What manicure to do on short nails. Manicure for very short nails: the best ideas. Features of performing manicure for short nails at home

Everyone knows that short nails are not only convenient, but also attractive to people of the opposite sex. Classic oval, square shapes, decorated in pastel colors, will drive any man crazy and make you popular among girlfriends. We will tell you how to make a beautiful manicure at home: a step-by-step photo for short nails will demonstrate light and beautiful nail art.

The first thing a good manicure begins with is nail treatment. Let's take a look at this process step by step:

  1. Start filing nails on dry nails. Cut off the unnecessary length and gently file the desired shape with a nail file. Sawing is carried out strictly in one direction: this will prevent injury to the nail plate and further delamination.
  2. Pour warm water into a bowl add liquid soap to it. Wash your hands and get comfortable: you will be spending the next few minutes with your fingers in the water.
  3. Take your fingers out of the water, wipe dry. If your cuticle grows evenly, then prefer an unedged manicure. Move the orange stick to the base of the nail. When trimming a manicure, after shifting, cut off the excess with nail scissors or tweezers. Pre-sanitize them over a match or wipe with alcohol. In case of a cut, treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide.
  4. Remove rough skin from the tips of the nails with tweezers. Wipe with peroxide.
  5. Rub oil or a special cosmetic product from the store into the skin around the nails. Do a circular massage of the fingers and hands.
  6. Apply decorative nail polish, according to your preference.

Decorative manicure

Consider the various options for manicure for short nails. Believe me, it’s really possible to create a beautiful manicure at home: just follow the step by step instructions.

Manicure with dots

The simplest type of decorative coating, after a plain one. Stock up on a needle or toothpick before staining.

  1. Paint your nails with a solid color optionally.
  2. Pour a drop of varnish on a piece of paper dip a toothpick in there.
  3. Place dots on the nail randomly or in a random order.

With the help of a toothpick, you can create a great variety of patterns: waves, flowers, geometric shapes.

Use strips to create a beautiful manicure. They can be cut off from tape for even stripes, or you can use purchased ones. They are available in various forms: zigzag, semicircle, oval. Schemes of a beautiful manicure with stripes are provided below.


Manicure is extremely simple. Use semi-circular strips for a French manicure. After applying the base coat and drying it completely, start decorating the nail plates.

  1. Stick a strip at the base of the nail, retreating from it a few millimeters: the small side of the semicircle should look at the base.
  2. Paint the resulting hole with a varnish of a different color.
  3. Wait for the varnish to dry then remove the strip.
  4. Cover your nails with a clear fixer.

Drawings on the water

This method is quite difficult not all girls manage to achieve the desired result the first time. Follow the recommendations to make the drawing on the nails shine with splendor:

  1. Pour into a glass of warm water.
  2. Shake off one drop of varnish from the brush into water: it will spread out, forming a circle with jagged edges.
  3. Shake drops in the center of the circle from brushes of varnishes of other colors.
  4. Stick a toothpick into the center of the colorful water circle and start creating petals on the lacquer surface: make movements carefully, barely sliding on the surface. Deep penetration of the toothpick into the water will smear the pattern.
  5. Coat the skin around the nail plates with cream. Dip one finger into the varnish film. Pull out slowly. The pattern formed earlier on the lacquer surface will remain on the nail.
  6. For each nail, you need to make an individual varnish film.
  7. Finish the manicure by coating all the plates with a fixative.

The easiest version of this wonderful manicure can be done with a cosmetic sponge.. It is important to take into account that the sponge must have a fine-grained structure. If you don’t have such an item, and you really want a manicure, use a piece of sponge to wash dishes. Naturally, it must be new. Perform the following steps step by step:

  1. Apply a colorless base coat to the nail plate. It is better if it is a specialized base that has a therapeutic effect. At your request, the base varnish can be colored.
  2. Apply cream around the nails so that the applied gradient does not stain it.
  3. On a piece of paper, drip two drops of varnishes of different colors. It is important that the drops overlap each other.
  4. Using a toothpick, mix the crossed edges of the varnishes, combining them into a single whole..
  5. Blot the prepared varnish with a sponge and press it against the nail plate for a few seconds. Do the same with the rest of the nails, not forgetting to renew the polish on the sponge.
  6. Apply fixing varnish: it will even out the unevenness of the coating and keep the gradient from abrasion.

Manicure with stickers

Particularly popular among women who prefer to do manicure for short nails at home, won decorative nail stickers. They can be bought at any cosmetics store, but the most diverse options can be seen in specialized nail salons.
Stickers are sticky. When creating a manicure composition on short nails, follow the instructions:

  1. Open the sticker pack.
  2. Perform a manicure and apply a base color layer of a decorative coating.
  3. Pry the sticker with tweezers and tear it off the sheet. Gently transfer it to the nail plate and apply to the selected place with a sticky layer.
  4. Press down with a cotton swab.
  5. Fasten top with clear lacquer.

The nails on which the stencil is to be transferred must be completely dry. It is better if the drawings are pasted a couple of hours after the first application.


Glitter manicure will never go out of style.. Use dry glitter to give short nails an evening charm. Paint over the nails with the first layer of colored varnish, and, without waiting for the final drying, scatter the sparkles in a chaotic manner. A beautiful option is a cluster of shiny dust particles near the base or tip of the nails. Fix the result.


A very beautiful option would be to place rhinestones on one or two nails. This will give a special charm, make your image magical. As a rule, a special glue comes with rhinestones, with which they are fixed on the nail plate.

The use of rhinestones on all nails at the same time is acceptable, but it will look pretentious. Remember: men do not like such a manicure, so if you are looking for a soulmate, limit yourself to a minimum of details.
There are many options for manicure for short nails. It looks more successful than on long ones: accurate execution will immediately make you a style favorite among friends and acquaintances. We hope that the article beautiful manicure at home: a photo step by step for short nails has made you a specialist who can easily process nails for himself and his friends.

Many people cannot afford to have long nails. However, there are many opportunities to perform a simple beautiful manicure on short nails at home - photos and videos will step by step help you consider this procedure in detail.

Manicure at home

Need to prepare: dishes, manicure set, oil with vitamins

  1. Pour warm water into a bowl.
  2. Dip your hands in warm water, then dry with a towel and lift the steamed cartilage from the base of the nail plate. Using a spatula from a manicure set, carry out this procedure on all fingers. Start plucking the cuticles using tweezers. It is not necessary to cut off a lot of skin so as not to injure the skin of the finger. If you get hurt, you need to treat the edges of the nail, apply cotton with peroxide to the cuticles to stop bleeding and disinfect. To avoid inflammatory processes on the skin, you need to wipe your fingers with alcohol.
  3. The keratinized skin around the nail also needs to be removed. This procedure is performed using tweezers.
  4. File the tip of the nail in a shape that suits you. The nail must be filed in the same direction. If this is done in different directions, then the nail plate can be damaged, and subsequently it will break.
  5. Massage the skin surrounding the nail with vitamin oil, then degrease the surface with a nail polish remover.
  6. Paint the nail plate with a varnish of a color that suits you best.

Fashion manicure trends 2015-2016, photo and video instructions
Manicure with dots

Points on the nail plates can be applied with a regular needle or toothpick. You need to dip it in varnish, and then lightly touch the nail. If you make several dots side by side, you get a flower.

Haven't read yet? Recommended to read - Nail design 2015-2016 photo

Manicure with stripes

It will look unusual if you decorate your nails with stripes. You can use special strips from the salon or just take scotch tape. The effect will be the same. You can make a choice of nail design using a variety of geometric shapes.

As you can see, a simple manicure at home, a procedure available to any woman, we look at photos and videos in stages.

Usually, a manicure includes a range of manicure options: a three-dimensional pattern on the nails, an aquarium design, a pattern with varnish on varnish. You need to start doing a manicure at home with nail care - filing, removing cuticles and cleaning nails.

To perform a manicure at home, you need the following tools:

  • toothpick
  • transparent base
  • stickers and varnish in various colors
  • manicure set
  • fixer
  • French manicure needle

A simple beautiful manicure at home can be obtained by mixing three shades of varnish. For such a manicure, you will need a sponge - a sponge for manicure. It should be fine-meshed with bubbles of the same size. You can also use a kitchen sponge.

You should start a manicure with simple things: apply a base, after drying - apply varnish, and then make dots in a contrasting color. So ladybugs or fly agarics appear on the nails.

Color jacket

After the base has dried, stick stickers for the jacket and apply varnish in a contrasting color to the rims of the nail plate. Drawing on the nails is done with a toothpick or a needle. On a dried base, apply a couple of drops of one color, and then two drops of another color. You will get beautiful divorces. If you connect fantasy, you can draw anything.

  • Apply a base coat on the nail (pastel tone).
  • On a separate sheet, drip this or another color. With a toothpick, mix the edges of the varnishes and blot or sponge, and then apply it to the nail.
  • Wipe off excess varnish with a brush or cotton swab.

Haven't read yet? We advise you to readFrench (French) manicure step by step with your own hands photo and video

Lunar manicure

Haven't read yet? Recommended to read - Lunar manicure step by step at home, photo and video

water manicure

Take dishes with warm water and various varnishes with similar shades.
Drop the varnish into the center of the water, do not touch the water with a brush and do not drip excess varnish.
The color can spread, you need to add different shades drop by drop to the center. As a result, a new film will appear on the surface of the water.

Divide the circle into petals with a toothpick. Lead a toothpick from the edges to the center, and then wipe it.
Dip a few false nails into the water, and collect the rest of the film with a toothpick. Let your nails dry. In order to make ten nails, this procedure and a film on the water must be done 3-4 times.

Beautiful children's manicure at home

Children's manicure on short nails for little girls and teenagers will be different. The difference will mainly be in the tools used. If for older children you can use your mother's nail file, then for little fashionistas you need to buy a manicure set, in accordance with their age.

Today, especially for little fashionistas, children's varnishes have been developed that do not harm fragile nails. Even dual-use varnishes are offered to consumers. They are water-based, and in addition to the aesthetic function, they help get rid of the harmful children's habit of biting their nails due to their bitter taste. Such varnishes are washed off with running soapy water.

Step 1

Clean your hands with an antiseptic solution or wash them with antibacterial soap.

Step 2

Dry your hands with a towel and proceed to the design of the nail. In this regard, manicure for young children and adolescents is different. For preschoolers, the nails are cut with nippers in accordance with the line of the fingertips and filed with a nail file while maintaining no more than one mm of the free edge. Teenage girls can experiment with the length and shape of the nails. The length of the free edge is no more than three millimeters.

Step 3

In order for the nails to look beautiful, it is necessary to do the processing of the cuticle. Apply softening oil to the skin. The teen manicure includes a relaxing bath. Mostly teenage girls love such procedures.

Move the cuticle to the edge of the nail and clean it a little with a wooden stick. The instrument must be disposable. This is due to the fact that in children the skin is much thinner, which means that the risk of infection is higher.
The cuticle cannot be removed with cuticles! You can only trim the burrs on the side rollers.

Step 4

You need to do a light massage of the handles, using a baby cream. You can make a beautiful drawing. It is recommended to use children's nail polish.

Not every woman can afford long nails, but today there are so many ways to do it. simple manicure for short nails However, you can also do it at home.

How to make a simple manicure for short nails at home conditions?

Before proceeding with the manicure, you need to stock up on the following materials:

  • Baths for manicure;
  • Manicure set;
  • Vitamin oil.
  • Warm water is poured into the prepared container;
  • You need to hold your hands in this water. When the skin has become soft, the cuticle should be slightly lifted from the base of the nail. To carry out this procedure, you will need a special spatula, which can be found even in a non-professional manicure kit. Raised cuticles on all fingers should be trimmed with tweezers. It is not worth capturing a lot of skin, so as not to hurt the “to the quick”. If you accidentally get hurt, then you need to attach a cotton swab with peroxide to the affected area. This will help stop bleeding and disinfect. To avoid inflammatory processes, fingers should be wiped with a cotton swab dipped in medical alcohol;
  • The keratinized skin around the nail is also removed with tweezers;
  • which can be found on the Internet, involves filing the nail to the desired size. It is worth filing them all in one direction. If you do this in different directions, then you can damage the nail plate, which in the future will lead to the fact that the nails will begin to break;
  • The skin around the nail should be massaged a little and oil with vitamins should be applied. Next, you need to degrease the surface, in which nail polish remover will help us;
  • The final step will be to cover the nail plate with the color of varnish that you like best.

Manicure with dots and stripes

It does not have to include a solid color varnish. Even at home, you can create something unusual and stylish, but they will help with this. Very fashionable and easy to perform is a manicure with dots. You can make dots on the nail plate with a regular toothpick or needle. The tip must be dipped in the desired varnish, and then lightly touch the surface of the nail. This simple method will allow you to create a flower and other figures.

The nail will look very elegant if it is decorated with stripes. To create such a manicure, you can take special strips that are used in salons and are sold in many places, or just tape - The effect will not change. You can make your choice in the direction of not just stripes, but also other geometric shapes.

Sometimes a manicure is not limited to just applying a plain varnish. Often it consists of a whole range of different patterns, varnish on varnish and so on. The main rule for performing a manicure is nail care. This process includes removing the cuticles, filing the nail, as well as cleaning it.

In order to complete, you need to stock up on the following materials:

  • Toothpick;
  • Transparent base;
  • Manicure set;
  • Fixer;
  • Colored varnishes and stickers;
  • French manicure needle.

You can make it more stylish if you mix three different varnishes on one nail at the same time.

To create such a manicure, you will need a manicure sponge, but if it was not at hand, then an ordinary kitchen sponge will do. Doing such a manicure is worth simple things:

  • We apply the base;
  • We are waiting for the base to dry;
  • With the help of a contrasting color of varnish, make dots.

Using ordinary dots on the nail, you can create small figures of a flower, a ladybug, and more.

We carry out a color jacket

After the base has been applied to the nail and dried, it is necessary to stick strips for a jacket or strips from ordinary stationery tape on it. Loose rims are varnished in a contrasting color. If you need to make a drawing or the simplest pattern, then you need a toothpick or a simple needle. When the base is dry, a couple of drops of varnish of one color are applied on top of it, and then a few drops of another. As a result, very beautiful stains will turn out. If you experiment a little, then even simple manicure for short nails at home can be a very stylish solution. To make such a manicure, you need to perform three main points:

  • First, a pastel tone (base) is applied;
  • On a sheet of paper, drip the same base color (or another) and another color. After, mix the colors with a toothpick. After, apply the resulting varnish on the nail;
  • Excess varnish should be wiped off with a brush or cotton swab.

water manicure

Water which can be found on the Internet, is done very simply and at home. To do this, you need to take a container with warm water and several varnishes with a similar shade. A little varnish must be dropped into the center of the water. At the same time, the brush does not need to touch the surface of the water, and care must be taken not to drip too much. When the first drop begins to blur, other colors can be dripped into the center.

The resulting circle, with a toothpick or needle, must be divided into petals. This procedure must be carried out from the edge of the container to the center. Dip your nails in water, and remove the remaining film with a toothpick. In order to make a water manicure on all ten fingers, you need to do the above procedure 3-4 times.

How to make a simple manicure for short nails for children? Here it is worth considering that the manicure for teenagers and for little "princesses" will be different. The difference lies in the materials used. If for older girls you can already use your mother's nail file, then for little fashionistas you will need to buy a special manicure set that will match their age. Fortunately, today it can be easily found in any specialized store.

Simple manicure on short nails it is not difficult for little fashionistas to do. Today, whole sets of special children's varnishes have been developed that do not harm nails that are still fragile. The buyer can even find dual-purpose varnishes. They are water-based and, in addition to their main purpose, they can wean children from the bad habit of biting their nails, due to their bitter taste. It is very easy to wash off such varnishes. For this, simple soapy water is used.

In order to make a nursery can be found on the net, you need to follow 4 basic steps:

  • Wash your hands with antibacterial soap and additionally treat them with an antiseptic;
  • Dry your hands with a towel, after which you can get to work. Manicure for little girls and teenage girls is different. The nails for preschoolers are cut with nippers along the line of the fingertips, and they are sawn off quite a bit to give a smooth shape. Teenagers can already experiment more with both the length of the nail and its shape. Free edge - no more than 3 mm;
  • To make your nails look as neat as possible, you need to pay attention to the cuticles. Before removing them, a special softening oil must be applied to the skin. A teenage manicure includes a relaxing nail bath in the overall process. As practice shows, teenage girls are very fond of this procedure.

The cuticle is pushed back to the edge of the nail and cleaned a little with a wooden stick. To do this, you should use disposable sticks, since children's skin is very thin, and therefore the chance of infecting, in this case, increases significantly. It is not necessary to remove cuticles, as in adults!

  • Using a baby cream, you need to do a light massage on the handles. How to make children's simple manicure for short nails video the implementation of which can be found on the Internet - will tell you. For little princesses, it is worth using children's varnish.

Shellac manicure (gel polish) for short nails

Simple manicure with gel polish for short nails unique in that the nail polish will last much longer. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it protects the nails from the negative effects of the environment. Simple manicure for short nails photo design which can be found on the Internet, can be done at home, but beginners are still advised to go to the salon and see how it all happens in practice. But also today on the Internet there are a lot of training photos and video tutorials that greatly simplify the procedure.

Shellac technology at home

Simple manicure for beginners on short nails using shellac requires the following items:

  • Gel polish;
  • Base coat (bottom layer);
  • UV lamp for drying shellac;
  • Special tool for fixing the effect.

At the very beginning, you need to do the most ordinary manicure, and apply a base layer to the nail. After that, you will need to dry this layer for 1-2 minutes under an ultraviolet lamp. After that, the nail is covered with shellac and again sent for one minute under a UV lamp. To consolidate the overall effect, at the end a special tool is applied to the nail, which provides reliable protection of shellac from the negative effects of the environment.

This procedure does not cause any difficulties and does not require great skills. The only downside is that the materials for such a manicure are not cheap, but their payback is very fast.

Shellac is removed from the nail with a special tool. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is completely safe and, unlike all other methods of nail extension, is the most popular today. With the help of such a unique material, nails can be given a variety of designs, while not causing them any harm. By the way, with the help of shellac, even a French manicure turned out to be perfectly even on short nails. In addition, it can be used to hide all the defects of the nails, and, if necessary, to give the correct shape. Today, such gel polish is offered in a large color palette, which allows you to experiment with different nail designs. Shellac is the perfect choice for those girls who want their nails to always look stylish, but don't have enough time to constantly apply a simple varnish.

Simple manicure for short nails with gel polish can be made very beautiful if you have several colors of varnish on hand. In this case, even no decorations are needed to give your nails elegance.

Lunar manicure

For several seasons in a row, the moon manicure has been considered one of the most beautiful and stylish. He appeared in the fashion world not long ago, while he received a rather stylish name "Hollywood French". At the peak of its popularity, it could be seen on the nails of every third woman.

Lunar manicure can be very diverse. When creating it, varnishes of different shades and textures can be combined. The "hole" can be both narrow and wide - it all depends directly on the woman's imagination and desire. Basically, there are several techniques for performing this type of manicure.

The first option is to perform a “lunar” manicure using a stencil. To do this, you need to apply a base coat on the nail, stock up on a couple of contrasting varnishes, a coating that will act as the top layer, and also arm yourself with simple stencils.

  • Initially, you need to take care of the cuticles and give the nail the shape you need;
  • Then the nail is covered with a small layer of varnish, which is the base;
  • Several layers of the main varnish are already applied to the prepared nail, after which it is necessary to wait a bit until the varnish dries;
  • After that, it is necessary to decide on the future design of the execution. It will depend on this how the stencil will be glued. A popular option is a stencil that looks like an inverted moon. It is necessary to stick it in such a way that as a result it would look as if the moon is concave. After, this "moon" is painted over with a contrasting varnish;
  • Then you need to carefully peel off the stencil and cover everything with top varnish.

Lunar manicure can also be performed using a special cyst, which is used for decoration. This method is the second most popular among the fair sex.

To perform such a manicure, you will need to stock up on the same set as in the first version, but plus everything, you will also need a special brush.

The base layer is applied, we wait until it dries, and then we apply the pattern with a brush. In this case, the "moon" can be made whatever you like - curved or concave. It is necessary to dip the brush a little into the varnish, then outline the boundaries of the “moon”, and then paint everything over with a contrasting varnish. At the end, the nails are again covered with a top coat.

In its execution, the moon manicure is very simple and any girl can do it the first time.

Lunar manicure with shellac

Lunar manicure can also be called a French manicure, only inverted. The light line here is not performed on the free edge of the nail, but at the base of the cuticle. Such a simple, but on the other hand stylish design of nails, cause real admiration. But there is a small nuance in this matter: such a varnish coating is not durable and very often there are situations when a piece of varnish falls off on one nail, and it is not possible to restore the coating, and as a result, you have to wash the varnish on all nails.

But there is a way out even from this situation and it consists in using shellac. This varnish has many advantages. It acts as a regular varnish, gel and protective layer, which allows you to keep an attractive appearance of the nail much longer.

Lunar manicure is done with shellac very simply. Initially, one layer of gel polish is applied, then another, and at the end everything is strengthened with a top coat, which ensures hardness and shine to the nails. It should be borne in mind that after each application of varnish, the nails should be sent under an ultraviolet lamp to dry the varnish.

Basically, to make such a manicure, girls turn to a nail art master, but if you stock up on all the necessary tools and tools, you can quickly learn how to do such a manicure yourself at home. The most expensive purchase in this case will be an ultraviolet lamp for drying varnish, but its purchase pays off very quickly.

In order to make a manicure using shellac at home, you will need to buy a base, a top coat, as well as several gel polishes of different colors. To remove such varnish, you will also need to purchase a special liquid, which can be easily found in any store that specializes in sales of products for nail art. You will also need to buy an ultraviolet lamp, which will effectively dry the layers of varnish applied to the nail. A more professional option is the LED lamp, which can significantly speed up the drying process of the layer.

Stylish manicure at home

In summer, life plays with bright colors, which become more gloomy with the onset of cold weather. In order to add brightness to life and your image, you can use nail polish. Don't stop at a single color. Why not take a couple of contrasting options and mix them together? The most daring can not only alternate colors, but even use 5 or 10 different colors at the same time.

To create a unique design, you can also use special nail decorations. Today they can be bought at any specialized store. This applies to rhinestones, sparkles and even whole figurines. You can also find stylish stickers on the nails, which are very simple to apply, but the effect of them will be simply stunning. An innovation in the fashion world are voluminous stickers that are applied to all fingers and form a very stylish pattern. It is very easy to buy all these elements today, and plus everything is very easy to handle even at home. The most important thing is to be patient and turn on your imagination.

Photo collections of different manicure options, tips on choosing and applying varnish on short nails.


  • When choosing what shape to give the nails, be guided by the shape of the fingers. But keep in mind that short almond-shaped or soft square nails look best: rounded tips at this length will shorten the nails.
  • Solid manicure is the best option for short nails. On long ones, bright colors often look too defiant, and on short ones they will seem more delicate.
  • If you love French manicure, try repeating it in the following variation. Apply skin tone polish to your nails, and mark the edge of the nail with a very thin white line. So without any extra effort, your fingers will look slender and well-groomed.
  • It is better to use special stickers and stamping on long nails, but you can afford one small pattern on each nail.
  • The simplest scheme for applying varnish on short nails looks like this: draw a strip along the center of the nail, starting from its root, and then two more of the same on the sides of the main one.


  1. Watch your cuticles! This rule is relevant for nails of any length, but in the case of short ones, it is especially important to observe it: if you push back the cuticle, the nail plate will lengthen a little. The cuticle performs protective functions, so cutting it is not recommended. It is better to first soften the cuticle with a special tool, and then push it back with an orange stick.
  2. Perhaps the most effective way to quickly lengthen your nails is to draw vertical stripes. Your task is to create a contrast between the stripes and the base so that they do not mix.
  3. Diagonal stripes will also help to slightly lengthen the nail plate. Do not be afraid to experiment with rich colors: red, dark green and golden polishes.



  • Nude and pastel polishes are the best choice for short nails. They seem to continue the line of the fingers, making them visually thinner and more elegant. Choose shades a shade or two lighter than your skin for the most effective result.
  • If you use dark shades of varnish, you do not need to paint over the entire nail plate as a whole. Leave an unpainted space of 1 millimeter on each side: this will also help create the illusion of thinner, elongated fingers.
  • No less than color, the texture of the varnish is also important. Matte and glossy varnishes are your true friends, but glitter is best avoided: the nails will look even shorter.
  • Pink, purple, green and blue shades also perfectly emphasize the beauty of short nails.
  • If you have fair skin, opt for deep red and plum nail polishes that will create a bold contrast and help draw attention to your nails. Dark and tanned skin is more suitable for orange or, for example, scarlet varnish (for more information on how to choose varnish for your skin tone, we talked here).


Despite the fact that short nails do not have a large surface area, they provide ample field for activity. All the most important trends in manicure are possible - and necessary! - try on short nails. We tell you how to quickly and easily diversify your manicure.



In recent seasons, the gradient on the nails is one of the most trendy manicure options, which often appears on fashion shows, in popular beauty blogs and on the red carpet. To repeat it at home, you will need two varnishes from the same range of shades, as well as a regular makeup sponge.

  • Paint one half of the nail with a darker color varnish, the other with a lighter one.
    In the same sequence, apply varnishes of the two used shades to the two halves of the sponge.
  • Then apply the sponge to the border between the flowers. It is important to apply polish to the sponge every time before you treat a single nail.
  • Remove excess nail polish that has gone beyond the borders with a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover.

If you can’t create a gradient on the nails, try a simplified version. Paint your nails with different varnishes of similar shades - so that the gradient is noticeable not on one nail, but when moving from the thumb to the little finger.



Feel free to use varnishes with a metallic effect. On long nails, they quickly chip off at the tips, but on short ones they “live” a little longer. Today, all options for a “steel” manicure are in fashion: paint silver stripes on your nails, try a “mirror” or chrome manicure, decorate your nails with foil. Well, or just draw a bright silver stripe on your nails.



Strict geometric patterns attract attention, but most of them do not require the participation of a manicurist: you can do it on your own.

  1. The easiest option is the one in which the tip of the nail is decorated with a clear “arrow”. Draw two lines with a thin manicure brush so that they connect and form an acute angle, “looking” up - towards the tip of the nail.
  2. The second option is to glue strips of masking tape diagonally in turn: the tape will act as a ruler. Paint over the space above the corner with a bright color, leave the “bottom” uncoated. This version of the manicure will help to visually stretch the nail plate.

Manicure with dots


Another simple and fashionable design option that will help visually lengthen the nail plate is a “speckled” manicure.

  1. Paint your nails with any varnish in one or two layers, let it dry properly.
  2. Take any thin brush (manicure or regular, for painting) and place neat dots on your nails with a contrasting shade.
  3. You can arrange the points in a chaotic manner, but if you want to make your fingers more elegant, follow a strict sequence: at the base of the nail, the points should be larger than at the tips.

It is important to ensure that the varnish on the brush does not thicken: periodically it must be washed off with nail polish remover and the brush should be dipped into the bottle again.

"Space" manicure

Instagram trend that does not want to give up positions. In a dark shade - black or deep blue - apply the first coat of varnish thicker. Then spread the white polish with a sponge to create a space haze effect. Without waiting for this layer to dry, apply any polish with a fine shimmer in the same way. Ready!


The easiest way to quickly make a manicure on short nails is to cover them with colored varnish. But before that, you need to do a few important beauty manipulations.

  1. Remove old nail polish residue with nail polish remover.
  2. Shape your nails by finishing the edges with a nail file.
  3. Apply a cuticle remover and gently push it with an orange stick closer to the root of the nail.
  4. Use a moisturizer or oil to properly massage the cuticle area. Be sure to apply a nail degreaser afterwards or wipe the surface again with nail polish remover.
  5. Apply a base coat to prevent yellowing of the nails. Use the tool even if you are going to paint your nails with a light nude varnish.


Beauty brands produce polishes in hundreds of shades - and girls who prefer short nails can "try on" any.

Dark manicure


Black, brown or trendy taupe? Glossy or matte effect? There are no more restrictions! Including seasonal ones: for the summer, update the palette of varnishes by adding dark cherry, deep purple and khaki shades. These are great for accentuating your golden tan.

To make the dark shade look more saturated and deep, apply a second layer (after the base coat) of white varnish.

Light manicure


A light-colored nail polish is the choice for when you don’t want to decide anything: soft peach or just a transparent varnish will suit both evening and office outfits. There is nothing to say about the wedding.

If a light varnish is chipped after a couple of days, and there is no time to update it, go over the contour with a bright varnish to hide the chips. Get an interesting version of the French manicure.

Bright manicure


Juicy shades of nail polish today can be combined in any way. Tired of monochromatic manicure? Try painting each finger with a different color like at Ashish, or choose a different shade for each hand like they did at Fashion East. To prolong the life of a manicure, remember the following advice: always paint over the tips of your nails, not only from above, but also from the side, as if “enveloping” them with varnish.

White manicure


Use white polish in a monochromatic manicure if you want to highlight your tan. In other cases, be sure to complement it with nail art: vertical stripes or dots (at the base of the nails). By itself, white color does not paint short nails on pale fingers.

Red manicure


Choose a shade of red depending on your skin tone. If you have fair skin, choose a classic red with a cool undertone - you can focus, for example, on the color of the sole of Christian Louboutin shoes. For girls with swarthy or olive skin, red lacquers with orange pigments are suitable, and for dark-skinned girls with a wine color bias.

Pink manicure


Fuchsia or a shade of dusty rose? Again, it all depends on skin color: almost all shades with cold pigments are suitable for light-skinned girls, pink-peach ones for girls with medium skin tone, and tan best emphasizes Barbie's favorite color.

Beige manicure


Choosing the right shade of nude nail polish will help ... the cuticle. Pay attention to how it looks after a manicure: if it has a reddish or grayish tint, then the coating of this particular color definitely does not suit you.

Blue manicure


Did you know that blue nail polish can affect your entire look? For example, nail polish in aqua shade will help "rejuvenate" the hands, while neon blue will make them appear smaller.

Black manicure


When using black varnish, follow some specific tips. First, always apply a base under the varnish so that the coating is evenly distributed. Secondly, before using it, brush along the edges of the neck to remove excess product. Thirdly, before removing it, apply cuticle oil around the nail. So the pigment will not leave streaks on the skin.


In addition to a solid color manicure, girls with short nails have dozens of different designs to try. We talk about the most popular and interesting.

Glitter manicure


We have already discussed that using glitter by itself on all nails is undesirable, but this does not mean that you need to deny yourself the pleasure of making a shiny and festive manicure. If you still want to use glitter polish in your manicure, you do not need to paint over the entire nail plate, make a bright accent on the tip of the nail using the French manicure technique. Or paint over only one nail completely, and decorate the rest with bright plain varnishes.

Lunar manicure


Lunar manicure will help to visually lengthen the nail. There are two versions of it: the drawing either repeats the outline of the nail plate, sometimes along its entire length, or repeats the shape of the hole at the base of the nail. Both options will help lengthen the nails, but in the second case, you should proceed as follows: paint over the hole at the base of the nail with a light shade, and apply a bright contrasting varnish to the rest of the nail plate.

Manicure with rhinestones


Who said that a rhinestone manicure is not suitable for a day out? Just keep yourself in control: glue a modest shining stone on one nail. In all other cases, you can not limit yourself in anything: look for inspiration in our photo selection.

Matte manicure


When choosing a matte nail polish, keep in mind that it will last less than its "colleague" with a glossy sheen. To prolong the life of the manicure, use another additional transparent coating (it should also be matte!): This action will fix the effect.

French manicure


We discussed the topic of French manicure in detail in a separate article: it will be an excellent solution for nails of any length. In the case of short ones, closely monitor the thickness of the strip at the tip of the nail: too wide will visually shorten it even more.

With an image


Funny faces, images of fruits, "marble" effect or bright geometric shapes? Find your ideal match!

What kind of manicure do you prefer?Be sure to write about it in the comments!

Each woman has individual characteristics of the nail plate: it can be elongated, wide, square, large and small. For any type of nail plate, you can choose the best manicure. On very short nails, a manicure is not only possible, but also necessary to ennoble the hands and form a beautiful shape.

To visually adjust the appearance of the nail, you need to follow a few simple recommendations:

What colors are best for very short nails?

Basic Rules:

Types of short nail designs

French for short nails - how to do

For a French manicure you will need:


  1. The regrown part of the nail plate cannot be less than 3 mm. If it is absent, or present, but of insufficient length, then the French manicure will look inharmonious.
  2. The white line at the tips of the nails should not be thick, otherwise it will visually appear that the nail plate is even smaller than it actually is. It is better to make a strip 1.5-2 mm thick.
  3. An interesting solution would be a combination of matte and glossy varnishes. If there is a glossy surface on the tip, and a matte surface on the rest of the nail plate, then the nail will visually lengthen.
  4. Vertical lines on the nails elongate the nails.

How to make a manicure with gel polish, shellac on very short nails

Manicure for very short nails can be done not only with a simple varnish, but also with gel polish. It will give the nails strength, which will allow in the future to grow the nail to the desired length.

To cover the nail plate with gel polish, you need to purchase:

Stages of manicure with gel polish application:

  1. Give the desired shape to the nails.
  2. Soften the cuticle and trim it.
  3. Treat the nail plates with a buff without cutting off their layers.
  4. Wipe the nails of one hand with a degreaser applied to a napkin or cotton pad.
  5. Apply a thin layer of base on the nails of one hand.
  6. Dry the base in the lamp for 1 minute.
  7. Apply a thin layer of colored gel polish to the base. If the varnish gets on the skin of the fingers, it can be easily removed with an orange stick.
  8. Dry the colored varnish in the lamp for 30 seconds.
  9. Repeat application and drying of colored gel polish 2-3 times to make the color more dense and saturated.
  10. Top coat your nails. The layer can be made a little thicker to even out the nail plate. If the nails are slightly overgrown, then the end of the nail must also be treated with a top. If the nails are very short, then it is better not to apply anything on the butt, as there is a risk that the gel polish will be on the skin, which looks unpresentable.
  11. After covering the nails with a top, the hand should be placed in the lamp and the layers should be dried for another 2 minutes.
  12. Rubber tops allow you to finish your manicure after drying your nails. If the top is not rubber, then you need to remove the sticky layer from it. This is done with the help of a degreaser - you need to apply a few drops of the product on a cotton pad or on a napkin and treat each nail.
  13. Upon completion of work on one hand, you need to repeat the same on the nails of the second hand.


On very short nails, you can do not only a classic manicure, but also a moon manicure. The design with highlighted holes looks neat and modern. There are several technologies for its creation.

Option number 1:

  1. Apply a transparent base on the nails, dry it.
  2. With a very thin brush, apply the contour of the hole on the nail, closer to the cuticle.
  3. Paint over the hole twice, dry each layer.
  4. Paint over the rest of the nail with a different color, repeating the procedure twice. Dry each layer.
  5. Cover each nail with top, while sealing the ends. Dry the top.

In the photo - moon manicure for short nails. Good solution for the office.

Option #2:

  1. Apply the base on the nails and dry it.
  2. Cover the nails with gel polish around the entire perimeter in 2-3 layers. Dry each layer well.
  3. On the dried gel polish, draw the outline of the hole with a thin brush and paint over it so that the color is even, without gaps and transparent places. Dry your nails.
  4. Overlap the top coat, sealing the ends. Dry the nails in the lamp for 2 minutes.

Option number 3:

Lunar manicure for very short nails can be supplemented with rhinestones at the base of the nail, white or colored dots that focus on the border of the hole and the main part of the nail plate, highlight the hole with glitter varnish or draw it not in a semicircle, but in a triangle.


To perform a velvet manicure, you will need powder (flock), which gives velvety to the nails. This coating lasts no more than 2 days, but it looks interesting, so it can be applied before any events.


  1. The nails are covered with a thin layer of the base, dried in a lamp.
  2. Gel polish is applied to the nail plate, the color is close to the shade of the flock. Dry the first layer.
  3. Apply gel polish a second time and pour powder on it with a thick layer.
  4. After the flock is applied, the hand must be placed in the lamp for 1 minute to dry the coating.
  5. After 60 seconds, the hand is removed from the lamp and all the remnants of the flock that have not stuck are swept away with a brush.

Velvet manicure usually does not require special additions, especially on short nails, so it is enough just to cover all the nails with an even layer of flock. An interesting option is a velvet pattern. In this case, it is most convenient to resort to stamping technology.

To do this, after staining the nail in the main color with the help of stamping, a pattern is applied on top with varnish, similar in color to the color of velvet sand. While the varnish is wet, flock is sprinkled on top of it.


Ombre manicure is a 2- or 3-color coating, where one color smoothly transitions into another. Colors can be different, it is not necessary to use shades of the same color. To give an ombre effect, you need a narrow sponge, equal in width to the nail plate.

After processing the nail and covering it with a base, you can start painting:

with dots

For a manicure on very short nails in the form of dots, you will need a tool called dots (dotter). It is a stick with two round tips of different sizes.

To make such a manicure, you need:

Points can be located:

  • at the edge of the nail plate, located more densely at the free end;
  • in a checkerboard pattern over the entire surface;
  • at the cuticle, creating an imitation of a moon manicure;
  • diagonally.


A manicure for very short nails in a matte version is as simple as a regular one. To do this, you need to purchase a matte transparent top.


  1. The nails are covered with a base, the hand is placed in the lamp for 30-60 seconds.
  2. Apply color to the nails in 2-3 layers, dry each layer.
  3. Cover the nails with a matte transparent top, put your hand back into the lamp and wait another 2 minutes.

On short nails, a matte manicure looks good:

  • with a glossy smile, made in the same tone;
  • with velvet sand, pattern or glitter on the ring finger;
  • with rhinestones at the base of the nail.

With rhinestones

A manicure with rhinestones can be done not only on a plain coating, but also on a coating with a moon, French design, ombre and others.

How to do:

Options for the location of rhinestones on short nails:

  • pyramid on one or more nails;
  • at the base of the nails;
  • vertical lines along the axis of the nail;
  • with highlighting on one nail (nameless) of the border of the lunula;
  • an ornament, such as a crown or a cross.

with sequins

How to do:

Design options:

  • french millennium;
  • ombre with glitter;
  • combination with matte and glossy varnish of the same color;
  • complete nail polish.

black and white

A classic black and white manicure can be performed in the form of a moon, ombre, with dots, a jacket, with monograms, etc. To perform it, you just need to choose the color that will be taken as the basis - black or white. Black will sound stricter, and white will be softer.

For a drawing, it is convenient to use templates with which you can superimpose a pattern in the form of hearts, birds, stars, stripes on a black or white background.

With monograms

Manicure with monograms can be performed on any shape of nails, on any background and in any color. Most often, its execution requires skills in drawing or honing skills.


  • Monograms should be applied with a thin brush. They can be made with both glossy and matte varnishes, as well as varnishes with sparkles;
  • In each case, you need to cover the nail plate with a base, then apply a colored gel polish, or you can design on a transparent coating;
  • If the monograms are not velvet or matte, then you should cover them with a top so that they are fixed for a long time.

With geometric patterns

How to do:

Manicure design for the seasons

Manicure for very short nails at different times of the year is different colors.

Design Ideas for Short Nails

Delicate manicure- can be performed in light, flesh-colored shades. Suitable light pink, light peach colors. To decorate the nails, it is enough to draw monograms with light varnish, apply glitter on 1-2 nails or glue a few rhinestones. In this case, the manicure will not look catchy.

Light manicure- performed with varnishes of 1-2 shades. The fewer elements there are, the simpler and more concise it will look. You can apply one color on 3 nails - thumb, index finger and little finger. The rest of the nails should be covered with a different color. Thanks to this technique, the nails will look stylish, but you won’t have to spend a lot of time and effort on creating a manicure.

Wedding manicure- looks great jacket with the addition of monograms.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the jacket on short nails should not be wide, and there should not be too many monograms. The pattern should be harmoniously combined with the design of the rest of the nails.

Any manicure that is designed correctly will look good, even if the polish is applied to very short nails. To make the nail plate seem longer, you should adhere to professional techniques and choose design ideas from the photo in order to see the final result.

Article formatting: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video: Manicure for short nails

Photo of manicure for short and very short nails:

Fashionable manicure ideas for short nails:

Manicurists all the time tried to bring some extraordinary detail into the daily style in the form of an unusual design or decor of nails. And only now simplicity and elegance have returned to fashion. Relevant is a manicure on short nails, which will not only emphasize the accuracy and beauty of the hands, but will also be very practical and convenient. And most importantly, you can do it yourself and it is not necessary to go to an expensive salon to transform your nails.
“Wishing to have long nails, girls cannot do without the help of professionals, because household chores leave no chance to grow the length you dream of. But isn't it easier to make fashionable short nails with which you will never know about the problem of brittleness? This information will help you better understand modern stylish manicure.
Natural nails are the main highlight of this season. You can choose varnishes of any shade and make a design that suits you best. It is not necessary to blindly follow all the news and repeat them after someone more knowledgeable.

Basics of fashionable manicure

This year's hit was 3 mm long nails. It is both beautiful and at the same time very convenient in everyday life. On such nails it is much easier to do a manicure. If you take care of them according to all the rules, then you carry such a manicure for more than one week. With the help of various procedures, you can make the structure of the nails stronger and stronger. Hold the pens in salt water, or put a drop of iodine there and keep them there until the water cools. It will be very useful for your nails and hands.
“Hands are what people immediately look at when they first meet, so you need to keep them well-groomed and fresh. A trendy manicure will give you the right first impression and take the hassle out of maintaining a well-groomed nail appearance. One has only to choose a design that will embody your dreams of a perfect manicure. Fortunately, modern fashion trends revere convenience and comfort, so you should pay attention to more feminine nail shapes, such as almond and oval.

For those girls who like sharper geometric shapes in nail art, designers are advised to smooth the corners and make the nails more rounded and delicate.
Give preference to pastel colors. It can be beige, light pink, pale lilac and white shades.
Admirers of a more trivial manicure continue to use wine tones. And for lovers of extravagance, golden and bronze shades are more suitable. Colors with a sheen of silver and other metals are often used.

French is popular, but modern trends have improved it somewhat. Instead of a white "smile" can be any other color, at your discretion. Do not immediately give up on something new and unusual. Following fashion trends, you can choose an original and suitable option for everyday and festive manicure.
Decorating nails this year has become much easier and more elegant. There are no more those intricate patterns and complex patterns, now minimalism is in vogue.

Monochromatic coating

Some women think that plain nails are too casual and not at all original. Such a manicure will not attract attention, and will not distinguish its owner from the general mass. But it's not. It is important to choose the right tone and carefully paint your nails. The brightness of the varnish depends only on your imagination, but designers advise to postpone the colorful shades for the warmer seasons, and in winter choose something neutral and not so striking. You can diversify a monochromatic manicure with some mirror stickers.

Lovers of stylish nail art choose matte nail polish, although it is not as popular as glossy.
“French or moon manicure will look good on short nails. Your hands will immediately change, become very feminine and soft. French can be made brighter by using a different color instead of white. A variety of palettes will allow you to choose any desired shade - from pastel to very unusual. Each girl will be able to pick up something for herself.

You can create original retro designs on your nails. An interesting solution would be a moon manicure with contrasting varnishes. Combine lilac with yellow, orange with silver, blue with beige. Such unexpected color compositions will look advantageous on nails. Lunar design will emphasize the subtlety and elegance of your hands, which will be another plus.
Craquelure looks very impressive if applied to golden varnish. When it starts to crack, cover the manicure with a colorless coating. The result will be great!
If you mix varnish with beads of the same shade, you get an interesting design. Paint your middle and ring fingers with this varnish, and you will have a very original nail art. The final step is to cover the nails with clear varnish.

More recently, nail patterns have lost their positions, but their popularity has returned again. Now fashionistas can enjoy all sorts of designs that will not only decorate short nails, make them more presentable, but also will not affect the visual length of the fingers. Your hands will be just as refined and elegant. Floral motifs are always in fashion, because it gives a light mood and indicates the cheerful disposition of their mistress.

Horizontal stripes in manicure are also in great demand among lovers of minimalism in nail design. Moreover, you can create such nail art at home. The arrangement of the lines depends only on your ideas.
“If you are a fan of sequins, for a short manicure, it is best to take small rhinestones. They will look more advantageous than the large ones that usually adorn pancake nails.

To visually make your nails longer, make a manicure with a transition of colors, from light to dark. All shades of green, blue, crimson, black and blue will do.
This information was aimed at making it easier for you to choose short nail designs. All the presented methods are quite simple to apply, so every girl can do a manicure at home, you just need to be patient and perseverant. Even if something doesn’t work out the first time, don’t be upset, because this is painstaking work, but the result is worth it!