How to curl elastic curls on spiral curlers - photos, reviews, videos. How to use magic leverage spiral curlers with a hook for curling curls

Any woman wants to always have admiring glances of the opposite sex on her. Such attention can provide a beautiful hairstyle. Spiral curlers can be perfect for creating solemn and playful curls.

What are the magic spiral curlers

Spiral curlers (Magic Leverage) - a relatively new device for curling hair, which is a spiral tape made of durable polymer fiber with a through slot. As a rule, at the edges it is framed with special silicone tips. Currently, many women use spirals, while the range of such products is huge. They are made from different materials (wood, plastic, polymer, and others), and the curlers themselves are divided into hard and soft types.


Magic soft spirals are a special form of mesh narrow covers that are made of an elastic and durable polymer. In addition to them there are plastic hooks. Such products make it possible to obtain without much effort American boucles, which have an average thickness. Soft curlers for curls have a number of advantages that only women can appreciate:

  1. they can be used independently, without outside help;
  2. they are simple and easy to use;
  3. create maximum hair volume;
  4. suitable for any type of hair;
  5. curlers can be used during sleep;
  6. products are of different diameters: from 2 to 5 cm.


Spiral hard curlers are used for the so-called vertical winding of the strand. Such spirals can be plastic, metal, wooden. They look like a tube with spiral cutters and a retainer - a hairpin or elastic band. The main disadvantage of such curlers is that you won’t be able to curl your hair with their help, especially when you need to take strands at the back of your head. Outwardly, the products look like bobbin sticks. They are used on medium and long hair.

How to use soft crochet curlers

Ideal for night styling - soft curlers. Depending on the structure, such products can create wavy strands or spiral curls. To fix the Magic Leverage curlers, they have a special elastic band located at the bottom and top of each product. This prevents slipping along the strand. Technique for the correct use of soft spiral curlers:

  • wash your hair with conditioner so that your hair is obedient for curling;
  • apply a special styling foam or mousse so that the curls are smooth after the procedure;
  • before winding, you need to dry the strands a little with a hair dryer;
  • connect the two parts of the hook together and place it in the case;
  • wind your hair from the back of your head;
  • separate a small strand of thickness and twist it with a loop at the base;
  • grab the loop with a hook, pull it into the case: as soon as you remove the hook, the spiral will twist, and with it the hair inside;
  • so it is necessary to thread all the strands;
  • to get a good hairstyle, the curling time should be at least 4 hours;
  • then you need to carefully remove the spirals by pulling the cover;
  • at the end, fix the resulting curls with varnish.

How to wind solid miracle curlers with a latch

For hard spirals, you may need an assistant, although you can handle it yourself:

  • wash your hair with shampoo and dry your hair with a hairdryer;
  • separate a small strand and treat it with styling foam;
  • wind the strand onto the rod so that the hair falls into a spiral recess;
  • secure the twisted strand with a clip;
  • after curling all the hair, dry with a hairdryer;
  • curlers can be left for several hours;
  • strands from the rod should be untwisted slowly, carefully unwinding each spiral;
  • so that dense springs do not stretch, you can fix them with varnish.

How to choose hair spirals

Spiral curlers are chosen depending on what kind of hairstyle you want to get in the end. For example, to create splendor, you can use spirals of the same size and small diameter. To give the hair naturalness, it is worth using fixtures of different formats. When choosing spiral curlers, the following factors must be considered:

  1. Hair length. For strands to the shoulders, 20 cm bobbins are suitable, long hair will require 50 cm spirals.
  2. The width of the curls. For small curls, the diameter of the bobbins should be 2 cm, and for the formation of large curls, curlers of 5 cm will be needed.
  3. The number of bobbins. As a rule, a standard set consists of 18 vertical curlers. A large set of 48 pieces will suit the owner of thick hair.

Spiral curlers are a novelty in the field of hair care. Spectacular vertical curls made with the help of such devices will be a great addition to a solemn look. So, today we will tell you everything about spiral papillots: types, advantages, how to choose and how to use.



Spiral curlers are made soft and hard materials. Each model has its own advantages and disadvantages. In addition, the method of curling on soft curls can differ significantly from curling on hard products. Let's talk about the features of each type in more detail.

Soft spiral curlers are called Magic Leverag. Manufacturers claim that with their help you can create spectacular vertical curls without much effort.

Magic Leverag are spiral tapes, made of durable polymer fiber (soft, but resistant to mechanical stress, material). Special slots are made in the tape where the strand is placed. The edges of the product are made of silicone, which allows you to securely fix the curl and not damage it. In the photo below you can see what the original Magic Leverag looks like.

You can buy soft spiral curlers in any specialized boutique or online store. The Magic Leverag kit includes curlers (their number in each set is different) and 2 special plastic hooks. With the help of these hooks, the hair is threaded into the ribbon.

Reviews of the owners of such products indicate that with their help you can independently create spectacular Hollywood curls. In the video below you can see the technology for creating a stylish styling using soft spiral curlers.

Modern manufacturers make spiral papillots not only from polymer fibers, but also from solid materials (wood, metal, plastic). Such models are not widely popular, because creating a fashionable hairstyle with their help takes a lot of time and requires considerable effort. However, curling hair on wooden, metal or plastic curlers allows you to create an original, unique look.

Such products are small tubes with spiral cutters. In addition, they are equipped with a special lock for strands - a metal or rubber hairpin. In the photo below you can see what the wooden spiral curlers look like.

A significant disadvantage of spiral hairpins made of wood, plastic and metal is that it is very difficult to wind strands on the back of the head with their help. In addition, wooden spiral curlers, with regular use, can severely damage the hair (the girls' reviews confirm this).

You can learn how to use spiral papillots from the video.


  • Magic Leverage soft products do not damage the structure hair, unlike thermal devices. The girls' reviews indicate that the curls do not become brittle and do not split even with the regular use of such products.
  • Modern manufacturers offer a wide selection of spiral papillots of different sizes. This allows each girl to choose the perfect models for her hair length. The reviews of the owners of Magic Leverage confirm that with their help you can create a spectacular styling and on short and long hair. For information on how to wind long strands on spiral curlers, see the video below.
  • Spiral curlers made of high-quality polymer fiber do not leave wrinkles and creases on curls.
  • Such products absolutely safe. They can be used to create children's hairstyles.
  • Resistant durable material, resistant to mechanical damage, allows you to use such products for a long time.
  • Magic Leverage take up very little space.


  • When buying spiral hairpins, special attention should be paid to the material from which the hook is made. Very often, such devices are made of low-quality plastic, so they can break at the most inopportune moment.
  • Manufacturers claim that it takes no more than 20 minutes to curl hair with such curlers. Actually it is not. The girls' reviews confirm that the minimum curling time is 1 hour. In this case, the hair should dry naturally before styling.

How to choose spiral curlers?

The Magic Leverag kit most often contains 18 items. However, there are also sets that include from 6 to 48 curlers.

  • Small sets are most often purchased by girls with a cascading or asymmetrical haircut. So from several sets you can create the perfect set for strands of different lengths.
  • Large sets (30 pieces or more) are recommended for owners of long thick hair.

When buying spiral papillots, special attention should be paid for their size. It is important to remember that the diameter of the curler depends on what hairstyle you get as a result. So, how to choose the right size of curlers?

  • To create small elastic curls, products with a diameter of up to 2 cm are suitable.
  • By choosing papillottes with a diameter of 2 to 4 cm, you will get spectacular waves.
  • To create large "Hollywood" curls, you should use products with a diameter of 5 cm or more.

Hair curling technique with spiral curlers

Curling on spiral curlers is very different from working with other types of curlers. Hairdressers call this styling “vertical”. The results of horizontal and vertical curling, which you can see in the photo below, differ significantly from each other. With the help of spiral devices you can achieve the effect elastic "Hollywood curls".

So, how to use such products (the curling technique is presented in the video below), we will describe further.

  1. Wash and comb your hair.
  2. Treat your hair with a special styling gel or mousse.
  3. Divide your hair into several sections.
  4. From the occipital region, select one strand, no more than 1 cm wide.
  5. Pass a special hook through the tape (as shown in the photo).
  6. Hook a strand at the base with a hook and thread it through the tape (see the video for the technique of working with a hook and tape).
  7. Secure the tip of the curl with a clip.
  8. Repeat the process with the rest of the strands. Remember that after the occipital zone, the side curls should be curled, and then the hair at the crown.
  9. Dry your hair with a hair dryer.
  10. In order to remove the curlers, it is enough to gently pull the tape.
  11. Fix hair with varnish.

Curlers with the beautiful name magic leverage (translated from English as a magic lever) are flexible rubber spirals that are wound around small strands of hair with a special hook.

This curling technology allows you to create very beautiful and perfectly even curls. falling in the vertical direction. This technique has many advantages. Its main advantages include the following factors:

  • Ease of use. Any girl can curl strands on such curlers without any special training and special hairdressing skills. If at first this type of curling seems a little complicated and incomprehensible to you, practice a little, and you will understand how easy and convenient everything is.
  • Comfort. Such hairdressing devices are among the softest and most comfortable to use. These curlers will really not cause you any discomfort during the night curling, they are all made of a rather soft and comfortable material, and, importantly, they do not have any fixing elements and hard fasteners.
  • Effective result. Having curled your hair on such spirals, in a few hours you can get a very stylish and fashionable styling. The hair will fall in straight, vertical American-style curls. This type of styling is especially well suited for festive and evening styling, which will look great at any solemn event - from weddings to proms.

Despite all these obvious advantages that this curling technology has, flexible spiral curlers have several minor disadvantages. Perhaps the main one is the inability to apply this technique on short hair.

This curling method is only suitable for long strands or medium length hair. On short hair, curling curls with spiral curlers will be problematic.

How to use spiral crochet curlers correctly?

Using spiral curlers is very simple. Moreover, today there is a huge selection of such devices of different sizes.

You can independently choose the length and diameter of the curlers that suit you., depending on how big curls you want to get.

Maintenance of these devices is simple and uncomplicated. After using the curlers, it is enough to clean the hairs that have fallen on them. If you used styling products when styling, it is better to rinse and dry the spirals after use.

You can store spiral curlers in any package convenient for you. They are quite compact and do not take up much space.

Instructions for use

How to curl your hair into curls using magic leverage? Many girls do not understand the principle of curling hair on such devices. In fact, everything is quite simple. The installation sequence should be like this:

  1. Wash your head. After washing, it is recommended to use balms and masks suitable for you to slightly moisturize your hair and give it shine. Rinse your hair and make sure that there are no traces of balm or mask left on them.
  2. Dry your hair. This type of perm is used exclusively on dry hair. Curling wet strands on spiral curlers will be problematic.
  3. Comb your hair with a soft brush or wooden comb.
  4. If you wish, you can apply any styling product suitable for this purpose (foam, mousse, gel, styling spray, etc.) to your strands before styling.
  5. Divide your hair into sections to make curling easier. Secure the prepared strands at the base of the head with clips, hairpins, elastic bands or any other improvised fasteners.
  6. Make your own spirals. Choose the size of curler that suits you. Lay the spirals in front of you on the table to make it easier to work. Assemble the “hook” that comes with the curler (usually it is foldable and consists of two parts).
  7. Take a small section of hair in one hand and a hook in the other. Grab the hair with a crochet at the very roots. Then take one spiral and drag a strand into it, grabbing it with a hook.
  8. Treat all other hair in the same way.

This technology is quite simple, so these steps are unlikely to take you much time.

As a rule, such styling takes no more than 15-20 minutes. Having wound all your strands into spirals, you can calmly go about your business or go to bed - they will not cause you any discomfort.

We fix the curls after the procedure

In order to remove spiral curlers from your head, you will no longer need a hook or other devices. To do this, it is enough to grab the strand with your hands and gently, trying not to damage the curl, unwind the spiral and release the curl from it. You will get a smooth and beautiful vertical curl. Dissolve all the curls in this way.

The result of such styling will surely impress you. To fix it, spray your hair with hairspray. It will not only make the hair more resistant, but also give it extra shine.

The use of styling products in this case is quite justified, given the fact that Hollywood curls are most often done for evening styling. So that on a holiday the hairstyle lasts longer and does not upset you, do not refuse such a reliable fixative as persistent hairspray.

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Everything you need to know about magic leverage curlers: how to use, advantages and disadvantages, as well as step-by-step visual instructions:


Magic leverage soft spiral curlers, if used correctly, can give you a truly magical and magical result. The main thing is to learn how to use these curlers correctly. A few workouts - and you will surely be able to master this technology without much difficulty and make fashionable perms for yourself and your loved ones at home.

For a real woman, everything is simple - you need to grow short hair, cut long hair, curly hair, and curl it straight. There are many ways to achieve curls - perm, biowave, curling with a curling iron, curlers and other techniques. By popular demand, the editorial staff conducted a study, and today we present to your attention a small a review dedicated to the widely advertised miracle curlers Magic Leverage.

Features of the Magic Leverage curler

The curlers themselves come in different sizes and are a spiral made of mesh polyethylene. Most of all, to the touch, the material of the curlers resembles the mesh used to protect windows, only of a rougher structure. The mesh structure of the curlers allows air to penetrate inside, so that the hair dries better, and you can also use a hair dryer to speed up this process.

What are the models and varieties of curlers for curls Magic Leverage

We studied the offers of various sites and online stores offering Magic Leverage curlers. The prices are very different, and these sites, in pursuit of originality, obviously come up with names and complete sets on their own. There are Rainbow sets, Julia models, Elite sets, and similar confusion.

If, for convenience, we try to classify the Magic Leverage curlers, we can distinguish the following types:

By the type of resulting curl:

  • for a narrow winding - the curl will turn out to be about 1.5 cm in diameter;
  • for standard winding - a curl of about 3 cm in diameter;
  • for a large wrap - a curl with a diameter of 4 - 5 cm.

The complete set of the proposed Magic Leverage curlers is different everywhere - there are sets of 12, 18, 20 and so on pieces. Also, kits can include both curlers of different colors and plain ones, the same applies to their length. But most often, the set includes curlers of two types of length and a special hook stick for pulling curls.

Features of use on different types of hair

How to use the Magic Leverage curler on short, medium and long hair is not very different, and you can see the process in the photo below.

Photo instruction on how to use Magic Leverage curlers (Rainbow set).

Step 1. Wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo and dry it with a towel. Comb your hair gently with a non-traumatic wide-toothed comb.
Step 2 Choose the curlers you will be using and fold the hook (if it's in two parts).
Step 3 Expand the curlers, thread the hook inward. Separate a strand of hair, hook it with a hook and pull it through the curlers. Carefully release - the product will spin back on its own.
Step 4 Do the same with all strands.
Step 5 Leave the curlers on your hair until completely dry. You can use a hair dryer to dry. Carefully remove the curlers.
Step 6 Enjoy the result.

Hair must be slightly damp - very wet will be difficult to pull through curlers, and nothing will work on dry hair.

467 03/16/2019 5 min.

Perky curls can transform any appearance. The inconstancy of women is also manifested in the fact that even, despite all the tricks for straightening hair, many ways have also been invented to give strands airy lightness and lush volume.

Traditionally, for these purposes I use curling irons and curlers. The latter method is again experiencing a real boom, because, unlike temperature exposure, its use does not harm the hair structure. Innovative developments and modern materials have made it possible to create something unique - magic leverage curlers, which will be discussed in our article.

What it is

Magic leverage curlers differ radically from the usual options. In fact, these are soft tubes made of synthetic fiber, reminiscent of food grade silicone.

The spiral shape gives the curls the necessary waviness, while not restricting movement at all, and not interfering with rest. The set with curlers includes a special hook that helps to quickly wind the strands.

The advantages of such curlers:

  • Ease of use. The speed of creating beautiful curls.
  • The ability to choose curlers for any length of strands.
  • Indispensable for a quick effect.
  • They do not feel heavy on the head.
  • Easy to remove, do not tangle hair.
  • The porous structure allows air to pass through, so the hair “breathes” freely.
  • Do not interfere with sleep or do household chores.
  • Heat-resistant, you can use a hair dryer and other styling methods.
  • Affordable cost.
  • The ability to independently adjust the size of the curls.
  • Suitable for travel use.

On the video curler Magic Leverage:

Among the shortcomings, the impossibility of acquiring in free sale is noted. Even in large metropolitan stores, it is not so easy to find them, not to mention small towns. You have to order online, which also causes certain difficulties. The second point is a large number of low-quality fakes.

Original products are chemically neutral and properly certified. Fakes, most likely, cannot boast of such recommendations, so carefully study the packaging before buying. When making purchases through online stores, give preference to official representatives and do not be deceived by the cheap cost.

Despite the recent appearance on the markets, manufacturers have taken care of possible modifications to this handy device. That is why, by purchasing such a product, you can choose the length of curls.

The algorithm for using magic leverage curlers:

  • Curling is done on clean, damp hair. You can moisten them immediately before use, and also use curlers after washing your hair.
  • A hook is inserted into the "tube" of the curler.
  • One strand must be separated from the total mass.
  • Using a hook, grab it at the roots and stretch it through the curlers.
  • Repeat the previous steps for the rest of the strands.
  • After the entire head is wound on curlers, you must use a hair dryer or let your hair dry naturally.
  • The curlers are carefully removed, the curls are distributed in accordance with the general styling plan.

On the video how to use Magic Leverage curlers:

After that, all that remains is to fix the result with a fixative (for example) and enjoy everyone's attention, which is guaranteed to you in any case. In order not to be disappointed in the purchase, it is advisable to practice a little in front of the mirror, as well as review thematic videos. They tell not only the main points of using magic leverage curlers, but also useful tips for laying ready-made curls.

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Having gone through several options, you will definitely choose the best way to make a quick hairstyle not only for every day, but also for a special occasion.

In order to clarify all the necessary information about magic leverage curlers once and for all, you should also take into account some points that guarantee successful use. First of all, you should not apply them to dirty hair, because in this case, not only will you not create beautiful wavy curls, but you will also pollute the inside of the device. The same applies to styling, if gathered. On the further care of curlers - a separate word.

They need to be washed when they get dirty. To do this, it is advisable to use a mild detergent or regular shampoo. Using a washing machine would be impractical, it is better to do it manually.

You can dry the magic leverage curlers simply on a towel, thanks to the synthetic fibers in the composition, they will dry fairly quickly without losing their spiral shape.

The main points of using magic leverage:

  • To make curls bigger, distribute the strands thicker. For small curls, a thin strand is enough.
  • Cannot be used on dirty hair.
  • If your strands are naturally very naughty, before using magic leverage, you need to moisten them with foam or mousse of a suitable hold.
  • For thick and long hair, one set may not be enough, this point also needs to be clarified before buying.
  • Such curlers are not contraindicated even for children, because they do not harm the hair. It is best for a child to wear them at night, especially since they do not interfere with sleep.

Luxurious wavy curls are now even more accessible. The creation of the new magic leverage curlers has provided fashionistas with an unsurpassed result with minimal effort. Curling hair with such devices is easy.

The result is beautiful soft waves and absolute safety for the hair structure. When creating curls, you will not need complex equipment, high temperatures and a long time. Now you can provide yourself with a magical result in just a matter of minutes.

Ease of use literally conquers the first time, so this popularity will only grow. Instructions and a detailed description of magic leverage curlers, as well as basic recommendations for choosing suitable models are presented in our article.