Short poems about the new year for children. New Year's poems for children New Year's poems for children

In this collection, we have collected the kindest short poems about the new year that kids can easily learn on the "Yolka". Only the very best New Year's poems and rhymes for children 3, 4 and 5 years old for a holiday in a nursery and kindergarten.

Santa Claus carries toys
And garlands, and firecrackers.
Good gifts
The holiday will be bright!

Santa Claus, though old,
But he's naughty like a little one:
Stings cheeks, nose tickles,
He wants to grab by the ears.
Santa Claus, do not blow in the face,
Stop, do you hear
Don't pamper!

I am a cheerful Santa Claus,
Came to you today
I brought you gifts
On New Year's holiday!
Shout out loud all Hurray!
It's time to give gifts!

Bear cub clumsy
Washes the nose in the morning with a paw,
He is New Year's
Going to meet for the first time.

(T. Marshalova)

Mom decorated the tree
Anya helped her mother;
Gave her toys
Stars, balloons, crackers.

He grew to my eyebrows,
He climbed into my boots.
They say he is Santa Claus,
And naughty like a little one.

We celebrate the holiday
We decorate the Christmas tree
We hang toys
Balls, crackers.

The New Year has already passed.
Santa Claus has gone home.
He gave gifts to everyone.
Poor Grandfather is tired.

(Yu. Koltsova)

Herringbone fluffy
She came to visit us.
Golden beads
Braided in branches.
bright balls
Pleases the people.
Say with us:
"Hello New Year!"

(T. Gusarova)

Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree
He lit the fires on her.
And the needles shine on it,
And on the branches - snow!

The Christmas tree is dressing up -
The holiday is approaching.
New Year at the gate
The tree is waiting for the kids.

Fun on the streets
After all, the New Year is coming soon.
Boys and girls
Gathered in a round dance
Around a big tree.
green needles
They burn from frost
Calling passers-by
To the holiday parade.

From under the furry Christmas tree
Waving foxes with a fluffy paw:
"Here he is - Santa Claus!
He brought snow with him!

Children lead a round dance,
They clap their hands.
Hello hello.
New Year! You are so good!

New Year's Carnival
Serpentine bright light
Even sent to adults
Hello from childhood!

The tree burst into flames
The tinsel sparkled
Beads, stars played,
The child screamed:
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!-
And started dancing together
New Year's round dance.
It's time for fun!

(S. Loseva)

The horn shines for a month,
Thick snow is falling
Christmas trees dressed up
In shining needles

Someone pinches us on the nose
This is Santa Claus
And the clock is running forward
The New Year is coming.

(E. Erato)

Santa Claus came to us
Let's have fun
We will sing and dance
Spin around with the music.

Christmas tree, you are a Christmas tree
The tree is just amazing
See for yourself,
How beautiful she is!

We celebrate the holiday.
We decorate the Christmas tree
We hang toys.
Balls, crackers.

Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
Here she is
Slender, beautiful,
Bright, big.

Santa Claus goes to the holiday
In a red coat, in felt boots,
He brings gifts
For little kids!

white snowflakes
Winter has come to us.
Decorated Christmas trees
Streets, houses.

Brought us a fairy tale -
New Year holiday.
Let dreams come true!
May you always be lucky!

The Christmas tree was decorated for the holiday
Fun to tears!
Who brings us gifts?
It's Santa Claus!

Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree,
I lit the fires on her
And the needles shine on it,
And on the branches - snow!

Shine, Christmas tree lights,
Hac to the holiday call!
Fulfill all desires
Make all your dreams come true!

She stands fluffy,
Silver from the snow!
beautiful needles
At the Christmas tree.

Balls hanging on branches
magic lanterns,
And beads and snowflakes
And blue ice cubes!

At the Christmas tree
green needles,
And from top to bottom
Beautiful toys.

Hello, New Year's holiday,
Christmas tree and winter holiday!
All my friends today
We'll invite you to the Christmas tree.

It's snowing outside the window
So it's New Year's Eve.
Santa Claus is on his way
It takes a long time for him to go to us
Through the snowy fields

Through the snowdrifts, through the forests.
He will bring a Christmas tree
In silver needles.
Happy New Year will congratulate us
And leave gifts for us.

Hello, Santa Claus, we have been waiting for you:
They taught songs, decorated the Christmas tree,
We will light the lights on the Christmas tree now,
The most beautiful Christmas tree we have!

Outside the window, a flock of snowflakes
He also leads a round dance.
Saying goodbye to the old year,
We are celebrating the New Year.

It's snowing, it's snowing
So it's New Year's Eve
Santa Claus will come to us
Bring gifts to everyone.

The girls stood in a circle.
They got up and shut up.
Santa Claus lit the fires
On a high tree.

On top of the star
Beads in two rows.
Let the tree not go out
May it always burn!

It happens in the world
That only once a year
They light up the tree
A wonderful star.

The star burns, does not melt,
Shines beautiful ice.
And immediately comes
Happy New Year!

Beautiful snowflakes
They descend from heaven.
And the forest, as in the picture,
Full of miracles.

Through the New Year's forest
Hiding your nose behind the collar
Lucky gifts are sweet
I'm Santa Claus!

Santa Claus
I am writing a letter.
Truck with trailers
Baby needs!

black tires,
And three trailers...
long car
You give me!

Dad chose a Christmas tree
the most fluffy
the most fluffy
The most fragrant...
The tree smells like this -
Mom gasps immediately!
(A. Usachev)

The tree came to visit us,
Brought joy to the children!

Santa Claus is dancing with us
Makes everyone happy today
And under the tree are distributed
Jokes, jokes, laughter!

Shine with lights, tree,
Call us for a holiday
Fulfill all desires
Make all your dreams come true!

Red-cheeked and broad-shouldered
Dear Santa Claus!
All decorated in fluffy snow
And he brought gifts!

Who's come? What did you bring?
We know: Santa Claus,
Grandfather gray-haired, with a beard,
He is our dear guest.
He will light the Christmas tree for us
Sing songs with us.

Soon, soon the New Year!
Santa Claus is coming soon.
He gives us gifts
And he asks us to read poetry.

Santa Claus is coming soon
Will bring us gifts
apples, sweets,
Santa Claus, where are you?

Christmas tree, Christmas tree, bright lights!
Blue beads, Christmas tree ring!
We will stand under the Christmas tree in a friendly round dance.
Have fun, have fun in the New Year!

Why do we love the New Year?
For the brightest holiday!
For the fact that Santa Claus will come,
And bring gifts.

We are celebrating the New Year!
We lead a noisy round dance,
Songs are pouring, laughter is heard
Our tree is the best.

Despite the fact that everyone celebrates the New Year in different ways, we all have one thing in common - the anticipation of the holiday, which gives an amazing feeling of happiness to both children and adults. This day is always associated with a fairy tale and magic, adding to life a lot of bright emotions that warm for a long time. Even nature feels the approach of this day: the river is covered with a strong layer of ice, the snow begins to creak merrily underfoot, and the trees sparkle in the sun with their snow-white clothes. So, the most important holiday of the year is already very close!

But you should start preparing for it in advance. Especially to toddlers. For example, with the choice of poems that can be told at the Christmas tree to Grandfather Frost and receive a cherished gift for it, at a matinee at school or kindergarten in front of your friends or in a warm family circle, delighting all family members.

Beautiful good New Year's poems will add even more magic and miracles to the holiday. "Letidor" has collected the most interesting poems about the New Year for children of different ages. You can quickly and easily learn them, and at the same time plunge into the festive bustle of New Year's preparations.

For babies

For young children, it is worth choosing understandable, simple and short poems. Quatrains will suffice. They can be taught individually or combined into one poem.

Snow fell, frost set in, The cat washes its nose with its paw, White snowflakes melt on the puppy's black back!

Oh, what a good, kind Santa Claus! He brought us a Christmas tree for the holiday From the forest. Lights sparkle: Red, blue! Good for us, Christmas tree, Have fun with you!

Santa Claus brought us a Christmas tree, He lit the lights on it. And the needles shine on it, And on the branches there is snow.

It's snowing, it's snowing, it means the New Year is coming soon, Santa Claus will come to us, bring gifts to everyone.

I've been waiting for the New Year for a long time, I blew on snowflakes through the window. In the yard of a growing Christmas tree, Snow sprinkled needles. If Santa Claus knocks, Elkin's nose will not freeze.

In the morning the first snow fell; White and cold. So soon the New Year's holiday will come to us. The lights on our Christmas tree will sparkle brightly! And cheerful Santa Claus will bring gifts.

It so happens in the world that only once a year a lucky star is lit on the Christmas tree! The star burns, does not melt, beautiful ice shines. And a Happy New Year is about to begin!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Congratulations to all guys. Let the Christmas tree sparkle for us, Songs ring merrily!

Hello, forest tree, Silvery, dense. You grew up under the sun And came to us for a holiday.

We celebrate the New Year, decorate the Christmas tree, Hang toys, Balls, crackers.

Outside the window, a flock of snowflakes, Also leads a round dance. Saying goodbye to the old year, We celebrate the New Year.

Soon Santa Claus will come, He will bring us gifts, Apples, sweets, Santa Claus, where are you?

Collection of New Year's poems for children of preschool and primary school age.

Short New Year's poems for children 2-4 years old


We celebrate the holiday
We decorate the Christmas tree

We hang toys:
Balls, crackers.

Hello New Year!

Children lead a round dance,
They clap their hands.

Hello hello.
New Year! You are so good!

Christmas snowflakes

christmas snowflakes,
Like a speck of silver

spinning, flying,
The kids are touched.

Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree

Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree
He lit the fires on her.

And the needles shine on it,
And on the branches - snow!

Shine, Christmas tree lights

Shine, Christmas tree lights,
Call us for a holiday!

Fulfill all desires
Make all your dreams come true!

Santa Claus sits by the Christmas tree

Santa Claus sits by the Christmas tree
Hiding his head in a bag

Don't torment us too long
Untie the sack!

Who brought us presents?

Who brought us presents?
This is Santa Claus.

He has a surprise for everyone -
You will receive a prize for a poem.

Santa Claus come on get up

Santa Claus come on get up
Set an example for children

In a dance with a foot, then a second
Nothing that all gray-haired

The white winter has come

The white winter has come
New Year brought us

The puddles were choked with ice,
Covered the ground in snow

And she said: I have
Everything is clean for the celebration!

Hurry Santa Claus!

The holiday has come
Brought smiles
To us red-nosed
Hurry Santa Claus!

Candies, gifts
Lucky on a carriage
Will give smiles
Both adults and children!

Christmas tree

The girls stood in a circle
They got up and shut up.
Santa Claus lit the fires
On a tall tree.

Above the star
Beads in two rows.
Let the tree not go out
May it always burn!

New Year is knocking on the door

It's snowing, snowflakes are flying
The New Year is knocking on the door.
Congratulations mom and dad
And loved by all friends.

We will lead a round dance
And wait for gifts together.
We love this holiday very much.
We will sing and dance.

Cheerful New Year!

Coming to visit us soon
Cheerful New Year!
And a whole load of gifts
Prepared by Santa Claus!

Come visit us little animals
Bring us toys
Let's decorate the tree!
Let's bring the holiday closer!

New Year's poems for children 5-7 years old

Christmas tree

It's time to celebrate the New Year
Together we will shout: "Hurrah!".
Who brought us presents?
Well, of course, Santa Claus.

We will jump at the Christmas tree
Not afraid of her needles
Let's become together in a round dance:
Hello, hello New Year!


All covered with lace
Christmas trees, benches, houses,
Painted in white
All magician winter.

The clock is running faster
Adjusting the time course,
Open doors wider
And let the New Year in!


White, snowy winter,
New Year's Eve,
Miracles come to us
With them, the Christmas tree is beautiful!

And of course Santa Claus
Red cheeks and nose.
He dances and sings
And giving out gifts!

I will tell him a poem
He will give me the whole bag!

You have to believe in a miracle!

Santa Claus sits in a sleigh.
He will congratulate the children -
Will bring gifts to everyone,
After all, the New Year is coming.

How does he get everywhere?
Nobody knows.
How does he remember addresses?
It's just miracles.

But I know on New Year's
Will definitely find
Santa Claus and our doors.
You just have to believe in miracles!

A blizzard howls outside the window

A blizzard howls outside the window,
But don't be scared kids
Snow covered fun each other
Let's throw in the yard!

Let's build a snow fort
Let's make a snowman in it
We will arrange a holiday for ourselves
Called Winter!

Moms will be unhappy
Red on noses
So what! And we stubbornly
We'll bring snow in our boots!

What does the new year smell like?

smells like new year
Christmas tree branches

smells like new year
Delicious sweets:

Sweet pastille
chocolate smooth

Smells like oranges
New cars

dolls and books
Plush bears.

cartoons, fairy tales,
skis, sledges,

Take a breath - and ahni! (Oh!)
Smells like children's happiness!

What is New Year?

What is New Year?
It's the other way around:
Christmas trees grow in the room
Squirrels do not gnaw cones,

Hares next to the wolf
On a thorny tree!
The rain is also not easy,
In the New Year it is golden,

Shine that there is urine,
Nobody gets wet
Even Santa Claus
Doesn't pinch anyone's nose.

Santa Claus is visiting

We decorate the Christmas tree together,
Santa Claus is visiting.
He knows the way to children
With them leads a round dance!

And the Snow Maiden is nearby -
Granddaughter, beautiful girl.
She is in a blue dress
A blond braid in the belt.

Come, come,
We are very, very waiting for you.
Together we will tell you poems,
Let's sing a song for fun!

About the snowman

We made a snowman today
They wanted to dress her up for Christmas.

They put a funny hat on Baba.
But then, as luck would have it, blizzards hit

And they wrapped the snow woman in snow,
They covered Baba up to the very hat

Then we were looking for her in the snow for a long time
And they barely dug it out of the snow!

And Baba stood and smiled at us.
Satisfied Baba, that she remained whole!

New Year!

The green tree shines with lights,
The snow does not melt on her needles,
The garlands are flashing and the stars are shining,
And the guys were invited to the celebration.

The guys came all in costumes and masks,
Under the tree we have a New Year's fairy tale -
Here is the dog Artemon, and the funny Pinocchio,
And the sad Pierrot, and the beauty Malvina.

Heroes came to the enchanted forest
Many miracles will be seen today ...
And everyone in this fairy tale at the end will be lucky,
After all, we have a magical holiday - the New Year!

New Year's poems for elementary school

Letter to Frost

I am writing a letter to Frost,
What has been serious all year,
I didn't break the rules
And I got five!

Give a wonderful grandfather
No toys, no candy!
And sister and brother
Am I asking too much?

I'm bored of playing alone
Let's be a friendly family!

Father Frost

Santa Claus is a funny eccentric,
Does not grumble, does not frown,
He is not at home
He rushes to visit the kids.

Draws a pattern on the window
And the Christmas tree will dance
All the lights will light up around
Santa Claus is our winter friend!

And when everyone goes to bed
He won't grieve
He rushes home
Send gifts to us!

The winter vacation

The winter vacation,
wonderful time,
Christmas tree is elegant,
Tinsel sparkles!

Fluffy snow is falling
shining white,
And I'm on a sled
From the icy hill!

I know very soon
The New Year will come
Santa Claus is funny to me
Bring a gift!

Winter will not deceive us

Behind the snow, clouds,
Beyond gray skies
In the realm of cold and ice
The winter lingered.

It will come, then it will deceive,
That will sprinkle us a little.
New Year beckons, beckons,
Hiding miracles somewhere.

The blizzard howls, scares everyone,
It freezes, it melts
That, frowning, threatens,
That makes a star shine.

New Year, languishing in captivity,
I gave the days to the calendar.
Winter will not deceive us
There will be a holiday as always!

New Year's Eve

They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you wish -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

Maybe even the guys
All wishes come true
All you need, they say
Put in the effort.

Don't be lazy, don't yawn
And have patience
And learning does not count
For your pain.

They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you wish -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

How can we not guess
humble desire -
On "excellent" to perform
School assignments.

So that the students
Began to work
To deuce in diaries
Couldn't get through!

White birch

White birch
under my window
covered with snow,
Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches
snow border
Brushes blossomed
White fringe.

And there is a birch
In sleepy silence
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire

A dawn, lazy
Walking around,
Sprinkles branches
New silver.

Β» Poems about the New Year

Poems about the New Year

Time slips through your fingers like sand
Weeks, years are rushing by weekdays!
The usual way of the winter holiday changes,
When there are Christmas trees around, lights, vanity!

So let the magic happen these days
The magic of festive, joyful days!
And a fairy tale will knock on your door at the same moment,
Fulfilling your desires soon!


Let it respond with a spark of warmth,
This holiday is glorious in everyone's heart,
So that the soul blossoms with happiness,
And so that one day life becomes a fairy tale!

He will make cherished dreams come true
The most beautiful and boldest hopes,
And there will be more kindness in the world.
On this winter holiday, snow-white!


New year, new snow
Like a blank page.
And on it a person draws his route.
Take a run
And familiar faces
You will be taken on the road and they will come to help.

Through frost and blizzard
Managed to get through
Was not a burden, but in favor of the experience of the past years.
Like white snow
So that on a new page
You wrote the story of your new victories!


When tomorrow the sun will rise
And the snow will continue to fly
Not just a new day will come,
The New Year is coming!

Walk along the branches of the spruce,
Touches the ice of lakes and rivers
And will overshadow us with new happiness,
To make a person smile

To go through life without hesitation,
He created and loved his neighbor,
So that the cold of all insidious ice floes
Melted with a warm heart!


For children 2-3 years old πŸŽ„

Santa Claus brought us a Christmas tree
He lit the fires on her.
And the needles shine on it,
And snow on the branches.


The round dance began
Songs are pouring loudly
It means New Year!
It means - tree!


Santa Claus goes to the holiday
In a red coat, in felt boots,
He brings gifts
For little kids!


White - white snowfall
Spinning around in the yard.
It's a bright New Year
There is a knock on our door.


For children 3-4 years old πŸŽ„

Winter before the holiday
For the green tree
Dress white herself
Sewn without a needle.
Shake off the white snow
Christmas tree with a bow
And is the most beautiful of all
In a green dress.
Green color suits her
Elka knows this.
How is she on New Year's Eve?
Well dressed!

πŸ““ T. Volgina


They are in our box
Magic toys:
silver stars,
garlands and crackers.
We decorated the tree.
I stood on a stool
And three crystal balls
hung it on a branch.

πŸ““ A. Usachev


Candles and balls on the Christmas tree
Hanging out with mom
Snowflakes, rain of tinsel,
And at the very top
A huge star is burning
Playing and sparkling!
And my mother says softly:
Ah, what a beauty!

πŸ““ R. Maskaeva


New Year's Days!
The snow is frosty, prickly.
lights lit up
On a fluffy tree.
The ball swung painted,
The beads rang
Smells like forest freshness
From resinous spruce.


For children 5-6 years old πŸŽ„

Everyone is waiting, of course, for the New Year,
And I - sorry Old.
After all, he will completely leave us!
I even felt sad.
And I'm already used to it
I became friends with him for a year.
I became friends with him because
That learned to swim
What the sea saw for the first time
And that a little sister was born.
I really felt sad
That the year is leaving Old.
And the New Year
As a new guest:
He is, of course, happy
But to him
For a whole year
You still need to get used to it!

πŸ““ E. Grigorieva


Through the white valley
Santa Claus is in a hurry, as before.
On the road, on the country road,
To join us on the Christmas tree,
Bring a bunch of surprises
Meet the best holiday!
And of course we all
Ready to meet him
Sing, dance, read poetry,
Celebrate the New Year together!


Here it is, our Christmas tree,
In the blaze of radiant lights!
She seems to be the most beautiful
All greener and more lush.
A fairy tale is hidden in the green:
The white swan swims
Bunny slides on a sleigh
The squirrel gnaws nuts.
Here it is, our Christmas tree,
In the blaze of radiant lights!
We all dance for joy
On New Year's Day under it!

πŸ““ E. Blaginina


Winter before the holiday
For the green tree
Dress white herself
Sewn without a needle.
Shake off the white snow
Christmas tree with a bow
And is the most beautiful of all
In a green dress.
Green color suits her
Elka knows this.
How is she on New Year's Eve?
Well dressed!

πŸ““ T. Volgina


For children 6-7 years old πŸŽ„

Painter picture
I've been painting all night
Worked conscientiously
Peace did not know.
And here on the windows
Already turned white
tall pines,
Fluffy firs.
Then we saw
There is a sky
Where the stars are merry
They led a round dance,
Snowflakes fluttered
One by one -
So the windows frost
Decorated in winter.

πŸ““ A. Melnikov


Santa Claus walked through the forest
Past the maples and birches,
Past the clearings, past the stumps,
Walked through the forest for eight days.
He walked through the forest -
He dressed the Christmas trees in beads.
This New Year's Eve
He will take them to the guys.
Silence in the meadows
Shining yellow moon.
All trees are in silver
Hares dance on the mountain
Ice sparkles on the pond
The New Year is coming!

πŸ““ Z. Aleksandrova


Christmas tree lights up
Under her shadows are blue,
prickly needles
As if in white frost.
She thawed out in warmth
Straightened out the needles
And with funny songs
We came to our Christmas tree.
Multicolored toys
For us they hung on it,
And we look at the Christmas tree
And we have fun today.
The lights on the Christmas tree are bright
Everywhere are lit
In milestone homes, across the country
The guys are smiling.

πŸ““ L. Nekrasova


What is New Year?
This is a friendly round dance,
These are pipes and violins,
Jokes, songs and smiles -
That's what it means
That's what the New Year means!
What is New Year?
New Year - frost and ice!
And in the dancing snowflakes
Invisible springs -
That's what it means
That's what the New Year means!

πŸ““ M. Plyatskovsky


For children 9-10 years old πŸŽ„

They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you wish -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.
Maybe even the guys
All wishes come true
All you need, they say
Put in the effort.
Don't be lazy, don't yawn
And have patience
And learning does not count
For your pain.
They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you wish -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.
How can we not guess
humble desire -
On "excellent" to perform
School assignments.
So that the students
Began to work
To deuce in diaries
Couldn't get through!

πŸ““ S. Mikhalkov


In December, in December
All trees are in silver.
Our river, as if in a fairy tale,
Frost paved the night
Updated skates, sleds,
I brought a Christmas tree from the forest.
The tree cried at first
From home warmth.
Stop crying in the morning
She breathed, she came alive.
Her needles tremble a little,
The branches are on fire,
Like a ladder, a Christmas tree
The fires fly up.
Flappers glitter with gold,
I lit a star with silver
Run to the top
The bravest bastard.
A year has passed like yesterday.
Over Moscow at this hour
The clock of the Kremlin tower strikes
Your salute twelve times!

πŸ““ S. Marshak


In the mysterious thicket
dense forests
The pendulum swings
Old clock.
Hammers are knocking
Morning to Morning:
Minutes forge
Winter comes
Here the old man
Brings with him
Empty chest.
He comes at night.
At twelve o'clock -
Creaks and rumbles
Iron bolt:
clock keeper,
Seeing the old man
Downloads minutes
At the bottom of the chest...
On white snow
An old man is coming
By the white world
Carries a chest.
And people
When the year starts
free gifts
He distributes his.
But the one who minutes
Coast for yourself
And only to myself
Treated lovingly
Never spent
their minutes,
When it came
Trouble for others
He won't remember
Nobody ever-
Forever erased
His name of the year.
But if the minutes
You didn't spend in vain
And lived, his kindness
Giving people
Then your name
Never again
Can't erase
No years.


It is not the wind that rages over the forest,
Streams did not run from the mountains,
Frost-voivode patrol
Bypasses his possessions.
Looks - good blizzards
Forest paths brought
And are there any cracks, cracks,
Is there any bare ground anywhere?
Are the tops of the pines fluffy,
Is the pattern on oak trees beautiful?
And are the ice floes tightly bound
In great and small waters?
Walks - walks through the trees,
Cracking on frozen water
And the bright sun plays
In his shaggy beard..

πŸ““ N. Nekrasov


Poems for the New Year of the Rat (Mouse) 2020 πŸ€

dragged the mouse,
famous thief,
From the library
A book with a horoscope.

I read a book
And I immediately found out
What's in the coming year
Mouse - Symbol of the Year!

And the Mouse cried
A little sad:
What the book writes
The cat does not read.


The cat somehow took on the Mouse to blame:
- Do not you dare me, Cat, drive!
I can't run away from you
I am the Queen of the Mouse Year!

You must bow to the ground to me,
You must submit to my will,
It's not in vain that people say:
- Mouse - Mouse Year Queen!

The cat narrowed its sly eye.
- Mouse speeches are not a decree for me!
If you dare to run away to be lazy,
You will become my royal dinner, queen!


The snowman was made by the kids,
Mice saw the snowman
They gathered together and began to yell:
- Come on, sculpt a snow mouse!

The mice got down to business all together,
The snow mouse was blinded as needed:
Spout - radish, potato ears -
The snow mouse is on the edge!

In the morning, all the people around were surprised
In the morning, all the people around were touched:
- It's necessary, for the Year of the Mouse
The snow mouse was blinded to the people!


On New Year's Eve, the Rat sat,
Quietly, the Rat looked out the window:
Snow scattered there outside the window
Winter fairy tale with white peas!

In the sky, snowflakes floated smartly,
White landing all in order,
White coats and parachutes -
Happiness minutes fell to the ground!

The Rat grabbed the white paint,
I doused myself with that paint
And jumped with a cute spring:
- I'll be a white snowflake too!


Just beautiful poems about NG πŸŽ…

Snowflakes are circling in a round dance,
Draws frost on the windows,
And now the New Year comes to us
What did he bring at midnight?

Brought us a beautiful fairy tale
Where exactly good will win
May the year be the most beautiful
Wishes will come true!


There are many holidays in the year
But at the end of December
There is only one holiday, friends!
Everyone knows - you and me!

People are waiting with a smile
This holiday all year round
It's called New Year
And now he's coming to us!


The Christmas tree smells fragrant,
The most elegant
Outside the window fluffy snow
It falls on the eyelashes.

Let's decorate our Christmas tree
colorful tinsel,
Our holiday will be beautiful
This fabulous winter!


Everything shimmers in silver
Winter has come full circle
After all, very soon the holiday is celebrated,
And we will celebrate the New Year with a bang!

And this means - the bad will be forgotten,
It's time for new successes
May every wish come true in him,
And only good things happen!


New Year promises to be fun
After all, he is preparing a big surprise for us!
Everything will become unusual and new,
"Life is beautiful" - that's his motto!

Everything, as in a fairy tale, will turn out perfectly,
He will bring joy to everyone
Will change our way of life,
Find the key to everyone's heart!

Website "Mom can do anything!" collected the best poems about the New Year for children for kindergarten and school. Poems by famous authors such as S. Marshak, A. Barto, A. Usachev and new works. They will come in handy at matinees in kindergartens, schools and holidays. They can be told both to Santa Claus at the Christmas tree, and to relatives who have gathered to celebrate the holiday.

New Year

Soon, soon the New Year!
He's in a hurry, he's coming!
Knock on our doors:
Children, hello, I'm with you!

We celebrate the holiday
We decorate the Christmas tree
We hang toys
Balls, crackers…

Santa Claus is coming soon!
Will bring us gifts -
Apples, sweets...
Santa Claus, where are you?

Would be at the Christmas tree
She would run
Along the track.
She would dance
Together with us,
She would knock
Would spin on the Christmas tree
Toys -
colorful lanterns,
Would spin on the Christmas tree
From crimson, from silver
Would laugh at the Christmas tree
And they would clap for joy
In the palms
At the gate
New Year!
new, new,
With a golden beard!

New Year's Eve I've been waiting for a long time
I've been waiting for the new year for a long time
On snowflakes blew through the window
Growing tree in the yard
Snow sprinkled needles.
If Santa Claus knocks,
Yolkin's nose will not freeze.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, Happy New Year!
With a Christmas tree, with a song, with a round dance!
With new toys!
With beads, crackers!
We congratulate all the guys
We wish all children
For the crackers to clap
For feet to stomp
To crack nuts
Under dense trees.

What grows on the tree?
Cones and needles.
colorful balls
They don't grow on a tree.
Do not grow on a tree
Gingerbread and flags
Nuts don't grow
In golden paper.
These flags and balloons
Grew up today
For Russian kids
On New Year's holiday.
In the cities of my country,
In villages and towns
So many lights have grown
On merry trees!

Father Frost

Walks the street
Santa Claus,
Hoarfrost scatters
On the branches of birches;
Walks with a beard
White shakes,
stomping foot,
There is only crackling.

New Year's Eve

They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you wish -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

Maybe even the guys
All wishes come true
All you need, they say
Put in the effort.

Don't be lazy, don't yawn
And have patience
And learning does not count
For your pain.

They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you wish -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

How can we not guess
humble desire -
On "excellent" to perform
School assignments.

So that the students
Began to work
To deuce in diaries
Couldn't get through!

To our Christmas tree - oh-oh-oh!
Santa Claus is walking alive.
Well, Santa Claus!
What cheeks, what a nose!
Beard, beard!
And on the cap is a star!
There are specks on the nose!
And the eyes are ... daddy's!


Christmas tree combed -
To a needle a needle:
Tomorrow is a holiday -
New Year!
Christmas tree to visit
The city is waiting.

About New Year

I've been waiting for the new year for a long time
On snowflakes blew through the window
Growing tree in the yard
Snow sprinkled needles.

If Santa Claus knocks,
Elkin's nose will not freeze.

My brother (he outgrew me)
Brings everyone to tears.
He told me that Santa Claus
Not Santa Claus at all!
He told me:
- Don't trust him! -
But here by myself
The door opened
And suddenly I see -
Grandfather enters.
He has a beard
Dressed in a sheepskin coat
Toe loop to the very heels!
He says:
-Where is the tree?
Do the children sleep?
With a big silver bag
It stands, sprinkled with snow,
In a fluffy hat grandfather.
And the older brother keeps saying secretly:
Yes, it's our neighbor!
How can you not see: the nose is similar!
Both arms and back! -
I answer: - Well, so what!
And you look like a grandmother
But you're not her!

New Year's

On cheerful children's trees
Miracles shine in needles,
And under the tree on New Year's Eve
Everyone will find something
You just need to advance
Make a wish!

When is the New Year?

Mom, is it New Year's Eve?
Autumn is here, son, it will pass,
Snowflakes will fly there
Children will start dressing
In fur coats, hats and then
Coloring book winter
She will come to us, and with her
The cold will come, the blizzard
That's when the New Year.
Santa Claus will come.
We will decorate the Christmas tree
We will invite the children to visit.
How long will it take to wait?
You lie down, son, sleep.
Time will pass quickly
Look, tomorrow is the New Year.


In the New Year under a bright Christmas tree
I found my present.
In an old shoebox
Sleeping golden kitten.

Spout with a button, ponytail with a brush,
Paws in white shoes
And get it, get it!
And side stripes.

I'll take him to bed.
Quietly sing a song.
So that he sleeps sweetly - sweetly
I'll tell you a bedtime story!

He grew to my eyebrows,
He climbed into my boots.
They say he is Santa Claus,
And naughty like a little one.
He ruined the water faucet
In our washbasin.
They say he has a beard
And naughty like a little one.
He paints on glass
Palm trees, stars, skiffs.
They say he's a hundred years old
And naughty like a little one.

Beautiful tree

Candles and balls on the Christmas tree
Hanging out with mom
Snowflakes, rain of tinsel,
And at the very top
A huge star is burning
Playing and sparkling!
And my mother says softly:
Ah, what a beauty!

New Year

Ice sparkles on the river
The snow swirls softly.
Glorious New Year's holiday,
Because it's snowy!

Santa Claus will wave his hand -
We will drink loudly.
Glorious New Year's holiday,
Because it's loud!

There is a huge cake on the table
Gingerbread, chocolate.
Glorious New Year's holiday,
Because sweet!

Round dance around the Christmas tree,
Lights on branches...
Happy New Year's Eve!
Too bad it rarely happens.

Winter is hurrying, bustling,
wrapped in snow
All bumps and stumps
Benches and stacks.

Gauntlets turn white
On the branches of birches
So that they don't catch a cold
To withstand the cold.

Winter told the oak
Put on fluffy fur
I put on a fur coat on a spruce,
Warmly covered everyone.

Long and reliable
Ice stuck in the river.
You can walk along the river
Come to us, New Year!

New Year flies from the sky?
Or coming from the forest?
Or from a snowdrift
Is the new year coming to us?
He probably lived as a snowflake
On some star
Or hiding behind a feather
Frost has a beard?
He went to sleep in the fridge
Or to a squirrel in the hollow ...
Or an old alarm clock
Did he get under the glass?
But there is always a miracle
The clock strikes twelve...
And no one knows where
The New Year is coming to us!

I have beautiful toys
Will bring for the New Year
White Santa Claus
Under the green tree.
There, under the winter tree
Fluffy, forest
Sleeping with hats on
Forest gnomes.
Let them have a bed
Soft and comfortable.
To make them sleep well
I'll give them a sweet cake

Children go to bed early
On the last day of December
And wake up a year older
On the first day of the calendar.

The year begins in silence
Unfamiliar from past winters:
Noise behind the double frame
We can barely catch it.

But the guys are calling out
Winter day through the ice glass -
In a refreshing cold
From cozy warmth.

With a kind word we will remember
Years of old care,
Starting early in the morning
New day and new year!

What is New Year?
It's all the other way around:
Trees grow in the room
Squirrels do not gnaw cones,
Hares next to the wolf
On a thorny tree!
The rain is also not easy,
In the New Year it is golden,
Shine that there is urine,
Nobody gets wet
Even Santa Claus
Doesn't pinch anyone's nose.

New Year

Smells like fresh tar again
We gathered at the tree
Our tree is dressed up
The lights on her lit up.
Games, jokes, songs, dances!
There are masks here and there...
You are a bear and I am a fox.
What miracles!
Let's dance together
Hello, hello New Year!


Everything is new today
garden bench,
new cat,
New janitor at the gate.
White moss on the Christmas tree -
New, brand new!
The bullfinch sat on a knot -
Well, quite a newbie!
Isn't it a novelty
Path through the yard?
I will run along it to the gate,
I will give people the news.
- Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
With new happiness! I say.

Come on, Christmas tree, brighter
Shine the lights!
We invited guests
Have fun with us.
On the paths, on the snow,
Through forest lawns
Jumped on a holiday to us
Long-eared bunny.
And behind him - look at everything! -
Red fox.
The fox also wanted
Have fun with us.
Waddling is going
Toed bear.
He brought honey as a gift
And a big bump.
Come on, Christmas tree, brighter
Shine the lights
So that the paws of the animals
They danced on their own.

Christmas tree

The girls stood in a circle
They got up and shut up.
Santa Claus lit the fires
On a high tree.
Above the star
Beads in two rows -
Let the tree not go out
May it always burn.

New Year's Eve

They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you wish -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

Maybe even the guys
All wishes come true
All you need, they say
Put in the effort.

Don't be lazy, don't yawn
And have patience
And learning does not count
For your pain.

They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you wish -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

How can we not guess
humble desire -
On "excellent" to perform
School assignments.

So that the students
Began to work
To deuce in diaries
Couldn't get through!

Santa Claus carries a bag
And there is a hood in the bag.
Oh you, grandfather, wrap up
Our girl Anyuta!
Untie the bag soon
Give Anyuta a skin,
on the handles,
Felt boots
On the legs...
We need our granddaughter
Run along the track.

Good Christmas tree

Everyone knows what the tree has
Very sharp needles.
But on New Year's Eve they
As a surprise for the kids -
Softer, kinder, kinder.
And on branches for children
There are toys and balls.
And under the Christmas tree - gifts.

New Year's

Arrows are ticking softly
Don't rush to move forward
And that's why it's been so long
The New Year is not coming.

I'm in a musketeer costume
Near the Christmas tree, as in a dream ...
I was told very soon
Santa Claus will come to me.

I ask adults to answer
One simple question -
Will visit us today
The real Santa Claus?

Real! dad jokes,
Real! grandfather jokes.
Should I laugh or cry
Ile believe in their answer ...

The bell rang in the hallway -
Here he is - Santa Claus!
Soft, warm hand
Grabbed my nose...

How to trust these adults?
I did not understand at all -
Will Frost have
Warm palms?

Who is in a white down coat
Light step and bold
Out at one in the morning?
On her fluffy curls
Lots of gold glitter
Lots of silver...
She waved her mitten -
Once! Wherever you look
A white carpet has been laid…
This white coat
Everyone knows, sorceress, -
Mother Winter.
With a light careless step,
With a veil of snow-white, -
Here she is!

golden rain

The golden rain is pouring down
Flowing from the Christmas tree.
Admire her:
Here she is!
Everything sparkles and blooms
Bright lights.
Invites to a round dance
Have fun with us.
New Year's is on its way
Will come to us soon.
Brighter, Christmas tree, shine
You are for the joy of children!


In December, in December
All trees are in silver.

Our river, as if in a fairy tale,
Frost paved the night
Updated skates, sleds,
I brought a Christmas tree from the forest.
The tree cried at first
From home warmth.
Stop crying in the morning
She breathed, she came alive.
Her needles tremble a little,
The branches were on fire.
Like a ladder, a Christmas tree
The fires fly up.
Flappers glitter with gold.
I lit a star with silver
Run to the top
The bravest bastard.

A year has passed like yesterday.
Over Moscow at this hour
The clock of the Kremlin tower strikes
Your salute - twelve times.

In the door crack -
You'll see
Our tree.
Our tree
Up to the ceiling.
And on her
Hanging toys -
From stand
Up to the top.
... Who is this and where
Brought such a miracle to us?
What day is it in our garden?
It's the first day of the year!

The snow flutters and swirls
Like a bird, time flies
And rush forward:
New Year is coming
Happy adults and children -
The best holiday in the world
After all, Santa Claus came to them
And he brought gifts to everyone.

Where does the New Year come from?

New Year flies from the sky?
Or coming from the forest?
Or from a snowdrift
Is the new year coming to us?

He probably lived as a snowflake
On some star
Or hiding behind a feather
Frost has a beard?

He went to sleep in the fridge
Or to a squirrel in the hollow ...
Or an old alarm clock
Did he get under the glass?

But there is always a miracle
The clock strikes twelve...
And no one knows where
The New Year is coming to us!

Our tree is big
Our tree is high.
Above dad, above mom -
Reaches the ceiling.
How shiny her dress is
How the lanterns burn
Our Christmas tree
Congratulations to all the guys.
Let's dance merrily
Let's sing songs
For the tree to want
Come visit us again!

I'm so tired today!
I decorated the Christmas tree with my mother!
Papa walked by
He led us.
How many balls are on the tree
And painted toys!
The needles smell like a holiday
Coniferous forest branches.
The lights on it flicker
Like a round dance
All children in the world know:
The best holiday - NEW YEAR!

Christmas ball

Lily of the valley blooms in May
Astra blooms in autumn.
And in winter I bloom
I am at the tree every year.
Been on the shelf for a whole year.
Everyone forgot about me.
Now I'm hanging on the tree
Slowly calling.
The whole tree to the top
Decorate toys!
Get up in the dance!
Meet the New Year!

Twig in needles,
Golden ball.
Our tree is sparkling
Silver star.
Nuts, beads, bows
They hang on branches.
Candies in bright candy wrappers
For adults and kids.
Under the tree Snow Maiden,
Santa Claus is next to her.
He is in the bag for the kids
Brought gifts.
Minutes like horsemen
They rush the shooter.
Everything is ready for the holiday.
New Years is soon!

Santa Claus hurries to the holiday
In a red coat, in felt boots.
He brings gifts
For little kids.
Petenka - a ball,
Sashenka - a book,
And the girl Katenka-
Bear backpack.
Not just a backpack
The barrel opens
And inside sits cold,
Northern snowman.

Christmas tree

Would be at the Christmas tree
She would run
Along the track.

She would dance
Together with us,
She would knock

Would spin on the Christmas tree
Toys -
colorful lanterns,

Would spin on the Christmas tree
From crimson, from silver

Would laugh at the Christmas tree
And they would clap for joy
In the palms

At the gate
New Year!
new, new,
With a golden beard!

Quietly the spruce sways.
The old year is ending.
Good in the forest in winter
The forest is fringed
Sound snow sparkles
Frost is silver.
Quietly the spruce sways.
The old year is ending.
Laughter, fun, games, jokes,
Songs, joy, dances!
We all live well
In a New Year's fairy tale!

funny toys

On the Christmas tree of our funny toys:
Funny hedgehogs and funny frogs,
Funny bears, funny deer,
Funny walruses and funny seals.
We are also a little funny in masks,
Santa Claus needs us to be funny,
To be joyful, to hear laughter,
After all, today is a fun holiday for everyone!

Christmas tree

Well, the tree, just a miracle,
How elegant, how beautiful.
The branches gently rustle
Beads shine bright
And the toys swing
Flags, stars, crackers.
Here the fires were lit on her,
How many tiny lights!
And, decorating the top,
There it shines, as always,
Very bright, big
Five-winged star.

Christmas tree in the room
And, shining with toys, he speaks to us.
The Christmas tree remembers the winter forest with sadness,
Full of sonorous songs, fairy tales and miracles.
Christmas tree, do not be sad in vain, -
We are your cheerful, loyal friends.
So sparkle with a festive rainbow for us,
Be happy, Christmas tree, like we are now!

Look at the calendar -
January is coming.
It means new year
Going on a hike.
The snow sparkles brightly, brightly,
I'm happy and hot.
This means that in winter
My best holiday.
We are so tired today -
The Christmas tree was decorated at home.
It means new year
Will definitely come!

Sympathizes with the bear
Forest people in winter.
Never clubfoot
Didn't celebrate New Years.
Him a barrel of honey
Left Santa Claus
And he snores in a den,
Covering your nose with your hand.
But who will congratulate him?
You won't meet a daredevil.
Wake up the couch potato
What if the sides will wrinkle?