At what month of pregnancy does toxicosis appear? When does toxicosis begin during pregnancy and what symptoms appear? Are toxicosis and the sex of the child related?

Toxicosis is a common condition of a pregnant woman. Toxicosis during pregnancy is accompanied by nausea, vomiting. This condition occurs due to the fact that the body is poisoned by toxins, harmful substances that are formed in pregnant women during the development of the fetus. Often women, having learned about their situation, begin to expect that nausea will soon begin. They listen to their body, but not everyone knows when it will begin.

Experts note that an unpleasant condition is observed in a certain time period. Early toxicosis can begin already in the first days of delay or after the fifth or sixth week of pregnancy. Its duration is individual.

When toxicosis begins during pregnancy in the third trimester or in the middle of the second, this is considered late toxicosis. In the second trimester, it can be dangerous for the expectant mother and child.

Anxiety in the first trimester

Why poisoning of the body begins during pregnancy still makes many experts think, and this phenomenon has not been fully studied. But, nevertheless, there are some reasons that cause such a state of the body.

  1. Changes in the hormonal system of a woman. From the very first moment, after fertilization has occurred in the female body, everything begins to change. The hormonal composition is changing - this affects the behavior, health, and well-being of a woman. Irritability, tearfulness, resentment may appear. The sense of smell is aggravated, which provokes toxicosis in the first trimester. In the first months of pregnancy, the female body accepts the fetus as a foreign object that needs to be disposed of. But over time, hormones stabilize, the body begins to calmly perceive the unborn child, and nausea stops.
  2. Defensive reaction. When a woman refuses herself the usual things for her, products. There is a reaction to smells that previously could simply be ignored (the smell of coffee, cigarette smoke, fish, eggs, etc.). They can also be dangerous, contain pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, nausea, vomiting are symptoms of protecting the expectant mother and fetus.
  3. Infections, diseases. If some diseases have not been completely cured, this can lead to a weakening of the immune system of the pregnant woman. And this, in turn, can cause toxicosis in the early stages.
  4. The placenta develops. Vomiting and nausea exhausts the body at the initial stage of pregnancy until about 14 weeks. In the second trimester, it usually stops, and in the same period, the placenta completely completes its formation. Many functions to protect the body, including the retention of toxic substances, are the responsibility of the placenta. And at the time of its formation, the body independently copes with intoxication. Therefore, these processes are interconnected.
  5. The age of the woman. Pregnancy that occurs after thirty years is considered dangerous. Especially if this is the first pregnancy. Toxicosis develops more than usual.
  6. Multiple pregnancy. Since several embryos develop, all symptoms will be several times stronger. But for a woman who has undergone early toxicosis, the threat of miscarriage does not threaten.

Duration and symptoms of pathology

Each case during pregnancy associated with toxicosis is individual. Much depends on when it starts and when it ends. It is very difficult to name the exact period.

Nausea is the main symptom

Some experience mild signs of nausea, while others feel so bad that they have to go to the hospital. Usually, early toxicosis is observed in the first trimester and by the fourteenth week it stops. In the second trimester (under normal condition) of pregnancy, there are no signs of nausea. Resumption is possible only in the third trimester and lasts until the very birth. The duration of such an unpleasant condition may also depend on the state of health of the woman.

The most common manifestations of toxicosis are gag reflexes. The frequency of manifestation can be different, depending on the severity of toxicosis. There is an opinion that the more pronounced toxicosis during pregnancy, there is a greater chance of giving birth to a girl, and, conversely, the less this condition worries you, then most likely expect a boy.

There are different degrees of intensity of toxicosis.

  1. The first degree is the easiest - the urge to vomit can begin up to five times. Vomiting can be on an empty stomach, after eating, sometimes accompanied by unpleasant odors. Weight can remain the same or no more than three kilograms are lost, that is, approximately 5% of the total body weight. This condition is easy to get rid of at home.
  2. At the second stage - gag reflexes can be up to ten times a day. At the same time, salivation increases, the woman develops lethargy, the general condition worsens, apathy may be observed. During toxicosis, a large amount of fluid leaves with vomit and saliva, dehydration occurs, and metabolism is disturbed. The skin during this period of pregnancy may become dry, pale, and constipation may occur. Weight loss can be up to six kilograms in a few weeks.
  3. In the third stage - the frequency and duration can reach up to twenty-five times a day. Weight loss can reach up to ten kilograms, while the pulse will be rapid.

Further actions of the woman

Many experts do not consider mild to moderate nausea and vomiting to be a painful condition for a woman. Often there are no threats to the health of the expectant mother and baby.

But with some symptoms, you still need to consult a doctor:

  • severe vomiting more than eight times a day, the danger is caused by the fact that it can lead to severe weight loss;
  • with severe vomiting, less urination occurs, urine is dark in color, dizziness appears;
  • severe abdominal pain, colic;
  • when, after eating, she vomits, and so on for twelve hours;
  • lose more than three kilograms in a few weeks.

A pregnant woman is usually offered either hospitalization or home treatment in order to get rid of severe toxicosis. When severe dehydration occurs, a dropper is installed to restore salts and water in the body.

Ways to relieve symptomsDescription of the method
Eat less in the morningWith a slight malaise, you do not need to get up immediately in the morning, lie down for a bit, then eat cookies, a handful of nuts. Nausea usually goes away.
Take Vitamin B6It reduces the symptoms of toxicosis, is found in chicken eggs, meat (without skin). Legumes and beans are recommended. Eat small meals, but more often after about two to three hours. Don't overeat.
Foods with high energy valueSo called energy pills. They help to slowly transfer energy to the body, normalize blood circulation, and satisfy appetite. These are usually cereals, rice, corn, oats, bread, cereals, etc.
Drinking regimeDoctors recommend drinking at least two liters a day. Water must be clean, without gas. Drink in small sips, it is advisable not to drink with meals. Avoid caffeine and green tea. Ginger tea helps with toxicosis, pumpkin juice, cranberry juice and prune juice.
walksBe outdoors more often. This has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the pregnant woman, and at this time you can be distracted, chat with loved ones. Give up bad habits - alcohol, tobacco.
vitaminsTaking vitamins (after consulting with specialists) also normalizes the condition during toxicosis. Pregnant women need to maintain an internal balance, since a future child takes many useful trace elements, especially in the early stages.

Toxicosis is a fairly common occurrence during pregnancy. But it cannot be argued that it is a mandatory sign of fetal development. Most often, this condition appears as a result of malnutrition, pathologies of the internal organs of the expectant mother and other adverse factors. Therefore, when toxicosis begins, you should not take it for granted, but it is better to consult a doctor for advice.

When do signs of toxicity occur?

It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer on how long toxicosis begins. In most cases, it manifests itself at 4-6 weeks of pregnancy. However, its early signs may appear within a few days (5-7) after conception, with the introduction of a fertilized egg into the uterine mucosa.

It is also impossible to say exactly how long toxicosis lasts, since everything depends on the individual characteristics of the mother's body.

But often his symptoms disappear by the end of the first trimester (13-14 weeks). Separately, it is worth highlighting toxicosis in the last 2-3 months of pregnancy, which may indicate the presence of a pathology of the cardiovascular and genitourinary system of a woman. It can threaten not only the health, but also the life of the expectant mother, as well as cause the death of the fetus.

Main features

During the period when toxicosis begins, a woman has:

  • aversion to certain smells;
  • increased salivation;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting of varying severity;
  • heartburn;
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • increased nervousness;
  • weakness, dizziness, lethargy;
  • sleep disturbance.

Quite rarely, early toxicosis of pregnant women manifests itself in the form of itching and dermatitis.

Particular attention should be paid to such a symptom as vomiting, which has three degrees of severity.

The first degree is characterized by:

  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea that occurs after eating or in response to certain smells;
  • occasional vomiting (up to 5 times a day);
  • weight loss (up to three kilograms).

But at the same time, there are no signs of dehydration, disorders of the cardiovascular system, nervous phenomena, there are no sharp jumps in pressure, and the general state of health can be considered satisfactory.

This degree does not require medical intervention, and gradually disappears by 12-14 weeks of pregnancy.

Relief can bring a change in diet, good sleep, rest, walks in the fresh air and positive emotions. It is necessary to use folk remedies during this period carefully, since even a “harmless” herbal tincture can adversely affect the condition of the fetus.

The second degree of severity often occurs within a week after conception and manifests itself:

  • frequent nausea and vomiting (up to 10 times a day), which does not depend on food intake;
  • a slight increase in overall body temperature;
  • severe weakness and depression;
  • hypotension;
  • increased heart rate up to 100 beats per minute;
  • the appearance of acetone bodies in the urine.

This condition requires medical intervention under the supervision of a physician.

The third degree of severity in some cases may serve as an indication for termination of pregnancy, as it poses a real threat to the life of the mother and, if left untreated, ends in death.

Such early toxicosis is accompanied by:

This severity requires hospitalization and treatment under medical supervision.

Causes of toxicosis

The exact reason why toxicosis occurs after conception has not been established. However, there are a number of factors that can provoke it.

These include:

In cases where toxicosis begins after the seventh month of pregnancy, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. This pathology is called preeclampsia and proceeds in four stages.

Gestosis requires medical treatment. Otherwise, the pregnancy ends in the death of the mother.

Abrupt cessation of toxicosis

There are cases when, after the manifestations of the first symptoms of early toxicosis, they suddenly stop. This may indicate, although not necessarily, the fading of the fetus. To confirm or exclude this assumption, you should undergo an ultrasound scan or donate blood for chorionic gonadotropin.

Medical measures

If we are talking about early toxicosis in the first weeks of pregnancy, which occurs in a mild form, then the main ways to alleviate the condition are:

  • an increase in the diet of vegetables, herbs, fruits, dairy products, cereals, fiber and easily digestible proteins;
  • fractional meals (at least five times a day);
  • exclusion of stress;
  • giving up alcohol and nicotine;
  • frequent exposure to fresh air;
  • available physical exercises (swimming, walking, yoga) that improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

There is a folk effective way against morning toxicosis in the first weeks of pregnancy. Immediately after sleep, without getting out of bed, you need to eat something. It can be a cracker, caramel candy, a piece of cheese or a cracker. After 5-10 minutes, you can slowly rise, without making sudden movements and inclinations. Then you can go about your normal morning activities.

In rare cases, when nausea and vomiting do not go away for a long time, you can take an antiemetic drug. Sometimes a No-shpy tablet helps.

Another method to eliminate nausea is mint candies or tea with leaves of this plant. But here you should be aware that the consumption of a decoction or tincture of mint in its pure form can cause a headache.

In severe manifestations of toxicosis, only a doctor can prescribe treatment.

Throughout the time that toxicosis, accompanied by vomiting, lasts, it is necessary to strictly monitor the amount of water consumed in order to prevent blood clotting and additional stress on the heart.


When planning the conception of a child, you need to balance your diet in advance in terms of the content of vitamins and minerals, exclude harmful foods, alcohol, psychotropic substances (coffee, chocolate) and nicotine. You should also undergo a full examination for the presence of chronic infections and pathologies, and if they are found, take measures to eliminate them.

All these actions will help to avoid or alleviate the manifestations of toxicosis and the course of pregnancy in general.

Pregnancy is the most important time in the life of any woman, however, this period is accompanied by many trials that complicate an already difficult situation. The most common complication of pregnancy is toxicosis. It is accompanied by a group of disorders that cause significant discomfort for the expectant mother. When does toxicosis begin during pregnancy and how does it manifest itself?

Description of the problem

Toxicosis of pregnant women (gestosis) is a complication of physiological pregnancy, which manifests itself in the form of a constant feeling of nausea, vomiting, increased blood pressure and a decrease in protein in the blood plasma. In addition, many women in the early stages experience dermatoses, convulsions, bone melting, as well as bronchial asthma and jaundice.

When does toxicosis begin in pregnant women? According to the classification, toxicosis is divided into early and late.

If a woman has bouts of nausea and vomiting, most pronounced in the morning, then these are signs of early toxicosis, characteristic of 1-12 weeks of pregnancy. Late toxicosis occurs closer to childbirth in the range from 26 to 40 weeks.

Each type of preeclampsia can be either true or secondary, that is, combined with any chronic pathology observed in a woman before pregnancy.

The most common diseases that occur in pregnant women include:

  • chronic kidney disease;
  • Diabetes;
  • Arterial hypertension;
  • Hepatosis, hepatitis and other liver dysfunctions.

All of the above pathologies can significantly worsen the course of pregnancy, and in some cases cause fetal death. Thanks to statistical research methods, it was found that in the presence of hypertension, severe forms of gestosis occur 14 times more often than in healthy patients. More than 50% of all registered cases of late toxicosis were combined with chronic pathology.

In early toxicosis, several forms of flow are distinguished:

  • Profuse salivation;
  • convulsions;
  • Melting of bone tissue;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Dermatoses;
  • Polyneuritis;
  • Indomitable vomiting.

For late gestosis, there is its own classification, which includes:

  • dropsy;
  • Nephropathy;
  • preeclampsia;
  • Eclampsia.

Main reasons

To date, the etiology of the pathological process has not been fully studied, however, there are a number of theories that allow us to make an assumption about the primary sources of toxicosis. All of them have the right to exist and to some extent can complement each other.

Nervous reflex

It is the most popular theory in scientific circles, due to its greatest study and validity. Its meaning lies in the fact that pregnancy is a great hormonal stress, leading to changes not only in the endocrine, but also in the nervous system. The most important part of the brain (cortex), which is responsible for consciousness, rational actions and other actions related to higher nervous activity, begins to give up a little in its positions.

It is clear that the cortical layer does not cease to function completely, however, it has to compete with more ancient parts of the brain (the limbic system). Excessive tearfulness, emotional instability, frequent mood swings - all this is characteristic of women who find themselves in a “position”, and the main reason for such conditions lies in the excessive circulation of nerve impulses in the ancient parts of the brain.

In the subcortical regions there are many nerve centers responsible for a number of protective reflexes (emetic, cough), the perception of taste and smell. All this can explain the sharp change in taste preferences characteristic of pregnant women.


In the human body there is a group of cells responsible for protection against foreign microorganisms. These cells are considered the most important component of the immune system. Protection mechanisms are different, but the leading principle of action is the activation of the "friend or foe" system.

Naturally, everything in this life cannot be perfect, and even more so in such a subtle and sensitive mechanism as the immune system. During pregnancy, there is a failure of protective mechanisms, leading to the synthesis of specific antibodies that adversely affect the well-being of the expectant mother. Antibodies are special proteins produced in response to the entry of foreign microorganisms.

Toxicosis begins when fetal antigens enter the mother's bloodstream. If a pregnant woman has any violations of the utero-placental barrier, then the child is perceived as a "stranger", for the suppression of which it is necessary to synthesize antibodies.


As already mentioned, during pregnancy there is a powerful hormonal shift, leading to a change in the activity of not only the nervous, but also the endocrine system. Hormones are biologically active substances involved in many physiological reactions. There are a number of organs that synthesize hormones, and all of them belong to the endocrine system.

During pregnancy, an additional endocrine organ, the placenta, is formed. The appearance of a “newcomer” is not always perceived by the body adequately, which manifests itself in the form of all kinds of disorders in the nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems.


The presence in the body of a chronic focus of infection leads to perverse immune reactions, which adversely affects the development of the embryo in the first trimester. To prevent this, it is recommended to undergo a course of antibiotic therapy to completely eradicate the infection. In family planning centers, it is advised to drink a course of vitamins that increase the resistance of the mother's body even before the conception of a child. In addition, in order to strengthen the protective mechanisms, it may be necessary to perform special exercises, as well as a high-calorie diet.

Symptoms of early toxicosis

In the previous section, it was already said at what time toxicosis begins, however, in order to more carefully describe the essence of this pathology, it is necessary to analyze the clinical manifestations. Depending on the timing of pregnancy, toxicosis is divided into early and late. These categories differ not only in the moment of onset, but also in symptoms. Early toxicosis can begin from the first days of the delay, but, as a rule, it is 5-6 weeks.

  1. Vomit.

The main symptom in this case is vomiting. What week does vomiting begin with toxicosis? With a pronounced form, vomiting is observed immediately after conception. The duration of this period varies greatly depending on the individual characteristics of the woman, but after 20 weeks, vomiting should completely subside. There is a pattern indicating the fact that the earlier vomiting appeared, the more difficult the early toxicosis will be.

There is a classification that divides the gag reflex into several degrees of severity:

  1. Light. It is characterized by slight vomiting of food eaten, no more than 5 times a day. The general condition of the pregnant woman is satisfactory, weight loss does not exceed 3 kg.
  2. Average. The frequency increases up to 10 times a day, is not associated with food intake. Weight loss within 2 weeks reaches more than 3 kg. The general condition is unsatisfactory, women complain of malaise, constant weakness and dizziness. The blood pressure drops and the heart rate increases.
  3. Severe degree. Accompanied by indomitable vomiting, with a frequency of up to 25 times per day. The condition is expressed in the form of dehydration with a rapid loss of body weight (more than 10 kg). At the same time, the pregnant woman becomes depressed, inhibited, her reaction rate decreases, and dysphoric disorders are observed. The decrease in blood pressure and increased heart rate continue to progress, the temperature rises, and bad breath occurs. If nothing is done, there is a high risk of developing severe kidney failure. To save life, a woman is recommended to perform a pharmacological or instrumental termination of pregnancy.

Vomiting is a symptom that is better to start as late as possible, because otherwise the risk of developing serious complications increases: convulsions, dehydration and a drop in blood pressure.

  1. Salivation.

In most cases, drooling is a symptom associated with vomiting, however, in the early stages of pregnancy, it is an independent symptom. Salivation (ptyalism) can lead to a significant loss of fluid (up to 1000 ml per day), which already exacerbates dehydration that develops against the background of vomiting.

Pronounced ptyalism leads to dehydration, to a significant loss of protein, as well as to violations of the mental state of the pregnant woman. As a rule, by the end of the 12th week of pregnancy, this manifestation of toxicosis completely fades away.

  1. Dermatosis.

Dermatosis is one of the most unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis, manifested as intense, diffuse itching. The areas of the body prone to dermatosis are different, and there is no specific localization for the pathological process. It is known that with prolonged irritation of the skin, a pregnant woman develops a sleep disorder, she becomes irritable and acquires a tendency to a depressive mood.

  1. Melting of bone tissue.

As a result of toxicosis, there is a change in electrolyte metabolism, which is expressed as a deficiency of phosphorus and calcium in the body. To replenish the lost trace elements, osteomalacia processes develop, leading to increased fragility of bone tissue. This condition threatens frequent pathological fractures. In addition, due to electrolyte imbalance, muscle cramps of the upper and lower extremities occur.

It is difficult to specify in what month the complication develops, because the study of electrolyte balance does not apply to screening examination methods used in antenatal clinics. Existing pathophysiological theories suggest that osteomalacia begins in the middle of the first trimester.

Late form of the disease

Late toxicosis is a more severe form of the disease that threatens the life of the mother and child. When does toxicosis appear during pregnancy? This pathological process develops in the third trimester, as a rule, at the 26th week of pregnancy and continues until the very birth. Manifested in the form of arterial hypertension, nephropathy, dropsy, preeclampsia and eclampsia.

The pathogenesis of arterial hypertension in late toxicosis is a widespread spasm of arterial vessels. This is due to the massive release of endothelin, a substance produced in response to damage to the endothelial layer of the arteries.

After that, a cascade of reactions is launched, leading to some pathophysiological conditions:

  • Violation of the supply of nutrients to the organs;
  • hypoxia;
  • Increased blood clotting;
  • Decrease in the volume of circulating blood.

All these disorders eventually lead to damage to the liver, kidneys and delayed fetal development.

In conclusion, I would like to say that toxicosis is a very mysterious complication of pregnancy, which has a different intensity depending on the individual characteristics of the mother's body. For some women, toxicosis is manifested by moderate nausea and occasional headaches, for others, this condition threatens their own health and the life of the child. In order to prevent irreparable consequences, it is necessary to avoid excessive physical exertion and psycho-emotional experiences. The most important thing during pregnancy is to take care of your health, and at the first signs of a deterioration in well-being, seek advice from a gynecologist.

Toxicosis is associated with pregnancy and most often occurs in the first months from conception. It is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, weakness - these signs, as a rule, appear daily and are especially pronounced in the morning. Women who become pregnant for the first time often do not know how long does toxicosis begin in pregnant women, when does it end and can it threaten health?

Time of onset of toxicosis

Toxicosis may occur by the end of 7-8 obstetric weeks. Suspicious women may feel a little nausea before, but this is due to self-hypnosis. The first weeks are the period of implantation, and pregnancy is still in question, because the fetus may not take root.

Early toxicosis usually begins in the first month but not immediately after conception. It can be mild or severe, depending on the general condition. Toxicosis in the early stages is accompanied by:

These are the main signs of toxicosis. Not all of them are present with toxicosis, most often only some, for example, nausea and occasional vomiting after eating. This condition can exhaust a woman and even lead to the development of anemia and severe weakness.

If vomiting becomes uncontrollable, exhausting, accompanied by severe weakness, hospitalization is necessary. The woman will receive help in a hospital, where they will be treated and the body will be restored after debilitating toxicosis.

Toxicosis and gender of the baby

Attempts associate toxicosis with the sex of the child are superstitions. The body of each woman is individual, changes in taste preferences do not indicate the birth of a boy or girl - toxicosis during pregnancy may be completely absent.

For some parents, a blood test method is available. This method has errors, but is quite popular among expectant mothers.

With an ectopic pregnancy, toxicosis can occur! If you notice pain in the abdomen, you notice spotting, you need to undergo an ultrasound with a vaginal probe to determine the fetal egg in the uterus.

When does toxicity end?

It is impossible to say exactly how long toxicosis lasts in pregnant women. Usually, his symptoms decrease by the end of the first trimester, but this is not always the case. Nausea and vomiting end at the same time or separately. There are no standards in this matter, everything is individual. Usually, morning sickness persists for a long time, when vomiting no longer occurs.

When toxicosis in pregnant women passes, the condition improves, the woman's mood changes, she can devote more time to communicating with friends and her husband. Usually, after severe toxicosis passes, the expectant mother gains weight. Her appetite improves, and nausea does not prevent her from trying familiar and new dishes.

An abrupt cessation of toxicosis at any time sometimes indicates the fading of pregnancy, especially if a woman notes the disappearance of breast soreness and the appearance of pulling pains.

How to alleviate the condition with toxicosis?

Despite the fact that toxicosis is associated with one of the most anticipated, desired and happy periods of life women, nausea and vomiting can seriously weaken the body and lead to psycho-emotional instability. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with discomfort, using the experience of other mothers.

Getting rid of the manifestations of toxicosis without the use of medicines will not work. But the use of drugs is contraindicated for women, especially in the early stages, when placental protection does not work and even harmless drugs can be accompanied by a teratogenic effect on the fetus.

Many women find relief consumption of fruits with sweet and sour taste. When nausea occurs, it is recommended to eat a piece of apple, kiwi, grapes. These fruits reduce discomfort in the early and late stages. Try roasting green apples - their sour taste beats back nausea. If you feel sick in a car, you can use lemon drops and drink liquid with lemon. It is believed that ginger is good for nausea. But it can not be abused due to the presence of essential oils.

If vomiting occurs in the morning, it is recommended to have breakfast without getting out of bed. For some pregnant women, this method relieved severe toxicosis. Try to drink less liquid in the morning so as not to provoke vomiting. Perhaps breakfast should be replaced by chewing a few crackers or toast. Dry food usually does not cause vomiting.. Postpone a full meal for a few hours later, when a strong attack of nausea disappears.

What is the danger of late toxicosis?

Late toxicosis occurs less frequently than early. Its main danger is that its manifestations many women confuse with signs of preeclampsia when a life-threatening condition develops and the risk of progression of renal failure increases. Specialists determine the dysfunction of the kidneys.

Preeclampsia is usually also accompanied by nausea and vomiting, but the symptoms are more pronounced, they are connected to a tendency to edema and loss of consciousness. In this state, a woman needs help, as complications can develop in the form of preeclampsia and eclampsia, if you do not have time to start acting in time.

If the manifestations of toxicosis in the second half of bearing a child become pronounced, it is necessary to conduct an examination and consult a doctor. The specialist will examine the pregnant woman, prescribe tests, determine the risks of complications, and, if necessary, hospitalize the woman in a medical institution equipped with equipment for resuscitation.

What can increase toxicity?

Usually, women who are busy with their own affairs and are in demand in the profession or at home suffer less from the manifestations of toxicosis. Vigorous activity allows you to forget about your condition, smoothes out uncomfortable sensations and gives a good mood.

To be more cheerful, fall asleep well and not build up signs of toxicosis, try to follow these recommendations:

Following these tips, which are not difficult to implement, you will be able to stay alert even with severe toxicosis and enjoy your own pregnancy. Nausea, vomiting and other discomfort will definitely disappear- medicine knows only rare cases when toxicosis lasted throughout all the months of bearing a child, and usually this was accompanied by chronic pathologies of the expectant mother.

Signs of toxicosis do not have to accompany your pregnancy. Do not expect toxicosis - its absence does not mean that the gestation process is not going well. On the contrary, rejoice that you are carrying a child easier than other women.

If you notice that you are unable to cope with nausea and vomiting that makes you weak, do not hesitate to tell your doctor about it. The doctor will recommend remedies that can be used without potential risk to the development of the unborn child. But do not resort to any treatment on your own, remember that you are responsible for the health of your baby and must take the choice of treatment seriously.

Get plenty of rest no matter what your pregnancy is like, do not exhaust yourself with physical exertion, tiring journeys and travels, especially in uncomfortable shoes and, if necessary, stay in the same position for a long time. A short rest quickly restores strength, helps to relax and does not allow you to overwork much.


What is it and what complications can be. We will talk about early and late toxicosis, as well as discuss treatment options.

What is the danger of toxicosis?

Everyone has heard about the unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis, but not everyone is aware of the potential danger, so before we talk about when toxicosis begins and ends, let's talk about the dangers. The word "toxicosis" tells us that it is full of toxic substances, which causes a painful condition, digestive problems and most often vomiting. During vomiting, you not only injure the esophagus, through which liquid and food should not pass at the speed with which they exit during vomiting, but also burn it with acid, which is contained in gastric juice.

This process is repeated more than once a day, because of which micro-wounds may appear in the esophagus, which will bother you while eating. But the problem with trauma to the esophagus is not the only one. It is worth remembering that you are removing not only dry food, but also liquid, respectively, the body loses moisture. If vomiting is repeated several times a day, then you do not just break the water balance, but begin to lose weight due to large losses of moisture.

It is dehydration that is dangerous for both the mother and for, since the fetus must receive the necessary amount of water, but if the mother's body is dehydrated, then serious problems arise. Above, we described the danger of early toxicosis, but a late version can also harm your health and the health of your child. Late toxicosis is also called preeclampsia. It manifests itself in the form of a rapid and significant weight gain, as well as the appearance of edema. And if the puffiness is not so terrible, then the complications that can arise after preeclampsia are dangerous for both the mother and the child. Next, we will take a closer look at possible complications, and also answer the question of whether preeclampsia can begin if the woman is healthy.

The manifestation of toxicosis

It happens that toxicosis becomes more severe, which causes additional problems. Consider how to determine that the poisoning of the body has become moderate or severe.

The manifestation of toxicosis of moderate severity

Important! Acetone may appear in the urine.

This condition threatens the body of the mother and child. In fact, a pregnant woman feels the same as a person with severe food poisoning. Only in the case of poisoning, the problems are much easier to solve, and you do not risk another life. Toxicosis of moderate severity leads not only to weight loss, since you not only constantly remove fluid, but also to the inability to eat normally. The liver also suffers, which removes toxins from the blood, and the digestive system, as it works "back to front". The baby does not receive the required amount of water, nutrients, and minerals, as they simply do not come. This condition is really dangerous.

Manifestation of severe toxicosis

This is the worst option, which requires immediate hospitalization. The severe form differs from the average in that vomiting can occur up to 25 times a day, and this is a huge amount of fluid that is excreted from the body of the expectant mother. The problem is that with a severe degree, a woman cannot even absorb water, not to mention food. There are serious changes at the chemical level due to lack of fluid, so the condition becomes critical.

In order to somehow improve the condition, the patient is prescribed an intravenous infusion of fluids, which is designed to solve problems with water balance. Treatment is carried out only in a hospital, as the expectant mother must be under the supervision of doctors.

Causes of toxicosis

Let's start with the most banal cause of toxicosis - heredity. If your mother or grandmother had toxicosis, then most likely you will have it too. The chance to get such a "set of charms" is 25%. At the same time, you should not think that you will experience the same torments and you will have the same problems as your mother or grandmother. It all depends on your body, namely, on its condition.

The second reason for toxicosis- General restructuring of the body. Immediately after pregnancy, your body begins to change under the influence of hormones. And the problem is that your body does not know how to react to such a number of substances, so there are malfunctions in the functioning of organs and organ systems.

Third reason- activation of certain areas of the brain that enhance the body's defenses. At this point, your brain literally stops listening to you. “Wake up” reflexes, which are designed to provide additional protection needed during gestation. As a result, you may feel sick or vomit from foods that you used to enjoy. This is how your brain controls what you eat or touch. Fifth reason- nerves. Not only your mood and attitude to the world, but also your physical health depends on your emotional state. If you are constantly nervous, experiencing negative emotions, then your brain may decide that now is not the time to have a baby, and will try to call. Although it seems fantastic, but believe me, emotions greatly affect the general state, especially negative ones.

Sixth reason- diseases. Any diseases of the internal organs will begin to progress during pregnancy, as the load on them increases. As a result, failures may occur, which will cause toxicosis.

When does toxicosis appear during early pregnancy

Next, we will talk about when toxicosis begins in pregnant women in the early stages, and how it manifests itself. Let's discuss possible treatments. Early toxicosis appears in the first trimester. Often, toxicosis notifies a woman that she is pregnant. In this case, the first signs may appear as early as the -th week, when it is quite difficult to confirm pregnancy.

Clinical manifestations

Early toxicosis is characterized not only by nausea and regular urge to vomit, but also by weakness, deterioration in general condition, drowsiness and irritability. You turn into a small child whose mood changes drastically every minute. You can burst into tears for no reason, and after a few minutes laugh as if you were told the best joke in the world. The emotional state becomes unstable, so you begin to react inadequately to the words of others. And this is primarily due to general malaise, which is reflected in the form of emotions.

Important! Salivation is characteristic of early toxicosis.


Having figured out at what stage of pregnancy toxicosis begins, possible treatment should be considered. It's worth starting with the right one. You need to use only healthy products without chemicals. The number of meals should be around 5 times, and portions should be reduced to a minimum so that the digestive system does not overstrain. Food is taken in the supine position, slowly.

Important! Food should not be hot.

As for drugs, doctors can only prescribe antiemetics to help suppress the urge. Medications may also be prescribed to help manage allergies. It is not advisable to prescribe any other drugs, since your body already suffers, and it does not need an additional load associated with the excretion of substances.

At what time does toxicosis appear in the second half of pregnancy

We turn to what week of pregnancy late toxicosis begins. Let's talk about possible complications and discuss treatment. Late toxicosis, or gestosis, may appear on the -27th week. In this case, the deviation is not characterized by symptoms that occur during early toxicosis.

Degrees, signs of late toxicosis

Let's start with the symptoms that indicate that the future mother has a late toxicosis:

  1. Increasing pressure.
  2. Analyzes indicate that there is protein in the urine.
  3. The appearance of edema.
  4. Problems with urination.
  5. Kidney problems.
Problems arise because the body cannot remove excess fluid, resulting in edema. Problems with the kidneys arise because the organ is under heavy stress, as a result of which failures begin, chronic diseases become aggravated. The liquid is not only not excreted, but also begins to accumulate in various organs, which has an extremely negative effect on both the mother and the child. Due to gestosis, the baby may experience oxygen starvation, as a result of which stillbirth is not excluded.
There is a typical and atypical form of preeclampsia. The first implies the presence of such problems: dropsy, nephropathy,. The antipical form is characterized by the development of the following abnormalities: eclampsia without convulsions, monosymptomatic nephropathy with hypertension, and nephropathy with two symptoms. Dropsy is the formation of edema in various parts of the body. At the same time, blood pressure remains normal, and the general condition worsens only when extensive edema is formed.

Important! Dropsy in 20% of cases turns into nephropathy.

Nephropathy is a kind of "mix", and. Preeclampsia is a worsening of nephropathy, in which migraine, co-morbidity problems, apathy, hearing problems, lethargy, nausea, vomiting, are added to the above problems. Eclampsia is the last and most severe stage of preeclampsia. It is characterized by the appearance that cause bright light, loud sound, as well as pain. Eclampsia can lead to biting the tongue, stopping breathing, and freezing the body in one position. Also, during convulsions, there may be foam from the mouth, which has an admixture of blood.

Treatment of preeclampsia

Knowing for what period of pregnancy preeclampsia falls, it is worth setting aside a day and undergoing an examination with a doctor, passing the necessary ones, since late toxicosis begins imperceptibly, and with the advent of serious complications, the chance of losing a child increases. Treatment of preeclampsia is carried out depending on the form and severity. Dropsy can be treated at home, but if further complications occur, hospitalization is required. The treatment of such a serious illness, which can lead to the death of the mother or child, is not carried out at home, so we will not describe the details of the therapy. weight and height. Quite often, late preeclampsia occurs in overweight women, as well as in those who suffer from dystrophy. For this reason, you need to normalize your weight at first, reducing or increasing calories.

Did you know? It has been proven that a mother's foot may increase by 1-2 sizes during gestation. It has nothing to do with food or climate.

Avoid emotional overload. You should not injure or overload the nervous system, as this does not bode well. It is necessary to reconsider your attitude to life and those situations that unbalance you. The doctor may advise you to drink a course that normalizes the functioning of the ovaries. Such medicines are designed to accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues, which will have a positive effect on the reproductive system. Now you know what week toxicosis begins after, what causes it, how to determine toxicosis and at what point it is better to go to the hospital. You should not think that these problems will bypass you, since toxicosis is still a fairly common problem for pregnant women. Do not be afraid to take another examination or consult a doctor, as this may affect your health and wellness.