How to dye your hair with henna. Henna hair coloring: useful tips and detailed instructions

Henna hair coloring

Henna coloring! Yes, I can probably defend my dissertation on this topic :) I have read so many things and tried so many different recipes with henna.

One way or another, I have been using henna for a year now and I can definitely say that my hair has gained volume and shine, which you cannot achieve with any paint. In addition, henna enhances hair growth, makes them shiny, but slightly dries. Therefore, henna coloring is the ideal solution for hair prone to oiliness. Henna shades that can be achieved at home range from reddish to dark chestnut.

No matter how much opponents of henna hair coloring say about the dangers of its use. In response, I will say that the chemical effect of dyes on hair is much worse. Indeed, henna dries hair a little, but it really depends on the hair. To avoid this, you need to use henna infrequently, but, for example, once a month and add additional ingredients (oil, egg, kefir, etc.), then there will be no dryness. But, if a woman is used to changing hair color like gloves, henna is not for her, because henna is poorly washed off her hair. There is an opinion that it is impossible to paint with henna after staining with ordinary paint and vice versa. But me and my girlfriends did makeup back and forth many times, did highlighting and no one turned green :) Maybe, of course, this is a lottery. But I think the only people who should be careful are blondes. Hair may turn carrot red.
Instructions for using henna, maybe someone will come in handy :)

1. Wash your hair with shampoo, do not use balm.

2. While the hair dries a little, prepare henna: pour henna into a dish (not metal) (Iranian - gives a reddish tint, Indian - red), pour very hot water (t-90c). Then add 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Mix all the lumps, the mass should be like thick sour cream.

3. Put honey, yolk, a couple of tablespoons of cognac (underline as necessary) mix quickly. The mask must not be cold.

5. We put on a plastic cap, wipe the smudges (I usually put an old towel or toilet paper) and go about our business.

6. After an hour (or more), wash everything off with warm water, without shampoo.

7. Admire the result.

In general, when staining with henna, there are a lot of nuances, a lot depends on the original hair color and structure, you need to experiment.

As a rule, it is difficult to achieve the desired color the first time, so if you don’t like the color, you can weaken the color or remove the henna using masks with olive oil. Buy olive oil, apply to dirty dry hair, leave for 20-30 minutes and rinse with shampoo. Repeat the procedure until the result is achieved.
Henna hair coloring. Henna for hair. Folk hair care products

Warning: wear gloves on your hands - warm henna stains the palms and nails in a carrot color. Cognac is added to the mask so that the mixture with the addition of olive oil is better
A few more ready-made henna staining recipes.

1. Recipe for painting with henna on kefir

I read this recipe on the Internet a long time ago and I liked it. Henna gives off its coloring properties not only in boiling water, but also in an acidic environment. Therefore, henna can be mixed with any fermented milk product. The more sour, the better. And it is better that kefir is generally expired, preferably 1%, so that the hair is not greasy. A day before painting, kefir is taken out of the refrigerator so that it is additionally sour. It is not necessary to heat kefir, otherwise it will curl up, but it should be at room temperature for comfortable dyeing. When applying henna, the hair should be slightly damp so that the paint can penetrate better. Apply paint quickly. After applying the paint, you can walk with your head uncovered, then the color will be dark, brownish, but if you put on a cap, that is, deprive the henna of air, then there will be that red tint. The maximum exposure time of the pigment to the hair for henna is 6 hours. I hope that wash off the henna immediately with shampoo. Well, there is nothing to say about the benefits of kefir on hair.
2. Coloring with henna and lemon juice.

Henna is poured with lemon juice to the state of gruel and left for 10-12 hours. Then warm kefir and yolk are added. This mixture is easy to apply to the hair. Keeps for 1-2 hours, then rinses off.
Henna hair coloring. Henna for hair. Folk hair care products
3. Regular henna staining.

Before the henna staining procedure, add 2 egg yolks to the powder, you can add 1 tsp. honey - such a coloring mask has a healing effect. Apply henna to clean, dry hair (the color is more intense). The longer you keep the mask on your hair, the richer the color will be. After coloring, rinse your hair with water with the addition of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. Hair becomes soft and shiny.
The shades that can be obtained with henna are very diverse.

1. Purple tone, burgundy can be obtained by diluting henna not in water but in beetroot juice; the same effect - from elderberry or hibiscus tea. Beet juice. Heat up to 60 degrees, add a bag of henna. Strengthen the red tint on the hair - madder root (2 tablespoons) is boiled in a glass of water, henna is added.

2. If you want "MAHONY" - fill it with hot cahors. The color of "mahogany" will also turn out if you add cranberry juice to henna, and before dyeing, moisten your hair with plenty of it and dry it.

3. Chocolate and black color can be obtained by adding black coffee to henna. When adding natural ground coffee to the mixture (1 teaspoon per 25 g of powder), we get a CHESTNUT TONE.

4. If we add cocoa powder, we get a shade of PALE CHESTNUT. Henna is combined with 3-4 tbsp. spoons of cocoa. Brew the mixture with hot water until it has cooled, quickly apply the gruel to clean and dry hair.

5. Golden honey hue give rhubarb, saffron, chamomile or turmeric. If you want to get a GOLDEN-RED TONE, pour henna not with hot water, but with a decoction of chamomile (1-2 tablespoons per glass, insist, strain, heat up to 90 degrees). Turmeric is simply added to the composition with henna. Rhubarb - 200 g of dried stems of the plant, combined with a bottle of dry white wine (you can also without wine) and boiled until half of the liquid boils away. A bag of henna is added to the remaining composition. The composition is applied to the hair and kept for about half an hour.

6. The color of old gold - saffron on the tip of a knife is boiled in a small amount of water for two minutes, then added to henna.

7. Copper color - take 200 gr. onion peel, 2-3 tablespoons of black tea, pour 0.5 l. white grape wine and put on low heat for 20-30 minutes. Strain and apply the resulting mixture to wet, washed hair. Wrap your head in a towel.

8. Chocolate-chestnut tint will give a strong infusion of black tea mixed with henna. Also, to obtain a chocolate color, you can add hops in the ratio of 1 sachet of henna and 1 tsp. hops. All shades of chestnut - tea leaves, a few drops of iodine, henna. The result depends on the number of ingredients and the original hair color.

9. You can also experiment with shades by mixing henna and basma in different proportions. Chestnut shade - 3 parts of henna and 1 part of basma. Bronze shade - take 2 parts of henna and 1 part of basma. Henna is used without basma. Basma without henna dyes hair in a greenish-blue hue.

If you want to EXPAND THE SHADES OF RED, then the staining process will consist of two independent stages: first - with a mixture of henna, then - with a mixture of basma. Basma staining time is usually half as long as henna staining time. But you can increase to get a darker tone.

I want to say a few more words about Lush henna. This is a good but expensive henna with cocoa butter and essential oils. The mass is very oily, but nutritious. I used this henna several times, but after washing off this mass from the head, the hair turns oily, and you can’t wash it off with shampoo (it’s a pity for your efforts). Therefore, it is better to paint on a day off, when you don’t need to go anywhere, and wash it with shampoo the next day. Another feature of this henna is the clove smell, which is very persistent. Ladies who are allergic to spicy smells - be careful.

And yet, who do not want to spend a lot of time dyeing their hair with henna, they can try to dye their hair with AASHA herbal paint, the so-called Ayurvedic paints based on Indian henna and plant extracts. The hair after these paints is soft, obedient and the shades are very natural. In a word, good natural paint, I painted it myself and I liked it.

Being a natural dye, henna came to the modern world from the distant past. Previously, it was used exclusively for creating tattoos and mehendi (temporary body painting). Nowadays, henna is very popular because it repairs damaged strands, gives hair a natural shine and emphasizes the depth of color. Henna is ideal for oily hair, it normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands.

How to choose henna for hair coloring

Henna is made from the leaves of Lawsonia, which grows in Egypt, India and the Middle East. The plant is first dried, then manually rubbed until dust is formed.

According to the territorial purpose, Iranian and Indian henna are distinguished. In terms of their characteristics as a dye, they are almost identical, with the exception of two differences - price and practicality. Indian henna is more expensive and harder to find, while Iranian henna is available at any beauty store at an affordable price.

Indian henna is easier to wash off from the hair, due to which the end result is always uniform. In the case of the Iranian, this is not observed. To achieve a uniform coloring will have to work hard.

If you decide to give preference to the elite series in the form of Indian henna, purchase it in professional cosmetics stores or via the Internet. In the second case, go to the website of the official manufacturer, ask about the availability of all certificates, only then fill out the order form.

You can verify the quality of the product after purchasing it. Brown color indicates expired, dirty marsh indicates that henna is fresh.

Before the procedure, it is important to acquire basic knowledge. The composition of the dye does not penetrate into the hair shaft, it lingers only in the top layer. Neither Iranian nor Indian henna guarantees a copper or red tint. The final result depends on the current color of your hair.

So, light blond beauties will be able to create a golden mop, while girls with a chocolate shade of hair can not dream of this.

Remember, natural henna does not lighten hair! If the store consultant vehemently claims otherwise, this indicates an artificial composition of the dye.

Positive properties of henna:

  • relieves dandruff, treats minor inflammation on the scalp;
  • nourishes weak, dull and lifeless hair;
  • staining during pregnancy is acceptable;
  • protects against the harmful effects of environmental factors (sea water, wind, sun, etc.);
  • creates visual density due to the thickening of the hair;
  • paints in a deep and rich color;
  • has the accumulative properties of the coloring pigment;
  • normalizes the production of subcutaneous fat;
  • restores hair with a moderate frequency of staining;
  • colorless henna heals hair many times better than colored henna.

Negative properties of henna:

  • the composition is poorly washed out from the top layer of the hair;
  • the difficulty of overlapping the pigment with other paints;
  • an unexpected result is possible at the first staining;
  • a significant difference in the final result and the shade indicated on the package;
  • frequent and prolonged dyeing turns hair into a "washcloth";
  • the impossibility of using the composition as a clarifier;
  • incorrect painting of gray hair (the difference in color remains);
  • the impossibility of carrying out the procedure on hair dyed with resistant paints;
  • a large number of fakes, it is difficult to identify natural dye.

Henna hair coloring contraindications:

  • burned and split hair;
  • perm;
  • preliminary hair coloring with ammonia dyes;
  • a large area of ​​gray hair (more than 35%).

Many girls, having heard the word "henna", immediately imagine fiery red strands. However, the situation is different. Depending on what kind of ebb you want to get, natural ingredients are added to henna. Let's consider everything in order.

To deepen the chestnut color or create it from scratch, adding clove infusion, strong black tea brew or natural brewed coffee will help.

To give your hair a mischievous golden sheen, dilute the powder with chamomile infusion, turmeric spices, rhubarb or saffron.

If you want to fix the copper tide, use a decoction of onion peel. It can be added directly to henna or used as a rinse after dyeing.

Girls who want to achieve a persistent chocolate shade are recommended to breed henna in a decoction of the kernels and shells of unripe walnuts.

To give your hair a burgundy or eggplant shade, you can use hibiscus, beetroot, elderberry juice, madder root or red wine.

Experts advise experimenting with different shades using Indian henna. As mentioned earlier, Iranian henna is cheap and unpredictable.

Before proceeding with the procedure, you need to prepare the composition for staining. Henna is available in bags of 25 gr., in a box of 3 pcs. One bag is enough for short hair, two are bred for medium length hair, and three are used for dyeing long curls.

Dilute the composition taking into account individual characteristics. In a glass or ceramic container, pour the powder with hot water (not boiling water!), close the lid and leave for 25 minutes. The mixture should not be liquid, but viscous. You can also pour the mixture with water at room temperature and leave it overnight, by the morning the henna for coloring will be ready.

Experts advise adding a few egg yolks or fatty kefir to the diluted powder. With the help of simple manipulations, the composition will be easier to apply, and the hair will be enriched with nutrients.

Despite the fact that henna is a natural dye, be sure to take care of the presence of rubber or plastic gloves. Prepare a brush or food sponge for application, change into old clothes.

The main difference between henna and ammonia paints is that the mixture is applied to clean hair. Otherwise, the composition is distributed unevenly, forming incomprehensible and ugly patterns on the hair.

  1. Wash your hair with shampoo, do not use conditioner. Collect them in a tail, squeeze out excess liquid. Wrap your head with a cotton towel, wait until the moisture is completely absorbed (15-20 minutes). After the time has elapsed, comb the strands with a comb with rare and wide teeth.
  2. Before applying henna to the entire surface of the hair, it is recommended to conduct a test. Put on gloves, select 1 thin strand on the bottom of the occipital region. Take a little money on a brush or sponge and color the curl, wait 35 minutes. Wash off the composition and evaluate the result. Depending on the required color intensity, in the future you need to add or subtract the exposure time.
  3. Take a fat cream, cover your ears, neck, temples, forehead, do not touch your hair. This should be done in order not to stain the skin, because henna does not wash off well.
  4. Divide the hair into 8-10 equal parts, break them into strands of 2 cm wide and pin at the roots. Dissolve one on the back of the head and start staining.
  5. Put a strand on your hand, pick up a lot of henna on the brush and distribute it throughout the curl. The agent is applied only in a plentiful layer, otherwise unpainted areas will remain. Cover the entire strand at once from roots to ends. This technique will reduce the time for the procedure and will allow you to get plain hair.
  6. Wrap the dyed strand with foil, loosen another curl at the back of the head, do the same. After you process the entire occipital region, smoothly move to the crown. Start staining symmetrically from top to bottom, going down to the ears. Also wrap the strands in foil.
  7. A good effect can be achieved if you additionally wrap your head with cling film, collecting all the strands under it. Then you can wrap it in a warm terry towel. This advice should be neglected for fair-haired ladies, because instead of a beautiful red hue, a dirty carrot or orange color can turn out.
  8. Now you need to withstand the composition on the hair for a certain period of time. The approximate period is indicated by the manufacturer in the attached instructions, but you should not blindly believe it. You have already conducted a test on your individual strand, build on this.
  9. There is a general recommended exposure time, but it is for guidance only. So, fair-haired beauties need to keep henna from 25 to 40 minutes. Blondes will have enough for 10-20 minutes, dark-haired young ladies have the worst: the exposure time of the paste on the hair conditionally ranges from 1.5 to 3 hours, in some cases the composition can be left overnight (black, brown, burgundy hair).
  10. The mixture is washed off with warm water one strand at a time. Remove the foil, rinse the curl, proceed to the next. Moreover, it is important to know that washed hair should not come into contact with dyed hair. After you have processed all the strands, apply balm on them, hold for 10 minutes and rinse. Only after that you need to apply shampoo and balm again. Here is such an unusual feature that is present when removing henna from hair.

Before you start staining, make sure there are no contraindications. Choose the right shade, add natural ingredients if desired. Don't forget to test for color intensity. Do not use henna on hair previously dyed with permanent dyes.

Video: how to dye your hair with henna

Henna is the material for hair coloring, which is absolutely safe when used on its own. Despite this, the home staining method can be quite troublesome, but the result can exceed all expectations.

Vegetable dyes have long been in the service of the beauty of all mankind. In ancient Egypt, for example, red henna was used to help change skin color. This dye of natural origin is extracted from the uppermost young leaves of Lavsonia. The shrub is cut off, the leaves are placed in the shade to preserve the coloring pigment and are ground into powder.

Typical variety of henna

Before you understand how to dye your hair with henna, you need to decide what shade you want to get. The end result depends entirely on the type of coloring powder itself. In addition, the type of hair, their actual condition, and the type of the previous dye have an impact.

Indian hair henna

Indian henna for hair has seven different shades, depending on the intensity of dyeing and the choice of the powder itself. You can get both black and golden shade of hair. Colorless henna is often used, which heals the hair sheet from previous damage. All shades of this type of powder belong to a warm palette with reddish undertones. If you mix in different proportions, you can achieve a richer variety of colors and maximum color saturation.

Manufacturers have developed five basic shades of Indian henna:

  • Golden. Suitable for women with light brown hair and blondes.
  • Brown. Designed specifically for brown-haired women and owners of light brown hair.
  • Burgundy. Hair takes on the shade of aged expensive wine, but this solution is not for everyone. Women with dark hair should focus on their own color type.
  • Mahogany. Looks great on natural brown hair.
  • Black Indian henna hair dye. As a result of coloring, a deep dark brown tone with hints of bitter chocolate is formed.

Indian henna for hair: reviews, scope

The benefits of this vegetable hair dye are endless, which is confirmed by numerous reviews. Among the positive characteristics are rapid growth, strengthening of the roots, a cure for dandruff. All useful properties accumulate with a longer use of the substance. Henna has a beneficial effect on the scalp and hair follicles.

The effect of the procedure can last up to 4 months. As they grow, it will only be necessary to tint the roots. In addition, it is this product that allows you to perfectly paint over gray hair, and the resulting shade will pleasantly surprise you with resistance to sunlight and salt water, which is extremely important on vacation.

Iranian henna

The main difference between Iranian and Indian henna is that it allows you to dye the hair in a chestnut color with minimal glimpses of copper and reddish undertones. It is advisable to use such material for dyeing only for those girls who want to get natural shades of hair of different tones.

Iranian henna is represented by one variety and has a narrower color range, which eliminates the occurrence of rich copper and red tones. Hair acquires a calmer and more natural color, fat content decreases at the roots, the structure becomes denser, which makes them more well-groomed, shiny, flowing.

Sudanese henna

The powder is produced in Saudi Arabia and allows you to get a beautiful copper undertone, the saturation of which remains for a long period of time. This is the henna for hair, reviews of which are always positive. The dye is of the highest quality, with a minimum content of impurities.

How to dye your hair with henna at home

Regardless of the type of henna, dry powder is diluted to the consistency of sour cream with hot water. It is advisable to use a glass container for work, in order to avoid unwanted reactions. After that, the substance is applied to the head, starting from the back of the head, along the entire length of the hair. Colored hair is protected with a plastic cap and placed in heat, which usually helps organize a terry towel. Often, basma is involved in the staining process, which allows you to get a darker, deeper and more saturated shade. By varying the proportions of basma and henna, you can easily look for new images and achieve harmless changes in your own appearance. True, it is quite difficult to get rid of the resulting redhead, and with the illiterate use of funds, a greenish tint may occur.

Basic principles of staining

  1. When dyeing hair on dark hair with one henna in the standard proportion, which is indicated in the instructions on the package, you can get a red tint. Blond and gray hair can take on a cardinal bright orange color if Indian henna is used.
  2. The interaction of henna and basma can give the redhead a noble sound. To do this, you should use the following principles:
  • two parts of basma per part of henna - a bronze shade;
  • one part of basma per part of henna - chestnut color;
  • one part of basma and two parts of henna - dark chestnut;
  • four parts of basma to one part of henna - black;
  • simple basma gives a green tint when stained.

Atypical henna staining at home

The above formulas for the proportional formation of the dye can be enriched with some natural ingredients that allow you to get atypical tones. Coloring hair with henna will not become more difficult, but you can improve natural shades without much hassle.

  1. A teaspoon of cocoa will give the shade a hint of mahogany undertones. This solution will help visually rejuvenate the face.
  2. A few drops of iodine will help create golden overflows.
  3. Red-chestnut undertones allows you to create a decoction of onion peels. A mixture of henna and basma is simply diluted with a decoction instead of water.
  4. A decoction of hibiscus will give the hair a clear reddish tint.
  5. Cinnamon powder added to henna will help to achieve a pleasant chocolate shade.
  6. For short hair, it is enough to use fifty grams of dry powder.
  7. For medium hair, it is rational to use a volume equal to 150 grams.
  8. Long hair may require the use of 200 grams of dry powder.

The dependence of the amount of dry powder on the length of the hair

In questions about how to dye your hair with henna, you should follow one simple rule. The dye cannot be saved and spared, the hair should literally bathe in it, each hair should be wrapped in henna from all sides. It is better to initially prepare a little more substance than to catch up with the shade with repeated staining.

It is necessary to wash off the substance from the hair without shampoo, but with a balm, which will allow better removal of powder particles from the hair. The final shade should be expected on the third day after staining.

How long should the powder be left on the hair

The question of how long to keep henna on hair is ambiguous. The time for applying the powder depends entirely on the initial condition of the hair. In addition, you must have at least the slightest idea of ​​​​what shade you want to get. In order for the hair to become a pleasant red, henna is applied for 5-10 minutes. Exposure to dark hair increases up to two hours. Some women, wanting to paint over gray hair, withstand a mixture of henna and basma all night.

Dyed, highlighted, chemically permed hair absorbs the dye much faster due to its porosity - this must be taken into account when calculating the exposure time.

How to dye dark hair with henna

Henna powder is ideal for coloring dark hair. But it is necessary to take into account the fact that after such staining, vegetable dye may not give quite the expected results. Henna fits perfectly on dark hair, but it is necessary to strictly follow the rules of coloring.

Henna is diluted to a predetermined consistency and applied to the hair in the usual way. Along the entire visible hairline, the skin is pre-treated with a cream that will help avoid stains in these areas.

Before work, it should be noted that the strands dry out quickly and become much heavier, so it will be useful to stock up on special clips.

If you wash off the dye after half an hour, you can get a beautiful and rich color. Henna on dark hair never gives extremely bright shades, it only ennobles and deepens the natural color.

Possibilities of colorless henna

Coloring hair with henna, which is called colorless, also has its foreseeable advantages. These are also dried and crushed parts of lavsonia, but the material was taken not from the stems, but from the leaves, which causes the absence of a coloring pigment. The main value lies in the amazing healing properties of such henna, but few know how to dye hair with henna without color.

Even a few stains carried out with colorless henna can eliminate the need to go to a beauty salon. The canvas of hair will acquire amazing silkiness, volume, shine and obedience.

  • colorless henna works to strengthen the hair follicles, prevents subsequent hair loss, improves blood circulation in the scalp;
  • active hair growth is stabilized;
  • oily and dry dandruff disappears;
  • oiliness of the scalp is regulated;
  • the structure of each hair is improved, the hair acquires a strong internal density;
  • curls become elastic, shiny and voluminous.

Despite all the advantages of such a natural dye as henna, the powder has one significant drawback - with frequent use it causes dry hair, for greater benefit it is not enough to know how to dye hair with henna. A simple tip will help to avoid such manifestations: a few drops of essential oil of your choice are added to the gruel before staining. Any oil will eliminate the occurrence of dryness and is characterized by additional properties. For example, ylang-ylang oil gives hair a unique mirror shine, jojoba nourishes tired, drooping hair from negative influences, wheat germ oil revives brittle and thinning hair. This approach will completely eliminate all the negative effects of any type of henna, but when using oils, do not neglect the dosage - two or three drops are enough.

If you pay attention to the reviews about this vegetable dye, they always sound positive. It is noted that, subject to the correct choice of the type of henna, in 90% of cases it is possible to achieve the desired shade.

Whatever method of transformation a woman chooses, it is impossible to achieve perfect beauty without a kind smile and shining eyes. Enjoy life, be friendly, and the red tint of hair will complement this beautiful look in the best possible way.

Since ancient times, women have wanted to look their best. And they used a lot of tricks for this. Henna is a completely natural dye that not only gives the hair new shades, but also takes care of the hair. But for some reason, many stylists do not recommend dyeing hair with henna. Like any other dye, henna has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

What gives hair dyeing with henna - the pros and cons

To begin with, consider how henna is useful for hair:

  • Henna is made from lavsonia leaves and is completely natural;
  • Henna fights dandruff better than any other means due to its antibacterial properties;
  • After dyeing with henna, the hair is restored, becoming thicker and more manageable;
  • No chemical dye can give such a natural red hair color;
  • Essential oils are added to henna to get new shades. This makes it even more useful;
  • With regular use of henna, hair grows faster and stronger;
  • Henna envelops and protects hair from sunlight;
  • Henna is cheaper than chemical dyes;
  • Henna does not cause allergies, so if you are allergic to chemical dye, you can use natural dyes.

But in addition to all the positive properties, henna also has disadvantages:

  • Henna is very difficult to wash off the hair;
  • If after dyeing with henna you want to switch to chemical dye, the result of staining may not be predictable;
  • With very frequent use, henna dries hair, but this problem does not occur to everyone and can be avoided by adding a little oil to the composition;
  • When using henna, you will have to forget about perm or hair lamination. These procedures will not give the desired effect.

Types of henna

At the moment, there are several varieties of henna. And depending on the type of henna has different properties.

  • Iranian. At the moment, this type of henna is the most common and popular. Such henna gives only one shade. But you can additionally add a few natural ingredients to it and get the shade you need.
  • Indian. This henna has several different shades, and it also has a very pleasant smell.
  • Turkish. This henna does not give bright shades, but it has a very good quality.
  • Liquid. This is henna in the form of a liquid cream. Such henna is easy to dye hair and it is easily washed off.
  • Black. Such henna includes chemical components, so it does not have healing qualities.
  • Colorless. This type of henna is used to create hair masks, but is not suitable for dyeing.

How to dye your hair with henna

If we compare henna staining and staining with chemical dyes, then henna takes more time and requires correct execution.

First you need to correctly figure out how much henna is required for your hair:

  • If you have long hair, you will need about 500 grams of henna powder
  • For chin-length hair, it will take about 200 grams.
  • If you have shorter hair, then 100 gr is enough for you.

How to paint with henna - step by step instructions

Before you dye your hair with henna, it is better to test on one strand to evaluate the color and result. This will help you avoid disappointment after staining.

  • First of all, take a container of a suitable size and pour henna into it. It is necessary to dilute henna with water at a temperature of 90 ° C, pouring it in gradually so that there are no lumps. The finished mixture should be like thick sour cream in consistency.
  • After that, wrap the henna with a towel and let it brew for 15 minutes in a warm place. If you have dry hair, be sure to add some oil that you like to the mixture so that the henna does not damage it. You can take burdock oil, but it can affect the color of the stain. The most common type of oil is olive oil or coconut oil.
  • Before applying henna to the hair, it is advisable to wash them and dry them with a towel. But wash your hair only with shampoo. It is better not to use a balm, as it will close the scales of the hair. Also, apply a thick layer of cream or glycerin to the skin along the hair, so as not to accidentally leave stains.
  • Be sure to wear gloves and think in advance what clothes you will dye. Henna cannot be removed from clothing and can leave stains on the skin that are difficult to get rid of.
  • After that, start coloring. Apply the mixture to the hair along the entire length, evenly distributing through the hair. In this case, the temperature of the mixture is a very important condition. Make a water bath so that the paint does not have time to cool.
  • After that, wrap your hair in plastic and wrap it in a towel. To prevent henna from driving up, tuck paper towels or napkins under the turban.

For owners of blond hair, 20 minutes is enough to dye their hair.
On dark hair, the mixture must be kept for about 1 - 1.5 hours to obtain the result.
In order to wash henna from hair, use warm water, but it is better not to use shampoo. The easiest way to do this is in the shower under running water. Rinse very thoroughly so that no lumps of henna remain in the hair.
After you have washed off all the henna, rinse your hair with water, to which add a little vinegar or lemon juice. This is necessary to fix the shade.
If you are unable to wash off all the henna from your hair, you can use a small amount of balm. Then the residue will wash off much better.

How to get different shades when staining with henna

  • In order to get a bright and natural red color as a result of dyeing, add 20 grams of ground ginger to henna.
  • In order to get a copper color, add 5 grams of ground cinnamon, 5 grams of turmeric and fill the powder with hot black tea.
  • To get a golden honey color, add 30 grams of liquid honey and 5 grams of ground cloves to the mixture.
  • To get a dark red color you will need: 50 gr. Egyptian henna, 300 ml. beetroot juice, 50 ml. red wine, 20 gr. cocoa powder, 20 gr. Madder dye powder, 20 drops of clove essential oil. Mix henna with cocoa and madder powder, pour beetroot juice and mix. Add wine and clove oil, rub the mass and apply to the hair.
  • To obtain the color of black cherry, dilute henna with a strong infusion of hibiscus.

How to dye your hair with basma

In addition to henna, basma is also used for hair coloring. But basma cannot be used without henna, otherwise your hair will turn green. Basma is used only with henna to obtain shades from chocolate to black.

But do not use white or colorless henna for a mixture with basma. Because in the end the hair color will be green or blue.

A mixture for coloring from basma is prepared in the same way as from henna. Mix indigo leaf powder (basma) with lavsonia leaves and fill with water at 90 ° C. Let's insist.

If henna is applied to wet hair, then basma is best applied to dry or slightly damp hair. And it is not necessary to wrap your hair with a hat and a towel.

  • To obtain a chestnut shade, henna and basma are mixed in equal proportions.
  • To get a black shade of basma, they take 2 times more than henna
  • To obtain a shade of old bronze, 1 part of basma is added to 2 parts of henna.
  • If you want to get a thick black color with a sheen, then you must first apply a mixture of henna to your hair and dye it for an hour, then dilute the basma and apply it to your hair for 3 hours.

  • If, as a result of dyeing, the color turned out to be too saturated, apply grape oil to your hair, walk around with it for about an hour, and then wash your hair with shampoo.
  • If, after dyeing with basma and henna, the color turned out darker than you wanted, comb your hair with a comb, dipping it in lemon juice.
  • If glycerin is added during the preparation of the mixture, the color of the stain will be more even.
  • To get even more benefits for the hair, you can add egg yolk to the coloring composition. It not only nourishes the hair, but also makes it easier to wash the powder from the hair.
  • You can enhance the effect of basma by adding a few drops of ammonia to the mixture.
  • Before buying henna, be sure to pay attention to how fresh it is. Expired henna loses its properties, and you are unlikely to like the result of staining.
  • Unfortunately, henna cannot cover gray hair, so if you have most of your hair gray, it is better to refuse henna staining.
  • The true shade of staining appears only on the 3rd day after using henna. Therefore, it is better not to wash your hair with shampoo for 3-4 days, so as not to wash off the paint from your hair.
  • Also, in addition to hair, henna can be used to dye eyebrows. Many experts use henna to color their eyebrows, and the result lasts longer than chemical dye.

Coloring with henna and basma does not harm the hair and you will surely be satisfied with the result of the coloring. Even if at first it seems hard for you, then when you get used to it, you probably won’t want to exchange natural dye for any of the chemical paints.

Periodic change of image for a modern woman is a natural desire. This is easiest to achieve by changing the color of the hairstyle. For this, there are many types of paints, but not all of them leave healthy curls after such a procedure.

Positive and negative qualities

When using this tool to color the strands, they will not only remain healthy, but also improve their condition. However, it must be used correctly, otherwise you can get a negative result from it.

Benefits when used correctly

The photo shows how dyeing hair with henna improves their condition.

Henna is a natural dye, so it is guaranteed not to contain harmful chemicals. On the contrary, it is saturated with useful substances, which, when painted, have a healing effect on the structure of curls and the condition of the scalp.

After applying it:

  • the structure becomes rigid, elastic;
  • the fallout stops;
  • bulbs are strengthened;
  • the rods are saturated with moisture;
  • dandruff will disappear.

An important advantage of this tool is also that the resulting shade lasts for a long time. It does not cause allergic reactions, so everyone can paint with it without exception. Lavsonia powder dye covers each hair with the thinnest layer through which UV rays do not penetrate. The price of this natural product is quite democratic.

Negative sides

It happens that Lavsonia powder has a bad effect on the condition of curls if it is used incorrectly. Too frequent staining leads to severe dryness of them, as well as the scalp. As a result, the ends may begin to split.

Among the negative properties of this product can be identified:

  • "Ragged" coloring in the presence of gray hair (such hair coloring with henna in the photo above);
  • it is impossible to dye henna on dark hair;
  • not for everyone a pleasant smell during the procedure.

NOTE! After painting with this powder, it is forbidden to perm.

Application features and painting technology

Modern beauty salons do not use henna, as well as other natural remedies for painting curls. They focus on chemical pigmenting compounds. With their help, it is much faster, easier to choose the right shade. And the result is almost 100% predictable. Plus, the price of natural dyes is affordable for everyone, so you won’t take much for such a procedure.

Henna and basma are best used on their own. They make it possible to experiment with tones with your own hands and save a significant amount of money from the family budget. In addition, it is so nice to realize yourself as the creator of your own individuality.

Secrets of effective staining

Henna hair coloring will be of high quality if this product is applied abundantly.

Not sure how to dye your hair with henna at home? This case has its own nuances:

  1. Never use conditioner when washing your hair before painting. This will reduce all efforts to zero.
  2. The amount and composition of the finished paint depends on the length of the strand. To achieve the best result, they need to be "bathed" in it. That is, "greedy" is not recommended.
  3. It is not necessary to paint with this tool if highlighting or discoloration was previously done.

For hair of different lengths, an individual amount of Lavsonia powder is required: 50-100 g - for short ones; 200 g - length to the base of the neck; 300 g - to the shoulders; 400 g - to the waist.

ON A NOTE! In order not to resort to the help of scales, you can use a glass / tablespoon. In a two-hundred-gram glass, 100 g of Lavsonia powder is placed, and in a tablespoon - 7 g.

What is required for painting

To dye your hair with henna, you will need to prepare gloves, glassware and a brush.

Before painting, you need to prepare everything so that you do not have to look for something. The process will require:

  • hairpins that will fix the colored strands;
  • a sheet to cover yourself from paint;
  • plastic bag or shower cap;
  • brush, comb;
  • cup / bowl (exclusively glass or ceramic);
  • unnecessary towel;
  • tassel;
  • disposable gloves;
  • wooden spoon for kneading the coloring composition.

step by step technology

All items on the list should be near you. So everything will go according to plan, no unforeseen situations will arise.

Instructions for painting with your own hands are as follows:

  1. The mixture is being prepared. The calculation is done based on the length of the curls.
  2. Curls are carefully combed. First with a regular brush, then with a comb with a wide, and then with a small tooth. The head is divided into sections.
  3. The ears and the border near the hair growth are lubricated with cream.
  4. Disposable gloves are worn.
  5. A brush is taken and the staining process begins with it. You need to start from the crown and move to the forehead.
  6. After working out all the zones on the head, the curls are carefully painted over the full length. To do this, the mixture is scooped up with a gloved hand, distributed evenly over the strands, then movements are made, as if during washing. All actions must be as careful as possible.
  7. Hair is styled at the crown, packed in a shower cap / plastic bag and everything is covered with a towel on top.
  8. You can mind your own business. After the required time has elapsed, the "compress" is deployed and the paint is thoroughly washed out. The procedure is carried out until the water becomes clear.

ATTENTION! Henna painting on dark curls is performed according to similar instructions. Don't expect your hair to take on a rich red hue afterwards. This dye is almost powerless on this color, but it can deepen the natural shade, giving the curls power and radiance.

Dilution and proportions depending on obtaining the desired color

The photo shows the possible shades that can be obtained using only henna, depending on the base color and structure.

The color obtained in the process of staining with Lavsonia powder can be completely different. It depends on the quality of the paint and the characteristics of the structure of the hair. For each person, they are individual, therefore they react differently to the dye.

And the time required to fix the same shade, each person will have his own. To get dark colors, including chocolate or rich chestnut, you need to mix henna plus basma in a certain proportion.

Basma is another natural substance used in the beauty industry. This herbal powder has a greyish green color. Basma is obtained from the leaves of the indigo plant and is used for dyeing in dark colors. Combined hair coloring with henna and basma makes it interesting to experiment with your hair.

Table of proportions and exposure time when painting different shades of hair with henna and basma to obtain a certain color.

THIS IS USEFUL TO KNOW! Pure basma is not used for hair coloring. This is especially true for people with pronounced gray hair. Suffice it to recall the character of Sergei Filippov from the Soviet film "12 Chairs", which received a greenish-bluish hair after such experiments. Washing off such a “result” is very problematic.

How to dye your hair with henna and basma to get interesting shades? Everything is quite simple, you just need to follow the recommendations below.

"Rich chestnut"

The photo shows the result of dyeing hair (saturated chestnut) with henna and basma in the proportion below.

Not sure how to dye your hair brown with henna? It's pretty simple. You just need to add brewed coffee and basma to the powder from the leaves of Lavsonia.

This paint is prepared as follows in the following proportions:

  1. A pack of henna (about 152 g) is mixed with 2 packs of basma (125 g). To get the desired color, the mixture is poured with strong coffee and allowed to brew for about 2.5 hours.
  2. Honey is added (a couple of tablespoons) and 5 capsules of vitamin E. This will nourish and moisturize the skin and bulbs well.
  3. Everything is mixed with a wooden spoon.
  4. Paint according to the technology described above is used for its intended purpose.

"Bitter chocolate"

Dark chocolate hair color created with henna, basma and coffee.

You can dye your hair with henna in chocolate color by adding basma to it. The subtleties of the preparation of such a composition:

  1. Take 2 components equally, and then mix. In this case, you need to calculate how much powder is needed, given the length of the strand.
  2. Add ground coffee (4 tablespoons) to the mixture.
  3. Pour the mass made with white wine so that the composition is not too thick or liquid.
  4. Put in a water bath.
  5. Let the mass warm up and immediately begin to paint.
  6. You need to keep this composition on your hair for about 2.5 hours.


In order to achieve this effect, you need to dilute lavsonia powder in red beet juice. You can replace it with pomace from elderberries or freshly brewed hibiscus tea.

dark tone

To obtain an almost black color, henna and basma are mixed in a ratio of 1 to 2, poured with water and rubbed thoroughly. Make a very thick mixture. To get a deep black color, you will have to sit in a plastic bag and with a towel on your head for 3 hours, no less.

NOTE! It is possible to get an almost black color instantly. The final result will be known only in a day, or even two.

Rules for dyeing gray hair

Henna and basma are perfectly combined with each other and together paint over gray hair well.

The older a person becomes, the more his hair loses the coloring pigment. After a fairly long time, it completely discolors. For some, this moment is not important at all.

However, many women are very worried about the appearance of white hairs, but do not want to use non-natural dyes. For them, the question is very relevant: how to dye gray hair with henna so that they remain healthy?

It should be noted that this natural dye is incompatible with gray hair, since in the process of dyeing all white hairs will become carrot or orange-red. An alternative is to add other substances to the powder.

It can be:

  • basma;
  • infusion of chamomile;
  • walnut infusion;
  • natural coffee (ground);
  • borage juice;
  • saffron powder;
  • and others.

Henna without impurities on gray hair can paint over them unevenly, as in the photo.

Some subtleties when staining gray hair with henna with various natural additives are as follows:

  1. Test the finished paint on a separate strand. Remember how many minutes it took to complete the painting. Spend the very first procedure exactly the same amount of time.
  2. Repeat coloring after a few days. Keep the paint on for about 2 hours.
  3. Coffee, chamomile or walnut infusion are suitable as additives to this powder. They will give noble shades, eliminating the formation of bright red tones.

Ways to get rid of henna

Kefir-yeast mask will help to gradually remove henna from the hair.

If you want variety, and your hair is dyed with Lavsonia powder, you will have to resort to various tricks. After all, this dye stays on the hair for a long time. What to do? You can just wait. During this time, the strands will grow back. True, at least six months to a year will pass if the hair is shoulder-length or longer.

You can make some sacrifices using an aggressive flushing method - a mask with alcohol. For this you will need:

  1. Find alcohol 70%.
  2. Soak a sponge in alcohol and wipe your hair with it.
  3. Do nothing for 7 minutes.
  4. Apply any oil on top of the alcohol (olive oil is ideal).
  5. Wrap your head with cling film or put on a bag / shower cap, roll up a turban from a towel.
  6. Hold this "compress" for 40 minutes.
  7. Use a mild shampoo to wash off.
  8. Repeat all the steps again in a couple of days.

There are ways to get rid of henna and simpler. They are not so aggressive, however, they need to be carried out a large number of times in order to completely “wash out” the annoying color. For such purposes, an oil or kefir-yeast mask, rinsing with vinegar, washing your hair with laundry soap is suitable.

Is it possible to dye your hair with paint after henna and how best to do it. This is a separate, not short topic, so if you are interested in such information, you can find out about it at the link.


As it became clear, it is not difficult to paint with henna on your own. But if you have any questions, you can see everything clearly in the video. Do you have experience in this matter? Or do you know of any exclusive coloring options with natural Lavsonia powder? Write about them in the comments.