Soft toy caterpillar do-it-yourself patterns. Soft toy - caterpillar. We sew a blue "Horse" with a tail and a mane

Master class "Caterpillar" using waste materials

Author: Samokhina Elena Ivanovna, teacher of additional education, MBUDO "Palace of Children's Creativity", the city of Kursk.
Purpose: the master class is intended for children of preschool and primary school age, parents, educators, teachers of additional education, teachers.
Description: craft "Caterpillar" - a good example of the second life of old things. A great way for parents to keep their kids busy with creativity. Stimulates curiosity, interest and respect for nature. The craft is very easy to manufacture, does not require material costs. Good as a toy for outdoor play. It can be a kind of simulator for the development of fine motor skills in children.
Target: Organization of children's leisure on the example of making crafts "Caterpillar" using waste material.
- develop visual-figurative thinking, curiosity, observation;
- to promote cooperation between children and parents, their emotional and psychological rapprochement;
- to form a humane attitude towards the environment;
- develop fine motor skills.

The task facing parents is to select from the huge number of impressions that a child can receive with the benefit of his development, those that are most accessible to him by age. As for observing nature and its inhabitants, the moments to which the attention of children is drawn should be tried to be made vivid and imaginative in order to interest them. It is appropriate to use poems, songs on the topic, interesting facts about the object of observation. Since children of preschool and primary school age are characterized by visual - figurative thinking, a simple craft will consolidate the results of observations. And the joint process of making toys with your own hands will bring a lot of joy to both children and adults. We made such toys in the summer with our granddaughter.

Here is the caterpillar. You do not like?
Yes, she is not famous for her beauty.
Yes, it looks ugly.
Always crawling
And eat so hard
As her appetite dictates.
But she has a beautiful beauty
Languishing, hiding until the time,
To finally see the light.
Everyone admires the butterfly
And they try to find out from her
Transformation Secret
(Zaitseva R.)

A caterpillar is a butterfly larva that hatches from an egg. She, unlike her parent, has a very unattractive appearance. The caterpillar is a malicious pest and it lives on living plants, eating their leaves. However, it should be remembered that many trees form significantly more leaves than is necessary. Approximately every fourth sheet is like a spare. Therefore, under normal conditions, insects do not cause significant damage to plants. But due to their vital activity, 1 hectare of forest receives up to 400 kg of fertilizers - evenly dispersed litter. In addition, the caterpillar is a special delicacy for birds.

To make a caterpillar, for work we need:
Materials and tools:
An old shirt or turtleneck with sleeves;
Plastic or paper eyes for toys;
Accessories for decoration by availability: sequins, buttons, ribbons, etc.

Stages of work
Stage 1. Preparation of materials

Cut off the sleeve from the turtleneck.

You need to cut off all the seams along the edge of the shoulder, trim it so that you get a “pipe” blank.

We cut out a rectangle of about 20-25 cm from the back or front of the turtleneck. We cut it into strips 3-4 cm wide. These are the future paws.

Now cut the strips in half. It turned out a little too much, but it is not necessary to throw it away yet. The remaining strips can be useful for other crafts.

Stage 2. Making a caterpillar
Now we collect one end of the sleeve in a bundle and tie it into two knots. From the newspaper we turn off a lump and send it inside the sleeve.

We form 3-6 such lumps, depending on the length and elasticity of the sleeve.

For the head, you can make a larger lump, the caterpillar with such a head will be more expressive.

Insert a newspaper wad and gather the edge of the sleeve so that the knot is at the top of the head, and the legs are on the stomach. When the knot is tied, you need to trim the cut with scissors, removing all unnecessary. It will turn out such a cute "forelock".

Now you need to add more legs, tying each rope separately and making a knot at each end. The more legs, the more training for children's fingers.

Stage 3. Decor
If there are plastic eyes, glue them with glue. But you can print paper, there is a huge selection of them on the Internet.

You can sew or glue buttons cut off from old clothes. You can decorate based on the available material at hand: sequins, beads, buttons, ribbons, various decorative elements.

And so that our caterpillar is not bored, we will make her girlfriends Pups and Vups. They are a little different, brighter and shabbier. The beauty of this craft is that the caterpillars turn out to be different, not similar to each other and somehow subtly resemble the owners of the blouses and shirts from which they were made. Children intuitively feel the positive energy that these simple toys radiate, made from old things of relatives and friends. Such non-standard toys become favorite and remain a vivid childhood memory.

Well, now urgently to the lawn!

It's fun to sunbathe and crawl with friends!

At the end of the master class, I would like to quote the poems of a wonderful poet, which tell us all that there are no trifles in raising a child.

caterpillar queen
(Eduard Asadov)
-Look! Look, what a beauty! -
The boy looks happily at his mother.-
Caterpillar Queen! Really, do you like it?
Let's feed and protect her!
Indeed, like an ancient queen,
Mysterious tales are akin
On a red-sided apple in the shade
The golden caterpillar shone.
But the woman exclaimed: - Empty! -
And she laughed: - Oh, my cricket!
Ready to protect life everywhere.
Yes, it's a pest, you fool!
You have to be a man at four!
Think. You see: right here
She'll creep in, spoil the core
And an apple - at least throw it away then!
No, this is not good for you and me.
Now we'll see what kind of hero you are. -
She shook the caterpillar off the branch.
- Come on, smash it with your foot!
And the boy, blowing an evil face,
And secretly suppressing nausea,
He stepped with his foot on a warm, living
Pearly gold beauty...
- That's nice! Clever, I appreciate it! -
And he, seeking to do away with kindness,
He cried out with a brutally raised leg:
- Throw more! I'll crush another!
Mother has been against evil since ancient times.
But how was this incomprehensible,
That I saved the core of the apple,
But something was lost in the boy ...

The first toys appeared in those distant times, when our ancestors still lived in caves. Initially, these were all kinds of rattles that help mothers soothe crying babies. But the figures of animals and people were originally created as tribal totems, as well as idols and keepers of the hearth, which were worshiped by ancient people. And only much later they began to be made for the entertainment of children. Today in stores you can find an incredible variety of dolls, cars, airplanes, etc. However, nothing will please your child like those toys that he made himself with his mother. If you have some free time, you can, for example, make soft toys with your own hands from fabric.

What you need

To make toys with your own hands from fabric, you will need:

  • needles;
  • multi-colored threads;
  • yarn;
  • ready-made "eyes" or buttons to imitate them;
  • scissors;
  • sewing machine;
  • foam rubber, wool, plastic granules and other stuffing materials.

You will also need scraps of fabric of different types and sizes.

Gingerbread Man

Do you want to make crafts for the entertainment of the baby for the first time? As a fabric toy for beginners, we can recommend a gingerbread man from a well-known fairy tale. She has the simplest pattern, which can be seen below.

For such a craft, any dense woolen fabric, such as a light brown drape, is suitable. Cut out two identical parts according to the pattern. Then on the first one they draw a smile and circles that will depict buttons. Carefully cut out the excess fabric along the applied lines. Using the same pattern, a lining is made of white dense fabric or a layer of synthetic winterizer. A lining is laid out on the wrong side of the part for the back, and a part with a face is placed on top with the front side out. Take a thick white thread. Connect all the details along the edge with a buttonhole seam. Small black circles are glued onto the "whites" of the eyes as pupils. A bow tie is made from a piece of checkered fabric. A double-folded piece of braid is sewn to the top of the gingerbread man so that the toy can be hung on a Christmas tree or over a baby's bed.

Fleece caterpillar: what you need

Do-it-yourself toys made of fabric are made in a variety of ways. For example, you can easily make a green fleece caterpillar.

For this you will also need:

  • sintepuh and sintepon;
  • white fleece;
  • copper wire in a rubber braid;
  • green threads;
  • 2 beads;
  • black floss threads.

How to make a caterpillar from fleece: a master class

To make such a toy with your own hands from fabric, you need:

  • fold the fleece in length;

As you can see, fabric toy patterns can be very simple. However, there are also very complex options, consisting of dozens of details.

"Horse": preparation

Today it is not difficult to find any patterns of fabric toys. For example, below is an option for a toy in the form of a horse.

Before proceeding with its manufacture, you need to make a mane and tail. To do this, you need yarn that matches the color of the fabric from which the horse is sewn. Any piece of braid or a thin strip of non-shrinking fabric is also needed.

For the tail, take 10-15 pieces of yarn with a length equal to the length of the part for the leg of the toy, and tie it into a knot at one end. As for the mane, they apply a piece of braid to the pattern of the part of the horse’s head and “circle” the neck almost to the base. Pieces of yarn are sewn to it along the entire length so that a mane is obtained.

We sew a blue "Horse" with a tail and a mane

The pattern of such crafts is increased to the desired size and printed on a printer. Then:

  • each detail is applied to the fabric, for example, with a small or special marker, as many times as indicated on the pattern;
  • stitch on both parts, from which the torso should be made, places of tucks;
  • sew the details of the legs and ears;
  • connect the two halves of the body, laying the tail and mane in the right places.

Now it remains to stuff the insides of the toy with synthetic fluff. With your own hands, buttons should also be made from fabric, using a pattern of parts in the form of disks. With their help, as well as using a rope hinge, already stuffed leg parts are attached to the body. Then they draw rock and stick beady eyes on the horse's head.


And finally, a very easy-to-make rag doll. From time immemorial, such toys have been made by Russian peasant women for their daughters. In order for your baby to have a rustic-style doll, you should:

  • cut a circle from a white or light beige fabric;
  • stitch it along the edge and pull it off to make a bag;
  • fill it with sintepuh;
  • draw a face on the resulting “head”;
  • multi-colored patches and pieces of lace are used to sew a dress in the style of a Russian costume with sleeves and gathered at the neck;
  • sew on the head;
  • cut out a triangle from a bright patch and tie it like a scarf on a doll's head.

Everything, your Marusya or Anyuta is ready! You can make a friend or a smaller daughter doll for her in the same way.

Now you know what simple fabric toys you can easily make yourself using patches cut out of old clothes, and you can please your kids with interesting crafts.

Sewing a soft toy Caterpillar is not difficult even for beginner needlewomen. Sewing a toy will take a little time and effort, and all the necessary materials can be found at hand. So let's get started.

For sewing a soft toy Caterpillar, you will need the following materials:

  1. 7-8 pieces of different fabric. It can be fleece, knitwear, shirt fabric or any other natural fabric. The more diverse the fabrics, the more new tactile sensations the child will receive during the game. We choose the color of fabrics bright, pleasing to the eye. The texture of the fabric should be soft and pleasant;
  2. 2 buttons for the caterpillar's eyes. You can experiment with the color of the buttons. For example, make eyes of different colors or even different sizes. This little original detail will surely please the child;
  3. Threads in the color of fabrics;
  4. Yarn of any color (needed to make Caterpillar hair);
  5. Filler material. For example, synthetic winterizer, foam rubber, cotton wool or fleece cut into small pieces;
  6. Sewing machine, scissors and needle;
  7. A small handful of fantasy and good mood.


From fabric of different colors, cut out 7-8 identical circles. The diameter of the circle can be any, depending on the desired size of the caterpillar. Next, you need to sew circles together using a sewing machine. (of course, you can do this manually, but the sewing machine will save time and the result will be more accurate).

The result is 2 parts of the body of the Caterpillar. Then you need to sew the resulting parts on the sides and leave a hole for eversion. Unscrew the resulting workpiece and fill the body of the Caterpillar with filler. Sew one of the circles of fabric separately, leaving a small hole on one side, then fill with filler and sew to the body of the toy.

It turns out the head of the Caterpillar. For the head, you can use striped or other interesting fabric, this will add originality to the toy. Hair can be made from a bundle of yarn (for example, white), for this you need to take a few threads of yarn and drag in the middle with a thread of the same color. Sew the hair blank to the crown of the charming Caterpillar. Sew the button eyes in place. The mouth of the Caterpillar can be made of red fabric (it is best to use fleece, as it is soft and easily takes the desired shape, besides, the fleece does not crumble around the edges) or simply embroider a smile with threads.

An elegant bow or scarf made of fleece around the neck of the Caterpillar will be a great addition to the image. To make a bow, cut out a long, thin strip of fabric and a rectangle (again, fleece is better for the reasons above), then wrap the strip around the Caterpillar's neck and tie a knot around the rectangle, leaving the long ends of the strip hanging down. This is how the bow turned out.

The caterpillar is ready, all that remains is to come up with an original name for the new toy and enjoy the game. This toy is perfect for developing fine motor skills of little hands and can be a great gift for a child for any occasion!

Caterpillar made of fabric, I will show and tell you how to make this interesting and later even funny craft. It will take more attention and imagination. It certainly isn't or where step by step photo instruction is paramount. But also try to understand the method of creating a caterpillar.

The craft is called a cheerful caterpillar.

1. Pieces of fabric of different colors (no preference) cut around. The quantity depends on the intended length of the caterpillar. Each circle needs to be done a little more than the previous one. And also cut out one oblong fabric for the tail.

2. Pull the fabric along the edge and stuff with cotton. As fabric circles, and the tail.

3. Collect the resulting balls on one strong thread, and the “head” ball can be much larger than the body, and make an elongated tail at the end.

4. Collect a thin strip of fabric on the needle and sew on the back (for fluffiness). I took the orange color.

5. Eyes - do as you wish. For elegance, I sewed more pieces of fur around the eyes.

6. Crochet several multi-colored balls for the legs using the "" method. You can also attach unique eyes and a mouth.

7. Tie thick strong threads between the balls of the body and fasten the balls of the legs to them.
Now your caterpillar will have fun running around in colorful slippers.

Now kids can play with this caterpillar or it can decorate your collection.

Offers to make a bright soft toy for children from fleece with your own hands.

Necessary materials:

- fleece (green, white);
- a small piece of thin white felt;
- threads (white, black, green);
- small black beads or large beads;
- ruler;
- scissors;
- pins;
- needle;
- holofiber (sintepuh);
- disappearing fabric marker (black gel pen);
- templates (body, eye, paw);
- a stick or pencil for stuffing and turning the product.

1. Attach the template of the caterpillar body to the fabric (fleece) from the wrong side and circle it. Then, along the ruler, divide the resulting figure into identical segments.

2. Sew a seam along all vertical lines on the sewing machine (view from the front side).

3. Fold the fabric in half so that the front side is inside, then secure with pins.

4. Sew the semi-oval.

5. Cut off all excess, leaving an allowance of 1-2 mm from the seam.

6. Make a small incision in the place where the eye will subsequently be located.

7. Turn the product on the front side with a stick or the blunt end of a pencil.

8. With the same stick, stuff the body of the caterpillar tightly with sintepuh so that all segments stand out.

9. Cut the wire of the required length, bend the sharp ends and wrap them with tape. Carefully push the frame through the remaining hole to the very end.

10. Sew up the slit with green threads with a hidden seam.

11. To make an eye, you will need felt, fleece, a small bead, thread, a needle and some synthetic fluff.

12. Carefully attach the fleece circle to the felt circle, then connect the edges with a buttonhole, leaving a small opening for stuffing.

13. Stuff the eye tightly with a stick, sew up the remaining hole and attach a black bead.

14. Sew the finished eye to the head of the caterpillar with a hidden seam.

15. Make the second eye in the same way as the first.

16. Embroider the mouth with chain stitch.

17. Cut out the required number of circles from the green fleece, which will later become the paws.

18. Sew along the edge of the circle with a running stitch, then pull off the fabric, leaving a small hole, then stuff it tightly with padding. Tighten the resulting ball and sew it completely.

19. Do the rest of the paws in the same way.

20. Sew the paws to the lower part of the body.

21. The children's toy is ready.