What awards give the title of labor veteran. List of departmental awards for obtaining the title of labor veteran. Experience for obtaining a Veteran of Labor

Federal Law No. 5 establishes legal guarantees for veteran workers in Russia in order to recognize merits and ensure respectful attitude of society. The seventh article puts forward requirements for applicants - and the availability of documented awards. From July 1, 2016, FZ-388 was introduced, which will be taken into account when establishing labor veteranship. Orders, medals of the USSR, the Russian Federation, presidential thanks and letters of appreciation, as well as award documents established by federal state bodies (departments) are recognized. What departmental awards are needed today to receive a labor veteran?


Already the first edition of Article 7 put forward requirements for the availability of rewards. However, the legislation did not provide specific guidance. The situation has changed dramatically due to the entry into force on July 1, 2016 of the Federal Law-388. Paragraph 1 (Article 7) obliged to take into account only departmental regalia established by the federal authorities.

On June 25, 2016, the Government of the Russian Federation issued Decree No. 578 aimed at streamlining incentives established by departments. According to its provisions, the federal ministries (Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Industry and Trade, etc.) develop legal acts, clearly designate regalia, which serve as a justification for the preferential status of a veteran worker. The authorities of the regions, in turn, bring their own regulations into line with the norms.

What are the rewards for?

Each person, choosing a labor path, strives to become the best in the profession, to achieve high results. This is encouraged by the employer, senior management, the state in order to recognize the importance of the employee's work, to approve the results. In addition, public awarding contributes to the activation of professional forces, serves as a material incentive.

For example, educators are rewarded for achievements in the upbringing and education of children, a high professional level. The Ministry of Education has developed several industry awards - a medal, badges, certificates of honor, gratitude. Among the requirements for the award of regalia, in addition to merit, there is often a certain number of years of pedagogical experience. However, the only encouragement of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia by order No. 1223, which acts as a rationale for issuing a veteran's certificate, is the "Golden Badge of Distinction".

Candidates for the award must meet the requirements prescribed by Decree No. 578:

  • 15 years of experience in the industry;
  • 3 years - in the organization, institution that applies for the promotion;
  • The presence of other awards-encouragements of the same department;
  • Information about professional merits, confirmed by diplomas, certificates;
  • No disciplinary action or criminal record.

Marks of Excellence

Previously, the gradation of awards-incentives was approved in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, issued by letter No. 5636-KS (7.10.98). The document summarized the practice of determining the regalia taken into account in the procedure for awarding an honorary title, took into account a wide list of thanks, commendation lists, badges, diplomas.

In addition, the letter contained a clarification that the absence of a certain encouragement in the specified transfer cannot serve as a justification for refusing to award veteranship. The modern presentation of the legislation does not rely on this document when it comes to the list of departmental insignia for labor veterans.

Authorized bodies have developed many ways to recognize the professional merits of employees. Based on paragraph 1 of Art. 7 (5-FZ), applicants retain the right to apply for an honorary title if the promotion of the department was received before June 30, 2016.

For example, the Federal Penitentiary Service formed Order No. 770, which designated a catalog of awards for employees. The version in force until 08/01/2016 (amended) contained the following list:

Accompanying award documents are taken into account by the commission if:

  • FSIN officer awarded until the end of June 2016,
  • regalia correspond to the register from Order No. 770.

Order No. 823, registered by the Ministry of Justice, established departmental awards of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, giving the right to the title of labor veteran after a change in legislation:

Departmental insignia when conferring the title of labor veteran were designated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The FSB has established 3 distinctive badges:

One award for 2019 was established by the majority of ministries and federal services.

The Government of the Russian Federation maintains a register of distinctive badges of departments, the corresponding orders become legitimate after registration by the Ministry of Justice.

Clause 4 of Article 7 (5-FZ) delegates the powers to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to establish requirements for applicants for a privileged status. The system of regional norms provides for an extended list of regalia or does not introduce them as a mandatory argument at all. When developing administrative regulations, regional governments, regional and republican authorities take into account that during the procedure for conferring a title, difficulties may arise regarding the recognition of a particular award document.

Therefore, the regulations are most often accompanied by an accompanying list of departmental awards for obtaining the title of labor veteran, which each subject independently approves. The registries include awards of the highest order (USSR, RF), legislative assemblies of regions, governors, ministers of local significance.

It is recommended that an elderly person begin registration of labor veteranship with a visit to the territorial branch of the social security authority or the MFC. Employees will evaluate the applicant's documents on an individual basis, explain whether this or that award is a justification for awarding preferential status, talk about the procedure for obtaining a certificate and the benefits that it will give. If the applicant meets the criteria, after collecting the necessary documentation, the procedure will be launched in accordance with the administrative regulations.

Departmental insignia when conferring the title of labor veteran is one of the prerequisites. There are conditions under which exceptions to the rules are allowed, but this happens only in rare cases. Now we can say with confidence that before obtaining a certificate, you will have to face a lot of questions. Checks are carried out quite actively so that not a single important point is missed.

What are departmental insignia?

Back in the days of communism, a board of honor for the leaders of production appeared. Since then, a common practice has been preserved, focused on all kinds of rewards for fruitful work. Gradually, the activity of leaders is lost, but departmental insignia are still significant. Which of them should be highlighted?

  • Order.
  • Medals.
  • Ranks.
  • Marks of Excellence.

In each individual case, the insignia remains significant. Separate orders and medals are now considered rare, as they have not been issued since Soviet times. This is the main feature that a person has to face when submitting documents.

Most of the enterprises fell into private hands, where the owners are ready to give only monetary bonuses at best and nothing more. When applying to the bodies of social protection of the population during the execution of documents, it is impossible to present them.

The most common are ranks and insignia. Often an important role is played even by ordinary certificates or diplomas handed out during permanent work in one place. They may not make such a tangible contribution, but without them you cannot apply for a renewal of the certificate. They will be required without fail, so nothing should be thrown away in advance.

It is impossible to specify the list of awards that give the right to receive the title of labor veteran. In each case, the approach remains individual, so a person only needs to submit documents. When assembling the package, you should mark each paper that may later turn out to be useful. For this reason, some people have been collecting insignia for years.

IMPORTANT! The significance of each departmental insignia is different, so a single order will replace many letters.

Will they give or not give a labor veteran?

Having visited the bodies of social protection of the population, it will be possible to obtain a complete list of necessary documents. In the Russian Federation, there are strict requirements that accompany the issuance of a new certificate, so some pensioners still have the question of the possibility of obtaining it. On the one hand, absolutely all conditions are met, and on the other hand, departmental insignia remain an incomprehensible moment.

To obtain a labor veteran, you will have to confirm not only continuous experience. There is an additional clause in the requirements indicating the mandatory retention of permanent status.

A person has no right to quit or lose his permanent job. Otherwise, the certificate will remain a pipe dream. The only assumption is career advancement. It celebrates quality work and once again confirms fruitful work for the benefit of the state.

When can they give a title without departmental insignia? Typically, such situations relate to certain areas, for example, the military and the defense industry. In these cases, obtaining even a separate diploma turns into a real problem, so that unexpected questions do not arise. Although in practice in this case it is often too difficult to obtain the necessary documents, which makes people refuse to confirm.

When checking the package of documents, the social protection authorities take into account even minor nuances. If you do not want to face difficulties, it is easiest to foresee them in advance. When the papers are complete, the certificate is issued in a short time, so you can not delay with certificates.

Do you need the title of Veteran of Labor?

Young people do not think about patriotism and work for the sake of society and the state. For them, the title of labor veteran means only another opportunity to receive good benefits. Because of this, they are incorrectly referred to as departmental insignia. Most often, no one gives them to them, especially since jobs remain unstable. Employees periodically move from one organization to another, not trying to be interested in opening opportunities.

The certificate confirms a significant contribution to the development of the state. It shows how actively a person has worked, helping to build society and comprehensively support its growth.

His serious assessment shows that many young people would have to work hard not only to chase high wages by changing jobs, but also to gradually achieve success in their chosen field. Otherwise, even a pension certificate will not give the right to significant monthly payments, so there will be no talk of a decent old age.

Society is actively moving forward without stopping or interrupting its development. Gradually, departmental insignia remain in the past, although without them it will not be possible to distinguish one or another employee. Now it is even difficult to get an uninterrupted experience, so young people do not think about a future pension, because you have to try too hard to get it.

Each pensioner who has worked in Russia for many years and has special merits in the field of labor has the right to apply for a veteran title (). Previously, during the Soviet period, such citizens were given the medal "Veteran of Labor" of Russia. What is this insignia and can it be obtained today?

Regulations on the medal

About the medal "Veteran of Labor" of Russia, the regulation was published in January 1974. At the moment, the act is not valid. It contains provisions describing who is given the award, and who does it, the procedure for registration. The position was replaced by a new one.

How to get a medal?

Many people who have received certificates ask the question on the forums, how to get the medal "Veteran of Labor" of Russia now? Unfortunately, the award could be received in Soviet times. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 7, 2010 N 1099 (as amended on June 20, 2017) "On measures to improve the state award system of the Russian Federation" (together with the "Regulations on state awards of the Russian Federation", "Statutes of orders of the Russian Federation, regulations on insignia of the Russian Federation, medals of the Russian Federation, honorary titles of the Russian Federation, descriptions of the named state awards of the Russian Federation and badges for honorary titles of the Russian Federation"), published with the aim of improving the award system, specific incentives were canceled, in particular this award.

It was possible to receive a badge of distinction before the publication of this legal act. To do this, it was enough to work conscientiously for many years in certain organizations and industries.

Description of the award

The award is made from brass. The medal "Veteran of Labor" of the Russian Federation has a standard cross section of 3.2 cm. There is a collar on the edges on both sides. On the front of the badge, the word "Russia" is written, which is surrounded by the rays of the sun. The essence below is a sickle and a hammer, and under them is a branch of a laurel tree ().

At the very bottom of the front of the award there is a ribbon, inside of which there is an inscription: "Veteran of Labour". On the reverse side is the following phrase: "For many years of conscientious work."

The medal "Veteran of Labor" of the Russian Federation has a block with five corners, covered with a ribbon with alternating stripes of gray, red and white. The edging of the block is white.

veteran title

A legislative act regulating the status of a labor veteran was issued in 1995. Until that time, during the existence of the Soviet Union, the concept of “veteran title” did not exist. The workers were given only a badge.

Who was awarded the medal "Veteran of Labor"? The award was received by people who conscientiously worked on the territory of the state for many years. But there were no benefits and other advantages for this category of persons in accordance with the regulations on the medal "Veteran of Labor".

Since 1995, the veteran title has become more significant. People who fall under this category do not currently receive a medal, but only a certificate, but are eligible for. They are provided with a monthly cash payment, discounts on telephone communications, free travel on public transport, and much more.

Presentation of the certificate

In the Soviet Union, a certificate for the medal "Veteran of Labour" was not issued. Now, when conferring a veteran title, the state body in a solemn atmosphere presents this document. The certificate serves as confirmation of a privileged position. After receiving it, a person has the right to claim benefits.

The certificate must be filled in properly with photographs, the necessary signatures and the seal of the issuing authority. The document has an indefinite validity and is valid throughout the state.

Who can get the title?

Russian legislation establishes that any citizen who:

  • has at least 25 years (men) and 20 years (women).
  • have worked for 15 years in the same industry.
  • have departmental awards and orders.

These conditions are established at the federal level. There may be slightly different requirements in the regions, so the pensioner should contact the local SZN department for information.

Documents for obtaining a title

To assign a title, they apply to the bodies of the SZN, located at the place of residence. You will need to take the application and the following list of documents with you.

With the advent of the new leadership in the system of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, cardinal changes began, the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief, giving the right to confer the title "Veteran of Labour", was recently published. The document was signed on 04.10.2018 by the Minister, Lieutenant-General E.N. Zinichev.

For reference:

veteran of labour- an honorary title in the Russian Federation, marking people for conscientious long-term work, was established for the first time in the Russian Federation after the entry into force of Federal Law No. 5-FZ of January 12, 1995 "On Veterans".

It states the following:

In order to implement Article 7 of Federal Law No. 5-FZ of January 12, 1995, I order:

The breastplate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia "Honorary Officer of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia" is a departmental insignia and the highest breastplate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

It is a laurel-oak wreath of silver color. The base of the branches is wrapped around a ribbon with the inscription "HONORED EMPLOYEE OF THE EMERCOM OF RUSSIA", the letters of the inscription are made in burgundy enamel. A double-headed golden eagle is superimposed on the wreath. On the chest of the eagle is a figured shield with an orange field. In the field of the shield is a vertically elongated white star with eight rays. In the center of the star in an orange circle is an equilateral triangle of blue color with a base at the bottom.

All images on the front side are embossed.

The size of the badge is 46 x 33 mm.

On the reverse side of the badge assembly there is a threaded pin with a nut for attaching to clothing. The serial number of the badge is engraved below.


When this departmental insignia is awarded, the personnel of the EMERCOM of Russia, whose maintenance is carried out at the expense of the federal budget, are paid a one-time incentive in the following amount: 15,000 rubles, according to.

The badge "Veteran of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia" is a departmental insignia. The description, drawing and form of the certificate for the badge are described below.

The badge is a figured shield of white color, bordered by a strip of golden color, with silver-colored scarves. On the shield is superimposed the middle emblem of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, which is an image of a double-headed golden eagle with lowered wings, topped with a crown, holding a scepter in its right paw, and a power in its left. On the chest of the eagle is a vertically elongated white star with eight rays, in the center of which, in an orange circle, there is an equilateral blue triangle with a base at the bottom.

The shield is framed along the contour with a red ribbon, bordered by a golden stripe. On the tape along the contour of the shield in one row there is an inscription in golden letters "VETERAN OF THE EMERCOM OF RUSSIA".

In the lower part of the breastplate, a figured shield of blue color, bordered by a golden stripe, is superimposed on the shield and ribbon. On the shield there is an inscription of golden color in three rows “FOR SPECIAL MERITS”, under the inscription there are two crossed olive branches.

A figured shield, a double-headed eagle, a star with eight rays and a ribbon are located in different planes.

All images and inscriptions on the breastplate are embossed.

Breastplate dimensions: height - 40 mm, width - 31 mm.

On the reverse side of the badge assembly there is a threaded pin with a nut for attaching the badge to clothing.

The medal "For Impeccable Service" is awarded to personnel of the EMERCOM of Russia with at least 15 years of experience (service) in the system of the EMERCOM of Russia (including services, bodies, institutions and organizations transferred to the jurisdiction of the EMERCOM of Russia) who were previously awarded departmental insignia Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (with the exception of the medals of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia "For Distinction in Military Service", "For Distinction in Service"), for the impeccable performance of their professional duty, a significant contribution to the development and improvement of the system of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The medal "For Impeccable Service" is a gold-colored circle with a diameter of 32 mm with a convex rim on both sides.

On the front side of the medal there is a large emblem of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. On the upper edge of the circle is the inscription "FOR IMPROPER SERVICE".

On the reverse side, in two rows, there is the inscription "EMERCOM OF RUSSIA", under the inscription - the image of crossed laurel branches.

All images and inscriptions are made in relief.

With the help of an eyelet and a ring, the medal is connected to a pentagonal block covered with a silk moire ribbon. The shoe tape is blue with orange stripes along the edges. Tape width 24 mm. The width of the strips is 3 mm. A block with a medal is attached to clothing with a pin.

The medal "For Distinction in Military Service" is awarded to military personnel (including military personnel of the federal fire service) who are serving in the system of the Russian Emergencies Ministry (hereinafter referred to as military personnel), for conscientious service and having the corresponding length of service in calendar terms.

The medal "For Distinction in Military Service" consists of three degrees:

  • I degree - for rewarding military personnel who have been in military service for at least 20 years;
  • II degree - for rewarding military personnel who have been in military service for at least 15 years;
  • III degree - for rewarding military personnel who have been in military service for at least 10 years.

The highest degree of the medal "For Distinction in Military Service" is I degree.

Military personnel who are positively characterized in service and who do not have disciplinary sanctions are presented for awarding the medal of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia "For Distinction in Military Service".

Military personnel previously awarded the medal "For Impeccable Service" of the corresponding degrees are not presented for awarding the medal of the Russian Emergencies Ministry "For Distinction in Military Service" of the same degrees.

The medal "For Distinction in Military Service" has the shape of a circle with a diameter of 32 mm with a convex rim on both sides of silver (I degree), golden color (II degree), bronze color (III degree).

On the front side of the medal there is a relief image of a shield against the background of crossed swords, wings and an anchor. In the center of the shield is placed a Roman numeral indicating the degree of the medal - I, II, III. Along the lower edge of the medal is the inscription "FOR DIFFERENCE IN MILITARY SERVICE".

On the reverse side of the medal is the inscription "EMERCOM OF RUSSIA". Beneath the inscription are crossed laurel branches. All images and inscriptions are made in relief.

The medal, with the help of an eyelet and a ring, is connected to a pentagonal block covered with a red silk moiré ribbon with yellow stripes along the edges. In the middle of the ribbon there are green stripes: for the 1st degree medal - one stripe, for the 2nd degree - two stripes, for the 3rd degree - three stripes. Tape width 24 mm, strip width 2 mm. A block with a medal is attached to clothing with a pin.

The medal "For Distinction in Service" is awarded to employees of the federal fire service for conscientious service and having the corresponding length of service in calendar terms, and in some cases to other citizens.

The medal "For Distinction in Service" consists of three degrees:

  • I degree - for rewarding employees who have served for at least 20 years;
  • II degree - for rewarding employees who have served for at least 15 years;
  • III degree - for rewarding employees who have served for at least 10 years.

The highest degree of the medal "For Distinction in Service" is I degree.

To be awarded the medal of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia "For Distinction in Service" are:

  • employees who are positively characterized by service and do not have disciplinary sanctions;
  • citizens dismissed from January 1, 2002 to April 6, 2005 from the positions of ordinary and commanding staff of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief, who were not timely awarded the medal of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia "For Distinction in service", if at the time of dismissal the corresponding length of service in calendar terms.

Employees and former employees who were previously awarded medals for long service by other bodies of state power of the Russian Federation are not presented with the same degrees for awarding the medal of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia "For Distinction in Service".

Employees and former employees who previously served in public service in other government bodies of the Russian Federation and were not awarded the corresponding medal for long service are presented for awarding the medal of the Russian Emergencies Ministry "For Distinction in Service" of the next degree if they have the appropriate calendar length of service. In the event of not being awarded the appropriate medal for long service with a length of service of 20 or more calendar years, employees (former employees) are presented for awarding the medal of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia “For Distinction in Service”, I degree.

You should know: Benefits of the Veteran of Labor will be valid only upon reaching the Old Age Pension.