Beautiful birthday wishes for sister. Happy birthday wishes to sister Very beautiful birthday wishes to sister

It's good that there is a person on earth in whom I am one hundred percent sure. All my secrets and mysteries I can only trust her. Wise advice and warm words I can only hear from her. This is my sweet sister, my blood. Today, with great joy, I congratulate you on your birthday. May happiness always smile at you, may luck knock on your door, and remain forever. I wish you good health, great happiness. Love and be loved. All earthly blessings and family comfort to you.

Happy birthday to my beloved sister!!! I wish you happiness, health, success in life and at work, may all your dreams and plans come true. I wish that the sun always shines above your head and that it never rained in your life.

My dear sister, happy birthday! Let health not fail, and friends do not betray! I wish your whole life to be filled with fun, good deeds, and evil, envy and separation will forever forget the way to you! Do not forget us, your loved ones, enjoy life and endure all hardships!

Dear sister! Today is your birthday, and I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart. We have been together since childhood, and, of course, we had quarrels and disputes, but we always found a solution. We never let fights and adversity ruin our relationship. Thank you for being patient with me sometimes and not judging me for wrong doings. Your patience has always amazed me, I am very grateful to you for that. You always supported me in difficult times and gave the right advice. Without your help, I would not have been able to become the person I am now - determined and courageous. You taught me not to be afraid of difficulties, but to look forward bravely and overcome them. For this I am even more grateful to you. You are the best sister in the world! Happy birthday!

Sister! It is with great joy that I congratulate you on your birthday! I know that with a brother like me, life is not easy for you. But, believe me, I love you more than anything in the world and I will give anything, just to make you happy. Yes, I took your dolls from you as a child and ran away with them into the street. Yes, I stole your mascara and lip gloss and hid it so you couldn't find it. I pulled your pigtails and soiled your dresses. I always complained about you to my parents, although you were not to blame for anything. Yes, I know, maybe I was not the best brother in my childhood, but now we have matured. Now I am ready for everything for you, because you are dearer to me than anyone else. I have one sister, the most beloved and cool, the best sister. It's you. Happy birsday, my dear! Be happy!

Sister is the closest and dearest person by blood. I am so happy that I am not alone in the world, but my own sister is next to me. On your birthday, I wish you, dear, all the very best. May reliable friends always meet on your way, may you always be appreciated, loved and respected. Good health to you, more smiles, and great happiness. May your life be like pure spring water, may you be lucky in everything and always. Prosperity to you, peace and good luck in everything.

The dearest person on earth has a birthday. I sincerely congratulate you, sister, and wish you much, much happiness. May fate always be kind to you. May your cherished dream come true today. Let the years lived be the most precious wealth. I wish you good luck in all your endeavors. Be always loved and desired. May life give you only pleasant surprises. Be always the same kind, wise and cheerful. May the Lord always protect you.

Dear sister, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. May this holiday bring you a lot of joy, fun and good mood. I wish you a long and happy life. May only good news always please you, and all hardships and sorrows will forever forget the way to you. Let your beauty enchant those around you. May your family appreciate, love and help you in everything. All earthly blessings to you, peace, warmth and prosperity. Good luck to you in everything and luck, good luck.

My sister has a very significant event today - her birthday. I sincerely congratulate you, my dear, and wish you good health, joy, success and good mood. Let the cuckoo tirelessly count your years. May you have a good time at work. May peace and tranquility reign in the family. May luck always choose only you. Be always so wise and kind. May spring bloom in your soul for a long time. All the best to you, prosperity and well-being. May a good angel always protect you from failure.

Today our whole family is celebrating a wonderful holiday - the birthday of our dear sister. We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday. May a smile always shine on your face, may a spark of joy always burn in your eyes, be always happy, live in prosperity and respect. May your dream come true today, may everything be fine in all matters. Never be discouraged and easily solve all problems. May your life flow like a full river, may the Lord always protect you.

With all my heart I wish you to live a happy life. May your life path bypass anxiety and a loving guy who will love you more than anyone met on this path. May happiness and luck always walk side by side. Happy birthday!

My dear! Happy Birthday! I wish you to go through life with a firm gait, not to bend under difficulties, to meet joy with dignity! Let your children only please you, and the second half never offend! Happiness, health, good luck!

Dear sister, we have gone through a lot with you and we still have a lot to go through, because I wish you long and happy years of life. I wish you a happy life ticket and never forget to appreciate your happiness. May all your actions always be appreciated by others as they deserve. Respect and joy to you. Happy birthday.

Dear sister, dear happy birthday, so you became an adult, and remember how we grew up with you, you followed me, and I would like to run away from you and hide. There is now a distance between us, but I will say loving, sister, happy birthday, happy angel day to you!

Everything in the world has two sides: good and bad. And you are no exception. Your good side is in your kindness, responsiveness, sincerity and confidence. And your bad side is that no matter how much you look for flaws in you - there are simply NO. So always stay like this. Happy birthday.

Sister! I want to congratulate you on your birthday and wish you everything, everything you can only wish for!! Health, happiness, joy, success, kindness and beauty! Let your eyes shine with happiness! Happy birthday sister!

Today I want to confess: my sister is one of those girls in search of whom you can go across three seas and still not find such a miracle ... My sister is the joy of her family, a true friend to friends, she does not know how to offend and is always ready to forgive our mistakes , there is enough warmth in her heart for snowdrops to bloom in winter! On my sister's birthday, I thank heaven that one day they decided to send a real angel to us, and I wish this angel to be the happiest today!

Dear sister, congratulations! I wish you happiness, kindness, all the best: prosperity, prosperity, good fortune, prosperity. Let your dreams come true, your mood will always be excellent, and true friends will always keep up with you. Happy birthday!

Today is your sister's birthday. Congratulations on this significant event! Let your eyes glow with happiness, a smile shines on your charming face! Remember that you deserve a lot! Let men worship you, but you only need one! It is important to make the right choice!

Dear sister! I sincerely want to congratulate you today on a wonderful day in your life! Sometimes I can't even believe that you've become so grown up; I often remember moments when we grew up together: we played, laughed, sometimes cried, argued, quarreled, but we always remained sisters and stood like a mountain for each other! I sincerely wish you great female happiness, because it's so great when you love your life and the whole world is open to you! Be always loved and desired, good luck in all your endeavors, great success and remember that I am always with you, wherever you are! Happy Birthday Sister!

On your birthday, I want to give you, a pure angel on Earth, the song of water and the mystery of light, the flight of a dragonfly and the smells of summer. I am ready to give you, laughing, a sweet woman, a radiance of eyes, a beautiful smile and, of course, success. I give you, beautiful goddess, children's laughter, let it fill your cozy home, because we live for the sake of kids in the world. I give you a cycle of money so that you live calmly, without hassle. Your sister.

An older sister is the most important person in life. In the most important moments, you were always there and supported me. You taught me not to cry. You helped me do my homework and prepare for college. You always knew how to cheer me up and make me smile. You never blamed me for anything, although I remember that I was often wrong. You always had a huge responsibility, and you always coped with it. Many people dream of such a strong and kind person nearby, but I was more fortunate than others. I'm the luckiest of all! When you're next to me, I feel like I can move mountains. And then line them up again and roll them up again, that's how much you support me! Thank you for all this, dear. Happy birthday!

Sister! Happy Birthday! I wish you mountains of happiness and oceans of love, I wish you so much strength so that you can turn mountains and reach for the stars, I wish you the fulfillment of all your desires, even those that you have not had time to wish for! I wish you the best health in the world and angelic patience, which is enough for all the difficulties, if you suddenly have to face them! I wish you to avoid all the hardships in life and always boldly go forward, never lowering your head, I wish you incredible luck in everything you do or will do and success in all your endeavors! I have always believed in you, and will continue to believe in you, because you are the most incredible sister in the world. Happy birthday, darling! Joy to you, happiness and love.

Dear little sister! Usually, on a birthday, everyone tries to wish more good and bright things, so that there is enough for the whole year ahead ... and I will not be an exception! Let every day you live be an incredible concentrate of positive, which then together, in old age, hehe, we will sip from memories like a pina colada from a glass with a cocktail cherry. Let the sun warm you even in the most inclement weather, and let all the clouds scatter from your bright gaze alone. We will always be with you together, side by side, shoulder to shoulder, back to back, we will go through life, and all troubles in fear will begin to scatter to the sides as soon as we show up nearby. I love you sister. I love. I love!!! Happy birthday, you are the best sister in the world!

Birthday is not only a cake, gifts and congratulations, although it is impossible without them. This is your day, your own, when you can wish for anything and all your wishes will come true. I want to congratulate you, sister, on the fact that for so many years you have been a ray of light in the constant hustle and bustle of days. You are gentle and kind, and more than anything in the world, I do not like to part with you. The time we spend together will forever remain in my memory as the most wonderful dreams. You are a very beautiful girl, and every year you become better and better. You grow up, and I grow up too, but inside we will always remain children who play with each other and burst into laughter with happiness. Happy birthday, sister from sister. I love you very much.

My dear, my beloved little man, little sister! Today the day has come when a few years ago a little baby, a long-awaited sister and beloved daughter, was born into this world. I am so grateful that once I had you - my best friend, my ally, my assistant, the little man to whom I can entrust all of myself and all my experiences, because you will always support and help, I'm sure. On this beautiful day, your birthday, I want to wish you all the brightest, warmest and most joyful! May harmony and peace always reign in your soul, may a charming smile shine on your smile, and may your eyes shine with faith, hope and love. Happiness is in our heart, not in the outside world. I wish you to be truly happy, and you yourself know what happiness is for you and how it manifests itself.

Sister! Today is your birthday, which means you will undoubtedly receive a lot of gifts and flowers, hear a sea of ​​compliments, nice words and wishes... Believe me, you deserve it all! You are a wonderful, bright and kind person, and I can rightfully be proud that I can call you such a beautiful and deep word “sister”. A sister is the closest friend who can be trusted with everything that you won’t tell anyone else. My sister is a faithful helper and protector who will always be on my side. A sister is a ray of sunshine that will warm with her smile, cover with her care and love. I see all this in you and for all this I am immensely grateful to you! I want to wish you to always follow your own path in life, not turning off and not paying attention to the criticism and disapproval of others. Only you know what you need and what is right for you. Listen to your heart! And I will always support you.

A birthday is an occasion to once again say “I love you” to a dear person. And how important it is for women to hear! Sister, dear, I want to wish you that not only on holidays and celebrations, but also on simple, sometimes sad and rainy days of your life, you feel with all your being the love and care of people dear and close to you. Let your heart be as if wrapped in a warm scarf from any cold and from any frost. After all, when close friends, relatives and loved ones are nearby, all obstacles and all troubles become just a summer rain, after which a rainbow will certainly appear! I love you, my dear, and I wish you true, feminine happiness, a warm sun in your soul, good health, true friends and bright, unforgettable moments!

Sister, on your birthday, I will not wish you much, but just wish you great Happiness with a capital letter! Why just happiness? Because, it seems to me, if we are truly happy, then all the gray and black stripes will seem to us just a small addition to the beautiful and rainbow palette of life! And happiness can be both quiet and sad. In nature, there is not only good weather, there is not only bad weather, but at the same time, every rain, every storm and every hurricane is beautiful in its own way. There are also no accidents in life: if it rains, let it in, cry with it, understand why he came to visit you, and then see him off, meeting the next guest with a smile - a rainbow! But most importantly, in moments when the sky is covered with dark clouds, remember that there are much more reasons for happiness in any situation than for sadness!

Birthday is the day we get a little older. The day when we unconsciously take stock, drawing an invisible line over all past events, thoughts and feelings. We take something with us on a new journey of our life, and we leave something in the past. And the most important thing in this annual ritual is to take with us what we really need. To endure precious experience, accumulated energy, warmth and love, do not forget the bag with pleasant memories and take with you a thundering piggy bank of wisdom! My sister, today your birthday has come, and I want to wish you that on the threshold of the new year of your life you let go of all past failures and doubts, throw away all insults and worries, put hope, faith, love, good luck in a suitcase and confidently step on a new step where happiness awaits you!

My dear sister, I congratulate you on your birthday! On such a beautiful day, I would like to wish you immense happiness, good health, faithful and loving friends, family well-being, harmony and peace in the soul, the fulfillment of all the most cherished desires, all the brightest, warmest and most joyful that is on this earth! I love you very much, and therefore I want you to be a truly happy little man. Rejoice, shine, dance, smile, love, inspire and just live! In its own way, sometimes unusual and incomprehensible to others, sometimes fast and lively, and sometimes a little sad and monotonous. May your life not be monotonous, may it become a real rainbow, northern lights, cat

My sister! Joyful days to you, sweet nights, more money and fewer problems. Let men compete among themselves for the conquest of your heart, and you choose, but look, do not lose! I congratulate you on your birthday, I wish you joy, patience, understanding. With your beauty you conquer everyone, so it will always be so, and not otherwise. Happy holiday, my elder sister, you are lovely and let life only please you! Charm everyone with your magnetism, enthusiasm, flirtatious smile! Good luck in life!

Since childhood, you have been support, protection and support for me in everything: in studies, at school, in relationships with friends, with enemies. Anything happened. We quarreled and even fought, but then we always reconciled. After all, one blood flows in our veins, and there are no people in the world closer and dearer! Thank you, dear, for your love, support and understanding! Happy birthday, dear sister!

Today is the birthday of the brightest person on the planet Earth - my beloved sister. I wish you today and always to be the happiest, believe only in good and do not know grief and troubles. Although sometimes we quarrel with you, you are still the best sister!

Dear sister! Dragonfly fidget, you are always cheerful, fluttering, and today you are especially good, it seems that the sun is shining clearly among us! On your birthday, I want to wish you: stay the same, be cheerful, do not lose heart and laugh out loud when it's fun! I could wish you to be more serious and careful, but you already know how to stand up for yourself, you are a real miracle, happy birthday, dragonfly!

My sweet, wonderful and tender sister! I am glad to congratulate you on your birthday today! You are my one and only, the embodiment of kindness, respect, understanding and charm! No one can resist your charisma! May all the good that You do return to You a hundredfold! Life gives minutes of joy and years of unending happiness!

Dear sister, I congratulate you on your holiday. I wish that your house is always filled with warmth and comfort, that there are always many creative and bright ideas in your head, that your heart is filled with love and tenderness, and that your every day is filled with joyful and incredible emotions.

They grew up together, sometimes quarreled, put up and again were inseparable water! My sister, my love! Your birthday has come and I hasten to tell you these words: be successful, ambitious and independent, but at the same time remain feminine, romantic and sweet, so that men willingly fight for your heart. Rejoice in the morning singing of birds, the chirping of dragonflies and just a good mood. Let everything develop in your destiny beautifully and harmoniously! Happy holiday, sister!

Today I want to confess: my sister is one of those girls in search of whom you can go across three seas and still not find such a miracle ... My sister is the joy of her family, a true friend to friends, she does not know how to offend and is always ready to forgive our missteps , there is enough warmth in her heart for snowdrops to bloom in winter! On my sister's birthday, I thank heaven that one day they decided to send a real angel to us, and I wish this angel to be the happiest today!

Today you, dear sister, are young, blooming, dreaming and believing that there are miracles in the world ... Today we celebrate your birthday, and I confess that I am a little sad that you are growing up ... there are so many troubles in adulthood ... But I believe you have everything on your shoulder! Most importantly, always be yourself! I know that you will definitely be happy and loved, and everything you dream about will happen!

Dear sister, I congratulate you on a wonderful day when everyone looks at you with admiration. You bathe in the rays of happiness and fun. Champagne sparkles: friends and girlfriends toast in your honor. May this magical state of the holiday be with you always. Health to you, success and fulfillment of desires! For you, dear sister! Happy birthday!

My beloved little sister, little miracle! You are like a delicate flower, which at first grew for a long time in the hall and care, and now it is ready to bloom, to surprise everyone with its bright beauty! On your holiday, on your birthday, I wish you a lot of sunshine, good weather without storms and, of course, love! May one day you meet a man to whom you can entrust your heart, and he, having justified your hopes and aspirations, will take you, gently holding your hand to a new, happy family life!

You are a fashionista, charming, smart and my beloved sister! I congratulate you on your birthday, I wish you more rest, have fun and enjoy life. May fate protect you and our family from troubles and troubles. Find your place in life, appreciate your family and friends, don't cut it off your shoulder and be able to forget all the bad things, opening up to new feelings and acquaintances. Let the lights dance in your eyes, and your soul will always be calm and joyful. I wish you happiness!

Happy Birthday Sister! You are always fresh and good, you do not need tricks to be beautiful every day, because your main decoration is a kind heart and a warm smile! As soon as you appear, it is as if spring is coming: your relatives and friends do not sit gloomy, but smile, and you also say something, and you want to accomplish a feat! So stay the same! Purposeful and cheerful, open and kind, cheerful and inspiring! And be happy every moment!

As a child, many of us dreamed of a brother, but I always needed a sister. And I have her, and she is what I always needed, and I love her very much and cherish her as my own blood, as a person who will always support me and whom I will always help. Happy birthday to you, sister, think of something and let it come true!

My sister is like a squirrel, busy all day long and, like Vasilisa the Beautiful, she manages everything, and she does everything surprisingly well! I wish you more smiles and good mood on this birthday, let the arrows on your watch run a little slower so that you can do everything, and let everything in your life happen in accordance with your desires!

Sister, you are the best in the world, and I wish this birthday to also become the best holiday and give you a lot of joy, warmth, sunny smiles and just a wonderful mood. Be dearly loved, love with all your heart and give joy to everyone around you - you are so good at it!

My dear little sister! On this day, I hurry to congratulate you on your birthday before everyone else! You mean a lot to me, and I want your life to develop as an exact puzzle, which consists of happiness, prosperity, love and health! Always be a beautiful and charming woman, turn men's heads and indulge in pleasures!!!

Congratulations, my beloved sister, happy birthday! I want to wish you a sea of ​​love, an ocean of happiness, true and true friends, spring mood, a holiday in your soul, interesting travels, new discoveries and pleasant experiences. Be always irresistible and charming!

Happy birthday! Congratulations!
I sincerely wish with all my heart
So that happiness is near
To not be sad
To make life more beautiful
So that luck is a full bowl!
Good luck not to leave
And keep warm all the time! rating: 105 ↓

Sister, beauty, today is your day,
Let's celebrate it soon!
I want to wish you on this day
Become the happiest person in the world
May all wishes come true
All good things never end! 104 ↓

Dear sister, I congratulate you!
Of course I want to be the happiest
May there be joy and laughter in life,
Love, positive, only success in business!
I also wish not to wait for the stars from heaven,
After all, in life there are almost no miracles,
Catch your luck on the fly
And I'll be there, and I'll help! 142 ↓ - Happy birthday wishes to sister

Smiles, joy, sparkle in the eyes! Let all, all dreams come true - and always please and support those around you and those who are very dear to you! Let the mood be always wonderful, and fate often gives joy, love, positive and good luck!
More congratulations in prose→ -194 ↓

My favorite sister,
You, as usual, are the best!
Let life be new pages
They bring you only success.
Let everything always work out
Everything turns out - at once,
Luck smiles sweetly
Everything will be simple - the highest class! 147 ↓

I'm lucky in this life
What a sister I have!
You bring joy and warmth
Warming your soul with a smile!
I wish you great happiness
To bypass you bad weather
To bloom like a rose in May
I didn't know what tears were.
I will shout to you loudly:
Happy Birthday Sister! 525 ↓

Always like the best brother
I am happy to congratulate my sister!
I want to wish happiness
And do not be sad, and know the price
Your deeds and deeds
To all the words spoken
Always be the most beautiful
And never be sad! 54 ↓

I want to find happiness
Always be the most fun
I want a colorful smile
Gifts - above the ceiling!
To make you shine all the time
So that everything was like never before! 118 ↓

I wish you strength and inspiration
And congratulations on your birthday!
May the sun shine on you more often
Brings happiness warm wind!
Let the guys carry on their hands
And give the stars in the sky! 70 ↓

Congratulations, our dear! I wish you the most important thing - that you have a wonderful home and family, that there is always joy and light on the way, that there is good - and a handful of coins!
-111 ↓

Dear sister, happy birthday! Joy to you and happiness, in all matters - inspiration! May fate bring you pleasant surprises, life give you joy and smiles, may you meet only the most positive, smart and wonderful people on your way! -8 ↓

Originally wishing your sister a happy birthday is a great way to show how much you value her. I want to please loved ones around the clock, so preparation for the celebration should be thorough. The choice of a gift depends not only on the individual preferences of the hero of the occasion, but also on her age, status and priorities. Not all brothers know their sisters well, as a result of which they are lost in conjecture about the choice of a present. For this occasion, we have collected a golden collection of win-win congratulations.

Classics of the genre

Get a postcard with beautiful poems, sign it on your behalf. Do not use the hackneyed phrases “I wish you happiness, prosperity and health”, be original!

Write a long congratulation, you probably know the tastes and preferences of your sister. Wish her a new car, success on the personal front, a well-paid job, successful exams. Express in words how important the fate of a loved one is to you.

Attach a large bouquet of flowers to the card, it's good if it is 101 roses. Many girls dream of such a gift, as a rule, gentlemen should give such bouquets, but not everyone has the means.

For a postcard and a bouquet, you can order an original cake with a photo of the birthday girl. Confectioners will prepare it taking into account all your wishes, most importantly, arrange a tasting before ordering.


Every girl wants to feel special, go for a massage or a spa. Arrange a real holiday for your sister! Purchase a gift certificate from your favorite fitness club, solarium, lingerie boutique or beauty salon. In this case, she will be able to spend it wisely, you definitely can’t go wrong.

The certificate can be not only from the beauty industry. Study language schools, send your sister to learn English, Spanish, German or even Chinese. Useful skill and great hobby.

This also includes gift certificates for training in makeup techniques, eyelash extensions, nails, hair, hairdressing. If your sister is a creative person, learn about sewing and sewing courses, visit art schools or photography training studios.


Consult with female representatives about decorative cosmetics. Ask a friend to help you pick out quality lipsticks, mascaras, eye shadows, and other feminine delights. Get a beautiful cosmetic bag, put presents in it. It is also worth stopping the choice on bath bombs, sea salt, body creams. In the cosmetics store, you can collect a full basket of everything that you like.

As a birthday present, you should choose a high-quality and expensive French perfume. To choose it according to the preferences of the birthday girl, secretly sneak into her room and smell the perfume, rewrite their names. Come to a perfume store and ask a consultant to show you similar products. Let's list the win-win options for perfumes: Chanel Mademoiselle, Chanel Chance, Dior Sheri, Dolce Gabbana Light Blue, Dior Jador, Dolce Gabbana Empress.

If you know for sure that your sister has been saving up for something important for a long time, be it a new car or a trip abroad, give her money. Many do not advise presenting such a present, but in fact this is the most win-win option. The girl will spend them at her own discretion, money is never superfluous. Put them in a greeting card-envelope, do not forget to sign.

Incendiary party

This kind of surprise gift is suitable for young girls who don't mind hanging out with friends. Go to the dacha, gather your sister's acquaintances and arrange a holiday for her. If there is no private house, rent a cottage for the weekend. You can also hold an event in the apartment, but not all neighbors will be delighted with this.

Think over the theme of the party, take care of costumes and music. Shop for groceries, plan fun contests and incentive prizes. Ask friends for help, sit down and distribute roles for everyone. Hire a photographer or assign this position to one of the invitees to capture fun moments.

As for the theme of the event, you can have a party in Hawaiian or African style, dress up as cowboys, or just follow one style of clothing.

In order not to make a mistake with food, organize a buffet table where everyone can choose food to their taste. Organize a barbecue, prepare salads, order pizza or sushi. Take care of drinks and cocktails. Decorate the room with balloons, posters and Chinese lanterns.


Usually, on a birthday, gifts are presented that are intended only for the birthday girl. But if a lady loves to cook and constantly complains about the lack of useful tools, give her everything she needs. You can buy a set of quality knives or beautiful cutlery, a blender, a slow cooker, a toaster, a yogurt maker. The main thing is to make sure that the gift will be useful.

Extreme congratulations

A great way to please your sister is to give her unforgettable emotions. Find out about extreme sports in your city, skydive, ride horses at a gallop, rent ATVs or go-karts. Go to a motorcycle school, let your sister learn how to ride a motorcycle. Fly in a wind tunnel (an alternative to skydiving).

For calmer girls, a vacation in a water park or on the lake with friends is suitable. If your sister loves to sing, rent a studio and have her record her own song on a CD.

Fans of musical performers should give a ticket to the concert. Choose the best places where you can see the stage and have the opportunity to see the band in HD quality.


Girls who regularly track fashion news can be presented with a stylish item. Choose a natural fiber scarf, cardigan, leather gloves, or handbag. Clothes are rarely given because it is difficult to determine the size. In this case, invite your sister to go shopping, let her choose a gift herself. Perhaps her choice will fall on a dress or stylish jeans. You will definitely be sure that the present will not get dusty in the closet or on the shelf.

Travel voucher

If finances allow, send your sister on vacation abroad. Get a ticket to romantic Italy, sunny Spain or loving France. Of the beach tours, preference should be given to Thailand, Greece, Egypt or the UAE.

It is not necessary to spend fabulous money, you can choose a weekend package with meals on the All Inclusive system. This option is even preferable, because it is not always possible to escape from work or school for a whole week.

Choose hotels 4 and 5 stars, carefully study the resort. If your sister is not yet a family man, give preference to youth resorts, where incendiary parties are held every evening and free cocktails are handed out by the pool.

Original gifts

Girls are sentimental. Everyone will be pleased to receive a handmade present from their brother. Print the best photos of your sister with her friends, family and of course you. Make a big collage or buy lots of frames and hang them around the room in a symmetrical way.

Choose one beautiful and high-quality photo, visit an advertising company and order a congratulation on street billboards. Place them near your sister's house, her place of work or study. The photo must be accompanied by a warm greeting.

You can also order a bouquet of teddy little bears, it will not fade, and will remind your sister of her birthday for many years.


All girls love animals, the only difference is that some prefer cats, others dogs or feathered friends. Has your sister been dreaming of a little dog or a lop-eared cat for a long time? Fine, make her wish come true.

From the very morning on her birthday, take the lady to the nursery and let her choose a pet. After that, go to the pet store, buy everything you need: a collar, a leash, bowls, food, toys, a house. When you get home, take a photo of your sister with her new friend.

If you live in an apartment, it's best to choose a small dog like a Chihuahua, Yorkshire Terrier, or Spitz. Husky, Sheepdog, Dalmatian and others are suitable for owners of a private house.

If you decide on such an adventure, make sure that the sister has enough time to care for the pet. If she constantly disappears at work or school, you should not start an animal.


Does your sister constantly arrange photo shoots on your phone to fill your VKontakte or Instagram profile with new pictures? Buy her a SLR camera. Stylish girls should buy a trendy case with her name or a good smartphone. For those who like to read, an e-book or tablet is suitable.

If you have sufficient finances, give your sister a laptop. You can chip in money with your parents or the girl's boyfriend. Accompany the gift with a trendy flash drive in the form of lipstick or handbag.

Is your sister's birthday coming up? Give her a certificate for a spa, manicure or language school. Place a congratulation on a billboard near the birthday girl's house. Buy a French perfume, a trendy scarf, or branded glasses. Don't forget classic gifts like cards and a beautiful bouquet. A lover of noisy parties can arrange an incendiary party by gathering all your friends.

Video: happy birthday greetings to sister from sister

Names Sister Girl Happy Anniversary Woman

Like a guitar in the twilight by a fire,
Like a holiday delicious food -
So are you, lovely sister,
For people - as a joy and a dream!
Happy birthday, dear sister,
Wherever you are, let your faces shine with happiness!

Blossom my sister
My glorious counterpart on earth!
Like a second mitten
You match with me!

We are alike, no doubt
Like a bird with two wings.
I wish you a birthday
To always be like this!

Dear sister! We are so different, so we will never have the same dresses, cars and husbands! But my happiness is impossible without yours. So try to enjoy life, inspire and be inspired!

Chirped like a bird, braided pigtails,
For a long time I ran my finger along the book page ...
Let the years pass - be always young!
Happy birthday my golden sister!

You are a generous and kind soul person,
I want grief to never know.
So that life consists of white stripes,
And there was no place for bitter tears in her.

Sister, you are worthy of any gifts,
Love, of course, the care of relatives.
Let fate write a happy chapter
And all dreams come true!

Do you remember childhood? There was a time, we were friends, quarreled ... And now, in adulthood, you, my sister, remain a person close to me. Today, on your birthday, I wish you to have in life what you want and what you strive for, always be yourself and feel happiness and satisfaction every day!

Let your lips blossom with a smile
The soul flutters with happiness like a butterfly,
And let fate be your friend:
She will do whatever you whisper in her ear.

Happy Birthday Sister!
Laugh joyfully and loudly!
Receive flower bouquets
Chocolates and sweets.

Let the light sparkle in your eyes
Let there be no problems, no!
There will only be a river of money
And a happy heart!

Sister, may your birthday be enchanting and sparkling, as cheerful and provocative as you are. As you grow older and more serious, do not extinguish your inner fire. It makes you bright and irresistible.

My tenderness for you is endless, like the sky,
Brighter than the sun and stars, more precious than bread,
It only grows stronger with age and burns brighter,
As a star speaks to a star in the night.
And the soul burns like a fire,
Happy birthday to you sister!

You are not just a sister, you are a part of me.
And let each of us have our own life and our own roads,
But today with flowers I will come to your house
And from the threshold I will read the line of congratulations for you.

God gave you love and your children,
So let him keep you, let him help you everywhere.
I wish energy, strength, the embodiment of all ideas,
May all days be filled with deep meaning!

Dear sister! May the most long-awaited guests come to you on your birthday, give you luxurious gifts, surround you with words of love. May there be no barriers in your life, but only happy opportunities!

Happy birthday dear sister
Let your heart sing with love
Life is a new and bright page
A storm of feelings and joy will bring!

Happy Birthday Sister!
You are my blood!
More than all of us in the light of women
I love only you!

I want to wish you
Live without sorrow in life
Be healthy and cheerful
Be in love and love!

Sister, I wish you that your life was like a swarm of butterflies, every new day bloomed with bright colors, life events only made you happy, the smiles of the whole world were in your honor, and your love always resonated in your beloved heart!

Alina Ogonyok

My sister dear
I am glad to wish you
Live a very long time, not knowing the troubles
And never be discouraged.

To love and be loved
Shine like a star
Always be fabulously beautiful
Dream like a child.

Do not get upset in vain
Learn to appreciate the good.
I wish you on your birthday
To be the happiest person in the world.

Happy Birthday dear,
My best sister!
I do not have a soul in you
All relatives you are for me.

I wish you happiness, laughter,
May all dreams come true
May luck and good luck
They will walk side by side.

In life, let there be different surprises
You will have a lot.
Less sad most days -
More joy, warmth.

I'm always by your side -
You don't forget this.
Sisters, we are not without reason.
I love you, you know!

Sister, happy birthday to you, dear! I so want to wish you a lot - the most magical, most tender, sublime and kindest. Let everything come that you desire, joy lives in your heart, everything will be in abundance in the house, and fluffy clouds of calmness and peace float in your soul. I wish you not to get sick, not sad, even a little, always be positive, bright, unforgettable and truly happy. With love, your sister.

You are a sister and I am a sister
Together we are sisters.
Your birthday
And I'm on the sidelines!

I want it so much sister
Wish you a lot
For starters, be healthy
Do not get sick and do not get sick.

Second, bloom like a rose,
Be beautiful, without wrinkles.
And ruddy, as from frost,
To drive men crazy.

Third, baby, be rich.
Row dollars with a shovel.
Put the euro into an asset,
To go to Tel Aviv.

Seriously, be yourself
Kind, gentle.
You are the fire with us, the heat.
I love you sister!

Happy Birthday Sister,
Let dreams come true.
Best wishes,
Honey, you deserve it.

Well, first of all, I wish
I'll be happy for you.
Very good health
Do not get sick and do not mope.

Secondly, radiant love,
Ardent, passionate, so that forever.
Let it be with you
The closest person.

Thirdly, I will say, dear,
Don't forget your sister.
May God protect you
I love you, you know.

Remember when we used to fight when we were kids?
And we fought and bit -
We shared toys.
They often fought "on pillows".

Only if suddenly trouble -
I will always run to you
I will hug and comfort.
It was the same with you.

And now they've grown up
Were wiser, in fact.
We don't fight, but sometimes
We still quarrel with you.

But today there will be no quarrels,
We will forget all insults.
I will wish happiness
Happy birthday to congratulate!

Be, sister, the sweetest,
The most tender and happy
The most joyful, beloved
And always so beautiful!

Happy birthday, sister!
Shine like the sun in the morning
Live and listen to your heart
Believe in love and fairy tales, as in childhood.

Let everything be great for you
Let if you cry, then from happiness,
Build bridges to your dreams.
With much love, from my sister.

Let your world be woven
From bright days without black holes,
From tender melting nights
From passionate loving speeches,
From good deeds and warm hands,
From pleasant meetings without parting,
Of the sunniest fortunes
Solutions to life's problems
From achievements and heights,
From travel and beauty,
From fine lace and furs,
From congratulations and poems,
From warm summer evenings
From meetings with a guitar by the fires,
From fragile lines without diets,
From the best of many years.
Glow like a bright spark!
And happy birthday sister!

My dear little man
I congratulate you.
It's good to have a sister.
Know that I have you!

I wish you happiness,
And smiles and love.
Let all bad weather go away
Keep faith in your soul.

Let there be no grief
Only success and comfort.
May all relatives, relatives
Love, appreciate, cherish!

And no matter how much we had quarrels with you,
Scandals, screams, misunderstandings...
You always remain dear to me,
My sister - without any obligations.

Today you are a little older
And I want to say a few words
Grow, live, change, be as before,
Don't let yourself be broken by others.

Congratulations my bird.
You alone, my sister,
You know all my secrets
Yes, you always give advice.
I'm glad on your birthday
Absolutely without a doubt
Tell everyone in the world:
Dream about such a sister
Everyone should in this world.
... and now - the arms are wider:
Rejoice, love, dream
Smile, flourish!