How to celebrate the New Year in America traditions. How is it customary to celebrate the New Year in the USA, traditions: how to celebrate the New Year in America. American New Year's traditions

Giving birth, getting divorced, falling in love, getting married, raising children and studying, buying houses, ships, yachts and dresses, making a career and traveling, electing a president and going to protest rallies... - all this must be done in the USA. Or this: I like to do this in the USA. But the New Year should be celebrated in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia... In general, somewhere in the post-Soviet space. But not in the USA, with all my love for this country.

And not even in New York, where the luxurious Christmas tree near the Rockefeller Center beckons with lights, where, supposedly, it’s so fun to wait for the crystal one in Times Square and in general there are a lot of parties - don’t believe it! And if the devil brought you to our glorious country on the night of December 31, then urgently look for a Russian-speaking area - only there you will have at least some sense of the holiday.

It is a well-known fact that the United States celebrates on a grand scale Christmas. By December 25th, everything that even slightly resembles a gift is swept off store shelves (this is the time to sell the slowest selling goods). Christmas trees are sold all around at absolutely astronomical prices - in New York this year the price starts at $130, I have not yet seen anything cheaper. It’s impossible to get through shopping centers, but in general people are relaxed and happy - a holiday is just around the corner...

Manhattan receives three times as many people as usual during the holidays. And only in Russian-speaking communities there is peace and quiet. In New York, “our people” are in no hurry to even buy a Christmas tree. What for? It's too late on the evening of December 25th at the same Wallmart it will be available for just a dollar or take it for free. Because that’s it - the holiday is over, which means the tree is no longer needed. Moreover, on December 26th they are already starting to be thrown out!

On Christmas night, when American families gather around the table, when children go to bed, anticipating how they will open gifts in the morning, when Santa Claus has long been stocked with cookies, as well as gifts for Rudolph the reindeer, when socks are hung on the window in the absence of a fireplace... “Russians” just go to bed. The exception is those who are married to Americans or work in American companies. If the family lives in the Brighton Beach area, and works there, in general, everything is based on the principle “We don’t go to that America!”, then Christmas night passes for them like any other.

The maximum that “our people” can do on the eve of the holidays is to go to the City to see how Macy's decorated the windows, and browse sales, which, by the way, are not yet sales - the most interesting thing will begin after the holidays, when the goods There is still a lot to be done, but a new season and a new holiday are just around the corner - Valentine's Day.

And now Christmas has passed. Children are on vacation, adults also often relax. Everyone is relaxed and in no hurry. But not in the Russian-speaking community, which is just beginning to come to life and prepare for the most important holiday of the year. When Americans have already finished celebrating, we begin to rush to buy gifts, Christmas trees and green peas in jars.

Some people, of course, don’t stand at the stove for hours, but go to a restaurant. By the way, it’s too late to book a table - everything has been reserved and paid for a long time ago. There may still be tickets left for expensive parties for Russian-speaking millionaires, which take place, for example, in Miami.

Four years ago I went to one of these - the minimum ticket price was 500 dollars, the maximum - 5000. They fed guests Russian cuisine, for example, the same “Olivier”, however, with crayfish necks, as in the original recipe. Timati, Yuri Antonov, Teona Kontridze and other stars performed on stage. The party was hosted by Ksenia Sobchak and her husband Maxim Vitorgan. Well, everything was almost like ours. I was a little embarrassed by the New Year's palm trees hung with garlands - what a spectacle, and also the complete absence of snow and fireworks.

The last one is especially sad. In the same New York fireworks from private individuals is prohibited. But on the night of December 31, in Russian-speaking areas, of course, they happily forget about this and, as usual, shoot until the morning. Americans do not consider this day so important that it should also be celebrated with fireworks. Yes, sometimes and here and there.

Last year, for some reason, I decided that we would have fireworks on the Brooklyn Bridge in honor of the New Year. And at 11:30 at night I arrived at the bridge with three small children and my husband. A couple of thousand more people came there with us. We froze and began to wait for the colorful madness.

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At 12:00 o'clock at night the crowd timidly whistled: Happy new year!
“Happy new year,” we responded sluggishly, deciding to save our main energy for the delight of fireworks. But we waited for the knight near the window in vain - he did not gallop up. That is, in general. Somewhere far on the horizon, either in Queens or on Red Square itself, fireworks were flashing. The moon and stars shone peacefully over our bridge. I understood everything, but continued to stare at the sky, afraid to look down at the children. My son, whom I had difficulty tearing away from the computer and whom I promised “the best view in the world,” pretty quickly figured it all out on his own.

At that moment, when the fireworks stopped flashing even far on the horizon, he looked at me intently and said menacingly: “What is this?” How is that? Why did we come to this stupid bridge if the fireworks are not clear where? And who told us “Children, today you will see the BEST fireworks display of your life????”

I started laughing and could no longer answer. He was disappointed by the lack of fireworks, but I was disappointed by the complete absence of that very day that you wait for all day, on which you pin some stupid hopes, which should be the beginning of a new countdown... And the cars kept driving and driving along the Brooklyn Bridge and the traffic density was the most ordinary - life did not stand still for a second here between 11:30 and 12:30 on the night of December 31 to January 1.

No, there are a lot of parties in the USA this night. And in large cities - New York, LA, Miami, Chicago... you will be offered a variety of options for celebrating the New Year. In the Big Apple this is, for example, night at Madame Tussauds. Or a party in The Empire Hotel, a ticket for which will cost a very decent amount. Or a party on a ship that sails down the Hudson with a royal four-course dinner and champagne that flows like water.

IN Los Angeles on this day you can take a photo with Santa on the beach, visit a light show - what would Hollywood be without special effects?

But this is not all that! There is no fuss I need on this day in the USA! The smell of tangerines is not invigorating and doesn’t remind me of anything, and I’m the only one who smells them in the whole house. “Olivier” is not a cult salad, and if I translate the plot of “Enjoy Your Bath” to my Americans, they will ridicule Lukashin for his infantilism. Why, when the chimes strike, no one will eat burnt paper with desire! Americans simply kiss each other, thus congratulating each other on the New Year.

All in all, New York at Christmas is amazing and even more - it's beautiful, magnificent, beautiful, just like at any other time of the year. But for the New Year we need to go somewhere to our people. At least for these two days, when “Olivier” is already crawling out of your ears, and at one in the morning you suddenly find yourself in stiletto heels and a thin dress flying on a piece of cardboard somewhere into a tree and a snowdrift at the same time.

And no, I don’t have nostalgia, I don’t yearn for the country where I was born and raised, I don’t want to go back. I'm just so used to it. I like to start the New Year countdown with a bright night. I like that the whole country, with rare exceptions, starts with a bright night. And individual, albeit very lively parties, alas, do not calm me down. You leave it with sadness, realizing that tomorrow, the first of January, is a normal working day in the country, and that neither your American husband nor your American children will eat Olivier in the morning, wrapped in a blanket, that no one will knock on the door. at your door with a bottle of cold champagne, and won’t offer to continue celebrating...

PS By the way, the Chinese celebrate their New Year on the same scale as we do. And therefore they in the USA suffer from misunderstandings. Although in New York, in honor of their New Year, everyone is given one day off. And yet no. The scope is not the same. It's a pity.

Opinion I The most boring day of the year or why you shouldn’t celebrate New Year in the USA updated: March 30, 2019 by: Marina Sokolovskaya

We are not responsible for the content of columnists' publications. The editors may not agree with the author's opinion. All materials retain the author's style, spelling and punctuation.

To the question: When is New Year celebrated in America? given by the author Neurosis the best answer is In the USA, the New Year celebration is closely linked with the celebration of Christmas (December 25, new style). The New Year itself is not such a big holiday for Americans, and it is celebrated mainly by people from other countries (for example, from the CIS). Americans will most likely celebrate New Year's Eve among friends, watching entertainment programs on TV, or in theaters, nightclubs and restaurants.
Although New Year's Day is officially celebrated on January 1st in the United States, celebrations begin on December 31st. According to tradition, everyone says goodbye to the old year until midnight, and then welcomes the new year. At exactly midnight, after the ringing of bells, fireworks fly into the air, champagne corks, the howl of sirens and car horns announce the beginning of the New Year. People hug and kiss each other and wish each other happiness. On American tables there is champagne (drinking a glass of fizzy drink at midnight is an established tradition) and snacks - nuts, cheese, cookies. It is not customary to eat or get drunk, and no gifts are given on this night. As the year passes, sentimental Americans sing an old song written back in the 18th century, called “Auld Lang Syne” (roughly translated: “The Good Old Days”). It is a good tradition to sing about friends and old times.
Some major cities in the United States hold parades on January 1st. Admittedly, the most fun and numerous of them is the New Year's parade in New York's Time Square.

Answer from Throw[newbie]
New Year's Day in the USA is one of the country's public holidays. It is celebrated on January 1 of each year according to the Gregorian calendar. Despite the fact that the New Year is inferior in popularity to Catholic Christmas, especially in more religious and conservative rural regions, a number of US cities have developed and are passing on their own New Year's traditions. By the way, Christmas and New Year in the US differ greatly in their spiritual content. Christmas is an important family holiday, filled with religious symbolism, and the New Year's celebration is public and often takes place in the form of a party with friends in a club, casino or in the city square. Most casinos in the country offer free toasts with champagne in their foyers on New Year's Eve. The English Puritans were introduced to the celebration of the New Year by the more liberal Dutch colonists, the founders of New York, therefore it was in In this city, the New Year's celebration is of the most solemn nature.The main meeting place is Times Square, where on New Year's Eve a crowd of more than one hundred thousand awaits the descent of a shiny ball - a symbol of the coming of the New Year.

If you ask a resident of any post-Soviet state, what is the main holiday of the year? They will answer you without delay - New Year! But if you ask an American the same question, you will probably hear a different answer, because Americans look forward to Christmas, Independence Day, Thanksgiving or even Halloween much more than New Year. However, this does not mean at all that the New Year in the United States is celebrated modestly. Like any holiday in the USA, the New Year celebration is accompanied by concerts, parades, sales, fairs, fireworks, etc. On the eve of the New Year, let's take a look at how this holiday is celebrated in America.

History of New Year's celebrations in the USA

The Gregorian calendar was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582. In the British colonies, which subsequently became states, the new calendar began to be used in 1752. The celebration of New Year's Day (January 1) in the United States came from Europe, where traditionally this day was associated with festivities and parties.

American traditions of celebrating the New Year

One of the New Year's symbols among Americans is a Baby in a Diaper. According to legend, Baby New Year grows and ages within one year. At the end of the year, he becomes an old man and passes on his responsibilities to the next New Year's baby, and this happens from year to year.

Another tradition is that many Americans make important decisions or changes that will come into force in the new year. Often these are promises to improve something in your life. For example, quit smoking or drinking alcohol, lose weight, start playing sports, make peace with loved ones, etc.

How do Americans celebrate New Year?

Many Americans like to celebrate New Year's Eve at home with their friends and loved ones. Others, on the contrary, attend public events where thousands, and in some places tens and hundreds of thousands of people gather. These events are accompanied by festive shouts, car horns, explosions of firecrackers, fireworks, ringing bells and other means by which loud noise can be created.

New Year's ball in Times Square

In 1907, a New Year's tradition appeared in New York, which today has become famous throughout the world. Every year on December 31 at 23:59 local time, a huge ball descends from a 23-meter height in Times Square. The ball falls for one minute, and the final 10 seconds are unanimously counted down by people gathered in the square and in front of TV screens. At exactly 00:00 the ball reaches its lowest point, which means the beginning of the new year. This tradition has become very popular in New York. Many residents and visitors of the city come to Times Square on New Year's Eve to see this action, and the television audience of this project totals more than 1 billion television viewers.

Other U.S. cities and towns have begun holding their own versions of the New Year's ball drop. Only instead of a ball, objects associated with local symbols are used. For example, a copy of a domestic or wild animal, fruits, vegetables, cars, industrial equipment, etc. Atlanta, Georgia uses a giant peach replica for a ball, Raleigh, North Carolina uses a 900-pound brass acorn, and Strasburg, Pennsylvania uses a ping pong ball.

Social life in the USA during the New Year celebrations

New Year in the USA is considered an official holiday, so January 1, as in the CIS countries, is a day off. On this day, government offices, schools, colleges, and many government enterprises are closed. Public transport operates according to the holiday schedule. But December 31 is not an official holiday, but in some states, such as Kentucky, Michigan and Wisconsin, the last day of the year is considered a holiday.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the United States has 6 time zones, so while the residents of New York are already fast asleep, the residents of Honolulu are just waiting for the chimes to strike.

Happy New Year!

Despite the fact that the New Year is officially celebrated in the United States on January 1, New Year's festivities begin on December 31. Traditionally, everyone says goodbye to the outgoing year until midnight, and then welcomes the new one. Americans prefer to celebrate this holiday noisily, while not staying at home, going to theaters, nightclubs and restaurants. At exactly midnight, after the ringing of bells, fireworks soar into the sky, champagne corks, the howl of sirens and car horns announce the beginning of the New Year. Everyone kisses, hugs, wishes each other happiness.

In some American cities, parades are held on New Year's Day. The most fun and popular of them is New Year's parade, which takes place in New York's Time Square. Thousands of Big Apple residents gather here, joined by millions of Americans watching the spectacular show on television.

These famous Americans are also associated with the New Year's holiday. festivals like the Tournament of Roses and the Mime Parade, the traditions of holding them began in the mid-19th century.

The mime parade, which was first organized in Philadelphia by Irish immigrants, is staged as a ten-hour performance. The parade is attended by actors, clowns, musicians, dancers... They all walk through the city streets, led by the King of Pantomime, dressed in colorful outfits, accompanied by music, usually the sounds of pipes and flutes.

The Tournament of Roses, which was first held in Pasadena (California), immediately received universal recognition due to its beauty and originality. The tournament ends with a football match called the Pink Ball, which is also shown on national television. Typically, this event is watched by thousands of tourists and millions of television viewers.

One more thing must be mentioned New Year's attribute New Year's celebrations in the United States, namely about the elder, which symbolizes the past year, and baby, representing the new year. Here you can see an analogy with the ancient Roman god Janus, after whom the month of January was named. The legend says that Janus was two-faced: one face turned to the past, the other to the future. Many Americans experience similar feelings on New Year's Eve, critically assessing the successes of the past year and making plans for the coming year. In the United States, it is customary to write down “New Year’s resolutions” that contain optimistic plans for the coming year. For example, quit smoking or go on a diet, or get up earlier, or spend less money on clothes...

Traditionally, an American spends from $50 to $800 on New Year's gifts. Americans present each other with cigars, wines, perfumes, scarves, sweaters, and trinkets. Gifts are usually given with a receipt. A receipt is needed so that, if necessary, you can return the gift back to the store. In the first days of January, there are large queues of people handing over goods in stores. Therefore, recently the popularity of the so-called gift certificate(gift Certificate). This is a plastic card with a face value of 50 or more dollars. A person who has received such a certificate comes to the store at any time convenient for him and chooses what he likes.

Although the New Year is not considered in USA not such a big holiday, for example, in comparison with Christmas, nevertheless, it is celebrated on a grand scale. Officially, the New Year in America is celebrated on January 1, but festivities on this occasion begin already 31th of December. Most Native Americans will spend this night with friends and acquaintances, watching New Year's films, or visiting a club, theater, or restaurant. But every state and every city in the United States certainly has its own tradition of celebrating the New Year.

For New York, New Year's Eve is, of course, the fall of a crystal ball on Times Square from a 23-meter height. Exactly at 23.59 this year the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon will press the symbolic button, which will begin a 60-second countdown until the 2017 of the year. This tradition is more than 100 years old, it originates in the distant past. 1907 year. At this moment, the square will be crowded with hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers and visiting guests who want to enjoy the magnificent spectacle, and even to the accompaniment of famous stars of the music world.

But how do they celebrate the New Year in other states?

For example, in Atlanta, in the state Georgia there is a similar New York tradition. Only instead of a huge ball, they observe the fall of a huge peach.

IN North Carolina(city of Raleigh) a huge acorn "falls", and in Pennsylvania- ping pong ball.

Philadelphia celebrates the New Year with a pantomime parade that lasts 10 hours straight. Clowns and magicians, dancers, musicians and actors hold a festive procession to welcome the King of Pantomime.

In Pasadena, in the state California, an unusually beautiful and at the same time unusual for this time of year Tournament of Roses is held, ending with a football match called the “Pink Ball”. All action is broadcast live on central television.

Perhaps one of the states most thoroughly preparing for the New Year celebration is Alaska. Apparently, the historical roots of this land speak for themselves. And also on Alaska Santa Claus lives. It is here that hundreds of thousands of letters from children from all over the world arrive every year. On New Year's Eve, it is customary to organize concerts and public celebrations here until the morning. Of course, you can't do without confetti and fireworks.

Americans also have common traditions for celebrating the New Year. For example, the symbol of the holiday is baby in diaper. This is the New Year, in a year he will grow old and turn into an old man, ready to give way to a new life.

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As a rule, Americans have turkey on their New Year's table. Everyone cooks it in their own way - someone bakes, someone stews with apples, the rest of the dishes are to the taste of the household - from salads to pizza. But you won’t find the traditional cake for Slavic peoples on the American holiday table.

Gifts for New Year in America they are desirable, but not at all mandatory. In addition, if they are given, then these are, as a rule, pleasant little things, and not substantial gifts.

Traditionally, Americans sing a song on New Year's Day "Auld Lang Syne"(“The Good Old Days”), which appeared in the 18th century.

How is New Year celebrated in different states? updated: March 30, 2019 by: Alena Successful