Abstract of the lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the second junior group “Dad, mom, I am a friendly family! Abstract of a lesson on cognition in kindergarten in the younger group on the topic: Family


  • To acquaint children with the premises of the group and their purpose.
  • Teach children to navigate in the bedroom, washroom, dressing room.
  • To educate the need to wash hands with soap before eating, after going to the toilet, as they get dirty.
  • Strengthen the ability of children to monitor the cleanliness of their hands, wipe dry with a towel.
  • Teach children how to keep their closets in order.
  • To educate children in accuracy, skillful, careful attitude to objects.
  • Develop a sense of love and pride for your group.

Materials: ball.

Lesson progress:

1. Acquaintance.

Children sit on the carpet in a circle. The teacher calls himself and says that now all the children will name themselves and so everyone will get to know each other. The teacher rolls a ball across the floor to each child and asks: “What is your name?” The child calls himself and rolls the ball back.

So we got to know each other by name.

2. Getting to know the dressing room.

And now we need to get acquainted with our group. Let's take a look at our group together. Let's start with the dressing room.

Where is our dressing room? (They all go to the dressing room together.)

The teacher invites the children to look at the lockers.

- What do you think these lockers are for? (fold clothes).

Why so many lockers? ( because there are many children).

And now we will play the game "Find a locker for your clothes." (Children find their lockers).

Can you please tell me how you found your lockers? (According to the pictures).

That's right, everyone has their own locker and try to remember which picture is shown on it. You will put your clothes in the locker. Now it’s not enough, but when it’s cold, there will be a lot of clothes, so you need to fold it carefully so that it fits in the locker, it doesn’t wrinkle, so that it’s convenient to put it on later.

3. Acquaintance with the washroom.

We have a room in the group where children turn from dirty to clean.

What is this room? (Washroom).

(Children all together with the teacher go to the washroom).

Look closely, what do you see? (Cabinets with towels).

And above each towel pictures. Find your pictures. Where your pictures are, there are your towels and every child should use their own towel. (Children find their towels).

Guys, how can you guess if you are clean or dirty? Neat or sloppy? (Look in the mirror and see).

Look at yourself in the mirror, and if someone doesn’t like something about yourself, correct it, put yourself in order.

Can you please tell me when we wash our hands? (Before meals, after going to the toilet, etc.)

Do you know how to wash your hands properly? (Answers of children).

What are soap and towels for? (Answers of children).

A game is being played for the development of fine motor skills “Washing my hands” (continue to follow the sequence of the washing process).

Hands must be washed clean, sleeves must not be wet

We straighten the towel

We wipe each finger.

4. Acquaintance with the game room.

But the most favorite room for all children is the group room. What do you see in our group? (Toys).

What toys do we have in the group? Etc.

Why do we need tables and chairs? (To eat, exercise).

Why are there so many tables and chairs? (Because there are many children).

Look, we still have various houseplants in the group. They decorate our group, but in order for them to be so beautiful, they need to be looked after. We, the educators, will teach you this.

Guys, look around, what color is our group? (Children name all the colors they see).

How big is our group? (Big).

Where is the floor? (at the bottom). Stomp on the floor with your feet.

Where is the ceiling? (up). Reach the ceiling with your hands, stretch higher.

That's how tall our group is.

And why is the light not on, but in the group it is light? (Because there are windows in the group, and the glass allows light to pass through).

Let's say all the words, what is our group? (Large, beautiful, tall, spacious, bright, cozy, comfortable).

5. Physical education.

ceiling above, (put hands up)

the floor is low, the floor is below, (stomp feet)

Our group is wide (hands to the side)

We all like her (clapping hands).

6. Acquaintance with the bedroom.

The teacher offers to go into the bedroom and name what the children sleep on. (Beds). Draw the children's attention to the bed with pictures. Children find their beds and memorize them.

That's how many items we need to live in a group. Did you like our group? I'm very glad you like her.


1. Help children understand family relationships.

2. Raising a sense of affection and love for their parents.

Program content:

To form the correct idea of ​​the family as people who live together, love each other, take care of each other. Talk about the role of mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, sister, brother.

Understand the role of adults and children in the family.

Let the child feel the joy and pride that he has a family.

Cultivate a desire to take care of loved ones and a sense of affection for them.

Develop fine motor skills.

Vocabulary work: finger names (little finger, ring finger, middle finger, index finger, thumb).

Material: silhouette of a hand with spread fingers, cut out of cardboard; photographs of family members (faces of father, mother, grandfather, grandmother and child); colored pencils for parents; presentation "My family".

Preliminary work:

Looking at family photos. Children's stories about their loved ones. Learning poems about dad, mom, grandmother, grandfather, sister. Learning finger games. A conversation about the family at an unscheduled time, drawing on the topic "My family". Design of the photo exhibition "Let's have a rest with the whole family". Didactic games "Whose baby?", "Who lives in the house?", Construction games "Home furniture", "House for dolls".

For parents: there are tables, 3-4 parents at the tables. On the tables are colored pencils and silhouettes of hands with spread fingers. Task: paint over the palms.

For children: high tables for work, they have photos of the children's family and brushes, glue and napkins.

Lesson progress:

Organizational moment (carried out in a circle).


All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And we smile at each other.

– And now let's smile to our guests and say hello to them.

- Hello!

“Dear children, you are the most beautiful in the world. Here are such good, handsome ones, I invite you to sit on the chairs.

Children sit in a semicircle at the screen.

On the screen is an image of the painting “Chicken, rooster and chickens” (slide No. 2).

Educator: Guys, look who came to visit us today?

Children: A hen, a rooster, and chickens.

- Guys, what do you think, who is the chicken for the chickens? (Mother)

- And who is the cockerel for chickens? (The cockerel is the father of chickens.)

- Do you think they have a friendly family? (Yes, they have a friendly family.)

– How did you guess? (They all live together. Mom takes care of the chickens. Dad protects them from enemies. No one quarrels, no pecking.)

- Guys, a hen with chickens sent us a letter, I wonder what is there?

– Look how many different houses and people live in all of them.

Slide number 5 (image of the house)

- And here is another house, and no one lives in it yet. What a beautiful house! Do you want to live in such a house? (Yes, we do.)

- Do you want everything? Let's put the baby in the house. It can be any of you, Vova or Liza, Danil or Dana, or other guys.

Slide number 6 (a child appears in the house)

- Are you happy in your house? (Yes OK)

Isn't it boring to live alone? (Different children's answers.)

- Guys, who wakes you up in the morning so as not to be late for kindergarten, and feeds you breakfast? (Mom, my mom)

Lisa, tell us a poem about how you love your mother.

Mom brings me

toys, candy,

But I love my mom

Not for that at all.

funny songs

She sings

We are bored together

Never happens.

- Do you love your mother? (Yes, love)

- Why do you love your mother? (Mom takes care of us: buys toys, cooks a delicious dinner, does laundry, cleans, reads books, sews, loves us)

- Tell me the best words about your mother, what is she like? (My mother is kind, caring, affectionate, beautiful, beloved, etc.)

- Guys, do you want your mother to live in your house? (Yes, we want)

Slide number 6 (mother appears in the house next to the child)

- Guys, who do you want to see next to your mother? (Daddy)

- Do you love your dad? (Yes, love, of course)

- Polina, tell us a poem about dad.

My dad does not tolerate idleness and boredom!

Dad has skillful strong hands,

And if someone needs help

My dad is always willing to work.

- Why do you love your dad? How does he take care of you? (Dad rides a car, teaches us to ride a bike, play football, buys toys, takes care of us, protects us)

“So what is your father?” (Dad is good, brave, smart, kind, strong)

- Do you want to put dad in your house? (Yes, we want dad to live in a house with us)

Slide number 7 (child, mom and dad in the house)

- Guys, who are your mom and dad? (They are our parents)

- But your parents also have parents - these are your grandparents. Do you love grandma and grandpa? Let's put them in the house too: first grandmother ...

Slide number 8 (grandmother appears in the house)

Katya, tell us a poem about grandmother.

Mom has a job, dad has a job.

They have Saturday left for me.

Grandma is always at home.

She never scolds me!

He will seat him, feed him: “Yes, do not rush,

Well, what happened to you there? Tell".

I speak, but my grandmother does not interrupt,

Grains of buckwheat sits sorting ...

We're good together like this.

What is a house without a grandmother?

Fizkultminutka with parents and children "Ladushki".

Educator: Guys, stand up, we will rest a little, we also invite parents to relax with us. Let's play with our hands.

Okay, okay, where have you been? By Grandma.

And grandmother's palms are all wrinkled.

(palms up)

And my grandmother's palms are kind, kind.

(Stroke palms.)

All worked palms for many years.

(Bang fist on palm.)

Good palms smell of cabbage soup, pies.

(Bring palms to face and sniff.)

Kind palms will stroke your curls.

(We stroke ourselves.)

And kind palms will cope with any sadness.

(Bring palms to face and blow.)

Okay, okay, where have you been? By Grandma

- Rested? Take your seats.

- Guys, why do you love your grandmother? What can grandma do, let's praise her! (My grandmother is the kindest, she knits, bakes pies, cooks delicious compotes, walks with me, picks me up from kindergarten, treats me with sweets, loves me, takes care of me.)

- Do you love your grandfather too? (Yes, we love.)

- Shall we put him in a house? (Yes, of course we will.)

Slide number 9 (grandfather appears in the house)

Daniel, tell us about your grandfather.

My grandfather dear

We are all proud of you!

And I'll tell you a secret:

There is no better grandfather in the world!

I will always try

Equal to you in everything!

- Guys, let's ask our parents what grandfather can do? (Grandfather repairs, makes, helps grandmother, takes care of everyone.)

- Guys, many of you still have brothers and sisters, older or younger than you. Shall we accommodate our son and daughter with adults? They will be your brother and sister. (Yes, we will settle)

Lisa, tell us about your brother.

I am very proud of my brother

And I'm happy to admit it to everyone!

Familiar from birth, friendly since childhood,

So we really need each other!

- Guys, who has a brother or sister? Do you love them? What does your sister do at home? (Washes dishes, dusts, looks after flowers, does homework.)

- What is your brother doing? (Cleans, takes out the trash, goes to the grocery store, vacuums.)

Slide number 10 (sister and brother settled)

- This is what a friendly and large family has gathered in our house, they all live together, take care of each other, help each other in all matters. It's good that we all have a family!

- Guys, are you loved in the family? (Yes, they do.)

- How did you know that they love you? (They kiss me, caress me, say good words, pity me, play with me, take care of me.)

- Guys, why are you loved in the family? (I obey, I eat well, I love mom and dad, I help dad and mom, I put away toys.)

- Well done! So you also take care of your family. Listen to your parents, help them, put away your toys. You don't want to upset adults: mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, brothers and sisters - your whole family. How nice it is when a person has a friendly family! And at our fingers, look, a friendly family. Let's play with the finger family. Parents are asked to join us. Squeeze your left hand into a fist, and with your right hand you will gradually unbend each finger on your left hand. (Movements are accompanied by text.)

Finger game "My family"

This finger is a grandfather


This finger is a grandmother,

(index finger)

This finger is daddy

(middle finger)

This finger is mommy

(ring finger)

This finger is me

(little finger or little finger)

That's my whole family!

- And now, together with your parents, take your hands and photographs of the family. Spread them across your fingers.

Music is playing. (Children's song about family.)

- Who is the youngest in the family? (It's me.) Find your picture and put it on your little finger.

- On the ring finger - a photo of your mother next to you, did you find it?

- On the middle finger - a photograph of dad, find and put next to mom.

- On the index finger - a photograph of my grandmother.

- Thumb - who is it? (Grandfather) That's right, put a photograph of grandfather there.

- Look, you have a big friendly family on your palm. Everyone in the family loves each other, takes care of each other and helps each other.

I know that I have a friendly family at home:

This is my mother, this is me, this is my grandmother.

This is dad, this is grandfather, and we have no discord.

A word to a psychologist.

- So, guys, what did we talk about today and what did we do? (We talked about the family. The family is the closest people: mom, dad, brothers and sisters, grandparents. Everyone in the family loves each other, cares about each other, helps each other.)

- Well done boys! I want to wish you that this palm brings a piece of warmth and light from our lesson to your family. But first, let's warm up our group and guests, show our beautiful hands.

Music plays, children stand up and raise their hands up.

What do the colors in which parents painted their hands mean?

Black is authoritarianism. People who prefer black are mysteries. They unconsciously want to attract the attention of others, as the black color is curious, because it hides something interesting and scary. If you wear only black, then this may indicate that you are missing something essential in life. Thus, you protect yourself from unpleasant reality, trying to hide. It is better to get out of this state. But this should be done slowly, gradually changing the attributes of black clothes to other bright colors.

Red is the color of passion. If this is a favorite color, then such a person is brave. This is a strong-willed, imperious type, quick-tempered and sociable. In addition, he is an altruist. People who are annoyed by this color have an inferiority complex, fear of quarrels, a tendency to solitude, stability in relationships. Red color symbolizes excitement, energy.

Brown is chosen by those who firmly and confidently stood on their feet. People who have a weakness for him appreciate traditions, family. The preference for brown reflects, first of all, the desire for simple instinctive experiences, primitive sensual joys. However, the choice of this color as the most preferred also indicates a certain physical exhaustion. Normally, along with black, brown is most often rejected.

Yellow symbolizes calmness, ease in relations with people, intelligence. When he is loved, it means sociability, curiosity, courage, easy adaptability and enjoyment of the opportunity to please and attract people to him. The greatest preference for yellow is given by pregnant women who are expecting a successful outcome of childbirth, and people who are prone to changing places. Yellow is also interpreted as the color of illumination (halo of Christ or Buddha).

Blue is the color of the sky, peace, relaxation. If you like him, then this speaks of modesty and melancholy. Such a person often needs to rest, he gets tired quickly, a sense of confidence, benevolence of others is extremely important to him. In short, the choice of blue as the most preferred color reflects the physiological and psychological need of a person for peace, and the rejection of it means that a person avoids relaxation. With illness or overwork, the need for blue increases.

Green is the color of nature, nature, life itself, spring. The one who prefers it is afraid of someone else's influence, looking for a way of self-assertion, since this is vitally important for him. Anyone who does not love him is afraid of everyday problems, the vicissitudes of fate, in general, all difficulties. Green color contains hidden potential energy, reflects the degree of volitional tension, so people who prefer green color strive for self-confidence and confidence in general.

Application. Presentation for the lesson.

Ajitarova Rushaniya Raulyevna, educator, MBDOU "DS No. 87"


Activities: playful, communicative, cognitive, productive.

Goals: Introduce children to the concept of "family", develop communication skills, answer questions from the teacher; to educate in children responsiveness, kindness, the ability to rejoice and empathize; develop fine motor skills of the hands; to consolidate the ability to mold oval lumps from plasticine, to instill interest in fine arts.

Materials and equipment: flannelograph, family pictures, family finger characters, plasticine, modeling boards, napkins.

  1. Organizing time.

Educator: Hello guys!

Let's look at each other, smile and say - Hello!

(Children greet.)

  1. Main part. Familiarization of children with the concept of "family".

The teacher shows finger characters (family) from behind the screen.

- Guys, look who came to us? Let's say hello. (The teacher shows the finger game "this finger ...", encouraging the children to finish the words.

This finger grandfather - showing thumb with thumb

grandfather toy.

This finger is a grandmother - shows the index finger - grandmother.

This finger mommy - shows the middle finger - mommy.

This finger daddy - shows the ring finger - daddy.

This finger I - shows a little finger with a baby doll.

That's my whole family - shows the characters by raising his hand high.

caregiver. Guys, tell me who this finger is? (children name each finger: grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, child).

Look at the board carefully and say who is shown in these pictures. (children look at pictures of the family).

- Guys, do you have a mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother? (children answer yes

Is grandpa the same as dad? Grandfather is gray-haired, there are wrinkles on his face - he is old. Dad has no gray white hair, no wrinkles - he is young. Is mom the same as grandma? (a similar comparison is made). And who is this? - a child (an adult names comparative characteristics.) This is a grandfather, this is a grandmother, this is a father, this is a mother, this is a child (children list finger heroes together with an adult.) And together they are a family. An adult asks each child if he has a mother, father, grandfather, grandmother and what are their names? Does he love them? Clarifies that everyone has a family, everyone in the family loves each other and cares about each other.

Physical education minute

Finger gymnastics

I bake, I bake, I bake

All the kids have a pie,

And for the sweet mother

I'll bake two gingerbread.

Eat, eat mama

Delicious two gingerbread.

I will call the guys

I'll treat you to pies.

  1. Modeling "The hedgehog has needles."

There is a knock on the door and a little hedgehog comes in.

caregiver. Guys, look, a little hedgehog has come to us. He is alone and has no one. He is very bored without friends and family. Let's take pity on him and make new friends from plasticine.

The teacher shows the children how to sculpt a hedgehog. Children under the guidance of a teacher sculpt a hedgehog. We attach to the body of the hedgehog blanks from matches - needles.

Educator. Guys, here we are with you such good fellows! Look how many friends this hedgehog has now, how happy he is and thanks us. How nice it is when every person has a friendly family! In a family everyone cares about each other and loves each other, then peace, friendship and love always live in such a family.

Used Books:

  1. Visual activity in kindergarten. Junior group. Lykova I.A.
  2. Abstracts of classes in the first junior group of kindergarten N.A. Karpukhin.

Lesson in the 2nd younger group.

Theme: "My family".

Target: continue to form children's ideas about the family and its members.


Educational: Learn to name family members correctly. Define "family". To consolidate the concepts of grandson, granddaughter, son, daughter.

Enrichment and activation of the vocabulary of children through adjectives (strong, brave, old, gray-haired, kind, affectionate, beautiful)

Consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes.

Developing: Develop an idea of ​​the family as people who live together, love each other. To consolidate the skills of working with a glue brush, using previously learned application techniques. Develop attention, memory, thinking. Strengthen the muscles of the hands.

Educational: Cultivate good manners: say hello, say goodbye. Cultivate love for your loved ones.

Integration of educational areas:"Cognition", "Communication", "Artistic creativity", "Physical culture".

Material: Masha doll, riddles, pictures depicting mom, dad, grandparents and several children, a house, geometric shapes cut out of colored paper for a house, glue, brush, sheet of paper.

Course progress.

Guys, Masha doll came to visit us.

Say hello to her. (Hello)

Doll Masha brought a letter with her. Let's see what's in it. (teacher opens letter)

Yes, there are mysteries. Guys, do you like to solve riddles? (Yes)

The first riddle.

Who is the cutest person in the world?

Who do children love the most?

I will answer the question directly:

Our sweetest .... (mom)

Interview with 3-4 children.

Do you have mothers? (Yes)

Kolya, what is your mother's name? Etc.

And what does your mother call, Olya, affectionately? Etc.

How do you help your mom around the house? (vacuuming, clearing dishes from the table, sweeping)

Well done!

The second riddle.

Who will teach you how to hammer a nail

And tell you how to be brave

Strong, agile and skillful?

All you guys know

This is our favorite .... (dad)

Interview with 3-4 children.

Tanya, what is your father's name? Etc.

Who are you to dad? (daughter or son)

Vanya, what is your father like? (strong, brave)

Doll Masha, our guys have both mom and dad, which means “family”. When in a family mom, dad and child are a small family (the teacher puts an image of mom, dad, child on the easel). But there can also be brothers and sisters in the family, then the family is large (the teacher puts pictures of two more children on the easel).

Guys, who has a brother or sister in the family? (children's answers).

Guys, now let's count who lives in your apartment, and the Masha doll will watch.

Physical education minute"Who lives in our apartment?"

Who lives in our apartment? (marching)

Mom, dad, brother, sister, (spring)

I can barely count them all

The most important is me (point to themselves)

That's my whole family! (hands up)

The third riddle.

Tie warm gloves

Will play patty.

There are gray strands in the hair,

That's mine …. (grandmother).

Interview with 3-4 children.

Alina, what is your grandmother's name? (etc.)

What are you to grandma? (grandson or granddaughter)

What can grandma do? (bake pies, clean up ...)

What is your grandmother like? (kind, affectionate, beautiful) (the teacher puts the image with the grandmother on the easel)

Well done guys, our doll loves the way you respond.

And now we are going to play game with our palms, which speaks of the kindest and most caring in our family - grandmother.

"Okay, okay,

Where were you?

By Grandma! (clap hands)

And grandmother's hands

All in wrinkles are collected. (show hands palms up)

And grandmother's hands

The good ones are kind. (stroke palms together)

All worked palms

For many years. (tap fists on palms)

Good palms smell

Schami with pies. (put palms up to face as if sniffing)

Your curls will be stroked

Good palms. (imitates stroking)

And with any sadness they will cope

Warm palms. (fold palms, bring to face, blow on them)

almonds, almonds,

Where were you?

By Grandma! (clap hands)

And now Masha will guess last riddle .

Who sits on a chair in the hall,

Knows everything that is in the magazine?

For football and hunting

Very eager to go with him.

He will give us an answer for everything.

This is our favorite .... (grandfather)

Interview with 3-4 children.

Guys, do you have grandparents? (Yes)

Dima, what is your grandfather's name? (etc.)

And who are you for grandfather? (grandson or granddaughter)

And what is your grandfather? (strong, old, gray-haired) (the teacher puts an image with grandfather on the easel)

Guys, you guessed all the riddles that Masha brought.

Guys, what were the riddles about? (about mom, dad, grandparents) (the teacher points to the easel)

All the relatives with whom you live are one big family.

Guys, where do you live with your family? (in the house, in the apartment)

And our family also has a house (the teacher puts a cardboard house on the easel)

Application "House".

Guys, and now for our Masha, let's make houses and give her a souvenir.

What will we make a house from? (from geometric shapes)

What figure do you think we will make the roof of? (triangle)

And what shape will we make a house from? (rectangle)

What shape will we make a window from? (square)

First we will stick the house itself, then the roof, then the window. (teacher shows)

Children paste. (if there is time left, you can draw the sun, clouds, path, grass with a pencil)

Guys, you have turned out beautiful, bright houses.

Give them to Masha doll. (give)

It's time for the doll to leave, say goodbye to her.


Who came to visit us? (doll Masha)

What did we do today? (guessed riddles, played, glued houses)

Who are we talking about today? (about family….)

Synopsis of GCD in the younger group on the topic

"My friendly family"

Target : to form ideas about the family and its members, about the friendly relations of relatives; about the emotional state of family members;


1. to cultivate love and respect for their relatives;

2.form the concept: my home, my family;

3. to evoke joy in children from the image they created;

4.form the skill of neat work.

Material and equipment: pictures depicting family members, a picture depicting the whole family, a double-sided palm with sad and cheerful faces, a paper white house, various figures cut out of colored paper.


1 .G.G. Grigorieva "Development of a preschooler in visual activity" M. Akadem 2000

2.T.G.Kazakova "Develop creativity in children." M. Enlightenment 1985

Organizing time.

Educator: Guys, listen, someone is knocking. Who is it that came to visit us? (Hedgehog enters)

Hedgehog: Hello guys! I brought you a letter, your address is written here. Here, take it. (Hands over to teacher)

Educator: Hello, hedgehog! Thank you very much, come in, be our guest.

Hedgehog: Not when I, I still have a lot to do. I'll be sure to check it out next time guys!

All: Goodbye, hedgehog. Come visit us again.

Puzzles. Conversation about family members.

Educator: Children, let's see what kind of letter the hedgehog brought us. Guys, this is a mystery. Now listen to the riddle:

She radiates light

A dimple from a smile ...

Nobody is more valuable

Than native…

Children: Mom.

(Exposes a picture of mother on a flannelograph).

Conversation (survey of 2-3 children):

How is your mother's name?

Who are you for mom?

What does your mother affectionately call you?

Teacher: Great! Now listen to the following riddle:

Guess who is it?

Kind, strong, clever, brave.

I'm waiting for your answer guys

Well done! Certainly…

Children: Dad.

Educator: Well done, guys, right!

(Exposes a picture of dad).

Conversation (survey of 2-3 children):

What name of your father?

Who are you to dad?

Teacher: Great, guys! Read the following riddle:

All economy: quinoa,

Yes Corydalis Ryabushka,

But cheesecakes always

We will be fed...

Children: Grandmother.

Educator: Well done, guys, right!

(Exposes a picture of a grandmother).

Conversation (survey of 2-3 children):

What are you to grandma?

Educator: Well done! And here's another riddle:

Soak in warm milk

He's a piece of bread

Walks with a stick in his hand

Our beloved…

Children: Grandpa.

Educator: Yes, guys, right!

(Exposes a picture of a grandfather).

Conversation (survey of 2-3 children):

Who are you to grandpa?

Teacher: Great, guys! You are all just smart.

(Exposes a picture of the whole family).

And all these people together are called by one word - Family. Guys, let's show our family on the palm of our hand.

Finger gymnastics "Family".

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother,

This finger is dad

This finger is mom

And this finger is me,

That's my whole family.

(Palm with sad faces is exposed).

Teacher: Oh guys. Something happened in this family. Look how sad they are. What do you think could happen?

Children: They quarreled.

Teacher: What do you think we can do?

Children: We need to reconcile the family.

Educator: Of course, guys, the family needs to be reconciled!

Mobile game "Reconciled"

Bad mood in our family in the morning,

And that's why things don't go well in our family.

(head down, arms along the body, turns to the right, to the left)

Our grandfather has a backache all day,

(lean forward, hands behind back)

An old grandmother's head is spinning,

(circular head movements)

Daddy wanted to hammer a nail, suddenly hit on his finger

(banging fists against each other)

Mom's dinner burned down, we have a scandal in the family

(looks at open palms)

Let's reconcile them, you need to love your family.

Let's smile at each other and hold hands

(hold hands and smile at each other)

Let's all hug together and then make peace!

(The family was reconciled, we turn the palm over, the family smiles).

Educator: Guys, look, the whole family is smiling again, everything is fine with them, they have reconciled. Where do you think the family lives?

Children: In your house.

(A paper white house is superimposed on the palm, with windows for each finger).

Application "Beautiful house".

Educator: Guys, look how sad the house is. What do you think should be done to make the house cheerful and beautiful? (Children express their guesses.) Let's decorate it and make it beautiful. The children and the teacher decorate the house.

Teacher: Well done guys! Look how beautiful and festive the house turned out for the family. Let's tell a poem about the house for everyone.

Children and teacher:

Houses are different

Brick, frame.

With iron balconies;

There are even snow

Just like the real ones.

But the best is mine

I live in it

With my family.
