How to remove yellow hair color after dyeing. How to remove yellowness after staining and lightening

It happens that after dyeing your hair, instead of a magnificent and long-awaited image of a blonde, the result is very sad. Especially if the consequences of unsuccessful lightening remain, one of which is yellowing of the hair.

Therefore, before dyeing hair in light shades, it would be useful to learn how to get rid of the yellowness of hair after lightening, because of what it is formed and how to avoid it.

Causes of yellowing hair after lightening

The main problem that a future blonde or the person who goes to the hairdresser for regular hair highlighting may face is the possible yellowing of the hair after the procedure.

Yellowness on the hair can appear due to various nuances in hair care.

Any woman should know what causes an unwanted yellow tint (often accompanied by the visual effect of dirty hair).

We list the most common reasons:

  1. An incorrectly chosen shade of paint is a common mistake, more common among those who have lightened at home or are the owner of dark hair;
  2. Violation of staining technology - one oversight during lightening can provoke immediate yellowing;
  3. The simplest reason is a violation of the specified time in the instructions (an extended number of minutes in time);
  4. Another reason occurs when the natural color of the hair is stronger than the dye and is suppressed only by tinting.

In addition, the result in the form of yellowness can occur as a result of the wrong choice of paint, hair care products and even water.

Quality of hair or dye

Consultation of the master in the salon will eliminate possible errors

Poor-quality paint also adversely affects not only hair color, but also their health, therefore, when buying cheap paint in transition or at a low price (or just a suspicious product from an unknown company), it is better to refuse to buy. If the tone is chosen by the hairdresser, there is no need to refuse the offer of an examination (and even more so, you should not keep silent / change its results).

Choose the paint by studying the inscription on the package.

The product must not contain ammonia

Carefully! Wash off the paint in time, otherwise you can get a head burn. It is also not recommended to pour too much paint on the area to be painted!

Poor quality water

Poor quality water also contributes to the immediate process of the early yellowing of the curls. The original color of the hair may change due to the presence of numerous metal salts and rust elements in it, which, penetrating into the paint, create an unpleasant yellow-dirty color.

Water must be free of harmful impurities

Bad hair care products

Inappropriate care products - it would seem, how such ordinary things as shampoo, or balm, or the wrong mask can contribute to the instant and unpleasant effect of the hair? However, it is possible.

An unsuitable product can lift the hair scales, provoking the penetration of dirt and water salts under them. The hair loses its luster and begins to look dull and yellowed.

Note! Many cosmetic companies specifically produce products marked “for clarified” or “after coloring” (shampoos, masks and balms). Such products, as it were, glue, smooth the hair scales, enhancing their reflective ability and preventing dirt from penetrating deep into the hair shaft.

Lightening after other procedures

The cause of yellowness can be:

  • improper use of folk methods of clarification at home;
  • the lack of experience of the master in clarification, or the master performed the clarification process in a hurry, violating the sequence of actions;

Frequent visits to the solarium can provoke yellowness in the hair
  • prolonged abuse of the solarium or sunbathing;
  • treatment of certain diseases (especially if the treatment includes chemotherapy, for example, cancer).

How to get rid of yellowness

And yet, how to get rid of the yellowness of hair after lightening? This problem is easy to solve, the main thing is to start the procedure of getting rid of an unexpected shade in time, and it must be carried out immediately.

The possibility of re-lightening should be considered - as a rule, owners of dark and red hair resort to this method of correction - they will need about 3-4 tinting procedures.

For those who have already lightened the curls, the possibility of repeated gentle coloring is lightening with the help of tinting (gold, honey, ashy color palette). Also, special silver products with blue or purple pigmentation are perfect for neutralizing yellowness.

Another option would be a return to natural color procedure. It is important to know that bleached hair care products are selected only strictly after consultation with the master, and by determining the degree of problematic and healthy hair.

It is better to carry out the hair lightening procedure in the salon, trusting the master

If a woman chooses clarification in the cabin, you need to know: when carrying out the clarification procedure in the salon, the hairdresser will not allow the appearance of yellowness on the hair(he paints them well, later treating them with special sprays).

But no one is immune from mistakes (the client is warned about the possible appearance of a yellow coating in advance, even at the stage of choosing the future color of the curls, especially those who previously dyed). If curls, styling, lamination procedures were previously done, or the presence of a solution for “chemistry” was noted, it is important to wait a while before lightening the hair (from a week to a month).

Often, ladies choose home clarification so as not to overpay the master for work. Often, the problem of yellowing hair joins the consequences of poor staining in some women.

If it is not possible to visit the office and brighten again in the salon, or purchase expensive care products, then you can always use the methods proven by generations of blondes.

Here are popular recipes for dealing with yellowness in the hair.

Masks for bleached hair

Comfortable and nourishing masks will make it possible to get rid of yellowness on the hair.

honey mask

Everyone knows the healing properties of honey for the body and body, but few people thought about treating hair with honey. Not sparing honey, we apply along the entire length and hide the hair under a plastic cap.

After 3 hours of waiting, rinse thoroughly and lather with shampoo for fair hair, then apply the balm for exactly 5 minutes. Next, you need to use a special spray designed to care for and restore weak hair, spraying it along the entire length of the hairstyle.

Rhubarb hair mask

For its preparation you will need:

  • 1 tsp finely chopped rhubarb leaves;
  • 30 ml of wine (preferably dry white).

How to prepare the mask: mix the leaves with wine and let it brew over low heat. After evaporation of half of the mixture, strain the resulting mass and allow to cool. To give good nutritional strength to the hair, it is recommended to keep such a mask for exactly an hour.

Effective decoctions

Decoctions are also effective in combating yellow bloom on blond hair.

The most popular - onion broth

The husks of several onions are cooked until boiling over low heat. Next, you need to infuse the decoction for several hours (it is better to cook and infuse the decoction in the daytime), and then apply to the hair with a sponge, repeat the procedure after 30 minutes.

We remove the hair in a hat (both a bathing hat and a cellophane hat are suitable) and keep the night. Immediately after waking up - wash off, and immediately the hair is smeared with lemon juice.

Broth on kefir

A decoction is especially effective for those who lightened curls with vinegar.

For decoction you need:

  • Kefir - 50 ml,
  • Vodka - 2 tablespoons,
  • Shampoo (for colored or bleached hair) - 1 tsp,
  • Half a lemon, an egg.

All ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained and applied to the entire length of the hair for 6 or 7 hours (the hair is removed under a cap or bag), then the mixture is thoroughly washed off.

The simplest methods, such as rinsing, can also preserve the original color of the hair for a long time, pushing back the yellowing process.

Other remedies to get rid of yellowness in the hair

Consider a few more options for getting rid of an unpleasant hair color available at home.

Grape juice with shampoo

This is the simplest rinsing method that will relieve not only the yellowness on the hair, but also the “dirt” effect after lightening, which remains after highlighting at home.

Grape juice - a remedy for lightening the yellow tint

It is necessary to dilute grape juice with shampoo (in a ratio of one to one) and lather - starting from the roots. The procedure is carried out until the final result is achieved.

Rinse with rhubarb or lemon juice

We dilute a couple of glasses of rhubarb juice (or lemon juice) per liter of water and rinse regularly after washing until the yellow coating is completely eliminated.

It is important to use only filtered water

It is allowed to use previously infused water (or mineral, without gas).

Use of specialized shampoos

There is a special type of shampoo that can get rid of the problem of an unpleasant shade on blond hair.

Choosing a Special Shampoo

Special shampoos also help to combat the unwanted change in the shade of blond hair after dyeing. Such cosmetics are much safer and more effective than simple shampoos..

In addition to neutralizing yellowness, the composition of some varieties of such shampoos can also neutralize plaque from dark colors, but their cost will be higher than those that neutralize only yellowness. It is important to select such funds only after consulting with the master.

The most popular and effective means to combat yellowness are:

  • Silver Flash;
  • Estel Curex Color Inten;
  • Nouvelle True Silver;
  • Echoline S6

Interesting fact! Why do special hair cosmetics often leave blue on the head during the dyeing procedure? The substances included in their composition eliminate the red pigment, which makes the hair much whiter.

Applying a tinted shampoo

More than one experienced blonde knows how to get rid of the yellowness of hair after lightening with a tinted shampoo. This tool has a very powerful effect, so you need to use it very carefully.

It is important to follow the instructions, otherwise you can seriously aggravate the problem (from hair loss and scalp dryness to burns):

  1. You need to use the product in a small amount;
  2. The mass is distributed over slightly damp hair;
  3. Expect only 2 minutes, but if you want to give your curls a silvery tone, you can increase the time to 4 minutes;
  4. Rinse your head well with warm water;
  5. If the hair is weak, then after it is necessary to apply a nourishing mask for bleached (dyed) hair.

If all the above actions are performed correctly, then the hair will become beautiful, healthy and attractive, and instead of yellow plaque, shine, elasticity and the complete elimination of the effect of dirty hair will appear. They acquire glamorous grooming.

How to prevent yellowing of hair

In order not to see an ugly color in the mirror after lightening the hair and get rid of the unpleasant yellowness, it is important to prepare in advance for the dyeing procedure. Just three simple steps, and a yellowish tint will not occur, even if a perfect amateur dyes his hair.

First step

Before radically changing the image, it is recommended to assess the condition of the integrity of the hair and scalp. If the curls are brittle, weak, dry, then for a start it is important to restore their strength (with the help of shampoos, conditioners and masks).

Hair mask has a beneficial effect on their structure

Also, if there is damage to the scalp (for example, a week or two after the perm procedure), you should not lighten your hair. Coloring in a light tone is contraindicated for those who have dyed their heads with henna or natural basma for a long time - after all, instead of a blond color, you can easily get red.

Second step

There is a set of rules that will help get rid of unpleasant consequences and avoid the appearance of yellowness after lightening hair (it is especially important to take them into service for those who lighten at home).

Let's consider them in more detail.

  1. You need to apply paint from the back of the head (this part needs as much time as possible for the lightening process);
  2. Then you should paint the middle part, and finish painting on the temporal part and bangs (if any);
  3. It is recommended to paint quickly, but do not accentuate time at the ends.

Hair coloring is not complete without dividing the head into zones

For those who are clarified for the first time, it is recommended to start from the middle part, after 15-20 minutes paint over the root part. 15 minutes after the end of the painting, it is recommended to wash off everything with products for colored hair.

For those who are re-lightened, the overgrown roots are first stained, then the rest of the parts, but it is not recommended to be zealous when painting the ends. You need to touch up at least once a month.

Third step

The right choice of hair care products is a guarantee of their beauty and a serious weapon in terms of getting rid of yellowness after lightening hair.

Instead of hydrogen peroxide (it is known to be a strong agent, but has long been a thing of the past as a hair lightener) it is better to take a paint with a hint of pearl, platinum, or sea breeze. It will not only lighten the hair, but also neutralize the yellow color, and give a healthy shine (and it’s not bad if it contains vitamins).

Most of the women with blond hair have always enjoyed unprecedented popularity among the stronger sex and aroused the envy of dark-haired ladies. Ah, if brown-haired women and brunettes knew what difficulties their hated rivals face!

All these tips on a very popular search topic: how to get rid of yellow hair after lightening, will help keep your hair healthy and beautiful for a long time.

Coloring in blond without yellowness: we dye hair at home. Watch an interesting video:

An unexpected discovery: how to remove yellowness from bleached hair. Find out about the tool you need from the video:

How to get rid of the yellow tint after dyeing hair without harm? Watch a helpful video:

After a cardinal and long transformation from a brunette to a blonde, a new obstacle lies in wait for the girls - this is the yellow color on the curls. If an unpleasant defect has already appeared, it will not work to hide it, immediate measures will be required to eliminate the problem. How and how to remove yellowness from the hair after dyeing, so as not to harm the weakened tips and achieve the desired result, as well as how to keep the perfection of the blond longer, read on.

Causes of the "straw" shade

The appearance of yellowness on clarified strands is a fairly common problem after clarification. A yellow and even a bright red defect looks ugly and spoils the respectable appearance of a newly-made blonde.

Before proceeding to the question of how to get rid of the yellowness of hair after lightening, consider main reasons for the appearance this side effect:

  • Violation of lightening technology- to a greater extent, this item concerns dark blond and chestnut curls. The transformation from brunette to blonde involves bleaching and gradual lightening of the strands. Do not even hope to achieve a cold blond from one staining procedure - this is impossible! So, many girls are in such a hurry that they miss such subtleties, and the result is obvious: the natural pigment is not completely removed, it combines with the light pigment of the paint and a red or yellow tint is obtained, which, in fact, upsets.
  • bad paint- unwillingness or lack of opportunity to visit the master-colorist often results in additional waste. Every professional knows that cheap paints and a number of products from the mass market are not able to fulfill the desire of many brunettes to become blondes, they have a weak effect and can even ruin curls. Therefore, colorists use expensive, professional lines of cosmetics for coloring. In addition, to achieve the maximum effect, several shades and in different proportions are used, such subtleties of the matter are clearly not known to everyone, so home lightening sometimes resembles an experiment and ends with straw-yellow hair.
  • “Underexposed”, “applied to dirty hair”, “it was necessary to start from the back of the head” and other excuses are looking for homemade “beauties” when they see an undesirable effect in the mirror. Really, lack of professionalism and ability to handle paint- a sure path to grief. Before radically changing the color of your hair, contact a professional or consult with him on all possible aspects of the intended lightening.

Advice! Rinse the clarified strands only with purified, and preferably with mineral non-carbonated water. Rust and salt particles in tap water can also leave a yellow tint.

Problem Prevention Secrets

When the reasons for the appearance of an annoying shade are known, it will be much easier to prevent it. The advice of professionals will help you with this. What should you pay special attention to get the perfect hair color?

  • For those who first dared to turn into a blonde, it is recommended to postpone home coloring and turn to an experienced master;
  • The transformation procedure will have to be abandoned if less than 2 weeks have passed since the last dyeing, coloring or perm;
  • Procedures with paint after basma or henna require special care, the result of the interaction of the compounds is unpredictable;
  • You cannot immediately lighten dyed hair before this, first remove the past pigment using the washing (pickling) procedure;
  • Spend staining in this order: the back of the head, sides, the area around the face;
  • Do not save, thoroughly coat each strand with paint during clarification - the result of the procedure also depends on this;
  • The paint is washed off with clean, boiled water, not hot. Then use shampoo and balm for clarified strands;
  • Buy only high-quality products for clarification from the professional line. You need to do this in a specialized store (for professionals) or at a distributor of a cosmetic company;
  • Check the purchased paint so that its expiration date has not expired. This can not only cause unexpected shades, but also significantly damage the hair;
  • To care for bleached strands, use special balms, shampoos and conditioners, they help preserve the beauty of light shades and prevent yellowing;
  • Use homemade face masks regularly. They consist of affordable and natural ingredients, they will turn out to be a lifesaver in matters of strengthening the hair, and at the same time they can correct the shade.

Advice! Entrust the choice of brand and tone of paint to the colorist. Proven compositions will reduce the risk of unpleasant "surprises" with the final color.

Photos before and after

Ways to deal with yellow defect

How to remove yellow hair after bleaching, is of interest to most of the girls who ventured to do home coloring. There are several ways to solve the problem:

  • toning;
  • re-staining;
  • the use of tonics and tint balms;
  • the use of "anti-yellow" shampoos;
  • applying home masks.

Each of these methods is good in its own way. When choosing the right option, consider one factor, the more natural the ingredients of the product used, the softer the impact will be and the less risk of ruining the already weakened tips. Let's take a closer look at how to remove yellowness from bleached hair.

Hair tinting from yellowness

Toning is a guaranteed method on how to remove yellowness from hair after bleaching. Special tonic paints are used. They envelop every hair, smooth out the disheveled scales on it and fill all the voids with a tinting composition with a selected shade. After toning, the curls are obedient, silky, shine with strength and energy. Toning after clarification solves the problem with uneven color.

Estel, Schwarzkopf, Wella Color Touch and CONCEPT Profytouch professional line are very popular for toning. They gently affect the problem, help to permanently remove the yellow color and improve the condition of the hair after the clarification.

Advice! In order not to spoil the curls and achieve the desired result after one toning, seek the help of a professional.

Useful video: “I just wanted to remove the yellowness from my hair with Tonic ... and what came of it”.


Re-staining- Another way to get rid of the yellowness of hair after lightening with the help of a professional. This method will help achieve the desired blond, but be careful with the procedure. Re-dyeing is a stress for bleached strands, so it can be done after their active recovery for 1-2 weeks. The procedure guarantees a successful outcome, but for its implementation it is recommended to use gentle formulations, without ammonia and oxidizing agents.

Advice! Using different brands of paint may result in unexpected colors. Therefore, if you decide to change the coloring agent, be sure to consult a professional or experiment on one strand.

Tonics and tints

Tint sprays, mousses, balms- a great option to correct an unpleasant situation and not harm the hair. The modern beauty industry offers the widest range of tint products. Their task is to even out, correct the shade and not harm the curls, fill them with useful vitamins and minerals. The fact is that such products contain natural plant extracts and will be a true friend of your hair.

note, very often a mask or balm goes to tint shampoos. This is a big plus for the health of curls and color fastness, so do not neglect them, but feel free to use them in your care.

To easily remove yellowness from hair at home, you can use the following tint products:

  • Balms Tonic from Rocolor- a wide range of shades can correct the deficiency at home or in a beauty salon. The tool is easy to apply, does not violate the structure of the hair and perfectly corrects hair color;
  • Concept Anti-Yellow Balm "Arctic Blonde Effect"- carefully cares for bleached strands, instantly eliminates unpleasant "warmth" in color. The product belongs to professional cosmetics, so there may be slight difficulties with the purchase;
  • Schwarzkopf Professional BLONDME Color Correction Spray Conditioner- does not cause difficulties in application, softens curls and corrects the "warm" flaw. The spray is non-drying and smells good.

Advice! Be careful with tint products: many of them dry out curls. If you apply them in moderation and regularly apply nourishing, moisturizing masks, then the problem will dry up by itself.

A useful video on the use of tint products to eliminate the "yellow" problem.

Shampoos that remove yellowness of hair

A separate niche in the fight against the “warm” deficiency is occupied by “anti-yellow” or “silver” shampoos, such a shampoo is also called a hair yellowness neutralizer. Worthy cosmetic companies have studied the problem of women with a yellow tint and have invented a special remedy. Mostly the tool has a silver, blue or purple hue. This is the best option, how to remove yellowness from hair after bleaching. "Anti-yellow" shampoos are easy to use and guarantee a high result in just 10 minutes.

Shampoos Concept anti yellow silver, Professional Four Reasons Silver, Schwarzkopf bonacure TrueSilver Shampoo and others will help you stay a real blonde.

Homemade natural masks

You can remove yellowness from your hair at home with improvised means. Prepare simple masks of kefir, honey, lemon, onion peel or chamomile broth. So, you will not only get rid of the problem shade, but also make up for the lack of nutrients and vitamins.

We bring to your attention one of the most popular masks to remove yellowness after unsuccessful clarification:

  1. Heat a little in the bath 200-250 g of natural honey, but always fresh and liquid, candied honey will not work.
  2. Spread the honey generously over the entire length of the strands, but do not touch the roots.
  3. Wrap your hair in plastic or foil.
  4. To create a sauna effect, wrap your head in a warm towel.
  5. Rinse your hair after 1-3 hours. With each procedure, increase the time of the honey mask.

“Being a blonde is not so easy,” say those who don’t know how to remove yellowness from curls. Listen to the advice of professionals, learn how to prevent problems and you will be the most spectacular and happy blonde.

Many blondes are interested in the question of how to remove yellowness from bleached hair. This applies even to those who are trying to get wheat, golden and other warm shades. In this case, we are talking about that unpleasant yellowness, which does not decorate the hairstyle in any way. You can make your hair color attractive and rich with the help of various means. Here you have a choice - use folk recipes or buy a finished product in a cosmetic store. In addition, it will be useful for everyone who has just decided to become a blonde to learn how to avoid yellowness when staining.

Means to eliminate yellowness

You can remove an unpleasant yellow tint from blond hair in various ways. The simplest among them is the use of those tools that are commercially available. These are tinted shampoos, balms and masks. But you can also use folk recipes that require very little time and involve the use of available ingredients.

Cosmetical tools

If you lightened your hair and ended up with an unpleasant yellow tint, then products sold in cosmetic stores can help you. You can turn your attention to tint balms or shampoos of cold shades. In particular, such products as Irida pearl and Tonic pearl-ash balms, Estel shampoo and Schwarzkopf Bonacure Silver of the same shade are popular with blondes.

You need to apply them not according to the instructions (otherwise you will get the shade indicated on the package), but in a slightly different way. You should take a small amount of the product and mix it with your regular shampoo in a ratio of about 1: 2. Then proceed as usual. This procedure should not be carried out every time, but every 3 or 4 shampooing procedures. Then you can eliminate the yellowness and at the same time retain your main shade.

The products listed above can be used in another way - dissolve about a tablespoon of shampoo or balm in a glass of water, lather and apply to damp hair after washing. Leave on for 5 minutes, then rinse and moisturize. The procedure should be repeated 1-2 times a week.

You can try any of these two methods and choose the one that suits you best. Also, gradually you will be able to determine the exact dosage - it may vary, depending on the specific situation.

homemade recipes

How to remove yellowness from bleached hair if you don’t want to use purchased products? For this, there are simple folk recipes that you can take note of.

Kefir mask

Kefir in its pure form is applied to dry hair along the entire length, then a warming cap is put on. Now you need to detect 1 hour, and after this time, wash your hair using shampoo. Repeat the brightening procedure as needed.

Kefir will save your hair not only from a yellow tint, but also make it smooth, shiny and healthy.

Camomile tea

Prepare a glass of chamomile infusion. For this, 2 tbsp. l. dried flowers pour 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Then strain, add the same amount of warm water and rinse your hair after washing 1-2 times a week.


You will need natural liquid honey. First, it should be slightly warmed up in a water bath, and then applied to wet hair along the entire length. To get a brightening effect, such a mask must be kept under a warming cap for 2-3 hours. Repeat the procedure once a week or as needed.

Honey is a useful natural product that is rich in a number of vitamins and macronutrients. But due to the high concentration of these substances, in some cases it can cause allergies. If you have any doubts, then be sure to first test by applying honey to the crook of your elbow. Only if no reactions appear after 12 hours, it can also be used for hair.

If you do not have intolerance to this bee product, then you can not only eliminate unpleasant yellowness, but also make your hair healthier and stronger.

How to remove yellowness from bleached hair: silver effect tinted shampoo or home remedies such as kefir mask, chamomile infusion and honey mask

How to avoid the appearance of yellowness?

In conclusion, a few words should be said about how to prevent the appearance of yellowness when lightening hair. To do this, first of all, you should use quality tools. In addition, it is best to take not just a brightening composition, but paint. The latter not only eliminates the pigment, but also gives the hair the desired shade, thus masking possible imperfections.

Also pay attention to the natural color of your curls. Too dark shades after clarification almost always give a yellow tint. In the event that you have recently dyed your hair or done a perm, the result is completely unpredictable.

Ideally, you should contact an experienced specialist who will adequately assess the condition of your curls and select the most suitable clarifying agent. In the salon, you can get exactly the shade you want. In this case, you do not have to think about how to remove yellowness from bleached hair. If the problem is already there, then you have a number of options for solving it. Among them, the use of natural products that nourish and strengthen the hair.

It is considered the most sought after and desired among all women in almost every corner of the world. Blindly following this trend, many natural brunettes and redheads mercilessly subject their curls to lightening procedures, which, alas, do not always give the desired result. Therefore, after painting, many young ladies are wondering how to remove yellowness from their hair, which was formed after several lightening procedures with Supra or other lightening powder. Well, there are many ways, and we will now consider them in detail.

When is a yellow tint on the hair a hindrance?

Probably everyone knows that even blondes, who are often “swept one size fits all”, are divided into at least two categories: “warm” and “cold”. In the first group we have those women who are the owners of yellow hair. It can be various shades of light brown, golden, wheat color or a shade of champagne. But it is precisely those young ladies who strive for a cold tone that are most concerned about the question of how to get rid of the yellowness of their hair. In this case, it's a matter of personal taste and fit. It happens that a person just wants to be the owner of an ashy shade of hair, but in some cases, warm tones simply do not suit him. Therefore, you have to look for a wide variety of ways to remove yellowness from your hair, while causing minimal damage to them.

Unnatural shades that need to be neutralized

Now let's go back a little. So, the lightening of naturally dark hair with the help of a special powder has been carried out. After such a procedure, any hair acquires an unnaturally yellow tint. The end result can be compared with the color of the feathers of a little duckling, which is highly undesirable for many young ladies. The reason for this may be poor-quality products, hard water, or the natural reaction of dark hair that wants to regain its former pigmentation. However, in such cases, women are least likely to be concerned about the question of why this happened. They rather want to get rid of it and ask the stylists: "How?" The easiest way to remove yellowness from hair is with a tinted shampoo. In most beauty salons, it is with this tool that all clients who have just brightened up wash their hair. At home, its use is undesirable, since an overdose or uneven distribution of the product over the head can give an undesirable result - the hair will turn blue.

Tinting products at home

If you nevertheless lightened up at home, and you also have to remove your poisonous yellow tint in your own bathroom, then you can stock up on the following means in advance. Buy a gray tonic plus a small package of the same cosmetic product, only purple. In the first, add a few drops from the second, then evenly apply the mixture to washed hair. Be sure to watch what kind of reaction occurs. Lilac tones can darken the hair a lot if overexposed, and too much gray will give the feeling of a permanently dirty head. But keep in mind that this method of how to get rid of the yellowness of the hair has a short result. The tonic is quickly washed off, and you need to either repeat the operation or resort to more serious methods to deal with this problem.

“A drop sharpens a stone” - we adopt folk wisdom

Unlike tinting agents, which sometimes give a completely unexpected effect, light tint shampoos have a completely different effect on the color of the hair. Regular use of such cosmetics can give excellent results that will last a very long time. Therefore, often when women ask stylists about how to remove yellowness from their hair, they recommend that they purchase Loreal brand shampoo, designed specifically for blondes. A very popular cosmetic line called "Silver Reflex", the effect of which is noticeable immediately after the first application. In order for the effect to be much more noticeable, purchase a shampoo and conditioner (or mask) that will allow you to remove yellowness from bleached hair quickly and without unnecessary fuss. Regular use of these products will help to give the hair an ashy shade in a short time, without side effects.

Safe home methods

There are also many folk recipes on how to get rid of yellow hair. You can use them at home, and most importantly, such cosmetic methods will not make you spend extra money. The number one product is honey. It must first be heated in a water bath, after which it must be thoroughly soaked with each strand of hair. Now we wrap our hair in cellophane, wrap it with a warm scarf and keep it like that for three hours. Wash off with warm water and shampoo.

Product number two is rhubarb. Pour one tablespoon of the crushed root of this product with 500 ml of warm white wine or boiling water. This mixture should be boiled until half evaporated. Now cool and apply to hair. After several such procedures, the yellowness of the hair will begin to disappear, and they will acquire a natural silver hue.

Decoctions and masks that remove the yellow tint

In the arsenal of folk remedies there are still many ways to lighten hair and remove a yellow tint from them. Chamomile copes well with this problem, which you can buy at any pharmacy. A decoction of these flowers can be used instead of a conditioner, and after a series of such operations, the hair will not only become more natural in terms of color, but their structure will also improve, which is also extremely important after destructive lightening.

Lightening hair with lemon is also very effective. To do this, squeeze the juice into one fruit (if the hair is not too long, and if there are a lot of them, take two fruits) and soak each strand in it. After that, we wait until the hair is completely dry, and wash my head. In this case, your hair will become two or three shades lighter and unnatural yellowness will be removed.


If you decide to transform into a platinum blonde, then you need to weigh all the pros and cons of this procedure in advance. First, you need to choose a master who understands his business. He must also choose a tool that will cause a minimum of harm to your curls and at the same time qualitatively lighten them by the right amount of tones. With the right paint and the exact exposure time, it is quite possible to lighten the hair without yellowness, except that it will be present in very small quantities. And even if several strands shine with a yellowish tint, the hairdresser, without letting you go, will neutralize this drawback with additional means, and you will get the desired result.

Every woman wants to be beautiful and attractive. To do this, the fair sex put on makeup, update the wardrobe, dye and cut their hair. This article will focus on blondes.

Surely every woman with blond curls wondered how to remove yellowness from her hair after bleaching. There are many ways to do this. We will deal with each of them in detail, but first we will find out where such a pigment comes from.

Principle of discoloration

When you change your hair color to a lighter one, the pigment is eroded. Depending on what your native shade of curls is, you need to choose the right oxidizing agent. The darker the hair color, the greater the percentage of ammonia mixture you will need.

Brunettes should give preference to an oxidizing agent of 12% or 9%. Brown-haired women can choose 9% or 6%. Fair-haired representatives of the fair sex can get by with 3%.

In order for you not to have a question about how to remove yellowness from hair after bleaching, trust a professional. Only an experienced master will be able to choose the right paint for you and calculate the staining time. The yellow pigment is deeper than all the others. That is why it can be very difficult to remove it, especially if the curls are difficult to stain.

How to remove yellowness from hair after bleaching?

Reviews of women say that this is quite difficult.

If the staining was carried out in the salon, then, most likely, the master will give a guarantee for his work. This means that if a yellow pigment appears, then a professional will easily save you from it.

So, if the woman nevertheless lightened the yellowness herself in this case? Consider all possible options.

Use and balms

There is a special tool that removes yellowness from the hair. It has a blue, lilac or pink hue. In most cases, these are shampoos, balms and masks. You can use them as needed.

If you prefer shampoo, you can choose products from Schwarzkopf, Kapus or Constant. All these products perfectly clean the hairline, removing. You can use these shampoos once a week or after one shampooing with the usual remedy. Some ladies have completely switched to the use of such products and abandoned their usual cleansers.

Balms can be represented by Ro-Color, Schfarzkopf, Style and others. You can apply them after washing your hair with regular shampoo or independently of this procedure. Such tools will not only help you in deciding how to remove yellowness from your hair after bleaching, but also soften the hair floss and make combing easier.

Hair masks that remove yellow pigment are produced by Constanta, Kapus, Estel and others. Such a tool takes care of the hair, giving it softness and shine, and also has the desired effect on the shade of the curls.

You can use all of the above tools as needed. At the first application, hold the composition on the hair for no more than two minutes. After evaluating the result, you can increase the exposure time if necessary.

Application of green tea

Another way to explain how to remove yellowness from hair after bleaching at home is to use regular green tea. It is worth saying that tea leaves should not contain flavors and various additives. It is better if it is the most common loose tea for brewing.

You can prepare a miraculous solution according to the following instructions. Brew a mug of tea with boiling water and two teaspoons of dried leaves of the plant. After that, cool the broth and mix with one liter of plain water at room temperature.

After washing your hair with regular shampoo, apply the prepared liquid to the curls. Dry your hair with a towel. You will be surprised, but such an improvised tool will give your hair a beautiful and noble shade.

Uses of honey

How to remove yellowness from hair after bleaching with honey, this paragraph will tell you. It is worth making a reservation: in this case, only liquid honey can be used. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for you to apply the mask to your hair, and the result may be uneven.

Take a few tablespoons of acacia honey and apply it to clean, combed hair. Make sure that the tool completely and evenly covers the curls. If necessary, comb your hair after applying the mask. Put a shower cap on your head and leave the product in your hair all night. If you find it uncomfortable to sleep in this state, then you can apply the remedy in the morning and stay with the mask on your head all day.

After waking up, rinse the miracle cure off your scalp and dry your hair. The shade of the hair will become beautiful and without yellowness.

onion broth

Surely everyone knows that onions are an excellent natural dye. Dark-haired women use onion peel to get a golden or reddish hue. Blondes can also benefit from this vegetable.

A simple onion decoction will help remove the yellow pigment. Peel a few medium-sized bulbs and place them in water. Let the liquid boil and wait 10 minutes. After that, remove the broth from the heat and let it cool. Apply the product to clean hair. Let the broth soak well, then wait half an hour. Next, apply the onion water again and wrap your hair in a shower cap. Time for another hour, then rinse the curls with clean water. Do not worry that the hair will absorb the onion smell. After washing off, such a mask will not remind you of yourself in any way, and the hair will acquire a healthy glow and lose its yellow tint.

Lemon vodka for hair from yellowness

The name of the tool speaks for itself. To prepare the remedy, you will need a few lemons and vodka. The amount of ingredients directly depends on how long your hair is.

Squeeze the juice from the lemons with a juicer. If you do not have such a device, then you can use a blender or a regular meat grinder. In extreme cases, you can use improvised means: a knife, a spoon and your own strength. When the juice is ready, you need to pour the same amount of regular vodka into it. Try to choose a product without additives and flavors.

Apply the resulting mixture to clean hair for half an hour. Remember that you must avoid getting the solution on the scalp, otherwise you can get burned. Wrap your hair in a towel and wait the indicated time. After that, rinse the composition with clean water and apply a moisturizing balm to the hair.


Now you know several ways to remove yellowness from hair after bleaching with folk remedies. Try each of the proposed options and choose the most suitable and effective. Remember, are damaged. They need more attention and care than undyed hair. Take good care of your curls. Only then will they please you with their appearance, health and strength. Be beautiful!