How to speed up contractions after separation. Childbirth occurs when several conditions are present. Methods for stimulating cervical dilatation

selection from the sibmama forum

Martha: Two popular methods: sex and enema. Both provoke contractions. You also need to talk to the child, tell him how you are waiting for him. Don't rush things at all. He himself knows when to go out. But don’t gain weight - be sure to persuade her. Tell him that it will be hard for mom, and that it will be hard for him himself.

Svetlanka: They say it helps to squat...

Young lady Anyuta: We walked around the floors of the maternity hospital. Someone carried a chair on outstretched arms, crawled on all fours, someone rode in a car around the maternity hospital. Before giving birth, my mother washed the floor with her hands... Someone prepared lunch for the whole family and warmed up with a vacuum cleaner. There are a lot of these tales, if you go to the maternity hospital early, you will hear a lot more.

Ryzhik: I would advise you to walk more. Something to tidy up the house. Nipple stimulation also helps a lot. You can read more about this on the Internet. Sex seems like a good idea. Although with such a belly it is difficult. In general, this is all advice from my doctor.

Jenny: hot bath.

Manyusha: I did squats, and walked along the street for a long time (they were walking with heavy bags from the store), and I had sex, and my nipples were stimulated. Some of this helped. Well, at worst, an enema - they say it causes contractions. About sex: activity is not as important here as sperm! It contains some substances that have a positive effect on the dilation of the cervix. So you can lie down like a log.

Laticka: run up and down the stairs, wash the floors and persuade the child, I remember, I was sitting there persuading on August 2, like - daughter, get ready for the world, it’s very difficult for me, etc., etc.

Oklen:"In recent years, new means of artificially inducing labor have been discovered. These are prostaglandin substances, which are found in large quantities in amniotic fluid. Previously, these drugs were used in the form of a solution that was administered intravenously, but now a gel has been developed that is used vaginally. It gradually dissolves , causing initial contractions of the uterus. If there are no contractions within 4 hours, the procedure is repeated. The good thing is that contractions are caused gradually, causing the cervix to dilate, which stimulates the onset of normal labor. And in cases where repetition of the procedure does not leads to childbirth, it is completely safe to postpone the procedure until the next day."

Bantikova: Girls, my birth was sped up at the consultation. This is not a guide on how to give birth, but I’ll just share... They gave me a kelp candle in the evening, the doctor told me to drive up to her in the morning, she would remove it... And I decided why I should go (the path is not close), I went to a consultation with myself, anyway, there was a scheduled appointment that day, I asked them to clean it up. It turned out that the thread had come off... And in general, while they were looking for this kelp for me and trying to get it, my contractions started right on the chair. But they never got this candle, although they assured me otherwise. I came with contractions to my doctor, where she got it (the candle) for me quickly and most importantly - painlessly... In general, this is how my labor was sped up at the “native” consultation. On the same day I gave birth to a son.

Phantom: Acupressure massage is a natural treatment that can be used to induce labor in women who have been post-term, to reduce pain associated with childbirth, or to speed up a slow labor.
Massage of biologically active points of the body is similar to acupuncture, but the difference is that it uses finger massage rather than needles. The greatest benefit of acupressure massage is that it is an effective way to induce labor as well as reduce pain associated with childbirth.

Megan: From grandmother's advice: wash the floor in the entire apartment - not with a mop, but by hand, while squatting. From personal experience: long walks. Try to talk to your baby again, explain to him why it is better to be born now. I know that many children in such a situation obeyed.

On Rozhana’s website, in the “Childbirth” section, there is a description of a herbal mixture to speed up opening and relieve pain, but it is noted that you need to start drinking it with the onset of contractions. I had a fairly quick birth, and I think it was thanks to him.
"Collection for childbirth: 1 tablespoon of thyme, peppermint, lemon balm, rose hips, oregano, brew 300 g of water in a water bath for 20 minutes. Cool and add a glass of boiled water. Take a few sips at the beginning of contractions until fully dilated necks".
I repeat that I spent most of the time with this preparation at home, in a fairly relaxed state, and gave birth 30 minutes later. upon arrival at the maternity hospital, however, it was the second birth.
Therefore, be sure to note the PERIODICITY of contractions. Painful sensations are not an indicator.

NataliaI: I used window cleaning for this purpose, remembering my mother’s story that I was born after she sealed the windows. It helped, but I somewhat regret it, because perhaps the body was not ready yet, and everything did not go well

VaLerochka: Sex, mopping floors, walking up to the 9th floor, walking with bags... None of this helped! Although, after mild contractions, there were 7 fingers dilated and a very soft neck, according to the doctor. Maybe sex helped here?
And the birth began after I took off the curtains and hung them back, and also lifted the stool (we have them heavy) with outstretched arms above my head. I did all this in the afternoon, and at 3 am I woke up with a stomach ache. Began.

Oza: Sex (necessarily with orgasm so that the uterus contracts), long walks and a warm bath.

Stepan: In my opinion, the best stimulation is a good mood and warm relationships with others, when everything has already been decided and determined, you can simply relax and enjoy life.

palmira: But nothing helped me - neither running (at the last stages), nor walking, nor washing the floor by hand, nor lifting weights, nor sex... absolutely nothing. Except! An examination on a chair, where they checked whether the bladder was intact by poking their fingers at the top of the child’s head. So we were born the next day.

A little pregnant: The doctor advised me to stimulate my nipples. That's what I did for two days. Even in the evenings, when it was impossible to walk, I ran up the stairs there, and when it was possible, I walked. I went to the city by minibus (I gave birth in Pervomaika).

Senefera: And I gave birth after the girls and I laughed until we lost our pulse and cried in the evening! And 2 hours later the contractions started!

Nana: I, apparently, also stimulated myself. 2 weeks in pathology, transfer to another maternity hospital (the city hospital was closed for cleaning), my nerves could not stand it, and I spent the whole evening sobbing into my husband on the phone about how much I wanted to go home. That same night, contractions began, and my son was born at 37 weeks.

Magali: labor begins when the baby produces a special hormone. How jumping and squats can contribute to this is not very clear))) Sex helps to some extent, there is prostaglandin in sperm, it softens the cervix....

Eseniya: I don’t know whether it was a coincidence or not, but the fact is obvious. That day I wanted to do a huge cleaning, I even washed the windows, in general, I was so tired in the evening that I didn’t even understand why my whole body was aching. Well, at one o'clock in the morning I already gave birth

Aksa: I can say that it really helped me to give birth at 38.5 weeks without stimulation and tearing:
1) olive oil from one to 3 tablespoons 2 months before the PDR.
2) tea from raspberry leaves a month before the PDR.
Walk on stairs, but only after 2 steps and preferably at a fast pace.

Lenka: What helped me with my first Re was a relaxing bath by candlelight + a glass of red wine + sex. Then we immediately went to give birth.

Free_Dom+: I also tried - walks (a lot and more), a special diet, soaping the floors, thinking about the baby, and everything that is described here. In the end, an examination on the chair helped. Or maybe not, but after examination she gave birth 12 hours later.

K@tenok: I gave birth at exactly 40 weeks because I was actively preparing so as not to go through the transition - sex (a lot), moving, assembling cabinets, long walks with my eldest daughter, and especially drinking raspberry leaf tea - I drank liters of it the last 2 days before giving birth.

KatyaD (06/01/2019)

Woman, 20 years old. Primipara. 39 weeks. Premature abruption of a normally located placenta. On the advice of an experienced friend, I collected six boxes of matches scattered on the floor in order to give birth faster. Squatted. I went down and up to the ninth floor without an elevator. We run, back and forth, back and forth. Heavy bleeding. Severe fetal hypoxia. Extirpation of the uterus. The child could not be saved.

Adocada (01/06/2017)

Until recently, I walked a lot, did repairs, talked with my daughter, because... I felt that it was already hard for her - it didn’t help. And all sorts of somersaults with cabinets/refrigerators/floors can be harmful. If you have a trained body, your muscles, even stretched ones, will withstand the load, there will be no contractions, but your water may break.
I decided to get a pedicure after a shower, and eventually my water broke, but there were no contractions as such. The contractions went normal after 5 hours, I also gave birth only 5 hours after the contractions started, and even then with the help of an oxytocin drip, an epidural and the doctor’s elbows.
As a result, hypoxia, tight entanglement of the umbilical cord and other “delights” of the abnormal course of labor (although the entanglement was filmed by ultrasound 10 days before).
So be careful with somersaults and weights. As an option, prostaglandins, but not from tubes, but from your husband - sex. Many people have an effect, and if not, then at least without harm and with pleasure.

Shabalinova Tatyana (01/02/2011)

I gave birth twice after rubbing my nipples...natural oxytocin is produced this way, but it doesn’t work for everyone, as many breastfeed for a long time and sensitivity decreases, or sensitivity is simply reduced by nature. For this very reason (due to high sensitivity) I could not breastfeed, because the sensations were unpleasant, to put it mildly.....

No matter how desirable pregnancy may be, such a state, lasting nine long months with an ever-growing belly, gradually tires, even if it is a completely healthy woman. If the due date according to the PDR has already arrived, but the baby still does not want to be born, and according to forecasts he is large and dangerous, the issue of stimulating labor needs to be addressed. Often, doctors refuse medical interventions without the necessary indications, and send the expectant mother to “take a walk” and persuade the baby to be born. Many mothers, losing patience, begin to look for advice on the Internet and from friends or friends who have recently given birth - how to speed up labor using folk, improvised methods. Among them there are both completely adequate and acceptable methods that are safe for mother and baby, and those that can threaten serious complications and consequences. Let's examine from a medical point of view everything that can be found among the tips and techniques, even if these methods seem ridiculous or funny.

What you need to start labor

Nature is wise, and the birth process starts at the moment when both the mother and her baby are completely ready for this event, not only physically, but also psychologically, at the level of higher matters, which science has not yet been able to fix, although such attempts have been made repeatedly. In order for labor to begin, the mother’s body must prepare for it, and especially active work occurs in the cervical area, which must “ripe” and soften so that when contractions begin, it opens well and quickly without being damaged, and can allow the baby to pass through. The mother’s nervous system must also be ready for labor, so that the brain and peripheral nerves actively and fully coordinate processes in the body, from contractions and cervical dilation to pulse, pressure, body temperature and pain.

And one more point that many people overlook is the formation of a special “generic dominant”, similar to the one that existed during pregnancy. If such a unique focus of activity in the brain is fully formed due to physical and psychological preparation for childbirth, it is its formation that helps in starting labor and its subsequent successful course, pain relief and intuitively correct actions of the woman. But let’s assume that the woman’s “dominant of labor” has already practically “ripened”, but there are still no signs of labor, how can we help in these cases?

We recommend reading:

Intimate relationships

Intimate relationships have always been considered the most basic “recipe” for accelerating the onset of childbirth. And from a medical point of view, this makes a certain biological sense.

Firstly, sex with your beloved spouse helps relieve the tension that accumulates towards the end of pregnancy in the expectant mother. Intimate relationships are a way to escape from painful thoughts associated with upcoming events, physical and emotional relaxation, as well as pleasure with the release of hormones - endorphins, which suppress the effects of stress hormones.


Often, some doctors and psychologists associate a kind of delay before childbirth, when all the periods of pregnancy have passed, with stress, the release of stress hormones, which seem to “pinch” childbirth, slowing it down on a purely psychological level due to the subconscious fear of pain, the unknown, problems and complications. .

During intimate intimacy, the brain seems to “turn off” and its influence on the body too - this makes it possible for the mechanisms to trigger labor to work.

Secondly, a man’s sperm contains prostaglandins, substances that lead to softening of the cervical area, its maturation and preparation for childbirth. Gels for preparing the cervix for childbirth, which are used by doctors in the maternity hospital, have a similar mechanism, only their concentrations are higher, and the process of application itself is not as pleasant as sex with a spouse.

Thirdly, due to intimacy and orgasm, blood actively flows to the genitals and the uterus, it receives more oxygen and nutrition, the muscles increase their tone, which stimulates the contractile activity of the uterus. This can lead to the mucus plug being released, training contractions intensifying and turning into true contractions over several hours or days.

It is important to choose a comfortable position, take into account the presence of contraindications and not be too active. Doctors recommend starting such preparation at or a little earlier (when the pregnancy is fully term), gradual preparation of the cervix occurs over a couple of weeks.

When the method is not suitable:

  • If the mucus plug has come off or amniotic fluid is leaking, intimate intimacy can be dangerous due to complications such as infection of the membranes and baby;
  • If there are problems in pregnancy and other doctor’s prohibitions;
  • Against the background of vaginal dysbiosis or in the presence of a partner.

Increased activity

You can often hear advice about:

  • long walks,
  • general house cleaning,
  • washing windows or hanging curtains,
  • hand washing bed linen,
  • active charging,
  • dancing,
  • picking up a box of matches from the floor,
  • active climbing stairs.

All these tips, if you bring them together, are, in essence, increasing physical activity. Considering that by the end of pregnancy, expectant mothers become slow and clumsy, tired and lazy, such a sharp activation leads to revitalization of metabolism, increased synthesis of hormones, blood supply to muscles and revitalization of the nervous system. This fact leads to the process of launching rads, activating contractions, and the discharge of amniotic fluid, which leads to the imminent birth of a child.


Lifting weights, moving furniture, jumping and sudden movements threaten placental abruption and bleeding, as well as premature discharge of amniotic fluid. Washing windows or hanging curtains can lead to falls and injuries, which can threaten the health and even the life of not only the fetus, but also the mother. Therefore, of all the above, it would be worth leaving only walking, and not to the point of exhaustion.

  • Presence of hypertension

Effects on breasts and nipples

During pregnancy, a woman’s breasts undergo serious changes, due to which special reflexes are formed that are associated with an effect on the brain, subcortical formations, and endocrine glands. A similar mechanism is needed for the subsequent establishment of lactation when the nipples and areola are irritated due to sucking by the baby. At the end of pregnancy, after the 37-38th week, these connections are formed, due to which the sensitivity of the breast and the reaction to its irritation from the body and uterus increases. Therefore, you can hear the following recommendations:

  • irritate nipples
  • massage your breasts in the shower
  • massage the areola and nipples with a hard washcloth or towel.

From the point of view of doctors, there is a certain sense, since closer to childbirth, due to stimulation of the nipples and areola, increasing concentrations of oxytocin are released, preparing the uterus for childbirth, stimulating contractions and ripening of the cervix. In addition, the hormone oxytocin has an anti-stress effect, which reduces internal tension, calming and preparing the woman for childbirth. Therefore, this advice may apply, but only in relatively moderate quantities.

You should not irritate the nipples with hard washcloths and towels, only with your fingertips, so as not to injure the delicate skin of the nipple and not cause cracks and infections.

Breast manipulation can only be performed during full-term pregnancy. so as not to provoke an increase in uterine tone, discomfort and the threat of premature birth. Such irritation is also dangerous with placenta previa, gestosis and hypertension.

Activation of intestinal motility

Due to the activation of the intestines, which in the last weeks of pregnancy are prone to lethargy and decreased activity, reflex reactions occur with increased uterine tone due to irritation of nearby nerve trunks. Increased impulses to the brain from the abdominal organs lead to increased contractions of the uterus and the initiation or intensification of labor. In this regard, there are recommendations:

  • Take laxatives (castor oil, buckthorn, vegetable oil)
  • Eat more laxative foods (pineapples, fresh cabbage salad, pears, plums)
  • The use of enemas with decoctions of laxative herbs or glycerin

Often before childbirth, upon admission to the emergency department, enemas are performed to cleanse the intestines and stimulate labor. Due to irritation of the intestines and the lower segment of the uterus, they lead to softening of the cervix and stimulation of contractions, removal of the plug and dilation of the cervix. Such procedures will help only if the cervix is ​​mature, ready for childbirth and the fetus is full-term.

Castor oil, senna and other herbal preparations, as well as magnesia, can lead to severe abdominal pain and cramps, which also threatens to provoke reflex vomiting and malaise. And if this is practiced against the background of a still immature uterus, this threatens to cause hypertonicity of the uterus.

By changing your diet, you can cleanse the intestines of feces in order to avoid an enema before childbirth and slightly intensify labor. The effect is similar to the previous options, but softer. Considering the fact that before childbirth, the intestines themselves prepare for an imminent birth and can weaken, while taking laxative products, severe diarrhea is possible, which can be confused with infectious, which threatens childbirth in the observation department. Therefore, you should not overdo it with salads, pineapples and vegetable oils, cabbage and beets. Contraindications to this method:

  • Placenta previa and threats of abruption
  • Somatic pathologies leading to ailments, the risk of exacerbation during childbirth.


It is prohibited to take laxatives without a doctor’s permission, especially if they are medicinal and strong drugs, they can cause significant harm.

Various herbal infusions, decoctions, preparations

Due to their natural bioactive components, many plants, herbs and trees have a variety of effects on pregnancy. Thus, many of the plants used to stimulate labor have a stimulating effect on the synthesis of prostaglandins, which prepare the uterus and cervix for childbirth, making it softer and helping to dilate. Some of the drugs have a tonic and stimulating effect on the nervous system and muscle fibers, and some of the compounds have anti-stress, anti-hypoxic, sedative effects - preparing the nervous system for a difficult test.

  • Raspberry jam, decoction or tea with raspberry leaves, which help soften the cervix and increase the elasticity of the perineal tissue, if used from 36 weeks.
  • Clove and cinnamon teas have similar effects as raspberries.
  • Evening primrose oil helps in ripening the cervix and increasing the elasticity of perineal tissue. It is used both topically for perineal massage and internally; today it can be bought in pharmacies in capsules. Due to the large amount of fatty acids, it stimulates the production of prostaglandins.
  • It has a similar effect to primrose. It is used from 38 weeks of pregnancy to soften the cervix.

Contraindications to such drugs may include:

  • Individual intolerance to components
  • Allergy in the form of contact
  • Some somatic pathologies.


Before using such methods, it would not be superfluous to consult a doctor who will determine the advisability of such actions and whether the cervix and labor need stimulation.

Taking a bath with aroma oils

There is evidence that some of the essential oils are capable of influencing physiological processes and hormone synthesis; scientifically proven factors have not yet been published, but there is observational data and reviews from expectant mothers themselves. Essential oils are usually used in aroma lamps or added to a bath. There is evidence of the use of rose and jasmine oils, cloves, and lavender. Inhaling the aromas of these oils up to four times a day can help stimulate labor. More often, aromatic oils are used for baths, sometimes with the addition of cream.

Contraindications to this method:

Taking a hot bath before childbirth is strictly prohibited., it can provoke placental abruption and bleeding, which threatens the life and health of both. In addition, in hot water you can feel sick from a sharp expansion of blood vessels and a decrease in pressure, which can lead to accidents (injuries, fractures, drowning).

Acupuncture, acupressure

The influence of various types of influences on the body is known - acupuncture, acupressure in the area of ​​reflexogenic points. There are certain points in the foot area, irritation of which can help speed up the ripening of the cervix and the start of labor in the next two days. Naturally, the surest method would be to irritate these points with the help of a specialist who knows exactly how and where to apply pressure. But if you don’t have similar friends or the maternity hospital does not practice such innovations, you can carry out stimulation yourself. One of the points is located between the big toe and the index toe; when pressed there, slight pain is felt. This point needs to be actively kneaded. There is also a point at the front of the top near the ankle or 4 fingers higher than the inner ankle bone. These zones also need to be actively kneaded with your fingers (index or thumb) in a circular motion at different angles. You need to press on the area several times for 10-15 seconds.

With reflexology, specialists can influence the pituitary points in the big toe area, leading to a powerful release of oxytocin, as well as the bladder and cervical areas in the metatarsal area. Stimulating the solar plexus point will help a woman remain calm and collected, while the ovarian and uterine point on the inside of the foot will help trigger contractions.

Contraindications can only be prematurity up to 38 weeks.


The effectiveness of these techniques has not been scientifically proven.

Inflating balloons

This method indirectly relates to increased physical activity, but this is done through the respiratory system. In addition, the mechanism of inflating balloons is in many ways similar to the breathing movements that are needed during contractions and pushing, and therefore the body can, through such training, prepare for childbirth and begin contractions. You need to inflate 10 balloons or more per day, but monitor your well-being and dizziness, which are possible against the background of sudden hyperventilation of the lungs.

Contraindications to this method:

  • Placenta previa and threats of abruption
  • Presence of gestosis, hypertension, protein in urine
  • Somatic pathologies leading to ailments, the risk of exacerbation during childbirth
  • Respiratory pathologies, asthma.
We recommend reading:

Medicinal methods of starting the birth process

You may find recommendations to put suppositories with papaverine before giving birth or to take it to relieve spasms from the cervix and relax it, soften it and then start labor. But such drugs can only do harm without a doctor’s prescription, so you shouldn’t use them, just like any others. It is prohibited to use cervical ripening gels and various pills, including hormonal ones, without a doctor.

Fun recipes: sugar and flashlight

Naturally, these tips have no real basis, but they circulate on the Internet and are passed on from generation to generation, reflected in classical literature. So, to speed up labor and hurry the baby, it is recommended to shine a flashlight into the birth canal. This is explained by the fact that the baby will go into the light, seeing the way out of the dark womb. Of course, this advice has no physiological basis - it’s more fun than real benefit.

There is another piece of advice from ancient times: to “lure” a child out of the uterus, you need to put a piece of sugar between the labia. Children love sweets and supposedly will hurry into the world to taste it. Naturally, this advice does not have any logical explanation; moreover, sugar can lead to disruption of the microflora and provocation of candidiasis, inflammation and complications during childbirth.

Alena Paretskaya, pediatrician, medical columnist

Sometimes it happens that all the planned dates have passed, but the baby is not going to be born. In this case, it is necessary to evaluate whether your pregnancy is. If not, then there are several “harmless” ways to speed up the onset of labor on your own, without...

Having sex

The fact is that the seminal fluid of men will contain prostaglandins, which can stimulate the onset of labor.

Exercise stress

A long walk, walking up stairs, general cleaning of the house, in particular washing the floors, going to shops and markets can also contribute to the onset of labor.

Breast massage

Many people benefit from active breast massage, especially the nipple area. The fact is that massage of the nipples promotes the release of a hormone - a powerful stimulator of uterine contractions.


Active bowel cleansing with an enema can also trigger uterine contractions.

Other ways to speed up labor

The rest of the “folk remedies” are based on eating dishes prepared using beets and parsley. Aromatherapy, taking small doses of castor oil, etc. also help.

The use of one or more of these points will most likely trigger the onset of labor in the near future. The timing of labor may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the pregnant woman’s body.


Try aromatherapy. I used it on myself and breathed in rose oil (you can also use jasmine, depending on what you like). I bought an aroma lamp, inhaled it (4 times during the day), on the same day in the evening false contractions began, and by the morning at 4 o’clock real contractions began. (Matryoshka)

It helped me this way: the last meal of light food at 4-6 o’clock (evenings), after 2-2.5 hours. do an enema with saline solution (1 tbsp per liter). After this, drink 50 grams. (2 bottles) castor oil, seizing small. a piece of black bread with salt or lemon. It is better to drink in 2-3 doses from a large spoon :)). It will take effect in 30-60 minutes. After my first visit to the toilet, I had my first contraction, after 10 minutes the bladder burst and my anterior waters broke... (Mom98)

I add to what has been said.
1. Squats
2. Jumping (the stomach can be supported if it is uncomfortable)
3. Sauna or better yet, bathhouse.
Everything is done at night and to such a state when the stomach gets up like a stake. (Natalia A.)

All women eagerly await the birth of their baby. But in order to see her baby, the lady needs to go through childbirth. and how to do it to speed up the birth of your baby? These questions interest many mothers, so it’s worth understanding them.

Childbirth process

If a woman has already started having contractions, she should do everything in her power to give birth as quickly as possible, thus saving herself and her baby from unnecessary suffering. So, here are some tips on how to give birth quickly. Tip one: you need to get rid of any fear. Fear constrains and does not give a woman the opportunity to relax and do everything necessary to facilitate labor. Only calmness, only concentration on the main process is the key to an easy and quick birth. How to give birth quickly, tip two: you need to have some freedom of action. A woman’s body often tells her how to make it easier, more comfortable, and less painful. However, most doctors have a negative attitude towards such “independent activity” of a woman in labor, arguing that only they know how and when it is best to take any action. Therefore, it is better to give birth in private clinics (they are more relaxed about various “innovations”), where they have everything necessary to facilitate and speed up labor. Another tip on how to give birth quickly: you just need to prepare for childbirth. To do this, you need to learn various breathing techniques that not only relieve pain, but also speed up labor, and know when and what position is best to take. It is worth noting that all these intricacies are taught in regular courses that are best attended by all expectant mothers.

How to give birth faster?

But there are situations when it seems that the due date has already approached, but the baby is absolutely not going to be born. What can you do to give birth faster? There may also be some tips here. So, most mothers and gynecologists recommend “papa therapy,” that is, intimate intimacy. And it is desirable that the lady gets maximum pleasure. This will not only relax the cervix, but also give the body a certain signal. The woman's orgasm will lead to and thus labor can begin. Tip two: to give birth faster, you can perform nipple stimulation. This will not harm the woman at all, even if it does not cause contractions. This will also help prepare you for breastfeeding. However, most women say that after a few sessions of nipple massage they begin to feel the expected urge of labor to begin. Why is this happening? The fact is that such stimulation causes a rush of milk to the breast, which, by the way, is also responsible for labor. Tip three: most mothers recommend moderate physical activity. And if they do not cause contractions, then at least they will benefit the body.

What not to do

If a woman keeps telling herself: “I want to give birth faster, what should I do?” - she must be able to filter all the information that she receives from the outside. So, every pregnant woman needs to know what not to do if she wants to induce contractions as quickly as possible. Some people may be advised to drink a small amount of alcohol before bed. This is bad advice that should not be heeded. You can also hear the recommendation that you need to eat spicy foods to bring contractions closer. This definitely won’t give you the expected result, but you can get heartburn or even gastritis.

Everyone knows that giving birth to a child is a long and painful process. However, you still need to survive it, and therefore many women ask the question: “Is it possible to speed up the process of childbirth?” After all, no one wants to suffer too long and wait to meet their baby. You have been worried and preparing for this event for a very long time. So let's try to find out how you can speed up the birth process and bring the long-awaited meeting with your baby closer.

Stimulation of labor

Childbirth is a complex and multifaceted process. For them to go well, you need to take into account a lot of nuances. Therefore, it is better to stimulate and accelerate this process under the supervision of a doctor or at least after consultation with him. Based on this, stimulation is possible at home and in the maternity hospital.

Initially, you need to be sure that the baby is ready to be born. To do this, you need to take into account the data of the last ultrasound and the duration of pregnancy. According to obstetricians, pregnancy lasts 40 weeks. Their months each last 28 days, so in terms of months, the woman is in position not for 9 months, but for 10. However, the last month, that is, from the 36th to the 40th week, is quite suitable for childbirth. A full-term pregnancy is considered from the 38th week. Therefore, before you are interested in how to speed up the birth process, you need to know exactly how long the baby is in the womb.

Cervix before childbirth

The main indicator of readiness for the birth process is the dilation of the cervix. The normal state of the cervix throughout pregnancy is characterized by its dense consistency, length from 3 to 5 cm, a closed canal filled with mucous plug. All this contributes to the successful bearing of a child.

But closer to childbirth, starting somewhere from the 34-36th week of pregnancy, the cervix begins to prepare for the process of delivery. This process is called cervical ripening and includes:

  • shortening (up to 1 cm);
  • change in consistency (it becomes soft and loose);
  • change in location (movement to the center of the birth canal);
  • opening of the internal and external pharynx.

All these points need to be known before speeding up the birth process using various methods.

Stages of cervical dilatation

The period of cervical dilatation is divided into 3 stages, each of which has its own duration. However, it is worth keeping in mind that this is purely individual, and also depends on whether the woman is primigravida or not.

The first stage is called latent (hidden) or slow. It lasts for 4-6 hours and opens the canal by 4 cm. During this stage, a woman may experience contractions every 6-7 minutes.

The second stage is called active or fast. During her period, contractions are observed every minute, the intensity of dilatation is 1 cm per hour. During this stage, the cervix opens up to 10 cm.

The third stage is the last. It indicates the beginning of labor. Contractions give way to pushing, during which the baby passes through the birth canal.

Methods for stimulating cervical dilatation

Since the process of dilation of the cervix is ​​already accompanied by painful sensations, it is natural that you want it to pass as quickly as possible. So, how to speed up the process of uterine dilatation before childbirth?

  1. Castor oil. Taking this drug helps stimulate labor. In addition to having a laxative effect, it also stimulates uterine contraction and cervical dilatation. But you need to be extremely careful with it; in the early stages of cervical dilation, it may not work.
  2. Herbal remedies. The effectiveness of taking, for example, a decoction of raspberry leaves or suppositories with belladonna extract has not been proven. But the good thing is that at least they are harmless.
  3. Warm bath. Helps relax muscles and relieve tone, which makes the neck soft. But this method is unacceptable in cases where the mucus plug and water have already drained.

Stimulation in a hospital setting

Very often, stimulation of cervical dilatation is carried out in a hospital setting. In such cases, various medications are used to promote cervical ripening. An obstetrician-gynecologist deals with how to speed up the process of childbirth in a hospital; naturally, these means and techniques are much more effective than speeding it up at home. So what do doctors use?

  1. Kelp sticks. Dried seaweed in the form of sticks is introduced into the slightly open cervix, and under the influence of moisture they increase in size and thereby open the uterus.
  2. Balloon expansion. A special balloon is inserted into the canal and the cervix is ​​inflated using air or liquid.
  3. Prostaglandins. Can be used in the form of intravenous drips, vaginal gels, suppositories or tablets. They successfully accelerate cervical ripening. By the way, these same prostaglandins are contained in sperm. This is why doctors recommend having sex to speed up labor.
  4. Hormonal drugs. Not as fast acting. After taking it, labor can begin within 2 days.
  5. Manual opening. This operation is performed by a doctor if the uterus contracts well but the cervix dilates poorly.
  6. Amniotomy. In common parlance this is called a puncture of the amniotic sac. Usually contractions begin immediately after these manipulations.
  7. Oxytocin. Administered intravenously as a dropper. The hormone provokes uterine contractions and, consequently, labor.

Contraindications for stimulation

As with any rule, there are exceptions to the issue of stimulation. You shouldn’t even think about how to speed up the birth process if:

  • a planned cesarean section was scheduled;
  • you have a narrow pelvis;
  • available from previous operations;
  • abnormal presentation of the fetus is observed;
  • a diagnosis of placenta previa was made;
  • there is placental abruption;
  • there are infectious diseases of the reproductive system;
  • you have diseases of the cardiovascular and genitourinary systems.

In all of these cases, the birth process must occur under the supervision of a doctor, therefore, independent acceleration of labor is strictly prohibited. The life and health of the baby may depend on this.

Speeding up childbirth at home

So, if your pregnancy proceeded without complications and your baby is absolutely healthy and ready to be born, then you can safely prepare him for this. You can speed up the birth process at home using the following methods:

  1. Hiking. They need to be included in your daily routine and done daily. Physical activity and fresh air will contribute to a faster onset of the labor process. However, it is worth keeping in mind that it is better not to walk on your own for such a long period of time. Involve your husband, girlfriend or mother in this process.
  2. Climbing stairs. This can also help you start labor faster. Just skip the elevator. In this way, you will train your muscles and breathing apparatus, which will undoubtedly help you during the birth process.
  3. Swimming. Also refers to methods of stimulating labor. In addition, water will help you get rid of the pain in your back and lower back that has been growing in recent weeks.
  4. Sex. It's better if it ends with a woman's orgasm. This helps not only to distract yourself and relieve stress, but also to speed up the onset of labor. The partner's sperm contains substances that soften the cervix and facilitate its dilation. While orgasm helps the muscles of the uterus contract. However, it should be noted that this method is unacceptable if the mucus plug has already come off. In this case, this is fraught with infection of the fetus.

These methods are safe, and even the obstetrician-gynecologist himself can recommend them to you.

Week 39

Methods of stimulating labor are recommended starting from the 39th week. As we already mentioned, the baby can be ready to be born at 38 weeks, but if you don’t know exactly when conception occurred, then wait another week before you start rushing the baby.

So, how to speed up the labor process at 39 weeks? The above methods are also suitable for this period. However, there are a few more recommendations:

  1. Nipple and breast massage. This method promotes the production of oxytocin, which causes the uterus to contract. This will also be very useful for you when you put your baby to your breast after giving birth. This way you will not only speed up the process of the onset of labor, but also prepare your breasts for the start of feeding.
  2. House cleaning. We combine useful with useful. Of course, everything should be within reason; you should not move cabinets or lift heavy objects. It is enough to simply move more during the cleaning process. For example, you can wash floors without a mop, moving on your haunches.
  3. Fitball. If you have a large fitness ball at home, then you are incredibly lucky. Jumping on this device increases blood flow to the pelvic organs, including the uterus. This method is even used directly in maternity hospitals.

40th week

What to do if you have already washed all the floors in the apartment a hundred times, and you have sex with your husband more often than before pregnancy, but labor still does not begin? Then we try other methods to speed up the process of childbirth at the 40th week. Here are some of them:

  1. Laxative. Taking approved drugs has a stimulating effect on the walls of the intestines, and, accordingly, the uterus. Thus, you can not only speed up the onset of the labor process, but also prepare for it by emptying your intestines.
  2. Simple gymnastics. Simple physical exercises saturate the body with oxygen and increase blood flow to the uterus. Squats will be especially effective. When performing them, we spread our legs to the sides, and we ourselves hold on to something with our hands. It is better to do the exercises in the presence of your husband or mother, as you may need help.
  3. Kegel exercises. Their implementation is also necessary to prepare the muscles of the uterus and facilitate the birth process. It is recommended to perform up to 100 times a day.