Is it possible to leave it for a long time? Is it possible to leave a car battery to charge for a long time. How to charge a car battery

Total found: 35

Hello! Can you say "longer"? For example: "Treat the thing with care so that it lasts longer." If not, what is the right way to say it? Thank you in advance!

No, this is a loose design. You can say, for example, to last long or to last longer.

Question #286384

Tell me how in this case it is written for a short time: together or separately? This brings him to his senses, but not for long.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Merged spelling is correct if the broader context does not imply opposition.

Question #286350

There was an interrogative sentence in the book: "Will you stay a little?" This is right? Or should it still be "a little"?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

This is mistake. Right: Will you stay a little? And better: Will you stay a while?

Question #286162

Hello. A question about punctuation. What should be at the end of such an anecdote, completely taken in quotes in the text: “”. OR "." OR.“” “At the funeral of his mother-in-law, the son-in-law lowered his head into her coffin, froze for a long time in a mournful pose. Finally he was dragged away from the coffin. Friends ask: “Do you love your mother-in-law so much?” - “No, after yesterday’s drinking my head is splitting, I pressed my forehead to the cold ... It became easier.”

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The dot is placed after the closing quotes. Correctly: ... became "".

Question #283835

Hello. Tell me whether the word is written together or separately, and also whether it is a member of the sentence or an introductory word in such a sentence: “ON_LUCK (,) there was no one in their apartment and the neighbors". And also tell me, is a comma needed in such a sentence: “Luckily (,) no one was hurt”?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Adverb at random is written together, the circumstance expressed by this adverb is not isolated. However, in your example, this word is used incorrectly. The meaning of the adverb at random:"hoping for a favorable opportunity; without preliminary deliberation, choice, etc.", for example: act at random, say at random, draw a ticket at random. Combining a preposition with a noun good luck(For example: hope for good luck) is also out of place in this sentence. Possible variant: Fortunately, there was no one in their apartment and the neighbors.

Words by good fortune can be isolated, especially if they stand in the middle of a sentence, cf .: I lost consciousness for a short time, my head, by a lucky chance, was almost not bruised, there were many wounds, but light. V. Kaverin, Open book. At the beginning of a sentence, these words are often not separated by a comma. But this comma will not be an error.

Question #283174
"I'm going on vacation, but not for long." Is the spelling correct in this sentence?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Right: I'm going on vacation, but not for long.

Hello! Please help me understand:

"Manna from the sky fell lines,
I lost (for a long time?) peace -
on Poems "re I read voraciously
I do not understand the "troubles". "

"Not clear" in this case, what part of speech it is, and how it is written - together, or separately.
Thank you! Best regards, Olga.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

incomprehensible- adjective. Continuous spelling is correct (the presence of dependent words does not affect spelling).

Question #268793
Hello, always helping
Can you please tell me if the punctuation is correct here?
In fact, as a rule, absolutely any coating - applied to the nails and also left for a long time - harms them.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

This arrangement of punctuation marks is possible, although it is better to put commas instead of dashes.

Question #265906
Temporal adverb LONG is written together. Tell me, is there any variant of using NA as a preposition with the word LONG?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

We have not been able to come up with a suitable context.

Question #263212
Dear experts, please tell me how you can answer this question: what is the fundamental difference between the words "sit down" and "sit down". Many are offended by the word "sit down", although this is the correct use or? ...

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Yes, this is a fairly common misconception: supposedly one cannot speak sit down (sit down) can only sit down (take a seat), because sit down (sit down) as if connected exclusively with prison associations (“I will always have time to sit down”).

In fact, the opposite is true: the word sit down literary and its use is quite correct, but the use sit down carries an ambiguity: the prefix at- denotes an incomplete action (you can sit down briefly, sit down on the edge of the chair), so the invitation sit down can be regarded as a hint that the person was offered to sit down for a while, and then leave.

Question #259974

Please tell me, is the accent in the adverb "not long" used correctly?

Thank you

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Right: nenad O lgo.

Question No. 259029
Hello, dear members of the Help Desk.
Tell me, please, what is the origin of the rather often used expression "Strong, tramp." It is not in the dictionaries and reference books on phraseology available to me.
Thank you.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Posted on our portal "Big Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" ed. S. A. Kuznetsova points to such a meaning of the word tramp:"about someone who causes surprise, admiration for his agility, resourcefulness." Heather, tramp!He promised to get it and got it, a tramp!

We can assume that this meaning is derived from the previous one: "about someone who is often and for a long time away from home, who returned home after a long absence (about a person or animal)". Tramp cat.He's back, you tramp.

Question #257348
Hello, I would like to know if this sentence is complex
According to legend, it was at Kupala midnight that the fern bloomed for a short time and the earth opened up, making visible the treasures and treasures hidden in it.
Thank you in advance!

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

A child's dream came true - you got a dog. At first, the life of the family revolves around the puppy, but sooner or later he will be left alone ... How to leave the puppy alone at home for a long time?

Communication with the owners plays a huge role during the growth of the animal: the puppy acquires good habits, learns the rules of life in the house. If during this period he is often left to himself, you will not expect good manners from him. But there are some tricks that will help teach your dog to calmly endure loneliness.

"Substitute hosts." Choose something that belongs to you (a toy, a handbag) and always take it with you for a walk. Put it next to you, get a treat out of it, send your pet to this item from time to time. The goal is to convince the dog that the thing is valuable to you. Leaving the house, leave this item on the bedding - the dog will be less nervous, because the favorite thing keeps your smell, and the animal will have evidence of your return.

More toys. Can a puppy be left alone at home? Sure, but don't forget the toys. The more toys and chews you leave for your dog, the less things will be damaged in your absence. So that toys do not have time to get bored, put them away at a time when everyone is at home.

Active walks. Dogs that actively spend time on walks usually sleep a lot at home. Do not be lazy to give your pet physical activity on a walk, then the time alone will pass unnoticed. How to walk your dog the right way.

Heart to heart conversations. Do not underestimate the intelligence of animals: they understand much more than you think, so talk to your pet more. Carefully! Even the most good-natured cats and dogs have the instincts of wild animals and are a danger to other pets - birds, reptiles and amphibians (if any). When leaving, close the rooms in which the dog or cat has someone to hunt. 6 reasons to get a dog.

We answer readers' questions, discuss current problems of our pets, learn proper care.

How to behave in relation to a new family member at first? Can I keep a puppy?

Despite the global busyness, try to take a vacation when a new pet appears in the house, and agree in advance with the household about who will continue this baton. If at this time someone will constantly be with the animal, this will help to instill in him some “good habits” (know the place of your toilet, sharpen your claws on the scratching post, and not on furniture or carpets, gnaw special toys, not foreign objects) . How to leave a puppy alone at home for a long time? Gradually accustom your baby to loneliness. To begin with, wean him to follow you on your heels: leave one at first for a short time and then increase this interval. Of particular importance are the first 1.5 hours after your departure (especially for dogs), then the puppy calms down and finds a game or “business”. Is he full? Dry food can be left for a long time at room temperature.

Comfortable things. How to leave a puppy at home alone? Buy automatic feeders and drinkers that allow you to set exact feeding times and daily feed volumes.

Contents [hide] For any car, the quality of the battery is of great importance. Since the processes of charging and discharging are quite intensive in the battery, its service life is relatively short. A normal battery is able to provide a trouble-free engine start even after a 10-month inactivity, an old and worn one is enough to stand for a day so that there are problems starting the engine. It is better to throw away such a battery and purchase a new one. To maximize its life, you need to know how much you need to charge the battery, as well as accurately withstand the current strength. Advice! Why isn't it charging? Since one of the main reasons for a decrease in battery capacity is negative temperatures, it is better to do self-charging in the fall in anticipation of frost.

How to charge a car battery

Attention! Regardless of how long it takes to charge a car battery, the plugs on it must be unscrewed all this time, otherwise the case may burst with gases released during charging. We charge the battery with alternating voltage correctly For many car owners, it is still not entirely clear how much it is necessary to charge the car battery with a charger, and whether it should be removed from the car at all.

In some cases, which can be called emergency, the battery can really not be removed, but for a full and high-quality charge, the battery will have to be removed. After the above preparatory work, you can proceed to the charging procedure.


First you need to find out how long it takes to charge a car battery - as a rule, this will take at least 12-14 hours. Do not interrupt the process, which will negatively affect the battery capacity.

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This is the same “light bulb”, which in reality is not a light bulb at all, but a green float ball moving in a transparent bulb. With a sufficient level and density of the electrolyte, the ball rises and we see a green indicator.

If the float is not visible, you need to check the electrolyte and recharge the battery. Another option is a multimeter. With it, you can measure the voltage at the terminals and understand whether the battery is discharged or not.

A fully charged battery should have 12.6V or more. A voltage of 12.42 V corresponds to 80% charge, 12.2 V - 60%, 11.9 V - 40%, 11.58 V - 20%, 10.5 V - 0%.
The most reliable way is to check with a load fork. It can show the voltage drop under load, that is, the real charge level and, accordingly, the capacity.
Any auto electrician or a store that sells batteries has such a device. And most likely, they will not even take money from you for this check.

How long does it take to charge a car battery

In the next four hours, the battery will be more than 90% charged. This is how motorists who do not have the time and desire to get it out of the car charge the battery.

It is, indeed, almost safe, but more suitable for extreme cases. In order to "pump" the battery more efficiently and gradually, thereby ensuring the best performance of its work, you need to use a different type of charger.

Important clarifications and calculations How long does it take to charge the battery if you want to achieve a longer battery life without causing harm? The fact is that any fast charging with strong currents can contribute to a drop in battery capacity, since we are talking about using one or another type of chargers. It is with them that confusion occurs.

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Two types of battery charger There are two types of battery chargers:

  1. DC.
  2. Constant voltage.

Constant voltage charger The so-called express charging of the battery lasting 5 hours is usually carried out with a Chinese charger that uses the principle of constant voltage (14.4 V). When this device is connected to a battery, it gives more than 10 percent of the current of the desired rating: 25-30 A in the first hour of charging.
The battery will withstand such a current and charge very quickly, but it will also sit down much faster. The current drops in the first 3-4 hours, while the voltage remains constant.

In five to six hours, the battery will be charged by 90-95 percent. Such devices are recommended to be used only in extreme cases when fast, emergency charging is needed.

How long does it take to charge a car battery


It all depends only on the indicators of current and voltage, the meaning of which should be understood in order to treat the battery of your car as carefully as possible. With the help of simple calculations and logical conclusions, you can understand that the time of 5-6 hours for high-quality battery charging is not enough.

It is better to wait the required amount of time in order to keep the battery productive for as long as possible.
A few more short calculations can be given:

  • at a voltage of 12 V, the charging time can be reduced to 7 hours, but no less;
  • if U is 11.6V or less, it is better to charge 12-15 hours.

In the process of charging using a DC device, the voltage changes - up to 13.8-14.4 V. The voltage must be greater than the nominal charge of 12 V, otherwise the current from the charger will not flow into the battery.


If the battery is completely discharged, in 5-6 hours it will be 90-95 percent charged. Up to 100 percent, in any case, you will have to wait up to 10 hours, because the current strength gradually decreases towards the end of charging.

In conclusion, for novice motorists, it can also be noted that there is no specific time for charging batteries with different capacity indicators.

Is it possible to leave a car battery to charge for a long time

The very concept of capacity can be briefly defined as follows: this is the time during which the battery can operate continuously, subject to the supply of a certain current strength. For example, the most common capacity for car batteries is 55 Ah and 60 Ah. This is followed by batteries with higher rates of 75 Ah and above. The elementary calculations here are as follows (we start from a capacity of 55 Ah, dividing it by the strength of the supplied current):

  • with a current load of 55 A, the battery will work for 1 hour;
  • when the load is less (for example, 27 A), the battery works more, 2 hours;
  • at a load of 13.75 A, the work will already be 4 hours - and so on.

Of course, under normal conditions, a strong current load is not applied to the battery.
This is important to know in order to understand the concept of safe current.

The car battery (ACB) is used to start the car engine and as an auxiliary source of electricity when the car engine is not running. Assessing the condition of the battery The fact that the car's starter turns "sluggishly" is not necessarily a consequence of the fact that the car's chemical source of electricity is depleted.

Therefore, before dragging the car battery for charging, it is recommended to check it. Measurements are taken when the car's engine is not running. A fully charged car battery has an electrolyte density of 1.27 to 1.29 g / cm3 and a terminal voltage of 12.3 to 12.9 V. When it has 70% charge left, its electrolyte density will be from 1.23 to 1 .25 g/cm3 and a voltage of 12.0 to 12.1 V. A half-discharged current source will have an electrolyte density of 1.16 to 1.18 g/cm3 and will show a voltage of 11.8 to 12.0 V.

It is small currents (for example, 5.5 A for a 55 Ah battery) that are optimal and most humane for batteries. There is various talk among drivers that such accurate chargers no longer exist in nature.

But in fact, it is quite possible to acquire it. Fashionable Chinese "chargers" are certainly more convenient and easier to use. But sometimes it does not hurt to take some action on your own, even in those conditions when it seems that constant haste is necessary.
If the battery has not yet sat down completely How much to charge a lead-acid battery, if, for example, the voltage has not had time to drop to critical numbers? It is known that U 12 V means that the battery capacity is already 50 percent or less. But in this case, it is not necessary to keep the battery on charge for 10-12 hours.

Which batteries are safe? Now there are two safe technologies that do not emit any fumes, these are AGM and GEL. These batteries have an electrolyte in one case - locked in glass mats, it cannot come out in any way, in the other case - it is in a gel, that is, it also cannot evaporate, boil, etc.

They can be easily charged at home - they are even recommended for alternative energy systems, because they are safe and environmentally friendly. Both of these technologies can easily be applied to cars, although they are expensive.

In conclusion, I still want to show the way out - I used to park the car in a parking lot that was far from home. The battery was half dead, so I had to charge it often.

I personally exercised in the guardhouse, they easily allowed it. You can also light up the battery, and it will be further charged from the car's generator.

Express charging of the battery using the constant voltage method unattended categories. The charge current in this case is automatically controlled by the charger, and the process itself is safe due to the fact that the formation of gases and the release of harmful chemicals into the atmosphere is minimal.

When using such a simple technique, motorists, as a rule, do not “bother” with the question of how long it takes to charge a car battery. It is known that the duration of charging in this case is no more than five hours, and the battery capacity is replenished by 50% in just an hour.

In the summer, many parents send their children to the country: mother and child are in nature, father works and comes only on weekends. Anna Lebedeva talks about how to survive a long separation and pay due attention to both her husband and child...

Here comes the summer. Tickets for the sea are bought, the summer season is open. Girlfriend Marina is leaving with her daughter to the south for a whole month. He calls with him. The offer is, of course, tempting. I can imagine how much fun the children will have, given that the age difference between them is not so big. Yes, and we will not be bored.

Thinking over all the pros and cons, I nevertheless decided to refuse Marina's offer. I can’t imagine how I will leave my husband for a month. Will he cook, iron clothes, wash dishes, wash clothes. And in general, returning to an empty house without kisses, without a family dinner, without a pile of toys on the floor that need to be cleaned, is probably hard. Plus, you don’t want to leave city life for so long. There are so many interesting things happening around - both for children and adults.

But here we go to the dacha regularly, while managing to grab a piece of city life.

"Why did you come here? Go back to your husband!" - Nina Petrovna, a caring neighbor in the dacha, once told me: she had a trouble in her family due to the fact that her daughter Masha spent the whole summer sitting with her child outside the city. The daughter's husband ended up going on a spree. He lacked feminine warmth and care. I found myself on the side of Julia, who caressed him. And he waved his hand to them all, leaving both Masha and his son Petya ...

Since then, the neighbor regrets that she allowed her daughter to be with her in the country, and not next to her husband in the city. Taught by bitter experience, she offered her second daughter two options: either come with the whole family only for the weekend, or leave the child to me for the whole summer, and live in Moscow and entertain your spouse.

I think that such stories that happen to husbands during the absence of their wives are not at all from separation. And if this is so, then the price of these relations is worthless.

We also have a rest in the country, and I chose the best option for myself. In the middle of the week I come to my husband, leaving the child for a couple of days with my grandmother. During this time, you can have time to do household chores and go somewhere with your husband.

But not everyone has this opportunity. It happens that there are no relatives at the dacha, and no one except the mother can stay there with the child.

I think that you should not bother your head with the fact that your husband will go "to the left" during your absence.
I know many happy couples where the mother sits in the country with the child all summer, and the father comes only for the weekend. He is waiting for these short dates like manna from heaven. He is warm only because the child feels good in the summer, he breathes fresh air, strengthens the immune system.

Yes, when we leave our husbands alone, we should not hope that they will turn into cleanliness fairies. Perhaps one of them will be too lazy to cook a semi-finished product, and he will have a snack in a cafe. But this is not the most important thing in life.

If everything is fine in the family, then the husband will only be glad that his daughter runs barefoot on the grass, catches butterflies and waters the flowers. Dad will be warm that his children get a portion of fresh air in the company of the most caring woman in the world - his wife. But still, he will be bored.

When leaving the city for a long time, try sometimes to get out to Moscow so that everyone can enjoy walks around the city together, where there are so many interesting things.

Summer is vacation time. Going on vacation to the sea, we very often leave our apartment for a long time unattended. In this situation, unfortunately, no one can give us a 100% guarantee that no one will take advantage of our absence and empty the apartment. After all, as they say, a thief never sleeps. That's it for the reason, so that you do not lose the good you have earned, and after returning from a well-deserved rest you do not find an unpleasant surprise, we decided to devote this article to a topic called: "If you leave the apartment unattended for a long time." We think that thanks to the information received, you will be able to protect your apartment from "unwanted guests". And most importantly, spend your vacation with peace of mind, without thinking about the fact that you left your apartment for a long time unattended.

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Photo gallery: If you leave the apartment unattended for a long time

As we have already said, any apartment left unattended for a long time is a pretty “tidbit” for apartment thieves. Therefore, you, first of all, before leaving the threshold of your home for a long time, you need to think about the mandatory precautions that will turn your home into a real “fortress”. So, what to do if you leave the apartment unattended for a long time? In order to confidently answer this question, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic safety rules that you must follow before you leave your home unattended.

1. If you are sure that you are driving for a long time, think about safety and install an alarm. This is one of the most effective means against robbers. By the way, we do not advise you to save on this wonderful device. Get the most expensive and high-quality alarm systems from well-known manufacturers that have long established themselves on the positive side in the market for the sale of this product.

In this case, the best choice for you may be to purchase an autonomous alarm. The basic principle of operation of this device is that if “unexpected guests” suddenly decide to come to you and by hacking, or somehow try to enter the apartment, immediately, a special sound siren will immediately turn on, which will attract the attention of neighbors and scare away robbers.

2. Leave your possessions - think about good doors. An armored door is the best and proven barrier for a robber. This door is very difficult to open with a lockpick and completely impossible to break open or knock out. Install such a second and main door by mounting a good lock into it. By the way, we recommend putting the same lock on your own door. Two doors well locked with an excellent lock are what will stop any, even a very professional thief.

3. More trouble and "headache" for their owners deliver apartments that are located on the ground floor. Such an arrangement of the dwelling, well, just like a magnet, in the truest sense of the word, attracts robbers. Here, the only and reliable way out of this situation will be the installation of durable bars on all windows.

4. If, despite all the precautions, you still leave your apartment with a restless heart, then follow the method of "hiding". Before your departure, hide all your valuables (gold, money, and so on) in a secluded place. Such places in a city apartment can be: a wardrobe with linens, various kitchen utensils, or, most effectively, a safe. By the way, let's say a few words about the safe. It is also recommended to buy it in specialized stores, which offer high-quality goods from well-known brands that have been manufacturing safes for several years. But it is best to place such a safe by firmly attaching it to some surface or by building it into a wall. Otherwise, by simply putting it in a closet, you may lose both the safe and everything that is in it.

5. And now let's say a few words about household appliances. Things like plasma, computer, microwave oven, DVD and much more for your moral peace and reinsurance are best given to your relatives during your absence.

6. You can also lead the robbers into complete confusion by creating a "presence effect" of the owner of the house. To do this, you need to leave the apartment unattended, give the keys for a while, while you are away, to a trusted person. Ask this person to visit your property as often as possible, let him water the flowers, turn on the light in the evenings, change the location of the curtains on the window. It will not be superfluous to note the fact that it is a completely curtained window for a long time that is a good bait for a robber.

7. Tell your confidants, let them, when they open the front door of the apartment, pay attention to whether matches or scraps of paper are visible there. Most often, in this way, robbers make marks on apartments, which are monitored with the subsequent purpose of robbing them. So if any of the above has been discovered, take it as a wake up call.

8. When you leave your native apartment, check all the windows, and most importantly, the vents for serviceability and the quality of the latches on which they are closed. A significant percentage of thieves enter apartments through windows.

9. And the last thing, if you are sure of your departure, try to advertise it as little as possible left and right. In addition, never spread information about your income, savings and expensive jewelry purchases. All this can be a good "tip" on your apartment. By the way, some details from your personal life can be hidden even from close friends. Remember that word for word any information is capable of flying around the world.

So we examined the basic rules of how it is still necessary to leave your possessions unattended for a long time. We think that by doing everything right, adhering to these tips, you will be able to spend an unforgettable vacation without thinking about what awaits you upon returning from it. Good luck with your rest!