How to behave with a man if the relationship. Correct line of conduct. Date conversations

Girls often wonder how to behave with guys, how to make them like them, and what actions are better not to do so as not to cause laughter or irritation. Relationships, like sympathy in general, can spring from nothing if two people are destined to be together; And if not? How to make the desired guy fall in love with you, attract his attention, “lure him into your networks”? How to generally behave with a guy you like, so as not to seem ridiculous?

Mistakes in behavior

Of course, appearance plays an important role, but still, it’s far from a hairstyle or outfit. You have probably thought more than once about why some women have such a huge success with the opposite sex, why do they like and attract them so much? And the secret is that there is a certain type of behavior that men notice and can no longer pass by. No, these are not the cheeky actions of a frivolous lady, these are not the actions of an unfortunate offended woman, this is something else. And then the question arises: how should a girl behave with a guy? How to become this very attracting magnet? What exactly needs to be done?

First of all, remember that you need to make the guys themselves try to become interesting for you. This behavior can be called "prize behavior". That is, you are the desired prize, and he is trying his best to win you. When we first meet a person, we begin to talk with him, communicate, there comes a moment when we realize that we like him. Then there is a desire to please the guy.

Now the girl wants him to pay more attention to her, and tries to please him in everything. And this is where the first mistake is made! A man quickly realizes that he is interesting to a lady, and already ceases to appreciate her attention. That is, you are no longer a "prize" for him. He does not have to try to win your sympathy. Now the man begins to accept only what you do for him. One way or another, his interest is slowly cooling down, and in such a relationship "winter" begins. Is it right? Is this a tactic to get the attention of men? Of course not!

Many times you have heard that a man is a conqueror, not a trophy, so the behavior of "pleasing" or "hunting" will not help you "fake" a guy at all. Here you need to do the right thing, think over your every step so that he does not guess that you have "laid eyes" on him. Then how to behave with the guy you like? The answer is simple: you need to draw attention not to him, but to yourself. There are some "magic" tips that will help you easily achieve the desired result. We will talk about them today.

Correct line of conduct

Competent installation

You should always think about what you are doing in order to please a guy, to get his attention. Ask yourself sometimes the question: “What can I do to please a man so that he wants to fight for me?”. You may not know the answer to it, but you should think so. This is already the correct subconscious attitude, which over time begins to influence your real actions. And very soon you will begin to notice that the guys have begun to pay more attention to you.

Communication must be earned.

Turning to the practical part of resolving the issue of how to properly behave with a guy in order to please him, I would like to remind you that self-esteem and superiority over others can give completely opposite results, and you can simply be called a smart-ass. Therefore, everything should be in moderation. You must show him that communication with you is a gift, that it is not so easy to earn your attention and location, that you are a “tough nut” for men. But this must be done very tactfully and carefully.

A man should not be rude, just as you should not agree with everything he tells you: be a little mysterious and a little inaccessible. If a guy invites you for a walk, you can answer with a smile: “Maybe. We'll see how you behave". At the same time, it is important to “sparkle” your eyes and smile seductively. If you say these words to yourself under your breath with the tone “leave me alone”, then it is unlikely that a man will ever seek you out again.

Create competition

No matter how trite it may sound, but for some reason men still have a great effect on phrases like “I love it when they give me flowers ...”. This phrase does not at all hint at the fact that he should immediately bring you a huge bouquet of flowers (although you must admit, it would be nice). From these words, you can understand that many men give you flowers, that is, he will have competition if he decides to join the fight for your heart.

You can casually tell a man that you arrived at work earlier today than the rest of the employees, because a friend gave you a lift. Then add that you don't really like to ride with him. Perhaps the guy then wants to prove that he rides better than others. The spirit of competition in men is present from birth. Therefore, in order to evoke the necessary emotions in him, you can use such a trick.

Challenge the man

Men like brave girls, they love to conquer those who are not easy to conquer, almost equal rivals. Those guys who love weak women most often have many complexes, they are not confident in themselves, so you hardly need such a man. Be strong and the strong will follow you. But even here one should not go too far, because you can simply frighten off a man; or he will conclude that you are a bigoted, man-hating feminist.

You can make a challenge by saying in his presence that you never fall in love with men. As you know, forbidden fruit is sweet. They will definitely want to convince you that you are wrong. But just before that, be sure to be prepared for a discussion in order to correctly argue your words.

Women's weaknesses

To get closer to unraveling the mystery of how to behave with a guy you like, how to build a relationship with him, you do not always have to be only strong. Learn to become weak sometimes, but a woman should show all her shortcomings correctly and rarely. Sometimes it doesn’t hurt to show weakness, especially before a “battle”. There is nothing to be done - men like to notice women's mistakes in order to feel like protectors and saviors. But they could never imagine that these very "weaknesses" can be created artificially. So sometimes smart ladies let their gentlemen be stronger. But any praise or criticism should be taken the same way (remember the behavior of the prize). Emotions show better already in a relationship.

Don't confess your love

You probably noticed that until you yourself admitted your sympathy for a man, your behavior was much more adequate, and then you stopped controlling your feelings and your heart? So it is: the longer you drive this thought away from yourself, the longer you feel calm and peaceful, you have time to take care of yourself and your life. After you cross this line, sleepovers begin with a cell phone in an embrace in anticipation of a call, excitement at a meeting, and you begin to do an insane amount of stupid things in his presence. All this from the fact that you do not know how to behave with a guy you like.

The main thing here is not to start perceiving it as your property, and at the same time mentally make plans in which dress you will appear before the altar. This is a big mistake, and if he feels it, he will definitely slip away from you.

Don't be afraid to say no

When a girl feels great sympathy or falls in love, it is very difficult for her to refuse her lover. She begins to agree to any date, postponing all her affairs for later in order to devote herself to the desired man. This is another mistake: if so, then, even having won him, you will adjust your personal time to his whims.

If the guy didn’t think about asking you out on a date, then it’s better to refuse him. Moreover, having received an invitation a couple of hours before a date, you probably turned out to be just a fallback: the restaurant was booked, and the other lady refused to come. In any case, no matter how much you like the guy, it’s better to let him know that the date needs to be earned, and you are not a “cork” for free space in the schedule.

Stop smiling all the time

Probably each of us noticed that in the presence of a guy you like or love, it is very difficult to wipe the smile from your face. And it does not depend on what he says or does. He can even talk about his problems at work or about the death of relatives last year, and this smile in such a situation is completely useless. Try to discard your warm thoughts and "tenderness", then focus on the conversation, ask semantic questions, discuss, but do not argue.

Why does it happen?

Have you noticed that sometimes women are attracted to the same type of men? Lovelaces always “glue” to some ladies, strong and courageous personalities to others, those who need to cry and so on to others. There are many types of men. It's all about behavior: how a woman behaves, she attracts such a man. It seems that she is not at all a beauty and not a clever one, but all gentlemen, as if for selection - smart, strong, "gift-capable" and, most importantly, their own. Yes, it’s not easy with such people, here you need to be able to present yourself. So, some young ladies know how to behave with a guy, how to win his sympathy? So, it should be remembered that such men will “whip” only after a woman who values ​​and respects herself, who knows a lot about not only love, but also in properly built relationships.

Lovers are not chosen - it's true; but much is within the power of a woman who believes in herself and knows which arrow to choose in order to wound a man in the heart. There is no universal way to win the love of men, but if you follow certain recommendations, then the sympathy of the stronger sex is guaranteed to you.

It is traditionally believed that friendship between a guy and a girl is a mythical phenomenon. It either develops into love and sex, or everyone thinks that “friends” have some problems.

The most unfair thing is that a lot depends on the behavior of the girl: if she behaves independently and simply, she is called a tomboy, if she flirts and communicates nicely, she is too accessible. And how to behave with guys, so as not to cause an inadequate reaction?

Let's consider two situations.

First: you communicate with the guy and apply only for friendship.

  • Don't separate him from the company. If you have a common company, you should not give him special signs of attention. Otherwise, he will rightly think that you like him.
  • Don't flirt. Usually girls do it just by inertia. Put your head on your shoulder, give a friendly hug, kiss on the cheek. For a guy, this is flirting. If you can't help it at all, pretend you're a guy. He wouldn't act like that, would he?
  • Don't be jealous. If you are only friends, why be jealous? This is at least strange, at most - an indicator of your feelings. Seeing him with a girl, you should not throw yourself on his neck. And you don’t need to criticize the girl either: neither during the meeting, nor after. This is what interested young ladies do.
  • Borrow money, give it back. If you don't give, it's a gift. If he pays for you, it's a date. But you are friends, not a couple? Don't give him a reason to think otherwise.
  • Mark the boundaries. Make it clear that you're not looking for a guy in his face. There is a young man - especially tell about it. You can even be rude: maybe the applicant will be offended, but he will no longer pester.

Second:If you like a young man, just show it unobtrusively.

  • Show signs of attention. Not in gifts. At least not in expensive ones: you can knit a scarf for him or make a key chain with your own hands. This is cute. And also smile, sit down closer, accidentally touch. If you do it constantly, he will notice it. Or friends will pay attention and point him out.
  • Contact him more often than others. And call his name. A person cannot resist the sound of his name (although there are, of course, clinical cases of hostility).
  • Ask for help and accept it gratefully. You are a weak girl. Even if at home you can assemble a rocket with a screwdriver and tweezers, the guy should feel his importance. Asking for help means you see support in him. And sincere gratitude will be a great incentive to offer your services yourself next time.
  • Find out his preferences in appearance and try to match. But without fanaticism. Do not rush to get a tattoo or punch 5 more holes in your ear. Maybe you were going to cut your hair, but you found out that he likes long-haired girls. Take advantage of the situation. The main thing to remember: you must remain natural, it still looks more attractive than forced virtues.

How to behave so that he fell in love? Mission Possible!

And now you've got his attention. But he is not in love yet, although he walks with you with pleasure and even invites you on dates. Keep charming him.

  1. tease. You are not dating yet, so you may disappear for a while, sometimes ignore calls, cancel scheduled meetings. But do not go too far! The goal is to make him miss not seeing you, and not to show his indifference and disrespect. Call back after a while. When canceling an appointment, give advance notice, but do not explain the reasons. He needs to feel that you don't quite belong to him yet.
  2. Use common interests. Invite him to an exhibition, to a movie or to a festival if you have the same tastes. Sincerely share emotions and impressions: they unite people and make them want to experience something good together.
  3. Look after your appearance. You can be indescribably interesting, but carelessness in clothes and appearance will not allow you to see a potential girlfriend in you. Regularly wash your hair, watch your manicure, wear clean clothes. Do not abuse spirits! And choose light smells, audible only if you snuggle close to you.
  4. Avoid revealing clothing. A miniskirt is great if it is complemented by a simple blouse or T-shirt and comfortable shoes. Stockings, neckline, hairpins leave for intimate relationships. In public, it looks vulgar and creates an unfavorable impression of you. You want to seduce only one man, why show your virtues to everyone?
  5. Ask and listen. Be interested in them, ask questions and memorize the answers. He will begin to perceive you as an ideal, sensitive interlocutor and, over time, will begin to feel a need for you.

Behavior during a relationship with a guy you're dating

You started dating, but that doesn't mean you've got lifetime rights to it. You should not change the manner of behavior, having achieved the status of a girl. (I’ll tell you a secret, and after marriage you don’t need to turn into a fury).


  • Keep fit. If he likes your toned figure, don't let it blur.
  • Consult with him when making important decisions. Now there are two of you, and a lot of things in your life concern him too: from your braid, cut off “like a boy” to foreign trips. Respect his opinion.
  • Don't try to manipulate him. Do you need a man or a sissy? You yourself chose an independent, determined guy, now you don’t need to try to subdue him.
  • Let other men know that you are no longer alone. Even harmless flirting with another guy can be considered cheating. If you want to seduce men, leave the guy.
  • Do not rush things. You are dating but not engaged. Maybe he hasn't even thought about the wedding and the children, the family with you. And you are already choosing a dress and dragging him to try wedding cakes. Stop. You are testing your relationship, and if everything goes well, the wedding will still take place.
  • Give him a place in your life. You study, work, regularly go to fitness, cooking classes and learn Chinese. Is there really a place for your chosen one here? Of course, you do not need to give up all these important and useful things, but then figure out how to combine them with relationships. Or do not be offended that he will leave you.

Is there a future for unequal relationships or is your boyfriend older than you?

It also happens: you fell in love with a man older than you. He reciprocated. How to proceed?

Firstly, the age ratio is important:

  • 20 and 30 years old- not a bad difference, especially if you are smart and educated, you have something to talk about.
  • 20 and 50 years old- creates a natural feeling of misalliance. Either you fell for the money, or the man has some secret desires. Is such a relationship necessary?
  • 30-35 and 50 years old- quite acceptable relationships, and if a man is active, looks good and young at heart, they are generally excellent.

Just evaluate your difference reasonably, because there should be harmony in feelings.

Secondly, it is important what attracted him to you: figure, appearance, intellect, talents, ability to conduct a dialogue?

So behave accordingly.

Your first walk. You prepare for this event with trepidation and fear. I chose an outfit, did my hair and went to the meeting. How to behave so that new dates follow after it?

  1. Come on time. Or at least don't be too late. If it's bad, call and let us know. Being late for girls may be a good tone, but not so much that the gentleman did not wait for you and left.
  2. Don't go to extremes. Avoid showing your superintelligence or, on the contrary, pretending to be a naive fool if this is unusual for you. It's understandable that you're worried, but if you're not sure what to say, it's best to take a breath and count to three. Or five. Ask what's the matter, just answer: "I'm worried."
  3. Listen more, talk less. You have only walked a hundred meters, and he already knows everything about your life, family, dog and best friend. Remember the “Sometimes it’s better to chew than talk” ad? Ask for ice cream or cotton candy and chew while he talks about himself. It is better to have a conversation with a guy, equally exchanging information.
  4. Be kind to passers-by. No, you can giggle together at a girl waddling ridiculously in huge heels. In general, it’s better not to discuss other people: it’s just unpleasant to listen to.
  5. Compliment his hobbies. Laugh at a guy's hobby - the easiest way to quickly and permanently end a relationship.
  6. Thanks for the walk. He escorts you home. Nicely inform that you had a great time and arrange a new meeting. If you liked it, of course.

Mistakes in the behavior of girls: what not to do?

Some girls do everything to please a guy, but for some reason they achieve the opposite effect. What not to do in order not to push the guy away.

  • Don't hang on to him. Physical contact is an indicator of closeness between you. If it is not there, it is unlikely that a young man will be pleased with such a manifestation of possessiveness on your part. Perhaps at this moment there is a girl nearby who he likes more, and with your behavior you will swing the scales in her direction.
  • Don't talk about him behind his back. That is, you can discuss that he draws well and is generally a pleasant person, but you should not criticize his taste, appearance, and so on. Do you want to meet him? Then why do it? They'll tell him anyway.
  • Don't try to change it. You have an image of the perfect guy, but men don't have to live up to it. And if your chosen one is somehow different from your ideal, you do not need to demand to shave off your beard or grow a mustache. You liked him just like that.
  • Don't flirt with others around him. The feeling of competition does not always lead to the desired result. While you are not together, he will not start fighting for you, because he sees that this is your initiative.
  • You are left alone: ​​what to do?

It all depends on where you are alone. At work, developing a joint project? Away, closed in someone else's bedroom? At home on a cozy sofa? In a boat on a lake?

Each of the situations implies its own development of events, and you need to behave as you see fit. If he pushes you to do something you don't want, tell him. A decent guy will understand everything.

With a situation where you like it, more or less clear. Now let's turn it over: you act as a passion. What to do in this case.

If the feeling is mutual just answer it. Go on a date, talk nicely, do not refuse new meetings. You have already won his heart, you just need to be yourself: that's how he liked you.

It's harder when a young man does not have to count on reciprocity.

  • Let him know that you don't like him. Do not accept his gifts and signs of attention. So you will give false hope, offend a person, and possibly gain an enemy.
  • Talk directly. It's an uncomfortable but necessary conversation. If you do not want to talk, admit to yourself that you are simply flattered by the presence of a permanent admirer.
  • Keep yourself neutral. Do not ignore him, because the inaccessible becomes even more desirable, but just communicate like with everyone else.

And remember: unrequited feelings are much stronger than mutual ones. Do not delay with explanations, otherwise you can create an unpleasant and ugly situation for both of you.

First Relationships: What you need to know

As a rule, the first serious relationship begins at the age of 16-17, when the head is spinning, falling in love seems like love, the future is drawn in the most colorful colors. This is great, just keep a few things in mind so that you don’t have to be disappointed later.

  • Do not rush to make grandiose plans. It seems to you that this person is the love of your life, and you don’t need anyone else. Perhaps this is so. But you still have so many trials and obstacles ahead of you that you can disperse and forget each other. Live and enjoy the present.
  • Don't jump headlong into the pool. This applies to everything, including intimate relationships. Often the first relationship is so dragged out that friends, interests, and plans for the future are forgotten. You don't have to sacrifice it all. True love can be combined with them.
  • Do not swear eternal love. There is nothing mystical about this, it’s just that if you do break up, you won’t feel guilty for an unfulfilled promise.

First date: how to behave? Good experience!

I want the first date to be perfect. You try to think through everything to the smallest detail, worry and panic. Is there any point in being so worried?

  1. A date is just a meeting. You don't get nervous when you go out with friends, do you? So tune in at home that you are going to a good friend with whom you just plan to spend time.
  2. Don't be afraid to look stupid or ridiculous. Immediacy in communication is much more attractive than gloomy concentration. You are a girl, you are allowed to not know something. But your gentleman will get the opportunity to show off his knowledge.
  3. Laugh at his jokes. At least smile. He is probably also embarrassed and trying to please you, your serious face will not help him to relax. And the desire to meet a second time may not arise after that.
  4. Keep up the dialogue. Actively participate in the conversation, respond to his words, answer questions. And ideally, you suggest topics.
  5. If you're worried, admit it. There is nothing terrible in this. The young man will even be flattered that he has such an effect on you.

Best in a Girl: Men Speak

A survey of men of different ages showed that men do not value the traits that are advertised in the modern world.

  • Beauty can be different. Fashion for thin people is dictated by the beauty industry, and men like any girl if they are neat and clean. “Pushechki” are often no less popular than slim girls, if they know how to present themselves and emphasize their dignity. But morbid obesity must be fought.
  • Loyalty is highly valued. Even the most notorious rake dreams of a faithful companion, for the sake of which you want to settle down.
  • Every man has his own preferences. There is no universal recipe. You can be perfect for one and the other won't even notice you.
  • Men need to be in charge. A girl may have an obstinate character, but she must obey her man. Otherwise, he will cease to perform the functions of a man.
  • The ability to keep the conversation going is also important. If you are able to communicate on many topics, then you are much more likely to conquer a man than just a beautiful doll.

Date at the cinema: rules of conduct!

Going to the movies is a classic and very sweet date. Cozy darkness, an interesting picture, the opportunity to inadvertently touch in the dark with your hands. In a word, romance. How to make it repeat itself?

  1. Choose a movie together. Or at least tell me what genres you don't like. An hour and a half of horror movies, after which you have a nervous breakdown, cannot be considered a good date.
  2. Don't ask questions while watching.“Oh, who is this? Why did he go there? Will they kill him?" It will simply prevent other viewers from watching the film, and your boyfriend will probably be annoyed. Especially if he is watching this picture with you for the first time. It's best to share your experience afterwards.
  3. Don't let him comment on the action on the screen. A couple of lines in the course of the film is fine, but if he is going to explain to you (and others) every step of the characters, ask him to be quiet. If you need to bring you up to date, let him do it before the session.
  4. Come to the cinema - watch a movie. Even if you have tickets for “kissing spots”, this is not a reason to spend the entire session merging into one being. There are other places for this, not so public.

How to behave with a guy so that he is afraid of losing you?

There is no universal answer here.

If a guy loves you, he will be afraid of losing you anyway.

But here everyone has their own psychology: someone runs after bitches, someone really wants a family with a calm, homely girl. Someone turns on ignoring and constant hairpins, another such behavior infuriates. Just stay the way he loved you, or better, work on yourself.

Friendship in the company of guys

If it so happened that you communicate mainly with guys, you must have heard a lot of ambiguous hints. Develop a demeanor that will limit your communication to friendship only.

  • If you are friends, be friends. Don't tempt guys with revealing clothes, don't hang yourself around your neck, don't demand special status. If you behave evenly and friendly with everyone, then they themselves will grant you this status.
  • Keep distance. Make it clear that the relationship between you is friendship. Otherwise, your reputation can be greatly damaged, and male friends are lost.
  • Don't criticize their girls. You should be a reliable comrade, and not a malicious gossip. If a young man has to choose between the girl he loves and you, he will choose the girl. The exception is if you are trying to open his eyes to her dishonesty.
  • Don't provoke them girls. If you know that your friend has an official couple, you should not show her how close you communicate. A kiss on the cheek is close.

Unrequited love: if you love a guy unrequitedly

Unrequited love is a terrible feeling. She stings and torments with the impossibility of being with your chosen one. He may be completely ordinary, but an unrequited feeling will reward him with all sorts of virtues. The hardest thing, love, not finding an answer, can haunt you all your life.

  • Assess the prospects. Maybe your feeling is not as unrequited as you think. If there is a chance, try to fight for reciprocity.
  • Love without a future is a disease. Experiencing unrequited love, you become dependent on the accompanying emotions. You get used to feeling sorry for yourself, looking for ways to accuse him of callousness, while love itself moves into the background. In fact, an unrequited feeling is an addiction.
  • Look at him realistically. Not being able to be with the desired person, you endow him with non-existent features, idealize and as a result - you love not at all the one who exists only in your imagination.
  • Look around. You are obsessed with this person, and there may be someone nearby who wants your attention. Direct your unspent love better to him.

The first kiss as an indicator of the relationship or your behavior after the kiss

After the first kiss, you can hardly think logically. More likely, you will just feel a surge of happiness and joy. But when emotions subside, the brain begins to analyze.

Did you kiss and then continued to chat, went to a cafe or went to wander around the city holding hands? Great, now you are considered a couple.

Or did you run away after the kiss or did he change the subject? Try to talk. Find out if this is just embarrassment and your relationship has only gotten better, or if he is disappointed and wants to end communication. Do not be afraid that you will not get a direct answer: the behavior of a young man will betray him anyway. In the second case, he will begin to come up with excuses and reasons to cancel the meeting, he will begin to avoid you.

Enchant and conquer! He will run after you! How to bind it?

It is believed that women can charm anyone. But it's one thing to conquer a man in order to start a serious relationship with him, quite another - just for the sake of a permanent admirer. If you are interested in the first option, then you can use several tricks.

  • Be his friend. Genuinely ask how he is doing, support and encourage. However, never call him a friend. Let him evaluate your sympathy from different points of view.
  • Be feminine. Boyish outfits will not help you see a potential girlfriend in you, and that's what you need.
  • Be mysterious. Like in the movie “The most charming and attractive”: do not reveal where you got such a soft eraser from, let it be only you.
  • Show off your feminine skills. Do you like to cook, bake deliciously, sew beautifully? Let him appreciate your thriftiness.
  • tease him. To move from the stage of friendship to a more serious stage, demonstrate your sexuality. Not frankly, just wear clothes that emphasize your dignity, ask for a zipper on your dress, accidentally show your shoulder. In general, play. But don't be vulgar.

These ways to behave with a man are not a guarantee that he will fall at your feet, smitten with love. But there are chances.

Coldness has appeared: how to maintain a relationship do you begin to feel cold on his part?

Feelings can cool for various reasons. Another appeared, the current relationship got bored, love turned out to be just a hobby. But you are no longer strangers, so there is always a chance to eliminate the crack.

  1. Ask. Maybe there is no coldness, but in fact, as in a joke, his motorcycle does not start? If you don't feel like it, take action.
  2. Experiment. Everyday life and habit seize relationships. Dilute them with new things. Change outwardly yourself - perhaps he is not capable of a long relationship with one woman. Diversifying your sex life is a very important area. Change the routine of life, go out to people more often, or vice versa, settle down at home for a while.
  3. Change the environment. Go on vacation to another city, preferably a country. Or go on a picnic in nature. Go to the theater, to the zoo, to the amusement park. Shake up your relationship, let it open from a new side.

The guy threw - how to behave?

He left and didn't say anything. Or he said something, for example, that you did not agree on the characters. It doesn't make it any easier. Now you need to recognize this situation and experience it.

  • The end of a relationship is not the end of a life. You will have a new boyfriend, a new love. You have not become a part of your ex-boyfriend and you can continue to live on your own. Saying that without him you will die, you are deceiving yourself. Just be patient.
  • Look for new experiences. Don't focus on breaking up. The more you think about it, the more tragic it will seem. Do something new and interesting, and unpleasant impressions will smooth out faster.
  • Close the gestalt. In other words, end the situation with your breakup. If you are offended, upset, angry with your ex-boyfriend, you need to get rid of these emotions, forgive him and let him go. If possible, talk to him. In a calm tone, say something like this: “I'm angry at you for what you did. You hurt me and now it hurts me. I think you are wrong, but I accept your decision and forgive.” And don't let me drag you into a scandal. Your goal is to get rid of negative emotions, not to acquire new ones. A real conversation can be replaced by a mental one, but you need to tune in and imagine the person very clearly.
  • Don't be a "brooch". Even in your thoughts, do not say that he left you, even if it is so. Otherwise, you will begin to feel sorry for yourself, try on the role of an unfortunate victim and, there is a risk, you will get a taste. You are a person first and foremost, remember that.
  • Don't let yourself feel sorry. It's strange, but people who feel sorry can do a lot of harm, because you can get hooked on pity, like a drug. It's one thing to console you when you're crying out of grief, it's another thing to constantly sympathize with you, even after a while. It was, it's gone.
  • Don't be evil. Let everyone focus on their lives. Don't let yourself be poisoned by anger, hatred, and the desire for revenge. And in no case do not dissolve gossip!
  • Get rid of the trash. You do not need to monitor his personal life, guard at home and view pages on social networks. You were fine with this person, stop there. And don't let "well-wishers" convey unnecessary information to you. There is a new page in your life, why are there old blots on it?

When communicating with guys, just be honest and try to follow your own moral principles, then the friendship will be long, and love will be sincere.

How to behave with a man5 rules of an experienced psychologist and a happy woman. Remember and put into practice!

It would seem that men are the same people as we are, only with a slightly different anatomical structure.

To find a common language with them, special instructions are not needed.

But that's in theory.

In practice, everything turns out to be much more complicated and confusing.

A true woman knows very well how to deal with a man to fall in love with him without memory and keep this feeling towards yourself for many years.

But how many of them, those true women who are born with the ability to handle the stronger sex?

I don't think it's too much.

The rest have to gradually learn to master their hearts, minds and bodies.

How to behave with men: 5 rules

Living by the rules is hard, I understand that very well.

Sometimes you want to spit on everything and bring a touch of chaos, madness and disorder into your planned life.

One note, perhaps, can still be added, but no more, otherwise the resulting mess will have to be raked for a long time.

This lyrical digression is directly related to how to behave with a man.

In relationships with the stronger sex, you also need to follow certain rules, not deviating from them too often.

One wisest woman taught me these rules.

At her old job, the bosses often invited her to conduct trainings.

Irina Ivanovna was not only an experienced psychologist, but also a luxurious woman who, at 45, could give odds to any twenty-year-old, had a husband who adored her, and two adult student children.

Once, taking advantage of the fact that the authorities were away on their own business, and evaluating our predominantly female team, Irina Ivanovna decided to devote half an hour to the topic “How to behave with men” and shared her own experience of a happy marriage.

5 rules for how to behave with a man:

1. Keep your attractiveness.

2. Be caring.

3. Do not put pressure on him, trying to take all the personal space of a man.

4. Less squabbles, scandals, whining over trifles.

5. Don't "castrate" your loved one.

Stay beautiful and you won't have to think too much about how to behave with a man

Each woman has her own secrets of personal charm and attractiveness, but no one will argue that there are some general standards of beauty.

You can, of course, argue as much as you like: “But I weigh 100 kilograms, I don’t make up, I don’t visit beauty salons, and in general I’m still a bitch, but my husband doesn’t have a soul in me,” but how sincere are you yourself in these statements of yours?

Perfectly pumped ass, impeccable makeup and expensive sexy clothes - this is not a complete formula for female attractiveness, although, in my opinion, every woman should learn how to use decorative cosmetics, dress well and play sports.

It is very important not only to learn how to behave properly with a man, but also:

Get regular manicures and pedicures;

Fight excess vegetation on the body;

Tidy up your hair;

Take care of the beauty of your skin;

Use perfume;

Wear beautiful underwear;

Keep track of your health, etc.

Do you want to learn how to behave with a man? Be caring!

Each person is a little selfish, which puts his own interests above others.

This, in principle, is correct, but the main thing in your selfish desires is not to go too far.

Especially if you're trying to understand how to behave with a man.

The stronger sex loves to be taken care of.

I don’t mean that you need to wear slippers in your boyfriend’s teeth and anticipate any desire, but he should feel your concern.

In addition, being caring and behaving properly with a man is not so difficult:

1. Be understanding of his tastes and desires (within reason, of course), whether it be requests to experiment in bed or make cheesecakes for breakfast.

2. Listen to what he tells you, what he talks about, keep up the conversation, even if this fishing / hunting / cars / tanks are already in your liver.

3. Take care of him during his illness (men are mostly lousy and suspicious patients).

4. Wey nest: the house should be cozy and comfortable for living.

5. Be there in conflicts, and when he is completely wrong - gently (and most importantly - alone!) Point out this.

6. Give him gifts (do not give only useful things every time, sometimes buy what he wants).

7. Praise him - men love flattery.

To respect personal space means to behave correctly with a man

Many women, when they connect their lives with a man, completely forget that they were fully accomplished personalities before him (they had interests, hobbies, their circle of friends, plans, dreams) and completely dissolve in relationships.

Okay, that's up to you, but why are you demanding the same from him?

If you treat your loved one as if he were your personal property, then soon he will get tired of this noose and he will run away.

But you need to behave with a man in a completely different way:

1. Leave him time, energy and money for a hobby.

2. Do not yell for the fact that he sometimes meets with friends in a purely male company.

3. Do not rummage through personal mail, do not monitor social networks, do not read SMS.

4. Don't follow him.

5. Do not call 100 times a day with the questions "Where are you?".

6. Do not force to report on every step.

7. Don't criticize his friends, etc.

The love of scandals and whining prevents women from behaving properly with men

Dear women, remember, all men (that's one and all) can not stand drinking women.

I understand that family life cannot be honey-sugar in the style of “Yes, dear”, “As you wish, darling”, but itching every day like a Friendship chainsaw, whining, complaining and scandal over trifles is absolutely wrong.

Why some ladies turn both their lives and the lives of their husbands into hell with whining, scandals, grumbling, I sincerely do not understand.

If you have any claims, then they should be justified and expressed calmly, without tantrums.

It is also very important to offer some kind of solution to the problem.

You don’t need to behave with a man like an evil mother-in-law from jokes “I don’t know how, but it’s completely wrong”, pout your lips because of various garbage and act on the principle of “guess what I need.”

No normal man can withstand such stupid pressure. And why do you need such a life? For love of masochism?

The video below provides another great tip on how to behave properly with a man:

It is not so important how to behave with a man, the main thing is not to “castrate” him!

Naturally, I use the word “castration” in a figurative sense and mean a situation when a woman, with her words, actions, behavior, destroys everything masculine in a man, turning him into some kind of weak-willed old woman who does not even have the right to vote in her house.

If you want to behave with a man correctly, then please:

1. Don't criticize him over small things.

2. Don't humiliate him, especially in public.

3. Don't trample on his manhood.

4. Do not make a henpecked out of him, who, without your royal permission, does not even dare to breathe once again.

5. Do not try to do everything on your own: repair cranes, raise children, and swear with the builders who make repairs for you.

6. Do not use the phrases “Because I said so”, “It will be the way I want”, “You are stupid, so I will do everything myself”, “Do not interfere, you will ruin everything” and others.

7. Remember more often that you are still a woman, which means that you are the weaker sex, while the man is strong. Don't switch roles!

Of course, you are not required to follow these tips.

Choose a different tactic how to deal with a man, but if it does not give good results, then perhaps it is time to think: “What am I doing wrong” and listen to smart people with established personal lives.

The opposite sex was called the opposite, apparently because it is on the other side of the barricades. Opposites are known to attract. The same thing happens with guys and girls. But when trying to communicate, misunderstandings, misunderstandings, and sometimes even complete failure often occur. It often seems to girls that guys are incomprehensible and unpredictable people, inexplicable from the point of view of female logic. When you want to impress them, they ignore you or make fun of you, and when you don’t care about them at all, they admire and compliment you.

So, let's look at a question that worries many girls very much: how should you behave with a guy?

Guys are also living beings, and of the same breed as girls. Of course, there are differences, it has long been noticed, but in percentage terms they are not so great. And both in physiology and psychology. Therefore, with a guy you need to behave first of all as a person. As with a friend, sister, classmate. Or a classmate.

If you don’t experience any communication problems when communicating with girls, but as soon as you find yourself with a guy, you become paralyzed, you start to stutter, all thoughts disappear from your head, and your body throws you either hot or cold, then you are too fixated on gender differences. Or deadly in love with this particular guy. In the first case, it is easier to cope with yourself, you just need to imagine that this guy is your girlfriend. And talk to him in exactly the same way, without thinking about the impression you make. After all, you don’t think about it when you chat with your girlfriends about various trifles.

The second case is more difficult. Even people with a powerful intellect and inhuman endurance can behave like mentally handicapped when meeting with the object of passion. Such is nature. If the subject feels the same way about you, the situation becomes especially interesting. Then, getting to know each other better and getting used to your feelings a little, you will remember with laughter what funny idiots you were at the beginning of your acquaintance.

When you are not sure that your chosen one shares at least ten percent of your fiery feelings, you have a hard time. Is it possible to cope with fear, with trembling in the hands and inability to coherently express yourself in the presence of the object of your secret sighs? It is possible, but it can be very difficult to do so. A few simple tips can help you:

Rehearse. Imagine that you tell him, that he will answer you, what will happen next. Say it out loud, preferably in front of a mirror. Be sure to try several different options so that when you find yourself in a real situation, you don’t say answers that are completely inconsistent with his questions. The main thing in this exercise is to clearly imagine that you are talking to him, and not to your reflection in the mirror. After a few workouts, the next time you see him, you will feel more confident.

Use your girlfriends and friends. Communicating in a company is much easier than in private, especially at first. Ask your friends to help you and make sure that you and him are in the same company. For starters, you can just look at him when he says something or even when he is silent. You can start chatting later. You will feel more confident when you are surrounded by familiar faces.

Be yourself. If you try hard, you can at first seem to him someone else: a cheerful party girl, despite the fact that you love silence and books, an experienced traveler, although you never left the city, or shy and quiet, despite the fact that you are a real tear-head . If your communication continues, he will still know what you really are. And he may be disappointed, because at first you seemed to him a completely different person. It’s better to be real right away, then you will be sure that he liked yourself, and not the image you invented.

Finally, all obstacles are overcome, barriers are destroyed, he became your boyfriend. Consider the question: how to behave with the guy you are dating so that your relationship is strong, long-lasting and enjoyable for both of you.

  1. Shut up and listen. Most guys think, and rightly so, that girls love with their ears. Therefore, guys usually try to impress the girl's imagination with a variety of more or less fantastic stories in which they appear as knights without fear and reproach. Well, or just people with a rapidly flowing life filled with a variety of interesting events. Your job is to listen to all these stories. But this should be done not just like that, but thoughtfully and with taste: nodding your head, agreeing, being surprised, asking leading questions in order to find out all the details and, of course, laughing at any of his phrases containing at least a small spark of humor.

    By doing so, you will kill two birds with one stone: you will win his sympathy and learn more about him. With the first point, everything is clear, everyone likes to be listened to carefully. Your interest is a powerful weapon of influence. Looking into your attentive, surprised and delighted eyes with his stories, he will fall in love with you more and more.

    The second point is also important. Perhaps you have known each other for a short time, you are fascinated by his beautiful blue-green eyes and an earring in his ear. But you don't know much about him. Listening to his stories and bearing in mind that some of them may be exaggerated, you will get an idea about him, about his friends, about his way of life. If his stories include hiking and gyms, discos and travel, great. And if most of them tell about how much they drank with their friends and how they played tricks after that, it’s worth considering whether this person is really that interesting to you.

  2. Ask for his advice. For any questions: how best to prepare for exams, what to say to a friend who is not acting friendly, what dress to wear and what movie to watch. Don't forget to follow these tips. If you find that in some area he does not understand as well as you, for example, does not understand that blue does not go to your eyes, as if inadvertently exclude this topic from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhis advice.
  3. Never say anything bad about his friends. Even if you don't like them at all. He has been with them for a long time, with you - much less. It is not known who he will choose if it comes to open confrontation. In any case, it's best not to bring it up. Always be friendly with his friends, try to find common interests and common topics for conversation. Do not forget that men, no less than women, love to discuss their personal lives. If all his friends agree that you are a cool girl, your boyfriend will be very pleased.
  4. Learn to cook. The way to the heart of any man runs through his digestive system, do not forget about it. On the contrary, it should be fully utilized. But refrain from complex culinary experiments if you are not confident in yourself. Calculate your strength. It's better to make a simple but tasty salad and simple but well-made sandwiches than, having no experience and being inspired by pictures in a cookbook, start something like a meatloaf with a complex filling, and end up with something burnt on the outside and raw inside.
  5. Don't dump all your problems on him. Also, don't overburden yourself with your troubles. Of course, you need to share both the bad and the good with each other, but it would be nice to let him know that you are able to solve some problems on your own. But sometimes you still need his help. If he drove a nail into the wall to hang your group photo in your room or helped you figure out a complex computer program, be sure to thank him in a way that he will remember. Then the next time he will gladly come to your aid, and at the same time he will feel like a hero. If you take his help for granted, very soon it will turn into a boring duty, from which he will shirk by all means.
The same goes for flowers and gifts. Do not be afraid to show your delight and your joy. He will be pleased and will want to please you again and again.

Modern women are increasingly thinking about how to behave with a man. Just look at the statistics of marriages and divorces. It clearly shows that many couples break up. And the atmosphere in the family depends, as a rule, on the woman. In addition, the beautiful half of society often complains about the representatives of the stronger sex - it is extremely difficult to communicate with them. Someone cannot attract to himself, someone repels the guy he likes. All this is the result of bad communication. But today we will study the basic rules of behavior with the opposite sex.

Modern ladies

How to behave with a man? Women are asking this question more and more every day. But, as a rule, this happens when it is too late to change relations with this or that man.

Modern ladies are full of worries and affairs. They often have enough ordinary relationships with a man, but there is simply no time to think about how to communicate with the opposite sex.

At the same time, you can see how girls complain - young people are constantly dissatisfied with something, they demand something from the fairer sex. In fact, men in relationships with women are very primitive. Therefore, you can just remember a few rules of behavior for a lady. They are suitable for both dating and family life.

No irritation

How to behave with a man? The most important and first rule is not to irritate the representative of the stronger sex. No negative - no problem.

Usually, if a girl enters into a relationship with a guy, she expects attention, love and care from him. To get this, it is necessary not to annoy the young man.

He doesn't like his hair? Cloth? It's time to change all that! Annoying mannerisms and habits? Will have to be corrected.

How to behave with the opposite sex? The proposed first rule also applies to women. That is, with new acquaintances, the girl herself should not be annoyed. An aggressive attitude only repels people. And not only men.

Self respect

The next tip is to respect yourself and be confident in your behavior. Thinking about how to behave with a man, girls often come to the conclusion that in a relationship they simply forget about their needs, they lose their self-esteem.

Any psychologist will say that as long as a person does not love and respect himself, he will be treated badly. Modern men prefer confident women who respect them just because they are representatives of the stronger sex.

Rejection of insults

Some will have to work hard on themselves to attract the attention of a young man. The fact is that when communicating with guys, you will have to forget about humiliation and insults. Especially if they happen in public.

No man will tolerate humiliation of his own dignity. This is quite normal. How to behave with a man? Watch your words when speaking. No swear words, humiliating comparisons, humiliation. Only cultural communication!


How to behave with a man when meeting and in a long-term relationship? In no case should you exaggerate your strengths, as well as hide your shortcomings. We'll have to give up the opinion "I'm a woman, so I'm always right."

Nevertheless, a certain mystery must remain in the girl. When meeting a guy, you should talk about yourself honestly, but in a dosed manner. Disadvantages are cleverly veiled by feminine charm, honesty and virtues.

There are things that are better left unsaid on the first contact. As a rule, these are significant shortcomings - a hysterical or jealous character, a past active sex life, and so on. You can hint at them, but only if the man himself has already revealed, as it seems, all his negative sides.

About the disadvantages

In fact, there have always been conflicts in the relationship between guys and girls. They cannot be completely excluded. But the first communication (acquaintance) often goes very well with the help of a woman.

How to behave with a man? In no case should you stoop to discussing and recognizing your shortcomings. Exposing them is also not recommended. The same applies to the shortcomings of a man - pointing to them and emphasizing in every possible way is prohibited.

Only between two

Another great piece of advice is not to wash dirty linen in public. How to behave with a man in a relationship? A woman should not discuss and condemn her boyfriend with others. For example, with mom or with friends. Even if now the fairer sex needs support.

Everything related to relationships in a couple should remain between a man and a woman. No one else should know about the negative aspects of your young man.

Monotony and hobby

How to behave with a man? This question is often asked by women who have been in a relationship for a long time. Especially if the spouse or cohabitant has lost interest in his lady, they have ceased to pay due attention to her.

Men don't like monotony. And so it must be avoided. This advice applies to long-term relationships - when you meet each meeting will have its own zest.

In addition, girls should respect the hobbies of their halves. Does the guy like football? Let him deal with it. Does a young man like to play computer games in the evenings? You have to be understanding about this.

If some hobby takes up too much space, a woman should interest a man in something else. There is no monotony in relationships - there will be harmony.

boredom and interest

It's hard to believe, but if a girl wants to "fall in love" with a young man, she will have to talk less about what she misses.

A man by nature is a conqueror. If a woman constantly talks about how she misses her chosen one, how bad she is without him, the guy will think that "the fortress has been conquered." And accordingly, he will lose all interest in relationships.


Another tip is to give your partner a free hand. The husband or wife is not the property of the spouse. They are individuals with their own desires and needs. They need to be respected.

The basis of any relationship should be mutual respect and trust. Of course, there is a limit to everything. If a man behaves as if his girlfriend is just a non-committal application, you will have to subtly hint that such behavior is unacceptable. It at least shows disrespect for the fairer sex.


Even all of the above tips will not help if the girl talks too much about her past. It is permissible to tell what a man asks for (no frills). But past relationships, lovers, first love - all this is prohibited.

A woman needs to put herself in the place of a young man - would she like it if a guy constantly talked about the past? Hardly. Therefore, what was before must remain in the past.

5 rules of conduct

How to behave with men to fall in love? There is no exact recipe. After all, love is a chemical process. But it can be both awakened and extinguished.

Five simple rules will help communicate with men (when meeting and not only). Necessary:

  • be attractive;
  • always show your concern;
  • respect the personal space of a man and not put pressure on him;
  • do not belittle man's dignity;
  • be an interesting person.

Perhaps that's all. But, as practice shows, men and women often have different attitudes towards caring for and understanding personal space. Because of this, conflicts often arise.


A few tips on how to behave with a man on a first date. Often, further relationships in a couple depend on this meeting.

The girl needs:

  • flirt and flirt, but in moderation;
  • be attractive;
  • do not lose femininity;
  • listen carefully and hear the young man;
  • do not chat incessantly;
  • not be frank and accessible;
  • keep natural;
  • look the interlocutor in the eyes;
  • "warm up" the conversation with leading questions;
  • avoid long pauses.

About conversations

And what to talk about with a man? Topics for a first date are usually varied. People do not know anything about each other, they want to know as much information as possible.

It is best to give preference to the following topics:

  • hobby;
  • movie;
  • books;
  • entertainment;
  • trips;
  • news;
  • sport;
  • features of interpersonal relationships.

In fact, it is better to talk on topics that are detached from the advantages and disadvantages of the interlocutors. With spouses, you can talk about anything, but without shouting and attacks.

Forbidden topics


  • relatives;
  • medical history;
  • former;
  • personal failures;
  • whining about a hard life.


Now it is clear how to behave with a man. A woman, first of all, should remain feminine, attractive, "light", understanding and respecting her chosen one. Taking care of your health and appearance is the sacred duty of every girl.

When communicating with the opposite sex, do not get hung up on it. A girl should always be an interesting companion, support, a self-sufficient person. Otherwise, she will not interest a man or quickly get bored of him. Even on the first date.

Nobody canceled the culture and observance of the rules of decency. In a long-term relationship, a girl must rely on her man. Changing roles is also not allowed. So a woman loses her attractiveness, her features coarsen. And the opposite sex perceives her as their own kind. In fact, all of the above tips are easier to follow than you think. They will always help out the girl!