How to make professional body lotion. We prepare body lotions ourselves at home

  • Fruit juices contain beneficial enzymes that help get rid of dead skin cells and promote the appearance of new ones. Depending on the juice you use, they can also add a delicious flavor to your lotion, but remember to keep these lotions in the refrigerator. Try a teaspoon of papaya juice to relieve dry skin, or mild cucumber juice to soothe itchy skin. For a rich aroma, add a few drops of vanilla extract, fragrance oil, or essential oil when the mixture has cooled completely. Experiment with blends to create the perfect rich body lotion.
  • Extras: While the three main ingredients of the cream complement each other perfectly, special additional ingredients will help you create a mixture that is more suitable for you. To make your lotion special, consider adding one or a combination of these ingredients. Vitamin E from the capsule prolongs the shelf life of the mixture and enhances its moisturizing effect. There are also several herbal products that are considered very beneficial for cosmetic purposes. For example, rose is a powerful skin softener that reduces inflammation. Witch hazel, in amounts of about one teaspoon per cup of lotion, adds a mild tartness and creates a feeling of coolness, which will not be out of place during the sweltering summer months. Calendula officinalis (calendula), yarrow and lavender give the skin a healthy look and a divine smell. You can buy flower water from your local health food store (or perhaps a liquor store for rose and orange water) or add two drops of essential oil to a glass of lotion.
  • Oils: Now that you've seen how easy the preparation process is, it's time to talk about the ingredients. The most important part is the oil blend that will transfer its benefits to your skin once applied. Depending on your skin type, some oils may be better than others, but plant-based oils are always considered the best choice for beauty purposes. For extremely sensitive skin, grape seed oil is an ideal choice. It is quickly absorbed, leaves no greasy residue, and never causes allergic reactions. If you can't find this oil in the cooking section, look in cosmetics departments or health food stores. For most people, almond oil is a favorite oil because it has a light, nutty aroma and is great for soothing dry skin. Coconut oil is also great for the skin, but you should combine it with another oil or skip it altogether if your skin is particularly oily, as this oil is too oily. Likewise, cocoa butter and avocado oil are considered too rich. It is best to use light vegetable oils such as sesame or almond. If you are going to be applying your lotion to a very dry area of ​​skin like your feet or elbows, try mixing one part lanolin with two parts light oil for the best nourishing lotion.
  • Emulsifiers: Emulsifiers help slow down the effects of other ingredients and create a long-lasting lotion or cream. Any fat or wax that is solid at room temperature can be used as an emulsifier, but avoid ingredients that spoil quickly. When choosing a base, consider consistency, melting point, odor, allergic reactions and cost. Some emulsifiers are absorbed into the skin and act as moisturizers, such as cocoa butter. Other emulsifiers do not absorb into the skin very well, but thickening moisturizers (Vaseline, beeswax) create a more reliable effect.
    • The main emulsifiers for moisturizing lotions are:
      • Beeswax
      • Petrolatum
      • Emulsifiers and humectants
      • Cocoa butter
      • "Crisco"
    • Emulsifiers and additional effects (good for mild eczema)
      • Oatmeal (mix thoroughly in a blender) and warm water to form a paste.
      • You will end up with a trace of oatmeal on your skin. After rubbing the lotion into the skin, you can wipe it with a dry cloth. Since oatmeal will mold quickly at room temperature, portion the mixture into small containers and then place in the freezer for long-term storage. Ice cube trays, old contact lens containers, baby food jars, very small tins, eye cream and lip gloss jars are convenient containers for storing small portions of lotion. To prevent the product from spoiling, you may want to clean your jars before filling with lotion and freezing. Wide mouth jars can be cleaned in the dishwasher (warm dry cycle).
  • The cheapness and ease of making lotion at home means new recipes are available whenever you want. By using lighter oils and various additives, you can even create a special facial treatment that will help you look dazzling. The only problem you'll likely face once you start this hobby is stopping. Not only will you be trying to make more lotions, but you will also start fulfilling orders from all your jealous girlfriends.

The House of Soviets will tell you recipes natural homemade cosmetics body lotions and creams, and massage oil recipes.

Body lotions and creams

Thanks to creams and lotions, the barrier functions of the skin are improved, the skin is saturated with moisture, preventing dehydration. It is necessary to apply moisturizer to still damp skin after doom, so you will achieve maximum effect and the moisture will remain inside.

Moisturizing body oil

You will need :

10 drops sandalwood oil
10 drops frankincense oil
100ml grape seed oil

¼ cup (60ml) jojoba oil
1 tbsp. honey

1. Pour honey and grapeseed oil into a small saucepan. Heat a little over low heat until the honey melts and becomes liquid. Remove from heat.
2. While stirring, pour in vitamin E and jojoba oil. Then we will add essential oils, but we will add a couple of drops of each oil, while mixing thoroughly. Store in a dark glass bottle. Apply to clean skin with light massaging movements.

This fragrant body oil will give your body long-lasting hydration. Vitamin E fights free radicals and renews the skin, and honey will speed up the healing of small cracks and skin damage. The aroma of orange and sandalwood has a calming and peaceful effect.

Nourishing body oil

You will need:
10 drops rose oil
10 drops chamomile oil
10 drops calendula oil
3 tbsp. vegetable glycerin
2 tbsp. coconut oil

½ cup (125ml) avocado oil
¼ cup (60g) shea butter (grated)

1. Put the steamer on fire, when the water starts to boil, turn the heat to low and combine the wax, avocado oil, shea butter and coconut oil in the top saucepan. Once the shea butter and wax have melted, turn off the heat and let the mixture cool slightly.
2. Start whisking the mixture and add vegetable glycerin a couple of drops at a time, and then essential oils. They poured in a couple of drops and stirred, etc.
3. Pour the nourishing body oil into an airtight jar with a tight-fitting lid. Store in a cool, dark place.

This is simply an indispensable oil in the spring, when your skin is exhausted from the winter cold, you will truly enjoy this oil. Chamomile, rose and calendula will soothe your skin, and shea and avocado butters, which penetrate deep into the skin and nourish it from the inside, are designed to make the skin soft and silky.

Mint body lotion

You will need :
10 drops peppermint oil
10 drops rosemary oil
10 drops lavender oil
1 tbsp. grated beeswax
¼ cup (60ml) grape seed oil
¼ cup (60ml) vegetable glycerin
¼ cup (60ml) almond butter
¼ cup (60ml) rose water
½ tsp. Boers

1. In a double boiler over low heat, mix wax, grape and almond oils. When the wax melts, remove from heat.
2. In a small saucepan, combine glycerin, rose water and borax. Heat slightly until the borax dissolves. Once the mixtures in both pans have cooled slightly, pour the rosewater mixture into the butter mixture. Beat everything until smooth.
3. Gradually add essential oils a couple of drops at a time, stirring thoroughly (you can use a blender at minimum speed).
4. Pour the mixture into a bottle with a tight-fitting lid. Shake bottle well before applying to skin.

Peppermint oil combined with rosemary will give you a truly refreshing effect. This lightweight lotion is great for hydration, nourishment and healing - something your skin will thank you for.

Citrus body cream

10 drops lemon oil
10 drops neroli oil
10 drops jasmine oil
2 tbsp. cocoa butter
1 tbsp. l. vegetable glycerin
1 tsp carrot seed oils
¼ cup (60ml) soybean oil
¼ cup (60ml) apricot kernel oil

1. Combine apricot kernel oil, cocoa butter and soybean oil in a double boiler over low heat. Heat until the cocoa butter has melted, then remove from the heat.
2. Add carrot oil and glycerin to the mixture, stir. Then add essential oils a few drops at a time, stirring constantly.
3. It will be more convenient if you pour the cream into a jar with a wide neck (airtight).

This is an excellent cream for skin areas such as heels, elbows and knees. This is a very effective cream.

Massage oils

In addition to being pleasant, massage is also good for your health. Thanks to massage, the elimination of toxins is accelerated, blood and lymph flow is stimulated, and tense muscles are relaxed. Massage also lowers the level of stress hormones, calms the nervous system, helps relieve depression, relieves pain and improves immunity. And for a good massage, not only a professional massage therapist will do, but also the gentle loving hands of your other half. If you are just looking for your soulmate, use the tips of Feng Shui and love. We attract love into our lives and I think soon you will be able to give each other a useful and simple massage at home.

Tonic oil

You will need:

10 drops peppermint oil
10 drops eucalyptus oil
5 drops basil oil
5 drops lemon oil
½ cup (125 ml) almond butter

1. Take a dark glass bottle and combine all the ingredients in it. Close the lid tightly.
2. Shake the bottle well before use. Store in a cool, dark place, away from direct sunlight.

This is an excellent healing, skin-invigorating oil mixture. Gives a tonic effect on the body, especially when there is no strength left. Peppermint and eucalyptus clear the head and warm, so this mixture is good to use to clear congestion in the upper respiratory tract.

Massage oil "Flower"

Ingredients :
10 drops rose oil
10 drops ylang-ylang oil
10 drops lavender oil
5 drops jasmine oil
5 drops geranium oil
4 vanilla pods
2 tbsp. grape seed oil
½ cup (125 ml) jojoba oil

1. Remove the seeds from the vanilla pods by cutting them in half lengthwise. Place the cut vanilla pods and seeds into a glass jar. Pour in grape seed oil and jojoba oil. Close the lid tightly.
2. Store the mixture in a dark place for one month. Then strain the oil thoroughly through cheesecloth.
3. Pour the oil into a dark glass bottle. Add the remaining essential oils and close the lid. Shake the bottle well before use.

An excellent oil for a relaxing massage. The oil has a sensual aroma and silky consistency. Jojoba oil is absorbed into the skin faster and easier than any other oil, since its chemical composition is close to human sebum.

Massage cream

You will need:
10 drops sweet orange oil
10 drops geranium oil
10 drops chamomile oil
5 drops clary sage oil
5 drops rose oil
2 capsules (500 IU each) vitamin E
1 tbsp. shea butter
1 tbsp. soybean oil
½ cup (125ml) macadamia nut oil

1. In a small saucepan, combine soybean oil, macadamia nut oil and shea butter. Place the saucepan over low heat and stir until all the butter has melted and turned into a homogeneous mass.
2. Remove from heat. While stirring, add essential oils and vitamin E from capsules. Then pour into a dark glass jar with a wide neck and close tightly with a lid.
3. At low temperatures, the mixture may harden. Before use, place the jar in a bowl of hot water and after 5 - 7 minutes the mixture will become liquid and can be used for massage.

This nourishing cream-oil has a rich aroma and is an excellent restorative for mature, dry, inflamed, sensitive or chapped skin. The oil helps with cramps and menstrual pain.

Warming oil

Ingredients :
10 drops rosemary oil
10 drops wintergreen oil
5 drops lavender oil
5 drops sandalwood oil
2 tbsp. avocado oil
½ cup (125 ml) olive oil
A pinch of dry mustard

1. Combine all ingredients in a dark glass bottle. Keep with lid tightly closed.
2. Store away from direct sunlight in a cool place. Shake before use.

The highlight of this recipe is the mustard. Mustard has a pronounced warming and life-giving effect, which helps relax muscles. Another active ingredient is ginger, it stimulates blood flow to the surface of the skin, increases blood circulation, so this is an ideal recipe for people suffering from arthritis.

I am glad to share with you natural recipes for homemade cosmetics for health and beauty!

Along with popular cosmetics, such as shampoo, shower gel, conditioner, there are a number of products that even many women know superficially. And, among the latter, we can safely include body spray.


What is a body spray?

Body spray helps refresh, moisturize and tighten the skin, giving it a light, fresh aroma. Compared to body cream, the spray is applied much faster - by simply sawing, is absorbed in just a few seconds and does not leave a greasy sticky residue.
As a rule, the spray is used immediately after using a shower or bath. The classic product is not intended to mask the smell of sweat, so when using it you must follow the rules of personal hygiene.

What is it for?
Body spray becomes most relevant in the summer, when the skin is especially in dire need of hydration and care. The main functions of high-quality sprays are moisturizing and refreshing. In summer, this product protects the skin from dehydration, dryness, gives it freshness, tones and cools. Also, some sprays are used for burns, after peeling or depilation. You should also not forget about the aroma of the spray; it should be light, unobtrusive, and not cause a feeling of discomfort and, as a result, headaches.

As for the composition of the spray, it is good if it contains only natural, harmless, hypoallergenic components that do not cause irritation and various types of rashes. Nowadays, cosmetic stores can offer you a wide variety of body sprays from different companies and different compositions. However, it should be noted that this pleasure is not cheap, so we suggest you prepare the product yourself, from inexpensive products available to every housewife.

The simplest and most affordable means for preparing a home spray is ordinary mineral water without gas, which is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed over the body if necessary. Also used as a spray are thermal water, rose water, citrus water, and grape water.
If you decide to start preparing sprays at home, then use only natural ingredients that will truly have a beneficial effect on your skin. For example, to prepare a refreshing spray you need: dilute 20 drops of mint oil with a small amount of vodka, and then pour the resulting mint tincture into 1 tbsp. thermal or mineral water.
To prepare flower water (hydrolate) to moisturize the skin, dilute 5-6 drops of your favorite aroma oil in a small amount of alcohol or vodka. Then dilute the resulting tincture in 100 grams of mineral water.

IMPORTANT! Since homemade sprays contain natural ingredients, their shelf life is no more than two to three days.

Moisturizing body spray recipe

The body spray makes the skin soft, fragrant, velvety; in addition, it moisturizes, nourishes, and saturates it with useful substances. You can prepare this product yourself at home, and for this you will need:
Grate the lemon or orange zest on a fine grater and take 1 tbsp. the resulting mush. Then pour 3 tbsp of citrus crumbs. lemon vodka. Place the mixture in a glass container, close it well and place in a dry, dark place for one week. Next, strain the tincture and add 20 drops of orange, lemon or grapefruit oil. Dilute the spray with 1-2 glasses of thermal water.

This product, in addition to being a good moisturizer, also fights wrinkles and makes the skin look younger and fresher. The finished spray can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a month. Shake before use.

You can get rid of the problem of unpleasant sweat odor quickly and easily with the help of a natural, homemade body deodorant spray. This cosmetic product will refresh your skin, give it a light, pleasant aroma, and most importantly, will not cause irritation or allergies.
To prepare the spray yourself, you need:
1. Make a decoction of goat willow bark. To do this, pour 10 g of bark into 100 mg of boiling water, let it brew until it cools completely.
2. Strain the broth and add a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice, as well as 4-5 drops of essential oil of lemon, orange, rose hip, rosemary or grapefruit (to your taste).
The finished spray should be used within two to three days, as it quickly loses its healing properties. And if suddenly you haven’t been able to make the spray yourself, buy shevelux spray, it’s not bad either.

For some reason, people often think that lotion and cream are the same thing. But this is far from true. The lotions are not so greasy and very light.

Body lotions are used to moisturize the skin, smooth it out, and stop hair growth. They nourish well and protect our skin from external influences.

Nowadays, the shelves of cosmetic stores shine with indescribably beautiful tubes and bottles with various body lotions. But very often, instead of the desired effect, we either get nothing or develop an allergy.

Folk recipes for making body lotions at home.

Oily body lotion.

Mix 50 ml. sesame oil with 15 ml. olive and 15 ml. almond oil. Apply the finished lotion to the body.

Body lotion based on apple cider vinegar.

Mix 50 ml of apple cider vinegar with plain water, apply the lotion to the body and leave for half an hour. This lotion gives the skin elasticity.

Body lotion made from rose petals.

50 gr. pour 500 ml of natural rose petals. hot water and boil for 5 minutes. When the pink infusion has cooled, add 1 teaspoon of soda to it. The lotion can be simply applied to the body, or you can pour it into a spray bottle and spray the entire body, for example, after a shower.

Body lotion based on rose petals and lime.

100 ml. Place lemon (grapefruit, orange) juice in a water bath and add 100 ml. honey and 100 ml. almond (olive, vegetable) oil. Apply the finished lotion to a clean body. It perfectly moisturizes the skin.

Body lotion based on lily flowers.

500 ml. Boil olive (vegetable) oil in a water bath, cool and pour into a glass bottle. Add 150 grams of petals and 150 grams of white lily leaves. Place the resulting infusion on the window for 1 month. Just don’t forget to shake it periodically. If you use it every day after a shower, your skin will be very soft and silky, like a baby's.

It is necessary to take care of your skin from a young age. Not only the face, but also the body needs additional hydration and nutrition. By maintaining an optimal level of water balance, you can slow down the process of cell autolysis, enhance collagen synthesis and prolong youth. Regular use of body lotion helps achieve this goal in a short period of time.

What is body lotion

You can use different cosmetics to take care of your appearance. Body lotion is a cosmetic product designed to moisturize, degrease and nourish the skin. It contains vitamins, plant extracts, medicinal oils, organic acids. Unlike creams and gels, concentrated solutions have a lighter texture and are therefore suitable for sensitive skin with small pores.

Why is it needed?

The main purpose of using cosmetics is to keep the skin in good condition. But many do not understand why body lotion is needed when there are creams and milks. It is used to quickly moisturize the skin. The effect of lotions cannot be compared with the results of undergoing a biorevitalization procedure. They have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, but are not able to penetrate the dermis. It is better for a person suffering from constant peeling to take a course of vitamin injections and maintain the effect with the help of lotions.


There are many types of lotions available in brick-and-mortar stores and online stores. They can be ordered from electronic catalogs with delivery by mail or courier. Preparations containing jojoba, almond, and aloe vera oils are in high demand. They are often used after hair removal to relieve irritation. The following types of lotions can be purchased in stores:

  • Nutritious. This type of product is suitable for combination to oily skin. They contain components that normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and relieve inflammation of the skin. Some types of nourishing products are alcohol-based, so they should be used with caution by those with normal to dry skin.
  • Moisturizing. They can be used by all people. They contain components that normalize the water balance of the epithelium. Products of this type are made on the basis of oils and water.
  • Universal. They are also suitable for everyone, but cosmetologists recommend using them for people with combination skin.
  • Perfumed. Products of this type are good at moisturizing the skin and contain different flavors. After them, you don’t need to use additional perfume or eau de toilette.

In addition to basic types of lotions, you can also find specialized ones in stores. Pregnancy products do not contain chemical components. They contain oils that prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the body. Special lotions for children do not contain aggressive components so as not to damage the natural protective barrier of the epithelium. You can purchase products for a specific zone. For example, legs and buttocks constantly rub against clothing, so moisturizing components are added to cosmetics for them.


Body lotions are made based on water, alcohol, and oil. These components may be present in the product all at once or one of them. Glycerin is often added to formulations for dry skin. This chemical creates a protective film and slows down the evaporation of beneficial microelements from the skin of the body. The following ingredients can be found in moisturizing cosmetics:

Ingredient name



Cacao butter


Prevents the formation of stretch marks, eliminates the feeling of skin tightness, and gives the skin a chocolate tint.


Penetrates deep into the skin, eliminates wrinkles and stretch marks.

Aloe Vera Extract


This plant is known for its antibacterial effect. It is added to cosmetics to maintain the water balance of the epithelium.

Almond oil


Eliminates fine wrinkles, restores the water balance of the epithelium, and with prolonged use, lightens scars and stretch marks.

Hyaluronic acid


This component is often added to anti-aging drugs. The substance normalizes the water balance of tissues and promotes collagen production.

Jojoba oil


Normalizes sebum production, has a positive effect on the dermis and the condition of small vessels.

Tea tree oil


Reduces sebum production, relieves irritation, and has a disinfectant effect.

Hibiscus extract


Eliminates peeling, inflammation, promotes skin regeneration.

How to use

The stage of applying cosmetics to the skin is very important. Buyers of moisturizing and nourishing products often do not know how to use body lotion. The most important thing is the preparatory cleansing of the skin. It is necessary not only to remove dust and excess fat, but also to steam the body well. It is better to cleanse the skin with soap, because... many gels leave a protective film. It will prevent the product from penetrating into the deep layers of the epithelium.

Before using the product you like for the first time, you need to do an allergy test. To do this, apply a small amount of the composition to the elbow bend. The skin is the thinnest in this area, so an allergic reaction will appear very quickly. If itching does not occur after 15 minutes, then you can begin the procedure. Apply the composition with circular massage movements onto dry skin immediately after leaving the bath. The entire body is treated with the concentrate, with the exception of the genitals and face. During the procedure, do not stretch the skin or try to rub in too much product.

The composition of cosmetics includes a large number of nutritional components, thanks to which the skin is saturated with all the necessary substances. At the same time, the liquid emulsion is based on a unique formula that promotes rejuvenation of the dermis, as a result of which the epithelium acquires firmness, elasticity and softness. The drug does not need to be washed off the body after application, because it has a high degree of absorption.

Best body lotion

Cosmetic stores in Moscow and St. Petersburg offer a wide range of moisturizers. Lotions, like any other cosmetics, must be selected taking into account the individual characteristics of a person. Moisturizing products will help eliminate peeling, and for massage it is better for women to use anti-cellulite or universal products. The following brands of cosmetics are in demand among buyers:

  • Johnson's Baby;
  • Dove;
  • Oriflame;
  • Nivea;
  • Camay.


Every person has experienced dry skin once in their life. A sharp change in weather and the beginning of the heating season do not have the best effect on tissue turgor. A moisturizing body lotion will help compensate for the lack of moisture, get rid of flaking and even out your complexion. Johnson's Baby has a line of moisturizing care cosmetics for adults. Their products are suitable for daily use.

  • name: Johnson's Body Vita Rich;
  • price: 181 rubles;
  • characteristics: volume 250 ml, suitable for all ages;
  • Pros: hydration for 12 hours;
  • cons: hydrogenated oils and stearates in the composition.

The famous brand Oriflame produces a lot of moisturizing cosmetic products for the body. His Happy Skin line, designed to restore the water balance of the skin, is especially popular. The manufacturer recommends applying the composition 2 times a day to quickly achieve positive changes.

  • name: Oriflame Happy hydrating body lotion normal dry skin;
  • price: 230 rub;
  • characteristics: volume 400 ml, suitable for all ages;
  • pros: contains sesame oil, moisturizes well;
  • cons: quickly consumed.


When the skin begins to fade and suffers from constant inflammation, it is necessary to compensate for the lack of vitamins and restore its natural barrier. Cosmetic solutions with nutrients are suitable for solving this problem. This type of product is manufactured by Dove. It contains shea butter, which is a natural antioxidant.

  • title: Dove embrace of tenderness;
  • price: 296 RUR;
  • characteristics: volume 250 ml, can be used from 15 years;
  • pros: contains shea butter;
  • cons: takes a long time to absorb.

The American brand CND regularly pleases connoisseurs of quality cosmetics with nourishing products suitable for sensitive skin. Mango hand and body lotion falls into this category. A distinctive feature of the product is its delicate aroma, which lasts for 4 hours after its use. This line includes products with wildflowers, citruses, chamomile and green tea.

  • name: CND Creative Scentsations Mango & Coconut;
  • price: 663 RUR;
  • characteristics: volume 245 ml, suitable for all ages;
  • pros: natural composition, contains lanolin, has a light texture;
  • cons: cost.

Anti-cellulite body lotion

The fight against excess weight is very difficult for women. Excess fat damages connective tissue, which creates the “orange peel” effect. Nivea products will help restore elasticity to the skin of the body. The relatively dense consistency does not prevent them from being perfectly absorbed, normalizing lymph flow during massage and helping to retain moisture in the epithelium.

  • name: Nivea moisturizing, for elastic skin with Q10;
  • price: 401 rub;
  • characteristics: volume 250 ml, can be used from 12 years old, suitable for year-round use;
  • pros: quickly absorbed, contains coenzyme Q10, creatine, L-carnitine;
  • Cons: Contains alcohol.

Avon has released a special line of products to combat cellulite. In addition to lotion, it includes scrubs, day and night creams that tonic the skin and prevent the development of edema. It is recommended to use anti-cellulite cosmetics 2-3 times a week for several months.

  • name: Avon Solutions forming lotion Body Sculpt;
  • price: 269 RUR;
  • characteristics: volume 150 ml, can be used from 16 years old, contains caffeine;
  • advantages: saturates the epidermis with moisture, tones the skin;
  • cons: after using the product you cannot sunbathe.

For normal and combination skin

The Dove range of basic care products includes several universal products. They are suitable for people with normal and combination skin. A distinctive feature of this series is DeepCare Complex, consisting of vitamins and hyaluronic acid. The product provides the epithelium with effective protection from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, thereby preventing changes in skin pigmentation.

  • name: Dove hydro nourishment body lotion;
  • price: 520 rub;
  • characteristics: volume 250 ml;
  • pros: deep hydration;
  • cons: creates a sticky film, takes a long time to absorb.

The Arab cosmetics company Zeitun produces caring cosmetics for normal and combination skin with essential oils. Lotions from this manufacturer restore the water and lipid balance of the epidermis.

  • name: Zeitun Soothing body lotion bergamot and amber;
  • price: 653 RUR;
  • characteristics: volume 200 ml, can be used from 16 years old;
  • pros: natural composition, does not contain silicones with parabens, moisturizes and softens the epidermis;
  • Cons: cost, overly strong aroma.


Products from this group will be an excellent replacement for eau de toilette. They are more expensive than products from other lines because... they contain different perfume compositions. You can buy lotions in this category from Kamei cheaply on sales. The manufacturer produces products with floral, fruity, berry scents. The company offers a range of moisturizing, skin-nourishing products that do not need to be washed off, since after application the composition is instantly absorbed.

  • name: CAMAY Mademoiselle;
  • price: 213 RUR;
  • characteristics: volume 250 milliliters, can be used from 16 years of age;
  • pros: hydration lasts for 24 hours, pleasant aroma;
  • cons: the smell disappears 2-3 hours after application.

The SAEM perfumed body lotion will appeal to lovers of fruity scents. The light cherry trail lasts on the skin for up to 10 hours, and hydration lasts for 24 hours. The SAEM line of perfumed body care products includes concentrates with the scent of peach, acacia, cotton flowers, and apricot.

  • name: the SAEM Perfumed Body Moiturizer Cherry Blossom;
  • price: 436 RUR;
  • characteristics: volume 200 ml, can be used from 16 years old, weight 300 g;
  • pros: contains panthenol, moisturizes, promotes healing of wounds on the body;
  • cons: takes a long time to absorb.

How to choose body lotion

For year-round skin care, you should purchase 2 varieties of this product: moisturizing and nourishing. The first type is suitable for the summer, when all people produce more sebum, and the second should be used after the onset of cold weather. The texture of the product is selected based on the type of skin. If the dermis is constantly lacking moisture, then you should take a closer look at emulsions with a dense consistency. Cosmetologists advise adhering to the following recommendations:

  • in summer you need to purchase products with SPF filters;
  • even nourishing lotions should have a relatively light consistency and not leave a sticky film on your hands;
  • Cosmetics with tea tree oil, jojoba, and aloe will help overcome excess oily skin;
  • If acne, comedones or irritation appear on the body, you should stop using the product.

Manufacturers of some body lotions indicate in advertising that their product is hypoallergenic. From a medical point of view, this is impossible, because... Absolutely every cosmetic product can cause allergies. Professional cosmetologists use the safety factor of cosmetics in their work. This term hides the ratio of non-reactive components (water, fats) to the total amount of substances. Allergy sufferers should focus on this when purchasing emulsions.

Cosmetologists recommend that novice users of skin care products first purchase universal products. If the effect of its use is not enough, then a person can purchase specialized formulations for moisturizing or nutrition. People with sensitive skin should consult a professional cosmetologist before purchasing body care cosmetics.
