Is it possible to have a wedding during Lent? Why you can’t get married during Orthodox Lent. Marriage registration during Orthodox holidays

A wedding is an event for which people prepare in advance, but there are also impatient young people who want everything faster without regard for posts. Most people in the Russian world still take fasting seriously. This can be seen from the statistics of young people marrying during non-fasting periods. Now this is explained to newlyweds more by their parents and priests - they all say with one voice that you cannot get married during Lent!

Why can’t you get married during fasting? These days, strict rules of behavior and even nutrition, and much more are prohibited. At this time, it is necessary to show patience, have self-control, and abstain from physical intimacy, so the first wedding night is not possible. And all holidays, to a greater extent, have a demonic origin, which does not bode well for giving up fasting.

How to still hold a wedding in? For this there must be good reasons and permission from the priest for the chosen day. In this case, the church will agree to the meeting, but the fur-bearing solemn celebration will be prohibited. You must behave modestly; for light celebrations, only Lenten dishes and non-alcoholic drinks are served on the tables. Even on any non-Lent day, we must celebrate the wedding soberly, and the newlyweds are strictly prohibited from drinking alcoholic beverages if they want healthy children. Nowadays, few people adhere to this, the grooms who allow their brides to drink even champagne are fools - they are fools and uneducated people, there is an alcoholic genocide against our country, and alcohol is a weapon of mass destruction.

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Is it possible to have a wedding in Lent?

Here is a vivid video of the opinions of 2 priests, one says categorically no, and the second about the possibility of the condition, if people are not believers, there are a lot of sensible thoughts in their words, look!

Here, everyone in their family will decide for themselves, based on beliefs and understanding of life, whether to get married during Lent. While it is still easy to register a wedding according to the laws, it is much more difficult and much more difficult. Therefore, we wish everyone faith, love and respect for each other and the church canons.

Orthodox Christians, when faced with the question of a wedding, often wonder whether it is possible to celebrate this event and get married during Lent.

Fasting and wedding

In the modern world, young couples think about this topic less and less, but they should pay more attention to church leaders and Christian traditions.

There are no clear rules on this issue. Many people are of the opinion that a wedding can be celebrated during Lent, although another part of the population truly believes the opposite.

You should also separate all types of wedding events - a holiday, a formal party (registry office) and a church wedding. Each of them in Orthodoxy has its own strength, so when making an important decision, you should remember: almost one hundred percent of people often formally register their marriage during Lent, and have a wedding, celebrating it with family and friends, only later.

Church opinion

The Church has a clear opinion regarding the celebration of marriage during Lent. During the largest of them, and especially during Lent, it is prohibited to organize holidays, since fasting is a time of repentance and reading prayers.

Weddings are strictly prohibited during any fast. This is an important rule that every priest must know, therefore, asking him such a question, you can only get a negative answer. Permission to get married during Lent can be obtained only in the most extreme cases - for example, when a man goes to war.

Also, you cannot celebrate a wedding on many great holidays, which are best learned about in church. Among these, it should be noted, for example, temple or twelfth holidays.

Remember that a wedding is a holiday that involves fun and joy. During Lent, the church prohibits celebrations and weddings. This is a strict rule that must be followed by all Orthodox Christians. Follow the Orthodox calendar or ask the church if any wedding date is suitable for you so that it complies with church regulations. Good luck, love, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Is it possible to get married during Lent?

    You can sign at the registry office. But they won’t marry you. If you are not a believer, then you can safely get married, especially since during this period cafes and restaurants are not so busy and you can choose a suitable place for yourself.

    You can get married during Lent, but you don’t have to. If people are believers and know the meaning of fasting, then they will not marry during fasting. After all, a wedding is a big holiday, which is best celebrated not on fasting days. And you won’t be allowed to get married in church during Lent.

    It is better to start family life correctly, if there is such an opportunity: by confessing, taking communion and undergoing the Sacrament of Wedding.

    It’s impossible, we didn’t even accept an application at the registry office, because you can’t sign for a post. We had to wait an extra month and have the wedding right after Easter, right on Krasnaya Gorka. And then the month of May began, and again a bad omen. So, through an acquaintance, I had to make an appointment for that Saturday, because... there were a lot of people interested.

    If you are talking about getting married as registering your marriage at the registry office, then you will be signed in any case, regardless of whether it is Lent or Wednesday, Friday or Saturday (they don’t get married on these days). If you are talking about marriage as about performing the sacrament of a wedding, then in the Orthodox Church, during all fasts (multi-day and one-day), weddings are not performed. In any case, if you are a believer and adhere to church customs and traditions, then I think it’s not worth getting married during Lent, even if it’s a civil marriage, because fasting is a time of repentance, abstinence, purification of the soul and heart through prayer.

    If we talk about marriage as about registering a marriage in the registry office, then there are no obstacles to getting married during Lent. Russia is a secular state where the church is separated from the state.

    And what some people wrote about here is that the registry office employees refused to accept the application due to fasting and people had to carry bags to the manager - this is real arbitrariness, mixed with hypocrisy and hypocrisy.

    It is interesting that for some Russian government officials their faith prevents them from performing their direct official duties, without, however, preventing them from willingly taking bribes from the population. Perhaps they are in the wrong place?

    You can always get married when the registry office is open. Another question is that the Orthodox Church does not approve of weddings during Lent. You will not agree with any priest to perform the Sacrament of Marriage during any fast or fast day. Fasting is a time of contemplation of one’s soul and thoughts and actions. And holiday festivities should be left for another time. Therefore, it all depends on your attitude towards faith. If it’s not important for you, then it’s better to get married outside of Lent. Perhaps a little later it will be important to you that the wedding took place at this time.

    From a religious point of view, it is impossible to get married during Lent, since marriage implies the first wedding night, and carnal pleasures during Lent are a sin. If the date has already been set at the registry office, then the priests recommend not organizing celebrations and festivities, but timing them to coincide with the wedding. And if you really can’t do without it, then the feast should be non-alcoholic, the dishes should be meatless, and there should be no games or competitions.

    You can get married during Lent. You can't get married.

    The Church does not perform wedding ceremonies during Lent.

    If you are an unbeliever, then nothing prevents you from signing at the registry office during fasting; their work schedule, their days of rest, are not connected with fasting.

    You can get married during Lent, there are a lot of weddings at this time, there are no obstacles, unless adult relatives are against it, they usually adhere to the signs, so you can safely go to the registry office, the application will be accepted, you can sign.

    The Orthodox Church does not recommend getting married during Lent, since during Lent it is forbidden to have sex, drink alcohol, eat meat and dairy, and generally hold all sorts of holidays. The registry office will register you during Lent, but the church will not perform weddings during Lent.

    No, you cannot get married during Lent. At this time, a person must give up all modest foods and carnal pleasures, and what wedding can do without a rich table and wedding night. Therefore, it is best to postpone the wedding.

    They say that if a person is not a believer, he can get married during Lent. I partly agree, but partly I don’t. There will be a sufficient number of guests at the wedding, and most likely, a huge number of them will be believers and will not be able to consume all the foods that will be served at the wedding.

    You will not make two tables for refreshments, one for those who are fasting, the other for those who are not fasting. For this reason, it is better not to have a wedding during Lent.

A wedding is a significant event in the life of every person, so you want to spend this special day in a special way. It’s so wonderful to recall the happy moments of life in your memory by looking through photographs that depict joyful faces. Don't forget about restrictions. There are certain days of the year on which it is not recommended to get married. If you want your union to be strong and happy, then you should listen to the opinion of the Church and adhere to the recommendations given by the clergy.

When should you not have a wedding?

In the church calendar there are unfavorable days for weddings and weddings. A wedding in a church does not take place:

  1. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays throughout the year.
  2. During multi-day fasts: (seven days before Easter), Petrova (performed on the fiftieth day after Easter), (from August 14 to 27), (from November 28 to January 7).
  3. During the Christmas season (from January 7 to January 19).
  4. During continuous weeks (Meat Week, Cheese Week, Cheese Week, Easter Week).
  5. On the days and eves of such major holidays as (September 10-11) and (September 26-27).

Dormition Fast: is it possible to get married?

August is considered one of the most favorable months for marriage. Almost half of all weddings held during the year take place during this period. If you are planning to get married in August, then try to do it either before the 14th or after the 28th, because the church does not recommend getting married during the Dormition Fast, which falls during this period and is equal in severity to the Great Lent.

The Dormition Fast is dedicated to the Mother of God, who these days was preparing for another life. By playing a wedding or celebrating something during this period, we insult Her, demonstrating our disrespect. These days, many years ago, Our Lady spent time alone and in prayer. Thanks to her patience, She renounced almost everything earthly, praying for people and the salvation of their souls. Not every person can repeat this feat. People who scheduled a wedding for the Dormition Fast do not respect the efforts of the Mother of God, and even Her herself.

It has long been noted that marriages concluded during periods of many days of fasting are rarely happy. After all, fasting is a time of repentance, prayer and abstinence, both spiritual and physical. If you want your family life to be successful, then it is better to move the wedding date to a more suitable day. The Dormition Fast lasts only 2 weeks, after which you can get married with a clear conscience.

If you are atheists, do not pray and do not attend church, then you can have a wedding during Lent. There are situations when it is simply necessary to get married during this period. In this case, the church treats the couple with understanding and allows the ceremony to take place. You can go to the registry office and sign, but postpone the celebration and wedding in church to a more appropriate time.

Nowadays, quite often, couples get married first, and get married after some time, sometimes after a few years. There is nothing wrong. The main thing is that spouses value, love and respect each other.

If you are organizing a wedding during the Dormition Fast, and there will be true Christians among the guests, then they may feel uncomfortable at such an event. In order not to offend them, the wedding table should include not only regular dishes, but also lenten dishes.

Video: Assumption Fast


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In ancient times, agriculture was considered almost the only way to ensure the well-being of a family. For most of the year, the population of Rus' was busy raising crops and then harvesting them. In the fall there came a period when there was significantly less work. For this reason, this time of year has become particularly popular for matchmaking and wedding celebrations. Thanks to this factor, autumn received a special characteristic, and it began to be called “wedding time.”

Autumn is the time for weddings

In Rus', weddings were held not only in the fall, but the reasons for the popularity of this time of year as a time of celebration are due to the ordinary everyday features of the life of the Russian people. The life of people of that time was closely connected with church traditions, which everyone had to accept, as well as some everyday nuances. The ability to organize festivities in the spring, for example, was an impossible task for ordinary villagers. All material resources and own forces were directed towards preparing for the main task - the start of agricultural work.

Prosperous and wealthy representatives of the Russian people held weddings at any time of the year, but autumn always remained a priority. Traditionally, the wedding season opened simultaneously with the celebration of Krasnaya Gorka on the first Sunday after Easter and ended in the last days of November. Modern newlyweds want to celebrate their wedding in the fall for other reasons that are not related to seasonal work or other factors that played a major role in the old days.

Modern advantages of autumn as a wedding season:

  • It is difficult to gather guests in the summer due to the holiday period;
  • nature in autumn is particularly beautiful and rich in colors;
  • Most vegetables and fruits ripen in autumn.

It's time for weddings in Rus' according to the church calendar

Traditionally, the time for weddings in Rus' began with the day of Simeon the Stylite, which was celebrated on September 14, and ended at the end of November, simultaneously with the beginning of Lent. Among the existing temple holidays, there were special days when getting married was not only recommended, but was even considered a good omen. The most favorable periods for marriage, as well as weddings, are the Autumn Meat-Eater, the Winter Meat-Eater and the beginning of summer.

Autumn meat eater

The favorable period for weddings, which begins on August 28 and ends on November 28, is called “Autumn Meat Eater.” Its starting point is the Dormition, and its ending is the Nativity Fast. The most important holiday for girls during the Autumn meat-eating period is Intercession (October 14). According to custom, on the eve of this day one had to ask the Most Holy Theotokos to meet with one’s betrothed. Weddings played on this day are the happiest.

“Second Autumns” is a holiday that was traditionally celebrated on September 21. On the one hand, this long-awaited day marks the completion of work and harvest, on the other hand, it is the best time to celebrate weddings. The more common name for this holiday is the Nativity of the Virgin Mary. She is the main helper of women and mothers, so marriages concluded on this day are the strongest.

Winter meat eater

Winter meat-eater is the time of weddings, which begins a few days after Christmas and ends with Maslenitsa. In Rus', these few weeks were called “wedding”. There are no church holidays at this time, so parents of unmarried and unmarried children actively matched their children, and also held noisy weddings. The time for celebrations began immediately after the end of Christmastide. Until January 19, the Church does not hold wedding ceremonies.

In February, you should be careful when choosing a wedding date. Maslenitsa week begins on the 16th, and Lent begins on February 23. It is better to get married before this period. Valentine's Day (February 14) is a particularly popular holiday. On this day, millions of couples tie the knot. According to church traditions, it is recommended to get married before February 16th. Marriages concluded during this period are happy and promise the newlyweds a quiet life in peace and mutual understanding.

It is not recommended to celebrate weddings in December. This is due to the Nativity Fast. According to legend, families created during this period are doomed to failure. In the old days, the wedding ceremony was a mandatory tradition. Fasting prohibits wedding festivities, weddings, and also imposes significant restrictions on the festive table. December is the busiest month in terms of church prohibitions.

Spring-summer time

The next wedding season opens on the first Sunday after Easter. Traditionally, this period is called the spring-summer time of weddings and celebrations. Weddings continued to take place until Trinity Sunday. This tradition is also popular among modern newlyweds. According to statistics, the holiday has been characterized as a wedding boom for many years.

In the old days, it was believed that marriages concluded on Krasnaya Gorka received support from above. According to legends, young families created on this day will definitely be happy and strong. Krasnaya Gorka lasts one week. The period got its name from the tradition of celebrating spring with mass events that unite all residents of the village. For celebrations in Rus', the highest points of villages and hamlets were chosen. The main attention during the festivities was paid to unmarried girls and boys. During the celebrations, potential grooms proposed to their brides.

The girls wore their most beautiful dresses and jewelry, trying in every way to attract the attention of their chosen ones. It was believed that a young man who douses a girl with water during the celebration of Krasnaya Gorka must definitely come to her in the near future to woo her. All unmarried beauties expected such an act from their gentlemen.

Summer is a difficult time for newlyweds. At this time, it is difficult to choose a suitable wedding date. May is the main unfavorable month for weddings. In June and July, Trinity Week, Petrov and Apostolic Lent practically replace each other. If you manage to choose a wedding date outside of church holidays and falling on the desired day of the week, then special attention should be paid to ancient signs. According to legend, June promises a sweet life, and July is compared to a sweet and sour berry.

On what days do weddings not take place?

According to the church calendar, some dates are undesirable for weddings. Previously, it was forbidden to carry out weddings on important church holidays, periods of fasting, as well as some specific days of the week. The first two nuances have survived to this day, and significant changes have occurred with the days of the week suitable for marriage. In Rus', for example, it was forbidden to have weddings on Wednesdays or Fridays. The modern traditional days for painting are Friday and Saturday.

Periods when you cannot have weddings or get married:

  • Maslenitsa week (“to marry on Maslenitsa means to become intermarried with misfortune”);
  • the month of May (“getting married in May means toiling all your life, not seeing happiness”);
  • period of fasts (Uspensky, Great, Rozhdestvensky, Petrov);
  • Christmastide period;
  • Tuesday, Thursday any time of the year;
  • September 11 and 27 (days of the beheading of John the Baptist and the Exaltation of the Holy Cross).