Is it possible to give a dog bones: benefits, harms and myths. Is it possible to give a dog chicken bones and offal without harming her health

In the vast majority of sources of information about dogs, in one form or another, there is information that animals love bones. Children's books show a happy puppy with a bone in its mouth. And to the complaints of the newly minted owner of the dog that the animal gnaws things, he is advised to give the pet a bone. Moreover, many are sure that bones are not just a treat, but a complete food for a dog. But there is still very little reliable information about what kind of bones can be given to dogs or whether they should be given at all.

Predators or not?

In nature, canines (wolves, coyotes, jackals, foxes) eat the flesh of prey along with the skin, entrails and bones, without suffering from digestive problems later. Females bring hard parts of carcasses of killed animals (bones, hooves, horns) to their cubs - games with these parts constitute an important stage in the development of the hunting instinct in young animals. But modern dogs have gone so far in the process of natural evolution and artificial selection from wolves and jackals in eating behavior, morphology, the formation of reflexes that for some of them eating bones becomes dangerous to health.

Bones as a treat

A bone is a treat or tasty toy for a dog. Yes, from them the dog receives calcium, phosphorus, iron, but at the same time they are completely nutritious, because they do not contain carbohydrates, they are not taken into account in the amount of food eaten, they are not considered food, and even more so they cannot be the basis of a dog's diet. With any feeding system, a raw bone can be regarded as a toy that the dog enjoys and profitably does without spoiling the owner's things, shoes, furniture, and as a delicacy due to its pronounced aroma and taste.

Animal bones have a number of disadvantages: they are fatty, bone marrow flows out of them, they smell unpleasant. If the dog is kept in an apartment or house, then she can stain the floor, carpet, sofa - depending on where she wants to chew on her toy. This does not suit the owners, who then have to wash stubborn grease stains.

There are industrial analogues of raw bones - products made from tendons, ligaments, animal skin. Such substitutes are sold in pet stores. They do not stain the environment with the bone marrow contained in them, do not deteriorate and do not have a repulsive odor for humans. You need to choose a purchased delicacy without a large number of artificial colors and flavors, an unattractive color (tendons cannot be beautiful pink, light green, lemon flowers), consisting of natural ingredients: skin, veins, cartilage, tendons.

Bones are like a "toothbrush" for a dog

Plaque builds up on canine teeth over time. Its excessive accumulation leads to the formation of tartar and premature bacterial destruction of the teeth. Gnawing on hard objects cleans teeth and removes plaque. As a “toothbrush”, toys made of special plastic are successfully used, which do not crumble, but gently spring when chewed by a dog: tatters, rings, balls. This is a good alternative to bones.

Do dogs need bones?

The question should not even be put how, is it possible to give bones to dogs, but do they need them? Fresh raw bones are needed for dogs on a natural diet. In this case, chewing on the bones helps to clean the dog's teeth from plaque and massage the gums to improve blood circulation.

If the pet receives high-quality industrial dry food, then he “brushes” his teeth while eating, besides, hard granules help massage the gums. The more often a dog gnaws bones, the faster its teeth wear down. Therefore, you can pamper your pet no more than a couple of times a month. Those who like to gnaw something are constantly offered carrots, apples, twigs of fruit trees.

Bones for dogs depend on the size of the animal, the condition of its teeth and gastrointestinal tract, on the presence or absence of allergies to some types of meat, on its nutrition system.

Small dogs like Russian Toy, lapdogs, Pekingese, dachshunds, Spitz can be offered raw skinless chicken necks, bird keels, skinless chicken and turkey backbones.

Larger dogs - most terriers (Bull Terrier, Staffordshire, Irish), bulldogs, most hunting dogs - can be offered beef drumsticks, forearms, metatarsal and tarsal bones.

For large dogs - like Black Russian Terriers, Giant Schnauzers, Great Danes, Boxers, most Shepherd Dogs - the hips, shoulders, shoulder blades of cows are suitable.

Well, the giants - Bullmastiff, Tibetan Mastiff, Great Dane, Newfoundland, Irish Wolfhound, Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherd Dogs - will effortlessly cope with a sheep or goat skull, pelvic girdle and ribs of cows, goats and sheep.

What kind of bones a dog can have also depends on its health. If she has few teeth or they are heavily worn off, partially destroyed, or loosely seated in the holes, then harmful bone tissue will aggravate their condition. It is even recommended for such dogs to lightly soak dry food so that they do not damage their teeth further and absorb it normally. To massage the gums, animals with weak teeth can be offered apples, carrots, pumpkin pulp.

Hard treats are contraindicated in animals that are prone to constipation, have undergone abdominal surgery within the last couple of months, or have undergone surgery to resect part of the stomach or intestines. Until the change of teeth in puppies, they do not need bones. Before the age of six months, they should not receive excessive solid food at all.

A lot of controversy raises the question, is it possible for a dog to have chicken bones? It is possible, except for tubular ones - in a bird in the wings and hips. They break into sharp pieces that can pierce the esophagus, stomach and intestines, causing constipation or internal bleeding. The bones of turkeys, geese, birds, rabbits and small game are not recommended. When chewed, they break into pieces that the dog can easily choke on. A single bone fragment with a sharp edge is capable of piercing through the soft muscles of the digestive tract. In this case, only an urgent operation can save the animal, which involves the removal of part of the damaged organ.

Pork bones should not be given to dogs due to the high risk of helminth infection, which pig carcasses simply teem with. Only heat treatment helps to get rid of worms and pathogenic bacteria, fungi and viruses.

Fish bones are not discussed at all: they are so thin and sharp that the dog cannot swallow them without choking. It is necessary to choose bones from slaughtered, and not fallen birds and animals, scald them with boiling water and only then offer them to the pet. Boiled and fried bones from any animal clog the stomach and cause constipation, forming dense "plugs" in the intestines. Therefore, you can only give raw and fresh.

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Most people think stereotypes: they say that all cats drink milk and eat fish, and dogs should mostly be offered bones. Although many bones are dangerous - their fragments can accumulate in the intestines and stomach for more than one year, harm the pet's health and even cause death. From the article you will find out whether it is possible to give bones to a dog, and if so, which ones.

It is impossible not to say about the benefits of eating bone products in domestic dogs. Allowed bones should be given to puppies from 6 months of age, as they have a need to chew on something. When choosing a beef hip bone, the baby will be able to get carried away with the process and enjoy it. Meat and cartilage are sources of protein and amino acids that are responsible for regulating the growth of muscle mass and bones. Protein is not only a building material for the human body, but also for dogs. If you feed your pet with sometimes acceptable raw bones, the body will receive enough phosphorus, as well as calcium.

Video "What bones can and cannot be given to a dog"

In this video, a specialist will talk about the types of bones that are allowed and prohibited for dogs.

Possible danger of use

Many, based on the "grandmother's" experience, when the dog regularly ate a chicken bone product and lived to a respectable age, do the same with their pet.

However, it is worth talking about the consequences of feeding dogs with bones belonging to different animals and birds.

These are injuries of the pharynx, when the bones damage the numerous vessels of the vocal cords. Another dangerous damage to the trachea, which is fraught with blood loss and even death. Asphyxia is still possible, especially if the bones get stuck in the gaps between the chewing teeth, and the unfortunate animal chokes on saliva. Vomiting and further dehydration if the pet swallows a large bone stuck in the stomach. Usually in such cases, the only way to help is with the help of a surgical operation.

Also, the accumulation of bones in the stomach is not excluded, from which many stray dogs die. If the fragment passes through the pharynx and stomach, they speak of perforation of the small intestine. This is a dangerous injury, fraught with severe blood loss and necrosis. You should also be wary of blockage of the large intestine, as a result of which the process of defecation is accompanied by pain, bleeding is possible.

What bones should not be given

Tubular chicken

If we talk about a tubular product obtained from chickens, then it will be harmful if the animal, through the fault of the owner, decides to eat the bones of both domestic and factory poultry. Bones of this type are found in the thighs and wings. When biting tubular bones for dogs, they are dangerous because sharp fragments are formed that can pierce the intestines and cause perforation and even peritonitis. Sometimes in such cases, dogs are saved by performing an operation on time.


The turkey is a large poultry that is slaughtered at the age of 2 to 3 years. This explains why dogs should not be offered her bones - they are already well established. The tubular bones of this bird are located in the paws, wings and thighs. If a pet decides to eat turkey bones, he is guaranteed to damage his teeth, get a perforation, that is, damage to the intestinal walls.


Just as dangerous if a dog ate a chicken bone at home, eating goose can also harm its health. Since goose bones are comparable in danger to duck bones - they are well-formed, large, when chewed, fragments with sharp edges appear that injure the intestines of the animal. Even birds are characterized by diseases that infect the limbs.

A rabbit

If you really want to treat your pet with rabbit meat, it is recommended to use meat with cartilage elements. Rabbit bones are not given to dogs, they are small and have dangerous sharp edges, especially obtained from the hind legs, as well as the ribs and spine.

Also, dogs do not need to be fed a boiled beef or pork bone product. Such bones tend to make a dense lump and clog the intestines. It is not necessary to introduce softened bones from aspic into the diet, otherwise the pet will have to be saved on the operating table.

What to eat in moderation

Separately, we will tell you what bones can be given to dogs.

Boiled ones are rarely used and only soft and ground to a state of minced meat. In order for the pet's body to receive useful elements, it is recommended to add vegetables and vitamins to the dish.

Just do not offer the dog a whole cooked neck, or the backbone of a poultry.

Also suitable beef heads of the hip joints. When the dog gnaws the meat, the maslak is taken away so that when trying to gnaw it, the dog does not dislocate its jaw. You can allow the dog to gnaw meat from the ribs, but not to gnaw the bones or swallow them. Allowed and healthy are such types of food as dried tripe, dried deer legs, trachea and purchased bones, that is, sticks. Tendon treats may be present in the diet, as well as pig ears and heels.

Most people are sure that a dog loves bones, therefore, having become the owner of an animal, such a treat is considered mandatory. At the same time, few people know how dangerous such food is for a dog, because not all types of bones can be eaten by a pet, some of them can cause great harm to the animal.

What harm can bones do

First you need to understand what a bone is in the understanding of a product for a dog. You should not offer a bare bone without meat to a pet, for the reason that by cracking it, it can only hurt your teeth. Another thing is if there is meat on the bone and the animal can gnaw it, having significantly sated and satisfied its hunger.

It is erroneous to think that a bone without meat helps to sharpen the teeth of dogs, because this is far from the case. The teeth grow in an animal for up to six months, after which the milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones, which never change again during a dog's life. Whether they remain strong or wear off quickly depends on the quality of the animal's nutrition.

If you give him bones that damage the enamel, then the teeth will quickly disappear. The worst thing is if the soft tissue near the tooth (pulp) is damaged. A wound can form at the site of a scratch if harmful microorganisms get into it, a bacterial infection cannot be avoided, and it is very difficult to treat pulpitis in dogs.

Often dogs, trying to gnaw the bone, swallow its parts, and this is a great danger to the animal. So, a piece of bone can get stuck in the throat. You won’t be able to get it on your own, so you need the help of a surgeon. It is not uncommon for a bone to pass through the esophagus into the stomach and get stuck on its way to the intestines, causing constant vomiting. Again, the only way to save a pet is by performing an operation on it.

The worst thing is when part of the bone injures the intestine. To save the animal, you will first have to undergo surgical treatment, and then follow a very strict diet.

Fragments of bones are not always terrible, since the gastric juice produced in the stomach can digest the bone, but if there are a lot of them, they can be compressed, the intestines will not be able to empty and only an enema can help in this case. This complication is very common if the owner often feeds the dog bones.

Bones prohibited for consumption by animals

Among the forbidden bones, which in no case should be given to a dog, a special place is occupied by avian. They have a tubular shape, their fragments are very sharp, therefore they can easily pierce the dog's stomach.

A great danger is the fact that various diseases are very common among birds that infect the bones of the legs, harmful microorganisms are inside the hollow bone. By eating the meat of an infected chicken, a person will not become infected, but a huge amount of harmful microbes can enter the body of a dog that has bitten through a bone. Because of this, the animal may develop a toxic infection - a poisoning that can only be cured with antibiotics.

chicken bones after the dog chews them, they form many sharp fragments that can break her teeth and damage the gums, tongue or oral cavity. This is at best, as it is not uncommon for bones to become lodged in the esophagus, stomach, or intestines, causing bleeding or peritonitis, an infection that can be fatal.

Small rabbit bones, especially bones from the ribs, spinal column and hind legs, should not be given to the dog.

What bones can dogs eat

Bones are a source of calcium, phosphorus and other equally useful substances. For this reason, you should not completely abandon them, you just need to know which bones you can give your pet.

So the dog can be offered boiled bones. When they become soft, you can cook minced meat from them. You can add vegetables and vitamins to it for greater benefit. However, you should not give the dog a whole cooked neck or backbone of a bird, because they, like raw ones, broken into pieces, can greatly harm the dog's stomach.

It is important to remember that boiled bones are suitable for eating only if they are ground, because in the stomach, having digested and becoming one big lump, they can clog the intestines and, at best, vaseline suppositories will help the dog.

Pet can be offered beef bones, namely heads of the hip joints. After the dog gnaws all the meat from it, the maslak should be taken away, since trying to gnaw it, the dog can easily dislocate his jaw. The animal can also be offered to gnaw the meat from the ribs, but you need to make sure that the pet does not chew it and swallow it. Cartilaginous ribs can be given to a dog without fear, they cannot harm the animal.

Veterinarians also allow dogs to be given dried tripe, trachea, dried deer legs, and various store-bought sticks - bones. Tendon delicacies, pork ears and heels are very good for feeding the animal.

Benefits of Bones

In the diet of dogs, the presence of bones is desirable, because sometimes, especially when a puppy is 6 months old, he really wants to gnaw and bite something, and chewing, for example, a beef hip bone, he will be carried away by the activity and quickly calm down. The meat and cartilage that dogs gnaw from the bones are very useful, it is a source of protein and amino acids, which in turn regulate the growth of muscle mass, bones and is considered the main building material in the dog's body. Raw bones supply the dog's body with the necessary calcium and phosphorus.

At the same time, it is important to remember that although the sugar bone is a favorite product of dogs, it is still considered nothing more than a top dressing and treat in the dog’s diet.

Sooner or later, the owner of a four-legged friend asks himself the question - is it possible to give bones to dogs? After all, almost everyone has had such an association since childhood - a dog with a bone in its teeth. Previously, dog breeders firmly believed that bones are necessary for an animal and the more the better, and they should be included in the diet every day. But modern veterinarians have a radically opposite point of view. Let's get to know her!

What bones can be given to a dog and vice versa

Now let's take a closer look at the features of the bones of different animals in raw or boiled form in order to understand what benefit or harm to the dog will be from their use:

  1. beef bones- This is the only such product that doctors are loyal to. In addition to the low percentage of fat on them, raw beef bones are quite tough and the dog will not be able to chew them. So large uncut knuckles or a beef tail can be good fun for a puppy during teething. But boiled beef bones should not be given. They are softer and the dog will easily stuff their stomach with them.
  2. Pork bones- a product that is similar to beef, but only in its entirety, provided that all the fat is cut off from them. Boiled pork bones should not be given - they burst when bitten and have sharp corners that can perforate the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Lamb bones is an undesirable item on the menu. They have a high fat content and are not perceived by the animal's body. It is better to abandon them in favor of beef.
  4. Turkey bones officially declared unfit for consumption by dogs. The exception is the necks, which contain soft rounded bones that are not harmful to health. Turkey bones, more precisely, necks, can be consumed both raw and boiled. But paws, beloved by many pet owners, cannot be given. They often contain salmonella, which is dangerous to the dog's health.
  5. rabbit bones tubular, identical to bird bones. If they enter the esophagus, they easily injure it, and can pierce the stomach or intestines of the animal. Because such a product is banned in dogs.
  6. chicken bones- one of the most dangerous for a dog. They are hollow and, when chewed, form numerous sharp long twigs. They cause perforation of any part of the gastrointestinal tract of the animal and feeding with such products is even fraught with the death of a pet. Chicken bones must be disposed of securely so that the dog cannot find them. Dogs don't need chicken feet either - they have sharp claws, and eating them raw puts your dog at risk of dangerous salmonellosis.
  7. bones from fish most dangerous to the animal. Their very appearance suggests that such bones, and whole fish, should not be given to a dog either raw or boiled. If you start giving fish bones to dogs, this will immediately lead the animal to the veterinarian's operating table, as they injure the larynx, getting stuck there, and even cause asphyxia.
  8. boiled bones are not useful to any animal, whether it be a dachshund or. During cooking, the bone becomes softer and can be easily bitten and swallowed. And since for some reason a dog loves bones more than anything in the world, it can harm its own health from greed. It is categorically unacceptable to cook porridge with bones for a dog, but bone broth will be suitable and even useful for an animal.
  9. raw bones can be given as a whole, when the risk of being bitten is minimized. This toy is useful for a puppy, but after the change of teeth, it is better to gradually stop giving the treat to the baby due to the minimum nutritional value.

Many owners mistakenly believe that bones are the best treat for dogs. Some types of solid food can occasionally be given to four-legged pets, but the animal does not need such a treat every day. With frequent receipt of "maslaks", thin tubular bones, there is a risk of damage to enamel, gums, which leads to pulpitis and tooth decay.

It is useful for owners to know which bones can be given to dogs, in what form: raw or boiled before use. An important point is the problems that four-legged pets have when getting sharp bones. Veterinarians advise dog owners to follow the rules so that the animal does not injure the intestines with fragments of gnawed bone or damage tooth enamel with the further development of pulpitis and the destruction of fangs.

Why do dogs have bones?

Most owners believe that the animal needs to satisfy the natural instinct to gnaw something. To some extent, the statement is correct. However, it must be remembered: the period of active growth of teeth and the replacement of milk units in dogs ends at six months. Next, you need to protect the dentition from the effects of negative factors. The sharp edges of the bones injure the gums, scratch the enamel, which leads to the development of inflammatory processes on the mucous membranes and tooth decay in dogs.

Another important point. Pathogenic bacteria penetrate into microcracks on the enamel and gums, pulpitis develops, teeth gradually deteriorate. If the owner also gives inappropriate foods, such as sweets, the process proceeds more actively, the accumulation of hard and soft plaque is added to the inflammation. Over time, a complex of problems develops in the animal's mouth, which are difficult to cope with.

So is it necessary to give dogs bones or are they of no use at all? Veterinarians do not advise completely abandoning this product. Bones are a natural source of calcium and phosphorus, and moderate consumption is beneficial. Meat and cartilage contain a large amount of amino acids and proteins, which is beneficial for the body of puppies and adult dogs.

Another plus in favor of the bones. While the pet is chewing on a beef hip joint or cartilage, the animal calms down, becomes less irritable, and finds something to its liking. You can give a bone if the animal cannot calm down in any way, jumps, is overexcited beyond measure, the pet can not wait to chew on something. Monotonous movements calm the dog, distract. It is important to catch the moment when there is no meat left on the bone in order to pick up the unwanted product in time, until the pet gnaws it.

It is important to select the "right" bones and prepare them in a special way. You also need to know what types of solid food harm the teeth and digestive tract of animals.

On the page, read the information on how to properly inject a dog intramuscularly and subcutaneously.

It is also forbidden to feed the animal:

  • turkey bones. The situation is the same as with thin chicken bones. Tubular elements with a cavity easily split into many fragments of various sizes, which injure all areas with which they come into contact. Internal bleeding is a dangerous phenomenon, against which you can lose a four-legged pet;
  • lamb bones. Reasons for the ban: high fat content of meat, the possibility of injury when a dog chews lamb ribs. Hardened refractory fat is harmful to the stomach of four-legged pets. Some owners give dogs a hip joint, but it is better to replace this product with "maslak" - beef bone;
  • fish bones. You should never feed your pet with river and sea fish, from which the bones are poorly removed. If a dog consumes boiled gobies or pike, in which the bones and ridge remain, then the consequences can be very serious for the health of the animal. Common problems after swallowing fish bones: sharp edges scratch the throat, the dog coughs, as if trying to push a foreign object out of the larynx. Other serious consequences: the accumulation of undigested residues plus intestinal obstruction, blockage of the stomach, rupture of internal organs. Even small bones can do great harm, not to mention large sharp elements.

Dogs need something to chew on. Bones from the pet store are a great option to satisfy the natural instinct. The natural solid product can be given once or twice a week, following the recommendations above. It is important that the bones for the dog are large, beef, with a small amount of meat and cartilage. If the pet eats boiled fish, then you need to carefully select all the bones so that the animal does not damage the gums, throat, and sections of the digestive tract. It is important to adhere to the ban on rabbit, chicken, turkey bones, otherwise health problems in the dog cannot be avoided.

For more useful information about what bones can and cannot be given to dogs, you can find out after watching the following video: