How to strengthen nails with a single-phase gel. How to strengthen nails with gel under gel polish at home

The modern beauty industry offers new materials to strengthen the nail plates. Among them is a gel, which is considered safe, does not thin the nails, in addition, this material looks natural. The base of the gel is suitable for applying decorative elements, and under gel polish.

Natural nails are prone to brittleness, foliation, so manicure masters recommend strengthening them with a gel.

This procedure is useful for the following reasons:

Such a procedure can be done both in the salon and at home, if you have the necessary knowledge and tools for this (experience will come with time).

Advantages and disadvantages of gel nails

The material in question is widely used in beauty salons, as it has the following advantages:

  • nails become strong, it is difficult to break them when hitting hard objects;
  • the material does not allow them to delaminate, retains the structure of the plates;
  • the plates become even, shiny, neat;
  • manicure stays beautiful longer, does not require daily correction.

Among the shortcomings, experts note that the strengthening has its own service life: the procedure will last for 2-3 weeks (it all depends on the individual characteristics of the nails and their growth rate), then you need to make a correction: the gel grows along with the nails, which makes the manicure unaesthetic .

Hence the second drawback: the correction takes as much time as the primary procedure. With an experienced master - 1-1.5 hours, at home - 2-2.5 hours.

What is better to use gel or biogel to strengthen nails

Under gel polish, nail plates can be strengthened with both gel and biogel. These materials differ primarily in their composition, and they also have different effects on the treated areas.

Gel is a synthetic (artificial) material - a glass-like polymer that hardens under the action of a UV lamp. Biogel is a natural remedy - a rubber polymer, very elastic and easy to use.

Biogel is used to improve nails, it has a positive effect on them and does not spoil at all. When using this material, it is not required to wash down the plates, it is applied in a thin layer, retains the natural elasticity of the nail, and does not chip off. The biogel is kept for no more than 2 weeks, it is removed with an acetone-containing liquid.

The gel has more possibilities: it can also be used for building up, if there is a desire to change the length of the nails. This material lasts longer, however, due to the lack of elasticity, it is prone to chips and cracks, and does not require complete removal before correction. It does not have healing properties, although it contributes to the thickening of the natural plate.

Contraindications to strengthening nails with gel

Strengthening nails with gel (under gel polish or other coating) requires the following contraindications:

  • the presence of fungal infections of the nail plates and skin;
  • the presence of cracks, open wounds in the area of ​​​​use of the gel;
  • the presence of an allergic reaction to the components of the agent used;
  • increased moisture of the skin of the hands;
  • individual rejection by the body of the material in question.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the general condition of the body, since under the following factors, the gel coating may not adhere well, flake and break:

  • diabetes;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • chemotherapy.

Sudden stressful situations, expecting a baby or feeding him can also cause the gel to not last the prescribed 3 weeks.

Materials and tools

In order to qualitatively carry out the strengthening procedure, it is recommended to stock up on the necessary tools and materials.

To prepare nails and manicure you will need the following:

To apply a gel coat, you need to purchase the following:

  • only gel (if it is single-phase), gel + base + finish (if the product is three-phase) or biogel;
  • primer to remove excess fat (acid-free is suitable for normal marigolds, acidic for wet ones);
  • dense synthetic brush (used to apply the material);
  • UV lamp (to dry each layer).

Means for design are chosen taking into account the plan: it can be gel polish, rubbing, decorative elements, sparkles.

Nail preparation

Nails before the strengthening procedure must be processed, which, firstly, will allow you to perform a high-quality manicure, and secondly, will provide your hands with a well-groomed, aesthetic appearance. Experts distinguish three main types of manicure: classic (edged), European (unedged), hardware.

Classic manicure involves the removal of the cuticle with special nippers, while it is first pushed back, and then removed. Before the procedure for the hands, it is recommended to make a bath that softens rough skin and simplifies the entire manicure process.

European manicure involves the removal of carousel with the help of a special softening agent - a remover. The procedure goes as follows: first, a remover is applied, and after a while, the softened cuticle is moved with an orange stick.

Hardware manicure is the most gentle, with its help not only the cuticle is removed, but also the plates are given the desired shape. Such a device can be bought in specialized stores, it includes all the necessary nozzles and instructions for use.

Next, give the nails the desired shape: square, almond-shaped, rounded or sharp. At the same time, it is recommended to drive the nail file in one direction, so the plates are less injured. In order for the gel to be well fixed, the nails are treated with a soft buff, while you should not overdo it, the plate should not be too thin.

The last step in preparing the nails is degreasing them with a special compound, this procedure will also help the gel to thoroughly fix itself. After removing excess shine, the nail plates should not be touched. If a biogel is used for the strengthening procedure, then experts do not recommend polishing the nails with a buff, it is enough just to degrease them.

Strengthening nails with gel. Instruction

Strengthening nails under gel polish using a gel can be carried out with a single-phase or three-phase agent. If the product is single-phase, then only this gel is applied to the prepared nail plates, if it is three-phase, then three different products are used: base, constructor and finish.

Specialists pay attention to other necessary conditions:

  • in order for the gel coating to last longer, it is not recommended to use any moisturizer for the skin of the hands before the procedure;
  • if a bath was made before processing the plates, then it is better to carry out the strengthening procedure the next day;
  • a perfectly flat surface will help to achieve an additional tool - a rubber base;
  • to avoid cracks and cracks, at each stage of strengthening, it is necessary to carefully seal the end of the nails.

The most important thing is that in order for the result to please the eye, and for the manicure to last at least 3 weeks, the following three mandatory steps should be followed.

Step 1: base

Base is a transparent material from which the strengthening procedure begins. Apply the product with a dense synthetic brush in a thin layer. The base is dried in the lamp, the exposure time is from 30 s to 1 min (this depends on the quality of the lamps used and the manufacturer of the material).

If a single-phase agent is used, then the gel is also applied in a thin layer and dried in a lamp.

Step 2: base layer

When the base dries out, they begin to work with the main layer, it is also called construction or sculptural. Since the strengthening does not provide for the process of changing the shape and length of the nail, the product is applied quite tightly, but not with a greasy layer.

Instructions for strengthening nails with gel under gel polish in the photo

In this case, the gel should not be fixed on the cuticle and side ridges, which can further lead to flaking and chipping of the material. If the product still gets on areas close to the nail, then it should be removed with a cotton swab dipped in a degreaser. Drying the sculptural layer in a lamp.

Step 3: finish

Top Coat is the last, final layer. Before applying it, you need to make sure that the previous layers lay flat, if this is not the case, then it is worth making sawdust of the unevenly distributed material with a soft buff. The finish is applied with the same dense synthetic brush and cured in a lamp. The final touch is the removal of the sticky layer (if any) with a special napkin.

The procedure ends with the application of gel polish or other coating. When choosing a gel polish, do not forget about the top coat, which will allow the product to last much longer.

Strengthening natural nails with biogel

Biogel can also be used as a base for gel polish, however, this material is safer for nails, moreover, it is odorless, therefore it is allowed for use by expectant and nursing mothers, allergy sufferers. Like the helium coating, the material under consideration can be single-phase and three-phase.

Strengthening nails with biogel is carried out according to the same scheme in three steps: a base is applied, then the main layer and finish, each layer is dried in a lamp.

How to remove artificial material

The material in question cannot simply be removed with nail polish remover. Experts recommend filing off the gel, while a glass or metal file with notches will not work, it is better to use a buff with an abrasiveness of 100-150 grit, designed specifically for artificial materials.

You need to cut off the gel coating carefully so as not to hurt the natural nail. The dust formed during the procedure should be periodically brushed off and the nails moistened with liquid, then the layer of artificial material and natural coating will be clearly visible.

Cleaned nails are ground and polished, the surface is treated with a moisturizing component. The final touch is the application of a strengthening base.

If a biogel was used to strengthen the nails as a base for gel polish, then it is removed with a special tool or ordinary acetone. Cotton pads are impregnated with the available liquid, applied to the nails and wrapped in foil for 15–20 minutes. When the material dissolves, it is carefully removed with tweezers. Then the plates are polished and lubricated with a nutrient.

You can strengthen natural nail plates with the help of modern materials - gel or biogel. The procedure can be carried out both in the salon and at home, the main thing is to follow the instructions exactly, then beautiful marigolds will delight for at least 3 weeks.

Video on the topic: gel nail strengthening

Master Class. Strengthening natural nails with gel:

We will tell you how to strengthen your nails with gel and what benefits it will give you. The use of gel for exfoliating and thin nails is possible at home. Buy materials and master the application technology with our help.

Is it possible to strengthen nails with gel

If you want to strengthen your nails, then choose a healing gel - biogel. It consists of natural ingredients: tree resin and vitamins. This composition is identical to the composition of the nail plate. Strengthening with gel, unlike building, does not change the length and shape, but creates a plastic frame.

You can strengthen your nails with gel not only in the salon, but also at home.

The benefits of using the gel are obvious. Such strengthening is safe for nails and does not cause allergies. The nail plate becomes stronger after two or three applications, and the result looks natural. The gel can be coated with any varnish or decorative elements. Materials for strengthening with gel will cost less than for building. This procedure is easily performed at home.

How to strengthen gel nails at home

For the procedure you will need:

  • UV lamp for drying layers;
  • primer base to improve the adhesion of the gel to the nail plate;
  • nail gel;
  • files for shaping and polishing;
  • a tool that degreases the nail;
  • a wooden stick to push back the cuticle;
  • gel brushes;
  • gel remover;
  • cotton pads.

Prepare materials and choose a comfortable place with good lighting for the procedure.

The gel is removed with a special solvent. It will take 10-12 minutes to remove it. Since the gel grows with the nails, a touch-up is necessary every three weeks.

The application technology is simple.

  1. Wash your hands and dry them.
  2. Remove the overgrown cuticle with a stick.
  3. Nail files give the desired shape to the nail.
  4. Lightly sand the nail with a file.
  5. Degrease your nails.
  6. Apply primer and dry it for 1 minute. under the lamp.
  7. Apply the gel and also dry it under the lamp for 2-3 minutes.
  8. Remove the resulting sticky layer from the surface of the nail.
  9. Repeat steps 7 and 8.
  10. Trim the shape of the nail with a file.

The whole process of applying the gel will take 30-40 minutes.

Most girls dream of long, well-groomed nails. But, if nothing is done, then the dream will remain a dream. Nails may be brittle, brittle, and rough. The reasons may be varied. An indispensable assistant in this situation will be the strengthening of nails with gel. In the world there are many different means to strengthen the nail plate, but they are all less effective than applying the gel.

Reasons for the development of brittle nails

  • external circumstances. The nails are negatively affected by frequent contact with water, as well as with the ground. Do not work without gloves, especially if you are working with chemicals.
  • Violation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Insufficient amount of vitamins and microelements.

Internal problems must be solved with the help of special preparations, and strengthening the nails with gel will help the nail plate.

Benefits of strengthening nails with gel:

  1. The gel will help strengthen the nail plate, remove brittleness and promote faster nail growth.
  2. If you take the gel as a base for applying varnish, then it will last much longer.
  3. The nail plate is made more even, which allows you to make the perfect one.
  4. Using a gel will save you money. Gel nails are cheaper than extensions.
  5. It is not necessary to do a trimmed manicure.
  6. Another advantage of using the gel is that a woman will not need to radically change her wardrobe.

Gel technology at home

The coating procedure is very similar to the extension process. First you need to prepare the nail plate. To do this, it must first be degreased, and then sanded with a nail file. Apply the gel in 2 coats.

After each layer, you need to wait a bit and only then apply the next layer. A UV lamp can serve as a good helper. Then the finished nail must be sharpened with an ordinary nail file for manicure.

It is worth noting that the gel is applied completely to the nail. When the nail grows back, it is necessary to perform a correction.

You can do the gel coating yourself, but you need to clearly follow the action plan. Otherwise, instead of the expected positive result, the opposite can happen. This activity can be useless, and sometimes harmful.

The difference between gel reinforcement and extensions

When building up, the nail is modified, and when applying the gel, it strengthens and stimulates growth. The main component of the gel is a protein, which in its chemical formula is very close to the formula of the nail. Thanks to this, there are no tangible side effects for the nail plate.

Gel polish will help well after building.

Well restores the nail plate at home with a special therapeutic varnish. Strengthening nail polish can be purchased at any store or pharmacy.

By following all the rules for applying this tool, you can achieve wonderful results. A therapeutic coating is necessary for the growth of nails and even visually they look healthy.

This type of varnish is suitable not only for manicure, but also for pedicure. The application technique is the same. The only difference is that there is much less jewelry attached to the toes.

Restoration of nails with biogel

It was the biogel that was invented to restore the nail plate. It contains teak resin from a South African tree.

  1. This tool is allowed to be used even by pregnant women. It is at this time that the need for calcium for two appears. Its deficiency is reflected in the nails and hair. Biogel helps improve nails.
  2. It is a stimulus for nail growth.
  3. Natural resin helps the skin to breathe, does not destroy the nail plate.
  4. Easily removed from nails. Does not damage the top layer of the nail plate.

If a woman seeks to grow her long nails for a certain celebration, then this type of manicure will help her. Nails will become even, stop exfoliating and breaking. Even after removing the biogel, the nail plate remains dense.

Also, do not worry about the lack of flowers. It can be bright, saturated colors or a gentle and elegant jacket. It is he who is ideal for going to a restaurant, and for every day. It is fashionable this year to paint the second nail on the hand in some other color. You can also choose two colors that harmonize with each other and paint your nails through one.

A hardener is a product capable of solving such problems as weak brittle nails, prone to flaking, having spots and scales, and a yellow tint. Also, this tool can replace a whole set of cosmetic measures that cost a lot of money.

System IBX to strengthen nails

This tool is presented in the form of a two-phase system, which includes two components. The described system is sold as a set, as the individual components do not give a result. They are quite effective, but have a high price. It does not matter where the strengthening will be performed - at home or in the salon. Carrying out the procedure at home is not difficult, since special skills are not required. An important condition: for a sufficiently complete and high-quality fixing of the treatment layer on the nails, it is worth keeping the nails for two minutes in a UV lamp.

This system is a set of two preparations capable of a qualitative result only in combination.

However, you can find reviews saying that in a given situation, you can eliminate any problem of nails using one of the means. Although for maximum results it is necessary to use the full complex, according to the instructions.

The effectiveness of this drug can be seen even after the first application. But to achieve greater efficiency, the course of treatment should be at least two, and a maximum of 15 procedures.

For healthy nails, you need to use the drug once a week, and for brittle and damaged nails - twice.

The process of restoration of nails occurs due to the constituent components - jojoba oil and avocado. They are able to nourish and moisturize the nail, prevent its thinning and drying.

Nail hardener trind

The main feature of this product, around which there is always a lot of controversy, is the presence of formaldehyde in its composition. Basically, it is precisely because of this component that the drug has such an ambivalent attitude.

Formaldehyde, as one of the components of the strengthener, encourages the nail area to increase immunity, which contributes to strengthening and rapid growth. At the same time, cosmetic preparations do not harm protein molecules, but give them good nutrition and natural hydration. The hardener of this company is able to give the nails elasticity, preventing them from breaking and delamination.

This strengthening system will help with the restoration of nails after building. Also, if there was an abuse of cheap and low-quality coatings that brought the nails into a disgusting state, this hardener will also come to the rescue. In principle, you can always choose a line of medications based on a specific problem, but often it is Trind products that are used to solve problems with brittleness and delamination.

« Smart enamel»

This product is a strengthener containing proteins and vitamin A. The described tool can help even in cases where the nail area has been severely damaged and has stopped growing due to a blow or careless manicure.

The composition of this hardener does not include carcinogens, namely toluene, formaldehyde and others. However, the composition includes camphor.

The hardener is a transparent and liquid coating that is not able to give any shade to the nail, but can add shine and shine to the nail. Since the coating is applied simply and dries quickly, the subsequent layer should be applied immediately. One bottle will be enough for a couple of months of use. If the strengthener begins to thicken, it can be diluted with cuticle oil, which, among other things, can also increase its effectiveness.

This product should also be used as a base for a varnish coating, which will help increase the duration of wearing a manicure.

Nail hardener Evelyn 8 in 1. Healthy nails

This product also contains formaldehyde. However, the manufacturer does not hide this fact and warns the user about a possible negative impact. All information is provided on the packaging.

Formaldehyde is a substance, a large amount of which is quite harmful to the body. However, it is due to him that you can change the condition of the nails in a positive direction. They acquire a fortress, stop breaking and exfoliating, and their growth is also accelerated. And these are the problems that most women want to deal with.

Acrylic Powder under gel polish And shellac

  1. External coating to strengthen and shine Super Duper nails, Essie.
  2. Serum for strengthening nails Maestro, "L" Etoile.
  3. Medical coating Nail Envy, O.P.I.
  4. Foundation + strengthener + Pink Up coating.
  5. Top coat with gel shine Gel Shine 3 D, Sally Hansen.
  6. Dr.Rescue 3-in-1 coverage, Maybelline New York.
  7. Means for restoring nails with grape seed extract Bon Elixir, Vivienne Sabo.
  8. Base coat SOS for strengthening nails, Yves Rocher.

Recently, biogel for nails has become more and more popular. It is especially important to use it for girls who naturally have thin and brittle nail plates. It is believed that this is a safe way to naturally improve the appearance and condition of a manicure.

Is biogel and gel polish good for nails?

If you decide to try gel nail strengthening on yourself, it is recommended that you contact the salon for this. However, many girls have learned to carry out a correction session at home, because this procedure is much simpler than acrylic or gel extensions. In addition, it requires fewer consumables, which are easy to buy.

Covering nails with biogel is a simple technique, which will result not only in strengthening the nail plate, but also in caring for the cuticle. Thanks to this, you can do trimmed manicure much less often. Coating natural nails with gel makes them thicker, stronger, smoother. This is especially important for brittle, delamination-prone plates that lack minerals and vitamins. From above, you can apply beautiful colored varnishes, stickers or rhinestones as desired.

Applying gel polish does not have special healing properties. This is more a way to decorate a manicure. You can remove the covering layer using a special tool, spending no more than 15 minutes on the procedure. It is recommended to correct the gel coating at least every 3 weeks, because during this time the nail plate grows back, and the difference becomes obvious. Strengthening with biogel differs from extensions in that it does not radically change the length and shape.

The composition is applied to the surface of the natural nail plate, smoothes, makes it more solid and durable. Bio gel for strengthening nails consists of 35% protein, therefore it is not rejected by the tissue and does not damage it. It is important to use such a tool after removing acrylic or shellac, when the plates need healing, protection, restoration. The texture of the biogel is liquid, the composition falls on the plate in a thin layer, does not need to be corrected. After 4 sessions of strengthening nails with gel, the result of the application will become noticeable.

How to strengthen nails

Many modern girls have already learned how to strengthen their nails at home on their own. The most important thing in this matter is the preparation of tools and materials for the procedure. For this purpose, you should prepare a remedy, a nail file, a buff, a degreaser, an ultraviolet lamp. Strict adherence to the steps of the procedure will help to get good results. It is worth noting that this method can be applied not only on the hands, but also on the legs.

Procedure steps:

  • hand disinfection;
  • plate preparation (sawing, grinding);
  • degreasing;
  • application of funds;
  • modeling (if it was supposed);
  • gel application (it is recommended to make two layers);
  • drying the coating under a UV lamp;
  • trimming the shape with a nail file;
  • optionally - applying colored varnish;
  • after 2-3 weeks it is time to adjust the coverage.

Strengthening nails with biogel

This remedy was created for medicinal purposes, because it does not lengthen the nail plates, does not change their shape, and is not decorative. Biogel is made from proteins and teak resin, which grows in South Africa. A natural biological product is allowed to be used even by pregnant women who fear for the health of the baby.


How does a gel nail strengthening session work:

  1. First, the plate is degreased, the cuticle is pushed back.
  2. They file the nail, remove the shine with the help of a buff.
  3. A primer layer is applied, dried under a UV lamp.
  4. After that, the biogel is applied in several layers, each is dried for 3-5 minutes.


Most girls prefer to wear a beautiful long manicure. However, it is worth noting that biogel for short lengths is a great way to improve their condition, restore the structure (especially important after extension). In addition, strengthening, care with treatment are needed in order to grow healthy plates of the desired length. The procedure is similar to strengthening long nails. Additionally, you can use stickers, color coating and more.

How to choose gel for strengthening nails