My girlfriend doesn't want to kiss me. What if a girl doesn't want you Girl gives me not though

If you're on a date with a girl or have recently started dating someone, take a look at the following list of 15 people who will make your life hell. If you see similar inclinations in your girlfriend, talk to her about it. If she doesn't agree to change, you're setting yourself up for an unbearable relationship, so think twice before it goes too far.

№1 Sticky

When a girl is too attached to you and loves you a lot, it's obvious that she wants to spend a lot of time with you. But has she crossed the line from "I want to be with you" to "I can't be without you"?

When she becomes too annoying or wants you to participate in everything she does, she does not notice it, but already begins to "choke" you. Moreover, it ceases to be an individual, but simply becomes an extension of you. It starts to annoy you, and she cannot understand why you are trying to move away from her.

#2 Overly possessive

At first glance, her possessiveness may flatter you, but if she does not let you go somewhere with friends or do something without her, you begin to quietly hate her without realizing it. The owner will always be nervous if you communicate with other girls, even if you are just friends. And before you know it, you will fight every time either of you needs to go to some meeting alone.

#3 User Girl

Some see you as just a guy who can open the door to a better world for her. Maybe you have good connections or you are cooler than others. She will think that if she is seen next to you, this will give her popularity.

Relationships can start great, but after a few dates you realize that she likes to spend time in the noisy company of your friends than alone in a romantic setting. And over time, when she has already taken advantage of you as a stepping stone to high society, she will in every possible way ignore your attempts to return her former passion.

#4 Girl unable to apologize

Are you dating a girl who can't apologize or accept her mistake? She may apologize for something ordinary, and not for something important, she will rather play silent with you than admit her guilt.

It is best to avoid this type. At first glance, she may seem cheerful and sweet. In fact, she is very selfish, and would rather break you than accept her defeat in front of your eyes. She is sure that she cannot make a mistake and is too proud to accept her mistake. Taking into account the fact that from time to time in a relationship it is necessary to give in, in such an alliance the guy falls into a trap where only he gives in, and she constantly amuses her pride.

No. 5 whiner

This girl is always complaining. She never has positive things to talk about. She complains about what a bad job she has, a sad life and constant depression. If your girlfriend doesn't see the bright side of things, maybe she's too negative about life. This negativity will affect you too, you will feel overwhelmed after every meeting with her.

#6 Unsure

Girls of this type never know what they want. She can never choose, and if she does make a choice, she is not sure of it.

She flirts with guys all the time, and it's entirely possible that she treats you like a backup guy she'll go up to if she's left out of everyone else's attention. The worst thing is that she can easily leave you if she finds a better candidate. Dating such a girl, you will become weak and tired, and it can also hit your ego: no matter how good you are, she will always look for a better option.

#7 Demanding and dominant

Such a girl constantly demands something from you. She is very bossy and wants everything to be the way she needs it. Maybe you're a good boy who cares about your girlfriend, but that's not enough for her. She loves to be important and controls your life and everything that happens to you.

#8 Too Stubborn

It's good that everyone has their own opinion, even if your opinions differ, sometimes it's good to prove your point. But this girl goes too far. She always has her own opinion, and she will never change it for anything in the world, even if it is wrong. She can change her mind only if she wants to, but she will never believe your arguments or suggestions.

#9 Spy

She spies on you all the time, or whenever she has the slightest opportunity to do so. You may not go to the left and always tell the truth, but she always has reason to doubt it. She follows you, crawls on your cell phone, asks questions to your friends if you say that you were late because of a meeting with a friend. If constant interrogation bothers you even a little, avoid such girls. This is not normal for a good relationship.

#10 Cutie without her own opinion

She seems wonderful. She does not complain about anything, does not reread. But she's too accommodating no matter what you do. She does not have her own opinion, and no matter how much you ask her, she will never offer anything.

You might think she's just shy or too secretive, but she's actually a time bomb. It seems to you that everything is fine, and she is happy with everything, but perhaps for some reason she just keeps all thoughts to herself. And one day, when she doesn’t like something, she will simply stop talking to you, instead of expressing her thoughts and solving the issue together.

#11 Wrestling Girl

She should be feared in anger. Her face turns crimson red and it looks like she's about to explode. She may even punch you in the face or make a scene because she is too short-tempered and when she is angry, she cannot control herself.

If you can handle her tough temper, you have nothing to fear. But if you want to live in peace and not be afraid every time something makes her angry, it’s better to stay away from her.

#12 Too accessible

Such a girl may be cute, but she is too flirtatious and friendly for her own gain. She will be very nice to a guy if he just invites her for a walk. Even though she is dating you, she is dating others. You see her flirting right and left. Even if you tell her directly who she was seen with, she will pretend that she does not understand anything.
Dating such a girl, you will become exhausted and insecure, because you will not be able to change her.

#13 Torturer

This girl will resort to emotional blackmail and shenanigans just to get everything she wants. She can be helpful and sweet, even sometimes she will not insist on her own to please you. But if she needs something, she will stop at nothing. She will manipulate you emotionally. “I do so much for you…”, “After what I did for you, can’t you do this little thing for me..?” Familiar?

#14 Parents' favorite

This girl is very close to her parents, either her father or her mother. Whatever you say, she cannot make a final decision without consulting her parents.

She discusses everything with them, and after a telephone conversation, she hangs up and expresses her opinion to you, although, in fact, not her own, but her parents'. Perhaps if she still acts like this, even if she is old enough, she does not think that you are not capable of making an informed decision on your own.

#15 Constantly dissatisfied

She constantly compares your life with the lives of others, especially if they are doing something interesting. She registers on Facebook, sees pictures of her friends relaxing in resorts, whines how unhappy she is, or how insolvent you are. No matter where you go or what you do, her happiness is always fleeting.

She may feel happy for a few hours, but then she will remember about others and everything will start all over again. Such a girl is always sure that others are better than her.

If your current girlfriend has some of the above symptoms, talk to her about it. If that doesn't solve the problem, then it's best to end the relationship before it gets too far.

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Not all women can enjoy all the delights of a sexual life. There are various sexual problems that mainly answer the question - why can't a girl finish.

Let's turn to science to explain the phenomenon when a woman does not experience an orgasm, in a popular way - a woman cannot cum during sex.


Frigidity is called sexual coldness, in which a woman is indifferent or disgusted with sex. Women enter into intimate relationships, but only in order to live as a family, to give birth to a child.

Why a woman can't cum worries them much less than pretending to have an orgasm during sex. Usually such women do not have an idea about their illness, because they do not know what to compare sensations during intercourse with.


A distinctive feature of anorgasmia is that women are able to experience pleasant sensations during intercourse, but the girl does not finish. What to do in this case, the woman does not understand and attempts to either make changes in sexual relations, or change her partner. The problem is not solved, but new ones appear.

Statistics: according to studies, 45% of women suffer from anorgasmia to one degree or another. 25% of women have never experienced an orgasm. It is difficult to obtain exact figures, since not all women agree to take part in such a delicate study. And men are all looking for an answer, why the girl does not finish for a long time and who is to blame.

Of course, an inept partner can also be the cause. After all, every woman enjoys various caresses, someone needs to be warmed up properly, someone loves fast and sparkling sex - everything is individual.

Causes of sexual coldness in women

The causes of frigidity and anorgasmia can be such phenomena:

  1. Orgasm and sexual sensitivity disorders are an endocrine and gynecological disease. It may be the result of intoxication of the body, as well as damage to the brain or spinal cord, depression, fatigue and overwork, medication.
  2. Retardation anorgasmia and frigidity are the result of a delay in psychosexual development as a result of isolation from peers of the opposite sex, excessive preoccupation with studies, problems in communication.

Psychogenic anorgasmia, frigidity - occurs due to mental causes of inhibition of sexual functions. This can be provoked by fears related to sex (for example, fear of unwanted pregnancy), very strict upbringing, sexual abuse, negative impressions from the first sexual experience, mismatch of sexual temperaments in a couple, a conflict situation in a couple, a man ignoring the individual characteristics of sexual arousal in a woman, disappointment in a partner

Constitutional frigidity is the same as being born without an ear for music. But some believe that sexologists invented this myth to justify ineffective treatment.

How to treat sexual coldness

It is necessary to treat under the supervision of a sexopathologist. Special preparations, physiotherapy, psychological consultations and psychotherapy are often advised. If a man does not turn away from his beloved, but lends a helping hand, the couple has every chance to solve the problem in their favor and plunge together into the genuine world of sexual pleasures.

There are different periods in any relationship, and even if there was passion between you just a couple of months ago, everything can change in one day. One of the frequent problems is that a girl no longer wants her partner the way she used to. For some reason, she tries to limit close contact, avoids you more and more often. But before it was completely different ... What happened and can it be fixed?

Why my girlfriend does not want me: answers to questions.

It all started well - almost immediately you had an intimacy, and you saw that she liked it. And then a few weeks or months passed, and everything changed dramatically. Your girlfriend has become more distant, does not let you near the body. Well, you quietly suffer and think that the problem is with you. Is it so?

"Why doesn't my girlfriend want me"- more and more often guys and men ask this question. After all, the relationship was passionate and it seemed to you that everything was fine with you. If your girlfriend has begun to refuse you more and more, you need to change your relationship.

First of all, we need to talk . Perhaps her reluctance is due to problems in the family, at work or at school. In this case, you only need to support the girl and wait out this unfavorable period.

The second reason why she may refuse you is that she lacks passion, adventure. Try to fix this, try to diversify your bed life. Try new positions, buy some toys from the adult store.

The most unpleasant and painful reason for refusal is that the girl lost her love for you . Some of the fair sex fall in love quickly and burn out just as quickly. If your girlfriend told you that her crush on you has already passed, we advise you to start looking for a new girlfriend.

It's also possible that you don't satisfy a girlfriend as a man. She is not happy with your technique or she thinks that you are too quick to meet your needs and ignore her desires. Do not be selfish and give her more attention and time, she will definitely appreciate it.

In addition, you must consider the individual needs of your girlfriend. Perhaps her body does not need frequent intimacy and 1 time in 1-2 weeks is enough for her. If this does not suit you, you will have to look for a more active girl.

Another reason that your girlfriend's fuse and passion disappeared - romance disappeared in the relationship. This often happens when people meet for a long time. In order not to repeat the same mistake, try to walk more often, visit cafes and cinemas, give her flowers and inexpensive little things.

Too much criticism towards her

Come on, remember if you criticize your girlfriend too often. For example, this thing does not sit well on her or she has gained excess weight, you do not like this makeup, etc. You can criticize, but in moderation and correctly. If she constantly listens to comments in her direction, she is unlikely to want to give you pleasure in bed.

What to do if a girl doesn't want you?

First of all, don't jump to conclusions. Only the two of you can solve this problem, so you can’t avoid talking alone. Ask her to explain why she started treating you differently. Based on the girl's answer, you need to look for a way out. It is important here that both compromise and want to change the situation. Help solve her problems at work, support your soulmate, give a nice gift, diversify your leisure time with toys for adults. If all these tricks do not help and the relationship remains at the same level, this will lead to a break.

If your partner doesn't satisfy you, don't ignore your own needs and put up with it. In the end, this will lead to treason. Despite the pain of breakups, why don't you look for another girl?

Almost every guy after a long relationship wondered: “My beloved no longer wants me, what should I do? In this article, we will try to understand this and answer the question in detail.

Find out if the girl really doesn't want you or if she has someone on the side. In the second case, do not waste time and find yourself another. If it's about sexual attraction, the guy needs to change his behavior. Keep in mind that it's not the size of the penis, don't even try to enlarge it. This will not change the girl's attitude towards sex, and you will have many problems.

Common Guy Mistakes

Prove to her that you are a man. Give the girl less attention, don't try to please, try to be less intrusive, but don't overdo it. Let your beloved know that you are independent and you do not need anyone. Do you want to become confident and strong? Watch and you will understand how to achieve this. If you are guilty of something, pretend that nothing happened, in no case apologize. The fact is that when a guy constantly pleases a young lady, she considers him not a man, but a son who will not live a day without a mother. And the girl does not want to be like that. Never compare her to her mother, the female gender hates that.

Think maybe you are the problem. Do you suffer from premature ejaculation. There are many ways to solve this problem. This was written in the article.

Naturally, material matters play an important role. If a poor guy wants a relationship with a sexy girl who needs expensive gifts and dinners in restaurants, one day she will find a more successful man. Choose a partner of the appropriate status in society, because if a girl realizes that she is on a level above her boyfriend, she will start looking for a more suitable candidate, and she will reject you. First it will touch the sexual plane, then communication.

Do not bombard the girl with compliments. Naturally, one cannot do without them, but in limited quantities. Always speak to the point.

Consider an example. Beloved cut her hair or bought a new evening dress. If the girl is not thin, you should not tell her that she is very slim in this outfit. The girl knows it's not. She will think that you just creeped in front of her, really wanted to please and lied. She will start to twirl you, and at least one young lady is unlikely to want a slave man.

Don't overdo it with criticism. The girl has already grown up and she knows what is good and what is bad. Don't keep reminding her of this. Females do not like repetition. Did you say something once? You shouldn't repeat yourself. The girl remembers everything, she just doesn't want to do it.

If she says she's in love with another guy, don't hold her back. If she returns, then the old relationship will never be. She will see all your shortcomings, talk about it, and your disadvantages will turn into complexes. Pretend it didn't hurt you.

If a loved one feels a male core in you, she will not only constantly want you, but also offer intimacy herself. You are a man. She must feel it.

When a guy starts dating a girl, he often rushes her. This is the wrong step, especially if she is a virgin (read more about virginity in). Even if she agrees to an intimate relationship, in the future there may be a problem with the fact that she does not want you. Also, the girl could not have a very pleasant experience of past sexual relations. Prove that you are not that ex, but a much better guy.

If it's not about the psychological aspects, sign her up for a visit to a sexologist. Perhaps sex causes discomfort, pain. It is likely that she has serious health problems, but she is embarrassed to tell you about it. Often, girls are afraid of such conversations during the flower-bouquet period. They believe that their problems will push the guy away.

Before sex should go foreplay. Many girls without it will not even think about sex. , kiss her on the neck, lips, chest. Do everything kindly and gently that she is excited and shows with her body that she is ready for It.

Bring back the girl

My girlfriend doesn't want to kiss me

What could be more wonderful than a romantic date with the girl of your dreams, who reciprocated your offer to meet and take a walk - probably nothing. After all, the first meetings with a girl, like a rebus, make you unravel the quirks of her heart. And it can be extremely unpleasant to be surprised by the fact that she refuses to kiss you.

Such a female position causes at least misunderstanding, and most often anger and frustration. Of course, it is unpleasant to realize that a girl is denying you some intimacy, although you tried and did everything right, as befits a real gentleman. But it is worth, first of all, to understand the reason, and only then draw conclusions. So what are the reasons that make girls refuse a kiss.

Reasons: why the girl does not want to kiss

She doesn't know how to kiss or is too timid. These days it's hard to find them, but they still exist. In such a situation, you need to prepare the girl for a kiss. Don't make anything important out of the kiss. Just kiss her on the cheek yourself first, and then go down to the lips. The girl will be scared, but the kiss will still take place. Such girls are afraid for a long time, but if they decide, you can notice a cunning and happy expression on their faces after a kiss.

She considers you a friend. Perhaps you have a good time, communicate closely, she shares secrets with you. You are looking for a moment for a kiss, but she coquettishly refuses you. We can upset you, she considers you a friend. And, as you know, girls do not kiss their friends. Therefore, it is necessary to become her man, and only then achieve a kiss that only a girl in love gives.

She's not dating for a relationship. She spends time with you, but as a man she does not like you. This type is the most difficult to fix, and most likely, it is not worth changing. If you are doing everything right, and she still refuses you, you need to think about whether she is fooling you. If a girl likes you, then she will last a maximum of a month without a kiss, if more time has passed and there is no kiss yet, then this is a good reason to change the girl.

She is not waiting for you. Some girls meet guys in order to find their prince, who will steal their heart and take them to distant lands. And here you are, of course not a prince, but better than being all alone. Here she walks with you, and she is looking for someone else.

You don't look too good for a first kiss. There are many girls who pay attention to the grooming of their partner. Therefore, you need to put yourself in order, and only then kiss the girls. However, this is normal dating etiquette. So go ahead for a toothbrush and neat things.

There are also many reasons that defy male logic. Either way, your perseverance and patience are the best ways to get your kiss.

What to do if a girl does not allow herself to be kissed

Decide on the reasons. Try to understand why she doesn't want to kiss you? The correct diagnosis helps to solve any problem, including her unwillingness to kiss you. So go through the list of causes and find the one that applies to you.

Don't get angry. Many guys start to break loose and accuse the girl of being too selfish and mean. They begin to scold her, do unpleasant things and, ultimately, leave this girl. This is also an option, but if you still want to achieve this girl, then you need to be able to restrain yourself.

Be cheerful and persistent. The one who walks will master the road, and the one who tries to kiss her will kiss the girl. It must be remembered that every time a girl is embarrassed, refuses, “sends”, you take a step forward. If you are a persistent villain who smiles when you refuse, and then tries again, then sooner or later you will achieve your goal. Well, or break up with a girl, but it's not your fault.

A little humor and tricks. Girls love interesting guys who know how to fool anyone.

  • You can ask the girl to kiss you on the cheek, and turn around and turn your lips;
  • You can kiss the girl yourself, during her telephone conversation;
  • You can show her a whining movie and then console her with a kiss;
  • You can kiss her for the first time when she is offended by you.

And all of this will be perceived quite positively by the girl. After all, you surpassed her, and the girls surrender to the mercy of the winners.