What men's fedora hats look like: photo selection. Fashionable Fedora hat - what to wear with it and who will suit it

A women's fedora hat is a hat made of soft felt and wrapped once with a ribbon. The classic model of the hat has dents on the crown: at the top - for three fingers, on the right and left. The fedora got its name from Sardou's play of the same name, in which female actresses wore slightly modified men's hats on their heads, which later became incredibly fashionable among women. Over time, fashion spread throughout Europe, and in the mid-twentieth century it became a part of almost every designer collection.

Choice of stars

The fedora is one of the most popular hats among celebrities. Lindsay Lohan practically never takes off this hat - she wears it not only in everyday life, but also at social events. The favorite combination of the Hollywood actress is a black fedora and a miniature one.

Another famous actress, Eva Longoria, prefers to wear a fedora with a jumper and jacket. Rihanna, Britney Spears, Megan Fox, Victoria Beckham, and Kate Moss also decorate their heads with fedoras. Not to mention Michael Jackson, who made the fedora an integral part of his image. The hat practically became a symbol of his style. It is Michael who demonstrates the male version of the hat. Some fans, admiring the work of the singer and dancer, wear fedoras to show their admiration and passion.

What kind of fedora is there?

The fedora became incredibly fashionable in the mid-20th century, and since then the hat has moved away from the classic look. Designers are experimenting not only with the hat model, but also with the material and design. Today, not only felt is used to make it, but also tweed, genuine leather, and suede. In the summer, a straw fedora hat is very popular, which can become part of both a beach style and a city one. In winter, a felt, leather or tweed fedora is a great option. In autumn, you also need to wear a classic version of the hat. It goes well with spring-autumn coats and raincoats. It is very important to wear a hat whose material is appropriate for the weather, otherwise you can lose the elegance and beauty of this wonderful accessory and the entire look.

A felt hat is a classic option, which is why it is the most popular. It goes well with many styles.

Decent models of hats can be seen among the collections of such Fashion Houses as Gianfranco Ferre, Gucci, Tuleh, Vivienne Westwood. From time to time, the fedora appears in the collections of other brands that offer their own styles and colors, sometimes creating a hat in their own signature style.


The fedora hat is borrowed from the men's wardrobe, so it goes well with a shirt and tie. But modern interpretations of the classic version of the hat allow you to wear it with almost any outfit.

The combination of a classic hat with an elegant trench coat will look fashionable, stylish and not banal. Complete the look with equally elegant accessories, and it will be difficult to accuse it of being boring and simple.

The fedora goes perfectly with a men's cut shirt, trouser suit or loose jacket. The hat looks great paired with a mini-dress and high heels. They will help to complement the mysterious and elegant image. This accessory will emphasize a certain image and style. You should wear thick tights under a black dress, so your outfit will look more harmonious.

When choosing a fedora, you need to remember two basic rules:

  1. The color scheme of the hat must fully match the clothing.
  2. The material from which the fedora is made should be suitable for the time of year.

A fedora hat is a soft felt hat with a satin ribbon around the top. The crown of the classic men's fedora has three dents - two on the sides and one in the center for three fingers. Sometimes this model is also called “snap brim” (translated from English as “broken brim”), because many people fold the back part of the brim up, and, on the contrary, lower the front part into view for greater mystery.

The first classic men's felt hat was invented in 1910. And in the middle of the twentieth century in the West, the fedora hat was already very popular among the male population. Then this headdress was an integral part of a man's suit. Hollywood films of the 40-60s brought the fedora worldwide popularity, making it a symbol of male sexuality, brutality and mystery.

Where can you buy a men's fedora hat in Moscow?

Today, the men's hat is again on the crest of popularity. True, it looks a little different in comparison with the original of the 1940s: the brim is now made shorter, and it is now sewn not only from felt, but also from leather, suede, tweed, etc. As for the combination of this headdress with other elements of clothing, it has no equal. Fedora goes perfectly with men's suits, shirts, jeans, formal coats and stylish trench coats.

If you want to add some mystery to your look, you won't find a better accessory than a fedora. You can buy a men's Fedora hat both wholesale and retail with delivery in Moscow, a detailed description and high-quality photos of the product, as well as get answers to all your questions on the pages of the online headwear store “HATSANDCAPS”. Happy shopping!

Before answering the question – what to wear with a fedora hat, let’s look at history. In the late 1880s, the fedora hat came into the fashion world. It is named after Princess Fedora Romazova, who was the heroine of the play of the same name by Victorien Sardou.

What is a fedora hat?

It's a felt hat wrapped in ribbon. The hat allows the brim to be lowered and raised; there are 3 dents on the crown. The fedora hat is a men's hat, but there is also a women's version.

Fedora is universal, it is worn both in the winter season and in the summer, not to mention autumn and spring.

Women didn’t think twice about it, took it from men and used it in their wardrobe. Based on this, the hat will look great with classic formal suits and men's cut shirts. Option 100% bull's eye - black bottom, light top and heels. The color of the hat is matched to the color that is in this set. Contrasts are strictly prohibited.

Since their first appearance on the fashion scene, hats have been reborn. Nowadays, this attribute is decorated with various decorative elements, allowing it to be worn with almost all outfits in the wardrobe.

What to wear with a women's fedora hat?

The fedora hat has become not only a classic, it is also widely used in the avant-garde style.

Freedom of choice also implies street style, and the fedora hat fits perfectly into it. It goes not only with trousers, but also with jeans, shorts, dresses and even slip dresses. A slip dress and a black fedora hat, wrapped in a black silk ribbon, go perfectly together. This accessory has different brim widths.

A girl with a round face or elongated features will suit a model with voluminous brims. Girls with triangular and oval faces are lucky - wide and narrow brims will suit them.

Fedora is an ideal self-sufficient attribute. It does not require mixing with massive jewelry and does not like flashy bright colors of the outfit.

Clothes should be plain, with a rare exception - prints in the summer season. The style of clothing should be simple; multi-layered clothing is unacceptable.

This type of hat is used by Gucci, Tuleh, Vivienne Westwood and many other designers in their collections. The material for making a hat is selected according to the season. A straw or felt hat is made for summer, while tweed and leather are materials for the fall-winter season. Spring - suede and leather.

Previously, it was believed that a fedora hat should have a satin or silk ribbon. However, modern fashion is not so strict, and fashionistas, taking advantage of the deviation from the canons, choose models without ribbons or replace braids made of leather or ribbons made of decorative stone.

In the summer season, the hat goes well with jeans, shorts, and simple-cut dresses, and in the cool season it is worn with a coat, trench coat or biker jacket.

A fedora hat suits everyone, and if no other hat suits you, then this hat is the perfect option. “Broken field” snapbrim - that’s what this headdress is called. This hat gained popularity thanks to Hollywood gangster films. This hat was worn by detectives, gangsters and even Indiana Jones. 2018 marked the peak of the popularity of the fedora hat.

How to wear a women's fedora hat?

The special chic of a hat is to wear it lowered over your eyes. Thus, a certain magical mystery of its owner is created.

According to the rules of etiquette, the owner of a fedora hat, when greeting a woman, lifts it with three fingers by the dents on the crown.

The hat is chosen by many celebrities. The cut of a modern hat differs from the classic one. The margins have become smaller and not so wide. As already mentioned, such hats are loved not only by men, but also by women.

The hat is suitable for brave and decisive women. In winter, you need to choose gloves, and in the summer season, a hat with dark glasses looks stylish.

It can be worn with a classic style suit or combined with a casual style - a T-shirt, shorts. Another interesting option is to play with contrast: a hat and a romantic style. It is also worth noting the cowboy style, in terms of combination with ordinary clothing and attributes of the American Indians.

For fans of extravagant style

An extravagant style is a combination of a hat with a little black dress or lingerie style dresses. It is worn with a tuxedo if there is a party coming up. Fedora is the most stylish detail of a woman's look. It can be combined with various outfits and creates a mysterious and enigmatic image.

You can choose some combinations of clothes, for example, a long skirt with a T-shirt. In this case, the tone of the hat should be in harmony with the tone of the skirt or blouse.

Shorts and a hat are a great choice. For the beach, loose shorts and a T-shirt are worn, beach flip-flops are worn, and a straw fedora hat completes the look. For a street walk - with denim shorts, wear a freestyle blouse, shoes or sandals with heels and a hat to match the clothes.

Here are some other successful combinations:

A long sundress, a straw hat, sandals or heeled sandals are a wonderful summer look. Floral dresses go perfectly with a straw hat.

Leggings with a white tunic shirt and a snow-white hat.

A classic suit and matching hat.

Finally, everyone’s adored jeans in combination: top, T-shirt, jacket, blouse and hat to match the jeans or bag.

The presence of such a hat in the wardrobe means that its owner is a stylish thing.

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Initially, hats were exclusively a women's accessory, but after a while specialists began to develop and produce men's models. They were outwardly similar to each other, but were distinguished by simplicity, conciseness and restraint without unnecessary sophistication and decoration. Today, the most common are men's fedora hats, which are commonly called gangster hats.

Initially, this style of hat was created specifically for men, but hats were also appreciated by the fair half of society, and as a result, the hat found its place among women. Today, all men wear a fedora, regardless of their social position in society, status and age. And best of all, the hat harmonizes with classic and urban casual clothing.

To choose a fedora hat means to be known in society as a brave, confident and fashionable man who understands fashion trends and style. For women, this style gives them visual sophistication and fragility.

For a long time, this headdress was considered a true element of the dress code of the mafia, that is, men of the underworld. The birthplace of the mafia and fedora hats is Italy, here every second man tried on the borsalino look.

For reference! The peak popularity of the fedora hat occurred in the last century, about 60 years ago. Today this accessory can be found among men, but much more often it is preferred by female fashionistas.

Fans of this style

Around the 40-60s of the last century, only the lazy did not try on a fedora hat, the model was so popular. Moreover, men wore it regardless of weather conditions, status and social status, style and appearance in clothing. But the hat was especially loved by representatives of the criminal society, as a result of which it became known as a gangster hat.

The hat combines seemingly incompatible styles; it looks laconic and strict, which is inherent in the classic style, as well as fashionable and stylish, which is closer to the urban casual style. In the last century, fedoras were worn not only by Italians, but also by men all over the world. Today, designers and stylists have developed many styles and varieties of fedoras for men of different ages and clothing styles.

What to wear with a fedora hat?

The collections of many famous designers include such a men's accessory as a fedora hat. Today it is often called the second term - “snap brim”, which means a broken field. The back and sides of the hat are folded back, and the front part is lowered forward a little. This image looks mysterious, seductive and very sexy.

Do you wear fedora hats?


You can wear a fedora with street-style and casual outfits, that is, urban clothing style. The hat will look brutal when paired with a leather jacket, or stylish and formal with a classic suit and coat. You can wear a fedora to an official meeting, a walk through the city at night, a romantic date or a meeting with friends. But the best combination would be a fedora with a classic cut suit in black, white, beige, blue, brown or gray.

Also, a loose urban style, namely a T-shirt and jeans, a sweatshirt, chinos, all this will look great in tandem with a fedora hat. The only contraindication is clothing with a checkered print; according to stylists, a fedora will look comical with such a look. When combining, it is important to create a harmonious ensemble of clothing items without going overboard with colors, textures and prints.

Photo selection


According to etiquette, a man must remember that after putting on a hat, he must take it off in a timely manner. That is, in any room, when meeting with acquaintances and friends, and also if there is a woman next to him. Otherwise, a fedora is the best accessory with which you can emphasize your individuality and impeccable taste. The headdress has a long and rich history, and most importantly, it goes well with many items of clothing in a men's wardrobe.

A women's hat is a kind of accessory that can both decorate its owner and reduce all attempts to look stylish to zero. Indeed, all hats should be selected according to your face type. Only in this case will you be able to give your appearance harmony and style. In summer, the theme of hats is no less relevant. In the heat, you just want to hide from the scorching sun, besides, fashionable women's hats are the best way to emphasize your originality and make you stand out from the crowd. All summer hats can be divided into the following categories:

  • Wide-brimmed hats;
  • Straw hats;
  • Cowboy hats;
  • Fedora hats.

Each hat had its ups and downs. At the moment, fedora hats are in particular demand. They are popular among both women and men. The fedora hat can rightfully be classified as “unisex”. Its brim is moderately wide, so this model is suitable for almost any fashionista.

Women's fedora hat

If you look at the pages of fashion magazines, you will probably find this hat in one of the pictures. Of course, a fedora is a fashionable item for the summer, but not everyone knows what to wear with a fedora. Let's put special emphasis on this.

with a classic outfit

What to wear with a fedora hat?

A fedora hat can be worn all year round. It is made from a variety of materials that meet the requirements of a particular season. But first things first. First, let's figure out what to wear with a fedora hat.

Like many items of clothing, this type of hat came into the women's wardrobe from men. Therefore, it goes perfectly with strict classic suits and men's cut shirts. The simplest and safest option is black trousers, a light blouse and high-heeled shoes. The hat is selected in the color that is included in your kit. There shouldn't be any contrasts. This is the main rule when choosing an outfit with a fedora hat.

Fashionable women's hats appeared quite a long time ago and during all this time have undergone many rebirths. Today, this accessory is decorated with various decorative details, which allows you to wear the hat with almost all wardrobe items. Now it is not only a classic, but also an “avant-garde”. Street style means freedom of choice and style. The fedora goes well not only with trousers, jeans and shorts, but also with sophisticated dresses, including slip dresses. A black slip dress will look incredibly stylish with a black fedora hat, decorated with a black silk ribbon.

A fedora hat is ideal for walking around the city. It may have different margin widths. Chubby girls are better off choosing a model with a fuller brim; this also applies to girls with elongated facial features. But oval and triangular faces will suit both wide and narrow brims.

Stylists consider the fedora hat to be a bright and self-sufficient accessory, so they recommend not mixing it with massive jewelry or highlighting it with flashy colors of clothing. Your outfit should be monochromatic, only in rare cases are prints allowed, for example, in the summer.

The kit itself should not be too complicated. The simpler the cut, the better. Try not to get carried away with multi-layered clothing. Layers don't always look great.

for the summer with shorts and football

feminine look with fringe

with a white dress

with a long dress

with a skirt and blouse

with romper

with a black jacket

with a shirt dress and cardigan

with top and denim shorts

with a classic black pantsuit

What type of fedora is there?

Fashionable women's hats of this model gained their popularity back in the mid-20th century. Since then, designers have been trying to improve this accessory. Today, a fedora hat can be seen in almost every collection of many famous fashion houses, in particular Gucci, Tuleh, Vivienne Westwood, etc.

As noted earlier, fedoras are made from a variety of materials, so it is important to choose a model based on the weather. If you are choosing a hat for the summer, then the option made of straw and felt will suit you. If it is winter and autumn, then your materials are tweed, leather, suede. In spring you can also opt for leather or suede.

The diversity also affected the design of women's hats. Firstly, these are the fields. We also mentioned their choice a little higher; secondly, this is the decor. It is believed that a classic fedora hat must have a silk or satin ribbon, but the modern interpretation of this accessory allows fashionistas to deviate from this rule. You can choose a model without a ribbon, or replace the satin with more sophisticated options - leather braids, ribbons made of decorative stones, etc.

In the summer, combine this hat with shorts, jeans, simple-cut dresses, and in cooler weather with a trench coat, a simple-cut coat or a biker jacket.

As you can see, a fedora hat can fit very organically into your wardrobe and style. If you consider yourself one of those representatives of the fair sex who absolutely does not suit any model of headdress, perhaps a fedora hat will help you solve this dilemma. Treat her choice not as a forced step, but as a selection of a stylish accessory. This is exactly how many fashionistas and famous designers see her.