Can clairvoyance be taught? Clairvoyance - how to develop a divine gift in yourself

After watching the next series of the popular mystical TV show, on the well-known channel, most of us probably thought about how to develop clairvoyance in ourselves.

Can an ordinary person become a medium, acquire abilities that are not available to other people? This question arises in the minds of many people.

The answer is simple and obvious. Yes maybe. A person can absolutely everything - if he does not put a spoke in his own wheels. Dear readers, have you ever wondered why some always succeed and Lady Fortune favors them, while others fail no matter what they do? And it seems that they are not stupider than the first category of people, they have a proper education, but they do not live the life they want to live.

Why is this happening? Let's figure it out. And everything happens this way only because a person in his head predicts unpleasant situations for himself. The brain of most people works - negatively. And at first, a negative scenario of the development of events scrolls in my head.

Perhaps, if you are observant and able to analyze your own behavior and the behavior of other people, you have noticed that troubles usually stick to those who constantly think about them or speak out loud. Such people, as if themselves, in their subconscious, program themselves for failure.

Our subconscious works in such a way that, like a sponge, it constantly absorbs information from the outside world. You may not notice it, but everything that you have ever heard or seen is remembered by your subconscious and stored in a special memory cell until better times. Perhaps, when it is useful.

Moreover, the subconscious has no filters, it is not given to it to understand the good or bad in front of it, it, like a caring owner, stores all the information. But from personal experience, we all know that bad things are remembered much faster. And it is remembered much longer than good.

In the head of every person, negative beliefs and attitudes are constantly created that significantly complicate our lives. By getting rid of them, we will rid ourselves of limitations.

The topic of this article is 5 effective ways how to develop clairvoyance. And what about the negative attitudes in our head?

Everything is very simple. Before you begin to develop some kind of super ability in yourself, you must put things in order in your head, deal with your thoughts, limiting beliefs. Otherwise, nothing will come of your undertaking - to develop a super ability in yourself, your negative beliefs will limit you. You have to get rid of them.

It's not at all difficult to do this. It is enough to sit down, relax your body, try to calm your mind, if it is easier for you to relax, close your eyes. Sit like this for five minutes. Move away from the constant bustle of the outside world, spend these five minutes alone with yourself. Then start thinking about your limiting beliefs. Do it mentally.

Consider, for example, why you can't make as much money as you really need. What's stopping you? What limits you?

The answers will immediately pop up in your head. And you can easily identify your limiting beliefs. You need to rethink them, you should not be lazy here, you need to approach this matter with maximum diligence. You can write down all your limiting beliefs on a piece of paper and burn it, at this moment mentally imagine that along with this sheet, you are burning and erasing all limiting beliefs. The technique is very effective and will definitely help you.

Don't neglect this technique. Clearing the rubble from your head of negative beliefs is a very important point that should never be missed. This applies not only to the development of beyond skills, but also to any other.

If you have health, financial, or relationship problems, then surely you have limitations that prevent you from getting everything you want from life. Do this simple technique and you will see how miraculously your life will change.

Now that the barriers and obstacles have been removed, we can begin to unleash our superpowers. You can develop absolutely any ability, but in this article we will talk about 5 effective ways to develop clairvoyance.

Anyone can become a clairvoyant. There are special simple exercises that will help you achieve this goal.

Why is this needed? You will be able to predict events, avoid many mistakes, see the future and the past, help people, prevent terrorist attacks, disasters, save loved ones from trouble. The ability is very useful, many psychics earn very good money on this ability.

How to develop clairvoyance?

It is important to understand that the ability to clairvoyance is not something mystical or unusual, it is inherent in every person. Previously, everyone had such abilities and this did not surprise anyone, but then, for various reasons, these abilities were lost and passed into a dormant state. Your task is to wake up your abilities with the help of special exercises and put them at your service.

For clairvoyance and the discovery of other unique abilities, according to scientists, the pineal gland is responsible. It is also called the third eye. Therefore, for our ability to see clearly, the pineal gland itself must be activated.

A big plus of the activation of the pineal gland is its ability to rejuvenate the body. But you need to take the exercises seriously. You must understand that this is not done in 1 day, it can take you from 1-3 months. You need to be patient and not retreat from the chosen path. Then you will succeed.

A very common myth is that in order to activate the 3rd eye, you definitely need to find a teacher who already has it activated. This is partly true, but only partly, this myth was launched by the esotericists themselves in order to get your money into their pockets.

In fact, everyone can activate the pineal gland, and you can do it yourself, at home. All you need is perseverance and faith in a positive result.

It is important to avoid doubts and not predict an unfavorable outcome of events. It’s not in vain that we did a technique to clear our limiting beliefs. In order to get a positive experience and reveal our ability to clairvoyance, one should not doubt and allow the thought that something might not work out.

When a person does not believe in himself, experiences anxiety, fear, doubt, distrust, the third eye will never open. Even if a miracle happens and you manage to activate it in this state, it will not work at full capacity.

But to activate the ability to clairvoyance, this is only a small fraction of what remains to be done. To prevent your unusual eye from falling asleep again, you need to constantly use it and develop it. It is the same as with the human body, if a person is not physically involved in sports, then his muscles begin to become decrepit over time.

So we come to the main topic of this article, below are 5 effective ways how to develop clairvoyance:

Method 1

The surest way to quickly activate the pineal gland is.

We sit or lie down as you like, be sure to wear clothes that will not cause you discomfort during meditation. Ventilate the room, in a stuffy, heated room, it will be difficult to relax. We take a few deep breaths. Inhale as deeply as possible through the nose and slowly through the mouth.

Feel some degree of relaxation in your body. Close your eyes. Now for a while, silently say the word Relax until your body begins to relax and calm down. This is the basic exercise.

Now, if you can visualize, imagine yourself in some quiet place where you feel comfortable and well. Now we focus on the area between the eyebrows and mentally pronounce ACTIVATION.

At the same time, you need to consciously understand that you want to activate your ability to clairvoyance. If you are on the right track, you will feel warmth and pressure in the third eye area. The first time you may not succeed, but do not give up your attempts.

Do this for at least 15 minutes every day. At first, you won't see anything but darkness and emptiness, but with time and practice, you will begin to see pictures. First black and white, then continuing training - color.

Method 2

Remaining in basic condition. You should be relaxed and there should be no extraneous thoughts in your head that can distract you. Imagine in front of you the image of the creator, god and ask him to activate your ability. Be sure to say that you will only use it for good. This should be done every day, at least 3 times, for 2-3 months.

Method 3

Now there are many different audio programs that help to reveal your super powers. This method is for lazy people. Put on headphones and listen to audio music, which contains hidden suggestions that are embedded in the subconscious and work there.

Such programs are not cheap, but they also help in developing your abilities. But keep in mind that if you listen passively without making an effort to activate, the effect will be negligible. These programs only work if you consciously participate in the process.

Method 4

Get help from a knowledgeable person. Having a teacher, although not necessary, will greatly increase your chances of success. But now there are a lot of charlatans, so the choice of a teacher must be approached very carefully. So that you are not deceived.

Method 5

The easiest way. Every person has a subconscious that hears you 24 hours a day. It is your faithful, reliable friend who is ready to help you in everything you ask. We enter the base state. And we mentally say something like this:

Dear subconscious, I know that you hear me now and are ready to help me. Please activate my third eye for the benefit of myself and others. Thank you.

It is desirable to support the request with a bright picture in your head. Imagine the activation of your pineal gland. In most cases, you will feel pressure in the 3rd eye. You return to your normal state. The subconscious has heard you and will surely fulfill your request.

Despite the fact that the methods are very simple and at first glance, they look frivolous, they have a tremendous effect. Already after 2 weeks of such exercises, you will notice that you begin to see vague images with your eyes closed, you will begin to have lucid dreams. The main thing is not to be afraid of this and do not give up your exercises.

That's all. As they say, everything ingenious is simple. Is not it?

Books on how to develop clairvoyance

The shops:

We have provided you with all the ways to develop clairvoyance. Now it's up to you - diligence, practice, faith, and there will undoubtedly be a result. We believe in you!

Write your results in the comments to this article and share the information with your friends.

Clairvoyance is the ability of a particular person to perceive information that remains inaccessible to the perception of most people. How clairvoyance manifests itself - we will talk about this in this material.

Clairvoyance is the inner vision of a person. With clairvoyance, information comes in images, symbols and signs. At the same time, ordinary sense organs are not involved - only the so-called "third eye" is responsible for clairvoyance.

Most mediums and psychics use this method of objective vision of reality. If you have ever watched them work, you may have noticed that when a psychic concentrates on something, he looks away.

At the initial stage of the development of clairvoyance, the images that a person begins to see are very fleeting, it is quite difficult to distinguish them. It is for this reason that most people are unable to notice them and they are lost.

You can also read in esoteric literature that if a person has the gift of clairvoyance, he allegedly enters the three-dimensional dimension. In reality, the person who is beginning to awaken simply receives images of future events that may come in the form of pictures, sounds, and in some cases words. Each individual interprets them differently.

When you develop your abilities and have sufficient experience, the same images will come to you, which you will learn to understand using your own interpretation scheme. It is important to memorize the features of the information that you receive from above, you can even start a special diary in which to note everything unusual that happens to you. As a result, you will receive your own psychic dictionary to interpret the information received through the gift from above.

Signs that indicate clairvoyance

You can establish that you have begun to manifest psychic abilities by the presence of certain "symptoms":

  1. There is the emergence of very vivid, vivid images that are etched in memory for a long time.
  2. A person may not use a watch, because he always feels the exact time at random.
  3. When such a person is engaged in arranging his home, he always knows in advance exactly where it is better to put one or another object to enhance energy flows.
  4. At the first glance at a person, a novice psychic intuitively feels what diseases he suffers from, even if the latter looks just fine.
  5. In a telephone conversation, the clairvoyant is able to describe his interlocutor even if he has never seen him before.

If you put a "plus" in front of at least half of these items, it is likely that clairvoyant abilities are hidden in you. Do not under any circumstances try to suppress them!

Many people, faced with something unknown, not amenable to logical explanation, get scared and try to isolate themselves from it as much as possible. Therefore, you should not succumb to the provocations of television programs that show us not entirely correct images of clairvoyants with crystal balls in a room that is filled with smoke. It is time to dispel the established stereotypes.

Clairvoyance is just a faculty of the mind's eye. Turning to this issue from a scientific point of view, it is necessary to mention the area located in the area between the eyebrows (the famous "third eye"), which is associated with the pituitary gland.

Clairvoyants prefer large, open, and well-lit spaces. It is important for them to see all the details of what is happening so that nothing is left for them “behind the scenes”.

When a person can develop clairvoyant abilities at a high level, he will be able to use his gift not only for his own benefit, but also to help people around him. Many clairvoyants cooperate with law enforcement agencies, helping to find missing objects or people, as well as apprehend criminals.

Where does clairvoyance come from - how to protect yourself from scammers

Clairvoyance and clairaudience testify to a person's contact with other worlds (parallel realities). Each of us from the moment of birth has his own Guardian Angel, but not everyone has the ability to get in touch with him and correctly interpret the hints received from him.

But some, especially sensitive people, can still establish a connection with their Guardian Angel, who begins to show (or whisper) about future events of the future or the past. With the help of these actions, the Angel seeks to protect his ward from any trouble.

In most cases, the gift of clairvoyance manifests itself in very pure souls that are at a high level of development. People with such a soul are very compassionate and merciful. It should be noted that every person by nature has certain inclinations for the gift of clairvoyance, but not everyone is able to develop these abilities in himself. Only the Supreme Intelligence determines who is worthy to use such a talent. Old people, the disabled, blind, illiterate children can act as seers... If the Almighty decided to reward a person with superpowers, in this case, approximate angels will help the person develop this gift.

Angels are able to answer absolutely any questions, but not all information can be shared with strangers, and some cannot be voiced even to the closest. Clairvoyants must adhere to certain restrictions and prohibitions, which must not be violated - otherwise, the Higher powers can block the source of superpowers.

Many clairvoyants help heal other people, but they themselves suffer from certain pathologies. For example, the famous seer Vanga helped others all her life, but at the same time she did not see her patients, because at an early age, due to a natural disaster, she lost her normal vision. And the famous predictor of the future Nostradamus, who foresaw the future of kings and empires, constantly struggled with epilepsy.

Very often, the gift of clairvoyance opens up in a person after severe trials, physical or mental suffering. Such cases very often occurred in Rus' - as clairvoyants, one can name blessed people, of whom there were a lot.

The gift of clairvoyance does not go to a person just like that - it must be earned, suffered, tortured in the truest sense of the word. But, having acquired such amazing abilities, a person changes very much - all the delights of worldly life are now in the background for him, from now on his first and main duty is to help others, those who need it.

Exercise to open your inner vision

You will need to create the necessary atmosphere for it to take place. Prepare a small white candle for this exercise. Then follow these steps:

  1. Sit in a comfortable position so that the body is completely relaxed - eliminate any muscle clamps.
  2. Light a candle and place it next to you.
  3. Relax your eye muscles and, without looking up, peer into the flame. At the same time, your eyes will begin to water, then you will need to lower your eyelids and close them with your palms so that pitch darkness appears before you.
  4. Visualize as if the candle flame is now flickering at a point just above the brow bone. Wait until it disappears.
  5. Sit for some more time with your eyes closed, and then complete the ritual. Leave the candle to burn out completely.

After this exercise, you can test your psychic abilities in practice. For example, when you are talking on the phone with a stranger, close your eyes and listen to the voice of your interlocutor. Let his intonation and words completely fill your space, push the logical mind into the background, giving full rein to your intuition.

Train yourself regularly with similar practices if you want to learn how to predict the future, helping yourself and the world around you.

Watch also an interesting video on the topic described

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

Clairvoyance is wonderful. When such a gift is in reasonable hands, it is grace. If in the hands of a fool, then a terrible weapon and great harm to others. After all, knowing the future - you need to be able to operate with information correctly. Sometimes you have to "keep your mouth shut" when you know bad information. Here we will look at how to open the gift of clairvoyance, and do you need it? After all, teaching clairvoyance is the way to the knowledge of oneself and the secrets of the Universe. It is to open doors between our world and the world of astral beings.

Benefits of Clairvoyance:

  • Help yourself and loved ones. You will be able to help yourself and people in solving life issues: work, health, family, money and others;
  • You will be able to avoid many mistakes along the way of life. Deadlock situations are not terrible for you. Any answer to the question: how to live on?;
  • The fullness of life. The world you will feel how it actually works. All the fullness of colors, feelings. Just imagine that the whole world will play with real colors - without falsehood;
  • Find missing people;
  • Comprehend the secrets of the universe. To become a step higher, to be wise and harmonious;
  • Communication with spirits and angels;
  • Access to almost any information, it will be difficult for you to hide something. Access to Akash - a world data bank, it's easier to say in human language;
  • Astral travel - you can visit any corner of the world and the universe. And much more that is hard to even describe.

No matter how good clairvoyant training may seem, it also has many disadvantages. Here are just a few of them:

  • You will know bad events in the lives of other people. If in the future not everything goes smoothly for people: illnesses, deaths, disasters and other unpleasant situations. You will know, but change? You should learn to perceive life calmly, like a yogi. Yoga is a must here. If a brick fell on a person's head, the yogi believes that this brick was for him. I hope you get the point;
  • At first, you will find it difficult to manage your gift;
  • Clairvoyance is a heavy cross. You can feel the energy of bad people: maniacs, rapists, murderers. Not a very pleasant feeling;
  • Exhausting sessions. Lots of energy loss. Output: a different kind of prediction;
  • Communication with other worlds. You become an intermediary between the worlds, which is not always good. There are also many other individual disadvantages that cannot be described here. Although not everything is so scary.

The subconscious: the first step to clairvoyance

If you want to learn clairvoyance, then first you need to awaken your subconscious mind. The subconscious contains the answers to all the answers. The subconscious controls our consciousness. The knowledge of all mankind is in the subconscious. That's what it is.

Learning to control the subconscious is the first step in extrasensory perception.

Let's start with exercises to awaken the subconscious. Do you have a question and you don't know the answer to it? Ask his subconscious. He has an answer to any of your questions. Learning to talk to your subconscious mind is the first step in clairvoyance.

Take a relaxed posture, calm down. Imagine that the answer already exists. The answer is in the sky. Your task is to catch the ready answer. Logic is resting, we don't need it. Only emotions. Listen to yourself.

Do you feel joy? Are you pleased? Then the direction is correct. Are you sad and depressed? Then the direction is also correct. The main thing is that the subconscious wakes up. Make him work for you!

If you want to ask him for advice, then close your eyes and ask. Relax. Chat with him. Ask him questions, scroll through the different answers in your head. Among all there is yours - the correct answer. It may come as a flash in the brain. Illumination. Remember that all the answers are in the cosmic mind: everything that was, is and will be. It is better to carry out such exercises between sleep and wakefulness.

For example, you want to know the answer to a question that concerns you. Note that the left hand is yes and the right hand is no. Woke up? Do not rush to jump out of bed. Listen to your body. Sting in your right hand? Burning? Here is your answer. Feelings may be different, but they will be. May be in the form of heat or coolness. It is your subconscious that is responding to you. This exercise is easy to learn. You will be able to find out the information you are interested in.

Zenner cards - awaken intuition and develop clairvoyance

If you want to know if you have or have clairvoyance, use Zenner cards. They will help you know the level of your intuition and help you learn clairvoyance.

Zenner cards - 25 cards with 5 figures: circle, waves, cross, square and star. With the help of them it is easy to find out if you have clairvoyance.

You can make these cards yourself. Take ordinary playing cards, and glue cards with figures on the back. There will be 5 figures exactly 5 times, and in the end 25 cards.

Clairvoyance is taught by guessing the figures on the reverse side. Turn the cards face down so you can't see the figures. Turned over? We remove the cards and determine which symbol is drawn on the back. You have no clues or anything that can help you. There is only your intuition and hidden clairvoyance. With the help of this simple trick, extrasensory perception is taught.

This is one of the most useful exercises.

You may not have many hits at first: don't lose hope. Success will come through training. Even the strongest clairvoyant cannot guess 25 times. Awaken your subconscious, and this test will be able to show how your inner voice is developing.

Meditation to open the third eye. Practice with care

A good clairvoyant has an open third eye. These meditations are best not practiced by the uninitiated and enlightened. Although they should not bring harm, it is better to consult with your mentor - guru.

Take a relaxed posture. Imagine that a stream of pure white energy is hovering above you - a light cloud. Represented? If yes, then the energy from the Cosmos is above you. It slowly descends on your head, and a cosmic channel opens at the top of your head - where the energy should enter. Then the energy passes through your whole body - as if from top to bottom. Energy comes out of your soles - into the ground. Passing through you, it should carry away all the dirt from your body. All the negative.

This is the simplest technique and should not cause any harm. You should feel lightness and joy, peace. If you want to work with the ajna chakra, then refer to the meditations of Indian yogis, who advise working with all chakras. Unfortunately, there are no safe methods for opening the third eye. It happens that meditation with Sahasrara is harmful, so you can use it with the permission of the Teacher. If you decide to undergo clairvoyance training on your own, then be careful.

If, nevertheless, something goes wrong - they used meditation incorrectly, then use the Hat mantra. Mantra Hat will bring peace and eliminate the consequences of wrong meditation. Remember this for sure, so as not to look later, when meditation with Sasrara did not benefit - the Hat mantra will help eliminate the consequences!

Predictive mirror: how to make an accurate predictive item

Do you want to get an accurate predictive tool for a psychic? A tool used by famous clairvoyants, winners and finalists of the battle of psychics? A predictive mirror that is easy to make at home. You can make a "mirror of Swedenborg".

For this you will need:

  • graphite powder;
  • Olive oil;
  • Mirror.

A mixture of graphite powder with olive oil should be boiled over low heat. Then take an ordinary mirror and gently heat it.

Lay the mirror on a horizontal surface, and apply the pre-prepared mixture evenly on the surface. Leave in this position for a couple of days, and you will be a black mirror - a great tool for predictions.

It will take patience and skill to prepare this mirror. Teaching clairvoyance with the help of a black mirror will take place many times faster.

The black color will absorb the light, and the images in the mirror will be bright and clear. When you perform a session, light sandalwood sticks or apply sandalwood oil.

Sit comfortably in front of a mirror, relax. Breathe in the scent of sandalwood. Concentrate on the surface of the mirror. Free your mind - practice meditation.

Through these sessions you will be able to learn clairvoyance

Looking in the mirror for a few minutes, you will see a series of images. Do not delve into them, just look, and you will analyze after the session. You must be in solitude so that no one interferes with your concentration.

Watch in the mirror for no more than 10 minutes, and then stand up and stretch. You need to stretch as if you were shaking something out of your body.

Listen to calm music when the previous state comes - the session can be considered over. Try not to tell anyone what you saw in the mirror. Do not consciously evoke these sensations that you had in the session. You can spend 1-2 sessions per week - no more, no matter how exciting they may seem.

Water - a look into the future

Another tool is ordinary water. Pour water into an ordinary glass and place it on a white tablecloth. Look carefully into the water - it will definitely give an answer. You can light a candle to see better. Sometimes they add pepper and wax to the water and look at the patterns. The most reliable source is - natural reservoirs. Look into them, ask a question, and get an answer. With the help of them you can learn to see the future in the water. Also good are experiments with the help of water from the practice of Papus, a famous white magician.

There are a huge number of mantik for indirect clairvoyance. If direct clairvoyance sessions exhaust you, then use cards, runes, coffee and other systems of indirect clairvoyance. Learn clairvoyance, and use your gift for the good of people, and not for evil. May this beautiful gift serve you and humanity.

Clairvoyants can receive and realize their abilities in completely different ways. But all of them have one common feature - they are able to concentrate their attention on a certain object, image or phenomenon. In this material - techniques for the development of clairvoyance and intuition.

Keeping your attention on one object completely for a long period of time is not an easy task.
But this can be learned, and it is with learning the ability to concentrate that you should start your path to clairvoyance. The following techniques are used to improve the ability to concentrate.

How to develop clairvoyant abilities?

Basic Techniques for Developing Concentration

"Trataka" Trataka is an exercise from the ancient Indian teachings of Tantra. Most often it is performed with a lit candle, but you can use any other object or perhaps an image. This exercise should become your daily practice to achieve tangible results.

So, to perform the exercise, light a candle, turn off the light, sit opposite the candle in a comfortable position so that it is at eye level. Inhale and exhale deeply several times. Start gazing at the candle flame without blinking for 1 minute first. Then increase the time to 20 minutes gradually. The most important thing in doing this exercise is to keep the mind, body, and especially the eyes relaxed and calm.


Meditation is a yogic practice aimed at finding and maintaining inner balance. Do it every time you feel like you are losing your composure.

Meditate in a calm environment, in silence. Sit in any position that is comfortable for you. The key is to keep your back straight. Close your eyes, start listening to your breathing. Don't try to change anything in the breath, neither the rhythm nor the depth. Just watch it for what it is.

Then move your attention to the small triangular area between the upper lip and the nose. Feel how hot air touches this triangle when you exhale, and cold air when you inhale. Keep your mental attention on this area above the upper lip for as long as you can.

Asanas (poses) of yoga, which help to concentrate

If you are fond of hatha yoga, you can perform a set of asanas that were specially selected by Jesse Chapman to increase concentration. The complex includes the following asanas: tadasana (mountain pose), vrksasana (tree pose), virabhandrasana (warrior pose) and garudasana (eagle pose).

When you feel that you can concentrate your attention without difficulty, you can proceed directly to practices to develop intuition and the ability to see beyond what is available to ordinary consciousness.

Don't jump straight into complex techniques. It may be dangerous. Prepare your mind with basic techniques. Here's where you can start (recommendations from the clairvoyant Anastasia Prikhodko):

Basic exercises that develop intuition:


Find a partner to help you with this exercise. His task: to call aloud the names of certain objects of the material world.

As soon as you hear the name of an object (pan, circus, Christmas tree), you immediately imagine this object as if you were taking an instant photo with a Polaroid. Photographing occurs in your memory instantly.

Having received a photograph on the display of your consciousness, you begin to examine it, imagine the details of the image, colors, gradually the image becomes voluminous, and you seem to penetrate inside this object. You no longer observe the picture, but are inside it. After that, move on to the next object that your partner will tell you.

"Aura Reading"

Learning to see the aura is not so difficult.

Ask the person you want to see the aura to stand next to a white wall. Against the background of a white wall, it will be easier for you to see the aura. Relax, provide twilight in the room. Without tension, look at the person's head and the white space surrounding it.

Gradually, you will begin to notice that the contour of the head becomes less and less clear, vibrating. Then notice the slight change in the color of the white background around the partner's head. Gradually, you will learn to see an aura around a person's head shining with tints of different colors.

This exercise should be done as often as possible.
Having learned to see the aura on a white background, you will soon be able to see the aura on any other background.


Take 10 cards: 5 black and 5 red. Lay them face down in front of you, after mixing.

Do one of the concentration exercises, then sit in front of the table where the cards are laid out.
Put your hands on each of the cards in turn and try to feel what color the suit of this card is. Then turn over the cards and see how many times you have identified the color correctly.

This exercise is not only good for developing the ability to feel the character of the object, but is also a good tool to help you evaluate your progress in teaching clairvoyance.

Record the results after each exercise, and you can clearly observe your dynamics. Performing these three simple exercises regularly, you will be able to tune your highly sensitive internal apparatus that receives information on a subtle plane. Now you are ready to start working directly with mental images, for example, according to the Jose Silva method.

The main exercises of the Silva Method

Choose a simple object and place it at your eye level.
Close your eyes and imagine a white radiance, mentally penetrate into the interior of this radiance. Open your eyes, look at the object of your choice and close your eyes again.

Now imagine that this object is in the center of the radiance, consider it in the rays of white light. Open your eyes. Repeat with different items.

A more difficult version of the exercise.
Close your eyes and imagine a white shining screen, and on it a number, for example, "1". Consider it carefully: what is its size, proportions, volume. Perhaps the figure will move, change its characteristics. Just go on watching attentively, without tension.
Next time imagine the number "2", then "3". And then you can start placing some numbers in the center of the glowing screen. There can be as many numbers as you can keep in focus of your attention at the same time.

Next, we move on to more complex objects, such as geometric shapes, and add color to the shapes. Also close your eyes and already consider circles, triangles, squares. First monochromatic, then add colors and increase the number of objects on the screen of your mind's eye.

Having mastered the previous exercise, we begin to work with objects of the real world. We place them in the center of our mind's eye on a white background and observe. Let it be, for example, a spoon. Start moving it mentally in space, rotate, stretch, toss, twist. Then shift your focus to the spoon itself and mentally look around the room from inside the spoon, as if you were the spoon. Then go outside and, remaining outside the body, mentally observe yourself looking at the spoon. Be extremely careful when doing this exercise. If you feel discomfort, be ready to open your eyes at any time.

Now you can practice mental movement in space.

Also close your eyes and imagine how you are separated from the body, and your double goes on a journey. See the world through the eyes of your twin. To begin with, you can imagine just moving around the house, how you leave the room into the corridor, open the door, go out into the street. Then you can go on more distant journeys, to other cities and countries.

Also, for the development of clairvoyant abilities, it is reasonable to use the technique proposed by Vyacheslav Bronnikov

Vyacheslav Bronnikov's method is simple and includes three stages or levels.
Stages of development of clairvoyance according to the method of Bronnikov

  • 1 preparatory stage of the Bronnikov method

At the first stage, a person learns to be aware of his inner sensations, energy movements and manage them. To develop the ability to feel energy, V. Bronnikov offers more than 20 different exercises. You can start with the simplest Energy Ball exercise.

Exercise "Energy ball"

Rub your palms together so that you can feel the heat between them. Then begin to slowly spread your palms out to the sides, keeping your attention completely on the feeling of warmth between your palms. Feel that your palms are as if fastened with thin rays, and as the palms move away from each other, these rays stretch, the space between the palms becomes dense, viscous.

Feeling the energy ball between your palms, begin to control it: either increasing or decreasing, stretching and flattening, turning it in different directions.

  • Stage 2 "Inner vision"

At this stage, the work takes place in pairs. Students learn to create a mental white screen in front of them and project various objects and images onto it.

The exercises performed at this stage are somewhat similar to the exercises proposed in the Jose Silva method, with some author's differences by V. Bronnikov.

Then they proceed to the development of the so-called internal vision, when a person creates a mental white screen in his mind and projects various objects onto it, as, for example, in the exercises described above with numbers, geometric shapes, and a spoon.

  • Stage 3 "Direct vision"

In this stage, the person learns to see and recognize objects with their eyes closed with a black band over their eyes.

Students who have mastered direct vision can perform all actions (read, write, move in space) with their eyes closed. This is achieved through the ability to see and recognize the inner energy nature of things in the material world.

Direct vision is not a mystical ritual, it is a consequence of the development of the superpowers of the human brain through the development of certain skills to control the psychophysical processes occurring in the brain system. In general, it is possible to develop clairvoyant abilities, the main thing is to practice regularly (preferably every day), follow the correct sequence of exercises and believe that clairvoyance is real. Then there is a good chance that you will succeed.

The ability to predict the future is more characteristic of the female half of humanity. This is explained by the female and the ability to better feel and understand other people. However, men can also have this gift and develop it.

How is the gift of foresight manifested?

The gift of foresight can manifest itself in the life of every person. But not all people pay attention to it. Usually a person has a feeling about what should happen in the future, some fears or urges appear. These thoughts can concern both the person himself and the people around him. If the thoughts that appear later come true, then the person has the gift of predicting the future.

How to develop the gift of foresight and intuition?

There are ways to develop the gift of foresight:

  1. You need to learn to listen to your inner voice. Anxiety and thoughts of unknown origin can carry certain information about the future.
  2. For the development of intuition, it is useful to conduct auto-trainings or.
  3. Before making important decisions, you should turn to your inner voice and try to hear the answer.
  4. Some events, situations, things can also help to understand the future. It is worth paying attention to what you meet on the way, what inscriptions catch your eye, what people say. Signs predicting future events can be very different.
  5. The gift of foresight manifests itself more often in peace and quiet. The inner voice is best heard in the morning, at night and in nature, when the fuss becomes less noticeable.
  6. Dreams are one way of transmitting information. Therefore, before going to bed, you can turn to your subconscious with a question, and in the morning it remains only to remember what you dreamed about.
  7. Intuition most often manifests itself in an unconscious desire to do or not to do something. It is useful sometimes to rely on these impulses, even if they are contrary to common sense.