Pack clothes nicely. Materials and tools for a master class on wrapping a round gift. Materials and tools for a master class on making gift wrapping from kraft paper

A universal selection of gift ideas for every occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Friends, hello everyone! Today I will write about how to pack a gift easily and why you should not always take a hard box for decoration.

Gift ideas are, of course, wonderful, but after all, a present must be presented correctly, beautifully, elegantly. Well, other adjectives. And without beautiful packaging it is difficult to do.

Therefore, today I will show you some original packaging methods that will not take much time.

How to wrap a gift in gift paper: step by step instructions

It is not difficult to make packaging with your own hands, even without a box, which has already become a traditional symbol of almost any holiday.

There are several options here:

1 Just wrap the present with wrapping paper. The master class below describes this process in sufficient detail. I often use it myself, it works great)

For this method, you will need to cut out a piece of paper that is wide and tall enough to wrap the gift. Usually for this it is enough to multiply the width and height of the surprise by 2, add the side parts if the present is not flat and leave a small margin for hem. Then you need to wrap the gift according to the instructions below.

It is best to pack in this way:

  • book,
  • neatly folded T-shirt
  • towel,
  • picture,
  • telephone.

Due to the fact that you yourself set the shape with the help of wrapping paper, even a soft rag surprise can be decorated in this way.

2 Origami. It turns out very original and at the same time you can even do without a box. All you need is a sheet of paper and a little patience (well, a ruler with scissors will also come in handy).

Such a light paper box is good to make from the so-called kraft paper, which has an interesting property to give any creation something stylish. Try to apply it too. You can’t put a big gift in such a box, but a small souvenir will look very cool here.

3 There is another object that is not at all easy to approach - a round or oval shape. In fact, everything here is easy to do yourself - take a square of the wrapper, put the box in the center and ... collect the excess in a bundle.

We use corrugated paper

What is the advantage of corrugated paper? It is in her corrugation. Such a wrapper can be expanded where necessary, and given the desired shape. And for some of the methods described above, such paper is also suitable.

It would be ideal to wrap it in:

  • bottle,
  • watch,
  • plate,
  • handle,
  • mug.

Thanks to the structure of the paper, it will be very easy to wrap a bottle. You will need the top and bottom piece, which you need to wrap first the top of the bottle, and then the bottom. To make it all look harmonious, tie the bottle with a thin ribbon and mask the junction with decorative ornaments.

For round gifts, everything is quite simple - you just need to cut off a piece of paper that covers the side of the surprise around the perimeter. The lower and upper parts will need to be assembled and decorated at the junction.

Another simple method that works for just about any small to medium sized gift is candy wrapping. With such a task, you can really do it yourself in a few minutes.

Presenting a present in a box

Boxes come in different shapes. Rectangular, oval, triangular - this is just the tip of the packaging iceberg, the variety of shapes is much greater.

Let's start with the traditional shape, which is not at all difficult to create from thick cardboard.

If you are preparing for an important holiday, then the gift box should be decorated. This can be done, for example, as described below. A great way to congratulate a man by wrapping, say, a shirt in such a box.

To make your gift memorable for a long time, I suggest using the previously mentioned discs. But this time you need not a wrapper from them, but they themselves. Circle the disk as shown in the photo, then cut and fold the edges.

For a larger box, you can use plates, pans and much more.

And here is the presentation packaging in video format:

That's all! We have come to the end of the article on how to wrap a gift. I think you have found something suitable for you. Or maybe I didn't say something? Then write about it in the comments.

See you!

P.S. Be sure to subscribe and wait for news from the nyaskory blog. And also tell your friends through social networks and surprise them with magical gifts.

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva

Attractive packaging is half the fun of a gift. How beautiful and original to pack a gift with your own hands? An urgent question for those who are tired of standard paper bags. We will talk about the ways of festive packaging and share ideas for decorating gifts without any special financial expenses.

How to wrap a gift in paper

The easiest and most affordable way is to pack a gift in paper, and for this you need to choose the right material. What can be paper for packaging?

Gift, rather thin, decorated with drawings and prints of various subjects. Sold in large rolls.

Kraft paper, also known as wrapping paper. It gives great scope for decorating a gift, because bows, lace, stickers, drawings, postcards, buttons, tinsel and all other gift decors look great on its emphasized laconic background.

Foil. Looks very elegant, especially on New Year's holidays.

Design paper. It has a variety of textures. Such paper can be artificially aged, embossed, parchment, rice, interspersed with natural herbs or flowers. Ideal for original packaging.

After the paper is selected, the workspace and tools should be prepared. You will need:


Adhesive tape regular and double-sided;

Marking pencil;


Selected wrapping paper;

Accessories to decorate the finished gift.

All is ready? Now you can proceed to the packaging process.

1. Measure the correct paper size. It should completely wrap the gift in length and width, with a small margin of 2-3 cm, the end of the box should be completely closed.

2. Put the gift in the middle and wrap it around the long side of the box, securing the paper with pieces of tape. There is also a neater option - attach a strip of double-sided tape to the edge and wrap the gift.

3. Lower the paper to the end of the box, fold in the free edges, and lift the opposite side of the paper so that it rests on the end.

For a better understanding of the process, see the short video, and in two minutes you will become a true packaging professional.

This option is the simplest and most common, but there are other packaging schemes. For example, it is convenient to pack small square gifts in an envelope, as shown in the diagram.

How to pack a sweet gift with your own hands

Not all gifts come in boxes that are easy to wrap with paper. Sweet gifts, especially handmade ones, require a different approach. There are some simple ways to stylishly wrap a sweet gift:

1. Fold a box of thick paper or cardboard.

2. Pack in transparent paper, and then wrap with ordinary gift wrap.

3. Place in a basket.

To fold the original box, use one of our schemes.

According to this template, a box with a lid is obtained, where sweets, lollipops, small cookies or a cake are conveniently placed.

According to the scheme, it is easy to fold a bonbonniere box for chocolate, sweets, cookies.

In the resulting boxes, you can pack a set of sweets or marshmallows, marshmallows or marmalade, cookies, dragees and gingerbread.

Don't want to mess around with stacking boxes? Then wrap the sweets in transparent cellophane, and then wrap them in paper and decorate.

Secrets of custom packaging

Paper is far from the only packaging material. The fabric packaging looks great. There is a special Japanese technique called furoshiki. With it, you can pack any gifts: boxes, toys, clothes.

How to wrap a gift in fabric?

1. Lay out the fabric on the table.

2. Put a gift in the middle of it.

3. With opposite ends of the fabric, cover the gift on both sides.

4. Tie loose ends in a knot.

A short video will help you quickly master the technique of furoshiki.

More original packaging ideas

Glass jars. They are suitable for small items: fruits, sweets, cosmetics, money.

Envelope. You can put a book, a set of CDs, a box of chocolates, a photograph, a stole and many other things into a large format envelope.

Industrial printed paper. Newspaper, music paper, maps or magazines - everything will do, especially if you use your imagination.

How to decorate a gift wrapped with your own hands?

Wrapping a gift nicely and neatly or putting it in an original box is only half the battle. It is necessary to choose an original decoration for a gift. What could it be?

1. Bows. Ready-made or hand-made, the latter is preferable.

3. Lace.

4. Jute cord.

6. Tinsel.

7. Contrast paper.

9. Stickers.

10. Drawings by hand.

11. Candy.

12. Beads.

13. Small toys.

14. Fresh flowers.

15. Dried flowers - branches, leaves, berries, moss.

There are a lot of options for decorating gifts, it is impossible to describe even some of them in one article. However, here are a few tips to make your gift look perfect:

1. Choose three or four decorative embellishments, including ribbon, more looks gaudy.

2. By choosing paper and embellishments of the same color, you will get an exquisite packaging option. Contrasting colors make the packaging stand out.

3. It is better to choose one style for packaging - naive, ecological, exquisite, retro or vintage. This will give the gift a certain mood.

In order to wrap a gift in a beautiful and original way with your own hands, you will need a little patience, accuracy and imagination, but the result will give a lot of pleasant impressions!

My mom's birthday is this Sunday, and then next week it's my sister's and a close friend's. And this is only in September! For example, I really like to give gifts, but every time I try to do it in such a way that they bring maximum joy to the hero of the occasion.

This is where packaging plays an important role. It's always nice to receive gifts. And the gift, exquisitely and ingeniously packaged, will be doubly delighted.

In addition, I believe that DIY gift wrapping- a kind of tribute to family and friends. After all, doing this in a store, you will simply spend money by buying another service that few people will appreciate. But by creating original packaging with your own hands, you will undoubtedly put a piece of your soul into it, and it will be appreciated.

How to make a beautiful gift

Editorial "So simple!" prepared for you 28 simply gorgeous gift wrapping ideas with your own hands. Here's how you can give a sunny mood even in a gloomy autumn!

  1. A fairly simple packaging made of white paper looks impressive and interesting if you add such a maple leaf to it, even if it is cut out of colored paper.

  2. From such a sweet and tender gift, any representative of the fair sex will be delighted. And all you need for this is a small bunch of daisies, a bright ribbon to match the flowers and a sheet of plain craft paper, which is sold in any stationery store.

  3. Down with templates! Why not replace the ribbon bows with these gorgeous butterflies?

  4. No wonder they say that the most pleasant word for a person is his name. So why not personalize the gift wrapping?

    This is exactly the case when the packaging performs not only an aesthetic function, but also helps to understand where is whose gift. For example, on New Year's Eve, when there are surprises for each of the family members under the tree.

  5. For such a design, you again need kraft paper and several sheets of colored cardboard. Simply cut out hearts from cardboard and secure them to the gift with a knitting thread.

  6. And I'll probably take this idea into service.

  7. Quite unusual and at the same time a very simple solution. To implement this idea, you will need beautiful postcards that fit in size and some white wide ribbon.

  8. Another great example of decorating a gift with fresh flowers. Who said that flowers can only be in a bouquet?

  9. And such pompoms made of multi-colored threads will be an excellent alternative to already boring bows.

  10. Looking at this package, you immediately want to take a picture with this gift, but it will definitely be a pity to open such a stylish present.

  11. I think that all autumn birthday people will be very happy with such an original design.

  12. And this is a gift wrapping option for creative people: notes for musicians, a newspaper sheet for journalists. However, such a wrapper is also suitable for any other present, because a magazine print never goes out of style.

  13. If your loved one does not like too bright and colorful packaging, then you can make an original box with a "male" character. You can put watches, gift certificates or a regular razor and socks there.

  14. These paper feathers look amazing, don't they? And you can do them. A simple pencil, colored paper, scissors and your desire to create will help make the gift unforgettable!

In order to wrap a gift beautifully, just remember what you can and love to do with your own hands, and the idea of ​​wrapping decor will come to mind by itself.

Are you into knitting? Decorate the package with a knitted flower. Interested in quilling, scrapbooking, polymer clay modeling or beading? Make decorative elements using these techniques, and your gift will be decorated at the highest level!

I just love these wonderful ideas! What do you think about interesting gift wrapping? I would be glad if you share your opinion in the comments.

And also do not forget to show this beauty to your friends, perhaps one of them will want to do something similar for you.

Nastya practices yoga and loves traveling. Fashion, architecture and everything beautiful - that's what a girl's heart aspires to! Anastasia is engaged in interior design, and also makes unique decorations with a floral theme. Dreams of living in France, learning the language and keenly interested in the culture of this country. He believes that a person needs to learn something new all his life. Anastasia's favorite book is Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert.

People always give gifts to their relatives and loved ones on holidays. At the same time, many believe that the content is better than the form, so they give gifts that are not packaged at all. But this is a wrong judgment. Form matters. Especially for the female half of society. Even the most serious and wealthy person is more pleased to receive gifts packed in beautiful packages.

Step-by-step instruction

Step 1: cut the paper to size (square piece)

Step 2: fold the edge away from you

Step 3: cover the box to the edge / corner

Step 4: Grab the edge of the paper with a piece of transparent tape

Step 5: Cover the 2nd Side of the Paper

Step 6: also tack with tape in several places

Step 7: Gently Bend the Edges of the Sidewall

Step 8: Use two thumbs to make it easier

Step 9: so that you get triangular folded corners

Step 10: Alternately bend each triangular corner inward

Step 11: to make one common "triangle"

Step 12: lean it against the box (if it sticks out, we bend it)

Step 13: Tape the edge of the box with tape

Step 14: Do the same with the other side...

Step 16: Tape Both Ends of the Tape (Slightly Stretching the Tape)

Step 17: from the same ribbon we twist a bow (maybe you have a ready-made one)

Step 18: Glue the bow with the same tape

Voila! The gift was beautifully and quickly packaged.

Video instruction (1 minute)

See how quickly and beautifully you can pack your gift.
You will need paper, tape, tape.

Packaging materials: types and features

People have been wrapping gifts in paper since ancient times. Only the ignorant do not know about it. However, in the question of which paper to choose, many can get confused. Because today there are many different types of gift paper. So many that any person who wants to give a gift will find something to wrap it in.

Exist different types of gift paper:

  • polysilk;
  • corrugated paper;
  • silence;
  • craft;
  • sheet glossy paper;
  • mulberry.

This is not a complete list of types of gift paper. There are, as already mentioned, many other types. It is simply impossible to consider all types, therefore only the most common are given.



Many people do not know what polysilk is. However, everyone not only saw this paper, but even held it in their hands and felt it. However, if you ask someone what polysilk is, no one can give an intelligible answer.

Polysilk is more often used for packaging non-standard gifts that are problematic to pack in a box. The polylist is intended to knit decorative knots. It looks like a wide film. Stretches a little. In addition to the fact that polysilk is used to knit decorative knots on gift wraps, it is often used by stylists and designers.

The main feature of polyseal is that you can wrap the biggest gifts in it: refrigerators, TVs and even cars.

A gift package wrapped in corrugated gift paper. You can wrap anything in it: boxes, objects, even flowerpots. If, in addition, a beautiful polyseal knot is tied on a gift box, it will come out simply amazing.

Corrugated paper is plain and rough. Everyone knows this paper. It is often packed with flower bouquets. In addition, gifts that have an elongated shape are packed into it. For example, various bottles, oblong boxes and tubes.


As a gift paper in which you can wrap a gift, you can, along with other types of gift paper choose a silence. A gift wrapped in silence also looks very elegant and beautiful.

In addition to being used to wrap various things, giving them a festive look, it is often used by needlewomen. Women and girls who are engaged, for example, in decoupage or decorating home interiors, often use silence in their work.

Silence - these are paper ribbons, which are usually used more as a filler, rather than a wrapping material. However, such material also belongs to the category of gift. It is very light, thin and airy. In silence, you can wrap various objects of complex geometric shapes. At the same time, they become more voluminous. Gift wraps, which are wrapped in silence, look very elegant and festive.


A wedding is perhaps the biggest celebration for every person involved in it. The most unusual and original gifts can be seen on such days.

And when such a great event happens, the invited people inevitably raise the question of what to give for the wedding, and most importantly, what to wrap the wedding present in? This question has long been answered - a wedding gift is wrapped in Kraft gift paper.

Kraft is paper that has ribbed shape and transverse embossing. It is sold in large rolls. In addition to wedding gifts, others are also wrapped in it. That is, it cannot be said that only wedding gifts are packed in craft.

Sheet glossy paper is used exclusively for gift wrapping. In other words, it was invented precisely in order to wrap gifts.

This paper comes in a variety of colors. Moreover, the colors can be both monophonic and multi-colored. Various beautiful designs can be applied to it.

It should be noted that most often it is used for wrapping gifts. sheet glossy paper. She, like craft, was invented in order to wrap various gift items.

When they came up with this paper, the main goal of the inventor was an idea - to pack a gift.

Mulberry is crinkled handmade paper. It is believed that it was invented in Thailand. Such paper is painted in all colors of the rainbow. As a rule, there is no single color. Various colorful colorful drawings are applied to it.

Often, when people ask a store clerk what kind of paper to wrap a gift in, the answer is that the gift can be wrapped in a mulberry.

Mulberry can be used to wrap gifts of various shapes. After wrapping the gift, various decorated details can be glued onto the finished bundle. You can also tie a beautiful polysilk knot in addition. It will come out very nice.

Beautiful do-it-yourself decor

An invitation to a holiday implies that you need to give something. A person chooses something original, and then wonders what to wrap the gift in now?

To solve such a problem, it is necessary have the right supplies, namely:

  • gift paper itself;
  • a container in which you can pack a gift;
  • filler to give volume;
  • decorative details for decorating gift wrapping.

If you don’t want to bother with gift paper, bows, knots, various ruffles and other decorative elements, then you can, of course, buy a filler and a ready-made gift box of suitable sizes, pack a gift in it and forget about it. But it's much nicer to do it yourself. After all, gift wrapping with your own hands is a creative matter. And who among us has not felt at least sometimes a creator?

If you wrap a gift item in gift paper with your own hands, then you can pack completely original. Such a gift will turn out to be original and, one might even say, exclusive. This gift will not be like the others.

It must be added that the filler for giving volume or just for beauty can also be chosen from many types of filler.

From the types of filler the following types can be distinguished:

In conclusion, it must be said that it is more pleasant to give gifts wrapped in gift paper with your own hands. So it will always turn out more beautiful than in a regular gift box. Gift boxes that you can buy in the store are given everywhere and by everyone, but sometimes you want to give something really memorable and original.

Photo gallery

Once I had such questions as how to pack a box in gift paper, so the store helped me solve this issue in a matter of minutes.

Now when I'm invited to a party, I don't bang my head against the wall trying to come up with something original and exclusive. I think it's better to go to the store. There everything will be done in the best possible way.

Ivan Okhlobystin

Yes, you can wrap gift boxes in the store. It turns out well. There, the saleswomen also try to do everything so that the buyer likes it. But sometimes it's nicer to do it yourself.

If you are looking for a container, for example, for a book, then yes, you can pack it in a banal store box. And if this is a complex shape design, then I myself would show my creative abilities and figure out how to make beautiful packaging myself.

Yulia Kraft

I do not agree with your point of view.

I gave a book as a gift. I wanted to make and arrange everything with my own hands. After all, this is quite easy to do. And I don't need any instructions for this. After all, this must be done from the heart, and not according to the instructions.

A friend helped me make beautiful packaging, then helped me paste it with decorative elements, so I then offered her to give this book together. But she refused. And rightly so, she was not invited to the birthday party.

We present gifts to relatives, friends, colleagues for birthdays, New Year, and other holidays. Those who believe that content is more important than form think that it is quite possible to do without a beautiful wrapper. Candy in candy wrapper and without is equally delicious! However, even a very serious and respectable person will be sincerely delighted with an exquisitely and ingeniously packaged gift.

The most popular "container" for him, like hundreds of years ago, remains paper. Let's see how to wrap a gift in paper.

Paper, which did not dream of the ancient Chinese

The choice of paper is enormous. The stores offer wrapping paper thin and durable, glossy and matte, corrugated and embossed.

Sheet glossy paper

The most convenient for our purpose. It comes in a variety of colors and patterns.


Kraft is designed specifically for gift wrapping. This type of paper is slightly ribbed to the touch, with transverse embossing. Produced in rolls of ten meters in length.


Silence is thin, light, airy. Therefore, it is also used as a filler. Objects of complex shape are wrapped in silence, which this type of container fits elegantly and in relief.


Irregularly shaped gifts are often also packaged in polysilk. From it create large decorative bows. It resembles a dense film, stretches a little. For these not quite paper properties, polysilk is loved by designers and stylists.

corrugated paper

Monochromatic rough corrugated paper is familiar to everyone as an element of packaging of flower bouquets. It is often used to decorate souvenir bottles and other narrow elongated gifts packed in boxes and tubes.


Mulberry is a type of handmade paper made in Thailand. The color range is extensive. Often has a pattern or ornament, sometimes - inserts of floristic materials (dried flowers, fragments of stems, leaves).

These varieties of wrapping paper do not exhaust the entire selection. There is also mother-of-pearl, silk, crinkled, embossed, gel ... The inventors of paper, the ancient Chinese, never dreamed of such a thing!

Packing square or rectangular box

First, let's learn how to properly pack a gift with our own hands, if it is in a square or rectangular box.

We will need:

  • packaging paper
  • ribbons, cords for decoration
  • tape measure or centimeter
  • scissors
  • adhesive tape (preferably double-sided - the ordinary one will be too noticeable, and it remains to be seen whether it can be carefully disguised enough).

We pack a box of round or oval shape

Let's figure out how to wrap a round gift. Hats, tea or coffee sets, sweets, cookies, tea are sold in a round or oval box. Not every professional packer will cope with a box of this shape, so again, practice first on junk paper.

We measure the height of the box. Cut a strip of gift paper 2-3 cm wider. We glue the box around with this strip, not forgetting to tuck 1 cm under the bottom, 1-2 cm inside. Remove the lid, of course. Cut out a circle or oval from wrapping paper a little smaller than the bottom. We glue the bottom of the box so that the folded allowance is not visible.

With a lid, it's the other way around. Cut a slightly larger circle or oval, glue it and the allowance on the sides, laying neat folds. We cut out a paper strip 1 cm wider than the height of the lid. We glue it flush with the top of the lid, tuck the protruding allowance inward.

Here is another master class in pictures using corrugated paper

Finishing touch - box design

We figured out how to properly pack a gift in paper. Now you need to decorate it in an original way. Let's look at a few ideas.

The box can be tied with a ribbon or ribbon. No, it's too banal. And if with several ribbons or ribbons of different colors and textures?

If you chose plain, unpatterned wrapping paper, drag the box with a thin thread or ribbon and attach a flower or bow on top. This bright accent will give ordinary paper a special charm.

For a men's gift, more restrained packaging is more suitable. Tiny plastic Christmas tree balls can be tied to the New Year; for the birthday - small bows or other decorative ornaments. Anyone can do it in an hour, it will look spectacular!

It is better to put a children's gift in a bright textile bag or arrange it in the form of a large candy. Kids love to extract all sorts of interesting surprises from packages.

Souvenir shops sell ready-made packing boxes. If your gift is oversized, look there: what if you guess by the size?

In general, it is useful to go shopping in search of fresh ideas on how to advantageously complement gift wrapping. Among various cute little things, you can sometimes find something that is useful to you. Brightly colored natural bird feathers or miniature butterfly brooches, for example. And you can delve into home stocks and find original ribbons, decorative laces, miniature souvenirs that are enough to stick on a gift box. For those who know how to crochet, making a round flower is a matter of minutes, and glued together with ribbons to the package, it will look like a designer exclusive.

Slow down your imagination, and your efforts and experiments on how to pack a gift will not be in vain, but will be appreciated.