Halloween quest for children: scenario, preparation, recommendations. Halloween: house party with friends - music, menu and entertainment Scary scenes for halloween

Scenario for Halloween 2015

The script includes: Witch, Dracula, Isabella, Pirate

Hall decoration: the name of the holiday, symbols of the holiday cut out of paper, luminous lamps and garlands, a fortune-telling table, a music center.

Preparation : Invitations, Lotteries, holiday name, holiday symbols, costumes, bag,

Introduction. The hosts stand with their backs to the audience, the lights are off. The voice reads the verse. The hosts perform a slow waltz to the melody.

Witch: Terrible evening everyone!

Dracula: Haha! Hello, vampires, ghouls and other not quite pure power. My respects to you, witch! And bon appetit! (rubs palms)

Witch: Count, I see you have already bitten, fresh blood?

Dracula: What are you, I'm still not in one tooth!Witch, don't you have a mug with you? (roam in the bag )

Witch: No…!

Dracula: Okay, then from the throat!! (Reaching out to bite the witch )

Witch: Take it easy, Count, (blocks with hand ) a witch is not a witch, but on occasion I can bend so that it doesn’t seem a little ...

Witch: Friends, a grand Sabbath will take place today, which you will remember for the number of perfect nasty things, troubles and other dirty tricks !!!

Dracula: So how is the sabbath going?

Witch: On this day, all harpies, witches, furies (pointing to the hall ) gather in one place and arrange ... a bachelorette party ...

Dracula: I didn’t ask you about March 8! ...

Witch: ( explains ) Count, I am a hereditary witch and ...

Dracula: ( interrupts ) Does mom know!?

Dracula: And here is the heiress of Lucifer. Vivat terrible Isabella! the most unpredictable and terribly beautiful!

(Vampire and witch bow before Isabella in respectful bow.)

Dracula: Greetings Isabella! You, as always, are deadly charming, like a true child of darkness.

Isabel: Evil evening everyone! It is not by chance that I appeared here today - October 31, the Great Feast of Horrors. Tremble, he's coming! Solemn and terrible Day of All Saints! Or, as it is also called, the autumn holiday of evil spirits Halloween.

Dracula: Isabella, let me be curious, how many years have you been decorating this world of the living?

Isabel: Over 2000 years...

Dracula: Would you like to go to the realm of dreams? (Reaching out to bite Isabella )

Isabel: Thanks, no! When I want, then I will die, without outside help - first (fingering ) I’ll draw up a will, write a farewell note, wash myself, change clothes, put on make-up, hairstyle, heels. ... (thought ) And in general ... maybe I'll change my mind ten more times !!! (Builds eyes to anyone from the audience )

Witch: Isabella, I ask you to help me complete the assignment: your esteemed dad Lucifer asked me to choose the king and queen of the evening.

Isabel: I will be happy to help you choose the King of our monstrous ball!

Dracula: and finally my favorite thing to do! (rubs his palms ). With great pleasure I will choose a delicious dinner, that is, I will help you choose a worthy Queen!

Witch: And so everyone can become the king and queen of the ball. But for this you need to pass all the tests. You are ready? First competition

Competition No. 1 "Mummy"

Participants are divided into pairs, and each of them is given a roll of paper. One of the players in each team is a "mummy". The task of the second player - the "priest" - as quickly as possible to make a real "mummy" out of a partner in the game. Those who complete the task the fastest win.

Isabel: There are many more competitions ahead of you, those who wish can come to the fortune-telling table, but not all at once. And now the dance break is announced.

Dance break (2 songs)

Dracula: Witch, do you even know how to conjure ... ??? I bit some sick person with a cold, can you heal? ...

Witch: Easily! Garlic - in the mouth, onions - in the nose, honey - on the chest, mustard to the heels,nettles on the lower back and a huge glass of milk with honey for internal effects... _We'll kill all microbes!If you live until morning, you will be as good as new ...

Competition No. 2 "Proverbs about evil spirits"

For this competition, the following proverbs and sayings about evil spirits are suitable:
- the evil one was with the evil one, but both fell into the pit;
- you will not be saved for every hour;
- fear is worse than death;
- frighten the one who does not understand anything;
- the fear of forces takes away;
- fear has big eyes;
- the devil is not so terrible as he is painted;
- look fear in the eyes, do not blink, but blink - you will be lost;
- fear is the first helper to the enemy;
- in the middle of nowhere;
- it would be a swamp, but there are devils
- like hell in the bosom;
- sell your soul to the devil;
- sits like a devil in a swamp
- he was possessed by the devil.

Each participant pulls a piece of paper, on the back of which one or another saying is written. Then the players must portray it, and the rest need to guess and say this proverb or saying aloud.

You can also use these sayings for another game. The host says the beginning of the saying, and the participants must continue it faster. Whoever guesses most of the sayings the fastest wins.

Isabel: Friends, not a lot of history of our holiday with you. You should know that All Saints Day came to us from Western Europe, and there it is associated with a number of peculiar traditions.

Witch: For example, in Scotland there is still a belief that on the last night of October, a young Witch, wanting to become a real powerful sorceress, certainly seeks to sell her soul to the Devil. And after this deal, she, joyful, goes to fly over the city on a broomstick.

Dracula: Are you from Scotland - do you have a broom? ..

Witch: No, I'm local!

Isabel: Why do witches still use brooms even in the 21st century?

Dracula: Vacuum cleaners are just too heavy to fly...

Witch: They are just eco-friendly!

Competition No. 3 Dance with a broom

8 people participate. You need to stand in a circle. I have one broom. To the music, we begin to pass it to a neighbor in a circle. As soon as the music stops, the person with the broomstick is out of the game. The broom is passed to a neighbor. And so on until there is only 1 winner.

Dance break (2 songs)

Isabel: By the way, do you know when this foreign holiday appeared - Halloween, All Saints Day?

Dracula: This holiday appeared more than 2000 years ago among the ancient Celts. This is a night party. According to the legends of the Celts, on this Great Night, the souls of the dead come to people. But, besides these benevolent ghosts, from the darkness of the other world on a festive night, evil spirits crawled out to people - a real evil spirit.

Competition-quiz No. 4

1 . Where did the story of Halloween begin?

The history of the Halloween holiday began many centuries ago in the lands of modern Britain and northern France.

2. What is the symbol of Halloween?


3. The main phrase of Halloween?

"Candies or life"

4. What date is Halloween celebrated?

5. Where is Halloween most popular?

In the USA and Canada

6. The most important Halloween character?


7. What do you agree with? Halloween is a holiday: the gates of winter, the end of the harvest or evil spirits

evil spirits

8. On Halloween it is customary to scare everyone, make fun of everyone or put up with everyone

scare everyone

9. Choose the superfluous - something that does not correlate with the holiday: spirits and the dead, evil spirits or brownies and goblin

Brownies and goblin

10. Which of the following colors is not the symbolic color of Halloween? Blue, orange or black


Isabel: Gentlemen, we still have guests!

(pirate comes out with his team)

Monster high dance

Pirate: Negativity for everyone! Eho-ho and a bottle of poison! I have prepared a gift.My late friend Joe, a thousand devils, really wanted to go to the party, but on my ship and without me! So he arrived in parts! Ha ha ha! Who wants to get closer to him?

Competition No. 5

You need 2 people to participate. Bones of our Joe are pasted all over the hall. Each bone has its own number. The task on command is to collect as many bones as possible with your number and faster than your opponent.

Witch: We see off the Pirate with applause! (the pirate leaves )

Dance break (2 songs)

Witch: Attention!!! Attention!!! It's time to name the king and queen of Halloween 2015, according to the jury, they are ____________________________________________

( the king and queen come out

Dracula: The newly minted King and Queen must drink fresh blood!

The guys bring a glass of tomato juice??? And now you loyal subjects will publish the most terrible cry!!(Scream) You are awarded the honorary title of holding a win-win lottery!


Isabel: Dear ladies and gentlemen, the last composition of our sinister evening sounds for you! Please do not forget bitten victims and your body parts!Parked brooms and other vehicles left unattended automatically become the property of our school!

Dance break (3 songs)

Description: The evening begins with a host who talks about some of the traditions of the holiday. During the event, individual representatives of evil spirits appear, who hold games and contests, an “unclean” quiz. The last to appear is the Devil, who wants to take the souls, but with the first cock cries, he has to leave without sipping salty.

Target: acquaintance with the history and some traditions of the holiday, creating a good mood and increasing team cohesion.

Decor: Decorate the hall with images of a pumpkin - Jack, signs of evil spirits - a witch's cauldron, horns and hooves of the devil, a sheet with a scary face, put on a balloon, bats. Paper bones are pasted all over the hall.

Required attributes:

  • on the back of each chair are pasted images of a broom, a pumpkin, a fish tail, bones, and white leaves;
  • brooms and objects - obstacles;
  • orange balloons, thread, black markers;
  • ropes;
  • scull;
  • drawing of a tailless donkey and tail;
  • bones and skeleton image.


  • Leading
  • Witch
  • Mermaid
  • Koschei the Deathless
  • Ghost
  • Mummy
  • Crap

Event progress


Terrible evening guys! What is happening on the street today: witches, ghosts and other evil spirits roam freely! You don't know what happened?

They say it's Halloween


Exactly! How could I forget, because this is one of the old holidays that is celebrated in English-speaking countries. By the way, can you remind me which countries started celebrating Saints' Eve - is that what Halloween is called?

Ireland, France and England, where the Celtic tribes lived.


True, the ancient Celts believed that a hundred years consists only of winter and summer. Summer ends October 31st. The onset of winter was considered the beginning of a new year, and it was on the night of November 1, when the seasons changed, that the gates between the worlds of the living and the dead were opened.

At this time, the souls of the dead sought to find a body that they would own for the next year.

In order not to be captured by evil spirits, people put on costumes and masks, thus trying to go unnoticed.

And that is why we dressed up in costumes and masks today to deceive those who came from the spirit world to take over our body.


It was on this evening that all the witches flocked to the Sabbath. Many dreamed of seeing a real witch and indulged in various tricks to get their way. It used to be believed that if you go for a walk in clothes turned inside out, you will definitely meet this bright representative of evil spirits on your way. Let's also turn some piece of clothing inside out and put it on - maybe we will also meet a witch.

Carry out the task.

To the music on a broomstick pops up Witch.


Have a terrible evening, mermaids and goblin, and all other evil spirits! Do you know where Witch Mountain is located? She flew to the Sabbath, but got a little lost - Leshy must be joking.


Hello Witch. We don't know where the mountain is. Haven't heard of this one.


(suspiciously): Are you exactly who you say you are?

Something I do not believe in your unclean affiliation.


If you don't believe me, check it out. We are ready to prove it.


Fine. If you are really the worst and most disgusting, then you should be able to fly on a broomstick.

This is what I will check now.


Guys, look who has a broom sticked on the back of the chair - go on stage.


Well, well, I believe that you are not lying. Then I'll fly on. My companions, the witches, have probably already been waiting for me. Hello Damn if you see!


Oof, it's gone!

Guys, let's quickly turn things on the front side, so as not to meet such a miracle again.

Turning clothes back.


On this night, you can protect yourself from evil spirits not only with a suit. The main attribute of the holiday is ... what?

That's right, a pumpkin with a face carved into it. She is a symbol of an evil spirit that scares away the fire located inside.

Let's create a masterpiece like this. Guys, who has a drawing of a pumpkin on the back of the chair, go on stage.


Well, now we are doubly protected from evil spirits, which on this night calmly pass through the gates guarded by mermaids.

Do you know what mermaids are?

Included Mermaid.


Hello guys. I came to you with a request: I lost a girlfriend in your world. Now I'm looking for her.

She's not among you, by any chance? Right?

She can pretend to be human, but that's impossible. The night will end, and she will stay, will not have time to return.


I don't think she is here. But it can be verified!

Those who have a fish tail on a chair rise to the stage.

Conducts mermaid tail game. Each participant's legs are tied, forming a tail. The task of the participants is to jump to the right place and in the opposite direction. It can be held in the form of a relay race - a competition between two teams.


Look, our participants coped with this task with ease!

If they were mermaids, they would not even be able to move, because a real tail does not allow you to move on the ground.


I see that it is not. Thanks for the help. I'll go looking further.


Not only mermaids and witches walk the world of the living in this dangerous time.

You can meet other evil spirits.

Enter Mummy, Koschey the Immortal and Ghost.


Hello everyone, hello, hello! How is the mood at today's party?


Terrible, as it should be. We are incredibly scared.


Well, that's how it should be. After all, today is our holiday!

Want to freak out a little?


Of course, with great anticipation.

  • Koschey holds a quiz on the theme of the holiday:
  1. What kind of bloodsucker lives in a terrible castle? (Dracula)
  2. Who could be saddled by the blacksmith Vakula? (dash)
  3. Old woman with a bone leg (Baba Yaga)
  4. The most popular vegetable on All Saints Day among Americans (pumpkin)
  5. To whom do snakes replace hair? (Medusa Gorgon)
  6. Who can seep through walls? (ghosts)
  • Mummy conducts the game "Skull":

Everyone who wants to stand in a circle. The skull is passed to each other to the music. As soon as the music ends, the one holding the skull lets out a terrifying scream and sits down. The rest continue to play until one person remains, who will be the winner.

  • The ghost holds a competition for the best howl.

Participants come out with a white piece of paper glued to the back of the chair.


Well done! They were not afraid of the howls, and yet so many ghosts had just performed. Well, let's go further to scare people.

coming out Crap.


Ha ha ha! Here we got it! Thought you'd hide from me behind the suits?

Now I’ll call everyone here, we’ll take all your innocent souls!


What's happened? Why do you want to harm us?


Out of harm! I'm made that way.

I just want to hurt someone!


But we didn't do any harm.

By the way, the Witch said hello to you.


And this one is already here. Well, well, you can take the trials to try and save your souls.

Only, if you can’t do it, then you won’t see freedom, like your own ears!

  • Conducts games and competitions:
  1. « Attach the donkey's tail"- Participation is accepted by those who wish.
  2. "Collect the Skeleton"- collect all the paper bones located on the walls of the hall and stick them on the image of the skeleton, finding the right place for each bone. Participation is taken by those who have a picture of a bone glued on their chair.


Well done guys, you got the job done.

But I'll still take your souls, I really need them!


You won't take it!


Why is this?


Because the morning has come. Guys, when does all the hell end?

When the roosters crow.

Let's show the Devil that it's time to return to your world. Ready?

They crow.


If I didn't make it today, I'll make it next time! So beware!


Guys, we were able to escape from captivity, we passed all the tests.

Why not rejoice and dance? Now it's disco!

Interesting and detailed Halloween scenario "Unclean Force"

This is a scenario for a Halloween costume party (corporate party, student holiday, etc.).

The hall is quite dark, only the stage is lit.

Hall decoration: skulls and bones cut out of paper, bats, grave crosses, torches, etc.

The party is led by two, a girl and a guy in the costumes of the Witch and Leshy.

The hosts go out to dark music.

Goblin: Oh, powers of darkness! Oh, unclean company! The most important night of the year is coming!

Witch: The scariest of the scariest! The darkest of the darkest! Great and terrible... HALLOWEEN NIGHT!

Goblin: And this night we will be with you, get acquainted - the beautiful Witch ...

Witch: And the nasty Goblin!

Together: And we start our Halloween!

Sounds like a solemn opening.

Witch: Every year, from century to century, we gather the real elite of the glamorous unclean world to the main party.

Goblin: What, what? Translate, otherwise I don’t understand your buzzwords! And in general, you turned down: “from century to century” ... It turns out that you are already such an old junk?

Witch: You might think, Leshy, you are young with us! Instead of being sarcastic, it's better to announce the topic of today's party.

Goblin: Our party... Ugh, our meeting is dedicated to a very serious matter. Rumor has it that among the evil spirits, someone dishonest wound up!

Witch: Like this?!

Goblin: And like this! Someone has offended our impure thoughts and is doing good deeds on the sly!

Witch: What an abomination! But how do we find out who it is? And maybe he's not even alone?

Goblin: It is necessary to arrange trials, cruel and insidious. In the end, kindness will come out and be punished!

Witch: Goblin, you are a genius. Begin!

Test one

Participants and participants are called, only ten people. To the music, they walk around the stage, demonstrate their costumes, introduce themselves (name their characters).

Witch (to Leshem): What a select company! Do you think any of them are good at disguise?

Goblin: Let's check! Ask them questions.

Witch (to participants): Dear scum, I have a very simple question for you. Remember your most disgusting muck or the meanest villainy committed over the past year!

The participants respond.

The presenters thank them and consult with the audience how many points each of them earned (for this task a maximum of three points are given - in the form of bones cut out of paper on pins that will be pinned to the clothes of the participants).

Goblin: No, Witch, let's come up with a second task more difficult! There they are all erotic ... erudite!

Test two

Witch: Dear evil spirits, imagine that you are facing elections to the Unclean Duma! So, let each of you think and show us your election campaign! And we, as voters, will decide who we will vote for. Get ready, you have a few minutes.

Goblin: This is where they will “split”, you will see!

While the participants are preparing, there is a concert number.

The contestants have prepared and demonstrate their pre-election campaign. The audience evaluates their performances. Based on the results of two tasks, one participant and one participant with the least number of "bones" are eliminated. They receive small incentive prizes.

An excerpt from the song "Work your magic" (from the repertoire of Dmitry Koldun) sounds.

Witch: Listen, Goblin, but it turns out that the better the applicants show themselves, the more likely they are to hide something!

Goblin: That's it! You are very perceptive, Witch. And it's time to announce the third test.

Trial three

Now, after each test, two people will drop out, receiving small incentive prizes. By the fifth task, there will be four left.

Goblin: The third test I came up with personally. This is what I love: crazy dancing! Those who want can split into pairs, those who don't want can dance alone. The main thing is to show all the madness of the soul and the boiling of passion!

Witch: Everybody dance!

Energetic music sounds, the participants dance. The witch also tries to dance with Leshy, he grunts and grabs his back.

Test Four

Goblin: After such violent dances, we offer you to restore your strength with a bloody drink!

The contestants are given a glass of tomato juice. The goal is to drink as quickly as possible.

Test fifth

Witch: Our participants are already very few, but this means that the most, most ... unclean ones remain! Come on, Leshy, the next test.

Goblin: So, the fifth test is decisive! It will be codenamed "Thirteen". This is the favorite number of all the impure.

The contestants will have to quickly and resourcefully answer the question - to each his own.


- name thirteen signs of a real vampire,

- thirteen evil heroes of fairy tales and movies.


- thirteen any components of a love potion,

- thirteen magical items from fairy tales.

According to the results of the task, the winners are determined by the number of "bones". In the case of the same number, the audience decides everything.

Solemn music sounds.

Witch: Well, we have decided the winners! Here they are, the best of the best, the scariest of the scariest!

Goblin: Or maybe the most cunning of the most cunning? Addresses the winners. Answer the whole truth: did you secretly do good and good deeds? Helped others? Protecting the weak?

Participants say yes, it happened.

Goblin: I told you!!!

Witch: And you know what, Leshy... In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with good deeds... This means that as long as there is good, evil will always have something to fight with.

Goblin (bewildered): Well then, have it your way...

The winners of the competition are awarded with prizes and titles "The Most Impure" and "The Most Impure".

The hosts congratulate the winners and thank everyone for their participation.

Witch: And now I would like to make an important announcement...

Goblin: You're scaring me!

Witch: But tonight is the scariest night! Hear the legend...

Long ago, there lived a beautiful maiden. She was so beautiful that it was impossible to look away. And a feisty, disgusting sorcerer fell in love with her. And the maiden, of course, refused to marry him. Haven't guessed who I'm talking about? And the result is obvious: she - this is me now - is old, terrible, bewitched. And only a kiss from a beautiful prince can disenchant me!

Goblin asks someone from the audience to disenchant the Witch. Many try, but nothing happens.

Goblin: Eh, not those guys went today. As always, you have to do everything yourself ...

Goblin kneels down and kisses the Witch's hand. Music is playing - an excerpt from the song “Oh, what a woman” (from the repertoire of the group “Freestyle”), the light is flashing. The witch takes off her mask and rags and transforms into a fashionably dressed young girl. Leshy also takes off his mask.

Leaders sing the song.

Song "Unclean" to the motive of the song "Black Cat" from the repertoire of gr. "Bravo"

Evil spirits wander in the forest strip,

Everyone runs away from evil

They roar, scream and squeal

And they are in a hurry to deal with her!

They say no luck

If evil spirits cross your path,

For now it's the other way around:

Only evil spirits are unlucky!

It can be seen that it is not easy for evil spirits to live:

Do not go to a cafe or to the cinema,

They won't let her into the store

Do not pour gasoline at the gas station!

Year after year on this earth

Evil cries, sobbing in the darkness.

Tired of being evil - horror.

Someone take pity on her!

Chorus The disco begins.

Extra-curricular event for students dedicated to the holiday "Halloween"

Shamigulova Ilyuza Sagadeevna, lecturer at the State Educational Institution of Education of the Republic of Belarus "Sibai Medical College"
Description: I propose a methodological development of an extracurricular event, which is intended for a group of 1st year students. This development - the Halloween holiday, is recommended to be used when conducting extra-curricular activities, as well as within the framework of foreign language classes on the topic "Country Studies".
Purpose of the event:
1. Educational: deepen students' knowledge about the history, culture, customs and traditions of English-speaking countries.
2. Developing: development of memory, attention, imagination and listening skills.
3. Educational: to promote the perception of tolerance among students, respect for the carriers of the English-speaking culture.
Interdisciplinary connections: story
1. Presentation in Power Point
2. festive decoration of the hall: a poster on the theme "Halloween"; Balloons.
1. I. Walsh "Great Britain: customs and traditions" "Karo" 2013
2. Internet resources


Event progress
Dance "Terrible dream"
(Joyful music sounds. Two presenters come out.)

Presenter 1.:Good evening ladies and gentlemen, we are glad to see you at our Halloween party.
Lead 2.: Only on this night, Halloween night, there is no past and no future. Only today we enjoy the mystical "now" that does not exist.
Lead 1.: Only on this night, the gates of time are open in both directions. Halloween is approaching, the hour of transition is coming.
Lead 2.: And we will start by telling you a little about the history of this holiday, you need to listen and remember everything.
Presenter 1: Halloween is a modern holiday, dating back to the traditions of the ancient Celts of Ireland and Scotland, whose history began on the territory of modern Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is celebrated on October 31, the eve of All Saints' Day.
Lead 2: Halloween is traditionally celebrated in English-speaking countries, although it is not an official holiday. Halloween is celebrated informally in some other countries with close cultural ties to the US and UK. The tradition of making gourds originates from the Celtic custom of making lanterns to help souls find their way to purgatory. In Scotland, the turnip was the symbol of Halloween, but in North America it was quickly replaced by the pumpkin as a cheaper and more accessible vegetable.
Presenter 1: Popular costumes from classic horror movies such as Mummies and Frankenstein's monster. Symbols of autumn, such as village scarecrows, play an important role in the festive decoration of houses. The main themes of Halloween are death, evil, the occult and monsters. Traditional colors are black and orange.
Lead 2: In a word, the whole underworld arranged a grand Sabbath that night.
And today we invite you to participate in this Sabbath. Please take an active part in competitions.
Presenter 1: And now let's welcome the jury:
They will rate each team depending on the competition.
Lead 2: So, we begin!
Competition I


(you need to answer the questions, for each correct answer a sweet prize is given!)
5 points are given for each correct answer.
1.Where did the story of Halloween begin?
UK, France
2. What is the symbol of Halloween?
3. The main phrase of Halloween?
"Candies or life"
4. What date is Halloween celebrated?
On the night of October 31 to November 1
5.Where is Halloween most popular?
6. The most important character of Halloween?
7.What do you agree with? Halloween is a holiday
a) the gates of winter b) the end of the harvest c) evil spirits
8. On Halloween it is accepted:
a) scare everyone b) make fun of everyone c) put up with everyone
9. Choose the superfluous - something that does not correlate with the holiday:
a) spirits and the dead b) evil spirits c) brownies and goblin
10. Which of the following colors is not the symbolic color of Halloween? a) blue b) orange c) black Competition 1.(improvisation_)
The jury evaluates the dance on a scale of 5b who will improvise better.
Each team will need 1 person, the task of the participants is to dance to the music that will be given and present themselves as interesting as possible.
Competition 2.(forfeits)
On a 5b scale, depending on who will carry out orders more original.
All participants, one by one, will take forfeits from the box and carry out orders.
For example: scream like a victim from the movie "Scream",
pretend to be a hungry zombie
show cast
perform a ritual dance
cast a spell to transform
show Harry Potter
howl like a wolf at the moon
show how a vampire sucks blood
show how to transform into a werewolf
make a sinister laugh
Competition 3.(quatrain)
Four words are given, that is, 2 pairs that rhyme with each other. Participants need to come up with a meaningful quatrain as soon as possible - with humor and creativity.
Examples of rhymes for the task:
blood-eyebrow, class-eye
egg-sorceress, glass-cockroach
Competition 4.(ritual)
Invite two girls from each team. Before each girl there are ritual bowls with blood. The task of the participants is to drink the contents as soon as possible. The one who completes the ritual the fastest wins.
Competition 5.(flying on a broomstick)
Arrange a broom flying contest among the girls.

Presenter 1: Well, now let's summarize. In the meantime, the jury calculates the results, let's watch the video.

1 place: Diploma of the best witch and black eye shadow (for a witchy look)
2nd place: Witch diploma and black nail polish (for sleight of hand during witchcraft)
3rd place: Witch diploma and black lipstick (for better spellcasting)
4th place: Diploma of the witch and comb (for a fresh head)
The head witch congratulates the young witches on passing the exam and gaining the status of witches and the right to cast spells.
Prizes for the audience for the best costumes - lanterns and garlic to scare away all evil spirits!
Main Witch: Thank you all for coming to our Sabbath. And it's time for us to fly to our forest. See you next year!

Creative self-realization of students is one of the main tasks of the educational process. Holding a Halloween holiday at school is a great opportunity to create the necessary conditions for the self-expression of the personality of pupils. It is better to organize such an event in the form of a competitive program between several teams. How to spend Halloween at school so that potential participants have equal physical and intellectual capabilities? Usually such a holiday is held between classes of the same parallel, then they will not affect the level of preparation. A sample event structure is suggested below.

Halloween script at school

  1. Information block. Hosts provide viewers with information on the theme, goals and structure of the holiday.
  2. Jury presentation. The hosts list the judges who evaluate the competitive program. The organizers of the festival must first draw up a map for the jury members, which includes: information on the number of participating teams, a list of competitions and the maximum level of team performance assessment.
  3. At this stage of the script, the hosts call the teams that show their business card. It usually consists of chanting the name and a short upbeat greeting (up to 2.5 minutes).
  4. Contests. At this stage of the holiday, games are organized between the participating teams. On Halloween, the following can be held at the school: "Holiday attributes", "Best costume", "Best craft", "History of the holiday", "Best mask" and "Best newspaper". Their description is offered in the article, after the structure of the event.
  5. Summarizing. After the completion of the competition program, it is necessary to include several creative numbers in the Halloween script at the school so that the jury members have enough time to sum up. When the results are ready, certificates are awarded and the performances of the participants are commented on.

game program

  • Symbols. The participating teams are invited to compile a list of attributes that accompany this holiday for a certain time (one musical composition). The victory is awarded to the team whose list is larger.
  • The best mask. This competition will be more interesting to hold in the form of a master class. To do this, each team nominates an "artist" and two models (a girl and a boy) for participation. They are given a certain time and the necessary equipment: a set of make-up and then a presentation of the work is carried out - a show of masks. After each team has demonstrated, it is necessary to hold a general demonstration.
  • History of the holiday. In this competition, the presenters ask questions to the participants, who reveal the topic of the event. Below is an indicative list of questions that can be supplemented and changed.


  1. What is this day called in Central America? (Day of all the dead).
  2. What is customary to give children who come to the house for this holiday? (candies).
  3. When is Halloween celebrated in Canada and the USA? (on the night of November 1).
  4. The second name of the holiday in these countries?
  5. What season began on this day among the ancient Celts? (winter).
  6. What is the symbol of the holiday? (pumpkin).
  7. What is the tradition of dressing up in unusual costumes on this day? (to scare away evil spirits).
  8. In what place in France are grandiose carnivals dedicated to the holiday held? (at Disneyland).
  9. What is this day called in China? (Day of Remembrance of the Ancestors).
  10. What are the main colors on this holiday? (orange, red and black).

Competitions requiring preliminary preparation

  • The best craft. Halloween at school cannot be held without the traditional pumpkin composition contest. Before the start of the holiday, an exhibition of works is drawn up, which will be evaluated by the jury members. It can be organized in the foyer, hall or stage. Each composition must be accompanied by information about the participant, the materials used and have a title. During the competition, representatives of the teams speak with the defense of the work - they argue its relevance for this holiday and describe the stages of the implementation of their masterpiece.

  • The best newspaper. Before the start of the event, the jury members study the newspapers published for this holiday, evaluate their content and aesthetics.

Halloween position at school

For a clear organization and holding of the holiday, a month before the planned event, classes must be familiarized with the provision, the approximate structure of which is proposed below:

  • Purpose: creative self-realization of students through the inclusion of classes in school-wide collective affairs.
  • Date of event: indicate the time and place of the organization of the event.
  • Venue: office, assembly hall, etc., where the holiday will take place.
  • Members: Specifies the member classes.
  • Jury members: a list of teachers and leaders of circles who will take part in judging is given.
  • Terms of the event: this paragraph should contain an approximate structure of the holiday, a list of competitions, as well as the recommended number of participants in them.
  • Evaluation Criteria: Here it is recommended to indicate by what indicators the performance of the teams will be evaluated, for example:
  • artistry - 5 points;
  • aesthetics of costumes - 5 points;
  • correctness of protection - 5 points;
  • mass character - 5 points;
  • compliance of the content of the speeches with the theme of the competition - 5 points.
  • Summing up: this paragraph indicates the planned number of prizes, the list of nominations, the participation of sponsors and parents in the awarding of participants.
  • Rehearsal schedule: the regulation must indicate until what time the application for participation of the class in the event must be submitted, as well as the time and place of the installation and general rehearsals.
  • Reference information: here are the coordinates of the organizers of the competition, with whom students, parents and teachers can contact - in case of questions.
  • Note: An event such as Halloween at school requires adherence to certain ethical standards, so at this point it is necessary to warn participants about the prohibition of showing scenes of violence and cruelty.


To create an appropriate festive atmosphere, it is necessary to decorate the room in which the event will take place. In art and technology classes, students can prepare masks and costumes. Participating classes publish newspapers on a given topic, which highlight the history of the holiday and its traditions. An exhibition of pumpkin lamps is arranged in the hall or on the stage. Drapery from sports nets located on the walls will serve as an original decoration of the room. Since the holiday is held in autumn, it would be appropriate to use compositions of leaves, flowers and fruits.


Since candles are one of the traditional symbols of this event, it is necessary to warn the classes in advance about the ban on the use of candles (they are replaced by flashlights) placed in pumpkins and other sources of open fire.


Halloween at school involves the participation of a large number of students. Therefore, in order to prevent hitches in the room where the event will be held, it is necessary to place a list of the order of performance of the teams and the order of the competitions.