What fruits to eat during pregnancy. Healthiest fruits during pregnancy

Features of the nutrition of a pregnant woman in the winter

First of all, the expectant mother should eat healthy food. It is necessary to give preference to natural and healthy products. It is better to replace sweets and flour with dried fruits, berries, yogurts. The diet of the expectant mother should include protein foods, since protein is an important building block for a growing baby. For breakfast, it is good to eat cottage cheese. It can be supplemented with nuts, raisins, berries.

The basic principles of winter nutrition determine whether pregnant women can eat certain foods:

  • the daily diet should include at least 130 g of proteins, approximately 350 g of carbohydrates and no more than 130 g of fat;
  • eat more hot food and drinks (herbal tea, warm milk, tea with honey or ginger);
  • exclude fried, salty, smoked, too fatty and pickled foods;
  • include cereals, bran, vegetables, fruits, berries, lean meats, fish, dairy products in the diet;
  • adhere to the principles of fractional nutrition (eat often, but in small portions);
  • drink enough water (about 1.5-2 liters per day);
  • consume dairy products every day;
  • steam, bake, boil or stew food;
  • in the morning, eat cereals, muesli, nuts, cottage cheese, in the afternoon - meat or fish, in the afternoon - dairy products, berries, dried fruits, fruits, in the evening - vegetables;
  • before going to bed it is useful to drink kefir or fermented baked milk;
  • give up fast food, sausages, semi-finished products, purchased sauces, sweet carbonated drinks, alcohol.

Which vitamins are essential

During pregnancy, a woman may feel the desire to eat something that she did not like at all before. Often this is due to the fact that the body is experiencing a lack of one or another vitamin, which is what the expectant mother signals. In winter, the lack of nutrients is especially common.

Essential vitamins:

  • vitamin B9 or folic acid (necessary for the formation of the placenta, is responsible for the formation of new cells, contributes to the normal development of the fetus);
  • vitamins B6 and B12 (ensure the normal development of the nervous, immune, cardiovascular, endocrine systems of the baby, are responsible for the exchange processes between mother and fetus, B6 is necessary for protein synthesis);
  • vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol (produced under the influence of sunlight, which is problematic in winter, so an additional intake of drugs containing this vitamin is often prescribed);
  • vitamin E or tocopherol (takes part in tissue respiration, acts as an antioxidant);
  • vitamin A or retinol (necessary for the overall development and normal nutrition of the baby);
  • vitamin C (strengthens the immune system and helps to cope with colds, which is especially important in winter).

In addition to vitamins, pregnant women need trace elements:

What fruits and vegetables to lean on the expectant mother in winter

The most useful fruits in winter are those that are grown on the territory of the future mother. They are practically not treated with chemicals for transportation, so the likelihood that they will be natural and useful is much higher.

What fruits and vegetables to eat in winter during pregnancy

Fruits, berries, vegetables Peculiarities
Apples They contain vitamins C, A, E, D, as well as iron, iodine (in the bones). Eating apples improves immunity, normalizes cholesterol and facilitates the process of digestion of proteins and fats.
Bananas Rich in vitamins B6, C, B9, potassium and magnesium. Bananas during pregnancy normalize blood pressure, promote the release of serotonin (the hormone of joy), have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, relieve nervousness. Enough to eat bananas 2 pieces a day
pomelo Contains vitamin C, potassium, iron, magnesium. Pomelo during pregnancy strengthens the skeletal system of the fetus, has a beneficial effect on the development of the baby's brain, helps the expectant mother cope with depression
Persimmon Includes vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, E, C, magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium. Increases immunity, has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle and nervous system. Pregnant women need to eat persimmon in small quantities, as it can cause constipation and an allergic reaction.
Kiwi It is useful for expectant mothers to eat kiwi, since this fruit contains many vitamins (B9, A, E, C) and minerals (potassium, phosphorus, magnesium). It has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system and helps iron to be better absorbed. Kiwi during pregnancy reduces the risk of anemia
Raspberries Contains a number of vitamins (A, C, E, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9) and minerals (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, zinc). It relieves spasms and nausea, stimulates the development of fetal cells, saves from constipation, increases lactation after childbirth. You need to eat raspberries carefully, without abusing. Drinking in large quantities can cause uterine contractions (raspberry tea can also lead to this)
Cherry Contains vitamins B, A, C. Increases immunity, stimulates blood flow to the placenta
Mango The fruit is rich in vitamins B9, C, E, as well as calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron. It is especially useful to eat mango at a later date.
Quince Contains vitamins B1, B9, C, iron, copper, phosphorus, potassium. Helps with toxicosis and circulatory disorders, strengthens the immune system. Quince can be eaten 2-3 fruits per week
Grapefruit The fruit contains a large amount of vitamins A, C, B2, P, E, B9, as well as essential oils, organic acids, fiber, iron, magnesium, potassium, and calcium. It is enough for expectant mothers to eat grapefruit a day, half a fruit in the morning and evening. Reduces the risk of miscarriage, alleviates the symptoms of toxicosis, fights constipation, relieves nervousness. The diet can be diversified with grapefruit juice
tangerines The fruit is rich in vitamin C, calcium, potassium, phosphorus. Increases immunity, strengthens teeth and bones, provides the body with energy, helps fight depression. You can eat tangerines 1-2 things a day, no more
oranges Contain vitamins C, A, B, D, K, B9, potassium, copper, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc. Strengthens the immune system, relieves stress, helps the intestines cope with the load. Oranges during pregnancy relieve the symptoms of toxicosis and save you from nausea. The allowable amount is 1-2 fruits per day. It is also good to drink freshly squeezed orange juice.
Lemon The composition is represented by vitamins C, B5, B2, B9, B6, P, A, E, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, zinc, copper, citric acid, fiber, pectin. Lemon during pregnancy helps to cope with colds and constipation. It has a general strengthening effect on the body, contributes to the formation of the baby's skeletal system. You can eat lemon as a separate fruit (no more than a little thing per week), or add it to tea, warm water.
Beet Contains vitamins A, C, B1, B6, B5, B9, E, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium. Improves liver function, helps with high blood pressure
Carrot Improves the quality of milk during breastfeeding. Composition - vitamins C, K, B-group, PP, C, E, carotene
Cabbage Rich in vitamins (A, B1, B2, B5, B9, C, K, PP) and minerals (potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iodine, phosphorus). Beneficial effect on bowel function
Pumpkin Composition - vitamins B1, B2, C, E, PP, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, beta-carotene. Improves digestion and bowel function
tomatoes Improve metabolic processes, have a beneficial effect on the formation of blood. They contain vitamins A, C, PP, K, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, malic and citric acid. Useful only when raw

What vegetables and fruits should be avoided

With all the benefits of fruits and vegetables, the expectant mother needs to control the amount eaten, and some of them are completely excluded from the diet. Caution must be exercised when consuming citrus fruits. They tend to cause an allergic reaction, so 1-2 fruits per day is the maximum allowable amount.

It is better to choose proven fruits that were grown in the place of residence. Exotic species imported from foreign countries may contain pesticides and other substances that adversely affect the health of both the expectant mother and the baby.

What fruits and vegetables should be avoided during pregnancy?

  • strawberries (increases the tone of the uterus, has a high allergenicity, can provoke the development of diathesis in a baby);
  • papaya (causes uterine contractions);
  • pineapple (pineapple juice is also prohibited, the fruit can cause premature birth; at a later date, you can eat pineapple in a minimum amount if the doctor allows);
  • vegetables that cause gas formation (radish, radish).

Expert opinion

Certified Dietitian. Work experience 5 years.

Nutritionist advice. The goal of winter nutrition for pregnant women is to eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. One serving is about 100 g of vegetables (carrots, onions, beets, turnips, etc.), including ready-made ones; 1 cup green leafy vegetables (cabbage, lettuce, spinach, broccoli, etc.) one medium tomato; 1/2 cup sprouted beans; 1 medium fruit (1 apple or 1 pear); 1/2 cup fresh, canned or cooked berries 160 ml pure 100% fruit or vegetable juice (e.g. from fresh carrots and oranges).

Fruits and vegetables contain many protective components that promote health: fiber, flavonoids and many other substances. This is one of the reasons why vitamin and mineral supplements cannot replace the food we eat.

In winter, when many fruits and vegetables are unavailable, don't forget frozen, pickled (without vinegar) and dry options - they also contain essential nutrients.

What is the danger of an overabundance of vitamins for mom and baby

In order to successfully become pregnant and bear a healthy child, an expectant mother is often prescribed an additional intake of vitamins. Eating a large number of foods rich in these beneficial substances, and at the same time using pharmaceutical preparations without the knowledge of a doctor, you may encounter an overdose. This can harm both the pregnant woman and her baby.

Possible consequences of an overabundance of vitamins:

  • the formation of defects and pathologies in the fetus;
  • disorders in the development of the baby's cardiac, nervous, immune systems;
  • neurological disorders in a pregnant woman;
  • heavy bleeding during childbirth;
  • blood clotting disorders, nausea, headaches, weakness, changes in blood pressure in the expectant mother;
  • development of anemia, preeclampsia, preeclampsia;
  • the appearance of congenital malformations in the newborn.

Healthy recipes from vegetables and fruits

It is useful for expectant mothers to eat not only fresh fruits and vegetables, but also dried fruits. For example, dates during pregnancy contribute to the normal development of the fetus, help to cope with toxicosis, and have a beneficial effect on the formation of milk in the mother. Dates can be eaten with tea or used for cooking.

A good alternative to sweets is baked apples with dates. To prepare the dish, you need to take sour apples, rinse them thoroughly and peel them from the core. Finely chopped dates are placed inside the apple and baked in the oven until tender.

Diversify the menu can be useful fruit and vegetable salad. You will need the following ingredients:

  • red currant - 50 g;
  • blackcurrant - 50 g;
  • half a head of cabbage;
  • a bunch of lettuce leaves;
  • olive oil - a tablespoon;
  • lemon juice - a teaspoon.

Lettuce and cabbage are washed, dried and chopped. Mixed with berries and seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice. If desired, fresh cucumbers can be added to the salad.

During pregnancy, it is necessary to carefully monitor nutrition, since the development of the baby in the womb largely depends on it. In winter, it is more difficult to get fresh, high-quality products, but there is an opportunity to eat right. The diet of the expectant mother must include vegetables and fruits. In winter, it is better to give preference to seasonal products grown in the territory of permanent residence. See the video below for more information on nutrition during pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a very important period in the life of every woman. For nine months, you need to think not only about yourself, but also about the little life that is inside you. How to eat so as not to harm the baby? Many people ask themselves this question and come across a lot of prohibitions.

Let's talk better about what is still possible - about berries. If you are lucky enough to be pregnant during their maturation period, then this is the best opportunity to replenish the body.


The greatest value of blueberries is that they contain succinic acid. According to medical research, it plays a big role in maintaining the elasticity of blood vessels. Interestingly, succinic acid is also found in gooseberries and in. Blueberries normalize intestinal motility and improve metabolic processes in it. It is good to use it for pregnant women. Blueberries also improve visual acuity.


Cherry and juice from it has a healing effect on the central nervous system. The berry is considered beneficial for pregnant women, as it is good for soothing and vomiting, which often happens in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Rose hip

Sea ​​buckthorn

During pregnancy, not berries are used more, but oil. Thanks to him, you can prepare the breast for feeding. Do a light chest massage and use sea buckthorn oil.


The berry is rich in ascorbic acid. Pregnant women are recommended to use as a tonic. However, there are contraindications to the use of currants. For example, a stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer or liver disease.

In general, any berries are useful for pregnant women, because they contain the greatest storehouse of vitamins and microelements. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying the gifts of nature!

Especially for- Maryana Surma

It is worth mentioning that for our future mother, the most useful fruits will be, first of all, domestic ones. That is, grown in the territory of permanent residence of a pregnant woman. They are better absorbed by the body, and processing by special means for their transportation is practically not used. So, the most useful fruits:

Why are apples useful for pregnant women?
High content of iron, vitamin C and even iodine (if you eat it with the bones).
Normalization of cholesterol in the liver (when using 2-3 Antonovka apples per day).
An excellent laxative (when using slightly boiled apples with milk or compotes from them).
Easier digestion of proteins and fats (with regular consumption of apples).
Useful for fragility of blood vessels, urolithiasis, gastritis.
Immunity boost.

Why are pears good for pregnancy?
An excellent remedy for the prevention of constipation and diseases of the genitourinary system.
Anti-inflammatory properties.
Immunity boost.
Excellent antidepressant.
High content of potassium ions, useful for normal heart function and cell regeneration.
Given the large amount of iron, the pear will be useful for the expectant mother with rapid fatigue, dizziness, loss of appetite and heart palpitations.
Of course, only ripe, juicy fruits can have these properties. Stone pears, no one knows where from, can become a lottery.

What should be remembered when eating pears?
Pear in its purest form is high in fiber. It enhances intestinal motility and can cause increased gas formation. That is, they should not be abused.
When processing pears into compotes, jams and other dishes, this fruit is no longer able to "harm" the expectant mother.

Are plums good for pregnancy?
Increased appetite.
Prevention of constipation (6-7 pieces per night, and the intestines work like clockwork).
Help with violations in the work of the kidneys and hypertension.
Removal of excess salt and water from their body, due to the high content of potassium.
Choleretic action.
Removal of radioactive elements from the body, thanks to pectin substances in the composition.
Plums are most useful in their raw form and when consumed on an empty stomach. When boiling, the destruction of all useful substances occurs. Therefore, to prepare compote, it is preferable to pour plums with boiling water, but not to boil.
What should be remembered when eating plums?
The number of plums consumed during pregnancy should be limited. Otherwise, apart from harm, as they say, they will not bring any benefit.
Plums are contraindicated in obesity and diabetes.
Given the diuretic effect, draining is not recommended for rheumatism.

What's the use?
Fight against early wrinkles.
Medicine against stress (ideal antidepressant) and insomnia.
Maintaining the work of the heart and blood vessels.
Preservation of elasticity and smoothness of the skin.
Influence on the production of serotonin (hormone of joy).
Normalization of pressure.
Help in the fight against acne.
The use of two bananas a day helps to relieve nervousness, replenish potassium deficiency, normalize appetite, strengthen the heart muscle and eliminate edema. Also, if you eat these fruits daily, then you won’t have to reduce the pressure with medicines.
What should be remembered when eating bananas?
Bananas help thicken the blood. Accordingly, with varicose veins, thrombophlebitis or a heart attack, it is better not to abuse them.
Bananas are very high-calorie fruits. If you are overweight, it is better to abandon bananas in favor of other fruits.
Unripe bananas should not be consumed.

What's the use?
Excellent prevention of colds, thanks to the content of potassium / calcium.
Help in strengthening the skeletal system of the fetus and the development of its brain.
Breakdown of proteins / fats and activation of the metabolic process, which helps the expectant mother to eliminate problems with excess weight and the gastrointestinal tract.
An indispensable tool in the fight against depression - three slices can restore mood and vigor.
What should be remembered?
Considering that this fruit is not from the list of domestic ones, you should consult a doctor before using it.
Pomelo is a citrus fruit. There is a risk of an allergic reaction.


What's the use?
The presence of a huge amount of vitamins in the composition, each of which is important for the development of the fetus.
Increased resistance to colds and viral diseases.
Strengthening the nervous system and heart muscle.
The fight against edema, the removal of excess fluid.
Prevention of iodine deficiency.
The nutritional value of persimmons is higher than that of apples and figs.
What should be remembered?
During pregnancy, you can only eat persimmon pulp.
Orange persimmon is known for its high allergenicity. It should not be eaten in bags.
Persimmon contains a lot of glucose and calories. If you are overweight, its use should be limited.
It is also not recommended for diabetics.
And, what is especially important for the expectant mother - persimmon contributes to constipation.

What's the use?
Stimulation of the digestive tract.
Neutralization of pathogenic microorganisms.
Beneficial effect on the circulatory system.
Strengthening the reproductive organs.
Reducing the pain of childbirth.
As for the side effects of pomegranates, there is only one advice here - use them in moderation, and then they will not bring harm.

What's the use?
Due to the positive properties of raspberries, its use becomes an excellent prevention for most diseases, including inflammatory processes, metabolic disorders, hypertension and gastrointestinal diseases.
Raspberry relieves nausea and cramps.
Promotes an increase in lactation after childbirth and the establishment of the menstrual cycle.
Eases postpartum pain.
Prevents constipation during pregnancy.
Contains folic acid, which is very necessary for the fetus.
It promotes the development of fetal cells, which, of course, is extremely important during the laying of its organs.
An excellent remedy for late toxicosis and colds in a future mother.

What should be remembered?
Raspberry is a very allergenic berry. While waiting for the baby, it’s not worth it to burst it with whole plates, falling asleep with sugar and splashing with cream.
Raspberries (like viburnum), consumed in excess of the norm, can cause uterine contractions. This is especially true of raspberry leaves, with which many people like to brew tea - they contribute to the appearance of uterine contractions.
Also, this berry reduces blood clotting, which, of course, is undesirable for bleeding. That is, you should not get involved in raspberries before childbirth

What's the use?
A complete set of vitamins for the fetus and mother, including folic acid, mineral salts, phosphorus with iron, fiber, etc.
Calming properties (promoting the production of the hormone of happiness).
Increase in hemoglobin.
Elimination of constipation and stimulation of peristalsis.
Prevention of hemorrhoids.
Reduced puffiness.
Low calorie.

What should be remembered?
Melon contains a lot of sugar.
Melon is an allergic fruit.
Melons (especially those that come from afar) are dangerous due to their high nitrate content.
To eliminate undesirable consequences, melon should be eaten in small quantities, only in season, only two hours after a hearty meal and separately from other products.
Melon cannot be combined with cold water and sour-milk products.
During pregnancy, melon is allowed in an amount of no more than two slices per day.

What's the use?
Peach relieves attacks of toxicosis.
The composition of the peach is a storehouse of vitamins during pregnancy.
This fruit improves liver function and is quickly digested.
Reduces and prevents swelling.
Strengthens bones and hair.
Contains folic acid, necessary for the unborn baby.
Helps with constipation, eliminates heartburn and removes toxins.

What should be remembered?
Peach is highly allergenic (2-3 pieces per day is enough).
Peaches are not recommended for pollen allergies, diabetes, endocrinological diseases and liver problems.

What's the use?
Removal of edema (diuretic effect, removal of excess fluid).
Purification of toxins and slags.
Improving metabolism and preventing constipation.
Help with iron deficiency.
The maximum content of nutrients needed by the baby.

What should be remembered?
From this berry for any person, the benefits are huge. And even more so during pregnancy. But for the effect of watermelon to be really positive, you should remember:
Watermelon is dangerous for colitis, disorders in the outflow of urine, kidney stones and indigestion.
Watermelon, saturated with nitrates, is doubly dangerous during pregnancy and is even strictly prohibited.
Before the end of August, this berry cannot be bought.
A nitrate watermelon can be identified by the following features: muffled (like a deflated ball) sound when tapped, softness (not crackling) when squeezed, uneven color when cut, perfect cut smoothness, yellow and hard streaks.
Another test method: drop watermelon pulp into a glass filled with water. When coloring water at least pink, feel free to throw the watermelon into a bucket.
More than two pieces of this berry (per day) during pregnancy is prohibited.
In combination with black bread, watermelon can exacerbate gastrointestinal diseases.

Dried fruits
Boiled in compote, simply soaked, mixed with nuts - dried fruits will be useful in any form. They will help…
In the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
With constipation.
With a tendency to thrombosis and arrhythmias.
For colds and as a diuretic.
Dates and figs are most useful during pregnancy.

An almost perfect fruit during pregnancy. Warnings apply only to individual intolerance and use in moderation. The rest is a complete benefit to mom and future baby. It is enough to eat one half of the fruit in the morning and in the evening (preferably on an empty stomach).
What's the use?
Removal of nervousness / depression (a huge amount of magnesium).
Reduced risk of miscarriage.
Prevention of constipation.
Mitigation of symptoms of toxicosis.

Harmful fruits for pregnant women: what fruits are not recommended to eat during pregnancy:

Promotes weight gain. And, mostly, the baby.
In the later stages, it is prohibited because of the property - to stimulate the growth of the fetus.
Causes fermentation in the intestines and increased gas formation.
Raises body temperature.
Increases the risk of preterm birth due to intestinal pressure on the uterus.

Exotic fruits
Any "exotic" during pregnancy should be excluded. You can’t guess how the body will react to certain properties of the fetus. Not to mention their allergenicity and the difficulty of their digestion. Bright foreign tangerines are especially dangerous.

Very high allergenicity.
The risk of developing diathesis in the unborn baby.
Berry during pregnancy is strictly prohibited with a hereditary tendency to allergies in the family.
Strawberries also increase the tone of the uterus and can cause miscarriage.
Strawberry oxalic acid is able to draw calcium from the body.

Well, if you really want strawberries so badly that you have no strength to endure, then remember that you should use the berry only in the season of its ripening, in a very limited amount, and only from a proven garden bed (that is, without chemistry). It should be eaten only after a hearty meal (5-6 berries) and in combination with dairy products.

A pineapple
An extremely dangerous fruit when carrying a child. It is categorically contraindicated in case of a threatened miscarriage, uterine tone, for a period of less than 13 weeks.

This fruit also provokes uterine contractions. It is better to refuse it, even if you are completely healthy.

When choosing fruits to feed a future mother, remember the main thing: fruits (98%) imported into our country from abroad are oversaturated with pesticides. Pesticides provoke a lot of diseases, hormonal disorders, even oncology. Do not risk your baby - choose only proven, safe fruits. Preferably, their own, rural and forest .

During pregnancy, vitamins and other beneficial substances are needed by a woman more than ever. The expectant mother begins to take care of her nutrition even at the planning stage, but it happens that the stork gives a telegram about her unexpected arrival after departure. The surest, most reliable and delicious way to saturate the body with vitamins during pregnancy is, of course, fruits. Girlfriends carry oranges in bags, and relatives pass strawberries from the dacha in buckets. But you need to figure out which fruits during pregnancy you can eat without fear, and which ones with caution.

What is fruit?

In the economic sense, fruits are edible juicy fruits of trees or shrubs. The main difference between a fruit and a berry is its size: in order to eat it, they take it with more than two fingers and do not put it in the whole mouth. Fruits are an important food component not only for humans, but also for many animals.

In the Old Russian language, the concept of "fruit" did not exist at all. It came to us only in 1705 from the Polish fruits. Until then, all the gifts of both the garden and the garden were called vegetables.

Importance of fruits in human nutrition

The main value of fruits is that they are sources of easily digestible carbohydrates. They satisfy hunger well and saturate the blood with sugars - fructose, sucrose, glucose. Unlike cakes and other sweets, fruits in the form of fats are not deposited on the hips and waist. The best solution for a snack is dried fruits (dried apricots, sweet dried apples, prunes), peaches, bananas, kiwi.

The calorie content of fresh fruits is low - an average of 50-60 kcal. For example, 100 g of oranges is 40 kcal, and 100 g of bananas is 90 kcal.

Fruits have a high water content - up to 92%. Leaders in juiciness - apricots, citrus fruits, blueberries. All of them contain from 85 to 92% liquid. There is little protein in fruits (up to 0.85%), there are practically no fats.

Fruits contain almost all known vitamins and essential minerals. By eating several different fruits of different types per day, you can significantly cover the daily need of the body for biologically important substances. For example, ascorbic acid is most in rose hips, carotene - in apricots, nicotinic acid - in pineapple, folic acid - in citrus fruits, vitamin P (flavonoids) - in.

Most of all in fruits and melons (watermelons, pumpkin) potassium, iodine, iron, copper, fluorine and manganese. Iron from plant foods is absorbed worse than, for example, from meat, but apples, quince, and can replenish its reserves. Potassium in fruits is enough to maintain normal functioning of the heart, the state of blood vessels, water balance and to have a preventive effect against the occurrence of hypertension and kidney disease. There is a lot of it in apricots, bananas, raspberries, cherries.

Fruits are rich in various organic acids (citric, malic, oxalic, tartaric). They improve the digestion process, and if there are no acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver, they normalize the functioning of the digestive organs. To increase appetite and quench thirst, they drink cranberry and lemon juice.

The astringent properties of tannins and pectins contained in some fruits (apples, wild pears) are used in the treatment of intestinal disorders. Pectin at the same time plays the role of a sorbent, absorbing and removing harmful substances from the intestines.

Some fruits and berries, such as blueberries, blueberries, strawberries, pomegranates, are natural antioxidants due to the content of vitamins E, A, C and selenium. They slow down the age-related death of nerve cells, remove harmful and radioactive metal salts from the body, and bind free radicals.

Fruits in the diet of a woman during pregnancy

The main feature of proper nutrition is variety. Therefore, the presence of fruits in the daily diet of a pregnant woman is a must. They must be ripe, fresh, not treated with various chemicals, grown in ecologically clean areas and, preferably, in the "native" climatic zone.

The main value of fruits during pregnancy is natural, non-synthetic vitamins.

Ѡ Green fruits and berries (, gooseberries,) are rich in folic acid - the leading vitamin of the "interesting position". It is responsible for the development of the central nervous system, the formation of brain cells, and the preservation of pregnancy.

Ѡ Bananas and avocados contain pyridoxine (B6), a vitamin responsible for the formation of red blood cells, protein metabolism and healthy liver function.

Ѡ Biotin (B7, H), which is found in strawberries, melons and apples, is a component of many enzymes, controls the balance of fats and proteins.

Ѡ Green fruits contain vitamin B10. It improves the growth and reproduction of beneficial bacteria in the intestines, stimulates the production of interferon, a special protein that increases the resistance of cells to viruses. Aminobenzoic acid is needed for lactation and hematopoiesis.

Ѡ The leaders in the content of ascorbic acid (C) are fresh and dried rose hips, sea buckthorn, kiwi, citrus fruits, grapes, plums. Vitamin C provides the expectant mother and her child with reliable immune protection and, thanks to its antioxidant properties, protection from the harmful effects of the environment. Ascorbic acid also strengthens bone tissue, increases the strength of blood vessels, and is involved in the production of anti-stress hormones.

Ѡ These same fruits also contain vitamin P (bioflavonoids). It is also classified as a powerful antioxidant. Vitamin P from rose hips, black currants, citrus fruits protects the cells of the mother and her fetus from destruction under the influence of adverse factors.

Ѡ Grains of apples, apricots, kiwis and cherries are rich in vitamin E. Tocopherol is of plant origin, so it is present in smaller amounts in fruit pulp. Not a single important chemical process can do without it in the body, and especially the production of collagen and placental proteins, and the regeneration of mucous membranes.

Nutritionists recommend that pregnant women consume at least two cups of fruit a day. It is worth eating them in between main meals, because, mixing with other foods, fruits begin to ferment in the intestines. Hence - gas formation, bloating and flatulence.

Throughout the entire period of pregnancy, many women complain of problems with digestion and stool. In the absence of acute and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and filtering organs, a few fresh fruits a day will help to gently solve these troubles and increase intestinal motility. For example, melons have a laxative effect, and persimmons will cope with diarrhea.

Healthy fruits during pregnancy

The most useful fruits during pregnancy are those with which the woman's body is already familiar, which means that they are mainly grown in their native lands. But if, for example, a pomegranate is not characteristic of our climatic zone, and before pregnancy a woman ate it often, there is no reason to deny yourself a fruit.

Let us consider in more detail the most common fruits in the temperate climate zone.

Ѡ – sources of vitamin C and iron. They normalize cholesterol levels, increase the resistance of the immune system. Apples are high in soluble fiber, most of it in the skin. If there is no doubt about the quality of these fruits, they can not be peeled before eating.

Ѡ - excellent antidepressants and friends of immunity. With a pear, constipation is not terrible, but it is not recommended to overeat them before going out “in the light” - they increase gas formation.

Ѡ will also gently solve the problem of constipation, which often occurs in the third trimester. Due to the high content of potassium, they are useful for the functioning of the kidneys and heart, improve the functioning of the gallbladder, remove excess fluid from the body, preventing swelling. But you have to be careful: plum increases appetite.

Ѡ Apricots and peaches relieve the manifestations of toxicosis, both in the early and late periods. They improve liver function, prevent swelling, strengthen hair, and remove toxins. They can provoke allergic reactions, so you should not eat more than 2-3 peaches and 8-12 apricots per day.

Ѡ Bananas are unique fruits. They are rich in potassium, necessary for the work of two hearts: a large one - a mother's and a tiny one - a baby. Bananas prevent the formation of wrinkles and stretch marks, keep a woman's skin supple and smooth, normalize blood pressure, and help cope with stress. But the main value of bananas lies in their effect on the production of serotonin - the “hormone of joy”. However, you should not “please” yourself too much: a banana is a high-calorie fruit.

Ѡ rich in a complete set of plant vitamins and folic acid, it helps to increase hemoglobin, relieves constipation, soothes, reduces swelling and increases intestinal motility. However, pregnant women can have no more than two slices a day.

Ѡ Quince differs from other fruits in that it contains a lot of fruit acids, B vitamins, ascorbic acid, β-carotene, iron and copper. Quince juice is used to treat anemia, asthma, lung disease, bleeding gums and relieve swelling.

Ѡ Grapefruit is an almost ideal fruit for pregnancy. The best scheme of use is half a fruit in the morning and in the evening. Grapefruit, due to the content of a huge amount of magnesium, eliminates nervousness, prevents prenatal and postnatal depression. Regular consumption of the fruit alleviates the symptoms of toxicosis, relieves constipation and significantly reduces the risk of miscarriage.

Harmful fruits during pregnancy

Any "exotic novelties" during pregnancy should be excluded. It is not known how the fetus or the mother's immune system will react to a fruit previously unknown to the body. Exotic fruits are difficult to digest, as historically the organisms of our peoples are not familiar.

Of particular danger are bright "overseas" tangerines. They contain a lot of ascorbic acid, which in high doses can provoke ascorbic disease in a newborn.

Of all citrus fruits, tangerines contain the most allergens, and threaten the unborn child with diathesis and a tendency to food allergies.

For the same reason, pregnant women should not be abused: it is also highly allergenic and can cause "red cheeks" in a newborn. Strawberries in large quantities increase the tone of the uterus and often cause miscarriage or premature birth. You can eat no more than 5-6 large berries per day, but only together with dairy products - the oxalic acid contained in the berry reacts with calcium from the body, depleting its reserves.

Pineapple, even in small quantities, causes the uterus to contract, which is fraught with abortion. The fruit is strictly prohibited for up to 13 weeks, with uterine tone and other threats of miscarriage.

Papaya can also provoke premature birth. Even with a normal pregnancy, you should not be tempted by a piece of this insidious fruit.

It should also be remembered that in 98% of foreign fruits the content of pesticides "goes off scale". The latter provoke hormonal disorders, various diseases, including cancer. There is no need to think that imported fruits contain special vitamins that our domestic ones do not have. So the most reasonable choice during pregnancy is fruits from the dacha or from relatives in the village.

Fruit processing for export (video)

It is often said that a pregnant woman eats for two, this wording is not entirely successful, because many people have the impression that the expectant mother should eat twice as much. In fact, this is absolutely wrong, increased attention should be paid not to the quantity of food, but to its quality, composition and balance. A special place in the diet of a pregnant woman is occupied by fresh fruits, which, despite their obvious benefits, cannot be consumed haphazardly and unlimitedly. Let's figure out how much and what kind of fruits you need to eat so as not to harm yourself and your child.

Why fruits must be included in the diet of a pregnant woman?

For the full development of the fetus, the expectant mother should receive daily not only a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but also vitamins, as well as macro- and microelements. Of course, their deficiency can be replenished with the help of various multivitamin complexes for pregnant and lactating women, which are sold in sufficient quantities in any pharmacy. But is it worth it to resort to artificial additives, if at least part of the necessary substances can be obtained with food.

It is fruits that are the main source of most vitamins, so their volume in the diet of a pregnant woman can be up to 500g per day (and even more in summer). The main thing is not to focus on one thing. By making your menu as diverse as possible, you can achieve a much greater effect and reduce the risk of allergies, which, unfortunately, can appear even in women who have never suffered from it before pregnancy. This is due to the fact that during the period of expectation of the baby, the body of the expectant mother works in a completely different way, almost all processes change, including the hormonal background and the production of various enzymes.

In addition, fruits are a source of fiber (vegetable fibers), which has a positive effect on the digestive tract and helps to eliminate toxins from the body. But it is important not to overdo it, as this can, on the contrary, contribute to the beginning of the fermentation process in the intestines and increased gas formation, which is extremely undesirable, especially in the later stages.

In addition, fruits are rich in fructose and sucrose, which are easily absorbed by the body and provide the necessary boost of energy, so they can be an excellent snack and a substitute for unwanted confectionery and flour products.

What fruits are good during pregnancy:

It is believed that the most useful are the usual fruits that grow in the region where the expectant mother lives. They are much less likely to cause allergic reactions, are better absorbed by the body and are practically not processed by special means for transportation and increasing the shelf life. The ideal option is fruits and berries from your own garden, as you can be 100% sure of their quality.

- apples and pears

This is an excellent source of vitamin C, which is necessary to strengthen the immune system (which is always weakened in pregnant women) and prevent various colds. Also, apples and pears contain a significant amount of iron, the deficiency of which leads to anemia and, as a result, the appearance of dizziness, weakness and increased fatigue.

Baked apples have a mild laxative effect, their bones contain iodine, which is necessary for every pregnant woman without exception throughout the entire period of gestation. The lack of this element causes malfunctions of the thyroid gland and hormonal imbalance.

With regular use of pears, potassium ions enter the body, which contribute to the proper functioning of the heart.

The optimal rate of consumption is 2-3 apples or pears per day.

- plums and apricots

Both of these fruits are well-known natural remedies for preventing constipation and improving bowel function. In addition, they reduce pressure, because, due to the high content of potassium, they contribute to the removal of excess fluid from the body (and therefore help eliminate swelling).

Plums and apricots also contain vitamins A, C, B1 and P, iron, iodine and magnesium, which are necessary for the proper development of the fetus, especially in the early stages.

The optimal rate of consumption is 5-6 plums or apricots per day.

- bananas, persimmon, pomegranate

Bananas are an excellent source of energy, as they contain carbohydrates that are easily absorbed by the body and contain virtually no fat. They help in the fight against stress and depression, as they stimulate the production of serotonin. Vitamins B, C and E, which are part of the composition, have the best effect on the condition of the skin, making it smooth and elastic, and also preventing the appearance of acne (a problem that pregnant women often face due to the increased content of progesterone in their body).

In addition, bananas have a slight diuretic effect, thanks to which they help fight swelling and reduce pressure. The high content of potassium contributes to the normalization of the cardiovascular system.

The optimal consumption rate is 1-2 medium bananas per day.

Persimmon is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals, it helps to strengthen the immune system, has a beneficial effect on the development of the cardiovascular and nervous systems of the fetus, helps to remove excess fluid from the body (reduces pressure and relieves swelling). In addition, this fruit has a high nutritional value and contains a large amount of iodine, the need for which in a woman carrying a child doubles.

Expectant mothers suffering from diabetes or being overweight should be wary of persimmons. It is also worth keeping in mind its fixing effect (excessive consumption of this fruit can lead to constipation) and a high risk of allergies.

The optimal consumption rate is 1-2 persimmons per day.

Pomegranate is one of the best means for preventing and combating anemia, because the iron in its composition promotes the synthesis of hemoglobin. In addition, pomegranate is known for its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and even analgesic effects.

Pomegranate fruits and juice stimulate the digestive tract, but there is a downside - their excessive use increases the acidity of the stomach, which is not desirable in the later stages, when many women begin to suffer from heartburn.

The optimal rate of consumption is ½ pomegranate per day.

- lemons, tangerines, oranges

Citrus fruits contain a huge amount of vitamin C, which is not only indispensable for colds and their prevention, but is also a powerful antioxidant, slowing down the aging process and wear and tear of the body. Unfortunately, oranges and tangerines are among the most allergenic foods, so you should try them with great care. If an allergic reaction was observed before pregnancy, their use should be discarded. But lemons can be added to food calmly - this is practically the only citrus (at least of those that can be freely purchased in domestic stores) that does not cause allergies.

The optimal rate of consumption is no more than 1 orange or 2 tangerines per day.

It is also worth paying attention to pomelo, which has a much milder effect on the body, but also contains a sufficient amount of vitamin C, calcium and carotene.

The optimal rate of consumption is ½ pomelo per day.

When planning a menu during pregnancy, you should pay attention to several factors.

  • Firstly, all fruits must be fresh without visible damage, dark spots and dents. If the fruits began to deteriorate, or vice versa, they did not ripen, there will be no benefit from them, but they may well bring harm.
  • Secondly, vegetables and fruits that are brought from afar are often treated with various chemicals that allow them to be transported without compromising their appearance. It is better to choose local fruits and berries, and imported ones are recommended to be thoroughly washed and soaked before use.
  • Third, pregnancy is not the best time to experiment and try new things. Exotic novelties during this period should not be introduced into the diet, no matter how useful they are considered, because the reaction to a new product in the body can be completely unpredictable.
  • Fourth, it is worth eliminating highly allergenic foods, such as strawberries or pineapples, from the diet. A favorite treat during pregnancy can cause a reaction, even if large amounts of these fruits did not cause any negative effects before.

Despite the fact that exotic fruits have already been mentioned above, papaya is worth noting separately. Its use during pregnancy is strictly prohibited even in those countries that are its homeland. The fact is that this fruit contains substances that promote uterine contraction, which can cause abortion or premature birth.


Fruits (as well as natural juices, compotes and fruit drinks) must be included in the diet of a pregnant woman, even if she additionally takes multivitamin complexes. Ideally, you should eat at least 3 or 4 different types daily, and the greatest effect can be achieved if they are consumed separately, not mixed in the form of a salad.

Especially for- Elena Kichak