Who suits red hair and how to choose the perfect shade. Red hair dye (review)

It is generally accepted among the people that red hair is not just a shade, but also a sign of a very cheerful and perky character. This is partly true. Redheads are able to instantly get into the center of everyone's attention only because of their appearance.

The red color is usually chosen for themselves by bright and positive individuals who love to stand out and evoke emotions. But before you decide on coloring, it is worth considering whether this color is right for you, and which shade of it is worth stopping at.

In our article you will find answers to questions about who suits red hair, how to choose the right shade, and some photos with palette ideas.

Which girls are suitable

Just choose your favorite shade and go to paint - the approach is wrong. The tone should correspond to the type and color of the skin, the oval of the face, the color of the eyes, and so on. The choice of a suitable paint will depend on these and other parameters.


Counts one of the most important criteria when choosing the right shade from the fiery palette.

So, if you have a pinkish skin tone, you can choose almost any tone, both a light variation of red and a dark one. Those whose skin is more olive, experts advise to stay on warm golden chestnut reddish tones.

A dark-skinned ladies fit saturated colors approaching red. If the face is very pale, you should choose light reddish, close to natural.


Since ancient times, it was believed that red-haired beauties with green eyes were endowed with magical powers. Such ladies have always attracted attention, so they often suffered from accusations in connection with dark evil spirits. Now no one will burn you at the stake.

On the contrary, with the help of fiery shades you can emphasize the mysterious and alluring natural beauty, accentuate the stunning eye color.

You can choose copper, dark chestnut and light red shades. Brown eyes go perfectly with rich reds. and chestnut curls.

If your eyes are gray or blue, pay attention to natural color variations: peach, sand, golden, light copper.

Native tone of hair

Although modern dyeing technologies allow you to get any desired tone, regardless of the original one, you still need to consider what coloring Mother Nature gave your strands. If they are naturally dark, then it is better to stay on burgundy-red, cherry, wine options.

To get lighter halftones, you will have to additionally lighten the hair. which can result in severe damage to them.

If the natural color of the hairstyle is light brown, you can experiment with golden, amber, chestnut and other dark reddish shades.

Blondes can easily get any color of red, so there are practically no restrictions for them.

A rather controversial issue in choosing a shade is age.. So, experts do not advise overdoing it with brightness for those over 40, otherwise you can only add a few years to yourself and look just ridiculous. However, this applies to extreme tones.

Indeed, a lady of venerable age will look strange with bright red or neon orange hair. But as close as possible to natural shades of red will refresh the image, make it younger and more interesting.

Who Shouldn't Paint

The palette of fiery tones is quite wide, so almost everyone can choose the right option for themselves. But still there are cases in which it is undesirable to conduct such experiments:

  • Grey hair. With age, the strands lose their pigment, so the coloring result often turns out to be completely different from the one on the package. The result can cause an unpleasant surprise, so it’s better not to experiment at home, but to entrust the hairstyle to a good colorist.
  • Wrinkles and folds on the skin of the face. Bright tones always draw attention to skin imperfections, so age-related changes can attract undue influence.
  • The presence of age spots and freckles. The same as in the previous paragraph: they will become even more noticeable. However, freckles are not always a disadvantage. Most natural redheads have them on their faces and look quite cute and attractive.

How to choose paint for coloring: a variety of fiery palette

The palette of reddish tones is very extensive and allows almost every lady to find a shade to her liking.

  • Among the dark colors cherry, copper brown, copper red, burgundy. Thanks to such colors, the appearance becomes more mysterious, an image of a bold and strong femme fatale is created. Such variations are suitable for swarthy brown-eyed girls.
  • bright colors- pure copper, orange orange. Such hair symbolizes energy, freedom, extravagance, ignoring conventions.
  • Light palette includes golden and light shades, ginger and strawberry. Although these colors are quite bright, they create a gentle, innocent, youthful and romantic look.

Golden tints make the strands look lighter, allow you to refresh facial features and make your eyes look more open. They are suitable for those who have naturally fair skin and hair.

Painting features

Please note that the result of staining will depend on the initial tone. Sharp transitions do not always allow you to get a good result.

If you can dye any hair in a darker shade, then with a lighter paint it will not be so easy.

If it is more than two tones lighter than the original color, then pre-lightening will be necessary before dyeing in red hair color.

In view of this, experts advise first trying coloring with a tone similar to the one you selected. If you like the result, you can apply resistant paint.

Coloring dark strands with resistant paint involves several stages. First they are discolored, and only then they are stained.

It is also possible to get a result without discoloration, but it will be more difficult. It will take several stains, and each of them will be a tone brighter than the last.


Find out in the article whether burdock oil helps hair growth, as well as useful mask recipes using this miraculous remedy.

Caring for dyed curls

Juicy and rich fiery tones tend to quickly wash out, discolor, lose their brightness and shine. To keep a good result as long as possible, provide the strands with the right care.

Use special care products for dyed hair. Before buying, read the composition on the bottles.

Harmful components that should not be in the products used are alcohol, hydrogen peroxide and ammonium.

Assistants in the care of fiery hair will be products based on natural ingredients. For red-haired ladies, useful ingredients are extracts of cinnamon, pomegranate, cherry and chamomile.

They will keep the saturation of the hairstyle, provide it with smoothness, shine and health.

Natural masks will also be useful, in particular those that contain henna powder. By the way, it can be added to the usual shampoos and conditioners. This will help preserve the depth of the shade.

You will learn about how to dye your hair red, is it difficult to maintain and maintain durability after dyeing, and learn a little about caring for dyed curls from this video clip:

A serious enemy of a beautiful reddish undertone is the summer sun. Bright shades under the action of aggressive ultraviolet light fade very quickly.

That's why, Going on vacation, take care of the care of curls. Use special protective equipment. A very useful procedure is lamination. Proteins of natural wheat and soy will help maintain the health, elasticity, shine and beauty of the strands.

Red hair color, not only natural, but hair dye, as well as henna. Shades of red give character to hairstyles and makeup. Photo.

Red-haired children often suffer, standing out from the general mass of fair-haired and dark-haired boys and girls. An increased interest in bright hair is expressed in offensive teasers and questions. But growing up, most often girls discover the bright charm and seductiveness of their red hair. Being in adulthood, it is rare for a woman to repaint her native red color in light brown or brown. However, many blondes and brunettes will try red shades on their hair.
Red hair color is very different: light and dark, with a yellow or red undertone, very bright or moderate, but always colorful.

A frequent companion of bright red hair is freckles. They can cover a significant area of ​​the face and body. Many owners of red freckles consider them a disadvantage, and in every possible way try to get rid of them, however, artists and photographers see a special natural beauty in the bright pigmentation of the body.

Red fairy tale. Aesthetics of red hair

Nature gave people this miracle, like flowers, sunsets or tropical waterfalls. This beauty has entered fairy tales, myths and legends. She inspired many generations: inquisitors and artists, kings and beggars.
In red hair there is a magical power of fire, sun, lion. All shades of red harmonize wonderfully with green, blue and brown - the very basic colors of the Earth that give rise to life and its mystery. These combinations awaken fantasy (or maybe ancient memory) taking us to the ancient deities: mermaids, goblin, water; elves, gnomes, dragons; wizards, witches and sorcerers... These feelings are conveyed to us in paintings, staged photographs, songs, books, things and jewelry.

Red hair shades

Shades of red hair can be divided into two parts: natural - those that are found in nature and artificial colors, usually very bright and saturated. Of course, everyone strives for naturalness, but if there is a desire to stand out, then ultra-bright options also have a place to be.

natural red

Naturally red shades of hair belong to the “autumn”, “spring”, “autumn-summer”, “autumn-spring”, and “autumn-winter” color types. This is a wide range from warm honey yellow to cool dark chestnut red shades.
In general, red means red, but over time, this category included all orange shades, brown with impurities of red and orange, copper up to red. Although pure red hair does not exist in nature.
All the many red shades of hair became the prototypes of hairdressing dyes, which occupied a decent segment among the popular colors for coloring.

Red color paint

The paint of red shades is within c, that is, medium in lightness. But within the same tone, its color can vary significantly: for example, from yellow-red to brown-red.

In general, red paint can be divided into two types: close to a natural shade and synthetic color. So, fiery orange and bright red-orange is an artificial color, and golden-copper or yellow-red is close to natural shades of hair.

Light red paint color. Photo

Yellow-red paint color. Photo

Bright red paint color. Photo

Copper color paint. Photo

Golden-copper paint color. Photo

Brown-red paint color. Photo

Copper brown paint. Photo

Red-brown paint color. Photo

Dye your hair red

If you are inspired by the red image and decide to choose a hair color in this range, do not rush to run to the hairdresser. This hair color needs a special skin tone that will make the harmony complete. But whatever one may say, we are given one skin color that we cannot change. Even initially red-haired girls are not suitable for any shade of this palette. An incorrectly chosen red color can significantly spoil your appearance, make your facial skin painful, and increase your age by five years. I think few people will agree with such an effect just for the sake of one color on the hair. The problem is that you notice such changes only after painting. Therefore, this hair color needs to be planned.
So for "spring" light red and yellow-red shades are suitable. For "spring-summer" - golden-copper and brown-red colors. For "summer" - copper and copper-brown tones. For "winter" and bright "spring" - bright red and red-red shades. For "autumn-summer" - copper, golden-copper, brown-red and copper-brown. For "spring-autumn" - light red, yellow-red, bright red, brown-red and golden copper. For Pure "Autumn" - yellow-red, bright red, golden copper, brown-red, copper-brown and red-red.
If you do not know your color type, use the free program for selecting hairstyles and hair colors (the main thing is that the photo should not be heavily distorted in color). Before painting, you can create a picture that somehow reflects the influence of this color on your appearance.

Henna painting

Before high-quality red hair dye appeared, red hair could be tinted with henna. This plant gives not only a bright shade, but also significantly heals the hair, giving it shine and splendor. Thanks to these properties, henna is still used today. However, there are difficulties in adjusting the color, which makes it difficult to plan the shade, and this is a very important component in creating a harmonious image.

However, I can offer you a diagram of the dependence of the resulting hair color on a mixture in different proportions of red, colorless and black henna (basma) applied to undyed hair of different shades.

The scheme does not guarantee a “tone on tone” hit, since there are many unique shades of hair that can be dyed to varying degrees (besides, the coloring time also affects the final color), this is an approximate idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe result so that you can understand how it changes shade from proportions and changes in the natural tone of the hair.

If your hair has natural red undertones or you want to refresh the shine of your red-dyed hair, consider the following color-enhancing mask.
You will need:
3 medium carrots;
2 tablespoons of honey;
3 tablespoons yogurt (no fillers)
½ cup cranberries;
Grind carrots and cranberries in a blender until a coarse paste is obtained, add yogurt and honey - mix thoroughly. Apply shampoo to the hair, then the resulting mask, massage it evenly throughout the hair with massaging movements. The action time is from 1 to 2 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
How it works: beta-carotene of carrots and cranberries - the main natural dyes (besides, it is vitamin A), when mixed with yogurt fats, becomes active, while lactic acid activates antioxidants, and honey fixes the result with a small amount of peroxide, moisturizing along the way. hair. The result is more intense color and healthier hair.

Hairstyles for red hair

Red hair is often thick and lush, and sometimes curly. Wild hair of fiery shades never fit perfectly. They are characterized by a slight disorder, which gives liveliness and emotionality to the image. Therefore, hairstyles for redheads will emphasize their splendor, while leaving some freedom.
If the hair is dyed and does not have the required volume, then it is created artificially: by bouffants, curling, “tousled” braids.

The main rule for creating such hairstyles is to maintain at least minimal freedom for the hair. The bundle should not be tight, and the hair "should" flow into it in jets. This allows the hair to fall out of the hairstyle, but at the same time is in harmony with the overall composition.

As with bundles in braids, the principle of freedom is important: do not tighten them tightly. The fluffy braid is larger in volume, which gives the hair a favorable side. If you are not satisfied with the volume, you can use ribbons or false hair.
To give the hairstyle a casual look, release a few strands near the face. Spikelets and two-stage braids look good on red hair: thin braids woven into a thick one.

These are tails and thin braids with a rim. The main task of these hairstyles is to give the impression of a creative mess. They are accompanied by bouffants and curls, giving the impression of the wildness and energy of a redhead girl.

An unusual hairstyle that looks especially good on red hair, giving the owner a certain retro style. The wave requires smooth or semi-wavy hair. Unlike all other hairstyles, in this one you will need to try to curb the hair and give the hair a perfectly smooth look. Here you will need the entire hairdressing arsenal: perms, varnishes, foams, gels, waxes, etc.

As I already mentioned: the red color creates lively, colorful pairs with almost all natural shades. Flowers in such hair are comparable to a skillful painting, they can create amazing images.
As an alternative to flowers, various colored hairpins, headbands, crabs and elastic bands can become.

Due to the fact that the bright color emphasizes the color of the face, there are a lot of short hairstyles in this range: from boyish short to multi-level options. Of course, thick short hair looks attractive, but the intensity of the color will brighten up the lack of volume. A short hairstyle for thin hair dyed red is much more preferable than light blond or long red hair.

Red-haired girls have an average or high contrast of appearance. Having dyed your hair red, while having low contrast, you will have to reach it to medium. Having a bright appearance, sometimes it is enough to add a little color or slightly enhance the native shades of the face, creating a natural make-up.

However, with red hair, you can afford medium-bright makeup that will look natural. Expressive eyes and lips against the background of an attractive hair color will make your image unforgettable.

As I said before, redheads have an exceptional skin tone. It is quite bright, although it looks light. When choosing eye shadow, it should be borne in mind that the skin also needs a favorable neighborhood. So, if you have green eyes, then shades of plum and carnation will suit you. For brown eyes, choose lilac shades with golden dots, champagne color and glitter. Blue eyes will successfully harmonize with shades based on gold and orange.
To emphasize the color, you should choose brown, eggplant and gray-black eyeliners. For high eye contrast, you can use black mascara, but do not forget about brown.
To choose blush and lipstick, you should know your color type. Above, I have listed what color types red-haired girls can belong to. And if we assume that you dyed red according to your color type, then choose a lipstick using the main tone of your hair: if copper, then lip pigments from lilac to burgundy. If your redhead is closer to honey, then lipstick is selected based on orange. If dark shades of red, then lipstick and blush based on red, etc.

You can achieve the effect of glamorous sexuality by creating perfect lips. Bright lipstick and a clear shape of the lips against the background of the absence of eye and eyebrow makeup intensely emphasizes the hair color and the uniqueness of one's own style.

Red is a special color. So red-haired girls seem special: temperamental and intellectual, mysterious and practical. And it is not surprising that this color attracts us, because yellow, red and blue tones are intertwined in it.

Red people are considered chameleons. No one like them can change their image so easily. And not because they are windy, it's all about the variety of color combinations that are available to them. Against the background of ardent red and other colors become more emotional.

Test. What hair color suits me

Test: what hair color suits me can help expand the scope of ordinary shades without violating the harmony of appearance. This will allow you to be even more attractive and diverse.

Dark hair color is the most common in nature. It has a very wide palette of shades, embodying the natural diversity of appearances. The features of a brunette always have a certain severity, slight arrogance, which corresponds to the entrenched opinion of high intelligence and firmness of character.

Anna Lyubimova

Natural red hair color is popular among women. Usually he is chosen by strong personalities, ready to go to extreme measures, with an explosive character and persistent temperament, charisma, and a lot of energy.

fifty shades of red

Each color has many shades. Red hair color is chosen by fiery, emotional personalities.. But how to choose your shade, which will suit the skin, eyes?

Children born with red hair are a rarity. According to scientists, the percentage of redheads in relation to the rest is only 1%!

But now there is no problem to turn from a sultry brunette to a red-haired beast or from a blonde to a redhead. There are many paints, hair lightening products, tint balms. Come to the hairdresser and voice your desire to become a redhead - after an hour and a half you will not believe your eyes.

There are a lot of shades of red, so it will not be difficult to decide which one you want. The palette starts with light red and ends with dark chestnut.

Green-eyed and blue-eyed girls The red color is perfect. It emphasizes the brightness and color of the eyes, making them even more attractive and alluring. Light skin against the background of fiery shades looks fresh, juicy and clean. For girls with dark skin, dark shades are more suitable: caramel, red, chestnut.

Make sure your hair is well-groomed, not dry, not brittle. The reddish hue attracts the attention of others. You will not go unnoticed in the crowd, so curls should look perfect. Yes, and the red pigment on unhealthy hair will lie unevenly, the hair will be unpresentable. Take care of the condition of the hair before coloring.

Who will go fiery red hair color yet? If you are not going to completely dye your hair, then use highlighting. It will fall on the hair no less brightly, decorate the hairstyle and make the image original.

Preparing hair for coloring

Before carrying out the dyeing procedure, take care of the quality of the hair. Hair dye containing ammonia or hydrogen peroxide damages hair no matter what quality it is. Therefore, in any case, in order not to aggravate the situation with unhealthy hair, it is necessary to first bring them into proper condition. And only after that visit a hairdresser for coloring.

By doing the requirements below, you will get a perfectly even color and the desired result:

  • Hair coloring is not only a procedure for changing the appearance, but also change in image, behavior, life situation. With a radical change in appearance, girls expect changes from this process in their personal lives: for example, they want to find a better job, a loved one, find female happiness, etc. Therefore, before taking such measures, prepare yourself psychologically for this event. Tune in that soon you will see yourself differently, other people will see you in a new way. Perhaps someone will not like you, and someone in admiration will throw a glance at you. First, look at yourself in the mirror, make sure you really don’t like your color, and a new one will change the situation? Maybe you shouldn't change it? Answer these questions. If you are sure of the decision, then mentally imagine your new image. As accurate as possible, in every detail.

In addition to external changes, material costs will also occur. You will probably have to update your wardrobe, cosmetics, if they do not harmonize with the new hair color.

  • In addition, to maintain color and eliminate regrown roots, it will be necessary to color them about once every 3-4 weeks. This is an additional cost of money and time if you are going to visit a hairdresser, and not paint yourself at home.
  • If you plan to paint with the master, then in advance study hairdressers, read reviews, choose a salon. For a better understanding, come to the chosen master and discuss the nuances of the future procedure. Explain what you want, what color and its shade you have chosen. It is important that the person speaks the same language with you. There are situations when the master listens to the client, but in the end he does it his own way, guided by his own experience. As a result, the client remains dissatisfied and subsequently makes negative advertising to the entire salon where this stylist works.
  • Before staining one month before the start of preparation for the procedure. Purchased masks, balms, hair conditioners, and natural ones are also suitable. They are easy to make at home literally from improvised means. Hair will be smoothed, become soft, elastic. The paint will lie flat without stains. It is recommended to cut the ends and profile the hair before painting. On flowing hair, bright color looks great!
  • The most important point - choice of paint shade. Start from the color of the skin, eyes, general condition of the hair and skin. For women over 35, red colors are not recommended. They are too bright and emphasize the grayness, pallor and yellowness of the skin.

Contraindications for staining

There are the following contraindications for hair coloring:

  • Skin diseases: eczema, dermatitis, allergy. Respiratory diseases: bronchitis, asthma. Renal failure.
  • menstrual bleeding- 1-3 days.
  • Breast-feeding, pregnancy first 2 trimesters.
  • Bad mood, bad feeling.

From blonde to pale red

The decision to radically change the appearance is not always easy. Hair coloring for a couple of tones lighter or darker - it doesn't matter, but when the color goes from blond to red or from black to red, it's worth considering whether you need it. And yet, how to make a red color out of a blond?

But if you have already made a responsible decision, you want to change, and, it’s easier for you! For better absorption of paint, hairdressers often resort to complete discoloration of the strands, and only then give them the desired color. Discoloration is already there, it remains only to choose the right shade.

Brown-haired women in this matter will also not be difficult to apply a yellow-red color to dark hair. In some cases, tint shampoos are used to just add redheads to their natural color. When the paint begins to wash out from the hair of a brown-haired woman, a cardinal difference in colors will not be noticeable, only the amount of redness will gradually decrease. But this problem will be solved regular touch-up. If you have dyed with professional paint, it can also be supported with a tint balm to hold the desired color.

If you are a natural brunette, then there will be no problems when switching from one color to another.

Buy professional paint 2 shades lighter than the shade you want to end up with and paint. But on already dyed hair, the paint behaves differently. Your dark color will hardly change, but will only acquire a reddish tint. What to do to make it work? Brighten up! How to go from brunette to redhead?

Which lighting method to choose?

  1. Lightening. This method is fast, but it injures the hair much more than the second option. Curls take the form of a chewed washcloth, become hard, naughty, porous. If after clarification you do not use healing masks, balms for a long time, then, in the end, you will lose them forever. They will cut, begin to crawl out in shreds, and finally lose their appearance.
  2. washout. This option is gentle, but also injures the hair, although less. At one time, the complete removal of color will not occur. This can only be achieved 8-10 times. It is better to turn to a professional so as not to spoil the hair completely. Although with the proper ability to cope with this, any person. There are professional products that can wash off the color in 3-4 uses. Consult with your master, which one to choose.

Each person has a different hair style. There are cases when, after lightening, the curls did not lose their external qualities, but on the contrary, they looked more well-groomed and healthy. For the first time, nevertheless, contact a specialist and remember the procedure. Next time you will be able to do the procedure yourself.

Classic lighting at home

Tools for conducting clarification procedures:

  • A bowl for mixing ingredients. It is better to choose ceramics, glass or plastic.
  • Brush for hair application.
  • Cape on the body, so as not to get dirty. If you have an old, unwanted bathrobe, use it.
  • Towel for warming the head after applying the composition.
  • Hydrogen peroxide 9%.
  • Ammonia.
  • Polyethylene gloves, so as not to damage the skin of the hands.

Mix alcohol and peroxide and apply to hair with a brush, wrap yourself in a towel. Clarification by this method takes from 20 to 45 minutes. Depending on the intensity of your color. If you dyed your hair once, then 20 minutes is enough. And if you have been doing this for a long time, then you need to wear it in a wash for as long as possible (but not more than 45 minutes).

Lightening with a wash

Choose professional tools. They are more expensive, but this way you will be sure of their quality and reliability. This wash is applied to dry hair. Peroxide and ammonia you will not need.

  1. Keep the wash for more than an hour.
  2. Blow dry hair afterwards.
  3. Use more than 2 times a month.
  4. To make coloring after washing earlier than in 3-4 days.

If there is no desire to use chemicals and spoil your hair, in this case, folk recipes will come to the rescue.

Of course, it's not as effective, but it's worth a try.

  1. You need fat kefir, an amount sufficient for your length and thickness of hair. Better take a little more and apply a thick layer on the curls. Add a spoonful of salt and vegetable oil to kefir. Keep an hour.
  2. Castor oil is known for its color-eliminating properties, which is why it is the basis for this recipe. You will need 3 egg yolks and 4 tablespoons of castor oil. Mix them and apply on hair for 45-60 minutes.
  3. Oil wash will help not only get rid of the annoying color, but also restore the structure of the hair, lead them to health. You will need a glass of vegetable oil and margarine, about 30 grams. Heat the ingredients in a water bath to a temperature of 30-35 degrees. Margarine should melt and become liquid.

Choosing the right paint

If you do not know how to choose a shade of dark red hair dye, then opt for quality products from the professional series. Consult with a stylist, read reviews, ask your friends. So that later it would not be excruciatingly painful because of the result. Many cheap paints are guilty of purple and greenish tints. In order not to get “eggplant” and “cucumber” in your hair, trust the professionals. Moreover, if you used a wash before staining, their cooperation can give an unpredictable and not always positive result.

How to choose shades of hair dye for light red hair? Experts recommend choosing a color 2 tones darker than desired, so as not to get the effect of a carrot or a clown.

To emphasize the bright color of the strands, you need to know some of the nuances. For the owner of the reddish hair color are the following shades:

  • caramel,
  • red,
  • chestnut.

Bright hair color can be emphasized with any bright things. Trying them on before buying will let you know if they fit you or not.

How to keep the color?

After dyeing, every girl wants to keep a bright red color for a long time. This also applies to red shades. How to do it? Keeping the color bright and saturated is the care of curls after the procedure and preparation before it. Tips & Tricks:

  1. Apply one month before coloring nourishing hair masks, balms conditioners. Hair will become obedient, brittleness will go away, and the color on healthy hair will last for a long time.
  2. At least 2 weeks before the procedure stop using hair-damaging devices. Do not blow dry, do not perm, do not use tongs and curling irons, even curlers are not recommended. Give up styling products: gels, mousses, varnishes. During this time, the hair will rest from thermal and chemical stress.
  3. Do at home decoctions of herbs with which to rinse your hair. This will give vitality to the hair.
  4. To keep the color for more than one week or even two, apply color evenly to hair. To do this, you need a brush, and extra hands if you paint at home. Ask for help. There is no clear vision on the back of the head.
  5. Purchase in addition to the paint color fixer, which is specially created so that the hair does not lose color longer.
  6. Prepare a basin with filtered or mineral water so that after washing off the paint rinse your hair her.
  7. From the day of dyeing to the first washing of the head, it should pass as at least 2 days. During this time, the coloring pigment is completely absorbed into the hair and fixed on it.
  8. Use shampoos and conditioners for colored hair. Conventional detergents penetrate deep into the hair and do a general cleaning there. Accordingly, the paint is quickly washed out. A there are no phosphates in specialized products. They act differently: they close the scales and smooth the hair structure. And since the paint is located inside, it does not come out, but on the contrary, it remains there for a longer time.
  9. Do not buy hair products in stores. They are good for the hair itself, but they negatively affect the color by washing it out. This happens because of the contained aggressive substances.
  10. Sauna and swimming pool not recommended within a month after the procedure. The high temperatures and the chlorine in the pool will speed up the color fading.
  11. To restore moisture in curls, use homemade masks from natural products and light conditioners.
  12. You have chosen a new color - red. To maintain its brightness, purchase special products for your color.
  13. beware direct sunlight, they burn out the color. Before going outside, apply a heat protectant designed for hair to your hair. It can be sprays, mousses, balms, creams, etc.

Change is not scary, most importantly, do not forget to take care of your hair and maintain their health and beauty.

April 21, 2014, 12:04

Red strands have a special magical power, they attract attention, fascinate, excite ... Once upon a time, everyone considered these shades to be magical! Many years have passed since then, and the red hair color still envelops an aura of mystery and mystery.

Red color and color type

When deciding to change your appearance, consider the color type:

  • Spring - yellow and light red shades;
  • Summer - copper-red, brown-red, golden-copper, copper;
  • Winter - red-red;
  • Autumn - copper-brown, light red.

Multifaceted red color

Shades of red hair color are so diverse that the eyes run wide! From this range, everyone will be able to choose the right option.

natural red

One of the most popular and natural shades. It makes a woman bright and tender at the same time. This is a great option for blonde ladies with blonde hair.


It can be used when changes are needed, but there is still not enough strength to change something radically. The red-blond hair color is eye-catching and is ideal for gray, green and blue eyes.

light red

Light red tones bring the look closer to the blond with a slight golden tint. They look gentle and soft - will appeal to girls who can not stand attention to their person. This is the best choice for women with fair skin and light gray eyes.


Rich and catchy tone. It looks very sophisticated and even aristocratic. A woman with such a shade is a bewitching mystery that every man wishes to solve. Dark red will suit dark-haired beauties with rich eye color (winter color type).

bright red

Ready for admiring glances? Choose a bright tone - it will make the appearance noticeable, and the image - very unusual. The palette of bright shades includes carrot, copper-red and orange. These bold tones are not for everyone. For example, this color is contraindicated for blue-eyed people, and the owners of brown, black and green eyes will be very good with it.

ginger red

A cool red shade will create a unique image of a flirtatious touchy. This color is very practical - its original tone is the easiest to maintain.

Intense red-brown

A solution for brave women who are always in the spotlight and look 100%. They don't just play with it! Remember, a bright color will emphasize the flaws of the skin - it must be perfect.


It is a chestnut shade with hints of red. In the classic palette, it is considered tertiary and is great for “autumn” or “winter” - girls with a pale skin tone.

Who doesn't like redhead?

Now you know who suits the red hair color. It remains only to find out who it does not suit. The list of contraindications includes only 4 items:

  • Gray hair - if your hair has lost its pigment, red may not come out. Be very careful not to dye your hair yourself, as the final effect may not be what you expected. Be sure to contact a professional colorist;
  • Age folds and mimic wrinkles - bright red shades will only emphasize the problem and show the true age;
  • Age spots and freckles - if you are proud of them, feel free to paint red. Those who are trying in every possible way to disguise the kisses of the sun, it is better to refuse it;
  • Dry and damaged hair - the red pigment of the paint will not hold well on them. The result will not suit you, and the strands will have to be tinted often.

By the way, you should know how to choose the perfect haircut for your face shape. Be sure to check out:

Deciding to become a redhead, remember these tips from the best experts.

  • Tip 1. For those who are just starting their story with red, there are tinting paints or tint foams. With their help, you can easily choose the right shade. In addition, they are quickly washed off - the growing roots will not bother you.
  • Tip 2. The path to red hair includes a lightening stage. It is possible to spend it only in a good salon.
  • Tip 3. Redheads are said to wash out pretty quickly, so you'll have to visit the salon often. To maintain the health of the strands will allow funds without ammonia.
  • Tip 4. The new shade of hair will also be reflected on the eyebrows - they must be harmonious. When applying make-up, it is best to use natural shades - brown mascara and pencil, soft colors of shadows and blush, pale pink or peach lipstick.

Red hair care

The red shade of hair requires proper care. To keep the fire and restore shine to your hair, use special shampoos for colored hair. Read the composition carefully - it cannot contain a drop of hydrogen peroxide, ammonium or alcohol.

Use homemade masks or balms with cinnamon, chamomile, cherry extract and pomegranate regularly. All these ingredients will support the natural brightness and smoothness of the strands. And natural henna can be added directly to the finished shampoo.

The main enemy of red shades is the hot summer sun. Its hot rays bleach the strands, so in the summer, do not forget to wear hats, scarves or panama hats. Salon procedures - keratinization or lamination can also be useful.

The red palette is not without reason considered one of the most chic for women's hair. It is extremely rare in its natural form, and it is very problematic to create them with paint. It is quite difficult to choose a shade in such a way that it fits harmoniously and looks as natural as possible. The color tends to fade, turn pale, wash off. To prevent this from happening, you need to choose your tone in the palette correctly and make every effort to save it.

The palette of red colors is simply amazing - ranging from golden to dark cherry, with cold or warm undertones, yellow or red tint. A person can pick up absolutely any color in the range. It needs to be based on several factors.

1. Original color. If blondes can afford coloring in any shade, then only dark colors are available for brunettes. Coloring in light colors is possible after clarification.

2. Color type. According to the most common classification, they are divided into warm and cold, light and dark. In accordance with the color type, you can use a similar tone and subtone. This will make the image natural and harmonious.

When choosing a shade, you should consider a number of factors that will not be combined with bright colors:

  • wrinkles;
  • excessive pigmentation;
  • gray hair
  • dryness.

In the presence of at least one of these points, staining in red should be avoided. On gray hair, the pigment does not fit well, on dry hair it emphasizes untidiness and quickly fades. Age spots and wrinkles will become more visible with bright coloring.

Choose a shade

It is very difficult to choose a color right from the first time, it is difficult to predict how the paint will behave and what tone it will give when applied to a natural one. When evaluating the main factors affecting the harmony of the final result, it is necessary to take into account two points - the color of the skin and eyes.

For fair-skinned blondes, red hair or light copper are the best choice. Also, in contrast to fair skin, deep shades such as burgundy, fiery red or mahogany look very impressive. In order to emphasize the contrast, a dark red color is perfect.

For girls with light brown curls and a cold skin tone, cherry, burgundy or eggplant are ideal from the palette. If the undertone of the skin is light, and she herself is peach or golden, you should use copper, gold or ginger-red. Owners of skin of a cold color of olive tan go well with dark reds. Carriers of black hair are best to give preference to wine shades.

Tips for transforming into a red-haired beauty:

  1. If the decision to change the image is not finally made, it is better to use tinted shampoos or tinted balms. They give a temporary effect, but they will help to understand whether this color suits, whether it will be comfortable. To completely remove the remnants of such products, the use of special cleansing shampoos is most effective.
  2. When switching from dark to red hair color, at first, in order for the pigment to take well, lightening is required. After it, the tone will turn out brighter and more saturated. But from clarification, any paint is very easily washed off. Therefore, you will have to try to keep the brightness on your head for a long time.
  3. To maintain harmony and completeness of the image, you need to pay attention to the eyebrows. Their color should always be two tones darker than the hair and have a similar temperature. That is, with light copper curls, steel-colored eyebrows will look inharmonious.
  4. Stains from red paint are very difficult to wash off, and therefore, when staining, you should use the clothes that you will not feel sorry for.
  5. For girls with blue or green eyes, it is better to use lighter options - they will add more shine to the iris. Brown-eyed people will look brighter with dark colors.

Paint selection

When choosing a manufacturer, type and shade, it is difficult not to make a mistake, because the palette is very rich. Finding a composition that will color is quite difficult, because it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the structure. Therefore, the first painting is best done by a qualified master. He will be able to choose the type of paint based on the condition of the hair.

Porous hair perfectly absorbs the pigment. The color on them is very rich and very juicy. But at the same time, they give off pigment just as easily, which means that in a few weeks you can say goodbye to a bright shade, which will be replaced by a more muted main tone.

Too smooth curls are difficult to dye, style, they do not hold volume and are difficult to assemble into a hairstyle. For such hair, you will need to use ammonia paints - they can penetrate deep into the structure of the rod, coloring from the inside. This type holds the pigment longer.

Coloring with natural products

1. You can paint with henna. This method of dyeing will help strengthen the hair follicle, thereby preventing loss, which often accompanies coloring. When using henna, you can get a rich palette of colors, adjust the brightness by mixing classic powder, colorless and basma in various proportions. You can brew the coloring mixture not with pure water, but with infusions of herbs - it's easier to achieve the desired shade.

Important: gray hair is not covered by natural pigments. For the purpose of painting it, ammonia paint is used.

2. A decoction of onion scales helps to give a golden tone to red hair. Even if you do not use henna, a golden sheen will appear after a few applications. To do this, you need to brew the peel and let it infuse. If you rinse your hair with such a decoction, it changes before your eyes.

3. Saffron gives a bright red hue. This is a very expensive spice, but to give a ruby ​​​​color to red hair, just add a pinch to the coloring mixture.

4. Pomegranate peels can also give a red tint. But in this situation, it is better not to rinse your hair, namely, to brew henna with a decoction. This will allow red-haired girls to acquire a noble reddish glow.

5. Chamomile is not only a natural antiseptic, it gives a light golden glow. There are recipes for lightening with its use. The use of chamomile decoction helps to achieve a golden sheen and radiance.

The acidity of curls and scalp is 5.5. This means that the hair has an acidic natural environment. Therefore, by creating such a pH level, you can achieve maximum effectiveness of care products. Henna also best gives color in an acidic environment. Therefore, you can add a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to the mixture - this will significantly increase the effectiveness of the use of the coloring mixture and help you get a bright red hair color.