The Robert doll is the most mysterious toy in history. Legends of Cursed Things Dangerous Doll in the Museum

In the section on the question Who invented the chucky doll and why ??? given by the author Sift the best answer is There is a version that the doll is “ANSWERS. Mile. RU PROHIBITES INSERTING LATIN SYMBOLS ”, around which the action takes place, was invented on the basis of another real doll “ANSWERS. Mile. RU PROHIBITES TO INSERT LATIN SYMBOLS ", which was produced by the company" ANSWERS. Mile. RU PROHIBITES INSERTING LATIN SYMBOLS. She also portrayed a boy in overalls with straps and also had several variations: a fireman, a carpenter, etc. The doll was intended for boys ("ANSWERS. MIL. RU FORBIDS INSERTING LATIN SYMBOLS" also released another doll "ANSWERS. MIL. RU FORBIDDEN INSERTING LATIN SYMBOLS", which depicted a girl and was intended, respectively, for girls). However, there is a version that the basis of "ANSWERS. Mile. RU PROHIBITES TO INSERT LATIN SYMBOLS "was served by the doll" ANSWERS. Mile. RU PROHIBITES INSERTING LATIN SYMBOLS.
"Another inspiration for the story of the killer doll was the legend of the Robert doll, which belonged to Key West painter Robert Eugene Otto. The doll depicted an early 20th century American sailor. When Eugene was young, he was given this doll in 1904 by a servant who was fond of black magic and was offended by the Otto family for something.According to legend, his parents heard their son talking to the doll, and the doll, as they heard, answered him, although they believed that it was the boy who spoke for her changed Today, the doll is kept in the Museums of Fort East Martello and there is a legend that a person who wants to photograph a doll must first politely mow it, and if the doll does not agree (her head will bow to one side), and the person still takes a picture of her, then Robert curse him and all his family."

Little known British director Andrew James desperately believes that the genre of horror films is exactly the direction in which he should develop his further career. Not having a single really worthwhile short film behind him, James has nevertheless been working on creating full-fledged films for quite a long time. But this circumstance applies exclusively to timing. from a creative point of view, all his opuses, to put it mildly, evoke controversial feelings. Andrew James tried his hand at zombie horror ("Night of the Living Dead: Resurrection"), tried to conquer the classic plots about the restless souls of medical institutions ("Amityville Mental Hospital") and felt that he could bring some zest to the hackneyed stories about houses with haunted ("The Last House on Sametree Lane"). However, none of his works are worthy of being considered a strong representative of the genre. The films of Andrew James quite naturally spread in the boundless space of home video, where, under an unfortunate set of circumstances, horror fans fall into them, not fully realizing what they will have to get involved in for the next hour and a half. Nevertheless, the director's enthusiasm for his work can only be envied. He is not going to slow down, but presents to our attention more and more new paintings of his own production, not at all worrying about their quality. The next opus of James was a tape called "Doll Robert". And if someone has hopes that the untalented artisan was finally able to turn himself around and make a relatively acceptable movie, then I hasten to disappoint you in addition to impudent tracing paper from more eminent projects of a similar theme and pathological despondency, “Robert the Doll” will not differ in anything able. Although, for the most part, there was no doubt about it.

As for plot movie, it introduces us to an average middle-class British family that has fallen under a deadly curse. Housewife Jenny (Susie Frances Garton), suffering from increasingly frequent bouts of depression, sits at home all day raising her young son Gene (Flynn Allen), while mourning the lost opportunities to become a famous artist. Constant dissatisfaction with life, an inferiority complex and other mental disorders are also aggravated by the fact that the heroine's husband, a successful businessman Paul (Lee Bain), disappears for days at work, completely not devoting time to her or her son. With each passing day, Jenny's irritation from the unfulfillment of plans intensifies and eventually spills over into their elderly maid Agatha (Judith Haley), who over the years has lost her former agility and quickness. Unable to bear her presence in the house any longer, Jenny asks her to pack her things and leave. An angry but unbroken lady is not going to forgive her former owners for such an attitude, deciding how to teach them a lesson. Having presented young Gene with a ventriloquist doll named Robert, Agatha urged the boy not to throw the toy anywhere, but rather to make it his best friend. And as soon as the doors behind the maid are closed, a series of suspicious pranks begins to occur in the house, the culprit of which is the silent Robert

According to the director and part-time screenwriter of the tape, Andrew James, everything that happens on the screen is a borrowing from real-life facts. They are trying to convince us that the Robert doll actually exists and once it did a lot of trouble in one family, after which it was moved to a specialized museum, where, upon Robert's arrival, inexplicable events continued, clearly related to the presence of supernatural forces. It is worth paying tribute to James, he did not forget to make a note that no clear evidence of mystical influence was found and there are two explanations for what is happening: in fact, the demonic presence in Robert itself and a much more plausible version related to psychological problems of excessively impressionable doll owners . However, Andrew James' feature film's connection to reality, presented in the introduction, does not have any significant impact on the course of the story. Instead of creating a moderately tense, intriguing plot with a blood-chilling atmosphere of a nightmare, the director does not hesitate to borrow the successful finds of his illustrious colleague, James Wan, author of such masterpieces of horror as Dead Silence and The Conjurings. Most likely, the unlucky Briton looked through the holes of Wang's most famous works, deciding to borrow from them a combined story about a ventriloquist doll and the curse of a demon that moved into it. And James didn’t care that not so long ago, a full-fledged spin-off of The Conjuring, Annabelle’s Curse, was even released at the box office, where the theme of sinister toys was revealed without any questions. why was it necessary to shoot "Robert's Doll"? But only in order to profit from the glory of more popular paintings, hiding behind the public's love for this kind of plot.

The film could be forgiven for many shortcomings if it looked in one breath. But instead of concentrating on gradually building up tension, Andrew James tried to show us a complex family lady with a set of standard characters wandering from one horror to another, forcing the actors to repeat the material worked out more than once by their other colleagues. Well, the characters cannot arouse the interest of the audience, among which there is a depressive lady with addictions to the arts and an eternally busy businessman without pronounced character traits. There is not a single original feature in "Robert the Doll" that would distinguish it from similar genre projects. And along with the annoyingly slow pace of what is happening, the film evokes an embittered sense of wasted time. On the other hand, "Doll Robert" is able to lull no worse than pharmacy sleeping pills, if you put it before bed as a night light. The creation of Andrew James has no other merit.

Completing the gloomy conclusions about the film is disgusting camera work. Jonathan McLaughlin , who should be moving to the small screen, making naive low-end series where professionalism has never been much appreciated. The soundtrack is nothing special. Bobby Cole . In some places it seems that the musical accompaniment is completely absent here. Also, the puppeteers, who needed to revive the wooden Robert, could not surprise, making him a dangerous maniac. Instead, the doll has to be shown fragmentarily and never in full growth during movement. Andrew James may explain this by the desire to cast an aura of mystery around the toy maniac, but we all know the truth the film crew did not consider it necessary to exceed the limit of efforts, using the most primitive tricks, as if it were either an original innovation or following the classic canons.

Finally, I would like to say that "Doll Robert" looks like a ridiculous knockoff of several James Wan designs, nothing more. Its creators not only are not able to raise the degree of tension by one notch up, but on the contrary, they drive the narrative into a sleepy state, hoping that the viewer will fall asleep closer to the middle and skip the shortcomings of the script and staging past attention. I can't recommend Andrew James' opus even to my enemies. This is a waste of time, depressing in its senselessness.

The doll belonged to a Key West artist and writer named Robert Eugene Otto. It all started with the fact that in 1906 the maid gave little Robert a doll, but soon after her dismissal put a curse on her.
After a while, strange things began to happen in the house. The servant claimed that the toy suddenly began to talk. In addition, she could change her facial expression and move around the house on her own.

Neighbors told how the doll jumped from window sill to window sill when there was no one in the house, and members of the Otto family themselves heard malicious giggles more than once.

During the day, the doll frightened everyone who was at home, and at night her attention was riveted only to the boy. Sometimes, screaming in terror, he would wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of falling furniture.

When the parents asked the child what really happened, the answer was always the same: “Robert did it, it’s him!”.

The artist died in 1974, and Robert, still dressed in his white sailor suit, lives comfortably in a shop window, and is well-guarded in Key West at the Martello Museum. The workers of which still continue to make reports about the strange tricks of this frightening doll.

According to legend, anyone who dares to take a picture of the doll will be cursed unless she nods her head in some sort of agreement.

Visitors who forget this can always ask for forgiveness, which the operators of the Travel channel once had to do after their camera mysteriously stopped working.

Paranormal researchers at the Atlantic Paranormal Society's Convention recorded the doll's aura using a special camera.

There are also puppets that follow us. Many years ago, a woman had a friend named Emily, with whom she spent a lot of time, especially in her house. While inside, she experienced strange sensations.

“The attic was completed, and yet there was a “smell of death” in it, like in an abandoned building,” the woman writes. - It was always cold there, despite the fact that the rooms below were always heated. The attic was divided into four small rooms, in one of which the shelves were completely filled with dolls, and this scared me terribly.

Once the girls were playing and their grandmother called them to dinner. As they were about to leave, they put the toys back, but then one of them suddenly fell in a very unnatural way. The puzzled girl picked it up and put it in its place. But the story didn't end there.

“Some time later we were playing in the woods near Emily's house. And so I sat down to take a stone, - the woman writes. Leaning down, I felt something poking me in my pocket. I stuck my hand in there and found two eyes of the same doll that had fallen from the shelf. Since then, I've been scared to death of them."

And for thrill-seekers, there are sites dedicated to cursed dolls. The doll house broadcasts videos of cursed dolls 24/7, so couch-hunters have a chance to see something paranormal with their own eyes.

“These are not toys for you! - writes the author of the site. - In each of them lives a real essence. No one knows if she chooses a toy in advance or she is simply drawn to it. Perhaps you have a cursed doll in your house, and you don’t even know about it!

And for those who want to buy a cursed doll, AJ's assortment is enough in full. The store offers a wide variety of creepy toys.

“Each of my dolls is special in its own way. Their essence and appearance are truly beautiful. In general, I collect various paranormal and magical things,” says the owner.

Do you believe that objects are capable of carrying negative energy, causing injury and even death to their owners?

Our selection contains real-life items that are associated with mystical events and are shrouded in dark legends.

Doll Robert

This doll named Robert is kept in a museum in Key West, Florida. It is believed that Robert is enchanted and can bring bad luck.

It all started in 1906. On the island of Key West lived a rich and cruel planter named Otto. He treated his servants very badly, did not spare them. One of them, who owns voodoo magic, harbored a grudge against the owner and decided to take revenge on him. From straw, he made a doll one meter tall, bewitched it and presented it to the master's son Robert. The boy was so enamored with the gift that he named the doll after himself.

And then strange things began to happen to the child. He spent hours talking with a new toy, screaming at night and suffering from nightmares. The household claimed to have heard the shrill laughter of the new doll and saw her running around the house. In the end, the boy became afraid of Robert, and the creepy toy was thrown into the attic. The doll lay there until the death of its owner in 1972. The house was then sold to another family. The little daughter of the new owners quickly found the toy and began to play with it. But very soon Robert made her life hell. According to the girl, he mocked her and even wanted to kill her ...

Phone number 359 888 888 888

This phone number belonged to the Bulgarian telecommunications company "Mobitel". At first, it was used by the owner of this company, Vladimir Grishanov, who died suddenly of cancer at the age of 48. Then the number went to the crime boss Konstantin Dimitrov. In 2003, Dimitrov was shot dead by a hitman in the Netherlands.

The next owner of the number was Konstantin Dishlev, who was involved in drug trafficking. He was also killed.

In the future, the owners of the ill-fated number were several more people whose lives ended tragically. As a result, the cellular company decided to block the number.

Annabelle doll

This rag doll, purchased from a hand-made store, was given to Nurse Donna by her mother. The doll settled in the apartment that Donna rented with her friend Angie.

Soon the girls began to notice strange things. When they returned home, the doll was not at all in the place where they left it, and sometimes there was blood on her hands. A little later, Donna and Angie began to discover strange notes in the apartment with pleas for help, written in children's handwriting. The invited medium said that a long time ago a girl named Annabelle lived in these places, who died at the age of 7 years. It was her spirit that moved into the doll.

After the spirit pounced on Donna's friend and inflicted bloody wounds on him, the girl turned to famous paranormal researchers Ed and Lorraine Warren. After the exorcism, the Warrens took the doll with them and placed it in their museum of the occult, where it is still kept.

Anna Baker's wedding dress

In 1849, Anna Baker, the daughter of a wealthy industrialist from Pennsylvania, fell in love with a simple worker and wanted to marry him. But the girl's father did not want to hear about it and the young man survived from the city. Then the unfortunate Anna swore that she would never marry and kept her promise, dying in 1914 as an old maid. Anna's two brothers left no descendants, and the Baker mansion was turned into a museum. In Anna's former bedroom, her wedding dress is kept behind glass, which she bought in the hope of marrying her lover, but never put it on ...

Museum staff claim that during the full moon, the dress begins to move on its own, swaying from side to side, as if wanting to get out of captivity and reunite with its unfortunate mistress ...

Mirror from Myrtles Plantation

The Myrtle Plantation in Louisiana is said to be a haunted place that is overrun with ghosts. One of the scariest items here is a mirror brought in in 1980. Eyewitnesses claim that people in ancient clothes often appear in the mirror, as well as prints of children's hands.

According to legend, terrible events took place here in the 20s of the 19th century. The plantation owner had a maid named Chloe, who was once caught eavesdropping on the owner's conversations. The owner was angry, he ordered to cut off the unfortunate maid's ear and sent her to work in the field. Chloe decided to take revenge on the offender and baked a poisoned cake for his daughter's birthday, mixing poisonous oleander flowers into the dough. The owner refused the delicacy, but his wife and two little daughters ate a piece of poison each and died in agony the same day. The servants, fearing the wrath of their master, seized Chloe and hung her from a tree. Since then, the ghosts of Chloe and her three victims have been walking around the house and often appear in the mirror...

Bailo doll

In 1922, the parents of a little girl, Rosie McNee, approached puppeteer Charles Wincox with a request to make a doll for their daughter. There were rumors that the dolls created by Wincox could scare away death itself, and little Rosie was very sickly, and her parents hoped to save her life with the help of a new toy.

Wincox made a magnificent doll for Rosie, but the baby died just two days after she received it as a gift ... The girl was buried along with her new friend, whom she never let go of her arms. Some time later, Rosie's body was exhumed, as the police suspected that the child might have been poisoned. When the coffin was opened, there was no doll next to the girl ...

A few years later, Rosie's mother saw a very similar doll in a junk shop and purchased it. Some time later, Rosie's father died under mysterious circumstances. Left alone, the unfortunate mother fell into madness and one day threw herself out of the window, clutching her daughter's doll. Before dying, she whispered:

Oh Bailo Baby, Bailo Baby

Since then, the doll has changed many owners. Now she is in Prague, in the museum of the occult, which belongs to the artist Vlad Taupesh.

Painting with a crying boy

There is a whole series of portraits of crying children. All of them were painted by the Italian artist Giovanni Bragolin in the 1950s. Reproductions of these paintings were at one time popular with the British and adorned the interiors of many London mansions. And in 1985, reports suddenly began to appear that in houses where portraits of crying children hang, fires are especially frequent. At the same time, the reproductions always remained intact. It seemed that the paintings in some mystical way attract fire, but they themselves do not burn in it.

Mediums claimed that the paintings attracted the ghosts of orphans who died during World War II. In the end, the tabloid newspaper The Sun organized a huge bonfire in which everyone could burn the damned paintings. Indeed, all reproductions with crying children burned very slowly ...

Bassano vase

This antique silver vase was presented as a gift to a Neapolitan girl on the eve of her wedding. On the same day, the young bride was found dead with a gift vase in her hands.

The vase remained in the girl's family, and it was passed down from generation to generation, until they noticed that everyone who owned the sinister souvenir ended their lives tragically.

Then the family members put the vase in a box along with the note "Beware... This vase brings death" and hid it in a safe place. In 1988, the cache was found, and the vase was sold at auction, prudently keeping silent about the contents of the note. The man who bought the death vessel died three months after the purchase. Then the vase fell into the hands of several more art lovers, and they all soon died. The vessel's whereabouts are currently unknown.

Car "Little Bastard"

"Little Bastard" is the nickname American actor James Dean gave to his new Porsche 550 Spyder. It was in this car that the young actor died. During the accident, a mechanic was next to him, who later killed himself. In the future, all the people who became the owners of the "Bastard" or even individual parts from it, got into serious car accidents. Some of them died, others were seriously injured.

Painting "Martyr"

This painting belongs to a certain Sean Robinson. For 25 years she lay in the attic of his grandmother, who told her grandson the terrible story of the canvas. Allegedly, the author of the picture painted it with paints mixed with his own blood, and after finishing the work, he immediately committed suicide.

In 2010, the painting became the property of Robinson, and terrible things immediately began to happen to his family. Unfamiliar voices and crying were constantly heard in the house, the doors opened and closed by themselves, and one day an invisible force pushed Robinson's son down the stairs. Sometimes a mysterious smoke began to swirl around the picture.

Girls, this is a true story. To be honest, it's creepy...

The story begins at the Otto family home in Florida in 1896. It was known that the master of the house did not treat his servant well, and was not the kindest of people during his lifetime.

One strange servant who was assigned to the masters' son "Robert Eugene" (Gene) was said by many to be knowledgeable in matters of sorcery. As history shows, a servant gave young Gene a doll. The doll was three feet high (about a meter), and was filled with straw. The servant made the doll himself, and it charmed the little boy.

Gene decided to name the doll Robert. The doll has become a constant companion to the little boy. Relatives and servants began to notice oddities in the child ... Often they heard the conversations of a boy with a doll that came from above. This in itself, perhaps, was not so bad, since many children talk to their toys ... But the father was alarmed and frightened by the fact that he heard his son answer his questions in a completely alien voice, not like his own. started to worry.

Many strange things began to happen in the Otto household. Often neighbors could see Robert moving from window to window when the family was away. Gene began blaming Robert for the bad luck that was happening. The parents claimed to have heard the doll's giggles and swore they caught a glimpse of the doll running through the house.
The boy began to suffer from nightmares and he screamed at night. When his parents ran to their son's cries, they often found the furniture overturned, and their child was frightened. As a rule, the doll sat quietly at the feet of the boy, on the bed, clearly gazing at the child, who loudly shouted "Robert Did It" ...

As a result, the doll was thrown into the attic. where she has been for many years.
When Gene's father died, the house passed to him by inheritance.
Gene decided that now he and his wife can return to his childhood home. He became an artist, and he felt that a bigger house was the best place for his creative inspiration.

Soon he found his old friend in the attic. He immediately settled the doll in his workshop. And Robert's presence was immediately felt in the house again. The artist's wife found Robert very strange and disturbing. One day, while Gene was out of the house, she decided that Robert had seen enough of the world and it was time for him to go to the attic.

When the owner of the house returned home, saw that the doll had been moved, he was angry. He announced that Robert needed a room of his own where he could look out the window. He hurriedly returned Robert to his bright place in the workshop. The wife considered her beloved crazy. Rumors about Robert and strange events associated with him began to spread everywhere ...

Finally, Gene himself got tired of the pranks of the doll and placed it back in the attic. Visitors to Otto's house often heard voices and shuffling upstairs in the attic. this house.
In 1972 Gene Otto died and his wife sold the house quickly and left the Robert doll behind in the attic for good.

The new family now lived with their own worries, and Robert's stories subsided ...
Robert waited patiently in the attic to be found again. The ten-year-old daughter of the new owners was delighted when she found the big toy in the attic and added it to her other bedroom favorites. But the scary doll didn't take long. bed and attacked her when she began to fall asleep. Even after more than thirty years later, that girl staunchly claims that "the doll was alive and wanted to kill her."
Robert, still dressed in his white sailor suit, lives comfortably in a storefront, and is well guarded in Key West at the Martello Museum. The workers of which still continue to make reports about the strange tricks of this frightening doll ...