How to make hair shiny and smooth quickly and effectively? How to make hair shiny and smooth at home

Every girl dreams of smooth, shiny hair, which is not surprising - light reflects better from a flat surface, and any, even the simplest hairstyle, looks perfect. ELLE has selected 15 hair smoothing products that will help you achieve a salon-like effect at home.

Londa Professional's Sleek Smoother Straightening Treatment mask, based on Radialux Micro-Ions technology, will help restore strength and shine to hair, as well as smooth out naughty curls. Its active ingredients - avocado oil and wheat germ oil - effectively affect the hair structure, eliminating brittleness and dryness from the inside.

The Israeli brand Moroccanoil is known for its oil-based beauty products that moisturize and nourish the hair from the inside. Therefore, it is not surprising that this particular brand has released a whole line of smooth hair products (shampoo, conditioner, mask and leave-in lotion) Smooth Collection. Each of them is based on the innovative AminoRenew component, which strengthens the hair and saturates it with amino acids, which, in turn, give the hairstyle a glossy shine and softness for 72 hours.


Oribe Creme for Style Universal Styling Cream contains extracts of geranium, lavender, chamomile, green tea and vitamin E. Thanks to this mix, hair literally radiates health and looks luxurious.

To soften coarse, unruly hair, Wella Professionals Enrich Silk Leave-in Smoothing Cream. It is enough just to apply it along the entire length to damp hair and start styling.

Some hair smoothing products also perform the function of thermal protection. One such beauty product is Sebastian Professional's Taming Elixir Smoothing Serum, which contains avocado oil extract. It is it that instantly nourishes the hair, making it obedient and silky.


Already from the name of the cream Satin Polish from SP (System Professional) it becomes obvious that the composition of the product includes silk extract, which gives the hair a pearly shine and softness. The fundamental difference between this beauty product and others is that it should be applied to dry hair.

You can find a full range of hair smoothing products at the American brand Paul Mitchell. Their Smoothing line includes a unique moisturizing complex that evens out the surface of the hair, first during shampooing and then during styling. In addition, all these products have the ability to protect the hair from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.


The pleasant spicy-floral scent of Aveda's Smooth Infusion Styling Cream is a nice bonus to the main action of this product: straighten and smooth. This beauty product has a prolonged effect, straightening hair even stronger after each new use.

You can do a salon-style keratin straightening treatment at home with Marc Anthony's 30 Day No Frizz Smoothing Treatment. The set includes shampoo, special gel and shower cap. As follows from the instructions, you should first wash your hair with shampoo, then apply gel to towel-dried hair, put on a cap and rest in it for 30 minutes. Then, without washing off the composition, proceed to styling. Manufacturers guarantee that, in the case of strict compliance with all requirements, the hair remains smooth for a month.

If you have naturally curly hair and dream of straight hair, John Frieda's Frizz Ease modeling spray with a keratin complex will help you pull out the hated curls. This remedy promises to keep hair perfectly smooth until the next shampoo.

Matrix's professional line of styling products for smooth hair Style link is designed specifically for home use. At the heart of every beauty product is a hybrid molecule that gives hair softness and shine without sticking it together. Dreams Come True!


Aloxxi's Styling Cream contains a moisturizing complex that prevents hair from becoming electrified, preventing frizz and giving hair a well-groomed look. In addition, this tool protects the color of dyed hair from washing out, and also neutralizes the harmful effects of UV rays, which is especially important in the hot season.

Environment, stress, improper care, poor nutrition and straightening irons negatively affect the hair. Because of this, they are often devoid of strength and brilliance. How to make hair smooth and shiny? It is not difficult and can be done even at home without the use of professional cosmetics.

Hair Shine Masks

To keep your hair shiny and smooth, you need to regularly apply masks with natural oils on them. Homemade beauty products with multiple oils are very helpful.

Oil mask recipe


  • - 10 ml;
  • burdock oil - 10 ml;
  • corn oil - 10 ml;
  • peach oil - 10 ml.

Preparation and application

Mix the oils well and slightly heat the mixture (it is better to do this in a water bath, but you can also use it in the microwave). You can use this mask for any type of hair. Wash it off after about 2 hours using shampoo. If the hair is very oily, you can add 10 ml of vodka or cognac to it.

A mask with kefir will help to make hair smooth and shiny at home. It can be replaced with whey or yogurt.

Kefir mask


  • kefir (yogurt or whey) - 100 ml;
  • - 20 y.

Preparation and application

Warm up kefir and add henna. Thoroughly mix the mass. After applying this mask, you need to cover your hair with a film. Wash off the mask after 20-30 minutes.

Don't want to use a flat iron or blow dryer to straighten your curls? How to make hair smooth and shiny at home? Use a gelatin mask. It is especially useful to do it to owners of thin hair.

gelatin mask recipe


  • gelatin - 1 tbsp;
  • hair balm (sparse) - 1 tbsp;
  • water (boiled or filtered) - 3 tbsp.

Preparation and application

Warm the water a little and dissolve the gelatin in it. If there are lumps, melt them in a water bath. Add balm to the mixture and mix everything very thoroughly. This mask is applied only to clean hair. It is necessary to retreat from the roots 1-2 cm, distribute the mass along the entire length of the curls and put on a plastic cap. The mask must be washed off with warm water after 45 minutes.

Other home remedies for shiny hair

Do you have very curly locks? How to make fluffy hair smooth so that it does not lose its shine? You will need to use a flat iron or blow dryer to straighten them, but to keep the effect longer and shiny, you should definitely use an herbal conditioner.

Herbal Conditioner


  • rosemary - 10 g;
  • nasturtium - 10 g;
  • calendula - 10 g;
  • boiling water - 500 ml.

Preparation and application

Mix the herbs, pour boiling water over them and boil the mixture for 20 minutes. Cool and strain the decoction well. You can use this conditioner no more than 3 times a week.

To keep your hair smooth and shiny, as well as better combed, use the following remedy regularly.

Home air conditioner with wine


  • white wine - 0.7 l;
  • chamomile - 15 g;
  • marjoram - 15 g;
  • rosemary - 15 g.

Preparation and application

Mix the herbs and pour wine over them. Put the mixture in a dark place. Strain the wine after 7 days. You can use this conditioner no more than once a week.

Features of care

Do you make masks, use rinses, but the curls are still fluffy and do not shine even in the sun? How to make hair smooth and beautiful? No matter how good home remedies you use, it is very important to follow the rules of care:

  1. Never comb your hair that is very wet, and you should also not rub it with a towel. So you damage the scales of the hair, and the shine disappears.
  2. Try not to dry your curls with a hair dryer. Hot air makes them dull and colorless.
  3. To make your hair smooth at home, you need to protect it from UV rays. To do this, it is necessary not only to apply special products with thermal protection in hot weather, but also to wear a hat.
  4. Faded curls can also become in severe frosts, so in winter it is better not to go out into the fresh air without a hat or hood.

Shiny, silky and healthy hair is an adornment for any woman. Procedures for hair smoothness can be done not only in the salon using professional products, masks for hair smoothness prepared at home will help get rid of fluffiness and dullness. A competent approach to the selection of ingredients will make hair treatment pleasant and most effective.

How to make your hair smooth at home

There are a number of elementary rules on how to achieve smoothness for hair, and at the same time not leave the house.

  1. It is recommended to wash your hair as it gets dirty, and not daily. Daily cleansing of the head using the shampoo that suits you disrupts the natural microflora of the scalp, such excessive hair care significantly worsens the condition of the hair, after all, this is chemistry.
  2. Rubbing and combing wet hair is a crime. In no case should this be done, because rubbing with a towel only contributes to the delamination of the hair shaft, and combing stretches it and causes mechanical damage. Agree, this can not give smoothness to the hair.
  3. So that the strands do not look like tow, do not tangle and do not break, try to regularly moisturize them. Buy along with shampoos a conditioner and a serum that does not need to be washed off. Such products provide intensive nutrition and strengthening of the hair, in addition, there is a perfect smoothness of the hairline, shining in the sun.
  4. The strands will be smooth and straight if they are cut periodically. Try to visit your hairdresser once every 2-3 months and cut off about a centimeter of hair, this will not greatly affect the total length, but it will improve your health.
  5. At least twice a day, in the morning and before going to bed, try to spend 5 minutes combing. Such a routine procedure can strengthen hair, enhance growth, and even become a way to combat hair loss. This is because during this action, a head massage occurs, blood rushes to the skin better and nourishes the follicles more intensively, and healthy follicles are the key to beautiful hair.
  6. In summer and winter, wear hats, protecting from too low temperatures and sunlight.
  7. In addition to the standard shampooing of the top of your head, take the trouble to use folk recipes. DIY masks are much more useful than purchased ones. For your information, the best mask components that smooth the hair shaft are all, without exception, vegetable oils, and they are suitable for any type of hair.
  8. To preserve the beauty of your hair, try to use hot styling devices as little as possible, minimize dyeing and perming your hair.

  • The best smoothing of hair is that it injures them as little as possible. A home mask made according to the rules is much more effective than one made at random.
  • To eliminate negative reviews about masks, it is important to remember that not a single mask made from natural ingredients gives an instant effect. They need to be done regularly.
  • Many people are allergic to many foods. When preparing a healing mixture for your hair for the first time, do an initial test on your wrist. If redness, itching and other troubles do not appear at the place where the mixture is applied, then you can safely apply it to the top of your head.
  • Before using the finished mixture, it is important to wash your hair with shampoo, but do not use a balm, then dry naturally and comb the curls.
  • Almost all mixtures, except for gelatin, should be applied to the scalp too. This further nourishes the hair follicles.
  • If possible, then after treating the hair with a treatment solution, it is worth carefully combing each strand with a rare comb. This will spread the mask more evenly and reduce tangles.
  • Next, we traditionally create a greenhouse, wrapped in a film and a towel.

The exposure time of each mixture is individual, each product is absorbed into the hair at different speeds, but on average the procedure can last from 30 minutes to 1 hour. Wash off the masks with warm water, at the end, you can rinse with herbs. Dry naturally.

Homemade mask recipes for smooth hair


  • 50 ml of honey;
  • 40 ml of burdock oil;
  • yolk;
  • 1 st. l. lemon juice.
Preparation and application:

Stir the yolk with honey, add the remaining flowing ingredients, mix again, process the crown. We wrap ourselves with a film and a scarf for an hour. Wash off.

Mask for smoothness and volume

"Silk mask" giving the hair airiness and radiance. The components moisturize the skin and shaft well, smooth the scales.


  • 3 art. l. coconut oil;
  • 5 drops of rose oil;
  • 5 drops of rosemary ether.
Preparation and application:

We heat the oil, drip the ethers, stir. We carefully coat each strand, cover the head with a film and a towel for an hour. We wash our hair with shampoo.

Mask for smoothness and straightening

The mask envelops each hair with a transparent film, glues the scales, masks the split ends.


  • 1 st. l. henna;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 10 ml of oils: grape seed and orange.
Preparation and application:

Pour henna with warm water, let stand for an hour, then combine with oils. We smear the resulting slurry on the strands, departing from the roots of 2 centimeters. Leave under a warm cap for 45 minutes. Traditionally wash.

with egg

Moisturizing mask for hair smoothness perfectly nourishes, gives shine and elasticity.


  • 1 st. l. sour cream;
  • 30 ml of honey;
  • protein.
Preparation and application:

Beat the protein with butter, sour cream, grease the moistened curls along the length. We cover the crown with polyethylene and a turban. After half an hour, wash off as usual.

with gelatin

Gelatin mask is one of the products with which home lamination of hair is successfully done. The procedure is completely safe for the hair and solves the problem with fluffiness.



  • 2 tbsp. l. gelatin;
  • 6 art. l. chamomile decoction;
  • 3 art. l. balm.
Preparation and application:

We soak the gelatin with warm broth, wait for it to swell for about 30 minutes, drown it in a bath and combine it with a balm. We smear each curl with the resulting mass, retreating 2 centimeters from the roots, comb through with a comb. Leave under a warm cap for one hour.

With burdock oil

The mixture deeply nourishes and moisturizes the hair, smoothes, adds shine, enhances growth.


  • 2 yolks;
  • 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise.
Preparation and application:

Beat warm butter with yolks and mayonnaise. Lubricate the roots and curls with the finished composition, leave it under a warm cap for 45 minutes.

With cognac

A cognac recipe is a great way to improve your hair, restore radiance, good growth rate and minimize hair loss.


  • 100 ml brandy;
  • egg.
Preparation and application:

We rub the products into a homogeneous consistency, distribute them along the length, wrap ourselves in heat for 45 minutes. Rinse with warm water, to neutralize the smell of alcohol, rinse with water with lemon juice.

With kefir

Kefir mask saturates the hairstyle with radiance and volume, improves hair growth, eliminates the active work of the external secretion glands.


  • egg;
  • 100 ml of fatty kefir.
Preparation and application:

We combine the fermented milk product at room temperature with honey and an egg, soak the hair, wrap ourselves for 60 minutes. We wash the head as standard.

with banana

Nourishing mask for smoothing hair, supplies all the necessary vitamins, adds shine.


  • ½ banana;
  • 20 ml olive oil;
  • 60 gr. honey;
  • 20 ml of lemon juice;
  • yolk.
Preparation and application:

We knead the pulp of the fruit, combine with other products, mix well. We process the scalp with the resulting slurry, distribute the remainder along the length. Wash off after 40 minutes.

With oils

Broad spectrum oil mask. Moisturizes, nourishes, restores the normal functioning of the external secretion glands, relieves dandruff, treats alopecia and helps to grow a long mane.

You will need 20-40 ml of oils:

  • burdock;
  • olive;
  • castor;
  • almond.
Preparation and application:

We heat the mixed oil concentrate in a bath to a comfortable temperature, do not boil. Apply along the entire length, carefully processing the roots and ends. We build a greenhouse at the top, we walk like this for 2 hours. We wash our hair traditionally, if necessary, we wash twice.

Useful video: How to make hair smooth and shiny?

Well-groomed shiny hair is the main decoration of a woman. But not every one of us can boast of such a luxurious gift from nature. In addition, the use of varnishes, foams, blow-drying, frequent dyeing and lack of vitamins do their job - the hair becomes dull, brittle, fluffy and difficult to style ...

But there is a way out - a natural mask for smoothing hair can help, which is not difficult to make at home - all the recipes are quite simple, and the ingredients are affordable.

Mask of honey, yolk and lemon

This mask is very popular, as it gives a quick and visible result! The tool will help to make the hair smooth, lively, soft to the touch, nourished from the inside. So, you will need:

  • juice of one lemon;
  • five tablespoons of base oil;
  • three tablespoons of honey, heated in a water bath;
  • egg yolk.

Mix all the ingredients and apply to dry hair, then put on a plastic cap. Keep the mask on for about an hour, then rinse your hair thoroughly.

Smoothing Gelatin Mask

Such in its effect is somewhat reminiscent of. For the mask, you will need the following ingredients: a tablespoon of edible gelatin, three tablespoons of hair balm and a tablespoon of any oil, such as almond, peach, wheat germ.

If desired, you can add a couple of drops of essential oil, the hair will not only be shiny and silky, but also fragrant.

First, fill the gelatin with warm water and wait until it swells completely. Then add oil and balm. It is necessary to apply the mask on clean, slightly damp hair, evenly distributing along the entire length. Please note that the roots should not be touched - the effect of dirty hair may turn out. We wrap it with a film and warm it with a towel, we walk with a mask for an hour.

We wash hair without using shampoo. After drying, they are straight, easy to comb, shiny and smell great!

Vitaminized mask

To prepare this home remedy for smooth hair, you will need to purchase vitamins A and E at the pharmacy. You can add them to any home mask, as well as to your favorite shampoo and balm. Vitamins will not only restore smoothness and shine to the hair, but also help strengthen them and stimulate growth.

Important! You can not add vitamins directly to the vial of the product! This should be done only with the part that you are going to use at the moment!

Mayonnaise mask

For smoothness and shine, the following hair mask is well suited (for a detailed recipe, see the video below).

Three tablespoons of our mayonnaise should be applied to clean, slightly damp hair, including the roots. Then you need to wrap the strands with a film and insulate with a hat or towel. Leave the mask on for half an hour, then wash off with a mild shampoo. To get rid of the smell of vinegar, you can add a few drops of essential oils.

A useful property of mayonnaise is that it is rich in proteins - this helps to bring damaged and brittle hair back to life, making it alive, soft and shiny.

Coffee for dark hair

Brew two tablespoons of natural ground coffee in a glass of boiling water, cool and strain. Apply the resulting decoction to damp, clean hair and put on a plastic cap. Wait half an hour, then rinse the infusion with cool water without using shampoo.

You will be pleasantly surprised by the radiance of your hair! This procedure is not recommended for blondes, as coffee broth gives the hair a dark shade. The cake remaining from the coffee can be added to the shower gel - you get a fragrant scrub.

Glycerin mask

You will need castor oil and glycerin in a ratio of two to one, as well as egg white. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients and apply the mixture on the length of the hair twenty minutes before washing.

Important! Rinse your hair with cool water, otherwise the protein may boil.

Curd mask for hair shine

Curd is an excellent hair conditioner. To prepare such a mask, you will need one egg and a few tablespoons of cottage cheese. Apply the product on the length and wash off after ten minutes with warm water. Hair will be well combed, stop electrified and break.

After you have made a mask and washed your hair, fix the result with decoctions of herbs. Chamomile infusion is ideal for blondes, and thyme, mint and sage are recommended for dark-haired girls.

It is also very useful to rinse with essential oil solutions, which are very easy to make yourself. It is enough just to add pine, ylang-ylang or orange oil to warm water in the proportion of three drops per hundred milliliters of water. The resulting solution should be washed with hair after using shampoo. Unreal shine guaranteed!

But remember that no masks will help your hair gain vitality and healthy shine if you do not properly and regularly care for them. To protect curls from brittleness, dryness, and section, it is enough to follow a number of rules.

Important rules for hair care

  1. Do not wash your hair with too hot water, the optimum temperature is 37 ° C.
  2. Shampoo and conditioner should match your hair type.
  3. Do not comb wet hair, it will injure them.
  4. Do not abuse the hair dryer, irons, curling irons. Do not use the hair dryer on the fastest setting, hot air is very harmful. Hold the device at a distance of thirty centimeters from the head.
  5. Choose a quality hair dye that does not contain ammonia.
  6. Take care of your hair constantly, make masks, do not tighten them with tight elastic bands.
  7. Try to use combs made of natural materials - with natural bristles or wooden ones.
  8. Before going to bed, carefully comb your hair, you can drop essential oil on the comb.
  9. Avoid bouffants, they mercilessly injure the hair structure.
  10. Protect your hair with hats in summer from the sun and in winter from frost.
  11. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Take vitamins and minerals in autumn and spring when the body is weakened. Do not drink alcohol, do not smoke - all this has a negative effect only on the condition of the hair, but also on the skin and figure.

It is not at all difficult to prepare masks for hair smoothness at home, the main thing is to choose a recipe that is right for you and, together with proper care and a balanced diet, the result will not be long in coming! To keep your hair smooth and shiny, it is enough to do it twice a week.

Indeed, fluffy hair brings a lot of inconvenience to their owners. In winter, they are strongly electrified and do not want to fit into the hair. In summer, in high humidity, especially after rain or while relaxing at sea, such hair looks disheveled and strives to curl into chaotic waves.

The reason for this behavior of the hair lies in the features of the structure. As a rule, thin, with a tendency to curl, with an uneven distribution of moisture in the hair shaft.

Fluffy hair is usually dry. Therefore, you need to treat them especially carefully. Try not to dry with a hair dryer, protect from wind, sun and other damaging factors. It is advisable to use wooden combs with the most rare teeth. Shampoos and balms should be used for dry, unruly hair and smoothing. But the means for volume fluffy hair are contraindicated, they will dry out the hair even more, the head will turn into a dandelion.

It is good to use special light indelible hair oils and antistatic sprays after washing. They are applied only to the length, without affecting the roots. Wax is also suitable, but it is important not to overdo it, otherwise the hair will look dirty and untidy. As an emergency remedy for frizzy hair, you can use a regular antistatic agent. It will help to instantly smooth unruly hair, but they often do not need to be abused.

Of course, you can not do without masks. Well smooth hair oil masks. For example, from warm burdock oil, which is rubbed into the roots and applied to the hair itself under a warming cap for an hour before washing your hair. Masks with other oils will also help, for example, you can mix almond and jojoba oils equally, drop a couple of drops of rosemary and sage essential oils and apply on curls for half an hour.

The yolk will additionally nourish the hair and make it more elastic. For a mask, it is good to make homemade mayonnaise from a couple of fresh egg yolks, olive oil and lemon juice. Leave on the hair under the film for 20 minutes and rinse. Lemon juice has a good effect on hair, gives them obedience, strength and shine. You can apply a leave-in mask of lemon juice diluted halfway with water to your hair after each shampooing.

Proper care and regular use of additional products will help make fluffy hair smoother, and a competent hairdresser will help you choose the right hairstyle for your hair, apply the appropriate cutting technique. As a result, the problem of the “gun” on the head is almost completely leveled.