How to train an adult cat or a cat to the tray. Nothing works. How to teach an adult cat, a cat to go to the tray without filler, sand

Having taken responsibility and brought home a kitten or an adult cat from the street, you need to be prepared for the fact that in addition to establishing contact with an animal that does not trust its new owner, you also need to teach the pet basic skills, for example, accustom to the tray.

This will require a huge supply of patience and time, because street cats have their own established habits, which can be difficult to overcome.

Potty training a street cat

It is necessary to take into account the habits of street cats, namely that they relieve their needs in the ground or sand, and then bury their excrement. Knowing this, you can try to pour sand into a large tray, which may attract the animal. In order for the animal to understand what the sand tray is intended for, scraps of newspaper or toilet paper soaked in cat urine should be placed on top of the sand. You can try to put hay in the box, some street cats go to the toilet at first only for hay.

Places that the animal considers the most suitable for peeing needs to be treated with repellent sprays or washed thoroughly with an odor neutralizing agent so that the pet cannot smell its urine. In case of failure, you can put a bowl of food in the marked places or spray the place with valerian, cats do not like to spoil where they eat.

After eating or sleeping, you can try to close the cat in a room where there is a tray, usually such a place is a toilet, or in another confined space, such as a cage. The cage should be spacious so that a tray can be placed inside, while the pet could relieve himself calmly, without constraining movements. To litter train a street cat, use a new box with low sides, large enough for the animal to bury the feces in the sand.

It is necessary to monitor the behavior of the pet. If there are signs that indicate the desire of the pet to relieve himself, then you need to immediately pick up the animal and transfer it to the tray.

From the moment when a street cat starts walking in a sand tray, you need to wait a while until the animal takes it into a habit. Then gradually, in small portions, mix the filler into the sand. As a result, the sand needs to be completely replaced with toilet filler, but there is no need to rush. The filler is better to choose woody and odorless. If you plan to accustom a street cat to a tray without filler, then at the first stages of accustoming the filler (special or sand) is poured under the grate and a small amount on the grate, and only then gradually removed, reduce the amount of filler, getting rid of it completely.

If the pet began to go to the tray only “in a small way”, then it is advisable to purchase another box. Usually, meowing pets start doing their “big” things in another box.

Gradually, the litter box should be moved to another place towards a permanent toilet. The animal should not notice a strong difference in the change in the position of the tray.

It can take a month or more to train a street cat to use the litter box. The main thing is to be patient and praise the pet for the correct behavior. Some animals quickly understand what is required of them if there is already a house-trained cat in the house.

To get started, purchase a tray at a special pet store. They come with or without mesh. Slatted trays are used more often without fillers, while trays without mesh and with high sides are designed for a toilet with filler. Usually cats like to dig in the sand after the toilet, burying their tracks. The filler can also be purchased along with the tray in the store. They vary in quality and prices. Choose what you can afford. Expensive fillers keep the smell for a long time and absorb moisture well, they need to be changed as they get dirty, and cheaper ones need to be changed more often. Remember that all fillers must be thrown into the trash, not into. With a filler, it will be easier for you to explain to the cat what is required of him.

After you bring the cat home, he will choose a secluded place somewhere or a closet. Do not try to get him out of there, so he gets to know your apartment and the people and animals living in it. As the adaptation period passes, he will come to you. Place the tray and food next to his hiding place. Later you will put them where it is convenient for you.

Introduce your pet to his new toilet. To do this, put the cat in the tray and scratch it with your paw in the filler. During games, and also after sleeping and eating, take the cat to the tray, reminding him that this is his toilet. If the kitten has done its business in the wrong place, then carefully collect its feces with a rag or newspaper and put it all in the tray. Let the cat smell appear in the tray.

Do not punish your pet with force, do not poke your nose into puddles, it is better to strictly say “No!”. Cats are well versed in the intonation of people. After such a punishment, take it to the tray and rummage with its paw in the filler. When your pet goes to the tray, praise him with a gentle voice, stroke him, you can treat him to something delicious.

Places of puddles should be washed immediately with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or vinegar. You can wipe the place with a piece of lemon. Do not use chemicals with chlorine, they attract no worse than the smell of meat.

It happens that adult cats begin to mark corners in the apartment, the owner’s shoes and even his things. Do not think that in this way the cat is for something, he just does not like the smell of the things he marks. It could be the smell of someone else's cat on your clothes, or an unpleasant smell of chemistry, or mating season has come. Expelling someone else's smell, cats leave their own and calm down. To solve this problem, you can sterilize the animal and wash the mark places in the manner described above.

Some helpful tips.

If you took a very small one, then you become a mother for him. And it is you who must show him where his toilet is and how to use it. Be patient, for training you will need at least two to three days.

If you have adult kittens, then at first she herself will clean up their feces after them. And in the future, she will show how to use the tray. Kittens learn from their mother and from each other, so there shouldn't be any problems.

If you adopted a cat from the street, then it is better to use it instead of the first time. This is important because, when away from home, this cat most likely buried its deeds in the ground. This will reduce the time of accustoming the cat to the tray.

If you have taken an adult cat or a cat, then ask the owners for his tray. And don't forget to ask what type of filler was used in the toilet. Cats are very picky, and, getting used to one type of filler, it is very difficult for them to get used to another.

If you already have one cat, and you brought another kitten, then it will be easy to train a baby. Put their trays side by side, and over time, the kitten will begin to imitate the older cat.

Love your pets and they will love you back.

There are times when owners of adult cats have to deal with their stubborn nature. That is why many pets can even leave a couple of puddles in the wrong place. It is important to overcome an already formed habit in a cat. How to accustom an adult cat to a tray is the topic of our today's article.

If an adult cat has only recently appeared in your apartment, be prepared for the fact that even during the period of adaptation to a new environment, it can show waywardness and even capriciousness. In addition, by nature, a cat is a domestic creature that takes the need to correct needs with all seriousness. Such pets simply adore hard-to-reach corners, because this allows the process itself to provide some kind of intimacy, and this is what cats always achieve. That is why if a pet that has recently arrived in your family does not like a toilet with a grate or high sides, or is overly frightened, the result will be the same: the cat will certainly find a new corner for this zone, but his intentions will not be combined with your preferences.

The first thing to take care of in order to avoid the appearance of puddles on the floor is to limit the pet's access to various nooks and crannies (zones under cabinets, armchairs, behind sofas). Do not forget that the preferences of the cat should also be considered. Over the years of his life, each fluffy individual has formed certain habits regarding toilets. So do not be surprised if a cat that has lived on the street for several years defines any pots and flowerpots with indoor vegetation as a tray.

In the process of choosing a location for the location of the cat litter box, consider the fact that it should be easily accessible to your pet. However, you should not place the tray in the kitchen or in the hallway.

Another key point to keep in mind while you are trying to potty train a new pet is to keep your pet in the same room as the litter box for a period of time. He must get used to it, then he recognizes his toilet much faster.

Video "An easy way to train a cat to a tray"

In this video, experts will tell you how to effectively train a cat to go to the toilet in a tray.

Meaning of Correct Tray Selection

Before deciding how to quickly train a cat to go to the tray, you should thoroughly consider the process of choosing a cat litter box. The modern assortment of these products is quite wide, but it is better to give preference to the same copy that the cat used before (for example, in a nursery). If she did not have such experience, it is better to buy a tray with high sides (at least 10 cm). In this case, the filler will not spill out over the edges of the toilet. Choose a product that fits your pet in size (it must fit completely there).

You need to buy a tray in any case, and it is advisable to stop at the copy that your cat will like. Some cat owners purchase house toilets: pets feel comfortable in them, because they are closed from prying eyes. However, removing such a device is not so easy. Separately dwell on the choice of filler. It is better to buy wood or mineral. Like the tray, it is of great importance. Do not forget that how your cat perceives the new toilet will determine the effectiveness of her training.

Sequence of habituation

Toilet training an adult or one-year-old street cat is not an easy task. Immediately after you brought the cat to a new home, show her not only a sleeping place, but also a tray prepared for her. Some pets feel intuitively what such a device is for. Wait for your cat to urinate in the litter box at least once, and the habit should take hold quickly.

You will be able to wean a cat from shitting in the corners if you show patience. Watch your pet: if the fluffy is fussing and actively looking for a place to hide, put him in the toilet, pet him. Most likely, he will relieve his need there. If you see how the cat is already bouncing around somewhere, bring the tray and seat it.

Do not rush to immediately change the filler - let the pet feel its smell, remember why it needs this device. Then in the future problems with the toilet should not arise.

Possible difficulties and reaction of the owner

If a cat does not understand why they are trying to force her to go to the toilet not where she wants, she can show her character. However, sometimes there are reasons for this behavior:

  • cat health problems. If she does not feel well, an attempt to mark corners in the apartment will be a signal for help;
  • inconvenience. The pet can be self-willed if he simply does not like the tray or if the animal does not suit its location;
  • the need to share this cherished place with someone. If you have multiple cats and the new family member doesn't want to share the same litter box with them, he won't pee nearby. Buy another one and treat the crime scene with a citrus-scented spray or another strong scent, and the problem is solved.

You can teach a cat good manners, even if you are dealing with an adult. The main thing is patience and perseverance.

Teaching a kitten to use the litter box at home is a simple process. To do this, you just need to spend a little of your time and be patient. Any kitten can be taught to the tray, even taken from the street. It also happens that a fairly large kitten has already been purchased, accustomed to the tray, but in a new place he stops using his toilet. This happens either because the animal is frightened and afraid to walk around its new home, or, conversely, carefully examines the territory and marks it.

Tray selection

First, for a kitten, you need to choose the right tray. Desirable get a plastic one because it's easy to clean. The edges of the vessel should be low so that the kitten can easily jump on it and jump off after completing its business.

Not very convenient for kittens tray with mesh without filler. Firstly, it must be washed after each use so that there is no unpleasant odor. Secondly, a wet mesh can cause discomfort to the pet, and he will completely refuse to use the tray.

A potty with filler, at first glance, is the most convenient toilet. But even here problems can arise. It happens that a kitten is taken from breeders who put only torn paper there. If the kitten was taken from the street, then there he dealt only with sand or earth. In both cases, the cat may simply not perceive the filler as a toilet. If the pet categorically refuses to go to the filler, you need to try to change it.

Toilet training

If an adult cat was taken into the house, then it is enough just to show her the tray. There are even cats and cats accustomed to the toilet - in this case there are no problems. But when a small pet is taken into the house, the learning process is inevitable. It is easier and faster to teach how to keep a monthly kitten clean. It will not work in one day to accustom a kitten to a tray, so you should not rush things - you need to let the pet get acquainted with the tray, sniff it, understand that now this is his toilet. Scented litters, like plastic, sometimes repel kittens with their smell. Therefore, training should begin using an earthenware container or a flower pot stand. It should be remembered that if there are indoor plants in the house, the pet may begin to walk under them. Therefore, if there is a cat in the house, it is better to either remove indoor flowers completely or cover the soil with stones.

The place for the cat litter box should be quiet. Do not place the tray near household appliances that make noise during operation. The kitten should not be disturbed by their curiosity by children and other pets, if they are in the house. So that the pet can quickly get to the tray, it is advisable to place the latter near the place of his rest. If there are several cats in the apartment, it is desirable that each has its own tray. Some owners believe that it is better to purchase a closed toilet in the form of a house. It is beautiful, but there is one drawback - it is inconvenient to wash it.

Starting training, you need to carefully monitor the kitten. As soon as he was about to do his business, you should catch him and put him on a tray.

Especially carefully it is necessary to observe the baby after sleeping and feeding. Veterinarians advise in these cases to immediately take the kitten to the tray, because such measures contribute to the rapid development of cleanliness skills by the pet.

Determining the intentions of a pet is easy. The kitten stops its games and starts sniffing. At this moment, you need to carefully pick him up and put him on the potty. At the end of the process, the kitten should be praised and given some kind of treat. It is advisable to stroke and encourage the kitten when he starts to scrub in the potty. If trouble occurs, and the kitten has emptied in another place, you need to wipe the puddle with a napkin and put it in the tray. The smell of urine attracts the kitten, and next time he will go to the need for this smell. It is necessary to observe the pet and make sure that he does not choose any other place for the treatment. In order for the pet to have a desire to use the tray next time, the toilet must be thoroughly washed.

If the owner does not have time to monitor the kitten, then you need to close it in the room where there is a pot, the contents of which should be checked periodically. It will take about two weeks for the pet to learn how to use the tray on its own.

In those moments when the kitten is preparing to go to the toilet, is on the tray or just got off it, there should be nothing to annoy him. You can not scold him, make noise, perform any actions that can scare the pet or are unpleasant for him.

Mistakes owners make when raising a kitten

Mistakes that owners make when accustoming a kitten to cleanliness can turn into bad habits in an adult cat.

  1. 1. Potty training started late. It is advisable to start accustoming a kitten to a tray no later than at the age of one month. To teach a kitten to the toilet when he is already one and a half or two months old is much more difficult.
  2. 2. Lack of cleanliness in the tray. Sometimes the owners do not have time or forget to clean the toilet in a timely manner and change the filler. A cat is a clean animal, and a dirty tray can encourage her to choose another place.
  3. 3. The tray is in the wrong place. If the kitten is frightened by something on the tray or next to it, the pet may stop using it. For this reason, the pot should not be placed in noisy places.
  4. 4. Tray change. If the cat is used to one tray, then you should not change it. He may not want to go to a new pot.
  5. 5. Foreign odors. The cat sometimes reacts negatively to various flavors. Therefore, it is advisable to wash the tray with plain water without the use of detergents.
🐱 Recommendations for teaching a kitten to go to the tray. Types of trays and fillers. With which tray and filler is it better to accustom kittens to the toilet


The toilet is an urgent natural need of a living animal, and the owner’s task will not be to let everything take its course, but to seriously think about how to potty train a kitten.

The vast majority of cats easily adapt to the tray, although there are especially harmful stubborn ones. That is why you need to quickly accustom the kitten to the tray, before the baby decides to please the owner with marked things in the house.

In any case, you need to properly and seriously approach this fairly simple solvable issue. Of course, it happens that the kitten was taught to use the toilet by previous owners - in this case, the new owner simply acquires a tray and filler.

Deciding where to place the cat litter box

First of all, for some reason, the newly minted kitten owners tend to put the container in the toilet room. This is a common mistake. First, the kitten should be denied access to other rooms, it will be enough for him to study the place where the bowl, house, scratching post and the owner himself stand. It is in this room that a temporary cat litter box is placed. It's just that a baby can not tolerate a distant adult toilet.

In the future, the cat will study neighboring rooms, move around the apartment more quickly, then the tray is gradually brought closer to the toilet. It will be convenient to pee there, and the place is perhaps the quietest in the house.

Important! At first, place the tray strictly in front of the baby, and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bits access.

The neighborhood of the cat's toilet and the feeding place is unacceptable. Cats are clean and will not shit next to their own food and drink.

If the kitten needs to be accustomed to the tray quickly, then the toilet should be secluded, without drafts and prying eyes. Of course, the door to the cat litter box should always be ajar.

Choosing a tray

Not every potty will appeal to a pet. The task of the owner is to choose the best convenient option.

The best latrines for cats are made of non-electrifying plastic - such things are easy to wash, process, clean and fit even a well-fed cat.

We accustom a kitten to a tray with a filler

Once in the house, the kitten looks around in fear and begins to explore new horizons of space. It would be strange if a toilet was immediately shoved under his nose. Let him walk, hide, if he is so comfortable. Once the animal feels safe, it will relax. Hunger will drive any coward out of hiding. And here you need to prepare and wait for the moment. Immediately after the end of the feast, the baby is sent to the toilet, sit a little further away and wait for the result.

First, a curious cat will study the filler, delve into it reflexively. Having done the deed, he will immediately try to bury the crime scene.

For the result, the tried kitten is sure to be praised, because you correctly accustom him to the tray. They don’t rush to clean up a puddle or a pile - the olfactory connection will let the baby know where to do all his business.

This procedure will be repeated several more times until the reflex is fixed. Thus, toilet training will be easy, and it doesn’t matter what breed the cat will be, Scot or British baby, or even capricious sphinx: the crumbs quickly understand what is required of them if the owner does everything right.

Although the cat is small, you need to carefully look at whether he liked the proposed filler.

Which cat litter to choose

Perhaps the main requirement for the filler will be evaluation by the cat: if she likes such a product for the toilet, then there will be no problems with it.

The change of the filler takes place gradually: a new one is added to the old one.

Pet stores offer an ample selection of cat litter: wood, mineral, corn, silica gel, paper, and color indicator. All goods are functional, therefore they still come from the most interested party - the cat should like the filler, and arrange the owner in terms of maintaining cleanliness around the tray and the absence of smell in the apartment.

For litter box training dust-free fillers are used in the apartment, which can cause negativity from the pet when inhaled. Clumping mineral filler is not suitable for kittens - kids will taste such a substance, which will cause severe constipation.

Wrap-around fillers don't always get good reviews either. For the first filler, compressed wood sawdust will be good.

We accustom a kitten to a tray without filler

Watch the movements of the baby: this way there will be more chances to catch the baby who has played, ready to miss the time of the toilet.

Do not rudely plant the baby in the pot, just push him to him from time to time, let him sniff the territory.

Always take the cat to the toilet after eating and sleeping. Raking movements will be done at the level of instincts, even if there is a net in the tray.

The one who did the job in the right place is sure to be praised and stroked.

You can wet the urine with a napkin and leave it under the net - the smell of your own urine will attract the cat, so she will try to come back to the tray again. After the baby visits the potty a second time, the tray can be rinsed under running water and put back in place.

At what age should a kitten be potty trained?

Experiences acquired by a living being in childhood can be remembered for a lifetime, creating a long-term plan of action. This sensitive period, in which the foundations of future activities will be laid, should not be missed. In order to teach a kitten to go to the tray you need to have time to start the process exactly at the right time, from two to seven weeks. So, when it is necessary to accustom kittens to the tray, we have decided.

This is the age of the formation of the most important skills and the formation of the nature of the cat.

Kittens very quickly understand the function of a latrine, and what to do with it. The most important thing is that the first acquaintance with the potty takes place in a relaxed atmosphere, without stress. Our task is to develop a conditioned reflex by spending time on this.

The toilet is placed in a limited space, often this place is next to the owner's toilet. Observations will show whether the pet is experiencing a feeling of discomfort. If everything is in order, then the deed will soon be done, and the owner will have to fix the conditioned reflex with a positive moment - to stroke, to talk affectionately.

If you punish the animal, then he will begin to hide his "business" so that you no longer scold him. Therefore, you need to be patient.

We accustom a monthly kitten to a tray

Train a one-month-old kitten to go to the tray Can. If the cat came to you from other owners, you need to clarify what was used as a toilet and filler. If there were no problems in that house, then you just need to purchase a similar container and filler.

If the previous owners did not accustom the cat to the tray in any way, or the cat is street, then they try to pick up a wood or mineral filler that resembles sand.

It is likely that the kitten will appreciate the mesh toilet.

An important nuance! Until the kitten learns to do things in the allotted place, access to other rooms should be closed to him.

Left shoes can provoke a kitten, so you will have to monitor the behavior of the animal more closely. Nevertheless, you will have to accustom a small kitten to the tray, otherwise you can forget about a quiet life.

If the baby has done business elsewhere, leave the toilet there. After a while, the container can be slowly moved in the direction you need.

All places where cat urine has got must be treated!