Can regular polish be dried in a UV lamp? Nail dryer: an overview of manicure lamps and nail dryers when using regular polish

Modern life sets its rhythms, and sometimes we have to save time on everything. However, this should not be done at the expense of attractiveness. Do you want to create a beautiful manicure, but there is no time to wait? Read our article and you will learn how to quickly dry nail polish.

Coating tricks

It is extremely unpleasant when a fresh and such a neat coating is smeared from careless movement. No one is immune from this, but every girl can minimize the risks. Here are a few nail art tips that will speed up the drying time of your nail polish:

  • Prepare everything you need in advance. With painted nails it is very inconvenient to get the necessary accessories.
  • Carefully treat your nails. Make a quality manicure by removing the cuticle and pterygium from the surface of the plates. Be sure to remove the old coating.
  • Refrigerate 10 minutes prior to application. The cooled varnish quickly hardens in the air.
  • Immediately before applying the coating, degrease the nail.
  • Do not make more than two layers. Firstly, the manicure will look sloppy. Secondly, the coating will harden for a long time.
  • Apply the varnish as thinly as possible. Take a break of at least three minutes after each.
  • Use quick dry finishes.

All this must be done so that the manicure is ready as soon as possible. But what is strictly prohibited for those who want to quickly dry their nails:

  • Use cuticle cream before applying color and top coat.
  • Before manicure, apply cream on the skin of the hands.
  • Paint wet nails.
  • Apply varnish to the old coating.

Using the tricks given here, you can make a manicure so that you do not have to dry your nails for a long time. Under natural conditions, ordinary varnish hardens within 2-3 minutes. If you use a special coating, the drying time is reduced to 60 seconds.

How to speed up the curing of varnish at home?

If you do not have such a preparation at hand, and you need to dry your manicure right now, use the following methods. We have selected simple and affordable methods for quick drying of nail polish for home use:

Some girls buy special lamps for drying varnish. As you can see, this purchase may become superfluous, because there are many more affordable and cheaper means to speed up the curing of the nail coating.

Ways to dry painted nails as quickly as possible. Our article will tell you how to speed up the drying process of acrylic and ordinary varnish. You will also learn how to dry gel polish as quickly as possible.

Almost all women are prone to narcissism, so it is very important for them that their skin, hair and nails are always perfect. In principle, the modern fair sex has everything for this. Now in any department of cosmetics you can buy care products that will help you always stay on top.

  • The only thing ladies sometimes lack is time. And if you still manage to do a quick hairstyle or makeup, then problems often arise with a manicure. If a woman does it in a hurry, then, as a rule, it does not look very neat.
  • Most often, nails have such an unpresentable appearance due to the fact that literally immediately after applying varnish, a woman begins to do work or just get dressed. This usually leads to the fact that the varnish peels off in some places without having time to dry.
  • If you want to avoid such problems, then use our tips that will help reduce the drying process of the varnish by at least half.

How to quickly dry nail polish at home?

Drying varnish at home
  • Depending on the quality and thickness of the layer, the varnish can dry from 5-30 minutes. Many women do not want to wait so long and try to speed up this process as much as possible. And if in a beauty salon this can be done with the help of special tools, then at home this procedure usually causes problems.
  • To be more precise, women in a hurry make mistakes that lead to the fact that the varnish does not dry evenly and begins to chip off in large pieces. If you want to avoid such problems, then at least properly prepare the nail plate. After all, it also depends on this part of the manicure how long the coating will dry.
  • Therefore, before you start doing a manicure, be sure to thoroughly degrease the nail plate and only then start applying varnish. It is also worth remembering that a manicure made at home cannot consist of ten layers of decorative coating.
  • Since there are no professional salon products in your arsenal, you are unlikely to be able to dry your nails evenly and even more so to speed up their drying. Therefore, if you want your nails to dry as quickly as possible, then apply no more than one layer of varnish on them.
  • If we talk about an emergency measure that will help speed up the drying process of acrylic manicure as quickly as possible, then in this case the freezer will be the best option.
  • Low temperature will dry your nails in just 2-3 minutes (provided that you have applied only one layer of decorative coating) and you can safely go to work or visit

How to dry acrylic nail polish fast?

Drying method for acrylic lacquer
  • Modern fashionistas are quite supportive of acrylic lacquer. It does not contain such harmful substances as toluene and formaldehyde. Due to this, this decorative coating can be attributed to the means that cause minimal damage to the nail plate. In addition, it protects the nails quite well from mechanical stress, prevents delamination and brittleness.
  • But despite all its advantages, acrylic varnish has some disadvantages. One of them is the drying process. If the layer of decorative coating is too thick, it can dry for quite a long time. It is also very important to apply acrylic layers correctly. Be sure to give the previous layer 2-3 minutes to dry before applying the second one. Regular olive oil will help speed up this process.
  • If you apply it on your nails in a thin layer (use a cotton pad or ear cleaning stick for this) and wait literally 5 minutes, then immediately after this time your hands will be ready to surprise others with their perfection. But if you use this drying method, remember that oil residues should never be removed with a napkin or cotton pad.
  • Since the coating will completely harden in about an hour, a very strong mechanical impact can ruin the manicure and you will have to start doing it again. It will be better if you gently wash off the remaining olive oil with warm water and let your hands dry naturally.

How to quickly dry regular nail polish?

Degrease the nail plate before applying the decorative coating
  • To understand what can speed up the drying process of conventional varnish, you need to clearly understand what can affect this procedure. The first thing you should remember is that in such decorative coatings there is always much less fixer than in other types.
  • Therefore, if you violate the application technology at least a little, then you are unlikely to be able to speed up the drying process. For this reason, if you have already bought an ordinary inexpensive varnish, then be sure to wash your nails with soap and degrease them with a special tool before applying it.
  • Also, the brush with which a manicure is done can affect the drying process. To apply regular varnish, it is best to use a dense brush with a short pile. It will apply the thinnest and most uniform layer that will dry in just two minutes.
  • If you want to speed up this process even more, then try cooling the varnish itself. To do this, put it for some time in the freezer or a container of cold water. Leave it there for literally 10 minutes, and then take it out and start creating the manicure of your dreams.

How to dry a thick layer of nail polish?

Accelerate the drying of a thick layer of varnish
  • Unfortunately, not all varnishes can be applied to the nail plate in one layer. If it is, for example, very transparent, then the application procedure will have to be repeated 2-3 times. In the end, of course, you will get the desired shade, but the drying of such a manicure will be long.
  • If you want this process to be reduced as much as possible, then in no case, do not rush and let each layer dry separately. At first glance, it may seem to you that this is just a waste of time and this will not affect the appearance of your nails in any way.
  • But in fact, if you are patient, you will eventually cut the drying of a thick layer by about half. If we talk about folk remedies, then any essential oil can come to your aid. All you have to do is apply a top coat to the manicure (this is a must) and use a pipette to drop essential oil on it
  • After it is absorbed (it will happen quickly enough), you can use another popular way-conditioner. If you hold your nails under a cold stream of air, then the thickest layer of varnish will dry in a matter of minutes.
  • But do not try to speed up the drying even more and do not put your hands under the air conditioner itself. Maybe a manicure will dry faster, but you can hardly enjoy the perfect look of the coating.

How to dry gel polish at home?

Drying gel polish with a special lamp
  • Gel polish refers to those decorative coatings that are not afraid of water, bit chemistry, or mechanical stress. But such a manicure has one not very pleasant feature. You need to use a UV lamp to dry it.
  • Therefore, if you have already decided to give your nails such a gift, then in addition to a high-quality decorative coating, it is also indicated that you will also purchase products that will speed up the drying process. But even in the case of a lamp, problems can arise. If you decide to save on this device and purchase it with insufficient power, then the gel polish will dry very badly.
  • If the power is not all right, then no matter how much you keep your fingers under the lamp, the varnish will still not harden. Moreover, it will become even more sticky and will refuse to dry out. Such a manicure will have to be completely removed and a new one applied.
  • For this reason, if you really want your nails to dry as quickly as possible, then spend the money and buy a UV lamp with a power of at least 12 watts. Such a lamp will dry the manicure in 5-7 minutes. For faster results, it is best to use a 36W UVB. In this case, the varnish will dry in 2 minutes.

Is it possible to dry gel polish without a lamp?

Other ways to polymerize gel polish
  • If you do not want to buy a UV lamp, but you still want to give yourself a manicure with gel polish, then turn your attention to light-insensitive gels. Such a coating does not need to be dried under ultraviolet rays.
  • In this case, the cyanoacrylate substance will act as a hardening catalyst. This dense and viscous substance is applied over the gel and literally a couple of seconds after that it begins to harden intensively. It is necessary to apply the activating agent very carefully, so if you do not have special skills in manicure, then purchase this product in the form of a spray
  • So you can accurately guess with the dosage and do not damage the underlying decorative coating. You can also try purchasing a gel that hardens when it comes into contact with water. Such a decorative coating dries quickly enough, but is quite inferior in strength to light-sensitive varnishes.
  • Well, and finally, I would like to introduce you in a way that is available to absolutely all women. You can try applying gel polish on your nails and drying them in the sun. Although this process cannot be called fast, it will help to harden the varnish.

Is it possible to dry ordinary varnish under a lamp?

Drying methods for conventional varnish
  • A lamp as a means of accelerating the drying of nails can only be used if shellac or gel has been applied to the nail plate. Under ultraviolet radiation, the polymerization process occurs and the coating begins to harden and dry very quickly.
  • Ordinary varnish does not need to stimulate polymerization, so using a llama to speed up the drying process is pointless. The same can be said about ordinary lamps. They will simply heat the decorative coating, preventing it from hardening.
  • In this case, it is best to opt for a high-quality top coat, spray dryer, varnish dryer, oil dryer. All these products are applied to the nail in a thin layer, which simultaneously stimulates faster drying and acts as a protection against mechanical stress.

Is it possible to quickly dry the varnish with a hair dryer?

Dry your nails with a hair dryer
  • Probably, many women have heard about such a method of drying manicure as a hair dryer. Some of the fair sex even claim that this method gives almost instant results. In principle, such a drying method has a right to exist.
  • But you can talk about its effectiveness only if you have a pretty good hair dryer (has a cold blow function) and you applied the varnish on the nail in one layer. In all other cases, the use of this method should be treated with some caution. After all, if you do a manicure with a thick layer of varnish, then you are unlikely to be able to dry it with a hair dryer.
  • More precisely, only the topmost layer will dry, and everything that will be under it will harden for quite a long time. Such a visually perfect manicure will smear at the slightest contact with clothes or any other things, and you will have to start all over again
  • In addition, the air, even slightly cooled, has a very negative effect on the color of the varnish. It becomes duller and more cloudy. Therefore, it is a stretch to say that a hair dryer is an ideal tool for speeding up the drying of varnish.

How to dry nail polish quickly in cold water?

Dry manicure in water
  • As you probably already understood, low temperature indicators help the varnish to dry faster. Therefore, cold water in this regard may seem like an ideal option. But even in this case there are some nuances in using the method. Everything must be done very carefully.
  • If you do not want the decorative coating to deteriorate, then fill a large bowl with cold water (you can put it on a container with ice) and gently dip your fingers into it. Hold them there for about two minutes, and then pull them out and shake them lightly. If the varnish has hardened, then let your hands dry naturally and feel free to go about your business.
  • If you see that the varnish has not dried completely, repeat the manipulation 1-2 more times. With the same caution, it is necessary to stimulate the drying of the decorative coating under running water, especially at the initial stage.
  • It is very important to be able to properly adjust the strength of the water jet. If it is very strong, then the varnish will be smeared in the first seconds. Therefore, it will be better if you first let the water escape a little, remove the power of the stream, and only then put your fingers under it

How to dry regular polish faster?

Ways to speed up the drying process of varnish

As you can see, there are quite a few ways that help speed up the drying process of the decorative nail coating. Each woman decides for herself which of the methods suits her and uses it most often.

But our girls are very big inventors, so they come up with new ways all the time. Now we will introduce you to a couple more, and you already decide whether they suit you or not.


  • Gun for blowing small parts. Point the spray gun at the nail and hold it in this position for approximately 3-5 minutes. In no case do not bring this device very close to the nail plate. This will increase the force of the air flow and provoke premature peeling of the varnish.
  • Alcohol-based wet wipes. They must be used before applying a decorative coating to the nail. The substances that are in their composition will degrease the plate no worse than special products and this will contribute to faster drying of the varnish
  • Try to combine several methods at once. For example, degrease the nail, apply the varnish while chilled, and then immediately dip your hands in ice water. If you do all three manipulations in one step, then the nails will dry in just a couple of seconds.

Is it possible to dry gel polish with LED flashlight?

A little higher, we already figured out how to properly speed up the drying of gel polish. And if you carefully read the information, you probably realized that such a coating needs ultraviolet rays to harden. It is they who argue the coating and accelerate the process of its drying.

Therefore, it is not correct to say that a light-sensitive gel polish can dry a standard LED flashlight in this case. And if you want to buy a flashlight for these purposes, then be sure to check that the lamp in it is ultraviolet. This is the only way you can be sure that the purchased device can be used for its intended purpose, without fear that it will ruin the manicure.

Video: How to dry nail polish fast. Manicure by #beautyksu

Today, many girls have already tried a new technology on themselves: gel polishes that harden in a matter of minutes in an ultraviolet lamp. The result is a very durable, smooth and beautiful coating. And what is especially nice, even if immediately after it is dried in an ultraviolet lamp, you start doing some work or putting on boots, then nothing will happen with such a coating, it will remain perfect. Because it's completely dry.

It is logical that the question arises: “Is it possible to dry ordinary varnish in an ultraviolet lamp? And will it be just as effective?

Let's figure out for a start what a regular varnish is and how it dries. The composition of non-gel modern varnishes, as a rule, includes four main components: pigments, polymers, plasticizers and solvents.

Pigments are substances that give varnishes the desired color.

Polymers are substances that are the basis of any varnish coating. It is due to them that a durable shiny film is formed, that is, a varnish coating. However, these substances are quite fragile.

Plasticizers - this component of the varnish just gives it elasticity and strength.

Solvents - this is the last group of substances contained in varnishes and it is she who is most interesting to us. This component is the carrier of all the above ingredients of the varnish and is responsible for the drying of the varnish. The varnish dries by evaporation of the solvent from it.

Since ordinary varnish dries out due to the evaporation of the solvent contained in it, it is possible to dry the varnish in an ultraviolet lamp, but this will not give an effect. The varnish will dry at about the same speed as with a normal drying without a lamp. An ultraviolet lamp will not add strength to ordinary varnish either. This drying method is rational only for gel polishes and gel coatings. Since gel polishes contain special substances and drying occurs due to the polymerization of these substances.

Thus, if the use of special gel polishes is not expected, then it is not worth buying an ultraviolet lamp for drying nails. Also, if you plan to use gel polishes, then a UV lamp will become a necessity, since gel polishes dry out precisely due to polymerization, which is impossible without ultraviolet irradiation. But, simply put, gel polish cannot be dried in the usual way. And ordinary varnish will not dry faster or last longer because it was dried in an ultraviolet lamp.

Vladimir Romanov, specially for the site All the secrets of a woman.

2015, . All rights reserved.

If earlier the use of gel polish was possible only in professional beauty salons, now many women of fashion are trying to manage on their own. This is quite possible if you master the basic principles of manicure, but it requires a certain set of tools, the most expensive of which is an ultraviolet lamp designed to fix the nail coating. How to dry gel polish without a special lamp is a question that torments many girls. To deal with this, you need to understand the nature of the coverage in question.

Gel polish: advantages and disadvantages

There is not a single woman who would not be familiar with gel manicure. This modern nail coating is a kind of synthesis of gel and varnish.

It includes several components at once:

  • base;
  • color base;
  • upper layer.

Thanks to the extensive color palette with this coating, you can make a manicure of various designs that satisfies any taste.

In addition, there are a number of positive features of gel polish:

  1. Strengthening and protection of the nail plates, possible due to the thick hard shell created by the gel polish. Even fragile nails covered with such a layer do not break, do not exfoliate.
  2. Long wear time. Such a manicure may well last for about a month (on average - three weeks), if done correctly. This is well suited for women who, for whatever reason, cannot visit the master often.
  3. Possibility to combine with extensions. Many girls love long nails, but not everyone is able to grow them without first strengthening them with a gel. Gel polish coating allows the first time to increase the length of the nail artificially.

The negative qualities of the gel coating include:

  1. The method of processing the nail plate before applying such a tool requires removing the top layer with a special nail file. As a result, the nail becomes thinner, and its integrity is broken.
  2. The obligatory use of a UV lamp that fixes a manicure negatively affects the skin of the hands and accelerates its aging process. However, this problem can be easily corrected with a special UV protection cream or a simple sunscreen lotion.
  3. It is necessary to remove gel polish only with the means intended for this, and even better - in the cabin. Often women simply tear off pieces of the coating, not thinking that the nail is destroyed along with them.
  4. It is believed that a gel manicure regularly carried out without interruption weakens the nail plate, makes it brittle, and leads to delamination.

Features of drying gel polish at home

It is not always possible to quickly dry gel polish without the use of ultraviolet rays. It depends on what type of coating was chosen for the manicure.

There are only two of them:

  1. Varnishes susceptible to UV rays. These are just the varnishes that manicure masters use in salons. There are only two ways to dry these products. The first - quick - the use of a special lamp. The second is suitable for those who nevertheless decided to do without the help of technology and at the same time have great patience - drying in direct sunlight. It takes quite a long time, but this process can be easily combined with a stay on the beach - then it will not be difficult. Some resourceful girls offer a third way - drying under the so-called blue lamp, designed to warm up for various diseases.
  1. Light-resistant varnishes. This is a more modern type of gel coating, common on store shelves. It is very convenient for use at home, because it does not require the mandatory use of an ultraviolet lamp. However, by itself, it also dries for a long time, so you should pay attention to little tricks that will help you dry gel polish without a lamp quickly.

If it was decided to carry out a manicure on your own, it is better to choose a gel coating that is immune to light. In order not to confuse and purchase it, you need to pay attention to the packaging of the varnish: there is always a mark “NO-light gel”.

How to dry NO-light gel

Drying such a coating can be done in several ways:

  1. In a natural way: after application, you can simply wait a while (usually up to an hour), without doing anything with your hands. This is the longest method, but the easiest at home, when there are no additional funds at hand.
  2. The use of a catalyst - a special liquid that accelerates the drying of nails. It is available in several forms: spray, cream, and also in the form of varnish. It is applied about a minute or two after the gel coating.
  3. With the help of water. This method is one of the oldest ways to speed up the drying of nails. To do this, you need to fill a small basin with water so that you can easily lower the fingers of both hands. The contents of the basin should be cold, you can add ice cubes. You need to keep your nails under water from ten minutes to a quarter of an hour.
  4. Cold varnish. There is another interesting way to quickly dry the gel coat. Before doing a manicure, you need to put the varnish in the refrigerator (not in the freezer!) For about twenty minutes. After this time, you can apply it on the nails.

It is important to remember that before using any product for nails, it is necessary to bring them into proper shape: trim the cuticles, give them a beautiful shape. Even the most unusual varnish on untreated hands looks ridiculous.

Is it possible to dry gel polish with a hair dryer

Faced with the problem of the lack of equipment used for manicure, women begin to wonder: how can you quickly dry gel polish if there is no lamp? And, of course, many will remember such a tool available to everyone at home as a hair dryer. However, it is possible to speak about its effectiveness only with big reservations.

To dry gel polish with a hairdryer, the device itself must have special characteristics, namely:

  • high power;
  • the presence of a cold regime.

In this case, the coating of the nail should be done with only one layer, otherwise it will not be possible to dry it. Even with seeming success, the lower layers will remain raw, which means that with any careless movement, the manicure will be damaged.

There is another significant drawback of this drying method: a jet of air, even cold, greatly changes the color of the gel polish, making it dull. If we take into account that it is applied in one layer and because of this it does not have saturation, then the use of a hair dryer completely destroys the beauty of the manicure. That is why trying to quickly dry the varnish with a hair dryer is hardly a good idea.

Manicure allows you to make any image complete. But it will take time for the varnish to dry. Most often you have to wait at least 15 minutes, practically without moving. This is necessary so as not to spoil the surface of the nails. But sometimes things don't work out that way.

How to quickly dry nail polish and get the perfect finish? To date, there are different ways that allow women to make a manicure a simple procedure.

Features of nail preparation

Not all women pay due attention to the preparation for staining. In order for the varnish to dry on the nails quickly, you need to follow these steps:

Please note that before staining, you can not do the following:

  1. Apply cream on your hands.
  2. Apply a new coat of varnish on top of the old one.
  3. Paint wet nails.
  4. Use cuticle oil.

After following these basic rules, you can start coloring at home. The coating must not be applied in more than two coats.

If you prepare the nail plate correctly, it will dry much faster. But you still have to wait a bit. How to apply nail polish so that it dries faster?

Important information about varnishes

The drying speed is largely determined by the intensity of the color and the quality of the pigment. How long will the coating dry on average? Typically the drying time is 15 to 30 minutes. But in some cases it increases. If you do not want to experience difficulties with a bright manicure, it is important to be well versed in varnishes.

Do not use polish if it stretches a lot, looks thickened or curled up. It is also important to keep an eye on the expiration date. Sometimes varnishes deteriorate prematurely if they are placed near a heat source for a long time.

Varnish drying products

Such products are sold in specialized stores in the departments with tools and consumables for beauty salon masters. Drying for varnish is also often found in departments where manicure products are sold. Such funds are easy to find today.

This is one of the options that allows you to dry the varnish yourself. To do this, you need to purchase a special manicure fan. This is a small device that

Runs on electricity or AA batteries. There are drying fans that are designed for two hands at once. There are also smaller models in which you have to dry your nails alternately on different hands.

They have a simple working principle. Place a hand with freshly applied varnish inside the device. Painted nails will be blown by a small fan, so that the coating dries faster. This is an inexpensive dryer that can be purchased in the departments for manicure supplies.

This is the simplest preparation for drying. This is a quality tool that allows you to fix the varnish yourself. In appearance, drying resembles a transparent varnish. First, a color coating is applied to the nails. It will dry out a little after a couple of minutes. After that, you can apply drying. It is important that the composition is applied

right., in one layer. The coating will dry completely within 5 minutes.

Such a tool is interesting in that it makes the varnish glossy and more resistant. Lacquer drying is sold in the same place as standard colored varnishes. Give preference to products from a trusted manufacturer to get the perfect manicure.

Drying sprays

This is one of the great options that allows you to quickly dry the coating. It is a small spray bottle equipped with a sprayer. It contains a liquid based on oil. First, the nails are well painted over with colored varnish. Do not wait and use the dryer correctly.

It is important that the spray gets on each nail. After spraying, the coating dries in 5 minutes.

The advantage of this spray is the content in it of all the necessary components that care for the skin and nourish it. The negative point is that this method will not add durability. Similar drying can be bought in the department with colored varnishes. She'll be cheap.

Oil dryers

They are very popular with consumers. They are usually presented in bottles that have a pipette cap. Oil drying is applied drip. A drop is enough for one nail. After application, the oil is easily distributed over the entire surface of the nail. The varnish will dry completely in a few minutes.

Drying perfectly nourishes not only the nails, but also the periungual ridges. This tool can be used constantly, and the number of burrs is reduced from it.

Dryers with UV lamps

This is one of the most convenient devices that ensures good drying of the varnish. Many people are wondering if it is possible to dry ordinary nail polish in a UV lamp? Unfortunately, they can only be used for drying special gels. These devices have a relatively low cost, which makes them affordable for most customers.

To solve the problem, a lamp for drying ordinary varnish is suitable. It can be used on its own.

How to quickly dry nail polish: video

Unusual ways of drying nails

What not to do

Often, when nail polish needs to dry quickly, women use not the most successful tricks. Among the most popular options are waving

hands. This option may cause the varnish to dry unevenly.

In addition, with this method, bubbles may appear on the surface. Most girls resort to a hair dryer. This can lead to the fact that the entire manicure will deteriorate. As a result, it will have to be completely redone. Hot air softens the varnish surface. And because of the cold air flow, the coating becomes nondescript and dull.

Thus, various types of dryers and non-standard methods are used for drying varnish. This allows you to get the perfect manicure.

For two years now, I have been considering ordinary varnishes only as stamping paint. But still, sometimes you want to update or change the color on the nails without making a gel correction. And so, on my way I met very interesting varnishes, which, according to the manufacturer, dry faster under the influence of natural light. I immediately realized that I could dry the varnish in a UV lamp. Let's see what came of it...

Gel polish from Sophin is a regular gel effect polish. Similar gel polishes have recently appeared the sea. It seems to me that this trend began with Vinylux varnishes from SND. And then the manufacturers of what they just didn’t come up with and as soon as they called their gel polishes. For many brands, such varnishes are called weekly.

Sophin Gel Lacquer is a two step system. The first step is a colored varnish, the second is a special top. It is in the top that all the most interesting lies.

The color coating is applied in 1-2 layers on the nail plate. Let each layer dry. The polish dries fairly quickly. I didn't deliberately wait. As soon as I painted the 10th finger, I started applying the second layer on the first nail. Before applying the top, I also did not dry the varnish for some special time. But I will make a reservation, I have already lost the habit of ordinary varnishes and applied the coating for quite a long time, wiping the streaks near the cuticle.

The first phase of Sophin gel polish is one hundred percent regular polish. It applies and smells like regular polish. The first phase dries without exposure to light.

The top coat also reminded me of gel polish. The black opaque bottle reliably protects the contents from UV radiation. But the smell of the top reminded me of ordinary varnishes. When applied to the color, it does not smear the varnish.

Immediately after applying the top, I put my hand in hybrid lamp for 1 minute. With all these manipulations, my skepticism only increased. But what was my surprise when, taking my hand out of the lamp, I realized that the varnish was dry!!! Yes, under the influence of UV rays, the top dried up and dried the two layers of varnish that were under it. Well, I can’t say that the polish is 100% dry, as is the case with gel polish. But there were practically no fingerprints on it when checking for dryness. And that's in one minute of drying!

From all of the above, I want to say that Sophin gel-effect polish really dries faster under the influence of UV rays. A lamp for gel polishes or the sun is suitable as a light source. Perhaps an ordinary table lamp can improve the drying of the varnish.

Sophin gel polish is washed off like a regular polish.

And the most interesting thing is that the Sophin gel top dries not only the varnishes from this series. It works as a top dryer and with other polishes. The effect is not so lightning fast, but very noticeable.

Immediately after drying, the coating really became like a gel. But after a while, the varnish sat closer to the nail and emphasized all the irregularities on it, as all varnishes do. Nevertheless, the full effect of the gel from the usual varnish is not worth waiting for.

I can’t judge the durability on natural nails, but I’ve been wearing gel polish for more than a week now. During this time, the varnish was not rubbed and did not fade.

The novelty from Sophin surprised and pleased me. This is a truly unique product worthy of the attention of manicure lovers.

The cost of Sophin gel polishes is about 400 rubles, the cost of the top is about 500 rubles.

The modern lifestyle often does not leave time for long-term care of your body. Therefore, women are looking for ways that simplify such procedures. This also applies to manicure, because nail polish dries for a long time, taking valuable minutes. For this, special dryers for varnish have been developed: electric or cosmetic. If we talk about manicure with gel polishes, then a nail dryer becomes simply necessary, because such a coating polymerizes only under ultraviolet or LED rays.

All electric nail dryers consist of a body, lamps or a fan and a control panel. They may differ in the presence of additional functions and systems: retractable bottom, touch screen, cooling system, timer and others.

Among the main distinguishing features of nail dryers are the following:

  1. Drying principle:
    • UV lamp for drying the gel coating;
    • LED lamp for some types of gel polish;
    • fan for cosmetic varnish;
    • gaslight dryers (rarely used);
    • hybrid lamps: LED and CCFL (ultraviolet waves).
  2. Stationary or portable devices powered by batteries.
  3. Different power of fluorescent or led-lamps.
  4. Working space size: for one or more fingers, one or two hands.

When choosing a nail dryer, you should pay attention to the listed features. For example, a professional nail technician needs a dryer with high power, ability to work with different types of coatings and a spacious working area.

If at the same time he goes home, then portable models will be an excellent choice. For a girl who uses exclusively ordinary cosmetic varnishes, drying with a fan is necessary. And for those who prefer to do extensions and long-term manicure with gel polishes, you should choose manicure lamps with UV or LED lighting.

UV lamps.

The undoubted leader in sales of manicure dryers for nails are UV lamps. They are built mainly according to the same type, with a slight difference in functionality. The main distinguishing feature of the device is the power of the lamp. It varies from 9 to 54 W, while the difference between them is a multiple of nine.

The drying time of the nails in the lamp is determined by its power. If the lamp power is low, then the coating hardens for a long time (the main layer - up to 5 minutes). In the event that the gel layer is not dried, the coating begins to bubble, acquire an unnatural color and peel off. In addition, exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin should not exceed ten minutes. Since the gel coating is carried out in several layers, the cumulative UV exposure time must be considered. If sanitary standards are exceeded, the skin of the hands and nail plates may be harmed.

For home use, an average power rating of 18-36 watts is recommended. As a rule, such a lamp is enough for a full-fledged manicure with gel polish, without exceeding the recommended time range for drying nails. The 54W ultraviolet nail dryer is often used in prestigious nail salons. The gel drying speed in these lamps is maximum, and the built-in fan does not allow the device to overheat, eliminating finger burns and extending the life of fluorescent lamps.

Advantages of UV lamps:

  • relatively low price of the device;
  • the availability of various models of dryers - you can buy even in small towns or order on the Internet;
  • simplicity and versatility of devices - they can be used by both professionals and amateurs.

Disadvantages of ultraviolet dryers:

  • fluorescent lamps quickly fail, requiring replacement every six months or a year, depending on the frequency of use;
  • during the polymerization of the gel, a burning sensation may be felt;
  • lamps require careful handling and disposal, as they release harmful substances when broken.

Is UV lamp harmful?

Many women are interested in the safety of using UV lamps. After numerous studies of ultraviolet dryers, significant evidence of their harm has not been found. However, the topic is often raised that ultraviolet radiation is harmful to the skin and can cause a cancerous tumor.

This controversy arose from the discussion of the dangers of UV radiation used in tanning beds. Experts say that the more powerful the lamp and the longer the exposure to radiation, the higher the risk of dangerous consequences. If a woman is afraid of such a spectrum of light, then you can protect the skin of your hands with lotion from sunburn or use special gloves with open fingertips.

LED lamps.

The innovative gel polish nail dryer with LED lighting has a number of advantages over the UV dryer. Unlike the usual UV dryers, these devices do not need to change the lamps, as the LEDs are durable.

Another important feature is that they are absolutely safe for health and the environment. Otherwise, the appearance, functionality and principle of operation of the device with LED lamps is similar to the ultraviolet dryer.

Advantages of LED lamps:

  • high polymerization rate of the gel coating (3 minutes of UV radiation equals 20-30 seconds of LED);
  • safe for nails and hands;
  • no pulsation of the light flux, safe for eyesight;
  • do not contain harmful chemicals, are disposed of in the usual way;
  • long lamp life.

Disadvantages of LED lamps:

  • polymerizes not all compositions of gel polishes (you should choose shellac and gels marked with LED);
  • high price of the device.

Drying for ordinary varnish.

A nail dryer with a manicure using ordinary cosmetic varnishes works on the principle of a hair dryer. Conventional varnishes are composed of resins, film formers and pigments mixed in a solvent. When the latter evaporates in air, a hard coating remains.

However, drying takes time, and given that the varnish is often applied in several layers, the process becomes lengthy. In order not to wait for each layer to dry, you can use special dryers, which, with the help of cold or warm air, accelerate the process of weathering the solvent. A dryer designed for ordinary varnishes is not suitable for drying shellac or gel.

How to use dryer for nails at home

Read the instructions carefully before using the UV or LED lamp. Often the device requires the connection of components. The lamps and the connecting cord must be carefully inserted into the appropriate sockets on the dryer.

Before picking up an ultraviolet lamp, they must be thoroughly washed with soap and water. Fat on the hands partially remains on the glass bulb of the lamp, which further contributes to its overheating and failure. After connecting the nail dryer to the network, you need to turn on or make the appropriate settings for the functionality, for example, the timer.

Step-by-step guide to drying gel polish in a lamp:

  1. Before applying gel polish, you should prepare your nails for manicure:
    • remove or push back the cuticle that has grown on the nail;
    • give the free edge of the nails the selected shape;
    • lightly sand the nail plates for better adhesion with the gel;
    • degrease nails.
  2. The first base coat is applied in a thin layer. Dry with 18W ultraviolet light for 1-2 minutes, LED dryer for 10-20 seconds.
  3. The second layer of colored gel polish is applied more thickly. Drying in a UV lamp takes 3-4 minutes, LED dryer - 30-40 seconds.
  4. The third layer of colored varnish is applied similarly to the previous one.
  5. A thick top layer should be applied not only to the nail plate, but also to the ends of the nail, sealing them.
  6. Dry the coating for at least 4 minutes in a UV lamp and 40 seconds in a LED lamp.
  7. If necessary (depending on the gel polish), the sticky layer should be removed.
  8. The manicure is completed by lubricating the cuticles with therapeutic cosmetic oil.

Drying for nails with ordinary varnish.

This device works very simply. After the nails are painted, the dryer turns on, which directs cold or hot air to the surface of the nail plate. Thus, you can save up to 5-10 precious minutes for each layer. Prices for dryers for nails can vary significantly. On average, the cost of manicure UV lamps and dryers with a fan is at the level of 1000-1500 rubles, and the price of an LED lamp starts at 2000 rubles.

How to quickly dry nail polish at home?

In addition to electrical appliances, you can use cosmetic or improvised means and methods that will reduce the drying time of the varnish.

Quick dry coatings. Available in the form of sprays, smart enamel or special varnishes.

Apply to nails as a top coat.

Cosmetic dryers for nails not only speed up the hardening time of the varnish, but also give the painted nails a beautiful shine. If you are allergic to such cosmetics, then you can use folk methods.

Olive oil. A well-known home method to reduce the drying time of varnish. With the help of a pipette, droplets of oil are placed on painted nails. In addition to the rapid hardening of the decorative coating, olive oil helps to saturate the nails and cuticles with useful substances and vitamins.

Hair dryer. As an alternative to a special device for drying nails, you can use a regular hair dryer, which every woman must have. When working with varnishes, you should choose the mode of operation with cold or warm air.

Cold water. This method was used by our grandmothers. To quickly harden the varnish, you need to put your hand in a container of cold water for 3-4 minutes.

Every girl had a question, is it possible to dry ordinary varnish in a UV lamp or is it still not possible? After all, sometimes you really want a manicure to take as little time as possible, and you don’t have to wait half an hour, or even an hour, until the varnish is completely dry. Only here the UV lamp will not help you with this, since its rays cannot affect the varnish. It is designed for drying the gel, and it has a completely different composition. If you have already bought such a lamp, then you should abandon the usual nail polish and switch to other materials. If you don’t want to do this, then you should consider a few tricky ways that will help you make a manicure much faster.


Can regular polish be dried in a UV lamp? You already know the answer to this question, so now it is important to pay attention to other points. The fact is that sometimes the varnish dries too long because you applied it incorrectly and made mistakes when preparing your nails. If everything is done according to the instructions, then the manicure will not have to spend too much time. You will need to do the following things:
  • Carefully wipe off old nail polish. You need to do it really very well, so that nothing remains of the previous manicure;
  • File the length and give the nails the desired shape;
  • Go over the nails with a special nail file for grinding to make the nail plate as smooth and even as possible;
  • Wash hands with soap, dry very well;
  • Degrease nails with alcohol or nail polish remover.
It is also worth considering that some things should never be done before applying nail polish:
  • Lubricate your hands with oily cream. If you want to treat the skin with a cream, then you need to do this after the manicure is done;
  • Use cuticle oil. This oil is very greasy, if you apply varnish on top of it, then it will not hold well and dry for a long time;
  • Apply new polish over old. First, the manicure will be uneven. Secondly, the varnish will dry several times longer;
  • The varnish is applied only on a dry nail plate. Do not do a manicure immediately after getting out of the shower.

If you follow all these simple rules, then you can get rid of many problems that you had to face before.

Fan drying

To make the nail painting procedure more pleasant, you should acquire one very interesting device. In specialized stores, you can buy mini-fans that are designed specifically for drying varnish. This device is very simple, it is powered by an outlet or by batteries.

Most often, such fans are designed for only one hand, but in stores you can find devices in which you can dry two at once. This little thing is inexpensive, so your costs will be minimal.


Modern technologies do not stand still, more and more new things are being invented that make life easier. For example, you can purchase a special spray for drying nail polish. It all seems to be something fantastic, but such a thing really exists. First, colored varnish is applied to the nails, and then a spray as a fixative. It is completely transparent, so it can be used for any manicure.

After 5 minutes, the varnish is completely dry, and you can not be afraid for its safety. The composition of this spray includes various moisturizing ingredients that have a positive effect on the skin of the hands. Only such a tool does not add durability to a manicure, so you do not need to place high hopes on it.

Lacquer drying

There is another way to quickly dry the varnish at home, and also to fix your manicure. To do this, you will need varnish drying, which in appearance is no different from ordinary transparent varnish. Using this interesting invention is very simple:
  • To begin with, colored varnish is applied in one or two layers;
  • After the varnish has hardened a little (after a couple of minutes), drying is applied. This is done very carefully, since the layer should be very thin;
  • It is necessary to wait five minutes and you can enjoy a beautiful manicure.
Such drying increases the wear time of the varnish and gives it a glossy sheen. You don't have to wander through a large number of stores to buy, as drying is sold in the same place as colored varnishes.

Gel polishes

If you want to get a very durable manicure that will last for several weeks, then you should pay attention to gel polishes. To dry them, you just need a UV lamp. In order to apply such a varnish, you will need a little more time than a regular manicure, but the end result will be much better. First of all, you need to prepare all the materials that will be required for further work:
  • Base coverage. It must be applied to the nails before you already do the color coating;
  • Colored varnish;
  • Finish coating. It is necessary so that the manicure lasts as long as possible. This is also an obligatory step, without which you can not do;
    Nail file for polishing nails;
  • Means for degreasing the nail;
  • Ultraviolet lamp.
After you have bought all the tools and materials, you can start applying the gel to the nails:
  • Polish the nail plate with a special file;
  • Process the cuticle;
  • Degrease each nail. This must be done very carefully;
  • Apply the base coat in a thin and even layer, then dry it in the lamp according to the instructions;
  • Apply colored varnish and also dry it;
  • The last stage is the topcoat, which is also dried with a UV lamp.
If everything is done correctly, then you can not think about a manicure for about three weeks, since the gel polish does not peel off or crack.

Folk methods

There are a few more tricks that will help dry the varnish faster without the use of special tools:
  • Painted nails are dipped in a bowl of very cold water for five minutes. Thus, the varnish dries much faster;
  • Substitute painted nails under a stream of cold air, for example, under an air conditioner. The effect will be the same as from a mini fan;
  • Vegetable oil is also sometimes used for drying. Freshly painted nails are lowered into them. The advantage of this method is that the nails and skin receive additional moisture.
Of course, in any case, special tools will be the most effective, but they are not always available. But now you know the answer to the question, can you dry ordinary varnish in a UV lamp or not. That this device is absolutely useless in this case, and you need to use other tricks, which, by the way, are quite a lot. Now you will no longer have problems with drying the varnish.