Beautiful curls at home. Light airy curls at home: choose your own way to create curls

Curls on long hair can be different: romantic waves, playful curls or messy curls, but they always look amazing. This hairstyle has been popular with the beautiful half of humanity for a long period of time. How to make beautiful curls at home? This is much easier than it might seem at first glance. A few simple tricks will allow you to achieve an even better effect than in the salon.

So that you can get beautiful curls that attract the attention of others, long hair must be carefully maintained. The following home activities will help you maintain the strength and natural shine of beautiful curls:

  • a variety of cosmetic procedures (masks, scrubs);
  • regular shampooing;
  • taking mineral and vitamin complexes;
  • frequent combing of strands with a massage brush.

When choosing styling for long curls, one must take into account the type of hair and the shape of the face so that the image is harmonious. To do this, it is advisable to contact a professional stylist who will talk about the individual characteristics of the strands, recommend products for their care and select the most optimal type of hairstyle. You can find out the necessary information yourself if you read the special literature on the relevant subject.

To create beautiful long curls at home, the following tips will come in handy:

  1. In the process of styling curly hair with too small curls, it is advisable to pull them out with a hairdryer, and it is better not to straighten large curls.
  2. Treat thin long strands with styling products before styling to give the necessary volume. It will help to give visual density a small bouffant from the roots.
  3. To make perfect curls for a perm, first stretch the curls with an iron, and then twist them in any chosen way.

How to wind beautiful curls at home - photo

There are many ways to create luxurious curls at home. It is not necessary to wait for a holiday or a special occasion to build a beautiful hairstyle with careless curls. With the help of an iron, curlers, hair dryer or other household “helpers”, you can make curls every day without spending a lot of time creating them. Let's look at step-by-step guides that will help you wind beautiful curls at home.

Curling curls with a straightener and curling iron

The easiest way to create beautiful curls is to use a curling iron or ironing. But before the procedure, there should be no varnish, gel, mousse or other styling products on the hair, so wash and dry them first. In order for the hairstyle to be preserved for a long time, and the structure of the strands to remain intact, it is better to apply a special heat styling agent before curling. The technology of laying beautiful curls with an iron:

  1. Divide your hair into strands.
  2. Place the straightener perpendicular to the strand, grab its end with tongs, scroll around the axis several times, then wind the hair like a curling iron.
  3. Do the same with all strands. You will get spirals of hair, which you need to carefully separate with your hands into curls.
  4. To prevent the curls from falling apart during wearing, fix them with any means intended for this.

How to create curls on long hair with a curling iron in stages:

  1. Take a large curling iron with tongs, distribute the hair into strands, pull one of them.
  2. Clamp the end of the strand with tongs, then wind it completely, as with ordinary curlers, and wait a while. The longer you keep them curling, the stronger the curls will be. But excessive heat treatment can harm the condition of your hair.
  3. You will get a more natural result if you purchase a conical curling iron without a clamp.
  4. Even without tongs, winding strands is very easy and safe.
  5. After curling, the hair should not be untwisted, but only carefully removed from the curling iron and fixed with varnish.

Making curls on curlers

With the help of various kinds of curlers, a woman can wind any curls: funny small curls, thin spirals, beautiful waves and even a lion's mane. This method has been tested for decades - it does not damage the hair, therefore it inspires confidence. However, owners of strands that are too long will have to work hard; winding them on curlers is not such an easy task. How to do it right?

Velcro or hedgehogs on curlers

The perfect solution for women with thin hair. Velcro and hedgehogs do not require additional clips or elastic bands, but use them on dry or wet strands. An important role is played by the ease and speed of the winding process. The method is suitable for girls who do not have time for a curling iron, diffuser or styler:

  1. Wash your hair and dry it a little.
  2. Spread over the entire surface of any fixative for a more durable result.
  3. Select a strand according to the size of the curler and comb through it with a comb.
  4. Roll from the end to the roots inward, pulling the strand slightly so that the hair rolls smoothly.
  5. Dry the curls naturally, and if there is no time, then with a hair dryer.
  6. To remove the "hedgehogs" or "Velcro", they should be untwisted, but very carefully so as not to damage the curls.
  7. After - comb the curls with a comb with large teeth, forming a smooth wave.

On thermo or electric curlers

Thermal curlers are used to create fashionable long curls of medium size. The advantage of this installation is the speed and different ways of wrapping. Here are instructions for using them:

  1. Wash and dry your hair completely.
  2. Apply an overheat protector.
  3. First, wind the heated curlers from the back of the head, and then onto the sides.
  4. Remove them after they have completely cooled down.
  5. Apply a fixative to the curls.

On curlers or curlers "boomerangs"

Soft curls or "boomerangs" help to create careless small curls and large curls, depending on the size. Girls love them for the opportunity to wind them up at night, and in the morning get up without a headache from uncomfortable lying. Use "boomerangs" to create curls for long hair as follows:

  1. Wash your hair, dry the strands slightly, apply a little fixative.
  2. Divide your hair into equal parts, comb each length with an anti-static brush to get rid of tangles.
  3. At the crown, separate one strand, wind the papilot, starting from the end, moving up in a spiral. Make sure that there are no ugly creases that will spoil the whole effect of beautiful waves.
  4. After winding the strand, fix the "boomerang" by connecting its lower and upper ends.
  5. After winding all the strands, wait a few hours, then separate the ends of the "boomerangs" and unwind the hair.
  6. To create a slight negligence, do not comb the curls - treat them with varnish. To create wavy Hollywood curls, it is best to comb your hair.

Creating curls with a hair dryer

It is easy to create beautiful curls on unruly long hair using a regular hair dryer with a diffuser attachment. This method of curling masters is called "wet effect". To create chic small curls you need:

  1. Wash your hair, dry your hair with a towel by 70%.
  2. Apply mousse on the palms, then squeeze the entire length of the strands with them, as if collecting in a bundle.
  3. Tilt your head down and dry your hair with a diffuser.
  4. Then, without raising your head, straighten the curl with your hands, creating volume.

Curls without curlers and curling irons

Making curls at home without special tools is also not a problem. Some women of fashion use pieces of thick paper for this, on which strands are alternately twisted, securing them with threads. Other resourceful girls even use their own fingers to make beautiful curls from long hair. Consider the most common methods for creating curls.


With the help of an ordinary hairpin, girls make quite professional curls that can even last for several days:

  1. Moisten the strands slightly and collect in a ponytail.
  2. Twist the tail into a tight flagellum, wind it into a bun, secure with a hairpin.
  3. After 6-8 hours, unwind the tail.
  4. Beat the resulting beautiful wavy curls with your hands, fix with varnish.

small curls

Naughty curls were also made by our grandmothers with the help of rags, and now this method has not lost its relevance. You will need several thin pieces of 5 cm in length to perform the following steps:

  1. Divide your hair into narrow strands, wind them on rags from the tips to the roots, like wooden bobbins.
  2. Tie the pieces in knots so that the hair does not slip out.
  3. Dry them naturally or with a hair dryer, then carefully untie or cut the fabric so as not to damage the curls.
  4. Fix small curls with any means.

big waves

An exquisite large wave on long hair will help to make a piece of fabric. This will require:

  1. Moisten the strands with water, divide them into several zones.
  2. According to the number of zones, prepare strips of cotton fabric.
  3. Grab the base of the strand with a cloth and braid the “spikelet” pigtail with it, tying the tip with an elastic band.
  4. Make "spikelets" on all strands and leave overnight.
  5. In the morning, loosen your hair, lightly fluff it with your hands, sprinkle with varnish.

Light curls with braids

Light curls will help make traditional braids - this is the most reliable way to create beautiful curls on long strands without damaging your hair:

  1. Moisten the strands with water or wash.
  2. Divide your hair into 10-20 equal parts and braid them into pigtails.
  3. Tie each with a thin elastic band, sprinkle with varnish, go to bed.
  4. In the morning, unbraid the pigtails, form curls, fix with any means.

Curling hair with an elastic band

With the help of a bandage, girls often create evening hairstyles for long hair. But this accessory is sometimes used to create beautiful curly strands. For this:

  1. Put on an elastic band around your head.
  2. Moisten the strands that are under it with water.
  3. Divide wet hair into several parts and twist each strand into a flagellum.
  4. Hook each tourniquet under the elastic, and hide the tip in the previous strand.
  5. After a few hours, loosen your hair, form beautiful curls.

Video: how to quickly make voluminous curls so that they last a long time

If you are the owner of straight long hair, do not think that you will never get beautiful voluminous curls on them. A beautiful perm is easy to do at home, it is only important to know exactly what size of curls is most suitable for your appearance. Watch the video compilation below to help you choose the best curl size and learn the best way to create curls that will keep your curls in shape for a long time.

Big curls from the face

Afro curls

Hollywood curls

Step-by-step instructions for laying on electric tongs

Every second owner of straight hair dreams of beautiful curls. There is nothing surprising in this, because curls on medium hair look very playful and sexy. Dreaming of the same hairstyle? We will help you curl even perfectly straight strands.

Learning to create curls at home

Are you used to trusting only yourself? Well, try to make curls for medium and long hair at home - you won't regret it! To do this, you may need a hair dryer with brushing, a curling iron, curlers, bobbins, and even a straightener. But you can use the gentle way.

Spinning hair with a hair dryer

This method is the simplest and most common. The main thing is to use the diffuser and styling products correctly.

Step 1. We wash our hair with shampoo and blot the strands with a towel. They should be almost dry.

Step 2. We apply foam or mousse to the hair (preferably with thermal protection) and squeeze it into a fist - the curls will lie soft and airy.

Step 3. We put the strands inside the diffuser in random order and dry them in hot mode. The movements of the hair dryer should be spiral and circular. First, the tips are dried, and then the roots.

Hairstyle as a result is very lush and stylish.

Making curls with a curling iron

Having decided to make curls for medium hair with a curling iron, remember that you can wind it only on dry strands.

  1. We comb the hair with a comb and divide it into several tiers.
  2. We divide the occipital zone into thin strands and wind each of them onto a curling iron.
  3. Now let's move on to the sides.
  4. It remains the case for the crown.
  5. Gently lays the curls with your hands and fix the hairstyle with varnish.

Iron for beautiful curls on medium and long strands

With the help of a conventional straightener, you can achieve a luxurious large curl. Hair must be completely dry before styling, otherwise it will simply burn out.

1. Comb your hair with a comb, lower your head down and spray it with varnish for better fixation. We hold the can at a distance of 25 cm, otherwise the strands will stick together, and the curls themselves will look artificial and not very beautiful.

2. Warm up the rectifier well. At the temple, we separate a thin strand and clamp it at the very roots.

3. Pull the iron through the hair to the end.

4. We pass to the strand, which is located above. We repeat the same procedure.

5. We curl the whole head in this way.

6. We lay the curls with our hands and sprinkle them with varnish. Very soft and light waves are obtained.

Curlers for real curls

Curlers can be called the most versatile tool for creating curls. With their help, you can curl large light waves, and elastic small curls, and classic curls.

Method number 1 - Classic curls

Step 1. We prepare thermal curlers - plug them into an outlet or warm them up in a saucepan with water.

Step 2. Spray the strands with strong hold varnish. Hair should be dry, curls will not hold on wet strands.

Step 3. Using a thin comb and a few clips, divide the hair into three parts - central, left and right.

Step 4. In the central part, we separate several thin strands and twist them into curlers. We move from the forehead to the crown. If you dream of monotonous curls, wind your hair in one direction. The size of the curls depends on the size of the curler.

Step 5. Go to the right and left parts. We wind the strands from above, placing the curlers horizontally on the forehead.

Step 6. We process the hair with strong fixation varnish (it should get on each curler!) And wait about half an hour. During this time, the head should be completely cool.

Step 7. Carefully remove the curlers one at a time, separate the curls with your fingers and fluff them slightly. For better fixation, spray the hair with varnish one more time.

Method number 2 - Light waves

We prepare curlers according to the "recipe" already known to you. For light waves, you need the biggest ones you can find.

  1. Apply hair mousse to dry strands and rub it with your palms along their entire length. This tool will help curls keep their shape.
  2. We divide the hair into several sections (left, center, right) using a thin comb. We clamp each section with a hairpin or clip.
  3. We wind the central sector in the direction back from the forehead. The curler should lie horizontally at the top of the head. To get natural and free waves, twist the strands in different directions - either forward or backward. For the same purpose, we use curlers of different sizes in each of the sections.
  4. In the same way, we wind the side sections.
  5. For good fixation, we treat the head with strong varnish and leave the curlers on the strands for 20 minutes.
  6. We unwind the hair and comb it with our hands.

Method number 3 - Tight and small curls

1. We heat the smallest thermal curlers.

2. Spray dry strands with a small amount of varnish.

3. We divide the hair into several sections - two side and one central. We separate them with hairpins and a thin comb.

4. We twist the central part on the curlers, placing the curlers vertically. We separate a small strand of hair and wind it up to the very roots in the direction down to the head.

5. We wind the side parts of the hair - also vertically.

6. Spray all curlers with strong hold varnish and wait 20 minutes.

7. Carefully remove the curlers, put a little gel on your fingers and go through them all over the hair. Once again, we process the curls with varnish.

We twist medium and long hair into curlers

Curlers have several advantages over classic curlers. Firstly, they are easily attached to hair of any length, secondly, they are absolutely harmless, and thirdly, soft papillots allow you to sleep on them all night and wake up in the morning with a chic mane of curly hair. How to twist this type of curler?

1. We wash our hair with shampoo, blot them with a towel or dry them with a hairdryer. The elasticity and size of the curls depends on the moisture level of the strands and the diameter of the curls. Here you should accurately calculate the time - long wet strands may not dry overnight, but if they are completely dry, the curls will be barely noticeable.

2. We start curling hair from the bottom. We separate a thin strand, lubricate it with sweet water or styling gel, apply a papillot to the tip of the strand and wind it tightly to the very roots. We fix the tourniquet with a bow or knot.

3. We wind the remaining strands, placing the papillots in a checkerboard pattern, otherwise partings will be noticeable on the head. We put a net on the head or tie it with a scarf and wait until the hair is dry.

4. You need to unwind the papillots in the same order. This must be done very carefully, without tearing or pulling the strands. Curls as a result will be vertical and elastic.

5. Separate the curls with your fingers or a comb with large teeth. It is better not to use a brush - the hairstyle will become a la dandelion. Sprinkle lightly with a light hold hairspray.

Velcro curlers for soft curls

If you have medium length hair, try winding it with Velcro.

1. We wash our hair with shampoo and blot it with a towel.

2. We apply a fixing agent to wet strands and carefully comb them with a comb.

3. We start the process from the forehead or bangs. We fix the end of the strand with our finger in the middle of the Velcro and wind the strand to the very roots. If the Velcro does not hold well on the hair, we fix it with a special clip or hairpin.

4. We continue to curl the strands along the parting line towards the back of the head. We wind Velcro exclusively from the ends of the strands.

5. Now proceed to the side sections, twisting the Velcro inward.

6. Leave the curlers for at least an hour, then unwind them in the same order, holding the hair tightly with your fingers and pulling the Velcro down.

7. We straighten the finished styling with our hands and fix it with varnish.

As you can see, making beautiful curls is quite simple both at home and in the salon. Use our advice and always be the most beautiful.

Beautiful curls salon

Many girls prefer to do a perm in professional salons. This solution has a lot of advantages and guarantees an excellent effect. Do you also mind spending a couple of hours on yourself? Then choose any of the most popular options for long-term styling!

Carving - long-term styling

Carving is a professional curling of strands using a special chemical agent. It is based on fruit acids, so carving practically does not harm the hair. As a result, you will get elastic, shiny and soft curls that will delight you for 7-9 weeks.

Before starting the session, it is worth determining the structure of the hair, since carving simply will not take too hard strands. And the “power” of the composition also depends on this nuance. It is not necessary to use carving very often. Although it is considered a mild procedure, it will not bring much benefit. Take breaks between curls and do not forget about the use of nourishing masks, balms and conditioners.

Bio perm

Bio-perm is a great alternative to the previous option, freeing you from tedious styling every morning. "Bio" curls for long hair suggest the presence of a special protein in the composition, which strengthens thin strands and preserves large curls for a long time.

Modern bio-wave is represented by several types:

  • With a moisturizing complex - regulates the moisture of the hair and contributes to the appearance of elasticity and healthy shine in them. Allows you to create curls of medium hardness. Suitable even for very long strands.
  • With bamboo extract - a good choice for damaged and thin hair of medium length. A protective complex (usually made in Italy) restores the structure of the strands and makes them more beautiful.
  • With silk proteins - guarantees soft curls, does not change the natural properties of the hair. On long strands, a bio-perm with silk proteins does not hold very well.

Gentle "chemistry"

This is the same “chemistry” with which our grandmothers and mothers turned into real sheep! The classic perm, which has been at the peak of popularity for several decades, is now almost forgotten. She was replaced by alternative ways of curling hair that do not cause them such harm.

If you still decide on this method, know that "chemistry" is found in two versions - neutral and acidic. The first is suitable for any type of hair, while the second is highly undesirable with a soft type.

Naughty curls, big waves or small curls can be easily created at home without wasting precious time. And all variations will look stylish, luxurious and give the image originality and freshness.

In the modern rhythm of life, it is very important that the external image be created as soon as possible. Beautiful styling should be formed in just 5 minutes, while looking attractive, neat and lasting all day. The best option is luxurious curls that have not lost their popularity over the years.

Quick curls with a curling iron or flat iron

A curling iron is an amazing tool and a great helper in creating wavy hairstyles. The variety of models is amazing. You can find various diameters and shapes, double or triple. The latter significantly speed up the process of winding, and with their help make clearer boundaries of curls.

It should be remembered that the size of the curls directly depends on the diameter of the tongs, and the speed of the process depends on the quality of the curling iron and the actual length and density of the hair.

As a rule, 5-20 seconds is enough to curl one curl. In general, it will take no more than 15 minutes to create a chic styling for medium length. Apply a heat protectant first.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Divide the entire shock into three zones: the occipital and two temporal, which are secured with clamps so as not to interfere;
  • Curling each zone will take an average of 3 minutes. In order not to get burned, use a glove;
  • You should start from the back of the head, separating a narrow strand;
  • Screw it onto the heating element, hold it for up to 20 seconds (this is the maximum time to create elastic and strong curls, if the desire is to lightly waviness, then you should hold it for a few seconds), dissolve;
  • Do such actions with the whole mop;
  • At the end (after complete cooling), distribute the finished curls with your fingers and fix with varnish.

For many, this option may not seem quite fast. In this case, it is permissible to curl only the ends, taking them wider and after 5-7 minutes the charming image is ready.

The iron is also a universal device with which curls, waves, curls are created. The most efficient way is to warm up the strands twisted into a bundle. A lot of time and effort is not required, and the result is amazing.

Lovely curls without heat

One of the old ways of forming waviness is the use of curlers. Today's diversity allows you to make masterpieces on your head without difficulty, and most importantly - harm to your hair. This is the easiest and most effective way to curl your curls.

There are curlers of various diameters, with a velor or velvet coating, Velcro, foam rubber, metal, flexible boomerangs, thermal and electric curlers.

To achieve the effect of large waves, it is necessary to use curlers with a diameter of 4-5 cm. It is better to use with a velvet coating and secure with clips.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • On clean, damp hair, apply styling mousse or foam, carefully distributing them;
  • Separate a wide strand and wind it on curlers;
  • Do the same with the remaining mass;
  • Dry with a hair dryer until completely dry;
  • Remove, distribute the strands and fix with varnish.

The advantages of this method are that the use of these large-diameter clamps allows you to wind rather wide sections, which significantly reduces the time. Drying takes a little time, and on average this styling will last 10 minutes.

Velcro curlers are perfect for short lengths. Due to the specific surface, entanglement is excluded. Another advantage of such clamps is their amazing volume.

A win-win option for quick styling will be the use of papillots. They have a soft foam texture, they can be left overnight, and they will not cause any discomfort. In the morning, the time spent will only be spent on promotion and correction of the final result. It is enough to use a light styling spray, which will give additional volume and varnish to fix attractive curls.

The result - seductive curls without harm to the hair in the shortest possible time.

The winding technique is quite simple and consists of the following steps:

  • Separate a small area;
  • Fix the papillot at the root;
  • Holding your fingers at one end, wind the strand with spiral movements;
  • Then twist the ends of the papillots. The metal insert inside the foam rubber allows you to firmly fix it, while weighting, discomfort and other unpleasant sensations are not observed.

This variation is suitable if it is possible to meet the evening. Then in the morning the hair will take a maximum of 5 minutes.

How to curl your hair with a diffuser

It is possible to turn strands into light curls with the help of a special diffuser nozzle. Often it comes with a hair dryer, so every girl should have it in her arsenal.

The amount of time spent is equal to the minutes that it takes to dry the hair. In this situation, no extra movements are required to twist the curlers or use a curling iron or a styler. Just the desire to look amazing.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Carefully distribute the styling product (mousse, foam or wax) on clean, wet hair;
  • Tilt your head down, sprinkle with varnish;
  • Then place part of the strand in the diffuser and dry it with smooth up and down movements to completely distribute the heat;
  • Do the same with the remaining mop;
  • Form the final result beautifully and fix it with varnish.

This is the most optimal method for quickly creating cute curls.

Beach curls without heat can also be done in the shortest possible time. The effect of slight negligence is provided, and the image comes out relaxed and romantic.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Wash your head;
  • Spread the styling mousse on wet hair;
  • Divide the entire mass into two equal parts;
  • From each twist a tight tourniquet;
  • Fasten the harnesses on your head in a way convenient for you;
  • Hold on a little;
  • Unroll and spray with varnish.

During the time while light curls are formed from the flagella, you can correct your makeup, choose an outfit, drink coffee. For best results, use a hair dryer. Dry the bundle structure thoroughly and dissolve, correcting the result with your fingers.

Quick hairstyles with curls

Women's hairstyle is an extremely important attribute in the appearance of a beauty. Beautiful curls or gently flowing waves will create a unique, charming and stunning look.

So, the curls are ready, it remains to make an operational hairstyle from them and emphasize your individuality.


The very femininity and tenderness. Fully corresponds to the declared trends of the current season. You can make it in a matter of seconds, and by experimenting with models, you can provide a variety of bows for every day.

  • Select one strand in the temporal-lateral zones;
  • Pull them back and tie with a transparent elastic band;
  • Add romantic notes with a bright ribbon.

If you have braiding skills, then it is quite possible to fix the styling with cute pigtails. It can be tight plaits, thin three-strand braids or voluminous openwork.

It all depends on skills and, of course, time. You can twist a small bagel, securing it with invisibility. There are a lot of variations, so here you need to build on skills and preferences.

Wavy hairstyles look stylish on their own, but sometimes flowing waves get bored, and you want an interesting styling with elements of curls.

playful curls

It only takes seconds to create.

  • Pick up the hair, collect it in a careless bun and secure with hairpins / invisible hairpins at the back of the head;
  • Leave the curls at the face to fall.

You can leave it on both sides, but it is better to make asymmetry. It is permissible to pick up the beam completely. Play with curls and choose the best option for you.

Tails have always looked relevant, and a twisted tail is the most advantageous option. It can be high horse or low side.

The desire of women to constantly change has led to the emergence of various forms of styling. Among them, a special place is occupied by light waves, which are appropriate in everyday life and on special, solemn occasions. To whom such hairstyles go and how to do them using various devices (including improvised means), this article will be discussed.

What are they, who are suitable

These are the same curls, only created in a deliberately careless manner. As a hairstyle, they look natural and feminine.

This styling option looks great on long hair and medium length hair. But on short hair, soft curls can also be made very effectively.

The main thing is to know how to wind wave curls correctly, what devices you need to use for this, and with what styling tools you can make wavy hair at home.

You should not do light curls before an important event if you do not have practice. The result may not be what you want. Better practice creating soft waves on your hair in advance. So you will be able to adapt to the stylers and decide in which direction it is better to wrap.

Keep in mind that thick, long and coarse hair unwinds faster and in this case it is necessary to use styling products. But thin hair is easy to make heavier with the help of various varnishes, foams and so on. Therefore, use them carefully, trying not to overdo it with the amount. Read more about tools for creating and fixing curls on our website.

Wavy curls go to everyone, the main thing is to curl them correctly and in the right direction.

Curls with a flat iron

Before making a light wave with a straightener, it is worth familiarizing yourself with some rules:

  • you can use the iron only on dry strands;
  • the formation of the hairstyle is done on a well-washed hair;
  • wrapping goes in the direction from the roots - to the hair;
  • it is necessary to choose the right temperature regime. For example, for thin hair, an average temperature is sufficient;
  • when winding, do not press hard on the clamp so that ugly folds do not remain;
  • Be sure to use thermal protection.

Curl for medium and long hair

  1. Separate the temporal zones and secure them with a hairpin.
  2. Collect the rest of the strands in the tail, leaving the initial horizontal row at the back of the head.
  3. Grab a small strand at the back of the head and pinch it with an iron about 2 cm from the roots.
  4. Holding the tip of the strand, turn it along with the iron towards the head by 360 ⁰С. The end of the strand should point down.
  5. In this position, pull the styler down the entire curl. You should get a neat curl.
  6. Separate the next part of the hair horizontally and do the same movements, directing the iron in the opposite direction - away from the head. So wavy curls will not merge with each other.
  7. In the next row, create a basal volume. To do this, comb each individual bundle of hair at the root and sprinkle with varnish.
  8. Then wrap in the opposite direction from the previous row, holding the strand at the roots.
  9. Thus wind the rest of the hair. The front bundles are all wound in an upward direction.

What are the features of winding curls on long and medium hair, you will find the preferred curling techniques on our website.

Advice. To create a natural wave in your hair, tilt your head forward and comb the curls well with your fingers. Spray with varnish. Raise your head, spread all the curls with your fingers and varnish again.

With the help of ironing, you can make curls at home and in this way:

  1. Twist a small strand into a tight bundle and walk through it with an iron, warming the hair well from the inside.
  2. Do the same with the rest of the hair.
  3. Smooth out the curls with your fingers and fix with varnish.

Blow dry

How to make your hair wavy with a hair dryer?

You will need:

  • 2 round large combs;


  1. Wash your hair and dry it randomly with a hair dryer until almost dry.
  2. Separate a small part of the hair and pull it out with brushing and a hair dryer, as with standard styling.
  3. Pick up the same bundle again and wind it around the comb in the direction of the head, all the while drying it with a hair dryer. In this position, leave the brush on the strands while you make the next curl.
  4. In the same way, wind the next part of the curls, leaving a comb on it in the form of a large curler.
  5. Unroll the previous curl.
  6. Repeat with the rest of the curls.


How to make wavy hair with curlers:

  1. Wash your hair and dry it to a slightly damp state. Apply mousse. If you use thermal curlers, curls must be completely dry.
  2. Create curls starting at the ends. The width of the strand should be slightly less than the length of the styler. Make twists in different directions.
  3. Dry the curls curled with curlers with a hair dryer. If using thermal stylers, skip this step.
  4. Carefully remove the stylers and comb through the curls with your fingers. Do not brush.
  5. Fix with varnish.

Attention! Please note that this method is not suitable for owners of short haircuts.

Stacking with a beam

A great way for those who have long curls and do not have time for lengthy manipulations with hairstyles. With a beam, you can walk at work, and in the evening you can get soft airy curls.

How to make beautiful waves in your hair with a bundle?

  1. Twist a tight tourniquet from curls.
  2. Twist it, forming a bun, and secure with hairpins or hairpins.
  3. Leave for a few hours, and then just loosen your hair and straighten everything with your hands.


  1. Apply mousse or foam to cleanly washed and damp hair.
  2. Braid pigtails: one or more, depending on the density of the hair. The thicker the braid, the softer the wave will be.
  3. Wait for the braid to dry (you can leave it overnight).
  4. Unwind and style with your fingers without a comb.

This method is also faster. To do this, a braid is braided onto clean, dry hair, which needs to be warmed up well with an iron.

cold wave

The cold wave (aka the retro wave) got its name from the styling method: the curling takes place without thermal devices. This hairstyle looks good on short hair, but you can create it at any length.

You will need:

  • foam (for a more natural look) or gel (to accentuate curls). Choose styling products that will leave your hair plastic, not stiff;
  • hair clips;
  • comb-comb with frequent teeth.


  1. On wet hair, apply the selected styling and make a side parting about 5 cm deep.
  2. Starting from the side where the hair is larger, comb it well with a comb, directing it towards the face.
  3. From the very top, at the roots, place your finger on the parting so that it points to the face, parallel to the parting.
  4. Take a comb, place it parallel to your finger at a distance equal to the depth of the future wave (about 3 cm). Move the comb of the selected part of the hair to your finger, forming a wave (crown) up.
  5. Put your finger in place of the comb and comb the remaining curls, combing out all the irregularities in the finger area well.
  6. Fix the wave with clamps on both sides.
  7. Create a new wave with your finger and comb, remembering to comb the strands well.
  8. Pay due attention to the front, the lines should be clear, beautifully defined. Be sure to fix the bends of the crown with clamps. Please note that the clamps must be parallel to each other.
  9. Keep working until you reach the desired number of crowns.
  10. Wrap the tip of the hair in the direction from the face to the crown and form a beautiful curl.
  11. Wait until the hair is dry, and only then remove the clips.
  12. Spray the entire surface of the crowns well with varnish.

Advice. The cold wave can be continued all over the head, or you can simply wind the back of the hair on curlers.

Curls with a flat iron and foil

The foil enhances the fixation of the curl, and the ironing is more durable.

  1. Cut the foil into squares.
  2. Take a small strand and roll it into a ring starting from the tip, towards the head.
  3. Wrap the ring in foil to form a pocket.
  4. Heat with iron for about 2 minutes.
  5. Continue shaping curls in the same way.
  6. Remove the foil only when it has completely cooled down.
  7. Straighten the finished curls with your hands and fix the hairstyle with varnish.

There are many ways to create light waves. If you need to do styling quickly, then use a hair dryer. And if there is no time even for styling, take care of the hairstyle in advance and just make a bun. Well, if you want to conjure over your hair longer and create a real masterpiece, then a curling iron and an iron will help you.

Although, in the pursuit of beauty, all means are good, so experiment, try different ways and choose the one that you like more than others.

Useful videos

How to make curls yourself without harm to health.

The method of winding curls "for the lazy".

If the main thing for you as a result is its long-term effect, we recommend that you pay attention to all kinds of salon long-term styling. The list of such procedures today is very wide and is not limited to traditional chemistry.

Modern hairdressing technologies offer girls a lot of safer and more gentle methods for creating beautiful curls. Among such harmless procedures are biowave, carving, Japanese perm, silk wave styling, amino acid perm and many other options.

IMPORTANT! No matter how gentle the product used for long-term curling is, it is strictly forbidden to use it at home. If you decide to take such a crucial step, you can do this procedure only in a proven salon under the guidance of a qualified specialist.

How to make curls for short hair at home?

You don't have to stress your hair like a long-term salon perm. We advise you to experiment with short-term styling first. You can easily make them yourself. There are many ways to do this. The most common curling methods using the following devices:

  • Curler.
  • Curling iron.
  • Straightening iron.

Each of these methods has the right to exist. Choose any of these methods, focusing on your personal tastes and preferences, as well as on the availability of the necessary hairdressing equipment and accessories.

Laying algorithm step by step

So, you are ready to proceed directly to the curling process. Where should you start? Let's briefly analyze the sequence of actions for different types of home installation:

  1. If you want to curl your hair with curlers, wash your hair first. Divide your hair into several zones for convenience. Alternately wind the strands on ordinary or thermal curlers. Remember that such a perm is best done on dry hair.
  2. How to make curls with curlers, you will learn here:

  3. Curling with a curling iron should also be done on clean hair.. They may be dry or slightly damp. The principle of laying here is about the same as when curling curlers. They take strands of hair one by one and wind them on a hot thermal device.

    It can be a traditional cylindrical curling iron or a more modern conical one. This fashionable device today allows you to create curls of different sizes - from small curls to large curls.

  4. Watch the master class of curling hair with a curling iron:

  5. If you have long mastered curling on curlers and curling irons, you can try another non-banal method - styling with an iron. A strand of hair with this method of curling is captured between the plates of the iron, and then the device is pulled over the entire surface of the strand, achieving an elastic curl.

As you can see, all these styling options are quite easy to use. Just a couple of workouts - and you can easily create stylish and modern styling on your hair.

Photos of spectacular hairstyles

We bring to your attention styling options for short hair:

Wavy strands without heat treatment

Not every girl wants to expose her hair to daily thermal effects or sleep on hard and uncomfortable curlers every night. If the techniques described above do not suit you, you can try other, non-traditional ways to create beautiful curls on short haircuts. We describe just a few of these methods:

  • Beach styling. You can make it with your own fingers and a sea salt spray.

    At the same time, the hair is treated with a spray and randomly wrinkled and twisted with hands, achieving a slight effect of negligence.

  • Soft waves with a bundle or flagella. Thus, you can make both soft large waves (by making one big bunch) and small voluminous curls (by winding several small flagella).

    After a couple of hours, loosening your hair, you will get a very beautiful and natural effect.

  • Curling on pigtails. An easy way to get beautiful frizzy strands of different sizes (depending on the number of braids).

    It is better to braid such a hairstyle at night, and in the morning to dissolve the braids.

The beauty of these styling methods is that they are all produced without any thermal effects, and therefore do not injure the hair. In addition, they are all quite simple and can be easily reproduced at home.

How to use styling?

To make the styling especially beautiful and stylish, and its result lasted as long as possible, it is necessary to use high-quality styling products. Among modern cosmetic lines there are a lot of products designed for different purposes.

To create careless curls, gels, foams and light mousses are usually used. To fix the result, after styling, you can additionally use fixing sprays or hair sprays.

IMPORTANT! If you are curling your curls with the hot method, in addition to the styling products described above, you will also need to use special thermal protective agents that will save your hair from the harmful effects of high temperatures.

Which curls will last the longest?

Persistence of a curl is a purely individual thing.. For some, curls can last all day, while for someone they disappear after a couple of hours from styling.

It all depends on many factors, including the individual characteristics of the hair structure, their length, thickness and volume, as well as many external factors, such as the level of air humidity, weather conditions, a competent choice of styling, etc. Therefore, a definite answer to the question of which curls will last longer cannot be given.


Curl styling is always very beautiful, feminine and romantic.. Not only long-haired beauties, but also girls with fairly short haircuts can afford this hairstyle. Anyone can master this type of styling, it is enough to show only a little effort and patience.