How to recognize a vampire who has become a friend. Hidden tricks of vampirism

To begin with, let's define who the "vampire" and "energy vampire" are and see if they really exist. In the mythology of many peoples, a vampire is a bloodsucker, a ghoul, a werewolf who, after death, drinks blood and bites people.

In the modern concept, vampirism is, of course, not the sucking of blood on moonlit nights. Under "vampirism" is understood any form of borrowing energy, taking away the vitality of another, in other words, living at someone else's expense. A vampire is one who only consumes without giving anything in return.

Everything around us is energy. For example, when people exchange words, at the same time they exchange mental energy, feelings, convey their emotions and moods to each other. Sometimes communication with some people is so exhausting that after that you feel a breakdown, as if an energy intervention is taking place. We say after such communication - "squeezed out like a lemon", "all the blood was sucked out." It is these people, after whom we lose our vitality, that are usually called "energy vampires".

A lot of literature has been written about this, but practically nowhere is it said that a novice vampire man first of all energetically eats himself up, and later, having got a taste, "eats" others. It happens that people themselves vampirize active and positive energy. A person is engaged in self-digging, self-criticism, internally whines at his fate and shows dissatisfaction with the fact that he gets so little good from life. Thus, an inner vampirism begins, which transforms a person. A person destroys his energy shell and allows evil to penetrate into the depths of his soul. Connecting with evil, the human soul is transformed into the soul of a vampire.

Vampire people are easy to spot in their environment. Such people are constantly looking for a reason for a conflict situation, arrange a showdown and "swing their rights" or vice versa, they are always offended by everyone. There are passive (lunar) vampires and active (solar) vampires, but they all have one thing in common - communication with them exhausts and exhausts the nervous system.

Solar vampires.

Their energy is aggressive, conflict. They constantly yell at someone, or squeal with or without reason. A selfish person who provokes quarrels and scandals, causing mental or physical pain in those around him. The solar vampire acts arrogantly, insults openly and in the most cynical way, causing an outburst of your indignation. If you do not respond to his insults, then he is able to hit in order to eventually get a release of your negative energy for himself.

Lunar Vampire.

This energy thief is secretive and quiet. He always cries about his problems. He is a bore who does not quarrel with anyone and does not swear, but with his whining he brings those around him to white heat. An aggressive lunar vampire happens only with his close people behind closed doors, allows himself to be rude and cruel. To outsiders, he is cultured and polite. He regularly asks everyone for advice, complains about life and constantly needs your help. You will not even immediately understand how you will find yourself in bondage with such a person.

It happens that a vampire is a loved one. And there's nothing you can do about it. Love is not chosen, it just comes. Because you love who you love. The vampire comes home, and immediately there is an oppressive atmosphere, which lasts until the vampire "receives" his share of energy recharging from his family, that is, until everyone gets it. "Cuts" everyone, hurts and then walks around smiling. Many well-bred vampires cannot afford to recharge at work, so they are "sucked" by energy from their family members. Such vampires provoke quarrels from scratch. They need energy for life in order to live, they don’t know how to live in another way.

There are also children who are vampires.

The vampire baby is gloomy and unsociable. These children usually have an arrogant character. They are constantly dissatisfied with something - either their grandmother is bad, or mom or dad is wrong. Where does children's vampirism come from? It happens that in the family someone was a vampire. And it happens that they frighten a pregnant woman or the father of the child behaves unworthily, then Buka enters the body of the baby - this is a spirit that devours the real soul of the child and deprives the child of interest in life. A child obsessed with Buka is not interested in playing, reading, drawing, learning lessons, he leans from corner to corner. The child will often fall into a tantrum that cannot be stopped. Nevertheless, he perfectly knows how to manipulate people and puts himself at the service.

There is sexual vampirism. The sexual essence that has settled in a person deprives both a man and a woman of sexual energy. Spouses are too lazy to have sex. They don’t run to the side either, and in the family they don’t want to fulfill their “marital duty”. At the same time, they constantly find fault with their spouse - “you don’t eat like that”, “you don’t sit like that”, “you don’t snore like that”. The worst thing is that they get nit-picking not only the spouse, but also their children.

What to do if you have to live next to such a vampire, and even if this is a loved one? Try taking a bath with wormwood. Brew half a pack of pharmacy wormwood in two liters of water, then pour it into the bath and add a handful of sea salt. Immerse yourself in such a bath for 20-30 minutes. I assure you, after such a bath you will feel much better, you will have energy protection. Salt that settles on your skin will take the full blow from the vampire and will not hit you.

You can try another way.

When you are emotionally attacked, take water in your mouth, after a while spit it into the sink and take the next portion. Thus, the water in your mouth will restrain the energy from offensive words addressed to you and will not let it into your body.

If you have a good imagination, imagine a fire burning between you and the offender.

And most importantly, don't let your head think negative thoughts. Positive thoughts will serve as your best protection.

Recently, a certain halo of romanticism has matured around the images of vampires. And now more and more people are wondering how to become a vampire in real life, without even thinking about the consequences.
It is believed that vampires do not age, have superpowers, can read people's minds and are excellent hypnotists. However, all these qualities have a downside. If you want to become one of the members of the people of the night, of course we cannot forbid you to do this, but for that we will tell you how the vampires are really doing today.

There are 4 ways to become a vampire.
Born with a predisposition to vampirism
Transformation with Vampire Magic
Being bitten by a vampire
Seem like a vampire

But first, let's tell you about how vampires actually live in Russia and most countries, what you will most likely have to face if you can become a real vampire.

How to find a vampire in Russia and how they live

Most often, vampires are loners.

It is worth saying that Russia is not the most favorable country for vampires. A large concentration of law enforcement agencies and a large amount of personal documentation that an individual needs to have (passport, snils, inn) make the life of an immortal being who is afraid of daylight very uncomfortable. Most often, vampires choose third world countries such as African countries, the slums of Brazil or India for their life. Places where the police often do not even undertake to investigate murders.
It is believed that most vampires live in India. This country is home to almost a billion people, which means there is no shortage of food, a loyal attitude towards death and full of slums. By the way, the cult of the goddess Kali-Ma was very widespread in India, and there were many vampires among the followers of this cult.
But Russia also had its own vampire order and it was called the “Nine Invisibles”. Whether it has survived to this day or not is unknown.

How modern vampires live

There were many vampires among the Thug cult that existed in 19th century Bengal.

Now we will have to dispel the romanticism of those who believe that the vampire life is beautiful pictures from the movie "Twilight" or novels about "Count Dracula".
The life of a vampire is agony. Eternal struggle for existence and excruciating hunger.
Vampires don't live in packs. They are all hermits and loners. Most often, vampires have to live among the gypsies or the homeless. This is explained by the fact that it is necessary to erase the history of your personality and be the one who will not arouse suspicion among neighbors and others.
Vampires are usually divided into two categories. These are shepherd vampires and nomad vampires.

Vampires often have to live the lifestyle of people invisible to society. homeless or gypsies.

Shepherd vampires

Vampire shepherds lead a sedentary lifestyle. They may live in ditch, sewers, abandoned garages, or abandoned buildings. In appearance, these are ordinary homeless people, only they do not appear on the street in daylight. Shepherds are sedentary. They can change their haven, but only after they realize that there is nothing more to take in the area. Shepherd vampires most often settle in unfavorable areas and villages, where it is easier to hide the consequences of their hunting.

Vampire nomads

These vampires are constantly on the move. They can sleep peacefully in the forests under the open sky and their victims are most often people they meet along the way. Mostly they are drunkards, homeless people or just naive travelers.

Shepherd vampires and nomad vampires do not like each other. Shepherds dislike nomads most often because they sometimes wander into their territory and hunt there. And nomads do not like shepherds, considering them to be something like housewives.

Ways to become a vampire in real life

Born with a predisposition

Some people are born with a predisposition to vampirism. Usually these people gravitate towards everything dark, prefer to watch violent films and experience an incomprehensible inner trembling when they see shelter. Such people rarely experience emotions, both joyful and sad.
But even if there is an innate predisposition to vampirism, it is not yet a fact that this person will become a vampire. For a complete transformation, he needs some techniques. It can be tantric techniques or black magic exercises.
A person with an innate predisposition to vampirism may meet a vampire in his life who will tell him in which direction to move in order to make a transformation. However, a long friendship will not work, since vampires are always loners and, having completed the transformation, the mentor will leave the student.

vampire magic

An ordinary person can become a vampire through vampire magic. But only special vampire sorcerers know her.
In order for a vampire sorcerer to decide to initiate you into the children of the night, he himself must be interested in this. However, the difficulty here is that vampire sorcerers, in principle, can only need one thing from people, and this is a human body. Vampire sorcerers are very cruel and even ordinary vampires try to bypass them. Vampire sorcerers need more than just blood from a person. Usually, having quenched his thirst, the vampire sorcerer uses the human body for his rituals, which are shocking in their cruelty. The ancient treatise “Hammer of the Witches” says that people who became casual witnesses of the rituals of vampire sorcerers went crazy after what they saw.

vampire bite

The most famous method and extremely popular in cinema and literature. The bite of a vampire can indeed turn a person into a vampire. However, this method is not 100% effective. A person can either transform or die. In addition, the person who gets bitten will experience 2 waves of agony. The whole body will burn, you will be very thirsty, but the water will not quench your thirst, the brain will seem to flow out of the ears, and the back will be tied into a knot.
For this method, you will also need to find a vampire ready to bite you, not to drink your blood to the drop, but to make you one of your fellow tribesmen.

Seem like a vampire

The ancient treatises of the inquisition and witchcraft do not bring any good things about being a vampire. Maybe you just want to feel the romance of the vampire life. Live in the image that is shown in the movies and join the vampire subculture. Then, for this you just need:
a) purchase false fangs or sharpen your teeth into the shape of fangs.
b) buy themed clothes. Vampire clothing can be classic or more modern.
Classic vampires dress like 18th and 19th century lords and duchesses. Modern vampires, on the other hand, can wear revealing outfits with a lot of cutouts. Mostly black or red colors are used.
c) pale skin color. With the help of ordinary powder, you will need to make a pale skin color.
d) now your favorite drink will be red wine or juices of red shades. From non-alcoholic, it is worth giving preference to tomato juice.
e) you will need to find friends with similar interests. Much more interesting to communicate with people with similar hobbies in life.
f) Theaters des Vampires, Lacuna Coil and Lacrimosa are some of the bands you should pay attention to. You will find the rest according to your taste.

And that, your familiarization with the vampire subculture is over. You are one of them.

Ritual to become a vampire

In the end, we left the description of the ritual to become a vampire. The ritual is called “Five Roses” and is distributed on foreign Internet forums. There is no exact evidence that the ritual is indeed an ancient rite of initiation of a vampire, but there is no evidence against it.
The rite should be done on the full moon after 12 o'clock at night. It is necessary that you stay in a dark room where there is no one and no extraneous sounds will disturb you.
You will need 5 roses, wine and a candle.
Spread 5 roses evenly in a circle, place a glass of wine in the center, light a candle and hold it against your chest. You need to be completely naked, even taking off your underwear. Moonlight should fall on your circle of roses and a glass of wine.
Stand next to the altar facing the moon and say "Ego sum homo velle fieri frater noctis". You need to say this phrase 5 times looking at the wine.
Next, you need to go around the altar 13 times saying “Me in nocte fieri a parte me, ut fame et maledictionem”.
Next, stop at the place where you started, put out the candle and take the wine, say “Servus tuus esurit” 1 time. Servus tuus mortem. Servus tuus hic et nunc.” and drink some wine.

To be honest, I am skeptical about such rituals, there are a lot of them on the Internet and it is unlikely that any of them are part of vampire magic. But who knows, the Five Roses ritual is one of the oldest rituals on the Internet and maybe you will succeed.

Whether you choose the path of the children of the night or the vampire subculture, try to do everything deliberately. And if you understand that this is yours, then act.

The quality of life of each person depends not only on how well we sleep, eat healthy foods, play sports. Subtle energy, completely invisible to the naked eye, is no less important. It circulates, is consumed and replenished. As soon as a failure occurs in an established process, health problems, failures in love, work and business immediately appear on the surface. There are many reasons for such failures, but one of the main ones is the impact of energy vampires. What to do? Advice from Astro7 experts will protect you from negative impacts.

How to know if your best friend is an energy vampire

Energy vampire - a person who forcibly takes away energy. The interlocutor, who was next to him, becomes a donor without knowing it. Some see them literally from the first minute, but what about ordinary people who are not endowed with extrasensory abilities? A few signs will help in this.

So, you should think about the expediency of friendship with a friend if:

  • when communicating with her, there is a feeling as if someone is forcibly trying to inspire completely extraneous thoughts;
  • when the eyes meet, tension, vulnerability are felt;
  • during the conversation, growing irritation is felt, there is a desire to complete it as quickly as possible;
  • after the conversation, there is a feeling of fatigue, soreness, "brokenness".

Experts divide energy vampires into several categories - "accuser", "drama queen", "crying sister", "eternal misfortune", "talker". We will not dwell on individual characteristics, since everything is very clear with them. It is enough to pay attention to the behavior of the best friend in order to understand everything. Constantly complaining about his sad life, taking absolutely no steps to correct the situation? You can be sure that she belongs to the "clan" of energy vampires.


How to protect yourself from negative influences

There are many reasons why we cannot stop communicating with this or that person, especially if it is a best friend. How, then, to minimize the negative impact?

understand the reason

If the best friend is unhappy with her job, her loved one, her appearance (and so on on the list), but does nothing to fix the situation, her only salvation is to make not only herself suffer, but also those around her. By constantly talking about her problems, she not only shifts their burden onto other people's shoulders, but also attracts additional attention to herself, which she lacks so much.

Take a break from the interlocutor

Are you overwhelmed with negative emotions when communicating with a girlfriend? By learning to manage them, you can minimize the negative impact of energy vampires.

Smile without getting too close to your heart

As soon as a bosom friend switches from an ordinary topic to her favorite “record”, smile and keep silent. Absolute neutrality will not give the energy vampire the opportunity to “pour out” all the negativity on the interlocutor. Polite ignoring will discourage the desire to seek further meetings with the "idol".

Start a conversation about something good

Try a tactic called “Shall we talk about something good?”. It is especially relevant if you have to listen for the hundredth time to the fact that a friend’s “all men are goats”, “it makes no sense to go to the gym, because all men are goats”, “why spend money on outfits and cosmetics, if all men are goats." As soon as the story goes about something positive, the energy vampire will immediately lose interest in communication.

Think good

Whatever the energy vampire says, think to yourself: “I love you,” “Thank you,” and other life-affirming attitudes. As soon as the interlocutor can not feed on negative emotions, he will go home.

Forget about guilt

Listening to your best friend how bad she is, it's easy to start feeling guilty. “She’s doing badly, but I’m so fine. It’s just uncomfortable somehow for your happiness ”- thinking in this way, every energy vampire can make a real gift. He is just waiting for this, waiting for negative emotions and tears!

Tune in to a positive “wave”

The more positive emotions overwhelm us, the less damage an energy vampire can cause.

Can there be any benefit from communicating with an energy vampire?

Surprisingly, but the fact is that communication with an energy vampire is sometimes useful. Its action can be compared with the action of a leech, which doctors put in order to help the body get rid of diseases. But, such a “treatment” is dangerous, so experts do not recommend starting it on their own.

The material was prepared with the help of service experts.
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Vampires, who are they - an ancient race or unclean dead, night owls rising from their graves? How to become a real vampire in real life, and is it possible in principle? For centuries, vampires have terrified people. Creepy legends about murderers who feed on the blood of the human race are still alive today, and are of great interest not only to modern horror fans. The theme of real vampires is inextricably linked with witchcraft - black magic,. In the Russian Black Book, vampires are called ghouls, and a clear understanding of who these bloodsuckers are is given. Judging by the old surviving texts, ghouls are a real phenomenon. Therefore, in the Slavic tradition there was a classification of the deceased and a clear regulation of the burial of the dead. You can believe in real vampires, you can not believe. But, there is truth in this.

Rituals on how to become a real vampire in real life - truth and fiction

A pledged dead person could become a vampire, i.e. unclean dead, dead man. In the Slavic tradition, these are people who died a violent or premature death - killed, suicides, dead from drunkenness, drowned, and also died from ghoul bites. Unbaptized children also fell under the category of ghouls. And, of course, the dead sorcerers and witches were considered as such. They believed that the soul of the pledged dead cannot go to another world, and therefore wanders the earth.

If vampirism seems romantic to you and you're looking for a ritual to actually become a vampire, read on. So. In Rus', ghouls were known long before the arrival of Christians in our lands, and the planting of an alien Latin-Jewish faith. Even before Perun, Khors, Volos and Mokosh, our ancestors worshiped coastlines and ghouls, making sacrifices to them in special places. It is difficult to say now what kind of victims, and who the beregini and ghouls are, one can also only guess. Perhaps the beregini were "good" spirits, while the ghouls were "evil" spirits.

Then, gradually, the spirits "overgrown with flesh" and became one of the unsolved mysteries of witchcraft. It is hardly possible today to talk seriously about instructions on how to become a vampire in real life. But in the old days, in the era of sorcerers who possessed amazing power, I think there were rites and spells that raised the dead from their graves. Such dead, who could become vampires, were buried away from the farms, and in a special way. The Slavs had a strong belief in ghouls. It was believed that they could not only drink the blood of the living and tear from the body, but they could also cause drought, famine, pestilence.

How to become a vampire in real life - instructions for transforming consciousness

Hardly anyone wants to become the walking dead. But, the fact is that today the term vampire has acquired a romanticized meaning. The semantics of this word no longer causes hostility and rejection in people. But, remember that the word vampire is of Western origin. The Russian designation for this terrible phenomenon is a ghoul. A disturbed, bewitched dead man, sleeping in the cold earth and crawling out at night, drawn by the call of a sorcerer, or by insatiable hunger. Do any of you want to become a ghoul?

I think there is a ritual to actually become a vampire. But, this is nothing more than a game, theatricality. Such a ritual can be part of any youth subculture, nothing more. Modern romantic literature and cinema have a strong influence on the immature exalted minds of adolescents. Today, real vampires are heroes, noble, beautiful, successful and, most importantly, immortal beings. It is not surprising that such a portrait is liked by many. And the question arises, how to become a real vampire in real life?

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Instructions on how to become a vampire in real life

If, after reading my article, you still need instructions on how to become a vampire in real life, then I offer you a series of sequential actions.

Once I watched 2 parts of "Twilight" at once.
Impressed wrote a post:.

What started here ... I never thought that there were so many freeloaders and psychos on the Internet.

The first - they want the abilities of vampires, even at the cost of OTHERS lives in the future.

The second - consider that they are already vampires.

I had to delete a bunch of comments and close the discussion.

For some time I forgot about all this disgrace, but soon there was a desire to find out how it really is.

Useful to collect information.
On the forums I found crazy, dreamers, curious, talkers, and those who manipulate them.

On thematic sites, there was a whole collection of superstitions and conjectures that contradict each other.

He spat... But it is not in vain that ancient wisdom says: The beast runs to the catcher.

What can I say ... Surely they themselves have repeatedly convinced themselves of the veracity of these words.

I also made sure...

Summer, late evening, heat, there is still a lot of work, but it is already clear that I will not finish it by morning. I sit at the monitor and try to make a crookedly laid out site by someone valid.

It quickly grew dark outside, heavy drops drummed on the window sill, and distant peals of thunder reached my ear.

I finally got tired of working.
- OK. Fig with this site - I thought, and I already wanted to click on the switch of the system unit, but my hand somehow slowed down. Something is wrong, - a thought flashed, and at that moment there was a roar on the street so that I shuddered, and the next second a sharp gust of wind flung open the window of the double-glazed window and the curtain fluttered like a huge flag.

When at home alone, such things scare the hiccups.

I jumped up, my legs themselves carried to the window towards the curtain flapping in the wind and the garbage flying from the street in half with the rain.

The window resisted, but I did close it and already wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but the fact that I settled down on a chair in the middle of the room made me groan in despair.

Before that, I saw bats in the pictures, on the "box" and in the sky. Up close, never. I remember they carry rabies.
And how did this lump with leathery wings and a predatory muzzle manage to fly right into my room?
Are these creatures found in the city?

Silent scene. I look at the bat, and he looks at me.
I'm trying hard to figure out how to get him off... All this lasts about five minutes.

Outside the window, bad weather rages, lightning flashes, peals thunder, a hurricane howls.
Animals don't want to go there. I'll scare you - it will start rushing around the room. Also bite!

In the end, you can spend the night in the kitchen, and in the morning, when the synoptic disgrace subsides, open the window ... But the problem is that the path to the exit lies dangerously close to the perch of the bat.

I don't know how long it would have stood like that, but then the mouse giggled and said: Hello, Lex! Did not recognize?

What happened after, finished off completely. The talking mammal turned into a cloud of black smoke, and after a couple of moments, it took shape. At first, the figure seemed indistinct, but the smoke was quickly absorbed into its entire surface, and now a handsome man in an old-fashioned, immaculately pressed suit with a tie sits on a chair.

Have you seen the movie Mr and Mrs Smith? The stranger somehow reminded the main character.

Such vivid hallucinations are already a bad sign in themselves, but if this happens for real, then I am full of a fox.

Handsome smiled.
“I’m Lixivium, don’t be so cowardly. Went to say goodbye. We are leaving at the beginning of August...

I have known Lixivium for a year and a half. Never saw him live. We met in World of Warcraft. They also talked there. They even went to the arena in pairs.

- Hello. I muttered. - It's good that you came. And he didn't warn. I would have bought something for tea, we would have sat ...

— Lex. I'm only half an hour away. I thought to say goodbye in the game, but flew by ... In general, I decided to pay a visit.

- Let's go to the kitchen. I'll pour tea. I suggested. Thoughts swarming in my head about the diet of those who can turn into a bat.

- Thank you. I'm full. - answered the guest, and his heart was a little relieved.

What to do with an old friend whom I have never seen, and even for half an hour?

- Are you going far? I asked.

Far away and forever. Lixivium spread his hands.

"Sorry," I concluded. - And the Internet is there.

— Alas. No internet, no computers. What to do... Do you understand that I'm a vampire? Not scary?

- Understood. Scary. I confessed.

- Don't worry. You are no longer in danger.

- Did it threaten?

You were very close to trouble. Lixivium smiled. - You ask. Then write on your blog.

“And you won’t mind?”

— I won't. Just don't post before August 20, and don't need headlines like "Interview with the Vampire."

“And why exactly after the twentieth and why is the title “Interview with a Vampire” bad?” I asked.

- The date is because if you publish your post earlier, there is a chance that it will harm me. And Interview with the Vampire is a famous movie...and a book. It won't be original.

- And what would you call it?

- I? For example ... - handsome thought, - call it "Conversation with a Vampire." Sounds normal.

- OK. Good title. Now I’ll just find a pen and…” I began to rummage around the table.

Lixivium tensed. “But you don’t have to write anything. Then play back from memory. No offense.

“I don’t have a very good memory,” I admitted. I forget half...

“Don't worry about that. The vampire relaxed again. - You will remember the important, and you will think of the little things yourself. Ask.

What do they usually ask?

- Anything that comes to mind. What would you like to know about vampires?

I thought... The question stuck in my head: How can you be killed. It’s not polite to ask a guest like that… Moreover, he often covered me, albeit in virtual, but still cruel battles, helped out in dungeons, shared gold and ammunition.

How to become a vampire? I blurted out.

Lixivium smiled broadly. White, perfectly straight teeth.
The fangs were relatively thin and long. They go, as it were, in front of the upper teeth, covering the gap between the first and second incisors and go slightly below the gums of the lower jaw. Length 2-3 cm.

- What kind of vampire? he answered with a question.

- Ordinary. Their what? Many varieties?

- Not a lot. There are, for example, those who can only be born. There is no mind. Some are unable to move independently. There are living ones. There are short lived ones. Drinking blood, incorporeal, unable to live on the earth's surface...

- And like you?

“Like me…” the guest stared at the floor. “It’s difficult and you have to be inanimate.

"Die," I asked.

“That’s also possible, but there’s a big chance that it won’t help…”

“You drink…blood,” I asked dangerously. Curiosity overcame fear to excite appetite.

What is blood in your understanding? the guest asked.

“Well, it’s body fluid…” I muttered.

I don't drink that kind of blood.

- What do you drink?

“In ancient times,” Lixivium began, “it was believed that the soul and strength were in the blood. If the wounded loses a lot of blood, he will weaken or die altogether. Understand?

I nodded.

“Because,” my visitor continued, “blood was especially revered. They drank it, poured it on altars, mixed it, used it in rituals... In fact, we use the life force. Life is also time. Life force can be obtained through time.

- How is that?

It's hard to explain, but I'll try. Time and space are indivisible. When a person is born, a reflection of the universe is born with him. Those. Everyone lives a little bit in their own reality. One person can transmit some things and events to another person's universe... It's like... Lex! Have you ever had this? You are looking for something and you do not find it, but it is worth asking someone and you notice what you were looking for lies in the most prominent place.

- Happens. Even often. I thought it was carelessness...

- It's not negligence. It just wasn't there in your reflection of the universe until the other person was broadcasting. Am I explaining clearly?

“More or less,” I replied.

“So… In your reality, time, but in mine it is a substratum that can be absorbed along with a portion of life force. My reflection of the universe is so shifted that I am not real in your universe.

Are you saying I don't believe in you?

— Lex. It's not a matter of faith. For your universe, I do not exist. I'm gone. I am lifeless. Reach out your hand.

I obeyed. Lixivium appeared in front of me without any transitions.

- Look! He hit me on the outstretched palm, but I felt nothing. His hand went right through.

- Are you a ghost? I asked, and immediately felt my hand squeeze to a crunch. A moment, and the guest is sitting on the chair again.

- Saw. I can become less real, or vice versa. Our reflected universes are too far away. They are very different.

"So I can't become a vampire?" I do not have such a personal universe?

You can, but in a different way. First, a vampire like me has to constantly drain a lot of your power. Then you must stop being real and alive to most personal universes. Then for them you will become a vampire.

"I don't understand," I muttered. - How can you become unrealistic for the majority?

“You’ll understand later,” Lixivium smiled.

“Do you really live forever?”

- No. Alas. We can live for centuries until our worlds become absolutely unreal for people. Then we melt like mist under the sun.

- Is it possible to become eternal?

- You are eternal. When the body of the living dies, what remains is that which is eternal.

- And you? If your body dies

I don't have a real body. And it won't. Even if I borrow someone else's, the person will be freed when it dies.

“It’s sad…” I sighed.

- Sad. Lixivium confirmed. “Nothing can be done about this. Basically, it's like I don't exist. I reconciled. That's why we go where we can still maintain some kind of reality.

“Is it true that you sleep in a coffin?”

- Is it true. And we can in pictures, even books. Well, everything. I have to go.

The guest was near me and instantly became a steam, which was sucked into the monitor like a vacuum cleaner.

Here we say goodbye...

Woke up in bed. Light comes through the curtains.

A strange dream. I rushed to write down everything I could remember.

Brad of course. What, for example, is this nonsense with sucking time? And then what will I understand?

There are only three things that bother me in this whole story.

1. Everything looked very realistic.
2. I don't remember how I ended up in bed. But I don't drink! At all!
3. Lyxivium hasn't appeared in World of Warcraft for over a month.

Although the second point can be tried to be explained by overwork, and the third by a coincidence. Realism is generally a controversial and illusory thing.

PS Lixivium! I'm waiting in the game. Even sent you a message via internal mail. I hope you will come back and we will still laugh at this strange dream.