simply turn into a washcloth. The same fate awaits artificial hair.

Try recoloring artificial hair using a regular felt-tip pen or marker. Afterwards it will not come off and will not spoil the hair structure. Choose the appropriate color and paint it strand by strand. This will take a lot of time, so this method is suitable for several strands or a small light-colored chignon.

To obtain a deep dark or black color, you can use. Ideal for artificial batik - fabric paint. It is enough to soak or a hairpiece in a mixture of batik and water (3 liters of water and 3 jars of batik) and leave in the mixture for 2-3 days. However, there have been cases where after such staining they come out and become entangled. Let the wig dry for at least 24 hours. Comb your hair very carefully as it becomes quite frizz-free.

Keep in mind: Manufacturers do not recommend artificial hair for use. You can go to a hairdresser, or even better, choose strands, hairpieces and extensions that absolutely match the tone of your hair. With careful care and minimal impact, artificial hair will last longer and look more natural.


Natural wigs are not afraid of any external influences, that is, you can do the same with them as with your own hair. Artificial hair is easily deformed, loses its elasticity and splits. They are made from synthetic fibers (acrylic, polyamide, vinyl) or from elastic matte fibers called kanekalon (seaweed based).

Helpful advice

To prevent artificial hair from becoming disheveled quickly, learn how to properly care for it. Store the wig not rolled up, but on a special stand - this will preserve its store-bought appearance, the fibers will not stretch, which will make combing easier;

Wash your artificial hair no more than once a month and never in the washing machine. Wash each curl very carefully from top to bottom, first lathering it with a light shampoo;

Dry the wig with a towel, do not wring it out like a rag, put it on a stand and roll it with curlers;

Comb the wig carefully, without touching its base.


  • artificial hair dye

Wig– a wonderful tool for transformation. By changing chic wigs, you can feel new every day, create unexpected images and moods. Caring for wigs is no more difficult than caring for your own hair, but to dye a wig, you need to know some subtleties.

You will need

  • To dye your synthetic hair wig, you will need:
  • - permanent marker;
  • - alcohol-based stamp ink;
  • - latex gloves;
  • - cotton wool or brush;
  • - dishes for paint.


So, they come from natural and artificial hair. With natural wigs, everything is quite simple - they can be dyed with your usual hair dye, taking into account their color and structure. The only conditions are that you should not dye your hair too dark into a radical white color, and also do not dye wigs based on mono-fabric, as it will also be dyed.

As for artificial hair, coloring it is a very specific process. Strictly speaking, experts in this field - and hairdressers generally do not recommend coloring wigs made of synthetic fiber, since, most likely, any composition will spoil the appearance of the product. But, if you really want to change the color of your wig, you can follow the advice of the participants who have long been pros in this matter.

Alcohol-based dyes are considered the safest dyes for artificial hair. This can be a marker, alcohol ink for prints, or printer ink. In addition, some advise using for coloring

Almost every girl dreams of long and thick hair, but nature is not generous to everyone, so many have to use false curls with clips to enhance their appearance. Such hair has a lot of advantages: it gives fullness and density to the hairstyle, significantly lengthens the strands, does not look unnatural and gives the appearance tenderness, elegance and extraordinary beauty. Another advantage of artificial hair is that you can experiment with them - do unusual hairstyles, shorten your haircut, and you can dye artificial hair in the desired color shade.

Basic rules for dyeing artificial hair

False strands are easy to dye. If the procedure is being done for the first time, it is best to carry it out in specialized salons. Subsequently, coloring of strands on hairpins can be done at home.

To get the most positive result, it is important to familiarize yourself with and carefully follow some basics:

  • It is not recommended to change the color scheme of the false strands by more than 2 tones. For example, if the false curls are black, you won’t be able to turn them blonde in one go. If there is a corresponding desire, then it is necessary to paint them in the desired tone gradually and several times.
  • Not all chemical dyes are suitable for artificial strands; it is important to remember that they dye much faster than natural curls. Accordingly, when using a dye composition, it is necessary to either reduce the concentration of dyes or reduce the time the dye is exposed to the strands. You can also pay attention to the instructions for the coloring base; it should contain an oxidant percentage of no more than 6%.
  • When applying the coloring composition, it is important to avoid the places where the strands are attached.
  • To color artificial curls, you can use tinted shampoos or tonics. But at the same time, toning agents cannot be applied to the curls in a thick layer; it is best to first dilute a small amount of tonic in a small volume of water, and then paint over the artificial hair with the diluted composition.
  • As a rule, when dyeing extension strands with chemical paint, it is impossible to obtain the same color as stated on the box with the dye. When choosing a paint shade, you need to pay attention to the table (photo on the bottom of the box) of the correspondence between natural strands and dyed ones.
  • To make your hair extensions look as natural as possible, it is important to correctly combine your hair color and skin tone. For example, if your facial skin is pale, then you do not need to use bright and sunny shades of the color base. Conversely, with ruddy complexion, cool shades of hair will look unnatural.

  • Dyeing false strands requires following important rules: first, the dye base is applied to the “roots” of the hair, and then to the ends, while the time for dyeing the ends of the strands is significantly reduced.
  • It is important to apply the coloring base to the strands sequentially; only by following this important rule can you achieve uniform coloring.
  • It is strictly forbidden to increase the exposure time of the coloring base on artificial strands. Many girls mistakenly believe that prolonged exposure to dye on their strands will make them brighter and more saturated. But this is absolutely not true; increasing the exposure to the coloring base (even for 5-10 minutes) contributes to the disruption of the structure of artificial hairs, after which they become rough, dry and brittle.
  • Another misconception is that strands cannot be washed before dyeing. On the contrary, before such a procedure, artificial hair must be thoroughly rinsed with a mild shampoo, this will remove any remaining fat, all dirt and styling products from the strands. The coloring base is applied to clean and dried hair.
  • In order for the dye on artificial locks to last longer, after the dyeing procedure it is necessary to apply a dye fixing balm to the curls.

How can you dye artificial curls?

Modern wigs, as well as hair extensions with clips, are made not only from artificial materials, but also from natural strands. Of course, the latter are much more expensive, but they look more natural, and they have a much longer service life. Another plus is the fact that natural extensions can be dyed in almost any color tones, you can do absolutely any hairstyle on them, and even use a straightening iron, curling iron or hair dryer.

If you dye the wig of their artificial hair with chemical compounds, this will most likely be the last procedure for him. Under the influence of chemical reagents, synthetic strands will simply “burn” or curl. Changing the color scheme of artificial strands with chemical dyes is harmful and dangerous for the latter - they will become rare, and the hairpiece will become completely unsuitable for further use.

Tips to help you dye your wig yourself:

Can artificial wigs be dyed?

For this type of wig, special coloring bases are made:

  • Indelible marker. Using a marker is very convenient to color strands of artificial hair, you can do highlighting. After using the marker, the color base does not wash off and looks attractive. You should prepare for a long procedure, when a layer of marker of a suitable color tone is gradually applied to each strand, after which the curls are dried and combed. The marker is ideal for coloring a small amount of strands or for coloring a wig with short curls.

  • Powdered or liquid coloring base, intended for dyeing fur, synthetics, plastic, foam rubber. An excellent tool that helps you choose the right color shade; you can harmonize the colors. When using such a product, it is important to carefully follow the basic instructions for use.
  • Paint for painting on fabric (batik). To give the desired color shade to the artificial wig, mix it in 1 liter. water 1 jar of coloring base, then place the wig in the resulting mixture and leave for 3 days. After this, the artificial curls need to dry thoroughly; to do this, they are placed in a dry and well-ventilated room for 1 day. The procedure ends with combing the strands.

Step-by-step dyeing instructions

If you decide to carry out the procedure for dyeing an artificial wig at home, then it is important to prepare for long and hard work. To obtain the desired result, you can use any alcohol-based coloring composition or the methods described above (marker, batik), you can even use printer ink or alcohol ink.

  1. Put protective gloves on your hands.
  2. Protect furniture, clothing and all nearby objects from accidental contact with the paint base.
  3. Prepare the coloring base in a disposable plate.
  4. Dip a thin brush into the color base and apply it to a section of hair extensions.
  5. Dye strand by strand until all the strands of the wig are colored.

Of course, you can dye artificial hair at home, but to do this you need to be patient and have a lot of time. It is also important to remember that after the dyeing procedure, the strands will become completely different than they were, since the synthetic base is not intended for regular exposure to chemical reagents. However, with the help of this procedure, you can change your look and create the most unpredictable shades for your hair, which brings girls pleasure and lifts their spirits.

Modern artificial wigs, hairpieces or expensive curls instantly and radically change the prestigious style. But because ladies always prefer to be spectacular, let’s learn how to dye artificial hair. Then such prestigious metamorphoses will be completely in line with the latest trends.

Artificial hair is vastly different in structure from its natural counterparts. And from the instructions for these products it is clear that ordinary paint can seriously damage them. After all, the main drawback of such strands is the intolerance of chemical treatment, therefore it is recommended to dye and wash them only with special dyes and shampoos.

The choice of dyeing technology for certain synthetics is very important.

The very coloring of curls made from vinyl, acrylic, polyamide, Kanekalon has fundamental features. After all, such strands have a typical shine, become electrified and simply become deformed and split. So is it possible to dye artificial hair?

Changing the color of this synthetic fishing line with ordinary dyes created for native curls is ineffective and harmful. Because later the synthetic strands will fall out, causing the hairpiece to noticeably thin out and become unusable.

Kanekalon products

Kanekalon is the highest quality matte wig fiber.

Kanekalon hair has become the most popular in the world due to its natural beauty, strength, lightness, and hygiene. And although some colorists believe that kanekalon, like monofilament, is not capable of retaining the coloring pigment in itself, there are still conditions under which coloring will be successful. Annotations from experts who offer options for such metamorphosis will help with this.

Color options

The most popular method is painting Batik with acrylic.

  • Aniline powder dyes created for synthetics must be mixed with watery aniline analogues produced by Palitra, only for batik. Then the colors turn out natural.

You can recolor with regular suitable markers.

  • After painting with a marker, the color does not come off, which means it will not spoil your original hairstyle.. Carefully, slowly, you need to dye each strand, then dry and comb. This method is not bad for highlighting or a small hairpiece.
  • Watery or dusty paint for coloring fur, foam rubber, synthetics and plastic is famous for its rich colors. And exclusive tones can be obtained with your own hands by ordinary mixing, choosing a more risky hot or completely harmless cool technique when coloring.

Nylon standards

Black fibers from the inside are much more difficult to change.

It is not safe to bleach nylon strands: even the safest bleach can turn them into a hopelessly tangled mess. But is it possible to dye artificial hair made from nylon threads? Here is a list of professional recipes for such a procedure.

Rich palette of Lukar dyes.

Iodine, potassium permanganate, phenolphthalein, fuchsin, and methyl orange color nylon wigs because they contain metal, a natural dye.

  • Only metal-containing powder dyes containing urzol are effective.
  • Iodine penetrates deeply and forever into the synthetic polymer, which acquires a golden or chestnut color depending on the concentration of the solution.

The photo shows a natural dye.

  • Potassium permanganate, as a strong oxidizing agent, will not only give a reddish-brown tone, but will become an ideal soil for obtaining further black flowers.

A supersaturated manganese solution should be made exclusively in a glass or black plastic container to prevent the color of the wig from changing unexpectedly, for example, with metal.
But enamel dishes can be irrevocably damaged by potassium permanganate.

For light hairpieces, ordinary potassium permanganate is suitable.

Industrial products

Only professional dyes with high-quality 3% oxidizing agents are needed, as well as ammonia-free paint. Nylon monofilament can be easily painted with Palette paint in bottles if you strictly follow the instructions for it.

Light hairpieces and wigs are easier to repaint with Batik.

Special dyes for batik are effective, although you can get a good uniform color if you follow the following tips on how to dye a synthetic hair wig:

  • soak the wig for 2-3 days in 3 liters of water with 3 bottles of batik;
  • then the wig should dry for a day;
  • after such a long-term procedure, the structure of the synthetic threads will become tougher, so we comb it carefully, as they are now very tangled.

Pay attention!
Dyes specifically for artificial hair are available in specialized stores for hairdressers.
Their cost is justified by the guaranteed results.

The easiest method is coloring crayons.

  • Tonics and tinted shampoos containing up to 2% oxidizing agent are also suitable for tinting synthetic strands by several tones, but not for their radical changes. Colorists use tonics after hair extensions, then the border is completely invisible, and the elongated strands look very natural.

You can experiment with high-quality, long-lasting paint made for suede.

  • Doll makers use cans of acrylic paint to color synthetic hairs. You can also dye your own wig with them, laying it out on newspaper, and later carefully scatter the paint over the strands. Then it dries for 3 hours.

By first choosing a successful color for your artificial curls, you won’t have to repaint them.


So, the answer to the question whether it is possible to dye a synthetic hair wig is positive. Naturally, when buying it, you still need to choose the appropriate color, because the new color is completely unpredictable and is successful only on a lighter product.

Unwillingness here is fraught with heterogeneity of color, and the specialist will be able to avoid such negativity, at least with a repeat procedure. Still, many consider coloring with markers to be a more harmless, although labor-intensive, method. The video in this article will introduce you to the most effective methods.