Cream for dry skin. List of the main causes of dry skin of the face and body

Greetings, dear fashionistas and beauties! In the article I will tell you what to do if the skin on the face is dry and flaky. Consider the causes, effective methods of treatment with folk remedies and the prevention of the problem.

Facial skin is the most vulnerable place on the human body. Every day, in any weather, the face is always open. Naturally, in such conditions, the skin is constantly affected by insufficient humidity, frost, cold, wind and sun.

Most of all, the skin of the face suffers in cold weather. Under the influence of low temperature, the top layer of the skin becomes very thin and becomes dry. This very unpleasant problem that all women face accelerates the aging process.

The main reason for dryness and flaking is the lack of sebum and moisture. Most often, this is caused by drinking insufficient amounts of water in combination with drinking coffee and eating sugary foods. In addition to poor nutrition, vitamin deficiency, inappropriate cosmetics, which negatively affects the condition of the skin and causes an allergic reaction, lead to problems.

Now the conversation will focus on ways that will help normalize the condition of the skin and restore a healthy look. Believe me, there is nothing complicated, the main thing is desire.

The fight against dryness and flaking should begin with identifying the root cause and eliminating it. In particular, keep track of the amount of fluid consumed, give up sweets and coffee, include fruits, nuts and vegetables rich in fiber and vitamins in your diet.

Ideally, get checked out by a dermatologist. If this is not possible, and the cause of dryness and flaking remains unknown, listen to the following recommendations involving the use of folk remedies.

At home, you can easily make a cream, cleanser, tonic, lotion or mask. To do this, you need vegetable oil, natural yogurt, sour cream and cream.

  • To prepare milk, mix 50 ml of cream with the same amount of milk and two tablespoons of chamomile flowers. Boil the mixture in a water bath for about half an hour. The tonic is made even easier - the juice of one cucumber is mixed with a spoonful of honey.
  • To make a cream, combine two parts of coconut oil with one part of honey and the same amount of lemon juice. The product is recommended to be stored in the refrigerator in a closed container for no more than two weeks.
  • There are many masks for flaky and dry skin. I will consider recipes for making effective masks below.

Video tips

Now you have an idea what to do if the skin on the face is dry and flaky. The means, the technique of preparation of which I described, are very simple, but effective. When a problem appears, you should not run and buy an expensive cream. To get started, use the recipes below to save money and protect your body from the effects of chemicals, which are often found in cosmetics, especially uncertified or fake.

Causes of dry skin on the face

There are many factors that contribute to the appearance of dehydration and a deficiency in the fat produced by the sebaceous glands. If the factors are hereditary, the solution to the problem comes down to regular and proper facial care. If dryness and flaking are caused by other circumstances that can be changed or eliminated, you need to make a little effort and put your skin in order.

The problem caused by dryness and peeling can appear suddenly and for various reasons. Among them:

  1. Avitaminosis.
  2. Heredity.
  3. Prolonged exposure to frost or sun.
  4. A set of age-related changes.
  5. Disorders of the nervous system and diseases of the digestive system.
  6. Disturbed work of the sebaceous glands.
  7. Wrong choice and further use of cosmetics.
  8. Wrong care.

As you can see, the problem appears both through the fault of a person, and regardless of his actions. If dryness and flaking are caused by a factor that can be influenced, it will be possible to restore and stabilize the balance of fat and water inside the cells quite quickly. Along with the elimination of the cause, provide the skin of the face with thorough, competent and appropriate care for the situation.

The urgency of the problem increases in cold weather. Winter is an extremely difficult time for the body. Not only does the cold air outside negatively affect the condition of the skin, but the dry air inside the room enhances the effect.

The skin takes care of itself. The sebaceous glands actively produce a lubricant that protects against environmental influences, keeping the skin beautiful, elastic and normally hydrated. In some cases, the skin's own protective properties are not enough. Therefore, she has to help using night creams, lotions and other means.

Treatment for dry skin on the face at home

Continuing the topic of conversation, consider the treatment of dry skin on the face at home with the help of serums, gels and creams. For this purpose, cosmetics, which include hyaluronic acid, are still well suited.

Dry skin is greatly benefited by products containing fatty acids, phospholipids and ceramides. We are talking about affordable and simple preparations that help to normalize not only the skin of the face, but also the skin of the whole body.

5 effective folk recipes

  1. Milk compress . Soak a paper towel in milk and apply to the problem area for 5 minutes. If milk is not at hand, kefir or whey will do.
  2. Aloe juice. Eliminate dry skin aloe juice. Cut the thoroughly washed leaf lengthwise and carefully remove the pulp. Using a cotton pad soaked in the treatment mixture, gently wipe the skin. This will remove dead cells.
  3. Beeswax . Great remedy for flaky and dry skin. In a water bath, melt a spoonful of wax and a couple of spoons of lanolin, add a spoonful of aloe juice and a spoonful of olive oil to the resulting liquid, wipe dry areas of the skin on the face with the product.
  4. Oils other than sunflower . Wipe your face with linseed, rapeseed, rose, peach or apricot oil. Simple remedies will take care of the health of the skin.
  5. Epsom salt . If you want to restore skin elasticity, take a warm bath with the addition of two glasses of Epsom salts. After the water procedure, you should not wipe yourself.

Proper nutrition

Now for some nutritional advice. If the skin of the face is dry and flaky, make up for the deficiency of linoleic acid, which is found in sesame, olive, soybean and flaxseed oils. Add it to salads. Include walnuts and oily fish in your diet.

The diet of a person with dry skin should include vitamins A, B and C, selenium and zinc. Eat meat, cabbage, fish, buckwheat, green onions, tomatoes and carrots, nuts, pumpkin seeds and cheese regularly.

For dry skin on the face, drink water, juices and herbal teas. Eliminate beer, coffee and soda from your drinking diet. It is recommended to drink within 1500 ml of water per day. Start your morning with a glass of clean water. This simple technique will start metabolic processes and replenish the balance of the fluid that was spent overnight.

Summing up, I will highlight 4 main tips to combat dry skin on the face.

  • Drink one and a half liters of water daily.
  • Eat flaxseed oil.
  • Pay special attention to plant and raw foods. It's not about raw food. About 40% of the diet should fall on the share of such products.
  • Take care of your skin with the right products.

Video instructions

If several weeks of intensive therapy using the listed products dry skin does not disappear, go to the endocrinologist. Perhaps the cause of the problem was a deficiency of thyroid hormones.

Masks for moisturizing the skin at home

The problem associated with dry skin indicates a decrease in the activity of the glands. Therefore, the fat they produce is not enough to form an optimal protective layer. Therefore, it is recommended to use masks based on a large number of moisturizing ingredients.

Before the mask, be sure to clean your face with a steam compress, tonic or gel. The main thing is to apply the mask on clean skin.

11 proven mask recipes

  1. Oils. Slightly warm the vegetable oil, soak a cotton swab in it and apply it to the area of ​​dry skin for a third of an hour. Remove the rest of the mask with wet cotton. At the end of the procedure, blot the skin of the face with a cold, damp towel.
  2. Apricot. Soak a clean washcloth in apricot juice and apply on your face. Before this, wipe the skin with lotion or sour cream. To remove a homemade mask, use a regular cotton ball. I recommend doing this three times a week. If there is acne on the face, do not use the mask.
  3. cornflowers. Pour a spoonful of cornflowers with a small amount of water and boil a little. After cooling, add a little lemon juice and rye flour to the broth. A third of an hour after application, rinse with warm water.
  4. Raspberries. Squeeze out the juice from one hundred grams of berries and strain thoroughly. Combine raspberry juice with two tablespoons of milk, soak gauze in the liquid and apply to the face.
  5. Watermelon. Soak a small piece of gauze in watermelon juice and apply on the face. After 20 minutes, carefully remove the fabric, and wash your face and treat with a nourishing cream.
  6. vegetable marrow. Put grated zucchini on gauze, which is applied to the problem point. This mask helps to cleanse and moisturize the skin, has an excellent tonic effect and eliminates age spots.
  7. Banana. Mash a ripe banana and mix with a spoonful of milk. Cover the face with the resulting mixture. To remove the mask, use a cotton pad soaked in warm water.
  8. St. John's wort. Combine a spoonful of water with the same volume of olive oil, a dozen drops of vitamin E and half a spoonful of St. John's wort. After mixing thoroughly, apply the mixture on the surface of dry skin and rinse after 15 minutes.
  9. Grapefruit. Mix a spoonful of vegetable oil with a spoonful of grapefruit juice, mix with a spoonful of sour cream and gently apply on the face. Homemade mask is ideal for high-quality care for flaky and hydrated skin.
  10. birch leaves . Steam a spoonful of raw materials with boiling water and leave for about two hours. Mix the infusion with a spoonful of melted butter or regular skin cream. Apply to the skin with cotton.
  11. Grape. Soak a piece of clean gauze in grape juice and apply to the face. With this unpretentious mask, you will make your skin velvety, fresh and supple.

Video recipes

If you have dry facial skin, masks at home will solve the problem. I think you managed to make sure that the listed mask options are as simple as possible to manufacture, but they provide an effect that cannot be overestimated, especially when combined with cosmetic ice.

How to care for dry and flaky skin

The final part of the story is devoted to the rules for the care of flaky and dry skin. Sometimes a beauty is forced to catch on by a face covered with a flaky crust or "crow's feet" appearing under the eyes. It is not right. If you have dry facial skin, try to understand that constant care is the only guarantee of success.

  1. Wash only in the evenings. Doing the procedure in the morning, wash off the fat produced by the glands during the night. As a result, the skin will lose its protective barrier that protects against external influences.
  2. For washing, use water at room temperature. It is recommended to take a warm shower. Hot water is best avoided.
  3. Forget about tap water. It is better to wash with settled, cooled after boiling or filtered water.
  4. Wash without soap, use foam or moisturizing gel. After washing, do not rub your face with a towel, but slightly blot the moisture.
  5. Dry skin care involves the use of carefully selected products. Products must be from the series of the same name. Must be marked "moisturizing".
  6. Before buying funds, be sure to study the composition. Avoid products containing alcohol as it dries out the skin. This fact must be taken into account during the preparation of lotions and masks.
  7. Use decorative cosmetics wisely and with restraint. On the skin of the face, you can apply powder with protective filters or foundation with a moisturizing effect.
  8. Before going to bed, be sure to remove cosmetics from your face. For this purpose, special means are provided, including cosmetic milk.
  9. Fix your drinking regime. If the skin of the face is characterized by excessive dryness, drink as much water as possible. The daily rate should be within two liters.
  10. Proper nutrition is the key to success. It is recommended to use spices and spicy dishes, alcoholic drinks and soda as little as possible. All this has a diuretic effect and evaporates moisture, worsening the condition of the skin.
  11. Once every six months, drink a course of multivitamins. If the face is covered with a flaky crust, pay special attention to vitamins A and E, which are abundant in fish oil.
  12. In the room where you are constantly, the air should be fresh and humidified. Always ventilate the workplace or apartment or use a humidifier.
  13. Experts do not recommend that women with dry skin type visit saunas or pools. It is undesirable to engage in sports, accompanied by profuse sweating.
  14. Before water procedures in a pool or natural reservoir, cover the face with a layer of oily cream.
  15. Do not expose the skin to prolonged exposure to low temperatures or the sun. If this cannot be avoided, a protective cream will come to the rescue.
  16. If you really want to provide your skin with moisture, you will have to

The sebaceous glands of our skin produce a special lubricant that retains moisture inside the skin, making the surface smooth and elastic. Very dry body skin lacks such natural protection. It is only in reptiles that dry skin with horny scales or shields covers the body, human skin needs nourishment and hydration. First of all, you should analyze the reasons - why is the skin on the body dry? And only then to be taken for complex care and restoration of elasticity.

  • Dry skin of the body: causes
  • What to do if the skin of the body is very dry
  • Dry skin of the body - what vitamins to take?
  • Very dry skin of the body - folk remedies will help

Dry skin of the body: causes

When dryness of the skin of the body appears, the causes of the problem can be hidden in any of the care products, not to mention environmental factors. However, finding out the factors that cause dryness is half the solution to the problem.


Dry skin may well be inherited from a grandmother or mother, along with eye color or a tendency to be overweight.

dry air

Very dry skin of the body, the cause of which lies in the dry air, is a serious problem for its owner. If you do not provide an increase in the level of humidity, you will have to use nourishing creams regularly and often. Dry air is often observed during the winter heating season.

Frequent washing

Increased dryness of the skin of the body may be due to elementary frequent and prolonged washing, especially in hot water. The more often and longer we wash ourselves, the less natural lubrication remains on us. Washing dishes without special protective equipment is the cause of dry hands

cosmetic products

Shower gel, soap, which contains sulfates - the destroyer of our skin. It is better to take a shower without them at all than to injure the skin with dangerous synthetics. When dryness and itching of the skin of the body appears, the reasons should be sought in cosmetic products.

Deficiency of vitamins and fats in the diet

Dryness of the skin of the body can be due to improper and unbalanced nutrition. The main vitamins for dry skin of the body are group B, zinc, selenium, folic acid. The menu must contain foods with fatty acids. Lack of vitamins caused peeling of dry skin of the face.


Most women over 40 notice increased dryness of the skin. With age, the activity of the sebaceous glands slows down, the amount of sebum produced by them decreases. This is how hormonal changes in the body manifest themselves.

Insufficient water intake

Dry skin of the whole body can be the result of water deficiency. After all, it is the water balance that determines the beauty, youth and health of the skin.

What to do if the skin of the body is very dry?

Why does very dry skin of the body need care and even treatment? If no action is taken, such skin will age too quickly, become wrinkled, in the worst case, it will begin to crack and become inflamed. In addition to an unattractive appearance, the situation is aggravated by discomfort - after all, such skin constantly itches and itches.

Very dry skin of the whole body, caused by washing with traumatic gels, needs deep nourishment already at the cleansing stage. The shower or bath should not be hot, all gels and soaps should be replaced with sulfate-free and greasy creams. Before taking a shower, you can rub the body with any vegetable oil. After - a contrast shower, dousing with cold water.

Alcoholic tonics, rough scrubs and peels should not be present on the cosmetic shelf. They need to be replaced with a nourishing cleansing milk and gentle enzymatic peeling. Exfoliate dry skin once a week.

Cream for dry skin of the body should be fragrance-free, with oils. From inexpensive creams, baby creams and panthenol do well with dryness. An ideal choice would be a handmade nourishing cream for dry skin, which should be kept in the refrigerator.

Nutrition from within

Nutrition for dry skin of the body should be varied. The menu should contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals. After all, if the dry skin of the body pursues even with good hydration from the outside, then the problem lies within. Most likely, the body is sorely lacking vitamins A and E. In this case, the nutritious diet must be supplemented with the following products:

  • carrots and apples,
  • butter,
  • cottage cheese, milk,
  • oily fish and seafood,
  • vegetable oil,
  • nuts,
  • cereals,
  • oatmeal.

Vitamins for dry skin of the body can also be purchased at a pharmacy, but it will be much more useful to use vitamins from natural products.

Dry skin of the body - what vitamins to take?

  • rough skin - nicotinic acid,
  • flaky - vitamin A,
  • fading - vitamin E,
  • cracking - vitamin C.

It should be remembered that food is not all that the skin needs. A sufficient amount of liquid is another main condition for beautiful skin. You need to drink at least two liters, from which the dry skin of the body will begin to change before our eyes. And if you follow any diet, the amount should be increased to 2.5 liters. Water should be clean, you can use non-carbonated mineral water (table, not medicinal).

What to do if dry skin of the body is caused by environmental factors? With dry air in the apartment, you can fight with special devices for humidification. The drying effect of the sun, frost or wind can be prevented by using protective creams (from the sun or frost, respectively).

Dry skin of the body - what to do if, despite all the tricks, the problem remains? Contact a dermatologist. Perhaps the reason lies in the disease (diabetes mellitus, psoriasis and other metabolic disorders).

Very dry skin of the body - folk remedies

Dry skin can be dealt with using folk recipes. All of them are absolutely harmless, affordable and have almost no contraindications.

Dry skin of the body - what to do? Folk remedies!

Caring for dry body skin with homemade masks is an ideal means of nourishing and moisturizing. A homemade mask takes care of the skin better than many expensive products.

Effective nourishing mask for dry skin: avocado, banana, 100 ml cream, 100 g butter, a little rose oil. Grind all ingredients. Apply to the steamed body for 20 minutes and rinse with a damp washcloth.

Nourishing mask No. 2: warmed honey is mixed with vegetable oil, the mixture is applied to the skin, after 20 minutes it is washed off.

Any oil for dry skin of the body is a real elixir of beauty and health. Italians generally rub their favorite olive oil daily and look great. And real southern beauties sometimes pamper themselves with oil baths, plunging into them entirely after a steaming bath. This experience can be adopted. And if olive oil baths for dry skin of the body are still an expensive pleasure for the majority, then ordinary rubbing of oil into the skin will be no less effective.

…and other inexpensive but effective procedures

Dry skin on the body - what to do? Remember and use helpful tips:

  • take a contrast shower
  • sleep at least 7-8 hours
  • drink plenty of water, not coffee,
  • no smoking,
  • exercise in the morning,
  • enjoy life.

When the skin of the body is dry, treatment can be complicated due to an elementary bad mood. Our skin is also an indicator of our state of mind. Perhaps it is a smile that will be the perfect remedy that will save the skin from dryness.

Dry skin manifests itself in the form of dullness, peeling, profuse wrinkles, redness, and sometimes itching. Occurs at any age. It occurs as a result of internal disorders in the body, exposure to external factors and improper care of the skin of the body.

Dry skin in adulthood is due to age-related changes. But it can also be dry in a newborn baby. This is due to the natural underdevelopment of the baby's sweat and sebaceous glands, as well as the physiological detachment of the upper layer of the epithelium. The intrauterine layer of the epithelium changes to a new one, which is manifested by abundant exfoliation. In this case, you need to limit yourself to lubricating the child's skin with a moisturizer and refuse to bathe in herbs, as they dry out the skin even more.

Causes of dry skin on the body

The main cause of dry skin is moisture loss. Factors leading to a decrease in skin moisture are divided into external and internal.

External causes of dry skin

  1. Increased insolation. In other words, it is overexposure to the sun's rays. People who are fond of natural sunbathing or solarium need to remember that this leads to dry skin.
  2. Impact of low temperatures. Frost leads to loss of moisture, so before going outside, you need to apply nourishing creams that retain water in the skin.
  3. Skin exposure to harsh cleansers or cosmetics containing alcohol.
  4. Use of products containing petroleum jelly, paraffin or glycerin. Ingredients that are supposedly designed to moisturize the skin actually dry it out. Creating a protective film on the surface of the epithelium, glycerin or petroleum jelly draws water from the deep layers of the skin to the surface, thereby drying it out.
  5. Dry air and high room temperature. Excessive evaporation of water from the surface of the skin leads to loss of moisture and dryness of the skin.
  6. Frequent bathing. Salts in water, as well as soap in shower gel, lotion or bath foam, wash away the layer of lipids (fats) from the surface of the skin, which leads to its drying. It should also be remembered that bathing in sea water leaves a lot of salts on the skin, so after water procedures in the sea, you need to take a shower to wash off the remaining salt.

Internal causes of dry skin

  1. Hormonal disruptions. A frequent manifestation of diseases of the thyroid or pancreas is dry skin.
  2. Congenital diseases (ichthyosis, psoriasis).
  3. Hereditary predisposition to atopic dermatitis, eczema or allergies.
  4. Diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, cholecystitis).
  5. Diseases of the nervous system (vegetative dysfunction, depression, migraine).
  6. Lack of water in the body. If the loss of moisture is higher than the intake of water into the body, then the first manifestation of dehydration will be dry skin of the body.
  7. Hypovitaminosis. The lack of vitamins A, E and group B leads to depletion of the skin and dry skin.
  8. Eating disorders. The use of a large number of sweets, carbonated drinks, tea and coffee leads to dehydration of the skin and the body as a whole.
  9. Frequent and prolonged use of antibiotics leads to a violation of biocinosis in the intestine, hypovitaminosis and metabolic disorders, which leads to dry skin.

What to do with dry skin?

Treatment for dry skin begins with addressing the cause. Sufficient water intake, balanced nutrition, sleep and rest regimen, rejection of bad habits (alcohol, smoking), proper skin care are shown. If dryness occurs as a result of systemic diseases, you should consult a specialist. After adjusting your lifestyle, you should ensure proper care for dry skin:

  • Avoid hot baths and hot showers.
  • After taking water procedures, a special moisturizer is applied to the skin. It is better if it is prescribed by a doctor. To date, there are several lines of medical and cosmetic products. Apply the product not on dry, but on wet skin, in order to create a protective layer that retains moisture after application.
  • Light massage combined with cream application.

If the skin is too dry on the soles of the feet, then it is recommended:

  • Daily clean the surface of the heels from the keratinized epithelium with the help of special scrubs or soft brushes. The procedure should be carried out on dry skin before taking baths or showers.
  • Paraffin applications. A thin layer of paraffin or cosmetic wax is applied to the surface of the feet. After hardening, several more layers are applied, then the leg is wrapped in polyethylene and a towel for warming. After half an hour, the application is removed.
  • Foot baths with a decoction of herbs (oak bark, hops, chamomile). Twice a week for fifteen minutes, the feet should be dipped in decoctions of these herbs, after the procedure, apply a moisturizer.

With dry skin on the face after cleansing, it is recommended to do a light massage to improve blood circulation and apply moisturizers. With severe and persistent dry skin on the elbows, you need to think about a serious illness and consult a dermatologist. To eliminate dryness in these areas, it is recommended to take vitamins (A, E and group B), you should gently cleanse your elbows with gommages or scrubs twice a week, and then apply a moisturizer based on natural oils (walnut or almond).

A human embryo is 95-97% liquid, while in an adult the body consists of only 70% water: With age, the volume of liquid decreases, which, according to scientists, is one of the factors of biological aging.

Patients who are faced with the problem of dry skin know that this is a huge problem, accompanied by irritation, tightening, itching and peeling of the epidermis. These manifestations are fraught with a lot of inconvenience, but you can get rid of them.

Signs of dry skin

Treatment of dry skin begins only after the problem is established. It can be congenital or acquired.

Microcracks, exfoliation of the epithelium, the effect of "tightness" are clear signs of dryness of the epidermis

The following symptoms signal the presence of an ailment:

  1. exfoliation of the epithelium.
  2. The presence of small cracks on the surface of the skin.
  3. Redness, irritation, constant itching.
  4. Loss of elasticity of the epidermis (when pressed on the skin, the trace of the impact does not disappear).
  5. Invisible pores.
  6. After taking water procedures, there is a feeling of "tightness".

The main danger lies in the violation of the structural integrity of the cover. Microcracks allow potentially dangerous chemicals, bacteria, dust to penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis. The spread of these agents is accompanied by painful sensations, irritation.

Causes of dry skin

Dermatologists say that the condition of the skin depends on the environment, adverse factors, bad habits and even lifestyle. Often prerequisites are laid for other diseases.

Experts focus on one important point - dryness can be a manifestation or reaction of the body to one of the following ailments:

  • problems with the digestive system;
  • dystrophy;
  • activation of infectious diseases;
  • dermatitis;
  • deterioration of metabolic processes;
  • ichthyosis;
  • allergy to external or internal irritants;
  • kidney failure.

It is important to make sure that there are no diseases in the body, or to cope with them. Often, dryness goes away without outside interference if the body is healthy.

The main causes of moisture deficiency in the dermis:

Dryness of the epithelium can be local (spread to separate areas of the body) or general. The problem area can tell a lot about the causes of the defect. Based on this information, the dermatologist makes a decision on the appointment of certain drugs.

Ways to treat dry skin of the hands

Hands suffer the most from adverse environmental factors. They are exposed to temperatures, wind, ultraviolet radiation, chemicals, all kinds of powders. It is not surprising that it is on this part of the body that roughness and tightness are most often manifested.

Dermatologists agree that if the patient has dry skin on the hands, the causes and treatment should be interconnected.

An unpleasant problem is easy to avoid if you follow simple rules:

  • when working with chemically aggressive substances, wear protective gloves;
  • after water procedures, carefully wipe your hands with a towel with a soft pile, a delicate cloth;
  • when going out, use sunscreen lotions, creams;
  • in cold weather, protect the skin from wind, low temperatures;
  • include in the diet healthy fruits and vegetables, especially rich in vitamins "B", "E", "A".

Treatment of dry skin of the hands can also be carried out in beauty parlors: massage, paraffin therapy, wraps with plant extracts, baths - all these procedures will restore tone and beauty to the epidermis. A similar effect can be easily achieved with the help of homemade recipes.

Ways to treat dry skin

Dermatologists recognize that dry facial skin is a serious problem that requires surgical treatment. Painful epidermis requires high-quality nourishment from professional preparations. As for home remedies, they are best used to consolidate the main effect achieved with drug treatment.

Treatment of dry facial skin with cosmetic procedures involves the use of one of the following methods:

  • hyaluronic acid injections;
  • collagen applications;
  • peeling;
  • the use of hot compresses;
  • special facial massage;
  • salt cleansing.

Means for moisturizing dry skin are selected individually for each patient. Facial xerosis is one of the most popular procedures in recent years. Fatty acids, ceramides and phospholipids favorably affect the condition of the epidermis.

General principles for the treatment of dry skin

The condition of problematic skin will noticeably improve if you approach the solution of the issue in a complex manner. The main task is to determine the missing substances in the body, trace elements, moisture. By nourishing it, it is important to control changes in the state of the dermis. The body will respond positively to suitable and effective methods, which will certainly affect the condition of the epithelium.

Dermatologists focus on several aspects of treatment:

  1. Proper diet. Healthy food is the "skeleton" to fight any ailments. Often people don't realize the importance of nutrition, and rightly so. Healthy food starts with a healthy body. The daily diet should contain: vegetable oils, fish, dairy products, seafood, nuts, broccoli.
  2. Often, dryness of the epidermis is a manifestation of a serious disease of the internal organs. The task of paramount importance is to eliminate the main diagnosis, and only then eliminate its consequences.
  3. Exclusion of external irritants, undesirable factors. Dermatologists advise avoiding direct contact with harsh chemicals, washing liquids.
  4. The body needs to be filled with moisture, which involves the use of large amounts of water (at least 2.5 liters daily).

Cosmetologists advise using daily face and body care products. Compounds rich in lipids, fatty acids, ceramides deserve special attention.

Home Recipes for Dry Skin

Masks prepared at home are characterized by a powerful effect. They help to saturate the epidermis with nutritious moisture, smooth out wrinkles and folds. These compositions are versatile, because. applied not only to the face, but also to the body. The recipes below deserve special attention.

Cottage cheese honey mask

With dry dermis, one of the most useful and valuable products is honey. It saturates the inner balls of the epidermis with microelements. After exposure to this gift of nature, the cover becomes much softer. As for cottage cheese, it promotes intensive regeneration at the cellular level, heals small wounds.


  • 15 ml of honey;
  • 25 grams of fatty cottage cheese.

Cooking method: honey is heated in the microwave, cottage cheese is added to it. It is important that the temperature is not too cold. The ingredients are gently mixed, and then applied to problem areas of the skin. The duration of exposure to the mask is 10-12 minutes.

Traditional medicine in the fight against dryness on the elbows

If dry skin on the elbows - treatment is also required. First, you need to get rid of the main cause, and only after that deal with the scaly epithelium. Cosmetologists recommend using balms (Pitival), ointments (Radevit), oils (mango, cocoa), etc.

A honey and coffee grounds scrub will help restore the health of the integument. Honey heated by a steam bath is added to the thick. The ingredients are mixed until smooth. Then the elbows are treated with a nutrient composition, removing dead cells in a circular motion. The consistency is washed off with a decoction of chamomile. At the end of the procedure, the dermis is moisturized with oil, cream.

Oat peeling

The composition based on oatmeal is suitable for all skin types, it is universal. Use the composition to cleanse the entire body.


  • 100 mg oatmeal;
  • 45 ml of honey;
  • 1 chicken egg.

Cooking method: grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder, add egg and honey to it until a homogeneous mass is formed. The whole body is treated with the prepared mass, massaging it. Results are noticeable after 2 sessions of oatmeal peeling. After the procedure is completed, the skin is moisturized with a nourishing lotion.


An unpleasant defect in the form of dry skin can be avoided if you carefully care for the cover. Prevention requires a minimum of effort and time, but the results will be impressive.

Proper daily skin care is the key to success in the fight against dry epidermis.

The skin and its condition is a litmus test by which the health of the body as a whole is assessed. The slightest problems with the internal organs affect the appearance. Do not ignore the signals sent by the body. Now on sale there are a huge number of specialized products for the prevention and care of dry skin.

Causes of dry skin

Dry skin of the body is often caused by internal factors (diseases, hormonal imbalance, stressful situations). In the case of the hands and face, negative manifestations are localized, but with the defeat of the whole body, it is just right to talk about complex problems. Scientists continue to actively study the processes that worsen the condition of the epidermis. The dryness of the dermis is considered under the prism of immunological and biochemical processes.

The barrier function of the epithelium is leveled when.

Normal skin functions properly if it receives sufficient moisture and has a normal balance of natural body fluids. In a normal balance, the sebaceous glands produce enough oily substances to keep the fluid inside the skin. Oils provide a natural barrier, but sometimes there aren't enough of them to do the job. If the water concentration decreases and falls below 10%, the skin loses its elasticity, can crack, itch and cause a lot of trouble for a person. Such skin is considered dry, it can be distinguished by the following features:

- rough appearance, not elastic, covered with spots;
- excessively stretched;
— it is shelled, scales exfoliate;
- pores are visible;
— places of friction or tension can be the most dry. These are elbows, knees, fingers.
- itching occurs, especially after drying.

Why does the skin become dry?

Dry skin condition can be caused suddenly. It can be simple exposure to sunlight or wind and cold, dry indoor air during the heating season, the constant operation of the air conditioner in the summer. Often we do not think about the consequences for the skin when using the latest products in the cosmetic industry. It can be alkaline soaps, dishwashing liquids for hands, washing powders, and simply excessive use of cosmetics. In particularly difficult cases, dermatitis may appear. Dry skin can also be provoked by serious diseases, such as diabetes, thyroid disorders, allergies to certain foods, skin diseases - eczema, psoriasis, etc. Loss of elasticity begins with age-related skin changes.

Dry skin

The face is open to the influence of the natural environment most of all, therefore the reaction of the skin can sometimes be simply unpredictable. In order for the skin of the face to receive good hydration, the flow of water from the blood vessels into the epidermis must be the same. With insufficient activity of the sebaceous glands, dry skin appears, on which wrinkles and folds, pigmentation and other changes appear more strongly. The reason for this is the lack of moisture in the epidermis. Why is it important to take good care of dry skin? The most unpleasant consequence is rapid aging. Wrinkles may appear earlier, dead cells accumulate and cause itching and flaking.

There are several steps to taking care of dry skin.

1. Purification.

It is undesirable to use gels and soaps that dry out the skin. Hard water with a huge amount of chemicals can give the same effect. To cleanse the skin, it is better to use cleansing milk, a hydrophilic oil that can turn into a delicate film upon contact with the skin. You need to wash your face no more than 2 times a day so that the sebaceous glands work properly.

2. Exfoliate.

Dry skin, as well as oily skin, needs to be cleaned of dead particles with a peeling or scrub. This must be done constantly in order to remove dead skin particles and allow the skin to renew itself in their place. The procedure must be performed at least once a week.

Homemade Exfoliating Scrub Recipe:
Ingredients: banana (1 ripe), sugar (3 tablespoons), vanilla sugar (1/4 teaspoon), honey (1 teaspoon). Mix and apply on face for 30 minutes. Rinse off with plain water and enjoy soft skin!

3. Nourishing and moisturizing dry facial skin.

These are necessary procedures. They can be carried out using masks and cosmetic cream. A big plus - excess cream can not hurt.

Masks for dry skin

The purpose of the masks is to fill in the gaps under the action of the sebaceous glands and lack of moisture, thereby preventing early skin aging. In youth, dry skin is beautiful and smooth, but wrinkles can appear just unexpectedly. Don't wait, act early. The composition of the masks should be a lot of moisturizing ingredients.

- Mint leaf mask for dry skin
Method of preparation: sort and wash the mint leaves. Pour boiling water and bring to a boil, cook for 2-3 minutes. For 1 part of the leaves we take 3 parts of mint. Cool and apply evenly on gauze, apply on face, hold for 15-20 minutes. Remove, rinse with water. If you make such a mask for a month several times a week, the skin will be safe for a while.

- Oil-lemon mask, useful for flaky skin
Cooking method: lemon juice, sour cream, mayonnaise (one teaspoon each). Mix everything and apply on the face. Hold for 15 minutes, rinse and treat your face with tonic. This cream will perfectly saturate the skin with vitamins, make it supple.

Creams for dry skin

Creams are used in the second stage, after cleansing procedures. Creams and mixtures for the care of dry skin must be oily, they make it supple and elastic. The cream should be thick, it is better not to use mixtures resembling milk. Well helps in such cases, gammalinoleic acid, which retains moisture in the skin. It is best to apply the moisturizer immediately after cleansing.

Rinse your face with water and leave it damp - so that the effectiveness of the cream is higher. When applying the cream, you can do a gentle massage along the lines of the skin, trying not to stretch the skin. Nourishing creams prepared on your own can be no less useful than cosmetics. You can store home remedies only in the refrigerator, but not for long - no more than 2 weeks, but it is better to prepare fresh portions.

Egg cream for dry skin. Method of preparation: prepare a decoction of lime blossom - brew 2 tablespoons of dried flowers in a glass of water. Keep in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool. Take a tube of fatty nourishing cream, 1 yolk and mix with the broth. It is an excellent emollient and nourishing agent.

Rowan cream for dry skin with oil. Method of preparation: grind a glass of ripe rowan berries and add a spoonful of butter, a teaspoon of honey and egg yolk. Get a nourishing cream for dry skin. A similar recipe can be used to make a cream of persimmons, pears, apples.

Herbal cream for dry skin. Method of preparation: dried plantain and mint (2 teaspoons each), a glass of boiling water, 2 tablespoons of nourishing cream. Mix herbs, keep on fire for 5 minutes. Part of the decoction (2 tablespoons) add to the cream and mix.

Very dry skin

Stronger agents are needed to influence such skin. In the cold season, such a composition can help - take 4 different hand creams (for example, Lux, Amber), combine them together and beat with a spoon. Store the product in the refrigerator, use 2 times a day. Coconut or almond oil works well.

Dry hand skin

If you do not pay attention to hand care, the skin can become dry and tight. Even remaining moisture can dry out the skin if not wiped dry. Sometimes these are just hereditary features. Sometimes the hands can become rough - as a result of a lack of moisture and fat. In any case, it is enough to properly care for your hands, using creams with a large amount of glycerin, lactic acid, sorbitol. In addition to fatty cream, masks with olive oil, a drop of lemon juice help well.

A good remedy is a decoction of flax seed. It is easy to prepare - boil 1 tablespoon of seeds in 1 glass of milk. In the most difficult cases, cracks form on the hands, especially when the profession requires frequent hand washing. If you are sure that this is not psoriasis or eczema, you can use creams with emollients - allatonin, aloe, panthenol. The product is applied at night, cotton gloves are put on top.

Dry body skin

Sometimes metabolic disorders, vitamin deficiencies, or genetic factors can affect the condition of the skin. If you notice a feeling of skin tightness after a shower, this is the first bell that you need to take action before redness and peeling begin. When the sebaceous glands produce little fat, some procedures can be performed at home.

Most often, the skin lacks vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that prevents aging of the skin of the face and body. In addition to cosmetic procedures, attention should be paid to the quality of nutrition. The diet should include foods with a high content of this vitamin - greens, eggs, legumes, buckwheat, bran, liver (beef), nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables, vegetable oils. Dry skin of the body should not be actively exposed to UV rays. In summer, on the beach, you should definitely use protective cosmetics; you should not abuse the solarium.

Do not take very hot baths, as this leads to leaching of sebum.
A lot of moisture evaporates from the surface and in the bath, so you should not sit in the steam room for too long. Taking care of dry skin is a must. Cosmetics for dry skin should be used - this is a regenerating oil, cosmetic milk, cream and body lotion. Peeling and scrub should be used no more than once a week.

Folk recipes for dry skin

Flaxseed and chamomile bath
Method of preparation: add a decoction of flaxseed and chamomile to the bath and take 10-15 minutes. It is not difficult to prepare a decoction - brew 50 grams of grass in 1 liter of water and leave for 2 hours.

Milk bath with honey.
Cooking method: heat milk (1 liter) almost to a boil, melt 200 grams of honey in a water bath. Mix and pour the mixture into the water. Add 2 teaspoons of almond oil.

Bath with oatmeal decoction
Method of preparation: take a few tablespoons of crushed oatmeal and place in a gauze bag. Hang it on the tap so that water passes through the oatmeal. The procedure time is 10-15 minutes.

Scrub for dry skin - almonds and oatmeal
Method of preparation: grind one spoonful of almond kernels and oatmeal in a coffee grinder, mix with 2 tablespoons of sour cream. Apply to the body with massaging movements, rinse without soap. After the scrub, apply a moisturizer to the body.

Salt peeling with honey for dry skin
Method of preparation: mix honey (4 tablespoons) and a spoonful of salt, add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil (olive), mix well. Apply for 5 minutes, rinse with water.

There are many ways to make the skin soft and supple at home. Love yourself, find your own way, take care of your body, and you will be irresistible!