Little poems for February 23. Eliseyka, club of caring mothers. I really want to be a pilot

Congratulations on 23!
Everything will be fine all around.
And I also wish you love and joy:
Let there be light in life.

Twenty third of February -
Red day calendar.
Congratulations to all men
And we wish them happiness!

Since February 23, dear guys.
We know that you can handle everything, you are cool with us.
Let the sky be blue and clear,
Let happiness come to the house with a radiant sun!

Twenty third of February,
And I hasten to congratulate you
Wish you happiness and peace
Long live and not get sick.

Happy Defender of the Fatherland
Congratulations to all men.
May you not encounter problems
May there be peace everywhere!

You are a man with a capital letter!
This holiday is definitely yours.
I wish you big luck -
Break the big jackpot in life.

Defender's Day today -
Accept congratulations.
Let there be palaces and horses
And in the soul the fire burns.

Defender is proud
His - gait - is firm,
Decisions are always important
They are the backbone of the country!

Defenders, happy holiday to you.
Support and shield you are for us.
We wish you courage, success,
Health, smiles and laughter.

The man sounds proud.
Defender! Let it keep you
Today, tomorrow and always
Love lucky star!

Protector, be strong and brave
Please accept congratulations
Let everyday life be filled with happiness
And the days will be calm!

Nothing is scary with you
You are amazingly brave.
I'm truly proud of you
You are my protector and hero!

Let the lucky star smile
May miracles happen every day
And may the heavens bless
I sincerely wish you well on this day.

Happiness in personal life
Life is always great
To be able, to strive, to conquer.
Be a Man. Since February 23!

I want to be your hero
Know how to conquer all women.
Happy to live always by fate
And win! Since February 23.

Glory to you men!
Valor and honor!
Let there be no reason
For the war in the world!
Be young at heart
Know - you are always heroes!

From February 23
I congratulate you!
For courage and strength
I hug, love!
Let there be a lot in Russia
All the brave, brave, strong!

I congratulate you on the 23rd!
I wish peace on the planet.
Successes and victories in the service
Reliable, devoted friendship.

Let the motherland's sons today
Forget the reflections of the war
Let them be glory and praise
And more good warmth!
Remember defenders that we
We are subdued by your prowess!

A rare celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day or a kindergarten does without reciting poems, the selection of which is a real headache for teachers and parents: where to find something new? The Land of the Soviets offers children's poems for February 23 at school.

Children's poems and congratulations by February 23 do not have to be dedicated to the army and soldiers, because any man can be a defender. For a child, the defenders are dad, grandfather, older brother, so you can dedicate a poem to them. The more diverse the children's poems by February 23, sounding at the school matinee, the better!

Short children's poems for February 23

* * *
The holiday of all our soldiers -
That's what this day means!
Day of brave defenders
Yes, and just all the guys!
After all, each of them dreams
Protect children, family,
Conquer at least something in the world
And find your destiny!

We praise those who did not cry
From your pain
But did not hide the tears
On the graves of friends
Those who were men
Not in words
Coward did not celebrate
Sitting in the bushes
Those best
Sons of mankind
Those who are on guard of the Fatherland!

* * *
Congratulations dad
Happy men's holiday:
In my youth, I know
Served in the army.

So also a warrior
At least not a commander.
Worthy of a holiday
Protected the whole world!

For me, you are the main one.
Don't let me fall
I am the glorious homeland
Small part.

* * *
The winds blow in February, they howl loudly in the pipes,
Light snow rushes along the ground like a snake.
Rising, flights of aircraft rush into the distance.
It celebrates the army's February birth.

At night the blizzard raged, and the blizzard was chalk,
And with the dawn, we quietly brought dad's holiday.
And today over the wide white tablecloth of the fields
The planes of our military units are visible from above.

Dad's holiday - the main holiday
All boys and men.
And today we are in such a hurry to congratulate our beloved dads!
We wish dads happiness, a peaceful sky for them!

We love our boys, respect from the bottom of our hearts!
They will always protect us, at least for now shorties!

* * *
February 23 is the red day of the calendar!
On this day of father and grandfather
Congratulations to the whole family!
My sister and I from ourselves,
Let's draw a horse!
Our horse gallops on paper
I will ring loudly!
Well, grandmother and mother
Bake a pie for them
And they put sweet inside
And crumbly cottage cheese!
We are behind this pie
Let's have a great holiday!
An important holiday
A necessary holiday - Men's Day!

* * *
My toys so far:
Tanks, pestles, crackers,
iron soldiers,
Armored train, machine guns.
And when the time comes
So that he could go to the army calmly,
I'm with the guys in the game
I work out in the yard.
We play "Zarnitsa" there -
Draw me a border
I'm on post! I'm guarding!
Once trusted - I can!
And parents in the window
They look after me with concern.
Don't worry about your son
I'm the future man!

* * *
Secret older brother
Decided to tell me:
“In the past, our dad is a soldier,
Served the motherland
Woke up at dawn
Cleaned the machine
To be all over the earth
Peace for all children.
I'm hardly surprised
I suspected
And I thought for a long time that he
Former general.
Decided on the twenty-third
Exactly at six in the morning
I will scream with all my heart
Loud Hurray!

* * *
Every boy can become a soldier
Fly through the sky, sail through the sea,
Guard the border with a machine gun,
To protect your Fatherland.

But first on the football field
He will protect the gate.
And for a friend in the yard and school
He will accept an unequal, difficult battle.

Do not let other people's dogs to the kitten -
Harder than playing war.
If you didn't protect your little sister,

How will you protect your country?

* * *
I know that my dad used to be too
He was a very good and brave soldier
I love dad, and he will certainly
I want to congratulate you on this military holiday ...
Now I'll climb up on a chair
I will sing a military song to him loudly
Let my dad know that I'm proud of him
And let him be proud of the success of the child.

* * *
Happy Defender's Day,
I will not leave him unattended.
Grandpa is always my hero
Even though he's not very young anymore.
He was still a boy during the war.
I did not fight, but I experienced a lot.
Let there be no military awards and medals,
The boys defended the country with hard work.
I'm proud of my old grandfather.
He's number one defender!
He is both a friend and a commander for me -
Loved, needed, irreplaceable.

* * *
Aty-baty, aty-baty,
We march like soldiers
Brother in a cap, I - with a belt,
With a yellow star on it.
I pull, pull the sock
Brother is going downhill...
I count: "One, two, five..."
The brother does not want to be left behind.
Here he stepped to the sofa,
Here he is holding onto a chair...
He somehow lost his way
My brother's legs sprawled.
He roars and I laugh -
I'm not afraid to walk.
I tell him to get up
He must obey.
Got up, went - fell again,
Hit the floor with my nose...
Very slippery floor!
My brother is a year old, and I am four ...

On the day of the Defender of the Fatherland, one cannot do without poetry! This holiday is very important, you believe me friends! This is the day of the Great Power protecting our home. So let's congratulate all the men living in it. A large collection of good children's poems for February 23.

V. Rudenko

I asked my mother in the morning:
- What kind of holiday has come to us,
Why is everyone fussing
Festive prepare the table?
Dad in a new shirt
Grandfather put on all the orders,
You were near the oven yesterday
Traveled late.
- Congratulations on this holiday
All men, from all over the country,
After all, they are responsible for that,
Let there be no war!

Vadim Kosovitsky

My toys so far:
Tanks, pistols, guns,
tin soldiers,
Armored train, machine guns.
And when the time comes
To serve in peace,
I'm with the guys in the game
I work out in the yard.
We play "Zarnitsa" there -
Drawn a line for me
I'm on post! I'm guarding!
Once trusted - I can!
And parents in the window
They look after me with concern.
Don't worry about your son
I'm the future man!

When there is ice on the rivers
And the blizzard rushes into the distance,
A wonderful holiday brings us
Thoughtful February.

The holiday of all soldiers will come,
Defenders, fighters.
Everyone will be happy to congratulate
And grandfathers and fathers!

I will draw a ship
Where is the captain?
Bravely my dad swims
From far, far away countries.

I'll draw an airplane
Where is the father commander.
And days and nights
Dad saves the world.

I will draw a gun
And a rider in the saddle.
I know there is no better dad
Heroes on earth!

winter day,
February day
We are walking down the street.
Belted day today
Strong leather strap
And the medals ring on it,
Orders burn on it.

winter day,
February day
We're walking across the square
To the heart of a warrior soldier
We put flowers on granite
And the defender of the people
We honor in silence.

winter day,
February day
We will go all over the country.
We'll take off in an airplane
We will sail on the sea
And we'll see how it burns
The sky with festive fire.

M. Isakovsky

At the very border, in secret,
I carry out vigilant service, -
for each hillock in the answer,
for every tree in the forest.
covered with thick branches,
and I listen and I look
and heart with native land
at such times I speak.
And everything gets closer to me
as if through the darkness of the night
I see my whole country
and all of it is next to me.

Girls dream
about the glorious knight,
And what about them in knights
seems important?
Armor, weapons,
war horse?
What should be their
favorite hero?

First, don't be stupid
and brave like you
And what would not be shy
give them flowers
In such a boy
want to fall in love
Who has a brave heart
and sweet look!

Myself with this description
You have
all these qualities, see:
You were born a man
so always be!
Be a protector
and the girl is yours!

February, February
winter and sun!
And the first birds called!
Today I looked out the window:
face to the glass.
My friends -
yesterday the boys
Today they grew up and suddenly
All as one
abandoned books,
They took hands
stood in a circle
And promised mothers, sisters
Protect the borders of joy
Protect our world
and the birds and the sun,
Save me in the window!

E. Shalamanov

Boys, guys, men!
The color of the rising dawn!
The pride of the old epic -
Russian bogatyrs!

Become the backbone of Russia
Bright hope of the country,
Smart and good power,
Motherland of our sons!

To always admire
Russia could have you
Don't attack, defend
She saved her land.

Vadim Kosovitsky

Lion roaring on a shield
Feathered helmet, handsome sword!
Mom is sleeping and I'm at the door
I will guard her dream!

When he wakes up, he will be surprised:
Who kept the peace?
At the parade, the ancient "lytsal"
Salute her hand!

He stood at his post with dignity
A real cavalier!
True, there is still a problem
With this harmful letter "er"!

February 23 -
red calendar day!
On this day of father and grandfather
Congratulations to the whole family!
My sister and I from ourselves,
Let's draw a horse!
Our horse gallops on paper
I will ring loudly!
Well, grandmother and mother
Bake a pie for them
And they put sweet inside
And crumbly cottage cheese!
We are behind this pie
Let's have a great holiday!
An important holiday
A necessary holiday - Men's Day!

V. Kuzminov

We have rockets, tanks,
A mighty formation of ships
Planes early in the morning
Keep the earth calm.

Under the water, in the blue sky,
In the open field and in the forest
True warriors of Russia
They carry out the necessary service.

I dream when I grow up
Also get into military formation
And for a long time I walk in a dream
On the cobblestone pavement!

Shoulder straps shine,
Strict faces are visible
At the parade in those columns
Honor and youth of the country!

Military labor to the drops of sweat
In the heat, rain and cold...
Being an officer is an honor
Always in our army!

Natalia Ivanova

On the mast is our tricolor flag,
There is a sailor on the deck.
And knows that the seas of the country,
ocean borders
Both day and night should be
Under vigilant guard!

Everywhere, like an all-terrain vehicle,
The tank will pass on tracks
Gun barrel ahead
Dangerous, enemy, stay away!
The tank is heavily armored
And will be able to meet the fight!

He's a metal bird
Lift up into the clouds.
Now the air border
Reliable and strong!


Here's a wonderful picture -
Coming out of the depths
steel submarine,
Like a dolphin!
Submariners serve in it -
They are here and there
circling under the surface of the water,
Protect the border!


Paratroopers per minute
They descend from heaven.
untangled parachutes,
Comb the dark forest
Ravines, mountains and meadows.
Find a dangerous enemy.

The war is long over
But she left a mark
It happens among the beds
Buried shells.
And a sapper will come with the equipment,
To clear the field.
There will be no explosions from now on
Troubles, and tears, and pain!


Soldier at enemy heights
Was wounded early in the morning.
A brave military doctor will save
He will bandage the wounds!
The doctor will extract from the wounds of a soldier
Two small pieces
And he will say: “Do not be discouraged!
Live long brother!

When ice lies on the rivers
And the blizzard rushes into the distance,
wonderful holiday
brings us
Thoughtful February.

The holiday will come
all the soldiers
Defenders, fighters.
Congratulations will
everyone is happy
And grandfathers and fathers!

I will draw a ship
Where is the captain?
Bravely my dad swims
From far, far away countries.

I will draw an airplane
Where is the father commander.
And days and nights through
Dad saves the world.

I will draw a gun
And a rider in the saddle.
I know there is no better dad
Heroes on earth!

Andrey Paroshin

Yesterday he told me
grandfather Zhenya:
Partisan detachment
got surrounded.
They have left
eighteen grenades,
one pistol
and one machine.

More and more in the squad
dead soldiers,
The fascists are getting stronger
squeeze the ring.
They are behind the bushes
they are behind the rocks
And my grandfather shouted:
"Motherland is with us!"

And everyone ran
towards the enemy
And became grenades
throw on the run.
Everyone fought bravely
forgetting about fear
And now, we succeeded
make them a breakthrough.

Through the forest through the swamp
they were leaving...
And grandfather with a medal
then rewarded.

Irina Aseeva

The peace of all cities and ancient villages
Guarded the patrol of epic heroes.
Let those days have passed, but glory to you,
The heroes who did not give Rus' to the enemy!

We were protected by great-grandfathers and grandfathers -
The flag of victory fluttered in Berlin.
When we have a sweet dream at night,
Our soldiers do not sleep on the border.

Let the sun burn the thawed roofs!
We congratulate those boys today,
Who is small, but with all his might
He protects the weak and the girls!

Defenders of the monastery
Brave fighters.
And brave knights.
Dashing braves.

The dark forces are victorious.
No titles or names.
Fatherland servants.
Soldiers of all times.

For you guys nice!
So that there is no war!
You are our main strength!
You are the army of the country!

Svetlana Skakun

Those times were covered with gray hair
And in the old days they left the deadly path,
Keeping in the pantry of his memory,
Holy deeds of Russian sons.

We won a lot of victories with him.
From enemy graves
the earth stood up like a mound.
A blizzard and a blizzard sobs above him,
And lightning strikes for Rus', like a beast.

All the souls of fallen sons
in the sky
Lit up like stars
in holy anger.
They are Heroes, Pride,
glory of the country
Eternal Memory
keep in our hearts!

Vladimir Orlov

Quietly dusk falls
The night comes slowly.
Dreams swirl above the earth
Softly rustling wings.

Young boys dream of sails
And pilots - heaven.
The skier dreams of winter
And the builder - at home.

The tractor driver dreams of a field
In the field - red wheat.
The sun is burning hot
Like a river, grain flows.

Astronaut dreams of thunder
The spaceport trembled in thunder:
Rockets are sent
To distant planets.

The artist sleeps in silence
He sees colors in a dream.
He dissolves paints with water
And paints fairy tales.

Somewhere the border is frozen
A dream circles over the border.
The border guard does not sleep -
He guards the border.

Sergei Mikhalkov
anti-aircraft gunners

A rumble is heard
In our sky
Someone is wandering
At a great height
In the clouds
And in the dark.
But on moonless nights
From dawn to dawn
The sky is probed by rays
Combat lights.
It's hard for a pilot to fly
The beam interferes with the plane,
And from the ground
Towards the hum
Raise the muzzle guns:
If the enemy is
He will be hit!
If a friend
Let it fly!

Irina Gurina

My grandfather went through the war.
He was a partisan
The medal has more than one
He defeated the enemy.

He is a war hero, they say.
The country is proud of him.
And brighter than the sun burn
Grandfathers of the Order.

I decided to knit a sock
And mommy says:
“Yes, what are you? Why, son?!"
Looks inquiringly:

“You are a boy! Why
Have you suddenly decided to knit?
I answer: "Because
What a man needs to know

Everything in the world! I want
Know how to do everything: wash, knit ...
Will you teach?" "I'll teach..."
Perplexed mother

Brought a big ball
Light woolen threads
And she said: "Your sock
Will you knit from them.

Here are five spokes. Get it, learn!
Kohl decided - do not back down,
And have patience
And don't quit your job.

Know: it's not a matter for men -
Just talking like that!
Promised? One answer:
This must be done!”

…I studied! I pored
Over knitting day and night!
Sometimes - laughed, sang,
And sometimes I was not averse

Cry to smithereens!
But more and more I understood
In loops, knitting and socks ...
Finally, I DID IT!

"I tied it up! Sock ready!
Goal achieved! HOORAY!!!"-
And threw it to the ceiling
Your sock until the morning.

Mom, just like me
I was very happy!
Well, okay. After all, she
So much to endure:

For a whole month I knitted
Without taking your eyes off the threads;
Loops confused, skipped,
Remodeled many times...

Oh no need to remember!
All this is not for me:
Stupidly loops to count
I will never be!

Better take a big ax
And - to chop wood!
And then - at full speed
Riding a bay horse!

I am a boy! I am a hero!
I would like to accomplish feats!
And the sock ... well, that ... second ...
Maybe mom can tie ...

Elena Alexandrova

Our country is rich
Forests, subsoil, arable land.
But even the guys know
Protecting them is everyone's business.

It is not worth cutting down forests,
The planet breathes them.
In our words too
Let everyone hear the alarm.

To make the earth well-groomed,
Bread was earing and roses were blooming,
Thinking only -
this is not enough.
We would only
grow up a little.

But even now you have to try
Protect our nature from harm.
Though we are small
as it may seem
Your own plot
we can remove.

feed the birds
and stray dogs
Garbage in the sacred spring
do not throw.
May every day
will be started by thoughts -
We need the earth
save your own!

Alexander Gavryushkin

Tell me how not to love the Fatherland?
In Russia, people value the world!
Enemies tried to beat us more than once,
But their knees are still trembling.

Once the infidels gathered
To attack our Rus' from the sly ...
The enemies did not know us and ran into:
They fight with us - small intestine!

They did not know then at all:
In Russia for friends
just bread and salt!
The knee will not bend before anyone,
Our fatherland will endure the pain.

Evil hordes approach the country,
And they demand:
"Let Rus' surrender!"
An enemy who thinks a lot about himself,
Today it has turned to dust and ashes.

Rus' swept with a filthy broom
Teh basurman
they are no longer in the country.
Like before
smiles and peace here.
Don't touch Rus'
Here's some advice for the enemies.

Natalia Ivanova

(from son)

Mother! I will reveal the secret
Today, with dad, we are heroes.
We will congratulate you together
Happy Army Day Dad!

(from daughter, from son)

We congratulate mom together
Dad happy army honor day,
After all, he is our protector.
Every day and every hour!

My dad is a brave defender,
Kind, strong and skillful.

With whom do I make a birdhouse?
Only with daddy, of course!
And we can do lessons
With dad, smart and good.

On the feast of courage and honor
Congratulations dad!
And fives - a hundred or two hundred -
I strongly promise!

(from grandson)

About battles and victories
I often heard from my grandfather.
I'm not kidding on this holiday
I don't upset my grandfather.
Grandfather! I love you
And congratulations today!

(from nephew, from niece)

Tell me, uncle, it's not bad,
What a baby niece you have!
Today is the holiday of different uncles
And my uncle.
Uncle is unrecognizable today
Uncle is celebrating.
I'll send a postcard to my uncle

(from a schoolboy)

I made a note in my notebook
What a holiday in February with my uncle.
I'll send a postcard to my uncle
And I congratulate him on the holiday!

Though you don't wear a uniform,
But we know
that in difficult times
You also,
like all soldiers
Save the Motherland and us.

L. Nekrasova

border guard
Protects our land
To work and study
All the people could calmly ...
Our hero pilots
The sky is vigilantly guarded
Our hero pilots
Protect peaceful work.
Our own army
Guards the peace of the country,
So that we grow up, not knowing troubles,
So that there is no war.

G. Lagzdyn

My dad is a military man.
He serves in the army.
He is with sophisticated technology
Army friends!
He went many times
On military campaigns.
No wonder they say:
"Commander - from the infantry."

Ilona Grosheva

Present day
Try to remember
And keep it in your heart.
You are strong, you are brave
And the treacherous enemy
Afraid to approach you.
And there is more in life
big things,
Where is your honor
I didn't call for myself
You boldly go
Get your spear ready!
Fight for your loved ones
For your happiness!

N. Migunova

Wonderful holiday in February
My country meets.
She is her defenders
Hearty congratulations!

On land, in the sky, on the seas
And even underwater
Soldiers protect our world
For us, my friend, with you.

When I grow up big
Wherever served, everywhere
Protect your Fatherland
And I will be reliable.

Congratulations dad
Happy men's holiday:
In my youth, I know
Served in the army.
So also a warrior
At least not a commander.
Worthy of a holiday
Protected the whole world!
For me, you are the main one.
Don't let me fall
I am the glorious homeland
Small part.

A. Oshnurov

In our army the country
Dad is protective.
On the border he's at war
They won't let us into our house.
Grow big soon
I myself, like a father, will become.
That's when I'm with him
I'll be at the border.
Let them not be able to take
To the child's army
But can I defend
Our kitten.

Ilona Grosheva

Today since morning
Solemn and quiet
little sister dressed
And slipped famously
Hurry up to mom's kitchen
There was something murmuring
Dad and I also hurry
Washed - and for business:
I put on my school uniform
Dad is wearing a suit.
Everything is as always, but still no -
Father took the medal out of the closet.
In the kitchen, we were waiting for a pie,
And that's when I figured it out!
Today is the holiday of all fathers,
All sons, all who are ready
Protect your home and mother
Protect us all from harm.
I don't envy my father
After all, I, like him, and I will save
Fatherland, if necessary,
In the meantime, marmalade
Get rid of the pie...
And back to school, back on the road,
Where can they tell me, maybe
How to protect mom and dad!

Elena Alexandrova

Defenders of the Fatherland Day
The whole country celebrates.
Honors humanity today
Those whose glory is forever!

Who with the sword
in forged chain mail,
Protected our land
Who is in the fight against fascist evil spirits
Defended freedom again!

For the defenders of the Fatherland
Things are always busy -
It's restless in the Fatherland
And full of worries.

You are still a preschooler
Far from the defenders
But girls are mothers
You have to protect!

February 23 -
Day of the Russian Army!
Guns fire up
everyone is pampered with fireworks.
They send from all over the country
thanks to the warriors
That we live without war
peacefully and calmly.

My grandfather served in the army.
My father has awards.
That's what I decided a long time ago
that I will go to the soldiers!
I know I need to grow up...
Need to grow up...
But after all I behave
I can do it like a man!

Protecting in the yard
small and weak
And I do it in February
Army Glory Day.
I could fulfill
like a soldier, assignments.
I ask you to accept
to the army in advance!

T. Agibalova

Secret older brother
Decided to tell me:
“In the past, our dad is a soldier,
Served the motherland
Woke up at dawn
Cleaned the machine
To be all over the earth
Peace for all the kids."
I'm hardly surprised
I suspected
And I thought for a long time that he
Former general.
Decided on the twenty-third
Exactly at six in the morning
I will scream with all my heart
Loud Hurray!

T. Konovalova

Today is a holiday for the soldiers.
Lines in a row on the square.

Soldiers are standing on the parade ground
An overcoat with a cap suits them.

Motherland, Motherland
Our warrior is called to protect.

On an anxious day and in a difficult hour
They are ready to close us.

They don't need knee tremors
After all, they have a country behind them.

And each of the soldiers is a hero.
He entered into an unequal battle with the enemy.

No one blundered, no wilted,
I want to be like them.

Today is a holiday for the soldiers,
The awards on the chest are shining.

And every country remembers
Who was awarded the medals.

B. Polyakov

Everyone reveres this glorious day.
It has all the courage of the trait.
Any man keeps a fragile world,
Serving the Motherland, with valor "to you."

Not every feat can accomplish,
Especially - in the stream of peaceful days,
But everyone must serve the Motherland,
To hurt the soul and heart only about her.

February brought us a great holiday.
Defenders of the Fatherland - vivat!
Protects from storms and thunderstorms
Russian warrior is a valiant soldier.


My brother went to the border
He is a border guard. He is a soldier.
Is it fog, is it a blizzard,
My brother is on the night watch.

He goes into the darkness of the night
And he takes the machine with him.
He protects his native country,
Protects his own family.

He hears the quietest rustle
He notices every trace.
In dense forests, in the steppe expanses
There is no way for enemies anywhere!

My brother will not return soon,
It won't be long before he embraces us,
But I know: somewhere on the border
He is thinking about us now.

February 23 -
winter day, wonderful,
February 23 -
there will be dances, songs!
February 23 -
we dance, we walk,
February 23 -
congratulations dad!
February 23 -
holiday, start
February 23 -
dad, smile!

Irina Gurina

We have one holiday.
This festival -
men's Day,
Day of defenders, soldiers.
There will be a parade on that day!

We will see helicopters
Guns, tanks, planes.
We will get through
military step
Under the big
beautiful flag.

Read the congratulations
Let's sit on dad's lap.
There are many men in the army
And one like him!

Kirill Avdeenko

Let me be a little eroshka
Let me twist the words!
But I dream a little
Be bolder than a gray-haired lion.

Mom wants a diplomat
Make me in the future;
Dad wants a lawyer
To become me once.

I listen to them seriously
And I nod back at them;
And then skipping to the grandfather,
Ask him for advice.

"I don't want to be a diplomat,
I don't want to be a lawyer!
I will be a soldier of the Motherland! —
I will shout out loud to my grandfather.

Well, you, beloved grandfather,
Smile as always
“Oh, my dear fidget!
You will be an officer - yes!

I will hear you, grandfather,
I will become a general!
Let me be a fidget now -
Now that's my dream!

And I'll tell you at dinner
Mom, dad and cat
What will I go, my dear grandfather,
I'm at the military institute.

I'll be busy there -
All sciences to study!
There they will teach me boldly
Mom, dad to protect!

And shoulder straps on the shirt,
Dark leather belt
Both boots and cap
I'm not too lazy to clean!

And all the girls are fervently
Will smile at me
How do I go home in uniform
To uncle, aunt - all relatives!

Let me be a little eroshka
Let me not be an adult!
Here's a little like this
Defend the country dream!

Sergei Mikhalkov

In the dead of night
Into cold darkness
Messenger of the white gangs
The enemy crossed the border -
Spy and saboteur.

He crawled like a snake on his stomach,
He moved the bushes
He walked to the touch
In the dark
And bypassed the posts.

By the freshly fallen dew
uncut grass
He went out in the morning
on the highway
Field path.

And in the same
early hour
From a nearby village
study to school,
in the fifth grade
There was a gang of friends.

There were ten boys
single file
By the morning dew
And everyone was a student
and Voroshilov
And everyone lived nearby.

They hurried to the lesson
But this is what happened:
At the crossroads
two roads
They met an enemy.

I seem to be lost
out of the way
And turned the wrong way! —
None of our ten
And he didn't blink an eye.

- I'll show you the way! —
Then one said.
Another said: -
I spend.
Come on, citizen.

The young boss is sitting
There is a convoy at the door,
And the man is a stranger -
We know who it is.

Is in the border zone
Unwritten law:
We know everything
we know everyone
Who am I, who are you, who is he.

Terenty Travnik

He doesn't argue
he just knows.
Forgive weakness,
does not reproach a coward
And the fallen enemy
does not achieve
And a word of honor
keeps in simplicity.

He will not humiliate a non-believer
Will not ridicule
intricacy of phrases.
He apologizes first
if it's necessary,
And the order will not dress for show.

He is in the severity of love
will lend a hand
Fallen into the abyss
And choose
without uttering a sound
All the pains of the world
than a war.

He is a woman
let you be loved
And before old age
kneel down.
Defender of life, knight,
male friend -
Destiny's messenger and her piit.

V. Rudenko

Our flag flutters in the wind
- The wind also understands:
Today is not an easy day.
Too bad the wind can't
Congratulations to convey
To all who, not sparing life,
Protects Mother Russia.
Young and veterans
In the sky, in the field, on the water,
Officers and soldiers
And the guys in Chechnya.

Vyacheslav Chendyrev

To all those who are for a comrade
He sacrificed his life
Who through the wars of conflagration
Bring peace to your family

Who took up arms
To protect the people
Who kept honor and courage
In times of adversity

Who didn't put it in their pockets
From the generosity of the country,
Who in a peaceful life fought
For the weak and sick

Who did not offend a woman,
Who to help the elderly
Who "did not give a crack"
For various trifles,

Who saw the best in children
And was their support
He knows - not by chance,
We will protect everyone from troubles !!!

Two old photographs, two grandfathers,
From the walls they seem to be looking at me.
One died almost before the victory,
Another disappeared in German camps.

One went all the way to Berlin,
In April 1945, he was killed.
Another went missing
as if he had died
And I don't even know where it is.

Defenders of the Fatherland,
Two different lives, but with the same destiny.
Looking again from old photographs
Those who gave their lives
for you and me.

And on this Day of the Defender of the Fatherland,
We will remember the fallen heroes.
They gave their lives for us
So that we can defend our homeland.

Natalia Ivanova

You are the protector of all
We love you dearly.
We know we can rely
On that strong shoulder!

You faithfully served the Fatherland
And I did not look for easy ways.
We wish you a lot of happiness in life
Peaceful and happy days!

Vadim Kosovitsky

This is all bullshit, of course.
That boys love to fight
Hooligans, bullies,
Growing naughty...
Even adults make faces ...
Should I be stricter with them?
Let everyone down - they seem to
Will they bring you to a heart attack?

But imagine that the boys
In a fight - only by hearsay
Stuffing will not bumps
Just like that and for no reason!
Won't go their own way
Rifts and rapids,
Then one of them in the end
Men will not work!

Ludmila Tatyanicheva

My grandfather is a sapper
was at war.
He showed me his medals.
Now on the playground
where the house is being built.
Grandfather works as a crane operator.

He touches the handle lightly -
The steel arrow will go into the clouds.
Once I brought my grandfather lunch
And called him out loud:
- Grandpa, grandpa! —
Laughed all around.
- You're kidding, hero!
What kind of grandfather is he?
He is young!

Crunch underfoot
white snow,
Together with my grandfather
let's go to the rink.
We went out on the ice, and I shouted:
— Grandfather,
I won't run after you!
The people around laughed again:
- Grandfather's grandson can not catch up!

Natalia Ivanova

In the high rank of "Man"
Merged dignity and honor,
It has strength, nobility,
And in it love is the root cause!

And let the verses be composed
About irresistible courage
About the conqueror of the elements
And the master of the beloved!

We wish you happiness and good
Worthy position and rank
To the one we call
Beautiful name MAN!

Yakov Akim

Dad at the airport
He told me:
- Four days
Will you be the man in the house
Stay for me!

The plane rolled
Dad took off.

I ran into our apartment
In the kitchen, the light ordered to light,
He sat down at the table at home,
Made such a speech.

“Grandma,” I said sternly, “
You run across the road.
Every pedestrian knows:
There is an underground passage!

Order to all: there are clouds in the sky,
So watch out for the rain!
For umbrellas, just in case,
I drive two nails.

- You smirk inappropriately -
I shook my finger at Katya. —
That's it, big sister.
My dishes, be kind!

- Mom, well, and you - not very much,
Don't be sad and don't be bored.
And you leave, by the way,
Turn off the gas in the kitchen!

Mikhail Sadovsky

It's not a man's business to fight,
Stop believing, hypocrisy,
Stop lying.
It's not a man's business to kill -
God has entrusted people to us

And the soldier is always from the war
Wanted to go home
Where he is not fighting,
And business.
Where can he love a woman
Raise, protect, idolize.

Let the general fight with the general,
He's even in the stars
But he didn't become a man
Because he couldn't
It's not a man's job to kill!

Svetlana Skakun

War storms flashed,
The battles have died down, the battles have ceased.
And the birch trees fell silent sadly,
Lost their earrings.

Near the field remembered the battle:
Hurricane, deadly was the battle,
And the soldier repeated like a prayer:
"For the Motherland!
For the edge of my native!

And grenades flew over the tanks,
The detachment rose to its full height,
We are now to the silent remains,
They came to the churchyard to commemorate them.

Poppies are red, as if like wounds,
We see so many of them around
And the veterans are gray-haired,
Repeating: "Thank you, my friend."

And victorious echo wave
Came to us like an alarm:
"People of the world,
in front of a common disaster
Get up close
to a soldier - a soldier!

Mikhail Sadovsky

Why such a rigmarole:
Cut and face…
I'll put on an old overcoat -
Don't care about fashion!

She is warmer than any
And adds strength
After all, her father was at the front in it,
Her father wore it.

She's almost to my toes
And the sleeves are long
But who will get from the guys
Overcoat, overcoat from the war?!

All! Decided!
I'm walking in it.
I went to school in it
And the best day of the year
He spent it in that greatcoat.

But our fifth grade was friendly -
Nobody lagged behind.
In the morning you won't recognize us:
The class walked in overcoats.

Dragging the floors in the snow,
We proudly went to school
We think at this hour
They couldn't talk about pain.

And we carried it with us:
Not all overcoats were found,
All fathers have gone to battle,
Not everyone came back.

How many of you were in a coat,
who knew...
And more, going to class, no one
He did not wear an overcoat.

G. Ladonshchikov

Border guard at the post
He stares sharply into the darkness.
Behind his country
Immersed in peaceful sleep.

On the border, the night is disturbing
Anything is possible at night
But the sentry is calm
Because behind the back
Our army stands
The work and sleep of people keeps;
What is rich and strong
Our peaceful country.


February morning sunshine
Touched the walls of the Kremlin.
Sings about the native army
Soviet land.

Parade on Red Square
The fighters line up.
Chasing step, Shoulder to shoulder
The brave walk.

The tanks are moving slowly
Thundering on the pavement.
And people admire
Their fighting power.

Ready to fight back the enemy
Brave sons.
We love our army
Defender of the Country.

N. Naydenova

Let the sky be blue
Let there be no smoke in the sky
Let the formidable guns be silent
And machine guns do not scribble,
So that people live, cities,
Peace is always needed on earth!

Congratulations in verse on February 23 give you the opportunity to beautifully congratulate a man, husband, boyfriend, son on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Especially for you, we have made a selection of interesting poems and congratulations for February 23! We hope you enjoy them! (All poems are copyright, not copied from other sites).

Since February 23 - our beloved defenders of the fatherland!

How we depend on you!
From your hands, from your eyes:
In your eyes adoration -
We erase the dust with diligence!
And if the hands hammered a nail -
We worship their strength
And we compose a glorious breakfast,
Dreaming of a wonderful evening!

How we depend on you!
We give ourselves to you as an advance:
We cherish those sleeping on the couch,
Frozen in the "Internet nirvana"
We tolerate your football: “Goal! Hooray!"
Girlfriend to whisper in the morning:
“And mine,” and looking down languidly, “
You know - just great!

How we depend on you!
And we pray that the hour does not strike,
When you build silent
Leave alive so that by force
An obstacle to become in front of enemies ...
So be merciful to us
When we grumble or wake up with a cry,
Understand: we just love you!

© 22.02.2014 Galina Erkhova

February 23 - congratulations in verse

You are among us, defenders of the Fatherland,
congratulations on the holiday now.
And women, without any reproach,
men only congratulate, only you!

But after all, we are under the roar of cannonade
crawled to save all the wounded.
Overcoming your fear and all obstacles,
they tried to bring you into the trenches.

Defenders of the Fatherland, soldiers
and women who went through the war.
After all, there is no more important than any reward,
than to save both peace and honor.

© Copyright: Svetlana Svetlova-Yagodina, 2011

Short verse for February 23

Today is the twenty-third holiday.
I hasten to congratulate you!
I wish you love, happiness, money,
Kindness, smiles and warmth!

I wish you joy, fun,
More friends for you
You are the best in this world
And I'm crazy about you!

© 11/11/2014 Aziya

Poems for February 23

Twenty third of February
Not a red day of the calendar
We've been waiting all year for it.
All the people are having fun

And even though it's only February
But it's spring in my soul...
Celebrates this holiday
Our entire country!

After all, we congratulate men
Knights of Doom...
Defenders of the monastery...
Defenders of the Country!...

May February, frost and cold
But in the soul drops ...
Let the guns fall silent forever
Holiday in the yard! ..

We are all women and wives
We are ready for you...
Please only us!

Congratulations, congratulations!
All men of the country!
The guns let the salute play
Men - we need! ..

Congratulations to the Beloved on February 23 - in verse

Men are the best that God has given us
They contain the strength, will and soul of the Hero.
Without them, the woman's share would be miserable
After all, loneliness is worse than bondage ...

And accepting, all men merit
We women from all around...
Today we congratulate you in unison...
After all, you are both a son, and a brother, and a matchmaker.

Defender, Warrior and Hero...
His shoulder, it hurts, we need it! ..
We without men - do not mean anything.
What is a woman alone? Just beauty.

Yes, without a child, also empty ...
"Pour wine" - I'll drink for you!
Live and please us always with yourself!..
And be loved - girlfriend and wife! ..

For happiness, God created us in this World!
We praise men today - this is all for you!
Today is the twenty-third of February -
Darling! I congratulate you!..

© Copyright: Inessa Pinyazik, 2015

February twenty third

Since the twenty-third of February.
I want to congratulate you friends!
After all, this is a holiday for all men,
All those who served in the army,

Those who defended the Motherland.
Who did not lower their hands
I did not shame before the enemy,
Who loved his homeland.

Those who did not offend people,
For the World fought and did not sleep,
And he stood quietly at his post,
Who gave his debt to the Motherland.

What would we sleep peacefully at night,
They are on duty at the posts of the country,
Soldiers are brave, simple,
The boys are very young

I bow to you,
To all men from women
For valor and courage
Courage and hard work.

Your path has been hard
But very priceless
Health and happiness,
You dear friend!

© 23.02.2015 Vasilyeva Lidia Vladimirovna

FROM FEBRUARY 23 - holiday poems to the defenders of the fatherland

On the sea, on the earth and in the sky,
One task is to protect!
Strong soldiers in this faith
Do not give the Fatherland to the enemy!

I want to congratulate everyone who serves,
And those who bravely defended
Your country and all living,
Who gave life and strength.

I wish you all good and peace,
Love and happiness without borders
And let the lyre play in the soul,
Only tears of joy from the eyelashes.


© 20.02.2016 Tamara Filatova

Congratulations on February 23!

I wish to congratulate today
Those who can be called a GUY.
Who is not hiding under the mother's skirt,
Ready to stand up for the Motherland.

After all, the DEFENDER is a special man,
Here nature is important, not gender.
Congratulations to all those who are real,
Combat baptisms passed!

Who walked in soldier's boots.
Who participated in those troubles,
That still throws everyone in fear.

I would like to congratulate those boys,
Who ate army barley.
Who is in a "gerbil" soaked with sweat,
He sat on the armor with a machine gun.

I want to congratulate those guys
To whom the Motherland is valuable.
Who without thinking even a second,
He will say: Our army is strong!!!

Today is the holiday of soldiers and sailors,
And not "girls" with a masculine face.
Russia is proud of you GUYS!!!
We say THANK YOU to all of you!!!

© Copyright: Evgeny Baranov 2, 2016

Verse for February 23

Twenty third of February -
Red day calendar.
For men, he is very flattering,
For confessions interesting.

Long thought, wondered -
How to congratulate? What to say?
How to put it into words
To prove love to you.

How to dress? How to cook?
What do you put in your glass?
How to hug and smile
To please today.

On this day, we are for you guys
We sincerely want to say -
How we love you, how we appreciate you
And we always want to understand.

We always praise you
In thoughts, thoughts and deeds.
If only there were more strength
They were wearing it on their hands.

We are glad that you are always there
And with his skillful look
Protect everywhere:
In happiness, joy, trouble.

And today, on this holiday,
We wish you
Optimism and so that all the same
You were strong enough for everything.

And at home, for us kids,
To work and business.
So that a happy fortune
Never failed.

For good health
And it took a hundred years.
For you to live long
Without adversity and serious troubles.

So that we are everywhere nearby
Were together always.
And so that sincere feelings
Never ended.

Be strong, irresistible
The most daring and beloved.
Be young at heart.
Let dreams come true!

Happy Defender's Day
Allow from the heart!
We want to glorify you.
Peace, happiness to you, love!

We wish you all health
And honor to you, friends,
Glory, strength! Congratulations
Since February 23!

On a calendar sheet
February 23,
And so there are many reasons
Congratulate dear men.
They are strong, they are brave
They are the defenders of the country!
We wish them strength of mind,
In work - neither feather nor fluff.
Only positive in life
And most importantly - goodness and peace!

On Defender of the Fatherland Day
I wish you strength and wisdom,
Will, endurance, patience,
Overcome all difficulties.

The sky is peaceful and clear,
If tears - then only joyful,
If the path is not thorny,
And the memories are sweet.

Friendship strong, long, devoted,
All desires of fulfillment,
To be proud of your victories
And they did not know defeat.

Happy Defender of the Fatherland,
I congratulate you, men!
On this courageous holiday
I only wish you the best.

Be brave and strong
Always brave heart.
Achieve your goals
Never give up!

Defender of the fatherland - every man,
And this is a really big day.
Let everything be in life: health and strength,
And the shadow will completely disappear from weaknesses.

Let there be love - pure, bright, mutual,
To also want to work miracles,
May life be bright and very happy,
And may Heaven save you from adversity.

Happy Defender's Day, guys!
New victories to you on the way!
In life, so that there is consolation,
Happiness to you for many years!

Your courage, courage
May they never fade!
We wish without barriers
You live your years!

We want to use force
Not in war, but only in sports.
Only in the shooting range to hit the target,
Do not hear the thunder on the horizon.

May February 23
Show our respect.
May the earth be peaceful
Let there be no battles on it!

With the holiday of courage, with the holiday of honor,
We would like to congratulate you on the holiday of strength.
Be strong, be brave
February holiday - for you, for men.

Always be a support and support
Beloved mother, wife, sister.
Let no hardships, misfortunes
Will not meet anywhere in life!

Our dear men,
From the bottom of our hearts we want to wish you
So that there is no reason in life
Save your lands from enemies!

Wake up in silence at dawn
In your home and among your family.
So that children are healthy and happy,
Well, you are full of strength among them!

Stay protective, support
For the family, all your loved ones.
Defender's Day holiday today,
Congratulations dear men!