Modeling a hare from plasticine in stages. How to make a bunny from plasticine. Plasticine hare: step-by-step master class

Natalia Antonova
"Bunny." Summary of direct educational activities on modeling in the middle group

Modeling« Bunny» .

Program content:

1. Educational task:

To consolidate children's knowledge about the hare and its appearance;

2. Technical problem:

Continue teaching children how to sculpt animals using the ovoid shape (torso, head); transmit to sculpting characteristic features of the appearance of a hare (long ears, short tail, different condition of the animal (listens or rests quietly) through the different positions of his ears; consolidate techniques sculpting ovoid and securing parts to each other;

3. Developmental task:

Develop fine motor skills of the hands;

Develop cognitive mental processes: memory, thinking, attention;

Develop hand-eye coordination;

4. Educational task:

Continue to strengthen the ability to maintain the correct posture when sculpting: do not hunch over, do not lean low over the table, sit freely without straining;

Foster a love for wild animals;

5. Vocabulary work:

- activation of the dictionary: bunny, gray, fluffy, calm, resting, running away from a fox, Christmas tree, winter forest.


The teacher has a toy bunny, figurine or sculpted hare (sample) in a lying position; several Christmas trees and bushes (cardboard or plywood from tabletop theater); body parts bunny: two ovoids of different sizes, thin cylinder;

Children have plasticine, boards, stacks, wet wipes.

Previous work:

Looking at toys and illustrations "Forest Dwellers";

Reading a fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut"; "Braggart".

Preparation for class:

a) teacher: I’ll write and learn abstract, I will think over methods and techniques according to the topic and objectives of the lesson; I will prepare the necessary material in accordance with the requirements;

b) children: self-service: each child takes himself a board, a wet napkin, a glass;

duty: handing out plasticine.

Children's placement scheme

Progress of the lesson.

On my table I lay a sheet of white paper and place several bushes and Christmas trees on it, and behind one of them bunny.

Children, put your toys away and sit down in your seats. Now we will have a lesson.

Look, children, this is a winter forest glade. They grow here. (Christmas trees, bushes). Quiet, quiet in the forest clearing. Nobody here. Oh! Who was that moving behind the tree? Yes it bunny - long ears, short tail (I bet bunny in front of children) . Bunny, what are you doing here?

3 ai h i k. I ran away from the fox, hid behind the tree and rested. Now, if I were not alone, if I had many comrades - bunnies, the fox would not dare to attack us.

Children, let's help bunny, let's sculpt comrades for him - many of the same long-eared the bunnies will.

Bunny, jump on this stump so that the children can take a good look at you, find out what shape your body and head are.

Children tell me what shape it has bunny head and body. What are they like? (On the testicle.) Who can tell me how to sculpt such a shape? First roll the ball, then roll it lightly between your palms, roll it a little harder on one edge.

Right. Look at bunny the head is rounded at the back, and in front the muzzle is slightly elongated and the body is of the same shape.

I have already sculpted for bunny body and head similar to large and small testicles (showing). Children, who will show you how to connect the body and head so that they hold tight?

The child attaches the head to the body and names the method of attaching the parts.

I show the children the cylinder and I say:

From a cylinder you can fashion (ears). To do this, you need to cut the stacked cylinder into two even parts, slightly flatten them and sharpen the ends with your fingers.

I perform all the necessary operations or call the child to show the methods bunny ear sculpting.

Here bunny's first friend!

Where do we start? We divide the plasticine into three unequal parts. What then? Take the largest piece, roll it into a ball, roll it out slightly, a little more on one side. The result is a body bunny. We also sculpt the head. We connect the torso and head. How to blind bunny ears? That's right, roll out the cylinder, cut it in half and flatten it, attach it to the head. Also You can mold a bunny's tail. You need to roll out some plasticine and attach it to the body bunny.

During the lesson I follow the methods sculpting, by asking questions I clarify their names, I ask children about the position of their ears bunnies and I connect this with the state of the animals (rests calmly, is alert and listens).

Now let's take a rest. Get up from your chairs and step onto the carpet. Repeat after me.

Text of the Movement

The sun looked out the window,

We'll stretch out a little

We need to sit down, stand up,

Spread your arms wider,

bend over,

And jump on the spot.

Turn to the window


Sit down, stand up

Spread your hands

Rep. 2 times

Well done, they did the exercises together. Take your seats and continue your work.

I encourage those who have added additional elements to their work, for example, sculpted paws or given the animal a different pose.

Let's put ours bunnies in a forest clearing, whoever wants where (at the Christmas tree, in front of a bush, or together with others bunnies, or one at a time.

I ask bunny, is he happy that he now has so many friends. I structure my answers in such a way that they include an assessment of the characters sculpted by the children. (shape of body parts, their proportionality, position of ears, etc.).


If in the process of a creative impulse you have a hitch and you asked the question: “How to mold a hare from plasticine?”, then our advice and step-by-step photos will certainly be useful to you. Most adults just need to look at a plasticine figurine to understand how to make it, but for small children it will be a little difficult. For them, the best option would be a detailed guide and a clear example.
If you take modeling clay instead of plasticine, then after the figure dries you will get a small toy for staging children's fairy tales that will not crumple during play. For the same purpose, you can mold a hare from, and then paint it in the desired colors.


  • blue, white and red plasticine;
  • felt-tip pen;


1. For the bunny’s head, roll 3 balls from plasticine: one largest - blue - this will be the head itself, another smaller one from white plasticine for the animal’s muzzle, and the last third smallest for the red nose (Fig. 1a).

2. Give the large ball a more triangular shape, but with smooth corners. To do this, press slightly on it with your index fingers from the sides and your thumb from the bottom of the ball. Flatten the white ball into an oval cake. Roll the red ball into an oval (Fig. 1b).

3. Attach a white muzzle to the blue head, and a nose in the center on it (Fig. 1c).

4. Roll 2 identical ear balls from blue plasticine. Next, make sticks from them (Fig. 2a). Narrow each ear piece at one end and bend it as shown in Fig. 2b. Attach the ears to the bunny's head using plasticine.

5. For the body, roll 1 large blue ball. For the tail - a small one of the same color. For the breast you will need a white ball (Fig. 3a).

6. Shape the above balls as in fig. 3b. Roll the large blue ball into an oval and bend it slightly. Flatten the white ball - this will be the bunny's breast. The small blue ball will become the tail (Fig. 3c).

7. Make 2 sticks and 2 balls for the hind legs. Flatten the balls (Fig. 4a).

8. Make 2 more sticks for the front legs and bend them a little (Fig. 4b).

9. Connect all the parts as shown in the picture above. Place eyes on your head. Mix some red and white plasticine until pink and make cheeks out of it. Draw a mouth with a felt-tip pen. Use a stack to make notches imitating claws and fur. That's all, the bunny is ready. We hope the topic “how to make a hare from plasticine” has been fully covered.

Any child will want to create his own unique collection of plasticine animals if his parents help him with this. Doing interesting creative lessons is always pleasant and exciting, especially if there is someone nearby who will tell you how best to do it, teach you basic modeling techniques, and also praise you at the end. Children must be praised for successes and encouraged in case of failures, then any task will immediately become feasible for them. In this lesson, it is told step by step and shown in the form of photographs. The master class will be useful for young and adult sculptors. The figurine can be made gray or white, this is the color the bunny wears. You can also repeat the same steps, but, for example, with pink plasticine, then the animal will turn out candy-like and cute, it can be called a toy rabbit.

What you need to take to make a hare from plasticine:

- gray plasticine is the main block that is necessary for work;

- pink plasticine is an additional color for highlighting the cheeks, ears, fluff on the chest and tail;

- a match;

How to make a hare from plasticine step by step?

First, before creating any part, you should thoroughly knead the plasticine in your hands. The largest portion will be used to sculpt the head and body of the animal. For this, prepare more than half of the block and knead it.

Shape the pieces to fit the head and torso. The second part can be made round or oval (oblong). The head is an ordinary gray ball.

You can squeeze a small ball on one side to show the cheek area. To decorate them, prepare two pink cakes and glue them together in the shape of an infinity sign. Another characteristic part of the hare's body is its long ears. Make oval blanks from gray plasticine and duplicate the same, but smaller ones, from pink mass.

Read also:

Stick the cheeks onto the face. Fasten the elements for the ears in pairs. Insert a match into the upper torso. Place a pink cake on the front of the body. Use a stack to turn this part into fluff.

The details that will become the little gray bunny's paws are also simple and clear. These are two gray balls and four sausages of the same color. Stack miniature fingers on each sausage.

Next, design the face of the forest animal. On the cheeks, just like on the chest, make a stack of fluff. Glue the mouth and nose from pink plasticine, the eyes - small dots with pupils. Make oblong sausages with fingers as figures and glue them to the upper part of the body, and the second combination of parts as legs. Glue the cake balls at the bottom of the body on the sides, and glue the paws to the bottom.

Another interesting craft with children:

The coward should also have a small tail, which always trembles and betrays the fears of its owner. Make a furry tassel from pink plasticine and glue it to the back.

The cute plasticine bunny is ready. Now you know how to make a hare from plasticine, or rather a figurine of this animal, which means you can show such an interesting lesson to your child.

Everyone knows that the learning process itself is important to parents, and the result is important to children. And kids will definitely like this bunny.

We give joy to the child and let's sculpt a hare. From early childhood, the baby gets acquainted with this cute furry animal, a character in many fairy tales and poems.

In this lesson I will show you how to make a charming tumbler hare for those who are just getting acquainted with the properties of plasticine.

It is difficult for a 3-4 year old child to make a complex product and create a large composition. The task of adults at this stage is to arouse and further maintain the child’s interest in modeling. Don't chase quality and beauty.

Let's begin! At the same time, let’s get acquainted or continue our acquaintance with one of the main forms of modeling - the ball.

Necessary materials:

a block of white or gray plasticine, a board, stacks.

Modeling a hare

Required forms: in this activity the main shape is a ball.

Decoration: tail (small ball), eyes, nose.


  • Knead the plasticine until it becomes soft and pliable. Now we divide the lump into 3 unequal parts.

The largest part is the body (1), the other two are the head (2), paws, ears and tail (3).

  • For the head, torso and upper legs, roll into balls.
  • For the ears and paws, roll out ovals and pull them a little on one side. The ears need to be flattened a little so that they are flat. Pay your child’s attention to the size of the parts: the ears are long, the tail is short, the front legs are small, the hind legs are long.

  • We connect the parts of the head and body, pressing them tightly against each other. If the plasticine does not set and the head “falls off,” you can use matches, as shown in the photo below.

  • Let's ask an adult to attach the eyes and nose.

I hope everything worked out for you. Try making other crafts as well. When there are enough sculpted heroes, you can propose making a simple composition out of them.

To complete the work, fold a thick sheet of green paper or cardboard in half and glue a suitable postcard or calendar to one side. The bunny is ready!

Take your time - each, in your opinion, simple craft is honing the child’s modeling skills. The better the child masters the basic forms and basic modeling techniques during this period, the easier and more interesting it will be for him to create in the future, but on his own.

Once again, in this lesson we introduce a three-year-old child to the basic forms, without focusing on the quality of execution.

For activities with children aged 3-4 years, it is necessary to select simple crafts that can be done quickly. This is due to several reasons:

  • Concentration of attention is still short (maximum 15 minutes);
  • At this stage, the child is just getting acquainted with the basic forms (ball, cylinder, rope) and only through your joint activities will the child receive the necessary knowledge;
  • The strength and dexterity of the fingers is not yet developed enough to sculpt a very large or very small object or detail. All this develops only in the process of regular exercise.
  • Don’t torment your child; choose simple crafts for this age.

I will be waiting for your feedback in the comments.

Anyone who doesn’t like “Nu Pogodi” has never seen this cartoon. Having appeared several decades ago on television screens, today it is one of the most popular short animated films, not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders.

Watch the cartoon Well Wait

Enjoy watching!

Thanks to its spontaneity and versatility, bright instructive stories, as well as original characters, this cartoon is liked not only by children, but also by adults.

As part of today's video lesson, we will look at how to make a hare from plasticine “Well, wait a minute”, using material available to everyone, which will allow everyone to have a fun and rich time with their child, and the resulting figurine will be able to decorate any children’s room, giving a lot of joy and positive emotions.

However, it is worth noting that a child will not be able to make such a figurine on his own. Therefore, it is worth thoroughly preparing for the process of sculpting it with your own hands, namely, preparing:

  • mass, kneading it well so that the baby can comfortably sculpt various elements of crafts from it;
  • a stack for cutting out various small elements (it can be replaced with a toothpick);
  • several matches or toothpicks to securely fasten the various elements of the figure together.

PHOTO step by step - How to make a hare from plasticine

Let's start sculpting a cartoon character by making his head. To do this, take a light brown color, knead it well and give it the shape of a hare's head. Then, using a regular toothpick, we will make an indentation in the shape of a mouth with a wide smile.

After this, we begin making the eyes, for which we will use a mass of white color, and for the pupils we will take a blue color with black splashes. Carefully attach the eyes to the head.

To make the ears, take two oblong pieces of material and give them a flattened round shape, pointed at one end. Attach the ears to the top of the head. Gently smoothing out the joints.

Next, we are faced with quite painstaking work on making teeth for the bunny, tongue, tip of the nose and cheeks of our hare. We make the tongue bright pink, the tip of the nose black, the teeth definitely white, and for the cheeks we use a regular pink tint. When sculpting small details, it is important to maintain natural proportions so that our character’s face turns out natural and at the same time funny.

To make the body of our hero, in order to save money, it is better to use the remains of old material. We alternately sculpt the elongated upper part of the body, and then the lower part with legs. We cover the top part with a small layer of white, and then green - in the shape of a shirt cut. We open the lower part with a dark green tint, thus making trousers for the hare. We connect the parts together.

We fashion the upper part of the arms from green material and attach them to the body.

Then we proceed to making the hands of our hare directly, for which we take a light brown shade, give it the necessary elongated shape and do not forget to form the fingers at the ends using a stack. We make the legs straight, slightly apart, with rounded steps. We attach the arms and legs to the body, using toothpick halves for strength.