My oldest son was seven. How not to be offended by parents if they love one of the children more? The psychologist Kondoba Elena Viktorovna answers the question

Around 1483, Ivan III dissolved the boyar courts, among them the courts of the Tuchkov brothers. In 1485, the boyars Tuchkovs were "caught". The will of V. B. Tuchka Morozov has been preserved (until January 27, 1497). Vasily Tuchka Mikhail was first mentioned in the sources in 1500 at the wedding of Prince. V. D. Kholmsky. In May 1501, he was already the governor of Galicia. At the end of 1511, he was sent on a diplomatic mission to the Crimea, in connection with which, obviously, he received the title of roundabout (his father was still a boyar under Ivan III). Mikhail Vasilievich returned from there only in August 1515. Soon (in the summer of 1516) he headed a new embassy, ​​already to Kazan, where he took the oath of Muhammad-Emin. Ringtones for iPhone

Princes Starodubsky

S. I. Ryapolovsky had no children, but four cousins: Fyodor Khripun, Vasily Mnikh, Fyodor Striga and Pyotr Loban Semenovichi. The eldest of the sons of Semyon Khripun, Fedor, back in 1468, defeated the Tatar troops near Nizhny. In the Kazan campaign of 1487, he was the second governor of the advanced regiment, in 1493 he was in the troops stationed in Tver, and in 1495-1496. as the second commander of the advanced regiment, he fought with the "Svei Germans". Fyodor Khripun is also mentioned in land deeds of 1485-1490, 1491-1492 and around 1490-1496. Fedor Khripun had three sons. The eldest of them, Mikhail, is known as the voivode in Dorogobuzh in 1519. The next oldest son, Ivan Khilok, in 1517 is mentioned as the voivode of the regiment of the left hand in Voshan.

Rostov princes

More remarkable is the branch of the Rostov princes, which came from Konstantin Vasilyevich, married to the daughter of Ivan Kalita. Of his six sons (Ivan, Vasily, Gleb, Alexander, Arseny, Vladimir), four died childless. Alexander had three sons: Andrei, childless Fedor and Ivan Puzhbolsky. Andrei Alexandrovich Rostovsky had six sons: Ivan Brukhaty, Dmitry, Fedor, Vladimir, Ivan Yan, Peter (Dmitry, Fedor and Peter died childless). As early as November 1458, Vladimir Andreevich was a vassal of Vasily the Dark.

Compound Ensemble

At the end of the XV century. with the intensification of the struggle for power in the family of the Grand Duke, there was a redistribution of power between his heirs. In February 1498, his grandson Dmitry Ivanovich was proclaimed the heir of Ivan III and the Grand Duke of Moscow. And on March 21, 1499, the son of the sovereign Vasily Ivanovich received the title of Grand Duke of Novgorod and Pskov. Ivan III, according to the chronicle, “sent an embassy to the Pskov prince Alexander Volodimerovich and the Pskov mayor and all of Pskov: that I was the great prince Ivan, the son of his great prince Vasily, gave him Novgorod and Pskov.” If the grant of Novgorod to one of the heirs of Ivan III did not mean a change in his position, then the grant of Pskov was an attempt on its independence, a desire to equalize the status of the city-state with the status of other parts of the grand duke's "patrimony".

Ryazan boyars

From one of his sons (Ivan Korobya) the Korobins originated, and from the other (Selivan) - the Selivanovs. In 1506, the boyar Vasily Selivanovich was mentioned. His son Grigory served in 1531 in Ryazan. According to S. Herberstein, it was Semyon Korobin (“Krubin”), bribed by Vasily III, being one of the “advisers” to the Ryazan prince, who betrayed his overlord and helped the Grand Duke “catch him”. In 1464-1482. Ryazan boyar Prokopy Davydovich is mentioned together with his brother Epifan. He is still around 1427-1456. was a "rider" of the Ryazan prince.

Traveling princes who lost their titles (Vsevolozh-Zabolotsky, Eropkin, Palev)

We know almost nothing about the children of ID Vsevolozhsky (Ivan and Semyon). S. B. Veselovsky was right, who believed that “they were all in disfavor.” In some acts of the 50-60s of the XV century. the governor and boyar "Ivan Ivanovich" is mentioned, but it is rather about I. I. Koshkin. I. I. Vsevolozh then, obviously, was away from the court. Ivan Ivanovich had no sons, but he married his four daughters to prominent figures - Prince. D. D. Kholmsky, Prince. Ivan Bulgak Patrikeev, S. B. Morozov and Prince. V. S. Ryapolovsky. His cousin (daughter of Fyodor Turik) was married to Prince. V. I. Obolensky. In a word, Vsevolozh was connected by family ties with the flower of the Moscow aristocracy.

Suzdal princes

In 1461-1462. Vasily II gave Suzdal to his son Ivan. He represented the senior branch of the Suzdal princes in the 70s of the 15th century. book. Fedor Yurievich Shuisky. In 1470-1471. he was governor with his son Vasily in Pskov. In the same place in October 1477 and in 1480-1481. Vasily Vasilyevich Bledny, Fyodor Yuryevich's nephew, was also present. In 1492 he was the first commander of the right hand in the North.


In 1510, Peter Mikhailovich made a will and a few years later (about 1517-1518) died. His stepmother was Mary. His son Vasily sold in 1517/18 to the Trinity Monastery with. Nakhabino. In 1495 he accompanied Princess Elena to Lithuania. V.P. Pleshcheev was also mentioned during the trip of Ivan III to Novgorod at the end of that year.


Konstantin Alexandrovich Bezzubtsev, not counting, perhaps, to break into the sovereign Duma, where his brothers met, went to the Uglitsky appanage. Already in the 70-80s of the XV century. he was present at the land exchange book. Andrey Vasilyevich Uglitsky. Konstantin had five sons - Fedor, Andrey Sheremet, Semyon Epancha, Mikhail and Alexander Sova. The branches of the Bezzubtsevs did not go from Fedor and Alexander, since both of their sons died childless (Andrei Khrushch for the first and Ivan for the second). But Andrei Sheremet became the ancestor of the well-known boyar family of the Sheremetevs. About Sheremet himself, it is only known that in the early 80s of the 15th century; his servants were disbanded.


Both branches owned Trubetskoy in half as early as 1499. According to the Russian-Lithuanian treaty of 1503, the Trubetskoys were recognized as "servants" of the Moscow sovereigns. Andrei (son of Ivan Semyonovich) and Semyon Persidsky Trubetskoy in 1508 together with Vasily Shemyachich met M. L. Glinsky. Then they are mentioned in the ranks only in 1535. Andrei had children Mikhail, Vasily and Nikita.

Church of St. Nicholas from the Stone Fence

These are the documents of the monastery of Sergius from Zaluzhye 1563-1609. and a set of documents on land ownership and taxation of the monastery of Pyatnitsa from Brody 1542-1605. 22 They also, of course, do not give a complete picture of the administrative field in Pskov, but they contain important details that make it possible to outline the main elements of the management system. The earliest document, dated May 5, 1555, presents the decree of the royal charter to the Pskov city clerk Vasily Menshikov son Marakushev about the protection (“protection”) of the lands of the Pyatnitsky Monastery from the encroachments of neighboring blacks and privately owned peasants. The act notes the violence of the neighbors against the monastic peasants, who “are offended, and their bread is poisoned on their arable land, and the forest of them is severely flogged, and they are offended by all sorts of violence, and in that their villages are deserted, and the peasants of them have grown, and there is no one to protect them from the sides of the dei.” The cited decree has a direct analogy with the letter to the Yaroslavl city clerk of 1538 and allows us to assert that the role of these officials in the Northwest increased after the lip reforms of the 1530s. Among the monuments preserved in the vicinity of Pskov, the remains of the Snetogorsk Monastery are especially remarkable.

Somehow, two familiar mathematicians A and B met, who had not seen each other for a long time.
A: I have three sons.
Q: How old are they?
A: "The product of their ages is 36"
Q: "This information is not enough"
A: "The sum of their ages is equal to the number of your house"
Q: “This information is not enough for me either”
A: "My eldest son is red"

This time B gave the age of all the children. How old are each of them?

Solving the problem "Children of Mathematics"

To solve the problem, it is necessary to translate each phrase from the dialogue of two mathematicians into a formal-logical and mathematical form.

A: I have three sons.
There are three unknowns. Let it be X, Y and Z.

Q: How old are they?
The task is to determine the age of each of the sons. This implies an important condition: their age is an integer (1)

A: "The product of their ages is 36"
X * Y * Z = 36 (2)

Q: "This information is not enough"
That is, to solve equation (2), condition (1) alone is not enough.

A: "The sum of their ages is equal to the number of your house"
X + Y + Z = a(3)
a is a number known to the second mathematician.

Q: “This information is not enough for me either”
The system of equations (2) and (3) together with condition (1) does not have one solution. In other words, the system of equations has several solutions (4).

A: "My eldest son is red"
The key here is not that the son is red, but that one of the children is the eldest (5).

This time B gave the age of all the children.
This means that the system of equations (2) and (3), together with the application of conditions (1) and (5), has a unique solution.

Since, unlike the second mathematician, we do not know his house number (the number "a"), our task is somewhat more complicated than his. To solve it, we need to take equation (2) and write down all possible variants of the equation factors. We get:

36, 1, 1
18, 2, 1
12, 3, 1
9, 4, 1
9, 2, 2
6, 6, 1
6, 3, 2
4, 3, 3

Since the system of equations (2) and (3) was not enough for mathematics to determine the age of children, we can conclude that there are several of the presented options for solving equation (2) that add up to the same value. Thus, we need to see the sum of each option.

36 + 1 + 1 = 38
18 + 2 + 1 = 21
12 + 3 + 1 = 16
9 + 4 + 1 = 14
9 + 2 + 2 = 13
6 + 6 + 1 = 13
6 + 3 + 2 = 11
4 + 3 + 3 = 10

It can be seen that only two options give the same amount - 9, 2, 2 and 6, 6, 1. At the same time, we found out what house number the second mathematician has - 13.

Now, using conditions (5), that there is an eldest son, we can find a unique solution to the problem.
Correct answer: 9, 2, 2

Question to the psychologist:

My oldest son is 7 years old. Her husband always spoiled him. Bought gifts for no reason. And the gifts are expensive. I have always been opposed to giving just like that. There are holidays for this - birthdays, new year, February 23. I am actually engaged in raising my son, because. husband is always at work. 9 months ago we had a second son. I went on maternity leave, took the eldest from the kindergarten so that he would not carry illness. The eldest could not get used to the fact that he was not alone, that he had to behave quietly when his brother was sleeping, that he had to be very gentle with his brother, because. it is small. He comes up and starts yelling wildly, which scares the baby. Sometimes he plays well, but this is very rare. Basically, everything is sharp and screaming. I ask you to sit and play when I need to do something around the house, I leave the baby to the elder, the baby sits playing, as soon as I left the room, the roar of the little one immediately begins, because the elder took something or did something else. Although I see that the elder loves his brother. Because of all this, you have to constantly scold the eldest son. Then he would cut the clothesline because there was nothing to do, he was bored, you see, he says - his mother pays very little attention to him, all the attention goes to Artemka. He tells me so. Because of the constant swearing at him, I became bad for him, and dad is good. Because dad comes with him to play games on the computer, mom limits games, cartoons, generally sitting on the computer, mom makes him go to bed at 9, and dad doesn’t care what time the child goes to bed. And in the end, I'm bad - dad is good. Now the elder does not want me to go with them, i.e. our whole family goes somewhere, to the market, for walks. He says: "Mom, don't go with us, you're bothering us, we go with dad talking when we're together, and you climb, you talk to dad yourself." In general, I was superfluous at all. This is all embarrassing and painful. When it was hard, I always stayed alone or with my parents, my husband so far. Even at night, I used to run to the pharmacy when my son was sick, my husband was lying. In general, there are many situations when mom is always there, and dad ... alas. Although my relationship with my husband is good, I love him very much. But in the upbringing of his son, for some reason, he allows himself to spoil him very much, because he himself did not have a little anything, because. I lived very poorly with my mother. I talked with my husband many times that I should not buy gifts, toys. Please advise, maybe there are some books on raising boys, because another son is growing up. I'm already tired of yelling constantly at my eldest son because of disobedience. He does not understand a calm tone, tell him calmly 20 times, shout at 21, then he understands everything. Or I threaten my dad, now I’ll call my dad, then the son begins to obey.

The psychologist Kondoba Elena Viktorovna answers the question.

Hello Marina!

Your eldest son is experiencing an age crisis of 7 years. In what way does it manifest itself? Outward behavior and habits are changing: children are capricious, begin to behave in an unnatural manner, explain themselves. In general, negativism, stubbornness, lack of motivation for the usual activities, occupations, and duties appear in the behavior. In this regard, it is necessary to analyze more carefully whether all your prohibitions are justified, perhaps somewhere to give the child more independence. The child loses his childish spontaneity, his attitude changes, and therefore your attitude towards him should change: try to treat him as an adult, respect his opinions and judgments. It is better not to use a commanding, didactic tone, but to approach conflict situations with humor and optimism. At this age, it is also normal that dad is an authority for the boy, that is, this does not mean that he has begun to love you less. It is necessary to support the baby's desire for a more adult position so that the symptoms of the crisis pass faster. Actually, jealousy towards the younger child in this situation is a consequence of the age crisis: the child perceives changes in relation to him more sharply. Talk to him in the spirit of a confidential conversation: explaining that you understand his feelings and will not scold him for them, as this will soon pass. Try to praise him more, admire him as a future man (“eldest son, almost like dad!”) In order not to inflame the child’s jealousy, try to ensure that your relationship with your elder does not change due to the fact that a new family member has appeared. Still, jealousy is a sign of a child's love for you, and you, as an adult, need to show wisdom in this situation, not scold, but try to treat such behavior with understanding. As soon as the relationship between you and the eldest son improves, friendly relations will soon be established between the brothers. Here you will see! I wish you more patience and wisdom. From the books I can recommend A.Yu. Gippenreiter “Communicate with a child? How!?" All the best to you!