Medal for the best craft. Blank New Year's letter templates for children. Order to the best and the best

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The most important factor in learning that has become widely available today with the advent of new technologies is interactivity. However, the method of cognition through interactivity does not always and not immediately become obvious - if, for example, in chemistry you can visually see the mixing of two reagents, then what about computer science and physics? How can you visualize, and most importantly, apply your experience in life? The question is easy to solve - you need to take something simple and interesting, use a little imagination and technical skills, and visually observe the result of your actions. To implement these tasks, ready-made construction kits based on microcontrollers are produced under the SmartElements brand - electronics and programming have never been easier!

Poorly developed attention can lead to learning delays that will be difficult to catch up with later. It is necessary to purposefully develop voluntary attention so that at school the child can concentrate on the teacher’s explanations or completing a task, without being distracted by extraneous sounds, the view outside the window, or communication with a neighbor at his desk. The learning process is much easier for a child with developed attention: he does not need to spend a huge amount of resources just to sit through the lesson.

No one waits for the New Year to approach like children. And we, adults, try to make the holiday as bright as possible for them. The time has come for New Year trees in schools and matinees in kindergartens. And of course, there will be competitions, concerts, cabbage shows and other performances with the participation of children.

The holiday will be doubly enjoyable if the children receive not only sweet gifts, but also a New Year’s certificate of merit - for participating in a competition, for the best craft, etc. Every child has something to praise for!

To make it easier for teachers and parents to prepare for the holiday, we have prepared templates for New Year’s certificates. Some of them are from Santa Claus (this is for the little ones). And for those children who have already passed the “Santa Claus” age - just certificates with New Year’s symbols.

All templates are in high resolution and good quality. To enlarge the picture, click on it, then you can download it to your computer for free and print it on a color printer. Write down by hand the name of the child and what the certificate is being awarded for. That's all. :) Happy holiday!

Marina Afanasyeva

I thought for a long time about how to thank the employees in an original way and say thank you to them. I looked in the store and on the Internet for unusual forms of gratitude. I settled on medals, but they are all very ordinary and hackneyed. So I decided to do it myself.

We will need:

Blanks, openwork napkin (small);

Satin ribbons (you can use ribbon);

Glue, tape;

1 step. I found and selected a floral template in the form of a circle on the Internet (it’s different for everyone). Every medal has two sides.

Step 2. I selected the words and printed them on the back of the medal. The nomination “Best Colleague”, “Best Methodist”, etc. is printed on the front side.

Step 3. For rigidity, I printed the front side of the medal on photo paper and the back side on plain paper.

Step 4 Cut it to shape. These are the blanks we got.

Step 5 To decorate the edges and give them tenderness, glue the front side onto an openwork napkin.

Step 6 Using glue and tape, secure the ribbon.

That's all! The medal is ready!

It only took me six minutes to make the four medals.

What a pleasure it was to give them to people! Seeing their smiles and hearing in response “Thank you very much!”, “Wonderful surprise!”

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I bring to your attention a busy board - a do-it-yourself educational board for children. The purpose of creating this board is to keep children busy with interesting research.

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Master class “Do-it-yourself didactic games.” Goal: Deepening the knowledge of teachers on the topic of didactic games for preschool children. Objectives: Improve the knowledge and skills of teachers.

Form of delivery: master class Participants: educators and music directors of preschool educational institutions. Goal: developing motivation to use the system.

Dandelions grew in the clearing in the morning. I'm walking through a sunny meadow, hurray! I don’t pick spring flowers, but I make them with my own hands! To do.

Medals and orders are awarded to children and adults. They are given for winning or participating in a competition program, or presented as an additional gift for a holiday. Teachers and educators encourage young children by giving them comic awards for their studies, instilling an interest in knowledge. Medal templates for children and adults can be downloaded from the Internet or made independently. There are awards drawn with pencil or paint, made of wood or molded from clay.

How to make it yourself

Children love to make medals; it develops imagination and hand motor skills. With the help of adults it is possible to make more complex and original models.

For work, prepare office supplies: scissors, glue, colored paper, cardboard, stationery knife. A thread with a needle and a satin ribbon will come in handy.

Before starting to make medals and other crafts, it is advisable to ensure the safety of the workplace: remove unnecessary objects from the table, lay an oilcloth on it or put a work board, close sharp objects (stationery knife, scissors) after use.

When applying glue, it is convenient to use a brush so that when spreading the base over the surface, children do not get their hands dirty, and the layer is evenly distributed over the surface. Do not squeeze out too much glue, as the medal will deteriorate or stains will appear when the product dries.

The process of making orders varies:

  • When using ready-made templates downloaded from the Internet, they are printed on a color or black and white printer. In the latter case, the medal is painted. Then the product is cut out, a satin ribbon is threaded, tied or sewn.
  • When making medals yourself, draw the desired shape: circle, oval, rectangle, star. Then the product is painted and signed. They cut out the order and thread a bright ribbon through it. If the award is made of dense material, you can beautifully decorate it with multi-colored sand, seeds, grain, beads, rhinestones or other materials. This will make the craft original.

Medals: pictures and templates

Medallions are made from different materials: paper, cardboard, fabric, plasticine, clay. Under the guidance of adults, edible medal-cookies are prepared. Boys can cut out wooden orders with a jigsaw with the help of dad or grandpa. The award is given for a holiday, a special event (for the birth of a child, a wedding, an anniversary), for victory and participation in competitions or sports competitions.


Medals received in competitions will cheer up the child. And the funny rewards will appeal to toddlers and older children. The award ceremony is accompanied by funny poems that play on the name or character traits of the baby.

For example: “Tanyusha has a lot to do, Tanyusha has a lot to do” or “Vovka is a kind soul!” Templates with comic congratulations and jokes are available on the Internet.


Funny medals will appeal to fans of jokes and practical jokes. They are given as gifts for participating in competitions. Orders are easy to make yourself, showing ingenuity and creativity. Cool ready-made forms for medals, all you have to do is print and cut them out.


The forms for awards vary, but round or oval medals are most often given. You can make a rectangular gift. To do this, draw a rectangle of the required dimensions on thick cardboard and cut it out. This will be a convenient and unbendable stencil. Then take colored paper and trace the sample, completing the required number of awards.


Colored paper is a common material for making crafts. A wide variety of shades allows you to combine colors. It is advisable to glue the finished reward onto cardboard, so it will be stronger and will not wrinkle or tear during games. The winner will be able to take it home and keep it as a keepsake.

Coloring pages

During the holiday, instead of the usual encouragement, you can give children black and white blanks with images. The kids will color the medals however they want. Rectangular, round, and oval coloring pages of various shapes are given as awards. For older children, choose a complex pattern, for kids - simple pictures (ships, suns, flowers).

keep it up

An encouragement with the inscription “Keep it up” will support competition participants. You can depict a funny figure on the template, for example, a smiley face. You can use the workpiece with your thumb up. Even an ordinary bright medal with an encouraging signature will give children positive emotions and a good mood.

For moms

Every child wants to please their parents by giving them a gift. Mom will love these DIY holiday rewards. They are presented for birthdays, the Eighth of March, Mother's Day, or for no reason. The pictures are signed: “To my mother”, “To my beloved mother”. If you wish, you can write a poem or come up with a touching congratulation in prose.

For dads

Medals for dads depict the best features of men. Athletes are given a picture of “The fastest dad” or “The strongest dad”; ​​those who like to do household chores are given a picture of “The most economical dad”. Medals for fathers can be made from wood, cut with a jigsaw. Making such awards takes time; they are made under the guidance of adults.

To the best grandfather

Medallions are given to elderly relatives for their birthday, February 23, New Year, or other special occasions. The image is selected depending on the grandfather’s hobbies. Some are fond of fishing, others like to repair cars, and still others like to read. The medals depict objects characteristic of a favorite hobby: a fishing rod, a steering wheel, a book, and so on.

For kindergarten

Preschool children are often given small gifts. They are given not only on holidays, but also in everyday life as encouragement, as a reward for efforts. For example, for studying a lesson in kindergarten or participating in a sports competition, a teacher can give the child a colorful medal. The samples usually depict cheerful toddlers, animals or children's cartoon characters.

First graders

First grade is a difficult period when the child gets used to the new school routine. To help children adapt, teachers give students medals, certificates, and certificates for achievements in learning the material. Orders are awarded after the end of a quarter or academic year.


Graduation in elementary school, kindergarten, and high school is a solemn, joyful and touching holiday. Children are given medals or cups as a reward. The insignia is prepared from the templates provided; you can draw them yourself, taking into account the individual characteristics of the children.

For teachers

A significant period of children's lives is associated with school and teachers. Medals are awarded to teachers on professional holidays: Teacher's Day, first and last bell, graduation evening. The reward is presented from the whole class, the picture depends on the subject taught by the teacher. For example: a globe for geographers, an open book for literature teachers.

For the young and smart

Children enjoy feeling smart and talented. To encourage them in competitions, during lessons or other developmental activities, children are given awards with the signatures: “Well done” or “Clever”, “The smartest”, “The smartest”. If you need a lot of medals, it is faster and more convenient to print pictures on a printer by multiplying the number of samples.


Orders in the form of stars are awarded to a dancer, singer, expert on fairy tales, a participant in a creative competition, or for other talents. A funny face is drawn on the medallion or the name of the nomination is written. Finished star samples are colored and signed.

For competitions

If adults or older children are organizing the holiday, you can make edible medals in the form of cookies. Any recipe can be used, based on the child’s individual preferences. To form the medal, use medal-cookie molds. It is important to make a hole to thread the satin ribbon through. Baked cookies are decorated with icing or special edible paints.

To reward the winners

Awards for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place are awarded after winning a contest or competition. The material used is cardboard or paper of appropriate colors. For 3rd place they are awarded a bronze medal, for 2nd place - a silver medal. The winner receives a beautiful gold award. The material used for production is often foil.

For children according to traffic rules

Compliance with traffic rules is an integral part of a child’s safe life. Parents and teachers are obliged to teach their child to behave correctly on the road. For learning the rules, the child is rewarded with medals depicting a road, road signs or traffic lights.

Summer children's parties are often held outdoors. In open areas away from the city and the road, sports competitions are organized for children. Participants are rewarded with fun rewards, depending on the competition. Those who like to run are awarded the order to the “Fastest”, who wins the tug-of-war - “Strongman”. Depending on the types of other competitions, badges are awarded: to the most accurate, the most dexterous.

Children enjoy outdoor games; little ones enjoy running, jumping and performing complex tasks. Orders are given for winning competitions. Before competitions, you need to count the number of products being manufactured. If the game is a team game, you can make one medal for a group of competitors (for four girls or five boys). For each competition, a different type of award is selected or one form is used.

For taking part

The competition assumes the presence of winners and participants who dropped out of the competition. It is offensive for children to consider themselves losers. Therefore, kids are rewarded with funny medals “For Participation”. Some competitions do not require winners; children are given identical orders or pictures of encouragement as a reward.

Order to the best and the best

For achievements in studies, competitions or sports competitions, the child is awarded an order with a memorable signature. The picture is printed or a sample is selected for Photoshop, which is edited at your own discretion.

For a birthday

Along with a holiday gift, the birthday person can be given a medal. They make an order from gold cardboard, foil, or use beautiful velvet paper. The medal is signed and hung on a satin ribbon. Adults are pleased to receive an order if the child has completed it with his own hands.

For guests

Guests of the holiday do not necessarily participate in competitions, especially when it comes to adults. Children can reward them with handmade medals. Orders are drawn or created on online resources for free. The award is amusingly signed: “To the best guest, Uncle Vanya,” “To the most cheerful Aunt Vera.”

Tokens are awarded to competition participants. After finishing the program, children count the number of tokens. The one with the most icons wins. The size, shape, and color of the tokens depend on the preferences of the organizers.