How to make an origami frog out of paper. How to make a paper frog that jumps: early childhood crafts

Making paper figures promotes the development of creative skills in children. They love to create something out of paper and, of course, they love to make different animals from it. From this article you will learn that a craft made with your own hands will definitely improve your mood and bring joy to your children. It is known that there are several variations of paper frogs.

Let's take a look at a few popular methods.

Do-it-yourself jumping paper frog: step by step instructions

1. Take a square piece of paper and fold it in half.

2. The resulting rectangle must be folded in half again, and then unfolded back.

3. On a sheet of paper, you need to mark the line and diagonals. Next, you need to collapse the upper corners, left and right, bending them to opposite lines.

4. From the upper square, fold the geometric figure - the “double triangle”.

5. The bottom square must be folded in half until its wrapped edge touches the bottom of the triangle.

6. At the rectangle that came out at the bottom, bend the side edges towards the center, not reaching a little to its middle.

7. Bend the bottom of the origami in half again.

8. At the bottom rectangle, you need to fold the top corners to the center.

9. Pull the ends down and fold them out.

10. On the front of the triangle, lift the ends up.

11. Bend the craft in half in the center and turn over.

You should get a jumping paper frog. Handmade crafts will bring joy to you and your children. In order for her to jump, you just need to press the back of the wah and let go. It is this property of her "jumping" that will be interesting to apply for different games. For example, whose wah will jump the farthest - that player won. The secret of its “jumping” lies in the fact that the smaller the frog, the farther it will jump.

Rectangle frog

To make this wah, take a rectangular piece of paper. Fold your paper in half vertically. Next, along both diagonals, make kinks at the top. Then fold along the fold lines and fold inward. You should get a triangle. To create the front legs of your frog, you need to bend the corners obliquely.

Now the bottom blank must be bent in half horizontally. Then bend to the middle from two sides. And again, fold the bottom of the workpiece in half. Then you need to pull the corners down. To create the hind legs, wrap the corners obliquely. Now bend the frog in half and bend the legs back. It remains only to turn your work.

Talking or singing wah

Take a sheet of paper and fold it twice along two diagonals. After adding along the last diagonal, you need to connect the left and right corners with the center line. At the bottom, the remaining rectangle must be lifted up and bent. On the sides, bend the corners in the opposite direction. Turn the workpiece over and wrap the bottom rectangle up. Then fold in the side corners.

Now unfold and fold into a square. Next, fold the bottom corner up. Turn over and repeat the previous step. Turn over in the center and open the sides. You will again get a square. Fold the piece in half along the center line. It remains to insert your fingers into two holes - and your frog is ready.

Easy to create and decorate origami

Interestingly, the manufacturing process itself takes very little time. The paper frog you created, made with your own hands, will surprise you with its simplicity of execution.

All you need is a simple sheet of paper: notebook, landscape or color. You can also use special sheets for crafts.

For decoration, you will need watercolors, colored pencils or felt-tip pens. You can paint your frog according to your taste and desire. For example, draw your wahs eyes or webbed paws, and you can also make pimples on the back of the "jumping".

Now you know how to make a do-it-yourself paper frog. Step by step instructions will help you make this simple and entertaining craft. Interestingly, the frog is useful for playing with children, and you can easily arrange "frog races" with the whole family, having fun in your free time.

How to make a frog out of paper - step by step instructions.

How to make a frog out of paper - step by step instructions.

Thinking of new fun for kids? Then it will be useful for you to learn how to make a frog out of paper - a funny jumper or a frog that opens its mouth in a funny way. You can put together a whole family of toy amphibians using the simple diagrams below. Then arrange a joke competition, whose origami frog will jump to the goal faster. A real princess frog will turn out from a large leaf, and her wonderful frogs will come out of smaller leaves. You only need paper, and any felt-tip pen will provide the eyes of your beast. Language - original additional application. Shall we start? Don't worry, our step by step guide will guide you through every step of the process.

Option 1: the simplest manufacturing scheme

Let's start with a very simple circuit. A frog folded according to this scheme is perfect for warming up and for understanding the general principles of the origami technique.
Figure 1: A simple diagram of a frog

Option 2: jumping craft

Figure 2 will show how to make a frog out of paper in a couple of minutes. As you can see, in order for the frog to jump, the folds of the sheet are made according to the principle of a spring, which is shaped into a funny amphibian. Nothing complicated, even for kids. Making the frog jump is not difficult: you need to press your finger on the back of the toy and abruptly release it, “sliding” back. However, first things first and in order:
Figure 2: jumping frog

  • First, let's learn how to make a frog from a rectangular sheet that is slightly narrower in shape. Divide such a sheet into 2 equal squares with a middle inflection;
  • Fold each of the squares so that a diagonal marking is formed in them (see Fig. 2), fold the future frog by bending the planes inward, as the diagram shows;
  • Bend the free corners with the “ears” outward - this is the beginning of the formation of a spring mechanism to which the jumping frog will owe its skills;
  • Turn the blank upside down with the front part and form the head part of the toy, bending the upper corners of the part towards you (squeezing the bends tightly);
  • Grabbing the lower "legs" together with the main part of the part, make 2 bends of the workpiece, forming a push spring of the back of the amphibian;
  • The jumping frog is folded, it remains to draw her eyes and glue the tongue. So it will become even more interesting - much more realistic and funnier.

Similarly, you can fold such a craft from a square sheet of the correct shape. Everything is even simpler here than with a rectangular paper blank (see Fig. 2). Use different sizes of paper when thinking about how to make the jumping frog bigger or smaller. But everyone should make a toy that will participate in competitions for the distance or height of jumps from a sheet of paper of the same size (large frogs jump higher and further).

Option 3: funny frog that opens its mouth

Folded wah that jumps? A croaking frog will turn out to be no less funny, and it will take no more time than its predecessor. It also needs to be made from a square sheet folded into a regular rectangle. Consider step by step how to make a croaking frog. We recommend taking a larger sheet for the “rehearsal”, so you can more easily master the folding algorithm. So:

  • Line a square sheet folded into a rectangle (with an edge up, as in Fig. 3), line it with folds according to the scheme, pay attention to the resulting “pockets” at the upper corners of the workpiece;
  • Next, fold the bundle in stages, based on the diagram, systematically bending the corners mainly from the “head” part of the toy;
  • Having received the shape of the workpiece "house", bend the front planes of the toy. You have already managed to make a toad, and only your acting skills are responsible for sound production;
  • By stretching the face of a frog with an opening mouth in different directions like an accordion, you can imitate a talking or even amusingly singing amphibian.

Among all paper characters, such a frog occupies a special place. This is not a decorative, but exclusively playful friend of every child, motivating directorial inventions. Each time the kid will give the paper frog a new role: a marsh tree frog, a funny singer, a talkative “clever girl”, etc. And, of course, making such a toy with your own hands is an excellent practical skill, one of the new stages in comprehending the art of origami. Option 4: finished paper frog
Figure 4: assembling for glue Do not understand how to make an origami frog according to the described options or do not want to deal with it? The finished paper pattern (diagram 4) is your easy option for making a funny toy without any difficulty. A funny frog paper craft is a ready-made template that can be printed in any desired size. It remains to cut out the details and assemble them for glue in 1-2 minutes. How to make other animals out of paper, see our Origami section. Here are collected the most interesting paper crafts (original envelopes, graceful corrugated paper roses, spring tulips and other flowers, paper art figurines, classic crafts like a Japanese crane or a paper swan) so that your paper frog will not be bored. Fold other paper crafts to make your collection even more interesting and diverse.


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If it’s raining outside and you and your baby are bored at home, a paper frog is something that will quickly cheer you up! Learn how to make a paper frog, remember your childhood and have fun competitions in this article!

Origami paper frog is interesting and fun. Such a craft carries not only the benefit of the development of the child, but also the joy of playing together.

You can not only fold your frogs, but also color them in an unusual way with felt-tip pens, pencils or crayons. And at the end, compare - who has the frog jumping higher, who has it further. Great family art!

Do you want to know what else you can do with your children - interesting and useful?

Then take a look at our section

Well, now let's still learn more about how to make a frog out of paper.

Method number 1 - how to make a jumping frog out of paper

The Jumping Paper Frog is a true origami classic for beginners! Surely, in your childhood you played with your friends in these homemade toys. And now it's time to teach this to your child.

So, we need:

  • sheet A4;
  • scissors;
  • felt-tip pens, pencils or crayons.

You can learn how to make a jumping paper frog according to the diagram below.

If desired, you can cut and glue the tongue to the finished figure and color your craft for greater beauty!

And here is the second version of the frog folding scheme. Such a wah not only jumps, but also has charming eyes!

Method number 2 - how to make a paper frog croaking

This frog is not as popular as its predecessor. However, she is also very, very funny. With her, you can easily calm down, feed your baby and even “croak” him a bedtime story.

Method number 3 - realistic paper frog

This paper frog does not jump or croak, but it is impressive!

Method number 4 - origami frog super jumper

This is a very unusual and uncommon origami frog model that does not just jump, but does it very far and dexterously.

Check it out for yourself - make a super jumping frog in the video tutorial below.

Today you learned several ways at once how to make an origami frog out of paper.

There are many more amazing, unusual things in the world that we did not know or did not think about before. And yet, they can give you, if not happiness, then a smile and the joy of communicating with children - that's for sure!

Therefore, always stay open to everything new and, of course, read GretaHome!

For more origami craft ideas with detailed master classes, see our article.

All children love funny and mischievous animals, so the origami jumping frog is one of the most popular. Many people have indoor plants in their apartments, so this decoration for pots will be original and interesting. Because origami is not only a good way to spend your free time usefully, but also a great way to develop fine motor skills, which has a positive effect on the development of the child.


Many are interested in how to make origami frogs with their own hands. It is not difficult to make such a craft, you need to choose the model of interest, select materials and find a suitable scheme.

Anyone, from a professional to a beginner, can find a circuit that is right for him. To make such a frog, you will need:

  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • pencil.

Model selection

There are several types of origami crafts, and patterns for folding frogs are varied. Therefore, you can choose:

  • simple, classic version;
  • jumping frog;
  • Princess Frog.

Any of them will decorate the interior of the room or be a good toy for a child. You can see photos of origami frogs and choose the option you need.

simple frog

This model is suitable for beginners because it does not require special skills or effort. Below is a step-by-step instruction for beginners, which will simplify the process of creating crafts.

We take a sheet of colored paper and draw an even square with a ruler and a pencil. We cut it out, and the blank for the future frog is ready. Folds the resulting sheet diagonally, and then straightens it again.

The sides need to be bent to the center, that is, to one of the diagonals. After these steps, you should get a rhombus. Opposite corners also need to be folded to the center. Turn the corners inside out and turn them obliquely.

Turn the tail three times, and bend the whole model in half. Tuck it up with an obtuse corner of the triangle, and bend the right corner inward.

The frog is almost ready. Bend the corners of the muzzle so that it takes a standard shape, and then bend the paws.

There are also other models for creating such an origami figurine.

jumping frog

The next master class on how to make an origami frog will help you fulfill a real legend from our parents' childhood. Many mothers and fathers will remember such frogs that they made during breaks at school.

Take a square sheet of colored paper and place it wrong side up towards you. Bend the sheet in half horizontally, and then return it to its original position and fold it vertically.

Bend the sheet vertically again with the right side on top of the left. In the resulting model, fold the upper part in half, and then diagonally and straighten it again. Using the marked folds, form a triangle at the top. Bend and straighten the lower part of the model.

Bend the sides so that you get a "fungus". Bend the lower part in half, straighten it, then pulling on the inner layer, pull the corners down along the dotted line.

Bend the side corners diagonally obliquely. Fold the model in half, and then down again so that one part is larger than the other. Flip it over and the frog is ready for buckles.

Princess Frog

This type of paper frog is more complex and laborious, but the result will be beautiful and original. The model will be made in modular technique, that is, it will be assembled from several parts.

For this craft, you will need 350 green and 95 white pieces. About 30 details are obtained from one sheet of colored paper. The whole point comes down to creating one module and assembling a three-dimensional figure from them with glue.

To create one part, you need:

Take a rectangular piece of paper and fold it in half. Unbend it back and fold both halves to the middle to make a house.

Flip over and fold the corners to the center line. Raise the edges to the top to make a triangle, and bend it in half. So we have one module.

Origami is real magic, because an interesting and unusual figure is created from plain paper in just a few minutes.

You also do not need to spend a lot of money to show your child and teach how to do a real miracle. This is a safe and interesting hobby even for the smallest children, so you can make such frog models and have a good free time with your child.

Photo of frogs in origami technique

The art of folded paper, called origami, is a very ancient form of creativity that came to us from the East.

Making paper figures using the origami technique is very useful for preschool children to develop fine motor skills of their hands, and is also a great way to concentrate. And so that the child is not bored, try to choose interesting and unusual figures for classes. Like a frog, for example.

Beginning of work

Before work, it is necessary to prepare the necessary materials. We need a square of green paper.

If this is your first lesson with a child, then try to use a large square as a blank.

Origami frog: progress of work

So, we begin the work with the fold of our workpiece exactly in the middle:

After the horizontal fold, we make a vertical fold:

Leaving the workpiece folded vertically, we bend the upper edge of the half to the middle

Now we need to mark the diagonal lines at the top of our blank. To do this, fold the workpiece diagonally in one direction, then in the other. As a result, we should have the following creases:

After that, we need to fold the top along all the fold lines:

Now at the top of the workpiece we have a triangle. We are done with the top of the figure, so we can move on to the bottom. Start by folding the bottom edge in half:

Now we need to bend the right and left edges of the lower blank to the middle of the sheet, leaving a thin gap between them. Try to do this work as carefully as possible so that there are no extra creases. If you are working with a child, then help him with this:

After that, we bend the lower half again in half, but already horizontally. We should end up with a shape like this:

Our next actions will be bending the corners of the lower part to the bottom:

The folded corners must be gently pulled in different directions. Do this carefully so as not to accidentally tear the workpiece:

The edges of the lower corners should now be bent to the bottom along the lines laid in advance:

Now we return to the top of our workpiece again. The side corners of this part must be carefully bent obliquely, following the scheme:

The lower corners of the workpiece are also carefully folded obliquely:

We again fold the resulting figure in half.

There are the last steps left before our frog can jump. We need to fold our part again, but not in the middle, but stepping back a little from the top edge. Follow this diagram:

In the end, we should get something like this:

Flip it over:

Hooray! Our frog is ready!

In order for the frog to jump, you need to gently press the back of the frog's body against the table with your finger. After you remove your finger, the frog you created will make its first jump.

To facilitate understanding of the question of how to make an origami frog, a video in Russian will be very useful to you:

I really hope that my “origami frog” MK, the scheme of which is set out in as much detail as possible, will please you and your child. Finally, watch the video.