What is the best mixture for a newborn. Infant formula from birth: which is better for newborns, the opinion of doctors, reviews on the forums

It is impossible to argue with the fact that the ideal food for a baby who has just been born is mother's breast milk. However, there are a lot of mothers who are forced to switch to artificial feeding for one reason or another. In such a situation, it is very important to choose a good mixture for the newborn, which will suit him according to all requirements. So that you can better navigate the range of baby food, we have prepared for you a rating of the best baby formulas for newborns based on the reviews and recommendations of many mothers.

It is very important to remember that before making a choice, you should definitely consult with your pediatrician, who, like no one else, is competent in this matter, and knows all the best manufacturers of infant formula on the market.

The best baby goat milk formula

This version of baby food appeared on domestic markets not so long ago, but has already gained great popularity. This is due to the theory that goat's milk is absorbed by an immature child's body more easily than cow's milk and is equivalent in its properties to mother's breast milk. It is also suitable for feeding newborns who are allergic to cow's milk. At the same time, the choice of mothers who decide to switch to such a product is small - there are only 4 similar brands on the market, which will be described in detail.

1. Nanny

A New Zealand product that is rightfully considered the best goat milk formula. Its main difference from the products of other brands is the high content of casein proteins, which are easier to digest for an immature organism. Another feature is the absence of additional processing of milk, which ensures maximum preservation of its useful qualities. In addition, the product of this brand does not contain palm oil. All this together ensures a minimal risk of allergies, which is very important when it comes to a newborn baby.


  • high quality products
  • lack of palm oil and whey protein
  • minimal risk of allergies


  • high price

2. Mamako

The baby formula from the Spanish manufacturer contains casein and whey proteins in equal proportions. The product did not have time to gain great popularity, as it appeared on the shelves relatively recently. However, mothers who have tried it note that milk based on it has a pleasant sweet taste that children like. The statistics of allergic reactions is also minimal.


  • proportional ratio of whey and casein proteins
  • rich in prebiotics


  • hard to find (not sold in all stores)

3. Kabrita

Baby food from Holland containing the Digest X fat complex, the patent for which belongs to the manufacturer. This type of fat is designed to improve digestion, as well as help increase the absorption of calcium. Such indicators are very important for baby nutrition in the first months after birth. According to most mothers, Kabrita is the best value for money among goat milk mixtures.


  • the content of a special complex of fats
  • optimal ratio of cost and product quality


  • hard to find in stores

4. MDmil SP Goat

An infant formula with a good composition, co-produced by Switzerland and Spain. Unlike other brands of baby food, the saturation of milk with proteins and salts is within the normal range (in other products it either exceeds the permissible limits or is at their upper limit). This optimal combination avoids unnecessary stress on such children's organs as the intestines and kidneys. In addition, here the ratio of omega acids is closest to breast milk, which positively affects the development of the children's nervous system.


  • optimal composition with minimal risk of allergies
  • normalization of the stool and the absence of colic when consumed


  • high price

It is important to know! Never store dry mix in the open, as the air contains microorganisms that can also get into the food.

The best infant formula for newborns adapted (as close as possible to breast milk)

The main feature of such nutrition is the minimum amount of casein protein, which in some babies causes difficulties in digestion and is poorly absorbed. As part of an adapted diet, an increased content of albumins and globulins, which brings its characteristics as close as possible to breast milk. This means that these foods contain virtually no ingredients that can cause digestive difficulties, which is ideal for an infant. It is from this line that you should choose food in the first months after the birth of the baby, so that there is no allergy.

1. Nutrilon

The best infant formula according to the reviews of most mothers for many years. It has the optimal ratio of vegetable fatty acids with minerals and vitamins. In addition, there is a high level of absorption of nutrients, a proportional ratio of phosphorus and calcium. In its composition, Nutrilon is also as close as possible to breast milk, which is very important for the child.


  • good composition
  • high digestibility by the child's body
  • easy to find in the supermarket


  • not detected

2. NAN

Not only one of the best infant formulas, but also one of the tastiest. It dissolves quickly when cooked, saturates the baby well. The optimal amount of prebiotics and probiotics ensures the smooth functioning of the intestines, as well as an increase in its protective properties. It has a beneficial effect on the brain, nervous system and eyesight of a little man.


  • the content of all necessary components in sufficient quantity and ratio
  • positive effect on the functioning of the body as a whole
  • ease of storage
  • easy to find in any supermarket


  • high price

3. Unstable

Budget option for high quality baby food. Contains vitamins and minerals, but their amount is less than in more expensive brands. There is no fish oil, which is necessary for the harmonious development of the nervous system. But it is a mixture without palm oil. Despite the fact that this type of oil is considered an excellent source of fat in Western countries, for many Russian mothers its absence is a significant argument in favor of this product. There is also a sufficient amount of lactobacilli, prebiotics and other important trace elements.


  • acceptable cost
  • lack of palm oil
  • excellent composition


  • the absence of some important trace elements in the composition

It is very important to strictly observe the rules of hygiene and shelf life in the process of feeding the baby with milk formula. Baby bottles that are not washed in time are an ideal place for the development and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. If you do not boil such a bottle, but simply rinse it, pour a new portion of food into it, the child may vomit, and you may think that this mixture is not suitable for the baby.

Best infant formula for premature babies

Babies born prematurely need special care and attention. An organism that has not had time to fully form and prepare for birth is especially sensitive. Therefore, for their nutrition, you need to choose special children's products that fully meet the needs of the little man. They take into account all the features of such fragile babies: the use of proteins that are easily digested, the increased content of vitamins and trace elements, the increase in the energy value of the product for faster weight gain. Also, this line is recommended to reduce the risk of allergic reactions.


Infant formula with bifidobacteria and reduced lactose. The percentage of whey milk is the highest here, which brings it as close as possible to breast milk. Enriched with polyunsaturated fatty acids, vital vitamins and microelements.


  • optimal composition for premature babies
  • minimal risk of allergies and other negative reactions
  • closest to breast milk


  • high price


Formula recognized as the best for feeding premature babies. It practically does not contain lactose, instead maltodextrin is used, which provides not only a sweet taste of the product, but also a high energy value that contributes to rapid weight gain. This indicator is very important for this category of children's products. In addition, it is perfect for children suffering from increased gas formation and colic, due to the minimal burden on the digestive system. It does not contain palm oil, but there is a special herbal complex that helps to get rid of constipation and soften the stool.


  • composition that takes into account all the features of the body of a premature baby
  • lack of palm oil
  • perfectly absorbed by the child's weak body


  • not detected

The best infant formula for newborns is inexpensive and good

If you are forced to switch to artificial feeding, it is not necessary to buy the most expensive mixtures. In fact, products that are produced in our country meet all the requirements of quality standards at an affordable cost. Most moms find they are best suited for babies from 12 months, but they are also designed for babies from birth. Below we will consider the leaders of children's dairy products that are produced in the country.

1. Baby

One of the most popular brands of Dutch quality baby food produced in Russia. Contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals, prebiotics and fatty acids. Can be given to a healthy full-term baby from birth. And if you are wondering which formula to choose from 6 months, when the transition to the next stage of development occurs, this is one of the best options. According to the reviews of mothers, who at first gave the baby more expensive food, they switch to Baby without difficulty, as the children like its sweetish taste. A great option for those parents who want to save on price, not quality.


  • the optimal ratio of the cost of the product and its quality
  • availability (sold in almost all stores)
  • acceptable price


  • not detected

2. Agusha

A good mixture from a domestic manufacturer at an affordable price. Enriched with all the necessary minerals and vitamins, suitable from the first days for healthy babies born on time. Contains a special vitamin complex designed to strengthen children's immunity and have a beneficial effect on the growth and overall development of the baby.


  • affordable price
  • good composition


  • not detected

Which infant formula to choose for a newborn?

Given the huge number of brands of baby food on the shelves, choosing a mixture for a newborn baby is quite difficult. In order not to make a mistake when making a decision, pay attention to the following criteria:

  1. general composition
  2. percentage of lactose (the lower the better)
  3. percentage of whey milk
  4. specific features for a particular brand
  5. recommendations for use (for which category of children it is intended)

Also an important criterion is the cost of the product, since milk nutrition ends very quickly and you need to buy it quite often. Here you should come to the optimal ratio of price and quality by choosing which milk formula from birth is best for your child and will not hit the family budget too much. But at the same time, you should not overpay for a brand and convenient packaging (mixtures at a budget price in cardboard packaging can easily be stored in ordinary glass jars with a lid).

In addition, be sure to consider when choosing which mixture is best for the development of the child, it is decided exclusively together with the pediatrician, who will give important advice based on the characteristics of the baby's body. Moreover, if the mixture does not fit, do not immediately panic. Despite the general principle of production, all brands of infant formula have their own characteristics, to which the body of a little man must get used, and this takes time. Therefore, everything new should be tried very carefully, introducing the product gradually. The first time you should give the minimum amount of milk, carefully observing the reaction of the child's body. In the absence of warning signs, the portion is gradually increased until there is a complete transition to a new product.

Thus, the answer to the question of which infant formula is best for a newborn is decided on an individual basis, taking into account many criteria and careful observation of the child.

What formulas are best for newborns? A similar question is asked by every woman who, for one reason or another, has refused exclusive breastfeeding. Understanding all the variety of products on the market is not so easy. Each infant formula has its own advantages and disadvantages, which young parents should be guided by. How to choose the right food for a child?


Modern scientists are still unable to accurately reproduce the composition of breast milk. This product is truly unique, and it is impossible to create a full-fledged analogue of it. Even the best and most expensive infant formula will never fully replace mother's milk. Only breast milk can be considered completely balanced in its composition and adapted for a particular baby.

Despite this, artificial formula is the best analogue of mother's milk. If a woman, for some reason, cannot breastfeed her baby, she will have to find other food for her crumbs. Here, mixture manufacturers come to the aid of a young mother, offering a large selection of the most diverse product.

There are several types of baby food.

highly adapted

  • as close as possible to the composition of breast milk;
  • made from whey protein;
  • recommended for feeding newborns and children in the first months of life;
  • suitable for premature and debilitated babies.

Less adapted

  • differ in the content of protein and casein;
  • Suitable for 4-12 month old baby.

Partially adapted

  • contains a large amount of casein;
  • suitable for feeding a child older than 6 months;
  • cost less than other customized products.


  • are prepared from whole cow or goat milk;
  • not suitable for feeding children.

Highly adapted mixtures for newborns are the best option for feeding babies in the first days and months of life. If possible, a child up to 4-6 months (before the introduction of complementary foods) should be given only this product. Partially adapted mixtures can be used in case of intolerance to adapted ones, as well as in a difficult socio-economic situation. Non-adapted products for feeding children of the first year of life are not used.

Ask your pediatrician which formula is best for your child.


Almost all infant formulas are made from cow's milk. Cow's milk protein is a foreign agent for the child's body, so all products undergo mandatory processing. Some mixtures are made from goat's milk. This product is suitable for a baby who is allergic to cow's milk protein.

The composition of almost any product includes the following components:

  • proteins and essential amino acids (taurine and others);
  • nucleotides;
  • fats (including polyunsaturated fatty acids - PUFAs);
  • lecithin;
  • carbohydrates;
  • vitamins (A, B, C, D, E, K and others);
  • mineral elements (iron, calcium, phosphorus and others);
  • prebiotics.

The composition of the artificial mixture may vary depending on the age, needs of the child and the characteristics of the region of residence. An increased amount of iodine is added to some products, which is necessary for residents of iodine-deficient regions. The composition of vitamins and minerals also does not remain unchanged.

Selection rules

When choosing food, first of all, you should focus on the age of the child. All adapted milk formulas are divided into groups with a corresponding mark on the package:

  • "0" or "pre" - for newborns and premature babies;
  • "1" - from birth to 6 months;
  • "2" - from 6 to 12 months"
  • "3" - from 12 months.

Each age formula is unique in composition and nutritionally balanced to meet the needs of the child. A newborn can begin to feed a product marked "0" or "pre", and then gradually switch to other types. Small but full-term infants should also be selected with a highly adapted Group 0 formula.

A healthy newborn can be offered a diet based on cow's milk protein. If the baby shows signs of an allergy, the product should be changed. Before changing the diet, you should consult with your doctor.

Specialty Blends

For feeding children with health problems, special products are used:

For premature and small babies

Mixtures for premature babies contain a large amount of protein, vitamins and trace elements. Such a product helps the child quickly gain weight and adapt to new living conditions.


In this product, cow's milk protein is subjected to additional hydrolysis. As a result, together with large molecules, the composition of baby food includes small split elements that are more easily absorbed by the digestive tract. They do not treat allergies, but only help the intestines absorb nutrients. They are used in children prone to the development of allergies, as well as in a mild form of the disease.


The use of lactose-free formulas for children is justified in severe allergies and complete intolerance to cow's milk protein. This product does not contain lactose and prebiotics. They have a bitter taste. The use of specialized therapeutic nutrition is possible only after consulting a doctor.


The best mixes for frequent spitting up babies. Contain in their composition special thickeners: corn, rice starch, carob gluten. This product should be given to a child who spits up frequently and profusely. You can change the usual mixture to antireflux only after examination by a pediatrician.


The product contains a large number of pre- and probiotics that improve digestion and promote weight gain. Recommended for the nutrition of children suffering from diseases of the digestive tract. Can be used for allergies, lactase deficiency and intestinal infections.

Is formula suitable for the baby?

Every mother tries to find the best food for her baby. That's just even the best and most expensive mixture can give unwanted reactions. By what signs can you understand that the selected product is not suitable for the child?

If the food is chosen correctly:

  • the baby is gaining weight and height;
  • the child sleeps well;
  • the baby develops according to age;
  • the child does not have abdominal pain and anxiety after eating;
  • regurgitation - not frequent, not abundant, single after feeding (relevant for children in the first months of life);
  • the baby's skin remains clean;
  • the chair does not change.

With the wrong selection of the mixture for children, the following symptoms appear:

  • low weight gain;
  • refusal to eat;
  • crying after feeding;
  • anxiety;
  • bad sleep;
  • frequent and profuse regurgitation;
  • stomach ache;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • skin rashes.

If any of the unwanted symptoms appear, consult a doctor!

Before changing the diet, you should consult with a specialist. Attempts to change the product on your own can worsen the child's condition and provoke a new round of health problems.

How often can you change baby food? According to doctors, a child should not be given a new mixture before adaptation to the previous one has passed. It may take up to 2-3 weeks for a baby's body to get used to a new type of food. During this time, the intestines must adapt to an unusual product. If within the specified time the condition of the newborn does not improve, the mixture should be changed.

Do not change your child's diet without good reason. Some parents, wanting to find the best mixtures, offer their baby one or the other option. Such a search of products can seriously harm the baby's digestive tract. The baby's intestines do not have time to adapt to new food, which often leads to a breakdown of the stool and other health problems. Before changing the mixture, it makes sense to consult a specialist about the appropriateness of such a decision.

Feeding mode

There are two options for formula feeding your baby. If a woman does not have any opportunity to establish breastfeeding, the child is completely transferred to an age-adapted product. With a mixed diet, the baby receives the mixture along with some breast milk. The feeding regimen will depend on the chosen scheme and the amount of milk available to the mother.

With full artificial feeding, adapted milk formulas in the right volume are selected according to the age of the child:

  • 0-2 months - 90-120 ml;
  • 2-4 months - 120-160 ml;
  • 4-6 months - 160-200 ml;
  • older than 6 months - 200 ml.

The volume of the product is indicated for one feeding. At the age of 4 months, babies eat 6 times a day, after 4 months - 4 times a day. At the same age, children who are on full artificial feeding are introduced complementary foods. At 6 months, the baby should receive the mixture 2 times a day. The rest of the time the child eats cereals, vegetable purees and other products intended for feeding children under one year old.

With mixed feeding, the volume of the mixture will depend on the age of the child and the amount of mother's milk. The calculation is carried out individually for each baby. To determine the desired volume, a control weighing of the baby is preliminarily carried out before and after breastfeeding. Knowing how much mother's milk the baby receives, you can calculate the required amount of supplementary feeding.

Offer your baby supplements only after he has completely emptied his breast.

Overview of popular milk formulas

What is the best formula to feed a newborn? The answer to this question worries every woman whose baby is on artificial or mixed feeding. When choosing food, you should not focus only on price. Even the most expensive brands can cause unwanted side effects in the form of allergies or loose stools. It is practically impossible to predict the development of such effects in advance.

When choosing a mixture, you should focus on the age and individual needs of the child. A healthy full-term baby can be offered a highly adapted formula based on cow's milk. If the child has health problems, the pediatrician will tell you which product is best to choose. It is not recommended to change the diet on your own without first consulting with a specialist.

Let's compare the most famous adapted mixtures.


  • Available in several versions for children of different ages (from 0 to a year and older).
  • It is considered one of the most balanced in composition and nutrients.
  • Highly Adapted: The 70/30 protein to casein ratio is the best in the entire product line.
  • The best blend of proteins.
  • It is recommended as a base product for healthy, formula-fed newborns.
  • Of the minuses - an expensive price.


  • Available in two versions: for healthy children and babies who require special nutrition. The range includes products for children suffering from diseases of the digestive tract, immunodeficiency states and allergies to cow's milk protein.
  • The ratio of protein and casein is 60/40 (the most common indicator among all similar products).
  • Relatively low price.


  • Optimal nutrition for newborns who do not have serious health problems.
  • Contains a high amount of protein.
  • The composition includes prebiotics, which allows you to maintain the intestinal microflora of the baby and prevents the development of colic.
  • Of the minuses - an expensive price.


  • The ratio of protein and casein is 60/40.
  • The composition includes a large amount of maltodextrin, which is poorly absorbed by the baby's intestines and leads to a breakdown of the stool.
  • Relatively low price.


  • The ratio of protein and casein is 60/40.
  • Contains prebiotics to promote normal digestion.
  • Contains prebiotics and PUFAs.


  • The ratio of protein and casein is 50/50.
  • Refers to partially adapted mixtures.
  • Contains prebiotics.
  • Recommended for feeding children older than 4 months.
  • Often causes indigestion.
  • It is in the middle price range.

When choosing a mixture for newborns, you should focus on the composition, indicated useful and medicinal properties as well as the age of the child. After the introduction of a new product, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the baby and note any changes in his well-being. To select the optimal mixture, you should contact your pediatrician.


What mixture to choose for a newborn. Types of mixtures. Mixture for colic and constipation. Rating of the best mixtures for supplementary feeding. Mom reviews.

Everyone knows that the best food for a newborn baby is mother's breast milk, but due to various circumstances, breastfeeding can be replaced with artificial. The organization of nutrition for a baby with an artificial type of feeding requires additional attention from parents, neonatologists and pediatricians.

The child always wants to give all the best and most useful, since a complete balanced diet from infancy is the foundation of good health and development. To date, the range of products for formula-fed babies is huge, so you need to clearly know what type of mixture to choose for the baby. To find out, you need to consult with doctors and carefully study the information on the packaging of the mixture.

Types of mixtures

Mixtures for children can be classified according to various characteristics. One of these characteristics is age indicator. Usually, manufacturers label the packaging of their product with numbers from 0 to 3. It is on them that you need to pay attention when choosing the “right” formula for a child.

  • Number 0 on the package can be replaced by the prefix "pre" ("pre"), but the meaning does not change. Such mixtures are designed for children who were born earlier than the expected time, i.e. for premature babies, as well as for children with a low weight indicator or obvious problems in gaining body weight from the first days of life.
  • Number 1 says that the mixture is designed for children from birth to half a year.
  • Number 2 indicated on the packages with the mixture, which is intended for children from 6 months to 1 year.
  • Number 3 indicates that this mixture is suitable for children over 1 year old.

It is very important to carefully consider the age indicator in the form of a number, since the composition of the contents of this package largely depends on it.

By consistency products for artificial feeding of children can be:

  1. Dry, which are in the form of a powder and require cooking.
  2. Liquid mixtures that are almost ready for use by the child. Liquid nutrition is not widely used, so it is quite difficult to purchase it, it is often available only in large cities and the cost of such a mixture is several times higher than dry analogues.

Infant formula can be classified by type of base:

  • Mixtures with cow's milk in the base,
  • Mixes with goat's milk in the base,
  • dairy mixtures,
  • Fresh mixes.

If we consider mixtures for newborns by the presence of a protein component in the composition, then 2 groups of mixtures can be distinguished:

  • Casein blends
  • Whey blends

The most popular are formulas for feeding babies, which contains cow's milk. The protein of cow's milk is not familiar to the baby's body and is a stranger to him, therefore, in pure form it is unacceptable in mixtures. The degree of change in cow's milk protein allows you to classify mixtures into subspecies:

customized mixtures. Such mixtures have maximum similarity with mother's milk, which is good for the digestive system of the newborn. Demineralized cow's milk whey is the basic component of adapted infant formulas. Such nutrition is easily absorbed by a newborn, but at the same time it is very nutritious, providing the growing body with the necessary energy. As part of such mixtures there is everything necessary for a child: they contain polyunsaturated fats, nucleotides, minerals and vitamins.

Nutrilon, NAS, Alphare, Humana, Semper, Hipp, Enfamil, Alprem, Heinz, Bona. Similak, Unstaged - adapted "casein".

Partially adapted blends. There is no maximum similarity with breast milk, but there are common components in the composition. The composition of such mixtures includes sucrose, and not just lactose. There is no stabilized mineral-fat composition. Usually, such mixtures are not used from the first days of the baby's birth, leaving them for a later date, when the body gets stronger and its digestive system is ready to accept such a product without side effects.

Agusha, Baby, Baby, Milumil, Detolak.

subsequent mixtures. This is a baby food in which whey is replaced with whole cow's milk powder. It also contains sucrose and starch. These mixtures are recommended children over 6 months old.

Unadapted mixtures. In the composition of these mixtures, casein, a cow's milk protein, occupies a large part. It is much more difficult to digest and assimilate in the body, which is why mixtures with casein are considered unadapted. The child should use them only after a year so as not to overload the digestive system.

Formulas for premature babies

Children who were born earlier need extra care and attention. The nutrition of such children should be such as to contribute to the speedy weight gain and development of the body as a whole. The same applies to children born weighing up to 2.5 kg. Mixtures for such children should be energetically rich, therefore they are classified as specialized baby food. High energy value is achieved due to the large amount of protein in the mixture, whey protein and a group of vitamins. Such mixtures are usually marked on packages with the number 0 or the prefix “pre” is present in the name.

Bellakt, Nadia, NAN Pre, Nutrilak Pre, Nutrilon Pre, Samper Lemolak, Friso Pre, Hipp Pre, Humana 0.

Nutrilon Pre 0 and Similac Special Care mixtures should be used for preterm infants weighing less than 1.8 kg until this weight is reached. The remaining mixtures for preterm infants are used at a weight of more than 1.8 kg.

Blends for Digestive Problems

This is a class of prophylactic mixtures, which are mainly aimed at improving digestion and reducing problems with stools, colic, and dysbacteriosis. Another reason for prescribing prophylactic mixtures may be the drug treatment of various diseases and the recovery period after an illness. Such mixtures in the composition contain lactulose - this is a disaccharide substance that promotes the active growth of bifidobacteria. Also in the composition of the mixtures there may be gum, which contributes to the regulation and improvement of the digestive tract.

Nan premium comfort (contains ), Nutrilon comfort ( prebiotics - galactooligosaccharides ), Hipp combiot comfort ( probiotics and prebiotics ), Enfamil comfort, Celia anticolic ( probiotics - live lactobacilli ).

Mixtures for the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia

This is a specialized range of infant formulas. It is strictly forbidden to use this mixture without certain indicators on the part of the baby's health and without consulting with specialists. The main reason for the appointment of such mixtures is the low level of hemoglobin in the results of a blood test. To improve the condition, the body needs an additional source of iron, so baby nutrition experts have developed special mixtures with a high proportion of this substance in the composition. Such mixtures are intended for feeding babies older than 4 months. The period of feeding with such a mixture is also negotiated with doctors, and regular monitoring of the child's blood condition should be carried out in order to avoid possible oversaturation of the body with iron.

Similac with iron, Enfamil with iron.

Anti-reflux mixtures

Almost all parents had to deal with the problem of regurgitation in children. But there are times when regurgitation is plentiful and frequent. The body of the child, as it were, pushes out the absorbed food, which leads to poor weight gain and can become a serious threat to the life and health of the baby. In such a situation, it is necessary to take measures by combining the efforts of parents and doctors. Anti-reflux mixtures contain carob gluten, or corn starch, or rice starch. These three components act as thickeners that help to establish normal digestion in babies. On the packaging of such mixtures is the icon "AP".

Nutrilon AR, Humana AR, Nutrilak AR, Grandmother's basket Antireflux BIO, Bellakt.

Hypoallergenic Blends

An allergic reaction to food is a very common occurrence in newborns, usually it manifests itself in the form of reddening of the skin, rashes, acne, and feeling unwell. (However, the symptoms can be much more severe, such as vomiting, fever, and others). The foreign protein of cow's milk is a rather aggressive allergen, therefore, a special formula of mixtures has been developed. In hypoallergenic mixtures, a protein is used, which, thanks to high technologies, is partially cleaved by enzymes in a special way. Hydrolyzed protein is better accepted by the body, so there is no allergic reaction when it is eaten.

Similac Isomil,Amino,Nestle Alfare Allergy, Nutricia Neocate LCP, Nutricia Neocate Advance.

Lactose-free and soy blends

Many people mistakenly think that soy is very harmful and dangerous for the human stomach, so it should never be given to children. In fact, these are just unsubstantiated judgments. Soy has been used in the creation of baby food for a long time, so modern products can be trusted and safely used when organizing artificial feeding of a baby. Usually the need to use such mixtures is lactose intolerance. Lactose-free formulas are not hypoallergenic.

Nan lactose-free, Bellakt lactose-free, Nutrilak lactose-free, Nutrilon Premium lactose-free, Grandmother's basket lactose-free, Celia lactose-free.

Lactose free hypoallergenic: Nutrilon amino acids, Alfare Amino, Nutrilak peptidi MCT, Nutrilak soy.

Soya: Nan soy, Friso-soy, Nutrilon Soy, Humana SL, Enfamil Soy, Bellakt Soy, Detolact Soy

In those cases, if for some reason the mother cannot breastfeed the baby, dry mixes come to the rescue. Their choice is truly huge. They differ in composition, in the age at which they can be given, as well as in a number of other parameters. How to understand these products and determine the best nutrition?

Varieties of mixtures

Mixtures for newborns are divided into two categories - dry and liquid. In most cases, when it comes to newborn nutrition, it is the dry varieties that are most widely represented on the market. Liquid options occupy no more than 10% of sales.

  • Dry mixes. It is a dry powder that dissolves in warm water. They are easy to transport and store.
  • liquid mixtures. The advantage of this food is that it does not need to be cooked - just heat it up. At the same time, such mixtures have a very short shelf life.

What is infant formula made of?

Most formulas are made from cow's milk. At the same time, it is greatly modified in such a way that the baby's body absorbs it. There are several ways to prepare milk protein, so the mixtures differ in the degree of its preparedness.

  • Adapted. The most favorable type of nutrition for the body of a newborn. In them, milk protein is closest in properties to breast milk. It is a nutritious and well digestible product. In these mixtures, as a rule, all the necessary vitamins, fatty acids and minerals are also added. Adapted mixtures are more expensive than others and are complete nutrition for the baby.
  • Partially adapted. Such mixtures are still close in properties to breast milk, but are not absorbed as well as adapted ones. In addition, they do not add minerals and essential fats. However, they are quite suitable for feeding a baby after he is 6 months old.
  • Low adapted. They are whole cow's milk with the addition of sucrose and starch.

It cannot be said that less adapted mixtures are worse than adapted ones. Each variety is designed for a baby of a certain age. Adapted mixtures are suitable for babies up to 6 months of age, after which the child can be given partially adapted ones. After a year, in turn, low-adapted options are suitable for the baby.

Age criterion

Choosing a mixture, you can easily determine for what age it is suitable.

  • 0 - a product for premature babies or children with insufficient weight;
  • 1 - product suitable for a newborn up to 6 months of age;
  • 2 - a product for feeding children from 6 months to 1 year;
  • 3 - product for children over 1 year old.

Rating of mixtures for newborns

1. Nestle

Nestle formulas are of stable quality and are well absorbed by the baby's body. The rich composition includes live bifidobacteria, vegetable oils, fatty acids, as well as vitamins and minerals. Adapted milk protein is as close as possible in structure to breast milk protein.

2. Nutrica

Another proven brand that brings quality baby food to the market. Nutrilon baby formulas are safe and balanced in composition, they can be safely used for artificial feeding of a baby.

3. Baby

A domestic brand that has managed to establish itself as a manufacturer of inexpensive, but high-quality mixtures for newborns. Milk mixtures "Malyutka" comply with all safety standards and are well absorbed.

Despite the fact that there are recognized leaders in the infant formula market, a mixture suitable for a particular baby will have to be found experimentally. Of course, you should choose among the most well-established options, but even the best products can cause individual intolerance in a newborn, which manifests itself in the form of a rash, loose stools with fragments of undigested mixture and general anxiety.


In any case, artificial feeding remains a necessary measure, since breast milk remains the most favorable food for the baby. In addition, the purchase of high-quality mixtures for a newborn will be associated with significant costs. For these reasons, it is worth resorting to artificial feeding only when it is fundamentally impossible to breastfeed the baby.

Breastfeeding experts believe that every woman is capable of breastfeeding her baby. However, if the young mother failed to establish lactation or breastfeeding is impossible for medical reasons, then the baby will be fed with a milk formula. Of course, artificial feeding cannot replace breastfeeding, but if necessary, it will be a good alternative. And here, many mothers have a question about which milk mixture to choose for a newborn, the composition of which is as close as possible to the composition of breast milk.

The composition of infant formulas

According to its composition, no milk formula is able to completely replace breast milk. Even the most famous are only a complex organic-chemical product. To make their composition as close as possible to breast milk, they add special components that help the baby's body to develop properly, grow and fight infectious diseases.

What are the important nutrients in milk formulas:

  • Squirrels. Breast milk contains 0.8 to 1.2 grams of protein per 100 grams. Some manufacturers believe that the protein content should be slightly higher than in human milk, since cow's milk protein is less digestible. Other manufacturers add 1.2 g of protein per 100 g to the product, thereby trying to bring this amount as close as possible to the amount in breast milk. However, most still contain 1.4 grams of protein.
  • The ratio of whey proteins and casein- an important indicator of the degree of adaptability of the product. In breast milk, the ratio is from 80:20 to 60:40. In the milk formula intended for children under 6 months, this indicator should be present. If there is more casein, then it is considered casein and is not adapted.
  • Taurine. This amino acid is added to all mixtures. It is necessary for the development of vision, the nervous system, as well as for better absorption of fats. Its amount is 4-5 grams per 100 grams.
  • Vegetable oils. Several types of vegetable oils (palm, rapeseed, soybean, sunflower, coconut) are added to all milk mixtures. Some manufacturers (Similak, Nanny) do not add palm and rapeseed oil to their product, considering them harmful to the child's body. However, these oils are approved for infant nutrition.
  • Fatty acids (linolenic, linic, docosahexaenoic, eicosopetaenoic). They are necessary for the construction and functioning of cells, the development of the brain and retina.
  • Lactose (milk sugar). Important for the development of children. Lactose improves digestion, improves the absorption of minerals, promotes the development of lacto and bifidobacteria.
  • Prebiotics. Promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut.
  • Probiotics. They help digestion, strengthen the immune system, fight allergies and infections.
  • Nucleotides. These substances are important for the development of the child, they are involved in metabolism, the construction of DNA, RNA, and strengthen the immune system.
  • Vitamins and minerals. All milk formulas are supplemented with more vitamins and minerals than they are present in breast milk, as their absorption is slightly worse.
  • Choline. The substance is necessary for the nervous system.

Types of infant formula

In stores and pharmacies, a large assortment of milk formulas for babies is presented. Even an experienced mother can get confused in the choice. Therefore, below we will consider what they are.

According to the consistency, infant formulas are

Liquid- Ready-to-eat meals that only need to be reheated. They are packed in a special package Tetra Pak, in a volume of 200 ml. Pros: balance of proportions, sterility, saving time in cooking. Cons: short shelf life, expensive price, hard to find in stores.

Dry- in powder form, which are diluted with warm boiled water in the right proportions. The powder is packed in a cardboard box or a metal can, in a volume of 350 to 1200 g (depending on the manufacturer). They can be easily found in stores and pharmacies, have long-term storage, are easy to use and transport.

According to the age

When choosing an infant formula, be sure to take into account the age of the baby. On the packaging, manufacturers indicate the number:

  • 0 or "pre" - for premature or underweight babies,
  • 1 - for babies from birth to 6 months,
  • 2 - for children from 6 months to 1 year,
  • 3 - for children older than 1 year.

According to the composition, infant formulas are divided into:

  • Adapted. Designed for children from birth to 6 months. Their composition is as close as possible to breast milk and contains all the necessary elements for the proper development and growth of the baby.
  • Partially adapted. Such mixtures contain a higher content of protein, vitamins and minerals, as well as starch and sucrose. They are higher in calories and are intended for children from 6 months.
  • Unadapted. The mixture is made from milk powder. Additionally, the same components are added to it as in the adapted and partially adapted. The composition also contains casein, which is poorly absorbed in the baby's body. Therefore, they should be introduced into the diet of the child after 8 months.

For medicinal properties

Therapeutic milk formulas are intended for children who have health problems.

  • Sour-milk. They are prescribed for children in addition to nutrition (1-2 times a day) for problems with the gastrointestinal tract (dysbacteriosis; intestinal infection; colic; diarrhea; constipation; rickets; reduced immunity).
  • For premature and small babies (less than 3 kg). The composition of such mixtures contains a large amount of protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals.
  • Hypoallergenic. Assigned to a child prone to an allergic reaction caused by a previously used mixture. There is no cow's milk protein in the hypoallergenic one, and in terms of nutritional composition it is no different from the usual one. Instead, hydrolyzed protein is added.
  • Antireflux. Assigned to children who often spit up. The mixture contains special components that make it thicker and prevent its release from the stomach.
  • lactose-free. Contains no lactose. Shown in infants with lactase deficiency (lactose intolerance) - the inability of the child's body to digest milk sugar.
  • soy. The composition, instead of cow's milk protein, contains soy protein isolate, obtained from soybeans. It is prescribed for a child with a food allergy, in case the hypoallergenic mixture does not fit.
  • High in iron. Shown for children over 4 months of age for the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia. The pediatrician will prescribe the mixture if the hemoglobin level in the child's blood is low. Iron preparations are also additionally prescribed.

When choosing a mixture for a child, first of all, you should consult with a pediatrician!

How to choose a mixture

When choosing a milk formula, you should focus on the following:

  • a newborn child is given only an adapted mixture;
  • food is selected according to the age of the baby;
  • in case of health problems or difficulties with digestion of food, a therapeutic mixture is purchased;
  • if possible, rich in vitamins and minerals, not containing palm and rapeseed oils, is selected;
  • when buying, pay attention to the expiration date, as well as the integrity of the package;
  • baby food is purchased only in specialized stores, pharmacies;
  • the selected mixture should be in abundance in the nearest store.

Food packaging

Manufacturers produce milk formulas in different packages - a can and a cardboard pack. And here the question is brewing - which one to choose for a newborn and what are the differences. It all depends on the preferences of parents and financial capabilities. A mixture in a metal can is more expensive than a cardboard one, due to the high price of this type of packaging. However, their composition is no different. The bank is convenient in operation, unlike a cardboard pack.

How to understand that the mixture is not suitable

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to immediately choose artificial milk nutrition for a child. Therefore, parents should carefully monitor the reaction of the baby.

Signs indicating that formula milk is not suitable for the baby:

  • rash and redness on the skin;
  • there is constipation or diarrhea;
  • stool with white patches (food is poorly digested);
  • rumbling, gases, bloating, intestinal colic appeared in the tummy;
  • the baby is restless, crying, does not withstand the required interval between feedings;
  • regurgitation after eating;
  • poor weight gain;
  • sleeps restlessly, often wakes up at night.

If the reaction occurred in the first days of using a new product, then you should not rush to transfer the child to another mixture. You need to continue feeding for another 2-3 days. Often, unpleasant symptoms disappear as soon as the child's body gets used to this diet.

Infant formula rating

Manufacturer: Nutricia (Russia).
Average price: 419 rubles per 400 gr.

Good nutrition, which is often advised by pediatricians. Nutrilon contains all the necessary substances for the growth and development of the baby. Strengthens immunity; prevents increased gas formation and colic in infants; improves performance gastrointestinal tract; colonizes the intestines with beneficial bacteria. Nutrition contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, nucleotides necessary for the development of the brain and vision.

Convenient packaging, well bred.

Disadvantages: content of lecithin, palm and coconut oils, lack of probiotics.

Average price: 434 rubles per 400 gr.

Included in the ranking of the best baby formulas. Produced since 1867. Useful substances and vitamins included in the diet have a positive effect on the digestive system, strengthen the immune system, help the child's body grow and develop properly.

Convenient packaging with a tight-fitting lid, a separate section for storing a spoon is also provided.

Food is easy to prepare, does not foam and does not form lumps.

Disadvantages: does not contain prebiotics; the amount of lactose is higher than in breast milk, which gives the mixture a whiter sweet taste.

Producer: Nestle (Switzerland).
Average price: 300 rubles for 350 gr.

The food contains prebiotics that help in the work of the intestines; vitamins and microelements; fatty acids necessary for the growth of the child's body.

Cons: lack of probiotics, nucleotides, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3 and Omega-6), which are necessary for the formation of intelligence, nervous system, and vision. Does not contain palm oil. The presence of maltodextrin (molasses), which makes the food thicker and provides a long feeling of satiety.

Inconvenient cardboard packaging for storage.

Producer: Infaprim (Russia).
Average price: 270 rubles per 350 gr.

The nutrition has a unique balanced composition, contains polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3 and Omega-6), necessary for the development of the brain, nervous system, vision, prebiotics - for the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora, lutein - to protect the retina from UV rays, nucleotides - for the development of immunity and the formation of the gastrointestinal tract. The mixture is also rich in vitamins and minerals.

Does not contain rapeseed, palm oils, sucrose, starch.

Disadvantages: contains maltodextrin, cardboard packaging.

Producer: HiPP (Germany).
Average price: 460 rubles per 350 gr.

Hipp baby formula contains all the necessary substances for the development and growth of a newborn - polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3 and Omega-6); probiotics; prebiotics; nucleotides; vegetable oils; carnitine; taurine; selenium; lactobacilli. A distinctive feature is the presence of iron, ascorbic and folic acids in the composition. Therefore, it is indicated for babies with anemia.

Does not contain maltodextrin, sugar, starch. The food tastes good and is well bred.

Disadvantages: contains potato starch, a small amount of iodine. Expensive cost.

Producer: Abbott (Denmark).
Average price: 460 rubles per 400 gr.

Similac Premium is widely used in hospitals and neonatal intensive care units. A big plus is that it does not contain palm oil. Contains nucleotides; prebiotics; probiotics; lutein; taurine; vitamins; minerals and other useful substances necessary for the development of the baby. Nutrition contributes to the formation of a normal stool, eliminates constipation, helps the child's body in the absorption of calcium. Works well and doesn't foam.

Cons: The ratio of whey proteins to casein is 50:50, which is not ideal for babies. Contains coconut oil, sucrose. Leakproof lid.

Manufacturer: Nutricia (Russia)
Average price: 230 rubles per 300 gr.

The composition contains many useful components: nucleotides; prebiotics; taurine; carnitine; vitamins and minerals. Also, the food contains polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3 and Omega-6) and the amino acid L-tryptophan (participates in the production of the hormone serotonin - the “good mood” hormone). Easily bred.

Cons: contains palm oil, soy lecithin, a large amount of maltodextrin. The mixture foams strongly and tastes sweet. Cardboard packaging.

Producer: Friso (Netherlands).
Average price: 470 rubles per 400 gr.

Frisolak Gold is a highly adapted food containing milk whey, which eliminates the appearance of allergies in a child. The composition also includes vitamins; minerals; nucleotides; prebiotics; probiotics; fish fat; choline; low-erucic rapeseed oil and other useful substances. Easily absorbed by the body of the baby, thanks to a balanced composition. Has a pleasant taste.

Easily diluted, does not foam, equipped with an accurate measuring spoon.

Disadvantages: the presence of palm oil, maltodextrin. The stated amount of iron and minerals is not true. Expensive price.

The given composition in mixtures is not final. Manufacturers regularly change and improve the composition of their products.

Milk formula for babies is selected individually. It happens that expensive food causes allergies, constipation, colic, and its cheap competitor is well suited. Therefore, the main selection criterion is the well-being of the child. If the baby is cheerful, gains weight normally and sleeps soundly, then the choice is made correctly!

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