How powerful is the thought of a man in love. How to return a loved one with the power of thought at a distance. Why do I feel in the distance

Many people know the expression that human thoughts are material, but few people really use it in practice to achieve certain goals. Psychologists claim that the right thinking helps to get rid of the negative and tune in to a positive wave.

The power of thought - what do we know about it?

Psychics, psychologists and people working with energies assure that a person can control his life with the help of thoughts. Many are built on their strength, for example, affirmations are popular - short phrases that carry a positive charge. The laws of the Universe, the power of thought and the energy of attraction are connected with each other, so it is believed that the right thinking can change the fate of a person. By imagining your life successful and happy, you can program yourself to realize your desires.

The power of thought - psychology

Scientists have been interested in this area for more than a dozen years, wanting to prove that human thinking is important in life. Numerous studies have helped to learn how to take photographs of thoughts and auras, thereby proving the reality of the existence of matter. Knowing what the power of thought is capable of, you need to learn how to use it correctly in order to create a positive energy field around you. There are some simple tips to keep in mind.

  1. Use positive thinking, imagining everything you want to achieve in life.
  2. Fill yourself and the surrounding space with the positive energy of love, as it gives you a chance to achieve harmony.
  3. Stop considering yourself unworthy of having something, as this is a serious obstacle to achieving your dream.

How does the power of thought work?

A person who changes his thinking triggers certain positive reactions that contribute to obtaining the desired result. Thoughts that are repeated regularly, as a result, become beliefs that evoke internal images. The power of thought is the force of attraction, which has an impact on the feelings and emotions of a person. As a result, a person receives certain patterns of habits and behaviors that affect the outside world, creating life experience. So, once using thinking, you can change your own life for the better.

The power of thought - is it real or not?

People who ask such a question, in order to get an answer to it, should simply use the existing tips and evaluate the result. To begin with, it is worth stopping, reacting negatively to external stimuli and remembering the troubles of the past. So that the power of thought and energy does not have a negative charge, one cannot speak and think about oneself in a bad way.

It is forbidden to discuss and condemn the people around you, and it is also important to overcome fears. Of great importance in a happy life is the goal towards which you need to move. Appreciate yourself and time, wasting it only on what brings pleasure. You can't start anything without believing in success. Remind yourself regularly that everything will be fine and life is beautiful. Often .

What can be done with the power of thought?

Many people do not even suspect what right thinking is capable of. Knowing some techniques and rules for using your own consciousness, you can work wonders. For example, you can improve your financial situation by attracting cash flow. The power of human thought helps to lose weight and get rid of external unattractiveness. With its help, you can attract a person to you and return your lover. Helps correct thinking to improve health. Summing up, we can say that the power of thought helps to achieve any goal in life.

How to change appearance with the power of thought?

There are many different techniques that can be used to correct imperfections in appearance. It is important to say that you should not count on quick results, as they can be seen in about 45 days. If someone doubts whether it is possible to change the appearance with the power of thought, it is recommended to use a simple technique. Before falling asleep, you need to imagine yourself with an ideal appearance. You can’t use the image of a specific person, but it’s better to come up with something of your own or improve yourself.

Imagine how the ideal approaches, goes towards and merges with the real appearance. To get the result, it is important to see yourself in a new image even when looking in the mirror and not to associate yourself with the appearance that you do not like. The power of thought will work more efficiently if you use the presented technique daily. The result will be obtained step by step.

How to attract money with the power of thought?

Material problems arise periodically for many, but with the help of positive thinking, things can change. Studies have shown that rich people have different thoughts than poor people, so it's important to analyze everything and change your life. The power of thought, and the law of attraction implies the rejection of phrases that repel monetary energy, for example, there is no money or I do not have enough funds for this.

In addition, it is recommended to visualize your own desires. It is important to present the images as clearly and clearly as possible. The most productive time for visualization is the time before falling asleep and after waking up. Imagine yourself as a wealthy person who has everything he wants. The power of thought involves the use of affirmations for money and success, most importantly, to speak words in real time. Be sure to thank the Universe for your success.

The power of thought - how to attract a person?

You can also use your own thinking to get the attention of the person you like. There are a few simple tips to help you get what you want. First you need to set a precise goal, which should eventually become a reality. The power of thought or the magnetism of a person depends on a positive attitude, that is, you need to be sure of the result. Equally important is visual perception, so it is better to have a photo of a person. Use affirmations and eliminate negative ideas. Try to visualize yourself with the desired object as often as possible.

How to fall in love with a person with the power of thought?

Many psychologists are studying the impact of positive thinking on human life, which has become the basis for the appearance of many books. The work of H. Amarga "Seduction by the power of thought" is popular. The essence of the concept proposed by the author is that it is necessary to visualize the scenario of sex with the object of adoration. Seduction by the power of thought is important to start with the use of practices to open energy channels. In addition, it is worth periodically meeting with the object of adoration in order to have a non-verbal impact on him.

The power of thought - the fulfillment of desires

It is difficult to meet a person who does not have a dream, and many remain unfulfilled and often the wrong thinking is to blame. There are some simple tips on how to grant wishes with the power of thought, and for a start it is important to clearly articulate your dream and focus on it. It is important that the goal is realistic. To make a wish come true, it is necessary to conduct regular visualization sessions and the most popular option is to create a wish map. Another tip is to concentrate your energy, so you should not tell anyone about your desires.

Self-healing with the power of thought

It is generally accepted that everything in the world has vibrations that can affect a person. The body is a certain bunch of energy, which has vibrations. When fluctuations die down in the body, various diseases begin to arise and the person ages. The power of thought and health are two interrelated concepts, since the first can create vibrations, affecting a person, and it can get to the most immobile tissues, affecting congestion.

It is believed that the energy of thought is able to cure the body of diseases. It creates certain nerve impulses that create movements within organs and tissues. The easiest and most affordable option for each person is to create a ripple. Practice daily to get results. There is a simple instruction for creating a ripple:

  1. Sit in a comfortable position and carefully look at your index finger on your right hand. Examine the skin, the nail and stop at the end of the finger.
  2. Put your finger on your knee and already concentrate on the sensations at the point of contact.
  3. Breathe calmly and imagine how a small fire lights up on the tip of your finger, which we send impulses to the brain.
  4. When the sensation of pulsation is bright, you can shift your gaze from your finger to any other object.

It may not be possible to feel the movement the first time, but the efforts expended will certainly give a result. Thanks to regular training, it will be possible to make not only your finger pulsate, but also any organ, which will make it cleanse and renew itself. Vibration helps to activate the intercellular fluid, improve blood circulation and regenerative processes in cells.

How to develop the power of thought?

To get results and see progress, you need to learn to control your own thoughts. Do not forget that they not only benefit, but can also harm. Many people suffer from a chaotic movement of thoughts, which makes it impossible to concentrate energy on a specific goal, so training the power of thought includes developing the ability to suppress and sweep away unnecessary information in your head. There are a couple of exercises that will help you achieve good results.

  1. Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and relax as much as possible. For a few minutes, observe your own consciousness, as if from the outside. Be sure to evaluate thoughts without losing their course. It is important to learn how to regulate your ideas. Repeat the exercise daily.
  2. For the next exercise, you need to try to keep only one thought in your head. This should be done for as long as possible. You can't be distracted by anything. A good result is the retention of one idea for 10 minutes.

Of course, if you fell in love without a memory, thoughts are occupied only by him, one, the only one, everything becomes important: how did he look, what did he say, did he call? Do you worry if he thinks about you, does he remember when you are not around? And it’s even scary to think that he can get carried away by another girl. Therefore, when your loved one is not around, you are most likely wondering how to force a man to think about you at a distance with the power of thought?

Needless to say, such methods exist. And, if you have a strong enough energy and will, you can study and use them in practice. These techniques will help preserve, enhance his feelings and strengthen the bond between you. After all, anyone who understands this issue even a little knows that thoughts are material and their energy is very strong. This is a scientifically proven fact.

The magical power of thought

Our thoughts are energy flows, with the help of which we can influence the existing reality and materialize our desires in reality. The technique of fulfilling desires through thought forms belongs to the field of parapsychology and is successfully practiced by specialists in mental magic.

Preparing for the ritual

There are important rules that will help you realize your intentions to make a man think of you from a distance. Be sure to study them before you start practicing:

Left all alone, sit down and calmly think about how great your desire is and whether your chosen one is worth spending serious energy resources on him.

Think about whether the fulfillment of your desire will harm other people?

If you have definitely decided to engage in the realization of your desire with the help of thought forms, start practicing in a completely relaxed state. The most suitable time is at night, when you are already practically falling asleep.

The image that you evoke in your mind must be clear. Start thinking about your loved one in a good mood, sending him mentally positive emotions.

To achieve maximum effect, it is better to perform the ritual in the second and third stages of the moon. These are the most favorable periods for energy contacts and transmission of thoughts at a distance. By the third phase, the body has accumulated enough energy to direct its flow in the right direction.

Well, now let's look at a not very complicated technique from similar practices that can be used in our case:

Ritual of mental practice

Determine the approximate time when your beloved man sleeps and go to bed yourself. But first remove everything that can distract you. Turn off your phone, put your watch away and start tuning in the right way. To do this, you can turn on quiet music for meditation, light light incense. To keep your clothes out of the way, take everything off. Be sure to remove jewelry, remove hair clips.

Lying in bed, relax all the muscles, throw unnecessary thoughts out of your head, breathe deeply and calmly. Think only of him, concentrate only on this. Imagine your man in as much detail as possible: his moles, scars, smell of hair, facial expression, etc. A holistic image must be built in the head. Now imagine how you are transported inside him, into his consciousness.

Get the full feeling that he is you. That is, you are together - this is a single whole. Imagine his thoughts, sensations and feelings. When you get that feeling, start sending commands to his mind.

They should be formulated very clearly and clearly and should not be long. For example: “Remember about (your name), “Miss about (your name)”, “Call (your name)”, etc. If everything is done correctly, he will actually execute these commands and will think about you from a distance all the time.

You need to know that this and, in general, any other magical practices should be performed when you are healthy and full of strength. If there is an indisposition or you are ill, nothing will work. The energy that is so necessary for the fulfillment of your desire, the body will spend on recovery. It's just not enough for the ritual. So wait until you get better.

There is another way to make a man think about you from a distance. With it, you can penetrate his dreams, forcing him to remember you during the day. This is a practical ritual from sorcery magic. Experts recommend spending it on a waning moon:

Magic ritual

Conduct preliminary preparation for the ritual, as described in the first method. Wait until midnight. Calm your thoughts, think only of your man. Light a candle, be sure to red. Wear light, loose-fitting clothing so that you can move freely, loosen your hair, and wash off your make-up.

Get out into your backyard or balcony. Put a lit candle on, stare at the flame, concentrate your thoughts on your loved one, mentally sending him the command “Think about (your name)”, “Love (your name)”, etc.

When you feel that the connection with the subconscious of your man has been achieved, circle clockwise three times and repeat the spell: Smoke, fire to (man's name) put on. I circled and dreamed about you. Then sit down, calm your emotions, put out the candle and go to bed.

In conclusion of our conversation, I want to tell you that it is very difficult to take possession of the thoughts and, especially, the feelings of another person at a distance. It will take a great desire, will and complete self-confidence.

If you really want to make him think about you all the time, watch your appearance, behave properly, make sure that he distinguishes you from many other girls.

However, in pursuit of his attention, do not lose the most important thing - your individuality. First, love yourself, forgive yourself for mistakes and miscalculations, indulge yourself and remember that the most important thing in life for you is yourself. One has only to believe in it, as a man will begin to admire you, think about you constantly and without the help of magic.

Every thought that has arisen in us sends vibrational waves from itself that affect the world around us.

Thoughts are things which, moreover, are capable of very powerful action. Having understood the nature of this amazing force and the laws that govern it, we will be able to subjugate it to ourselves and make it our tool and helper.

Every thought that arises in us, whether it be weak or strong, good or bad, healthy or sick, sends out oscillatory waves from itself, affecting to a greater or lesser extent all those with whom we come into contact or who find themselves in the circle of oscillatory waves of our thoughts.

On the other hand, our thoughts, acting on others, affect ourselves not only from time to time, but constantly. In the thoughts inherent in a person, his "I" is manifested; consequently, the biblical expression - "what a man thinks in his heart, that he is in reality" should be taken literally. We are all products of our spiritual creation. A thought systematically directed at one and the same object can be seen not only in the character, but even in the appearance of a person. This is a proven fact: you just have to look around you to be convinced of it. You have probably already noticed how a person's occupation is reflected in his appearance and in his general character. If ever you changed your activities, then your general character, as well as your appearance, followed the same change. Your new occupation brought with it a new series of thoughts, and the latter were reflected in matter.

Attractive power of thought

Another very important manifestation of thought is its attractive power. The attractive property of thought operates on the basis of the law: "like attracts like." Having certain definite thoughts constantly in your mind, you attract to yourself thoughts and convictions of the same kind from the vast environment of thoughts surrounding you, though elusive, but powerful: good thoughts attract other good thoughts, bad ones - bad ones; cheerful thoughts are like them; gloomy thoughts and thoughts of doubt follow the same rule, and so it is with all your thoughts.

This property is one of the greatest in nature, which, properly applied, will draw help from sources quite unexpected. Thoughts are "substantial realities" that have the property of attracting other thought waves of the same vibration and quality.

Thought is not a dynamic force, it is a very real thing, like some material object. Thought is a subtle form of matter, or a rather crude form of spirit, you may rightly regard it as both. Matter is the gross form of spirit, and spirit is the subtle form of matter. Everything in our Universe consists of one type of matter, which manifests itself in various forms, starting with material forms and ending with the most subtle form of spirit.

When we think, we spread around ourselves the vibrations of the finest ethereal substance, which is just as real as a thin vapor or gas, liquids and solids. We do not see thought, but we also cannot see subtle vapor or gas. We cannot smell and taste thought, nor can we smell and taste pure air.

The nature of the mental vibrations emanating from us is determined by the essence of the thought itself. People with superpowers who can see thoughts say that thoughts have a certain color. Our fearful and bad thoughts hang over the earth itself in the form of dark heavy clouds; but clear, cheerful, happy and confident thoughts are visible in the form of light cirrus, gaseous clouds, quickly rushing and mixing with others of their kind, forming cirrus cloud chains, high above heaps of dense, suffocating, disgusting vapors formed from timid and envious thoughts.

The distance the thought waves move away from us is of no importance; but they always have a connection with you and always have some effect both on you and on others. It is not easy for you to free yourself from the influence of these manifestations of your spirit. If you spread bad thoughts, then you become the main target for them, and your only hope to neutralize and render harmless them is to spread new strong positive thought waves.

The definition "like attracts like" very well reflects the aspirations of thought waves; the manifestation of this property of thought is one of the most striking signs in a series of psychic phenomena. Your thought attracts to itself the corresponding thoughts of others and thereby increases your supply of this kind of thought.

Fearful or unpleasant thoughts attract to themselves all other thoughts of the same kind and unite with them. The more insistently you think about it, the greater the influx of such unwanted thoughts will be. The result will be that you will not only suffer from the thoughts created by your mind, but also from the thoughts of others, so that a difficult situation is formed. And the more you think like that, the more difficult your situation will be. But think: "I'm not afraid," and every bold thought in your environment, like an arrow, will rush at you and help you. If you have bright, cheerful and happy thoughts, then you will attract others like them to you and you will feel more cheerful, joyful and happier as a result of their combined action. Try it!

In the world of thought, you get everything you give back with a good percentage. If you send only good thoughts, then good thoughts will return to you with a significant increase, and you will feel good in the company of well-placed, friendly people, thanks to this you will only win. Even from a personal point of view, it is better to have good thoughts.

To achieve your goals, you must constantly maintain in yourself and spread around you a firm, confident, fearless thought wave: "I can", which will attract to you similar thought waves of others; such waves will have a good effect on you, strengthen your strength and help you fulfill your aspirations.

If you try to practice thinking in this way, even for one month, you will soon notice a tremendous change in your life, a tremendous change in yourself. You will become disgusted with the former unworthy, bad mental activity and you will not agree to return to it under any conditions and at any price. Before a month has passed, you will already notice the beneficial power of the thought waves returning, and your whole life will change completely. Try it. You will never regret it!

How to Succeed with Attractive Thinking

It is considered a certain fact that all successful people have achieved it thanks to their powerful, strict, full of strength, concentrated waves of thought. They directed their mind to a specific goal and used the help of the will to give thought a certain direction. This direction of thought contributes to the development of their character, and thanks to this they go straight to the goal that they have chosen for themselves from the very beginning. Others had the same goal in front of them, but did not achieve it, because they did not give due perseverance and concentration to their thoughts.

To successfully achieve a mentally planned ideal, it is necessary: ​​firstly, an irresistible desire, secondly, complete faith in one's ability to fulfill one's desire (and not a timid assumption), thirdly, a firm decision to achieve one's goal (and not a simple intention: "I will try").

These qualities of thoughts certainly guarantee success if they are accurately executed. They will develop character and develop the ability to achieve the goal, as "thoughts are expressed in action"; they will give you a firm strength to influence circumstances; they will set in motion thought-waves that will attract others of the same kind to your aid.

If you have the thought, "I can't," then you are spreading vibrations that will make you feel like you really can't. The sense of self-preservation makes other people distrustful of such persons and avoid them. No man feels attracted to someone who thinks "I can't"; this form of thinking creates conditions that repel rather than attract.

When you have thoughts: "I want and I can," then the oscillating waves begin to move, producing an exciting effect; everyone will feel attracted to you and everything will be done according to your desire. Strong people will feel sympathy for you and will gladly be ready to work with you; weak people, aware of your strength and needing it, will feel attracted to you and unconsciously submit to your influence.

This is an example of the attractive property of thought. Try to experience!

The attractive power of thought can also accomplish much more. It can attract people to you who are interested in the same thing, just like you. The latter will feel attracted to you, and you to them, and each of you will help the other - to mutual benefit. This power will attract people to you who can help you and promote your interests. It will also attract to you those who need your services or help; they will benefit from you to your advantage. Of course, you had to feel affection for such a person and help him. Surely you have experienced similar situations. Why? Why do you willingly patronize one and distrust another who is no worse than him? Thanks to the power of mental vibrations. This is the whole secret. The same quality of thought attracts you to those whose vibrations are of equal length to yours, so that you will instinctively find those who can do you a favor and help you.

It must also be said that the degree of your success is determined by your belief in your own strength. A shaky, wavering faith will bring you incomplete success, but a firm, determined, complete faith that you can control your will and power of thought creates results that border on miraculous. Try to develop such faith in yourself and always combine it with a firm mental demand for what you need: then you will always be successful. "Ask and it will be given to you, knock and it will be opened"; however, be sure to accompany your demands with firm faith and an expectation of success.

But this does not mean at all that all problems can be solved and everything can be achieved only by the power of thought. A person who is seized by his aspiration and has concentrated thought impulses should never sit back and wait for something. Thoughts are expressed in actions; the more persistent the thought, the stronger the action. You can aim for some very unattainable goal and be quite sure that you will achieve it; you will always make it happen. All that you will firmly and confidently desire will be yours, think about it. Try everything. Try it seriously and you will be successful. All this is based on the operation of a mighty law.

Based on the book by William Atkinson - The Power of Thought.

Women throughout their lives dream of learning how to make men think about them with the power of thought. Surprisingly, psychics and bioenergy experts have found a way to do this.

There have always been such practices, but in the modern world, magic, bioenergetics and esoteric knowledge have merged into one. You can always attract what you want with the power of thought, even when you are at work and busy with something important.

Materialization of thoughts

There is a law of the universe that says that thoughts are the building blocks of our reality. Everything that happens to you happens through the interaction of thoughts with the energy of the cosmos.

If you want, for example, to be rich, you simply need to imagine how banknotes crunch in your hands, how you rejoice in thick bundles of money. The same situation with the beloved man. A woman needs support, she needs a family. By imagining a bright future, you will bring closer that very bright moment in your life - a wedding, emotions, love. If you want a man to think about you, then imagine how you get into his head, into his thoughts. Think that his thoughts are constantly occupied with you, then he will think about you. There are plenty of skeptics out there who think it doesn't work, but even research has shown that this technique increases the chances of you being thought of more.

People's thoughts are connected by invisible energy threads. It is not given to us to fully understand all the laws by which the universe works, but we can say for sure that everything in this world has invisible connections. Your thoughts are brought to life. No matter how non-standard or even absurd they may be, everything is real in our world.

Interaction of views

The eyes are the mirror of the soul. If you want a man to think about you, then look into his eyes more often. By making eye contact, you create a connection between his biofield and yours. This helps you stay in his head. There is a slight side effect that may make you slightly uncomfortable. If a man thinks about you, then you will know about it. Thoughts about him will come more often. If you want to fall in love with someone who you do not need in the role of a soulmate, then expect the effect to be dual, two-sided.

This also includes touch. When you touch a man, you need to imagine that you are leaving a piece of yourself next to him. It has the strongest effect that makes you think about you. You just need to believe that on an energetic level you can do whatever you want. This skill can be transferred to any sphere of life - money, health, work. Everything will work out better for you if you see only victories in front of you.

Making wishes come true with the power of thought is not a fantasy. The possibility of materializing thoughts has long been proven, so trust this technique to attract good into your life. To bring thoughts to a normal state, use affirmations - repetitions of special motivating phrases that are aimed at removing negative programs from your mind. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

In our universe there is still a huge part of the unknown and what we cannot understand with our minds. However, many world scientists prove in practice that there are so-called laws of positive attraction that can be successfully used by the human mind.

Having understood the theoretical structure of the laws, they can be resorted to in everyday life in practice, thus ensuring the inevitable fulfillment of desires.

Positive psychology is quite easy to use, its essence lies in the search, comprehension and application of circumstances which directly affect the harmonious existence in society and the successful development of the individual. Scientists who study the factors of positive psychology believe that thought is the invisible, but material essence of things. And her power has such capabilities that it can physically affect both the body of its owner and the surrounding people. Therefore, it turns out that everything that happens in the life of a certain individual is created and attracted to him by his mind. That is, all that is required for this is to seriously want and the embodiment of the desired will happen thanks to the power of thought.

But we must not forget that exactly the same action occurs with negative thoughts. That is, to fill life with joyful and happy moments surrounded by people whom you want to attract to yourself, it is worth comprehending the law of positive attraction, starting from good intentions.

The law of positive human attraction in step-by-step preparation

  1. Definition of desires. This is the main rule on which the subsequent effect depends, because the exact representation of the goal must be real in order to be implemented. You need to decide on your desires and present a clear picture of what you want to achieve in the end. If desire is a certain person whom you want to attract into your life, you should not draw in your imagination that he will arrive on a golden horse or in a crystal carriage and bring with him unprecedented gifts from heaven.
  2. Thinking must be positive. Before the time to tune in to an unsuccessful outcome of what was planned is wrong. It’s better then not to even start this lesson anyway, the efforts will be wasted. Only confidence and the right, positive attitude will help attract similar energy and successfully achieve what you want.
  3. Spatial perception. Through eye contact with the outside world, a person receives most of the information. Therefore, your desire must be perfectly represented in the form of a picture. For example, a photo of the person you want to attract into your life. If such a person does not exist and you just want to see a sensual and kind person near you, you can depict him on a piece of paper, absorbing the positive vibrations of your thoughts into him and for this it is not necessary to have artistic skills. Thanks to visualization, the picture will be imprinted in the mind, saturating the power of thought.
  4. Prioritization. Decide on the most important things - this will help make the power of thought subject to you. A little free time spent on putting things in order in your head and positive energy will make it much easier to communicate with the outside world.
  5. confirmation factor. It can be a short phrase placed on a sticker near the computer or on the mirror in the bathroom containing a verbal formula for the realization of the desired, which, when repeated daily, is affirmed in the subconscious and helps to stimulate a positive impact on life changes. The main thing in this factor is not to carry out the repetition mechanically, the essence of the effect depends on the bright emotional coloring and real desire.
  6. Delete the negative. The mental attraction of a person will begin to act in your interests at full capacity only when you cross out all the negativity that has accumulated throughout your life. It is impossible to immediately get rid of everything bad and stay in full positive. You will have to work hard on yourself and on your thoughts in order to achieve complete balance over thought processes. But having achieved a result and rid your head of bad thoughts, you will not let them back in.

How to attract a person in practice

At the beginning it is always difficult, nothing works out, but the main rule is Don't give up when you're in trouble. It is quite logical that ridding the mind of negative factors is not easy, because their roots are stuck deep in consciousness. To do this, there are trainings that will help you relax and gradually get rid of the negative.

Waking up in the morning on a day off, focus on the person you want to attract into your life. Then get into a comfortable position, whether it's a chair or sofa or you prefer to lie on the floor, close your eyes, relax, feel your body, listen to it work. Then concentrate on the desired person and look at yourself from the outside.

Gradually, you will learn to relax, and if you perform this exercise daily, first you will feel good and calm, your mood will improve, thereby stimulating the development of the power of thought. But do not turn these classes into a cult, move forward confidently, but without fanaticism. Patience and complete control of your thoughts and feelings.

It may seem implausible, because it is difficult to explain, but success in mastering your thoughts is due only to your faith in yourself. If you are unsure, you are overcome by doubts, you constantly hesitate - you will not be able to achieve results. But if you have firmly decided that you can manage your life according to the script you have written with the people you want to see near you, your power of thought will get stronger, just like a child who just got into our world is getting stronger every day.

At first glance, it may seem that the power of thought and the attraction of the desired person to yourself is just an unrealistic fiction or a fairy tale for stupid people. And the simplicity of the training cannot lead to any results at all. However, the fact of the power of thought has been scientifically proven. Just try not to let negative thoughts take over, try to develop a sense of confidence, expectation of success and a positive vision of the world, it will turn your whole past life upside down and you will succeed.

If you turn on your imagination and try to imagine how thoughts work and their forces that can attract what you want to yourself, you could observe the following picture: a person is standing, he is holding flowers in both hands - these are thoughts, forces come from all thoughts in the form of vibrations, they all different, there is a sickly look, there are dark and crooked ones, but there are also light, beautiful, bewitching specimens that seem to breathe with confidence and happiness. People constantly pass by a person with flowers, they go quickly, as life goes by.

Sometimes a person with flowers sees the person with whom he so wants to communicate, maybe they are even people, but they all pass by as if not noticing him. This is because a man with flowers stands at a great distance from passing people, and there are so few good thoughts in his hands that the vibrations that they exude are muffled by dark, bad waves. There is not enough strength to reach the desired person passing by. This is how a person lives with his bad thoughts, but as soon as he opens his hands a little, half-withered bad flowers fall to the ground and people reach out to the person.