Beautiful slippers to knit with two knitting needles new patterns. How to knit beautiful slippers with knitting needles and crochet? Original slippers-socks and slippers-boots, schemes. Knitted slippers. Tatiana's works

Knitting for younger students

Audience: the master class is intended for classes with third-grade students.

Knitting "Slippers". Master Class

Target: knit slippers.

Tasks: inculcate aesthetic taste; develop motor skills, eye; cultivate accuracy.

Lesson progress


Cheerful brothers live in the hallway

Welcome guests are eagerly awaited.

Such fluffy paws -

Cozy, soft... Slippers.

Neither old nor young can do without these shoes. Comfortable, soft, warm slippers give us comfort and relaxation after a busy day. Slippers can be knitted with your own hands. They are knitted on two knitting needles in one piece and then sewn together. This work will not take long.

Step by step workflow

1. Prepare for work: yarn, knitting needles, threads, scissors, buttons.

2. Sole: Cast on 26 sts.

3. 1 row - knit all the front loops behind the back walls.

4. Row 2 and all even rows - Knit all stitches behind the front walls.

5. 3rd row - knit loops with facial loops, add one loop at the beginning and end. Figure 5a: we pick up the horizontal loop with a knitting needle, pull it out and knit it. Figure 5b: the next loop is knitted as desired: it can be behind the back walls or behind the front. There are 28 stitches on the needle.

6. 5 - 14 rows - repeat rows 3 and 2. There are 38 loops on the needle

7. 15 and 16 rows - knit facial loops.

8. 17 row - knit with facial loops, at the beginning and at the end of the row, knit 2 loops together with facial loops. There are 36 stitches on the needle.

9. 19 - 28 rows - repeat rows 17 and 18. There are 26 loops on the needle.

10. Up: continue to knit 28 row: cast on 8 loops - these are heel loops. There are 34 stitches on the needle.

11. 29 row and all odd rows - knit facial loops.

At the beginning of the row, add 1 loop. There are 35 stitches on the needle.

30 row and all even rows - knit facial loops.

12. 31 - 39 rows - repeat rows 29 and 30. There are 40 loops on the needle.

13. 40 row - close 18 loops and knit with facial loops.

14. 41 row - knit with purl loops.

42 row - knit facial loops.

15. 43 row - knit with purl loops and cast on 18 loops.

44 row - knit facial loops. There are 40 stitches on the needle.

16. 45 row - knit with facial loops, at the beginning of the row, knit 2 loops together with facial loops. There are 39 stitches on the needle.

46 row and all even rows - knit facial.

17. 47 - 55 rows - repeat rows 45 and 46. There are 34 loops on the needle.

18. 56 row - close the loops.

19. The first canvas is ready.

20. Take a button and sew.


Let's take the thread blue and red! Cast on 49 stitches with blue thread. Knit 2 rows. Then we change the thread and knit 2 rows with facial red thread. Then we attach the blue thread again.
And now carefully the 5th row: we remove the first loop as usual, we also remove the second loop, we knit the 3rd loop with the front blue thread, 4 just remove, 5 front, 6 remove, 7 front, ..., 47 front, 48 remove, 49 we knit the wrong side as usual ! It should turn out on a needle of a loop of different colors alternately.
We knit the 6th row as follows: we remove the first with a blue thread, we also remove the 2nd loop, but so that the blue thread is behind in front of the loop, that is, it must pass on the wrong side of the product, 3 loops of the front, 4 loops as 2, etc. d. to the end of the row.
7 row: take a red thread and knit 2 rows of facial ones.
9th row: we take the blue thread, and we start knitting as in the 5th row, we remove one, we knit one ..., so we knit 23 loops, remove the 24th loop, and from the 25th loop we make 9 loops (faces, yarn over, faces, yarn over, etc. .d.), remove 26, front 27, etc. to the end of the row.
10th row: we knit in the same way as the 6th row, and we knit the loops that were knitted from the 25th loop of the previous row with all facial ones, and continue as in the 6th row.
11-12 row: we take a red thread and knit it with facial ones.
Now we knit by alternating 9,10,11,12 rows to get 7 flowers (9 out of 1) - the number of flowers can be added or reduced depending on the size of the foot.
It turned out that you finished with two rows of facial red thread.
Knit the next rows as 5,6,7,8.
And then knit the trail, just like I described it in the first case.
I knitted a trace with threads of two colors together. In our case, blue and red. This makes the trail even tighter! You can also add synthetic thread to the trail for strength.

Well, the sock is ready. Try!

The trail and heel fit like this.
You should get 105 loops on the knitting needles (if you knitted according to my description on the basis that 7 flowers are connected). Next I knit from 11 loops. that is: (105-11)/2=47. In total, you knit 47 loops. Then 10 more loops, knit the 11th and 12th loop together, then turn the knitting, knit again 10 loops, 11th and 12th together, turn again, and so on until you run out of loops. It turns out almost the same as the heel of a sock. Then close the loops and sew the heel. Knitting is finished.

Knitted slippers retain heat well and will be a great addition to your home clothes in the cold season. They can easily be made by hand. This work will not take you much time and effort. Such simple slippers can be imposed on your loved ones for any holiday, for example, for the New Year. Seeing the smile on their faces, you will want to give such gifts again and again.

In this article, you will be presented with slippers knitted on your own on two knitting needles, and we will analyze them with diagrams and descriptions. This technique is not difficult to master, so you only need a little patience and perseverance.

Knitting slippers on two knitting needles for beginners with diagrams and descriptions

Let's look at this technique with an example. These cute slippers do not mind trying on any girl or woman.

We will knit on two knitting needles No. 4, starting from the sole.

The scheme is presented for a foot size of 23 cm along the length of the insole.

Knitting density: 20 loops for 20 rows.

We start with the sole. Cast on 26 stitches.

Row 1: Knit all stitches, adding one stitch at the beginning and one at the end. There are 28 loops in total.

2 row: knit facial loops.

Rows 3-16: Repeat Rows 1 and 2 (42 sts).

17 row: we knit with facial loops, adding at the beginning and at the end 2 loops together with facial loops. There are 40 loops in total.

18 row: knit facial loops.

19-32 row: repeat rows 17 - 18 (26 loops).

Let's get to the top.

33 row: we collect 8 loops (for the heel) and knit facial (34 loops).

34 row: we knit with facial loops, at the end we add one loop. There are 35 loops in total.

35 row: knit facial loops.

36-48 rows: repeat 34-35 rows (42 loops).

49 row: close with 24 loops, finish the row with facial ones (18 loops).

50 row: knit facial loops.

51 row: knit with purl loops.

52-56 rows: repeat 50-51 rows (18 loops).

57 row: cast on 24 stitches and knit. There are 42 loops in total.

58 row: we knit with facial loops, at the end we knit 2 loops together. There are 41 loops in total.

59 row: knit facial loops.

Rows 60-73: Repeat Rows 58-59 (34 sts).

After that, we close all the loops, leaving a long thread.

That's all, it remains only to sew and your slippers will be ready. Decorate them as you like, for example, with crocheted flowers.

We present to your attention another diagram that describes in detail how to knit slippers on two knitting needles:

The second version of an interesting do-it-yourself product

A very simple knitting pattern for such cute footprints:

It is best to use a medium thickness woolen buckle.

Cast on 30 stitches.

1-6 rows: we knit with facial loops.

7-22 rows: facial surface (we knit odd rows with facial loops, even rows with purl).

23-41 rows: knit the heel. 19 facial loops, 20 and 21 facial loops together, turn the work. We knit 9 purl loops, and purl 10 and 11 together, turn over again, knit 9 front, 10 and 11 together front. So we continue, alternating rows 24 and 25, until 10 loops remain on the spoke.

42 row: we collect 10 loops from the braids of the side of the heel, turn the work.

43 row: we knit 10 facial loops, then from the other side of the heel we collect 10 more loops. Only 30.

44-74 rows: we knit with the front stitch.

75 row: we begin the controls (7 facial, 3 facial together, 10 facial, 3 facial together, 7 facial).

76 row: knit with purl loops.

77 row: knit 6, knit 3 together, knit 8, knit 3 together, knit 6.

78 row: purl loops.

79 row: knit 5, knit 3 together, knit 6, knit 3 together, knit 5.

80 row: purl loops.

81 row: knit 4, knit 3 together, knit 4, knit 3 together, knit 4.

82 row: purl loops.

83 row: knit 3, knit 3 together, knit 2 together, knit 3 together, knit 3.

84 row: purl 9 and knit the 10th from the pigtail (in total, we collect 18 loops from the pigtails on each side).

85 row: 4 facial, 3 facial together, 3 facial and 4th from the pigtail.

86 row: we knit similarly to the 84th row.

87 row: similar to 85 row.

We repeat the 84th and 85th rows until all the loops from the braids are closed. Bind off the remaining 9 stitches.

Video related articles for beginners

For a visual representation of the knitting process, it is best to watch the video. You can knit right away with the master.


Slippers on 2 spokes

The simplest traces

Tracks on 2 needles

Two-tone footprints

Features of knitting house slippers with knitting needles and crochet.

With the advent of cold weather, it becomes uncomfortable for us to step on the floor with bare feet. Therefore, warm socks and cute fur slippers appear in everyday life.

Beginners and experienced needlewomen try to please themselves, their family and friends with warm new clothes for the season.

Home slippers of various styles are knitted both with knitting needles and crocheted. For men - in restrained colors, for women - brighter, and for children - with a twist in appearance.

Consider the features and secrets of knitting warm slippers for the whole family with knitting and crocheting.

How to knit slippers with knitting needles: a diagram with a description

For knitting slippers for footprints, needlewomen choose different methods:

  • one-piece seamless knitting
  • by parts, product details
  • with one seam on the back wall of the heel lift

Let's stop at the last one.


  • yarn 50-100 g, depending on its thickness and footage
  • 2 knitting needles with a thickness equal to the diameter of the thread of yarn
  • hook
  • flexible meter
  • scissors

Work order for 38 rubles:

  • cast on 31 sts and mark the 24th. After it comes loops for the toes,
  • knit all rows
  • every 4th row, knit short, that is, do not knit the loops for the fingers, but turn the work to the other side. To avoid leaving holes in these places, wrap the thread around the first loop that does not fit and pull tightly,
  • after 9 cm along the larger edge from the beginning of work in the front row, close 16 loops,
  • keep working for another 3 cm,
  • on a purl row, cast on 16 sts at the end,
  • work again in garter stitch for another 9 cm,
  • close all the loops without tightening them,
  • transfer the extreme loops for the fingers to the thread and pull off. Hide the edge of the thread inside the trace,
  • sew the seam along the long side of the product, folding it in half.

Repeat all the steps for knitting the second track.

If desired, crochet the rims of the footprints with single crochets.

See the diagram below for another knitting pattern.

How to knit house slippers for beginners: a diagram with a description

A simple and understandable way for a needlewoman of any preparation and experience is to knit slippers on 2 knitting needles. And working on two slippers at the same time will reduce your time for checking and calculating rows / centimeters before decreasing loops and changing patterns.

The direction of work is from heel to toe. The pattern is garter stitch and 1x1 ribbing.

You need:

  • yarn in 2 skeins
  • 2 spokes
  • scissors
  • hook
  • big needle

Operating procedure:

  • Cast on 29 sts from each ball on both needles. Future slippers will fit 37 foot size,
  • 1st row - knit 9, purl 1, knit 9, purl 1, knit 9. For 38-39 p. knit 11 front instead of 9, dialing initially 32 loops for each slipper,
  • 2 row - all facial,
  • continue to work 23 rows, alternating loops according to the scheme of 1 and 2 rows,
  • rib 1x1 for the next 6 rows,
  • knit 2 loops together to the end of the row,
  • turn the work and repeat the previous row,
  • put the final 8 loops on the thread and pull together. At the same time, put 2 strips from the front loops on the front of the products. The sock at the slippers is ready,
  • with a needle or crochet, sew 13 cm of the edge of the product from the toe and the back from the heel up,
  • if desired, crochet the headband with a crochet step or single crochet.

The scheme of home slippers for knitting by novice craftswomen is below.

How to knit beautiful cozy slippers with two knitting needles that fit very simply and quickly?

Follow a few preparatory steps:

  • pick a nice yarn color
  • take measurements of the foot and draw a diagram
  • Knit the control piece with knit rows and a garter stitch.
  • determine the knitting density of each pattern
  • convert measurements from centimeters to loops

Operating procedure:

  • cast on the number of loops equal to the girth of the slipper in the upper part and knit with a garter pattern 3-4 cm,
  • divide the loops in half so that there is one in the middle,
  • knit with front stitch in the front rows and purl in the purl,
  • in the front rows around the loop in the middle of the fabric, perform 1 yarn over on each side,
  • the line with this loop is the top of the slipper,
  • continue working to the desired depth of the product, excluding toes,
  • go to a scarf pattern without adding loops,
  • after 4 cm, close all loops,
  • fold the product in half so that the front surface remains outside. Sew along the long edge and instep of the heel.

How to crochet slippers with felt soles?

The felt sole is good for warm slippers. When crocheting them, choose the appropriate yarn and pattern. For the latter, a mandatory requirement is the ease of addition and subtraction without disturbing the pattern.

The direction of work is from the toes to the heel.

  • Pick up loops for the nose of the slipper and tie 3 cm of the fabric with the extension.
  • Continue working until you reach the required distance to the start of the hole.
  • Divide the fabric into 2 strips and knit each separately to the back of the heel.
  • Connect the canvases with single crochets.
  • If you plan to knit a slipper overshoe, do not cut the thread in the previous step.
  • Raise the blade in a circle to the desired height.
  • Tie the second slipper in the same way.
  • Attach the finished slippers to the sole and attach with needles.
  • Sew them with a needle with a strong thread with a seam "over the edge".
  • If desired, decorate finished products with crocheted flowers, leaves or ready-made compositions of ribbons and feathers.

How to crochet the sole for slippers?

The sole for slippers is crocheted in the direction from the chain of central air loops to the edges in a circle.

This can be seen in the diagram:

To tie it, determine the size of the leg and the number of base air loops equal to it. For example, for the 37th, 22 is enough, and for the 39th, 25.

How to knit slippers tanks?

Computer games and films about the war cover the attention of boys and men. Surprise them with an interesting model of house slippers in the form of tanks.

To keep your feet warm, take a felt insole. From it, crochet up.

The stages of the work are clearly shown in the photo below.

How to knit slippers for a boy?

The answer consists of the sequential execution of the following points:

  • decide what you will knit - knitting or crocheting,
  • choose yarn and additional materials, for example, an insole, original buttons,
  • come up with a future model of slippers or peep it on any needlework site / magazine,
  • consider the interests of the boy before the final choice of the appearance of the future finished product. For example, a fan of tanks will not be happy with the funny faces of animals on slippers,
  • really evaluate your abilities and skills before knitting,
  • take measurements of the boy's legs and draw a diagram,
  • tie the model of slippers you like and hand it to the child for use.

Below are some finished models for inspiration.

How to knit beautiful slippers for a girl with knitting needles?

There are as many beautiful models of slippers for girls as there are needlewomen's fantasies.

They are distinguished from men's restrained products:

  • brightness
  • combination of juicy and pastel colors
  • lots of drawing options

    ready-made bright knitted slippers for girls, option 2

    How to knit men's slippers with knitting needles?

    Approaches to work and knitting techniques for men's slippers are identical to women's options.

    The only difference is:

    • yarn color
    • conciseness of patterns and decor
    • foot length

    Take as a basis for work any of the patterns you like for knitting men's models of home slippers.

    How to crochet slippers on the insole?

    If you want to crochet slippers with a finished insole, then:

    • using a gypsy needle or awl, make holes at a distance of 0.5-1 cm from the edge at a distance of 0.5-1.5 cm from each other. They are needed for crocheting the insole,
    • tie it with single crochets or half-columns. In each hole, perform 2-4 columns, and on the roundings of the insole, 3-5,
    • watch the density of knitting. The insole should retain its shape without pinching,
    • fasten the last loop with the first connecting post,
    • work 2 instep stitches for the second row, which will be the first in the work on the main fabric of the slipper.

    So, we looked at the techniques of crocheting and knitting slippers for the whole family and were inspired by the photo of the finished work.

    Lung loops for you!

    Video: how to knit and crochet home slippers?

Soft and warm slippers for the home can be knitted independently. Both crocheting slippers and knitting are simple. It will take a little time: you can sit on the couch with needlework while watching your favorite series, and by the end of it you will already have a new thing ready.

Variants of knitted house slippers

The easiest option is to knit slippers with two knitting needles, while you will need to be able to knit a garter stitch fabric and a 1 x 1 elastic band. If you want to complicate the work, you can choose other options:

  • slippers with a pattern;
  • slippers from squares;
  • "tracks";
  • "slippers" and other options.

You will choose the color, knitting pattern yourself, we will only give the most detailed instructions for knitting slippers for beginners.

For work you will need yarn and knitting needles. Their diameter will depend on the thickness of the yarn. If you take a yarn of medium thickness, knitting needles No. 4 are better.

You should not take too thin yarn, but in thick slippers it is unlikely that your legs will be comfortable, except perhaps in severe winter.

How to knit slippers with your own hands

Cast on 34 stitches on the needles, knit the first row. In the second row after the hem, knit 10 front loops, 1 out., 10 faces., 1 out., at the end of 10 front and edge.

From the 3rd to the 34th rows, knit according to the pattern: all odd rows are front, even - like the 2nd row.

In the 35th row, increase, knit 11 knit loops, then from 1 loop knit 2, 8 facial, from 1 loop 2, 11 facial and edge. 36th row: 10 facial, 1 out., 12 facial, 1 out., 10 facial, edge. The next row is all facial.

We knit the 38th row and all even rows up to the 63rd row, like the 36th, odd ones - with facial loops.

Then we knit 9 rows with an elastic band 1 x 1 (1 person., 1 out.), We do not close the loops.

It remains to tie the second slipper and collect both. First you need to stretch the remaining tail through the open loops of the last row, tighten, fasten the thread. Sew the part knitted with an elastic band and 8 more rows (this will be the toe).

To form the heel, you need to find the middle of the first row from which knitting was started. Starting from here, you need to sew the middle part of the heel with a neat seam. Fasten the thread and decorate the slippers: you can embroider with bright threads or decorate a pom-pom, crochet a voluminous flower.

Slippers with felt soles are knitted in exactly the same way: after finishing work, sew the sole to the finished slipper, and the place where it is sewn can be hidden under a decorative seam.

Slippers on 5 spokes without seams

Such slippers can also be knitted by an inexperienced needlewoman. Prepare 5 knitting needles No. 4 and yarn of medium thickness.

Scheme and description for knitting slippers:

  • Type 32 loops on the knitting needles and knit, as in the previous case, the first row with facial loops.
  • We knit the second row like this: after edging 10 persons., 1 out., 10 persons., 1 out., 10 persons.
  • 3rd and 4th rows - according to the drawing and so on until the 15th row.

Now let's form the heel. To do this, we knit the 15th row like this: 10 persons. (side), 1 out., 10 persons., 2 together out., turn the work. On the 16th row you need to knit according to the pattern, then attach 1 loop of the side side and turn the work.

In the 17th row, only the central part (12 loops) is knitted with the attachment of the side loops to it: 10 persons., 1 remove and throw it on the loop of the side side, which is knitted with the front side, in the next rows repeat the 16th and 17th rows until there are 12 front loops on the needle.

Cast on 10 sts along the edge of the side, turn the knitting, knit cast on and center loops, cast on 10 sts again on the side. Check yourself: there should be 32 loops on the needles, as at the beginning of knitting.

We knit until the toe is formed according to the pattern:

  • Facial rows - facial loops;
  • Purl - 10 persons., 1 out., 10 persons., 1 out., 10 persons.

So you need to continue knitting, trying it on the leg: when knitting closes the bone of the thumb, we transfer the work to 4 knitting needles, distributing the loops evenly.

Before the little finger hides, we knit in a garter stitch, then we close the toe with a stocking stitch:

  • On the first knitting needle we knit: 1 person., 1 remove, 1 person., Throw the removed loop onto the knitted one. The rest of the loops knit facial.
  • On the second needle - 2 persons. together, 1 persons., 2 persons. together, 1 persons. etc.
  • We knit the loops of the third knitting needle, as on the first.
  • Fourth - all facial.

You need to continue decreasing until there are two loops left on the knitting needles. We connect them, we knit 2 together. We stretch the thread through the last loop and hide it inside.

As you can see, the work is simple, and rather than admiring the photo of knitted slippers on the Internet, it is better to try to knit them yourself, and then warm your legs in beautiful home shoes.

Photo of knitted slippers