Short haircuts for fat people. A few additional but very important rules. What is not suitable for chubby

A curvaceous girl can look stylish and beautiful. When it comes to choosing a hairstyle, she needs to choose the option that will visually hide all the flaws of a round face, as well as make it sharper. There are many hairstyle options, so you have to try to choose the perfect one. Be sure to adhere to the original length of the hair.


You need to choose a hairstyle not only according to your desire, but taking into account the type of hair, their length and the shape of the face.

Asymmetric cascade

With the help of this styling, you can highlight the beneficial features of the face and visually give it a less rounded shape. But the length of the solo should be medium.

If we talk about hair color, then you should pay attention to lighter shades or make highlights. Thus, it will be possible not only to lengthen the face, but also to lose several years.

elongated cascade

If you need to choose a hairstyle for a young chubby beauty, then a cascade with lengthening is ideal for her. If you lay it correctly, it will be possible to balance the proportions of a round face.

In the photo - haircut elongated cascade:

Most often, when laying an elongated cascade, they use the option where you need to comb your hair to one side. Then the strands will be lowered to the chest on one side.


This hairstyle can not be chosen by all plump ladies. If a girl has a double chin, then a square is contraindicated for her. If this defect is not present, then you can try to try on such an image, but then you will have to dilute the square with a straight bang. When styling your hair, you should not use curls, as this will make your face look even fatter.

On video haircuts for obese women:

For different length

As noted above, when choosing a hairstyle, it is necessary to take into account not only facial features, but also the length of the hair.

For short hair

As you know, too short hairstyles are not suitable for chubby women. As a result of this, the face will become open and all its flaws will attract the attention of others. Also, short styling will have to be abandoned for girls with a double chin.

Despite so many prohibitions, there are several haircut options that can be used for a round face:

  1. If the bob haircut is taken as the basis, then the front e strands should be elongated. During styling, you can make elegant or careless hairstyles. Most often, elongated strands curl outward or inward. The main thing in this business is the maximum volume. Be sure to treat your hair with varnish, smoothing the strands with your fingers.
  2. If the hair is straight, then you can create volume at the roots with a hair dryer and a round comb. This styling option is great for bob and cascading haircuts for short hair. But creating tight curls is not recommended.
  3. On short hair and a round face, asymmetric haircuts or styling with gradation look great.

How good does the gavrosh haircut look and how to do it correctly, the information will help you figure it out

For medium length

Spectacular haircuts for medium hair for chubby beauties are very simple in terms of styling. You can make your hair loose or create high hairstyles. Medium hair is an ideal option for ladies with curvaceous handicaps, because they give them a feminine shape. You can see how haircuts for medium sparse hair look in the photo

Here are some simple options for haircuts for medium length hair:

  1. If it is based on a ladder, then you can create spectacular styling by changing the angle of the comb when you dry it with a hairdryer. You can add a hairstyle with bangs. During styling, it can be combed, curled with a curling iron.
  2. Fat women can make a cascade haircut for medium hair. With its help, it is possible to mask the fullness of the face and cheeks. When styling your hair, you do not need to use a lot of gel, since in this case it is important to achieve splendor. To create it, you can use a curling iron, thermal curlers.
  3. For medium length, chubby girls can create a bob with asymmetry and oblique bangs. With the help of such styling, it is possible to hide the fullness of the face, as well as visually lengthen it. Hair should be styled more voluminously, and for this you need mousse or foam. The bangs will be laid evenly.

For long hair

Long hair looks great loose. For chubby girls, this is the best option to give the image of femininity and tenderness. Layered, cascading haircuts are great for long hair.

But as for the process of laying them, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Let your hair down and create curls along this length. Moreover, they must be large, and this can be done with the help of curlers.
  2. Hair that is slightly curled at the root and at the ends looks very impressive.
  3. You can perform a bouffant, then treat the hair with foam and shake it with your hands. This will give you maximum volume.
  4. Gather your hair into a ponytail and curl the ends with a curling iron. Then the tail will appear larger.
  5. If there is an asymmetrical haircut, then you need to curl its ends harder, and be sure to comb the crown.

long bob

This haircut is perfect for girls with curly hair. If the original hair color is blond, then you can complement the hairstyle by coloring several strands in a copper shade. This experiment is great for young ladies.

Multilevel cascade

This styling option will look good on ladies with naughty and straight hair. The only limitation is the length of the shortest strand should not be higher than the chin. Likewise for bangs. It should cascade down the forehead and cheeks. It is also worth learning about which are the most popular among young girls.

For women over 40

If you need to choose a haircut for a plump woman 40 years old and older, then you should pay attention to those options that will make her younger and visually stretch her face. Hairstyles on a square with an extension for a wedding are the most popular and easiest to perform, the information from the article will help you understand.

Cascading haircut

This option is considered the most versatile. With its help, it is possible to refresh the image of each lady, giving it a touch of elegance. You can create volume using special tools for the device. You can combine the hairstyle with oblique or straight bangs.

During styling, you can create curls or highlight them with mousse. Cascade is a versatile hairstyle, as there are a large number of styling.


This hairstyle is also perfect for ladies who are 60 years old. With its help, you can highlight the features of a creative nature. The installation process is not difficult. To create the required volume, it is worth highlighting a few strands of wax. There are many variations of hairstyles: asymmetrical bangs, elongated strands near the face. The hairstyle with coloring looks very interesting.

Chubby girls can look spectacular and beautiful if you choose the right hairstyle. Her choice should take into account the length of the hair, their type and features of the face. It is best to seek help from a professional who can suggest the ideal option so that a woman, regardless of age, is always in the spotlight.

Not every representative of the fair sex can boast of a thin oval face. However, this is completely harmless. A round face often looks cute. And if it still doesn’t suit you and seems complete, then the situation can be corrected with a hairstyle.

Hair is our savior

As you know, there are several types of face shapes. And correcting the round shape is not so difficult. This is done with the help of contour makeup, various accessories and, of course, hairstyles.

So, to adjust this face shape, multi-layered or elongated haircuts, ponytails are suitable. The bangs should be asymmetrical, torn, but not lush. You don't have to make it straight.

There are a number of hairstyles that only emphasize fullness. These are wide bangs, small curls or waves, haircuts, in which the ends of the hair are located at the level of the cheekbones or cheeks. With the color of the hair, you should also be more careful: chubby girls and women are not recommended to choose a uniform tone. Even partings are also undesirable.

Options for long hair with a full face

  1. Curls. They are always in fashion, very feminine and beautiful. However, it is worth considering that the curls should be large, and the parting should be asymmetrical. The location of curls is also extremely important: they can start from the chin, but in no case from the cheeks. In this case, the hair roots need to be raised.
  2. High tail. This hairstyle visually lengthens the face, stretches it. The tail may be smooth or slightly curled. A great option is a ponytail with a combed strand. Don't forget to spray it with varnish.
  3. Cascade. Such a haircut is multi-layered, which means it can disguise fullness. The main thing is to properly style the hair, for example, curling it inward.

Photo gallery: hairstyles for long hair

Haircuts for short hair

  1. Long bob. The crown is raised, the front strands are elongated - in general, all conditions have been created in order to hide the excessive volume of the face. The key is to keep your hair straight.
  2. Asymmetrical haircuts. Asymmetry is great for hiding fullness. For example, the same bob looks great, only complemented by oblique bangs, elongated strands on one side only and an open temple on the other.
  3. Cascade. This haircut can also be done on short hair. Its layering creates additional volume at the crown, which also lengthens the face.

Photo gallery: short haircuts for obese women

Video: haircuts for a round face

If the chin is not one

A double chin is one of those facial features that women tend to try to hide. Hair will help you do that.

You should choose haircuts with volume at the crown or strands that would cover the cheeks and cheekbones, well graduated, opening the neck.

A double chin can be masked with the right haircut.

If you do not want to sacrifice the length of your hair, then you can curl your hair, the main thing is that the curls start below the jaw.

The main principle of all these hairstyles: the haircut should end either above or below the chin.

Video: hairstyles for donuts

short neck

A well-chosen hairstyle can visually lengthen the neck. Short haircuts should be preferred. For example, an elongated caret. The front long strands will hide the fullness of the face, and the neck open at the back will look good.

A short haircut will open the neck and visually make it longer.

If, nevertheless, a short haircut is too risky for you, then you should give preference to high hairstyles that will also open your neck.

Thin hair

Lush hair is often not only a gift from mother nature, but also daily efforts. Thin hair, devoid of volume, and a full face are practically incompatible things. In this case, it is best, of course, to skip the length and make a light layered haircut - a cascade or the same bob. If the length is left, then you should constantly add volume to the hair using, for example, curls.

Evening hairstyles

There are many variations of hairstyles for owners of round, full faces. When choosing them, a number of rules should be taken into account.

  1. Consider the style and fabric of your outfit. A light dress made of airy material will perfectly get along with large curls, a more strict version of the outfit requires a more solid style.
  2. If you do not wear bangs, try to still separate two strands so that they beautifully frame your face, hiding its volume.
  3. French braids are all the rage right now. Such a hairstyle from a side-braided braid will visually reduce the face, but do not forget that on top, at the crown, you also need to add volume.
  4. A small bouffant or bangs pinned up can also be a great evening option.

Photo gallery: evening hairstyles for a round face

Video: evening hairstyles for a round face

How to lay?

When choosing a haircut, it is worth considering individual characteristics, for example, the hairline, their density, the presence of "crowns".

If the purpose of your haircut is also to correct the appearance, then, of course, it is better to turn to a professional. He will select a style that will cope well with the task and does not require constant styling.

However, thin and sparse hair will still require daily work on yourself. Strands with cascading haircuts are good to direct towards or away from the face, to give volume to the hair. But on haircuts "bob" or "pixie" you can work with wax, highlighting some strands and giving structure to the haircut.

In general, the more uniform the hair structure or hair color, the more attention will be drawn to the face and its volume.

How to choose a hairstyle?

Stylists give some tips to help you guess with the hairstyle. When choosing a haircut, you should take into account the condition of the hair, body proportions, image, age. A young girl may well wear French braids or disheveled strands, but an older woman should still give up negligence. This also applies to the place and time: the evening look can be very different from the everyday one.

But the length of the hair, contrary to the stereotype, should not become shorter with age. Some ladies of the age are very hairstyles for long curls.

And you can also choose the style with the help of numerous programs presented on the Internet. With their help, you can try on a variety of haircuts and styling options for your photo and choose the ones that suit you best.

Photo gallery: hairstyle options for women with a round face

side parting
Feathered hair covering the face

soft curls
High slightly wavy tail
Braid hairstyle
Voluminous French braid Asymmetrical hairstyle and open neck Casual asymmetry
Hairstyles for every taste

Let them say that ladies with textured cheeks are most suited to the average length, but not everyone likes it. At least the fact that 75% of our fellow countrywomen walk with such hair - it’s so short and get lost in the crowd. But what about the individuality that you want to show in every detail of your image? Therefore, short haircuts for a full face are not just well-chosen hairdressing techniques, but your business card, with the advent of which your gray everyday life will turn into a continuous holiday.

Camouflage strands

The right haircut for a full face will visibly reduce it, as well as adjust the proportions of the body as a whole. If you just throw a few loose strands on your cheeks, you will like yourself a lot more.

Haircuts with long strands

"Garson" and similar haircuts are not your option, they emphasize what you want to camouflage. Conversely, A-bob, bob and other elongated options are what you need. They are not capricious in care, they are popular - what else do you need?

Create light volume

Your "chip" should be the volume at the temples or crown. Graduation can beautifully “fall” on the cheeks, and thinning cutely “ruffles” the hair. Bouffant is also not bad ... if without fanaticism.

Layered haircuts for a full face

Asymmetry multiplied by cascading or layering is the perfect formula for your success. Separate elongated strands should reach the line of the cheekbones. A haircut of such a plan is young, and also “stretches” the face.

Haircuts with bangs for a full face

No - thick and even bangs. Yes - oblique, rare.

You can add bangs with a beveled parting, which kills the symmetry that is unfriendly to you and adds an image of looseness and elegance.

trendy pixie bob

This haircut can be your highlight as it is perfect for a full face. Asymmetry hides excess volume, strands of different lengths give charm.

Pixies and round cheeks

This catchy hairstyle is simply created in order to camouflage the excessive roundness of the face. The haircut gives you volume at the crown, which visibly narrows the bottom of the face. And even if your hair is thin, the hairstyle will suit you - if it obediently holds the styling.

Pixie plus asymmetry or ragged bangs is equal to “minus 10 years”, which will appeal to ladies at any age.

A bold version of a pixie with a high styling on top (with a tuft) will not only divert attention from chubby cheeks, but also make others remember you for a long time.

Short bob haircut for a full face

Owners of full cheeks will love the asymmetric bob. Freely scattered profiled strands will cover everything superfluous, while creating a spectacular volume on top.

Bob-car on the leg - an option that apparently lengthens the neck. The total length of the strand here is about 8 cm, but from below it is noticeably shortened. By the way, it is not necessary to make a leg - but it emphasizes the neck very beautifully.

It will not be difficult for girls with a full face to choose a suitable haircut option for themselves, which will emphasize the merits and visually hide the flaws. To make it easier, we will look at what suits and what does not fit the owners of curvaceous.

First, let's figure out which hairstyles are suitable for a full face and what you need to focus on when choosing them. Chubby beauties can afford the following:

  • multi-layered, asymmetrical bangs with profiling;
  • side parting;
  • texture haircuts with layering;
  • asymmetry and slight mess in styling;
  • original hair color

Rules for choosing hairstyles for women with a round face

Not in all cases, the length of the hair helps to hide the flaws of this type of face, so you should not specifically grow the curls as long as possible. In most cases, it is a short haircut that becomes suitable. If the hair is below shoulder level, it will be good to make a cascade or ladder. Thanks to the layering, such haircuts allow you to create additional volume at the roots, and it lasts longer.
What should not be present in hairstyles for girls with a full face:

  • symmetry;
  • short haircuts if the hair is naturally curly;
  • evenly trimmed ends and bangs, which also should not be too thick;
  • painting in one color;
  • large curls;
  • artificial splendor of hair (perms on very small curlers).

To make it easier to choose the length of the hair, you can follow one simple but effective rule: the longer the curls should be, the more softness and smoothness is present in the facial features.
Examples of successful hairstyles for women with a full face are shown in the photo.

What hairstyles are suitable for a full face with a double chin

Often, overweight girls are faced with the question of how to use a hairstyle to divert attention from some shortcomings, for example, such as a double chin. A bob is considered an ideal option, with its help you can visually “tighten” the contours of the face, “narrow” it. The only thing you should not do is to twist the ends to the inside at the level of the chin, because this will only draw attention to the problem area.

Hairstyle for a full face with a double chin on medium and long hair can be collected at the back of the head. Thus, the emphasis shifts back, drawing attention to the upper half of the face, visually lengthening the neck and face. For lovers of long hair or those who feel sorry for cutting it, it is important to pay attention to the fact that their length falls below the level of the collarbones.

Women's hairstyles for short hair for a full face (with photo)

Hairstyles for short hair for a full face should not be “licked”, so they need to be styled every day, especially paying attention to the volume at the crown. It is better to spray styling with a medium hold varnish, because if you use a strong one, the hair will look unnatural. On such a length of hair, it is good to create the effect of slight negligence, highlighting individual strands with a modeling agent.
Hairstyles for a full face with bangs look good on short haircuts, but on condition that it is cut in several levels and slightly asymmetrical. It should also not be too long and hang on one side of the face, just as it should not be too short and have clear contours, because this visually "expands" the face and shortens it.
The photo shows the most suitable hairstyles for a full face for women's short haircuts.

You should not make lush large or too small curls at such a length. Also, the widest part of the styling should not visually coincide with a similar part on the face. The ends on short hair should be left straight, not twisted, so they create straight lines that visually make the cheeks slimmer.

Hairstyles for medium and long hair for girls with a full face and their photos

Hairstyles for medium hair for a full face are quite diverse, their main task is to emphasize beautiful features and visually hide flaws. For example, for romantic meetings and evenings, curled curls that gently fall on the shoulders are suitable. They can be stabbed a little on the left or right temple or collected on the side. The main thing is not to make excess volume, especially at the level of the neck and chin.

Hairstyles for a full face for long hair can be done both on loose and gathered curls. You can dissolve even hair or beautifully twisted strands with a smooth wave without large round or small curls. The main thing is that the hair is shiny and well-groomed, then they will attract admiring glances, diverting attention from the fullness of the face.
Girls with curves should pay attention to high hairstyles for a full face, which harmoniously balance the image as a whole, because they visually “remove heaviness” from the front of the head. It is only necessary to take into account the nuance that you cannot smoothly comb your hair back, they must maintain volume at the roots.
Good hairstyles for girls with a full face and long or short hair, see the photo.

Such hairstyles and their variations can be done not only for going to work, but also for evening meetings. Young girls can decorate the collected strands with large hairpins with rhinestones, flowers or bows.

Hairstyles with bangs and caret for a full face (with photo)

Long and medium hair is not a reason to refuse bangs, it just has to be “correct”. To make sure that hairstyles for a full face with bangs are very harmonious, see the photo.

Bangs on long and medium curls look good with haircuts such as cascade and bob. The cascade can be considered a universal option, because it suits any face shape, age, type of appearance and style of clothing. Only it should not end at the level of the chin or shoulders.
A bob hairstyle for a full face is also a practical and good choice for Ruben's beauties. This haircut is considered a classic, because it never goes out of fashion and goes to almost everyone, it is quick and convenient to do styling on a bob. But it must be borne in mind that this haircut should have a slight asymmetry, and straight lines are categorically contraindicated.
Among the fashionable hairstyles for a full face, there is also a bob, which can be elongated or asymmetrical. Straight strands that lengthen towards the face visually make it more elongated and look like an oval. This haircut requires daily styling, if you have unruly hair, then this will not be easy. Highlighted and colored hair will look beautiful on the bob.

What hairstyles are suitable for a full round and oval face

When choosing a haircut or hairstyle, it is important to consider the shape of your face. Properly selected hairstyles for a full oval face can emphasize the charm of this naturally ideal shape. Short graduated haircuts, bob, asymmetrical bob, cascades on long and medium hair go well with her. With a full oval face, you can pull your hair back into a messy ponytail or bun, avoiding the smoothness of the hair on your head.

What hairstyle is suitable for a round full face? A circle cannot afford everything that an oval can afford, for example, gathered hair in a low ponytail can only draw attention to “chubby” flaws. Therefore, it is worth opting for loose hair that will frame the face, thus giving it “slimness”.
Hairstyles for a round full face with bangs are also suitable, but on condition that it is multi-level and asymmetrical. No need to make short bangs or too lush and evenly trimmed. In general, harmonious asymmetry should be present in the haircut of a chubby girl at any length of hair.
Examples of successful hairstyles for a round full face are shown in the photo.

Girls with a square full face should give preference to soft wavy curls that smoothly frame the face, while removing not only the extra width, but also smoothing out the angularity and sharpness of the features.

Evening hairstyles for the New Year for a full face (with photo)

Evening hairstyles for a full face should focus on its beauty, and “veil” problem areas. First of all, you should forget about smoothed hair, straight parting and too lush curls. To make short and medium haircuts look more festive, it is enough to make soft smooth waves on your hair and pin a small beautiful hairpin on the left or right side. When gathering hair from behind or from above, leave curls near the face, just do not twist them too much.
Hairstyle for the New Year for a full face should not be too outrageous. As a maximum, as an experiment, you can try toning your hair in a bright color and make a beautiful voluminous styling. For long-haired girls, you can make spectacular curls and collect them at the back of the head, giving volume to the crown area. They can also afford voluminous braids and high fluffy tails, which, of course, will distract attention from the cheeks.
Look at the photo for beautiful options for evening hairstyles for a full face.

Haircuts for a full face are designed to hide fullness and excessive roundness, slightly stretch the oval and make the image more sophisticated.

Before you run to the salon, read a number of rules, and choose a haircut based on them.

  • Rule 1. The main volume of hair falls on the crown. If the strands framing the face are lush, and the upper part of the head is smooth, the face will become even wider, and the cheeks even fuller.
  • Rule 2. Permissible haircut length - up to the jaw. Deviations are possible, but only very slightly - slightly above or slightly below the chin. In all other cases, you need to be very careful and cautious.
  • Rule 3. To cover the fullness, do not open your face completely. It should be framed by at least a few strands.

What can not be done with a full face?

A round full face has many different "enemies" that can spoil the image. Here are just a few of them:

  • Long straight hair is, perhaps, the main taboo for chubby plump women;
  • Any symmetry in haircut or styling;
  • Straight and long bangs;
  • Shoulder length hair - it can be safely called the most unfortunate, especially if you have a double chin. This length will make the face even bigger and more voluminous, so either grow your hair or trim it slightly;
  • Creative hairstyles in which the head will be disproportionately small;
  • Monochrome coloring is another popular mistake of obese women. Forget about one tone, making a choice in favor of coloring or highlighting.

Short haircuts for a full face

Having decided to make a short hairstyle for a full face, it is very important to stop in time - an overly short bob will look ridiculous, stupid and masculine. Moderate length is just what you need!


Another fashionable choice of the 2019 season is a bob with straight hair. In this case, the length should be up to the chin or slightly lower to hide all the flaws. If you are very embarrassed by chubby cheeks, comb your hair into an oblique or asymmetrical parting - this will quickly divert attention from the problem. Another quick way to hide round cheeks is to complement the caret with an elongated oblique bang. Having made a short haircut, do not forget about the volume. It can be provided either by a hidden support (cutting off the lower layer of hair) or thinning of the tips.


What haircuts are suitable for short strands? Take a closer look at the pixie haircut, which is distinguished by short hair at the temples and long hair at the crown. It is perfect for women with both thick and thin hair. But remember that you will have to wash your hair very often. Otherwise, the pixie will lose its splendor and volume. You also need to visit the hairdresser and adjust the haircut regularly - in an overgrown form, it looks untidy.

The video below shows a selection of fashionable haircuts for girls with a full face:

Medium length haircuts for a full face

Women's medium length hairstyles look just great! Several models are at your disposal.

Long bob

It is very important to observe the layering of such a haircut. Only in this case it will be feminine and airy. But if you want to give yourself a strict look, make an oblique bang and a stylish side parting.


A versatile model that looks good on both thin and full. In addition, the cascade opens up a lot of possibilities for styling - the tips can be twisted inward or curled outward, or you can even wind the entire hair around the curlers, forming Hollywood waves. Haircuts for medium hair are usually combined with bangs, it will hide the floor of the face.

Long hairstyles for chubby

A long haircut for obese women with a round face has every right to exist, although many stylists claim the opposite. Of course, with such a length, you will have to spend more time and effort on styling, but the result is worth it.

Again, a cascade, ladder or aurora will help out. They can also be styled in a variety of ways, bringing a touch of novelty to your everyday look. For festive events, hair is curled on curlers of medium diameter. Waves and light curls are suitable for every day. Do not forget about the volume, because for a long hair it will be extremely important. This will definitely help you bouffant in the crown area. For better understanding, look at these photos.

What else do you need to pay attention to?

Having made a beautiful haircut for a full face, pay attention to some additional factors. Among them we can include:

  • Bangs are an essential element of hairstyles for puffy faces. Stop on bangs of medium density, because very thick can make the chin heavier. As for the shape, oblique or asymmetric is acceptable;
  • Parting - it needs to be moved to the side. This will immediately affect the fullness of your face and make it more elongated and narrow;
  • Elongated strands near the face are a wonderful decorative element that will add a kind of zest to your image and cover the lower jaw. The main thing is that these strands are not too thick and do not end at the level of the chin - only higher or lower.

How to style hairstyles for a full face?

Having made the right haircut, you still need to learn how to make fashionable styling. Most often it is performed with brushing and a hair dryer. This method is great for every day and takes only a few minutes.

Step 1. Wash your hair with shampoo.

Step 2. Blot excess moisture with a terry towel.

Step 3. Blow-dry your hair, shaping it into a bob cut with a round brush.

Step 4. After drying the hair, make a light bouffant in the crown area and sprinkle it with varnish (do not take the strongest one - it makes the strands heavier and deprives them of volume). You also need to abandon gels and waxes. Any slick styling will make you even wider.
You can also use a curling iron, iron or curlers for styling. Give preference to large or medium curls - small curls against the background of a full face look disproportionate.