Material (preparatory group) on the topic: Sports and game entertainment on traffic rules in the preparatory group for school “Experts of road signs. Entertainment according to traffic rules in the preparatory group “my friends are road signs”

Scenario of entertainment according to traffic rules in the preparatory group “Green Light”

Program content:

  1. Strengthen children's knowledge of traffic rules.
  2. Formation of orientation in space.
  3. To consolidate the ability to name familiar road signs that regulate the movement of pedestrians, as well as the meaning of traffic lights - to consolidate children’s understanding of color.
  4. Teach preschoolers the rules of safe behavior on the roads.
  5. Develop observation, speed, reaction of movements.
  6. Arouse interest in children and a kind attitude towards each other.

Visual aids and materials:

  1. Road signs
  2. Attributes for games

Methodical techniques:

Conversation, demonstration, surprise moment, artistic expression, games, solutions, situations.


Everyone! Everyone! Everyone!

Today is a big and interesting day for us,

We are starting our merry

Everyone's favorite KVN.

Good afternoon, dear guests. We welcome you to our hall for the KVN entertainment “Green Light”. Attention - our players. Two teams of children enter.

Guys, let's say hello to the guests.

Hello. And now I represent the teams: to my right are “Znayki”, to my left “Pochemuchki”.

Presenter: Today we have to compete, determine the winner between the teams, and the respected jury will help us. For each correct answer and correct completion of the task, the team will receive a flag in their basket, the team that wins

will collect the most flags. Teams, let's greet each other.

The captains go towards each other.

Captain of the Znayki team:

We team why

We send warm greetings.

Captain of the Pochemuchki team:

We are our rivals,

To those in the know, we say loudly:

We will fight with you

We won't give in so easily.

Let's have traffic rules

Carry out without objection.

Presenter: So, the teams greeted each other. And now - a warm-up: riddles about home order.

  1. “Where are we running with Piglet...” the three little pigs: Naf-naf, Nif-nif, and Nuf-nuf went to their friend’s birthday party. When they reached their intersection, the traffic light was flashing green. Naf-naf ran across the road at a run, Nif-nif walked at a walk, and Nuf-nuf remained standing on the sidewalk. Which character did the right thing and why? (Nuf-nuf. It’s better for him not to start crossing the roadway when the traffic light is flashing - this indicates that it will change soon. This can lead to a dangerous situation. He needs to wait for the next green signal)
  1. "The Boy and Little Red Riding Hood"

A boy rides a bicycle. At the bus stop he sees Little Red Riding Hood and Dunno.

“Take me to the pharmacy,” Little Red Riding Hood asks, “my grandmother is sick.”

No, me, asks Dunno.

Who will go with the boy? (No one. Only one person is allowed to ride a bicycle. The trunk is used to transport luggage. And the frame is for attaching the main parts)

  1. "Kolobok on the Road"

Kolobok is rolling along a country road, and the Wolf is meeting him:

Kolobok, Kolobok, I will eat you if you don’t guess the riddle! Today I’m driving to the fox in a car, as expected, on the left side. I hear a policeman whistling. Why do you think he stopped me? (the vehicle is allowed to drive on the road, keeping to the right)

  1. "Telegram to Prostokvashino"

A telegram arrived in Prostokvashino from a boy - he invited his friends to visit him on vacation in the big city. The dog Sharik and the cat and the Cat Matroskin got ready and went to the city. But they lived in the village for so long that they forgot all the rules of the road. They should fulfill them, but where is the friend waiting. Friends arrived in the city, got off the bus and started arguing. Sharik says that you need to go around the bus from the front, and Matroskin says that from the back. Then the boy explained to them how to cross the road correctly and safely. What did the boy say? (It is allowed to cross the carriageway only at intersections at pedestrian crossings or in places where the road is visible in both directions. You cannot pass vehicles either in front or behind. You must wait until the bus leaves the stop.

Presenter: Well done, you completed the task. The floor to the distinguished jury.

Presenter: And now the most entertaining part is solving the riddles.

1.Traffic signal prohibiting movement (red)

2. This one has the letter “A”

We always expect

If we go to Aunt Masha

Or to Grandma Natasha (bus)

3. Canvas, not track

A horse is not a horse - a centipede

It crawls along that path,

The whole convoy is carried by one (train)

4. Part of the street reserved for pedestrians (sidewalk)

5.This is a strong machine,

Rides on huge tires.

Removed half a mountain at once

Seven-ton….(dump truck)

6. Signaling device on the railway (semaphore)

7.Changing the direction of movement (turn)

8. A place where you can cross the street (crossing)

Presenter: That's not all, I suggest you play the game (takes out 3 envelopes, in them: a red circle, a yellow circle, a green circle). Here are multi-colored mugs for you, you will run around the hall with them. At the signal, the music stops and all players must line up or gather in a circle according to the color of the circles. The game is repeated 3 times.

Presenter: Well done! The jury gives the floor.

Presenter: Guys, anything can happen on the road, even a convoy of vehicles. There are cars in front of each team. You need to assemble the parts of the car and determine what kind of car it is. (3 players each)

Presenter: Now guys, let's see what's in the box. Here we have an interesting game “ABC of Roads”. What signs do you know?


Information and guidance



You must arrange the signs into groups using the color green.

Two people per team play. I ask the children what signs mean what.

Well done! You completed the task.

A game: “A clever driver” - team captains use a large hoop to transport participants one by one to a stop. (stop is indicated by a special sign)

Presenter: The traffic light is our friend, and we will sing a song about friends.

A song about a traffic light.

Dear jury, our fun competition is over, which team turned out to be the winner.

Result: .....


Sports and gaming entertainment according to traffic regulations

in the preparatory school group


Prepared and conducted by an instructor

physical culture of the first category

Zobova Elena Yurievna

Goals and objectives:
1. Create a positive emotional mood.
2. Foster a culture of behavior on the street and in transport.

3. To consolidate children’s ideas about the purpose of a traffic light and its signals.

4. Consolidate acquired knowledge about traffic rules and road signs.

5. Develop attentiveness, logical thinking, memory, orientation in the environment.

Preliminary work:

1. Conducting educational classes and conversations with children to familiarize themselves with the rules of the road.

2. Introducing games - relay races - in physical education classes.

Children enter the hall to the music from the movie “Beware of the Car.”

Physical instructor: Now we will play, compete and check how well you know the Rules of the Road.

If the light turns red

This means it’s dangerous to move!

Yellow light - warning,

Wait for the signal to move.

Green light says:

The path is open for pedestrians!

Physical instructor: Tell me who is the most important on the road, and his signal is the law for everyone.

Children (in chorus): Traffic light!

Physical instructor: You need to be very careful on the street. Now I will check your attentiveness.

There is cheerful music and the game “Traffic Signals”.


The goal of the game is to develop children's ability to respond to a specific traffic light signal. Strengthen children's ability to compare their actions with a traffic light signal. The instructor raises the circles (three circles - red, yellow, green) in different orders.

Green circle - children stomp their feet;
Yellow circle - children clap their hands;
Red circle - children stand still, do nothing.
Be careful!

Physical instructor: You have dealt with this situation. Well done! Join two teams.

Children line up at the starting line in two columns.

Models of traffic lights without colored circles are hung up.

Physical instructor: What is our guest missing? Of course, our friend needs color signals.


At a distance of 6m from the starting line there are models of traffic lights without colored circles. Next to it is a basket with colored circles (red, green, yellow) according to the number of children. On command: “Start!” The first team members on hop balls or children's cars jump (ride) to the basket, take one colored traffic light circle from it and attach it to the layout (must be attached in the correct sequence), return back, passing the baton to the next participant.

Physical instructor: But on the street there are not only traffic lights, but also many other road signs. They talk about what the road is like, how to drive, what is allowed and what is not allowed. Each sign has its own name and is installed in the place where it is needed. Now we will play a game with road signs.


Road signs are cut into pieces like a puzzle. Children line up at the starting line. Each team faces two or three obstacles. The players of each team, when the whistle blows, begin to jump over obstacles, run up to the hoop in which parts of the sign are laid out, take one part and return to the team. When the last player comes running, the team assembles a sign from the parts and names it.

“MATCH A PAIR” RELAY - road signs

Children line up at the starting line and are given halves of road signs. One team has signs for pedestrians, the other has signs for drivers. At a distance of 5-6 meters, the second halves of road signs are laid out on the table. Hoops in the form of “hopscotch” are laid out between the starting line and the table. Children take turns jumping through hoops (feet together - legs apart), run to the table, pick up their significant other to their sign and run back to the team. When the last player comes running, each team member explains what his sign means.

Physical instructor: I see that you are very familiar with road signs. Tell me, smart kids, where can I cross the street? (addresses children)

Children's answers: By transition: ground, underground and overground.

Physical instructor: If you're in a hurry on your way

Walk across the street

Go there, where all the people are,

Where there is a sign there is a transition.


Children stand in teams at the starting line. Before each command:

    "Overpass" sign, bench (overpass) and steps (descent)

    at the end there is a “traffic light” with a green signal for pedestrians.

When the whistle blows, children run along the bench, down the steps, across the zebra crossing, reach the traffic light and return to their team.

Physical instructor: What's the safest crossing? (addresses children)

Children's answers: Underground.


Children stand in teams at the starting line. At a distance from them there is a sign “Underground passage” and a tunnel (through), then an arc for crawling and at the end a stand with a sign “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”. When the whistle blows, the children crawl into the tunnel, crawl under the arc, stand up, run to the “No Pedestrian Movement” sign, and return to the teams, passing the baton to the next participant.

Physical instructor: You make good pedestrians. Now let's see what kind of drivers you will grow up to be.


Children stand in teams at the starting line, each team has a scooter. There is a bicycle path painted on the floor. There are signs on the path: “Turn right”, “Turn left”, “Pedestrian crossing”, “No cycling”. The teams stand opposite each other. The first players of the teams on scooters, at the sound of a whistle, begin to move towards each other following the signs, trying not to collide with each other, make the right turns, and reach the “No Bicycles” sign. They return to their team and pass the scooter to the next player.

Physical instructor: Now we will complicate the task. Drivers will carry passengers.


The first child in the team is the driver, the rest are passengers. The driver puts on a hoop and runs from the starting line to a stand located at a distance of 5 m, snakes around the modules along the way, trying not to hit them, and returns to the team. A second participant is attached to him, and together they run to the counter, where the passenger uncouples. The driver transports all participants to the opposite side of the hall.

Physical instructor: You guys are great, you completed all the tasks. The main thing is that you grow up literate, you know the Rules of the Road. You have firmly learned that you not only need to know the rules, but you also need to follow them. I want to reward you for your attention, your efforts and your knowledge.

Give medals to children

"The best expert on traffic rules"

Goals and objectives:

1. Create a positive emotional mood.

2. Foster a culture of behavior on the street and in transport.

3. To consolidate children’s ideas about the purpose of a traffic light and its signals.

4. Consolidate acquired knowledge about traffic rules and road signs.

5. Develop attentiveness, logical thinking, memory, orientation in the environment.



Municipal preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 6 “Buratino”

Physical education instructor

Popova T.Yu.


Sports and game entertainment according to traffic rules in the preparatory school group “Connoisseurs of Road Signs”

Goals and objectives :

1. Create a positive emotional mood.

2. Foster a culture of behavior on the street and in transport.

3. To consolidate children’s ideas about the purpose of a traffic light and its signals.

4. Consolidate acquired knowledge about traffic rules and road signs.

5. Develop attentiveness, logical thinking, memory, orientation in the environment.

Preliminary work:

1. Conducting educational classes and conversations with children to familiarize themselves with the rules of the road.

2. Introducing games - relay races - in physical education classes.

Presenter: (physical development instructor):

Hello guys, we live in a city with large wide streets and avenues. Many cars and trucks and buses travel along them. And no one bothers anyone. Why, guys, is this happening? How do you think?

The children answer.

Presenter: Right! This happens because there are such clear rules for car drivers and pedestrians. Who makes sure that traffic rules are followed?

Children: answer.

Presenter: State Road Safety Inspectorate. And the traffic police inspector will be present at our entertainment and will act as the chief judge. And guess who will help him?

There are no police caps,

And in the eyes there is a glassy light,

But any machine will say:

You can go or not.

Presenter : Absolutely right - this is a TRAFFIC LIGHT.

TRAFFIC LIGHT: replica (improvisation).

Presenter : And so, guys, we met the jury. And they want to see how well you know the Rules of the Road. Crossing the road from one side of the street to the other is not easy. Who helps us with this?

Children: Traffic light.

Presenter : That's right guys, you need to be very careful on the street. Now we will see how attentive you are.

Fun music and game"Traffic Signals".


Purpose of the game: develop children’s ability to respond to a specific traffic light signal. Strengthen children's ability to compare their actions with a traffic light signal. The instructor raises the circles(three circles – red, yellow, green)in different order.

Green circle - children stomp their feet;

Yellow circle - children clap their hands;

Red circle - children stand still, do nothing.

Be careful!

Presenter: You have dealt with this situation. Well done! Join two teams.

Children line up at the starting line in two columns. Models of traffic lights without colored circles are hung up.

Presenter: Guys, there are traffic lights in front of you, but what is missing from them, they need color signals.


At a distance of 6m from the starting line there are models of traffic lights without colored circles. Nearby is a basket with colored mugs(red, green, yellow)by the number of children. By team: “Let’s start!” the first team members jump on big balls or children's cars(are going) to the basket, take one colored traffic light circle from it and attach it to the layout (you need to attach it in the correct sequence), return back, passing the baton to the next participant.

Presenter: Well done! Everyone completed this task. Very often traffic violators damage road signs, and now you have to repair some of them. You need to assemble from the proposed components road sign and name it correctly.


Road signs are cut into pieces like a puzzle. Children line up at the starting line. Each team faces two or three obstacles. The players of each team, when the whistle blows, begin to jump over obstacles, run up to the hoop in which parts of the sign are laid out, take one part and return to the team. When the last player comes running, the team assembles a sign from the parts and names it.

Presenter: Well done, everyone got it done, now let’s take a break, game:"Allowed - prohibited".

Play and jump at the bus stop...

Screaming loudly at a bus stop...

Behave calmly on the bus...

Give way to elders...

Lean out of the window...

Avoid standing vehicles in front...

Presenter: Tell me, smart kids, where can I cross the street?(addresses children).

Children: By transition: ground, underground and overground.

Presenter : If you are in a hurry on your way

Walk across the street

Go there, where all the people are,

Where there is a sign there is a transition.


Children stand in teams at the starting line. Before each command: sign "Overhead passage"(bench, sign "Crosswalk"zebra spread out, sign"Stop" .

When the whistle blows, children run along the bench, cross the zebra crossing, and reach the sign"stop" and return to their team.

Presenter: Well done, everyone did it.

4 . Relay race “Road Sign Experts”

Each team assembles a pyramid of road signs, one prohibiting and the other warning.

"Mental workout"

What types of transitions are there?(ground, underground, aboveground)

What do you call people walking down the street?(pedestrians)

Which traffic light is allowed to cross?(green)

What is the name of the intersection of roads?(crossroads)

Presenter: You coped with this task too, well done. Now let's see what kind of drivers you will grow up to be.


Children take turns driving large toy cars to the counter, driving around it and coming back, passing the car to the next player. The relay race is not only about speed, but also about attentiveness, as pedestrians(educator) may pass through a pedestrian crossing. The team that did everything correctly wins.

Presenter: Well done guys, they did everything correctly, and who monitors the traffic on the roads, to ensure that drivers do not exceed the speed limit, to follow the rules, to ensure that the movement of vehicles and pedestrians is safe.

Children: traffic police inspector

Presenter: And now I suggest you turn into traffic inspectors yourself for a few seconds.


On command, one representative at a time runs to a chair on which the attributes of a traffic police inspector’s clothing are laid out: a baton, a cap, a whistle. You need to quickly run to the chair, put on your cap, take the baton in your hand and whistle loudly on the whistle, then put everything back in place and come back, passing the baton to another participant. The team that completes it first is the winner.

Presenter: You guys are great, you completed all the tasks. And I give the floor to our guest(Staff Police) Presentation of medals to all participants ("The best expert on traffic rules"). Memorable gifts with traffic rules symbols.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution No. 141

"Combined kindergarten"



Compiled by: Belyaev

Irina Vitalievna

teacher of MADOOU No. 141


Entertainment script “My friends are road signs”


Strengthen children's knowledge of traffic rules. Clarify the rules of behavior on the street. To consolidate knowledge about traffic lights and the meaning of road signs.


“Traffic light” costumes, images of road signs: prohibiting, warning; black and white images of road signs: prohibiting, warning; colour pencils; traffic light cards with mixed signals.

Preliminary work:conversations about rules of conduct on the street and in transport. Excursions to the pedestrian crossing, traffic lights. Monitoring traffic on the road. Familiarity with road signs and various modes of transport.


RECORD: - Guys, we live in a wonderful, big, beautiful city. Every day we leave the house to go to kindergarten, to the store, or to visit. And whether we like it or not, once we are on the street, we become road users. Who are we becoming?

Guests came to our kindergarten. If you guess the riddle, you will see who it is.

He blinks his eyes

Relentlessly day and night.

He helps cars

And I’m ready to help you! /traffic light/

3 children come out in costumes /red, yellow, green/


On the roads for a long time

There is a traffic light owner.

All the colors are before you,

It's time for them to introduce themselves.


The red light came on -

Stop and wait - there is no way!


The yellow eye repeats without words

Get ready for the transition!


When the light is green, go ahead

The path is clear. Transition!


Cross the road

You are always on the street

And they will advise and help

These bright colors.

It is now impossible to imagine traffic without a traffic light. Guys, remember where they put traffic lights? /at crossroads/

Dunno appears

Dunno: Hi guys! What are you doing here?

Children: We repeat the rules of the road

Dunno: I want to be with you too. I know a lot and can even teach you something.

Playback: Well, then join us, we are just talking about traffic lights.

Dunno: Oh, I have so many of them. Do you want me to give you all a traffic light? /takes out traffic light cards with mixed up signals. One traffic light is correct/.


Educator: Dunno, do you know that traffic lights have assistants? Can you guess who I'm talking about?

Dunno: No!

Children: These are road signs.

Dunno: I know I know! I also have different signs.

/takes out mathematical signs =, +, - from the bag /

Playback: No, no, road signs.

Dunno: Well, put them on the road, and you will have road ones!

Playback: You don’t understand anything, Dunno. Better listen to what the children tell us about road signs and try to remember

Children come out with road signs.

All signs in chorus:

We are important signs

Road signs

We stand guard by the law.

You know the rules

And follow them

And we will hurry to help you!

Special instructions sign “Bus stop location”

There is a pedestrian in this place

The transport is waiting patiently.

He's tired of walking

Wants to become a passenger.

Information sign “Underground pedestrian crossing”

Every pedestrian knows

About this underground passage.

He doesn't decorate the city,

But it doesn't interfere with cars.

Sign of special requirements "Pedestrian crossing"

There's a land crossing here

People walk around all day.

You driver, don't be sad,

Let the pedestrian pass.

Children warning sign

There are children in the middle of the road.

We are always responsible for them.

So that their parent does not cry

Be careful, driver!

Prohibition sign "Pedestrian traffic is prohibited"

In rain or shine

There are no pedestrians here.

The sign tells them one thing:

“You are not allowed to go!”

Playback: Well, Dunno, do you remember anything?

Dunno: I remember something./trying to repeat/

Playback: You will have to seriously study the road signs, otherwise you may get into trouble.

Dunno : I will definitely learn!


*Find prohibition signs. Name it.

*Find prescriptive signs. Name it.

*Locate the warning signs. Name it.

Playback: Well done boys! Dunno, do you want to play with us?

ATTENTION GAME “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”

Which one of you is in a cramped tram?

Gives place to elders?

Who knows that the red light is

Does this mean: no move?

Which one of you is going forward?

Only where the transition is?

Who flies forward so quickly

What does the traffic light not see?

Who knows that the light is green

It means the way is open,

Why is the yellow light always for us?

Does he mean attention?

Playback: Dunno, our guys can tell you a lot about the rules of the road. And so that you remember the signs faster, we decided to give you a gift!/get black and white signs/

Oh guys, what happened to our signs? They seemed to look alike. What to do? Now Dunno will definitely never learn them!

Children : We need to color them.


Children paint road signs and give them to Dunno.

Dunno leaves.


1​ Startseva O.Yu. School of Road Sciences: Prevention of children's road traffic injuries. – M.: TC Sfera, 2008.

2​ Svetlichnaya L.V. Holidays without problems: Scenarios for kindergarten. M., 2006.

3​ Shalaeva G.P. My friends are road signs. - M., 2008.