Nymphomaniac who. A nymphomaniac cannot be a faithful wife and mother. The main aspirations of nymphomaniacs

Initially, the term "nymphomania" served to denote an exceptionally strong sexual desire in women, forcing them to disregard the norms of decency and often change partners. Nowadays, “nymphomaniac” is often used in relation to an equally active man, although the word “nymphomania” itself comes from two ancient Greek words: “nympho” - “bride” and “mania” - “passion”, “madness”. In any case, a nymphomaniac is a person with pronounced hypersexuality.

Nymphomania - a disease, or promiscuity?

Greek physicians considered nymphomania a disease, closely associating it with hysteria, which was given the rude name " rabies". The fact is that increased sexual desire, promiscuity in intimate relationships were often observed in overly impressionable, emotional women prone to demonstrative scandals, many of whom could not even give birth.

Such views were widespread until the late Middle Ages. Therefore, a woman who is too active sexually could either be considered sick or suspected of having connections with evil spirits. And then her fate was very sad.

What can cause nymphomania?

After the onset of a more liberal era, promiscuous sex life with frequent changes of partners was classified as "licentiousness." In fact, the nature of this phenomenon is quite complex. Most often, people with a high content in the body of certain hormones responsible for sexual desire become nymphomaniacs. It is because of this hormonal shift that they experience a strong (often compulsive) desire for frequent sexual intercourse with different partners. That is, some hero-lover like Don Juan may well turn out to be an ordinary nymphomaniac.

Often, nymphomania in women is associated with the impossibility of satisfaction during sexual intercourse (the so-called "nymphomanic frigidity"). It turns out a vicious circle: the more a woman strives to achieve orgasm, changing partners for this, the stronger the disappointment. Often because of this, the case ends with a persistent mental disorder.

Many modern experts believe that nymphomania is based on some psychopathological processes, which, however, cannot be considered a disease in the full sense of the word. Rather, it is a kind of "borderline".

(Greek nymphe - bride + mania; synonymous with andromania), pathological sexual desire in women, manifested by an unbridled desire for sexual intimacy with different partners. In men, a similar deviation is called satyriasis.
Nymphomania can be viewed as a syndrome characterized by a constant desire for sexual contact; it can be caused by obsessive states or aggressive tendencies. Such reasons cause uncontrollable behavior aimed at the desire for sexual contact with any person, regardless of his age, appearance and even gender. Absolute promiscuity distinguishes a woman suffering from nymphomania from a woman who exhibits pronounced sexual activity, but is able to control her sexual behavior to a much greater extent, which is expressed in a certain selection of a partner. There are several varieties of nymphomania: nymphomania, caused by frequent bouts of sexual arousal that occur against the background of organic brain damage or hormonal disorders; nymphomania within the framework of a manic state; nymphomania against the background of an exceptionally strong innate sexual desire; imaginary nymphomania, in which women, for various reasons of a psychological and social nature, are forced to maintain numerous sexual contacts with many partners. There is a point of view according to which nymphomania is a hypertrophied sexual desire of an obsessive or overvalued nature, which is based on a dissonance between the biological and mental components of libido. With nymphomania, excitement is subjective and is not accompanied by specific changes in the blood supply to the muscle tone of the genital organs, and orgasm is achieved with difficulty or does not occur at all. However, the obsessive nature of sexual desire pushes a woman to change partners frequently, although sexual contacts themselves do not bring complete satisfaction. According to a number of sexologists, only this variant of increased libido refers to true nymphomania and occurs in mental disorders. It should be distinguished from pathological hypersexuality in various lesions of the deep structures of the brain, in particular the hypothalamus. An increase in sexuality can lead both to antisocial behavior with a lot of casual sex and alcoholism, and to difficulty in sexual and social contacts. Antisocial behavior often develops when hypersexuality manifests itself in childhood, adolescence or adolescence, when a woman has not yet formed as a person and the resulting mental infantilism does not allow her to resist a painful increase in attraction.

(Source: Sexological Encyclopedia)

Increased sexual desire (hypersexuality) in a woman. See also Satyriasis.

(Source: Sexological Dictionary)

(From Greek - bride, young woman + ... mania), female. hypersexuality, expressed in a painful increase in sexual desire; an irresistible need to commit more and more sexual acts with any, even unfamiliar partners. N. is the result of mental disorders or endocrine diseases. cm.: messalinism; uterine rabies. cf.: satyriasis.

(Source: Dictionary of Sexual Terms)

(Source: Concise Glossary of Sexopathological Terms)


See what "Nymphomania" is in other dictionaries:

    Nymphomania ... Spelling Dictionary

    - (Greek, from nymphe nymph, and mania rabies). Disease rabies of the uterus: irrepressible sexual desire in women. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. NYMPHOMANIA Greek, from nymphe, nymph, and mania, rabies. ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    ICD 10 F52.752.7 ICD 9 302.89302.89 Nymphomania (Greek ... Wikipedia

    nymphomania- and, well. nymphomanie f. honey. Painfully increased sexual excitability in women. ALS 1. As for your conviction about the discovery of nymphomania, they made me happy. Hertz. //30 27 (1) 122. Seeing Lva Mikhaila in a dream portends seizures for men ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    nymphomania- nymphomania, in the speech of physicians nymphomania ... Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian

    - (from the Greek nymphe the bride is a young woman and mania), in medicine, a painful increase in sexual desire in women ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    NYMPHOMANIA, nymphomania, pl. no, female (from Greek nymphe, see nymph, and mania madness) (med.). Painfully increased sexual excitability in women. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Exist., number of synonyms: 11 andromania (4) uterine rabies (2) hypersexuality ... Synonym dictionary

    NYMPHOMANIA- (nymphomania), a special type of hypereroticism (sexual hyperesthesia) - increased sexual desire in women, which is expressed in constant sexual dissatisfaction and an ongoing need for sexual satisfaction. Like a similar… Big Medical Encyclopedia

    nymphomania- Increased sexual desire (hypersexuality) in a woman. See also satyriasis. Topics in sexology… Technical Translator's Handbook


  • Erotic insanity. (Erotomania, satyriasis, nymphomania, priapism, fetishism), Jaffe-Coffeynon. Reprint from the publication. St. Petersburg, edition of the magazine `Secrets of Life`, 1907. 10 photographic illustrations. that time. Per. from the 26th French edition. The book was arrested by censorship in 1908. Her ...

To deal with this issue, you first need to find out what nymphomania is. Nymphomania is a certain type of increased sexual desire.

Most often, hypersexuality manifests itself in adolescents, but nymphomania is typical for people of different ages.

Nymphomaniacs have constant sexual dissatisfaction, high sexual activity, the appearance of erotic fantasies and regular searches for sexual partners.

Women who suffer from nymphomania are called nymphomaniacs. Sometimes the term nymphomania is also used in a figurative sense, characterizing an overly active girl who loves to regularly have sexual intercourse with different partners.

Women with increased sexual desire have several distinctive characteristics that help to recognize them among the rest of the liberated representatives of the fair sex.

  1. Promiscuity in choosing a sexual partner. To satisfy their instincts, such representatives of the fair sex often do not care what their chosen one looks like. They do not pay attention to the gender of a person, his age, external data, character, position in society and social status.
  2. Rare achievement of orgasm or the inability to get it at all. Nymphomania "gives" its owners regular sex, while not giving the opportunity to get satisfaction. Frigidity is observed in the vast majority of nymphomaniacs, which makes their sexual desire not a physiological, but a psychological phenomenon.
  3. Uncontrolled excitement. If other people can control their arousal and be attracted only to certain people, then nymphomaniacs are not capable of this. Nymphomania cannot be controlled, so such women do not know how to direct their own sexual desire in the right direction.

Many men who do not understand the topic believe that this phenomenon can be considered positive.

They do not see the negative aspects, representing only the always available female, who is ready not to get out of bed around the clock, constantly fulfilling the whims of her lover. In fact, everything is not so.

Unlike banal promiscuity, where promiscuity occurs between a man and a woman, nymphomania is accompanied by psychological pathologies.

The most common problem of nymphomaniacs is neurosis, on the basis of which an uncontrollable desire to have sexual intercourse develops.

However, their difficulties do not end with one problem, an obsessive desire to get satisfaction can be caused by manic-depressive psychosis, brain damage, schizophrenia, oligophrenia, asociality.


If you find out who these nymphomaniacs are not difficult, then it is much more difficult to deal with the consequences. They are individual and directly depend on the upbringing of a particular person, his attitude to the institution of marriage and to social society as a whole.

For some women, nymphomania turns into a list of sexually transmitted diseases. Others receive an unwanted pregnancy as a "reward" for their promiscuity. Still others even go as far as incest (sexual intercourse with close relatives), thereby destroying both their lives and family well-being.

Psychotherapists prescribing regular sessions are engaged in getting rid of this ailment.

The specialist helps to get rid of the obsessive desire to have sexual intercourse with any suitable object, and also teaches to enjoy making love with the only chosen one.

To reduce sexual desire, girls are prescribed special drugs and put on a strict diet, where it is forbidden to use any natural aphrodisiacs - chocolate, seafood, spicy food.

Also, alcohol is prohibited during treatment, even in small doses.

Attitude towards nymphomaniacs

People who know the essence of the issue superficially or do not know the exact definition of this term at all perceive nymphomania negatively, criticizing girls. Of course, there are no positive aspects to this disease, but women should not be blamed for this.

They are not able to control the development and aggravation of this disease, unlike the same cold or flu, where, when the first symptoms appear, you can provide immediate assistance and stop further infection of the body.

Women often repent of their deeds themselves. They want about their illness and try by all means to get rid of it. Only many do not know to whom to run for help - to doctors, to relatives or to a lover. They are afraid to seek advice, try to cope on their own, while regularly receiving negativity and disapproval from society.

If you have encountered a nymphomaniac in your life, do not rush to condemn her lifestyle. Most likely, she herself knows about her problem, but has not yet figured out how to deal with it. The best solution in this situation is to advise the woman to see a good psychotherapist for specialized help.

Usually, hypersexual girls are perceived by each man in completely different ways: some are happy that their beloved has inexhaustible energy in bed, while others are looking everywhere for a reason not to have sex so often. So who are they, nymphomaniacs?

Psychologists say that nymphomania, or, in other words, hypersexuality, is a term that has a figurative meaning and denotes the manner of a girl's sexual behavior, most often not fully approved by society due to moral and moral considerations.

Why can you become a nymphomaniac?

There are a lot of reasons for nymphomania - these are brain damage, some psychological pathologies and diseases, including depression, schizophrenia and epilepsy, hormonal imbalance due to the use of drugs, such as cocaine, heroin, and other stimulants. With nymphomania, sexual desire can be constant or paroxysmal, that is, from case to case.

Among the varieties of hypersexuality, there is the so-called imaginary nymphomania, when a girl maintains relationships with several partners not because of a craving for sex, but due to complexes or insecurity in her own attractiveness.

Interestingly, in hypersexual girls, not only the sight of a naked man, but also things that are not related to sexual life at all can provoke a frenzied sexual desire. The orgasm of a nymphomaniac comes in waves and is quite protracted, but still does not bring a sense of satisfaction and satiety, but only slightly weakens sexual arousal. It is usually quite difficult for nymphomaniacs to draw the line between increased hypersexuality and normal sexual desire.

According to the famous sexopathologist Kazimir Imelinsky, increased hypersexuality is distinguished by the fact that a person realizes himself as a person solely thanks to her, although he could well realize himself in other areas of life. Thus, if a person considers his sexual activity the only way of self-expression and is not capable of anything else, this has a purely personal basis: certain personality development disorders provoke social insufficiency and impoverishment of a person as an individual.

Enhanced sexual desire, in turn, provokes increased sexual activity, a manic desire to diversify and increase one's sex life. Here, there may well be a sense of one's own inferiority, as well as the shackles of complexes and self-doubt. That is why such a person is constantly trying to test his sexuality and emphasize it.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that if a girl puts her sex life at the forefront in her life, while rejecting all moral norms, she is sick with nymphomania. Well, if a girl can satisfy her sexual desire without harming herself or others and taking control of the situation - most likely, it's just about increased libido.

What do nymphomaniacs want?

Typically, hypersexual girls only want two things: first, to have as many orgasms as possible, and second, to have as many sexual partners as possible. Because of the desire for orgasm, a nymphomaniac is quite capable of bringing her partner to complete nervous and physical exhaustion. In the second case, a girl with nymphomania will not be at all worried about her appearance, character, or social status of her partner. If it does not work out to achieve multiple orgasms, the nymphomaniac switches to an intensified search for more and more new sexual partners.

How does this behavior affect the lives of nymphomaniacs?

Of course, such a rhythm of life is extremely detrimental to all aspects of the life of nymphomaniacs. For example, the reproductive system suffers greatly from the frequent change of partners, because these hypersexual girls are so immersed in themselves and preoccupied with their goal that they absolutely do not care about contraceptives, which may well lead to venereal diseases or unwanted pregnancies.

There is a stereotype among men that a nymphomaniac woman is a sexual fantasy come to life, because absolutely everything, even the most daring intimate desires, can be realized with her. But this is usually not the case: after all, a nymphomaniac is most often a girl who does not have a model appearance, and over time, the partner’s increased hypersexuality can turn a man’s life into a real nightmare.

Nymphomania - a serious disease that needs to be treated?

Yes, nymphomania is a mental illness, as a result of which a person loses control over himself. Usually this does not lead to anything good and makes life very difficult. At the first signs of increased hypersexuality, the best way out is to contact a specialist and tell about your problem. By the way, nymphomania can be one of the more severe and complex mental illnesses, for example, schizophrenia or epilepsy.

Think for yourself: for example, you just love chocolate. But if you eat it every day several times, very soon you will get bored with its taste, it will become ordinary and absolutely joyless. But chocolate will still be desirable, and you will spend all your money on buying it, not getting the proper pleasure from this delicacy. So, you spoil your health in vain, therefore, you yourself are killing yourself. The same is with nymphomania - many girls who suffer from it simply try to drown out self-doubt in this way and brighten up constant loneliness.

Consequently, society does not accept nymphomania, but it does not consider it a disease requiring treatment, despite the fact that such behavior destroys life. Do not hesitate to consult a doctor with a similar problem - it is better to do it now than to test your own life.

Most men dream of spending time with a lady who will be turned on by his every touch.

But few people understand that nymphomania is a symptom, indicating a pathology requiring serious treatment.

Excessive attraction to the opposite sex, constantly accompanying the desire to get sexual pleasure, can be present not only in women, but also in men.

There is an illusory idea that this is an element of romanticism and an inexhaustible source of pleasure, but in fact there is a serious pathology.

Basically, people who are able to squeeze a sex partner like a “lemon” attribute their abilities to temperamental characteristics and mistakenly believe that this is the work of nature - restless passion.

Although they “deal” with the syndrome of hypersexuality, in such cases, the social status of a person, his marital status, age, and even the sex of the object of desire does not matter.

During contact, a sick person can experience multiple orgasms, bright, high-quality, but there is no full satisfaction.

Nymphomania is a symptom that indicates a pathology that requires serious treatment.

Constant sexual hunger and promiscuity entail serious changes in the nature of a person, his behavior.

Over time, women with this syndrome become irritable, hysterical, pathologically jealous.

In most cases, they do not even realize that they suffer from a complex disease and this is nymphomania.

The word comes from the Greek "nymph" . According to legend, forest nymphs beckoned men into the dense forest and satisfied their own lust.

Among the people, the disease has a second name - "rabies of the uterus", given by the ancient philosopher Plato.

He believed that a monster had entered the female womb, seeking in any way to accompany childbirth.

If the goal is not achieved, then it wanders throughout the body, causing rabies and other ailments.

Modern medicine does not take such arguments seriously, since there are no specific criteria that indicate the true source of the development of pathology.

Nymphomania in women: causes

Remembering night butterflies, many of us are sure that they are true nymphomaniacs.

Actually it is not.

Unlike girls engaged in sexual satisfaction of clients for money, hypersexual women are ready to do it for free.

More often they themselves initiate contact in order to satisfy desire, natural attraction in such individuals occurs in rare cases.

The cause of the disease may be the following factors:

  • disruption of the hormonal system;
  • pathology in the ovaries;
  • pathology in the central nervous system;
  • schizophrenia;
  • psychoses of manic-depressive type;
  • hysteria with hyperthermia;
  • psychopathy etc.

Any factor that provokes an ailment causes a limbic disorder, a malfunction of the hypothalamus. Tumors, injuries, stroke and other diseases can also become provocateurs of a malfunction in the genital area.

In ancient times, such women were treated negatively.

Modern society is more loyal to nymphomaniacs, but there are also ardent critics of the unleashed behavior of sick ladies.

For example, in Europe there are support lines for those suffering from hypersexuality.

In our country, women with symptoms of nymphomania have a hard time.

Many do not mind spending time in voluptuous pleasures, but as soon as problems arise - sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy occurs - no one will come to the rescue.

Fortunately, there are not so many people with a sexual disorder, only three percent for three thousand .

How to identify nymphomania in women

Immediately it should be noted that not every increased sexual desire is a symptom of the disease.

There are three types of true disorder: congenital, acquired and andromania.

  • Signs of nymphomania in women can occur as early as childhood. Adolescents between the ages of 11 and 15 are prematurely attracted to the opposite sex. They have a strong desire to make love to at least someone in order to feel pleasure. What is nymphomania in girls - innocence is lost early, having achieved what they want, they begin to change partners. Doctors in such cases make a diagnosis - congenital nymphomania, a serious and difficult to treat pathology.
  • The acquired type manifests itself in adulthood due to difficult events that have occurred in her life. The trigger can be:
  • pregnancy;
  • violence - moral, physical;
  • postpartum depression;
  • imbalance of hormones.

Doctors divide the acquired disease into menopausal nymphomania and andromania.

  • In the first case, changes in the body due to the onset of menopause may be a factor in the development of the disease. If a lady had a heightened sexual desire throughout her life, then with menopause the problem is aggravated - nymphomania occurs in old age. What are the ladies of advanced years satisfied with, because they cannot afford to look for a partner. In such cases, according to experts, self-satisfaction, that is, masturbation, is common. But doctors strongly recommend that such patients urgently seek treatment. A set of chronic diseases, pressure, the state of the cardiovascular system, reduced immunity cannot withstand frequent bursts of sexual desire for a long time. In patients with normal libido, desires remain at the same level or decrease.
  • Andromania is an imaginary nymphomania. With the help of frequent sexual intercourse, changing partners, the lady tries to assert herself, increase her own self-esteem, prove to others that men like her, she has a special attraction.

Often, the pathology we describe is confused with promiscuity caused by disorders in the human brain.

Also, the disease should not be confused with high libido, love attraction, the desire to assert oneself after a breakup.

Nymphomania in women can be identified by a number of symptoms.

Symptoms of nymphomania in women

The main symptom of a sexual disorder is excessive excitability.

Just a glance of a man, memories of him is enough, as a desire immediately arises.

  • Initially, such ladies try to satisfy passion with a permanent partner, but over time, he gets tired of the powerful pressure. In order to achieve what they want, women seek contacts with strangers, strangers, and often satisfy their hunger with people of the same sex.
  • Promiscuity. The disease leads to the fact that the ladies cease to be squeamish, their thinking is, as it were, in a fog. Not interested in age, marital, social status and even appearance. The patient is always in search of sexual intercourse, the rest is not interested.
  • Bed selfishness. Increased attraction does not allow you to think about a partner during contact, the main thing is to have fun.
  • narcissism. Outwardly, ladies always try to look bright, put on defiant clothes, put on bright, sometimes vulgar makeup, by which you can understand what nymphomania is (photo attached) in its obvious manifestations.

Important: it is impossible to control the disease, desire overcomes shame, since those suffering from nymphomania cannot stop lustful actions without medical intervention.

To provoke another attack, the method can not only be the presence of the stronger sex, but even a conversation about sex, objects of certain forms.

A burst of activity is often accompanied by:

  • insomnia;
  • loss of appetite;
  • excessive sweating;
  • temperature imbalance.

Among those suffering from this type of disorder are often those who have undergone encephalitis, patients with epilepsy.

Sudden bursts prompt an immediate search for a sexual connection to satisfy the need.

In medical practice, there were cases when attraction arose after severe stress, physical, moral stress.

Nymphomania in women: examples from life

Women suffering from a sexual disorder can get up to 30-40 orgasms in one night.

And the duration is amazing, the pleasure can last up to one hour or more.

In one of the states of America, a woman got married 12 times!

Exhausted husbands filed for divorce in order to preserve their health and life.

Another lady at the age of 46 was never able to get married, despite her high social status and good profession.

It all started at a young age.

It was enough for a guy, a man just to look at her, how she wanted to have sex with him.

In a day, she could change up to 3, 4 partners, which negatively affected her reputation.

Over the years, she got used to her "feature", but she never got a permanent partner.

If our heroine were familiar with the diagnosis of “nymphomania in women”, and also what it is, perhaps the doctors would be able to help her.

Male nymphomania: symptoms and signs

Men, as we have already pointed out, also suffer from excessive sexual desire.

Nymphomania in men is manifested not only by constant dissatisfaction, but also by the search for partners, cheeky behavior, and oddities in sexual behavior.

In medicine, a disease that causes a disorder in a male has a different name than a female.

Nymphomania in men is called "Satyriasis" on behalf of Satyr, a deity distinguished by hypersexuality.

Satyriasis - this is the name of nymphomania in men

Important: for such persons, the pathological need for sex becomes the main issue, which often leads to disastrous consequences.

Signs of nymphomania in men

It is impossible to refrain from sexual intercourse with this disease.

It is not difficult to determine the disease, as the symptoms have vivid manifestations.

  1. Frequent change of sexual partners.
  2. Inability to satisfy sexual desire even with numerous contacts in a short time.
  3. No long-term relationships, only short-term sexual relationships.

Patients are often alone, they cannot have a family, since one woman is not able to satisfy a person with satyriasis, there are infidelities, sexually transmitted diseases, which leads to divorce.

If a man does not receive sexual discharge, signs such as:

  • irritability;
  • outbursts of anger, aggression, up to violence;
  • hallucinations.

Important: if you do not consider the disease in time and understand that it is nymphomania, that is, satyriasis, dangerous consequences are possible, a person can become a threat to society.

Nymphomania: treatment

Whatever the reasons for the development of a sexual disorder, the gender of the person, the main thing is to contact a specialist for timely help.

Modern methods of treatment can eliminate not only the symptoms, but also the causes of the pathology.

To clarify the diagnosis, in addition to collecting an anamnesis, communicating with the patient, and, if necessary, with his relatives, you will need to undergo a series of studies:

  1. Magnetic resonance imaging of the head to detect or exclude neoplasms.
  2. Analysis of hormones to determine the state of hormonal levels and glands.
  3. Tests for the detection of sexually transmitted infections: toxoplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, Epstein-Bar. These and other types of pathogens can affect the lining of the brain and provoke pathologies.

How to treat nymphomania in women and men

Accurate diagnosis allows you to take adequate treatment, which in the case of nymphomania is complex.

Depending on what caused the sexual pathology, therapy is undertaken to eliminate provoking factors.

Several specialists deal with the disease at once:

  1. Endocrinologist. The doctor examines the results of the study of hormone tests and decides whether there is a need for hormone therapy.
  2. Psychotherapist- to reduce the level of sexual activity prescribes drugs of sedative, nootropic action, sleeping pills.
  3. Immunologist. Sexual desire may increase due to the consumption of certain types of foods. Therefore, the specialist is personally involved in the development of a diet in which "aphrodisiacs" should be completely absent.
  4. Venereologist. Given the fact that with this type of disorder, patients cease to be selective in contacts, the risk of infection with serious sexually transmitted diseases is high. The duties of the doctor include the appointment of antifungal, anti-infectious drugs.

Female and male pathology - satyriasis and nymphomania - are effectively treated with psychotherapeutic sessions, but they can only be as an addition to the main methods.

Optionally, you can attend an individual course or participate in a group.

The purpose of the sessions is to teach the patient to cope with excessive sexual desire, which will increase his physical abilities, morale.

After recovery, you should continue visiting the treatment course, but periodically.

A psychotherapist helps to treat nymphomania

How to treat nymphomania with folk remedies

Many plants contain components that have a sedative, sedative effect on the human psyche, regulate sexual activity, and eliminate inflammatory processes.

Therefore, it is impossible to reject folk recipes for sexual disorder, they are really able to alleviate the condition of a sick person.

The course of treatment is 1.5 months, then a break for 15 days.

Important: self-medication is strictly unacceptable, a preliminary consultation with a specialist is necessary.

  • Willow. Dried or fresh willow earrings (tablespoon) pour 500 gr. water, insist one hour. Drink three times a day, 1 glass half an hour before meals.
  • herbal collection(1). Take one teaspoon of hop cones, mint, meadowsweet, pour half a liter of beer, insist half a day, shake occasionally. Drink three times a day for half a glass, the course is 7 days.
  • herbal collection(2). Mix mint, hop cones, strawberry leaves, St. John's wort, fireweed, lemon balm, motherwort mixed in equal proportions. Pour a glass of boiling water 2 tablespoons of the collection, leave for half an hour, drink before meals three times a day.

Willow catkins help treat nymphomania

Having studied the above, you can form a brief idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat nymphomania means.

This is not promiscuity, not the results of bad upbringing, but a consequence of serious pathologies in the human body, which should be paid special attention.

It is possible that outwardly manifested problems indicate diseases that are life-threatening.

The main thing is to recognize the signal in time, and not to use the “moment” to have fun.

And with nymphomania, this means that there will be no satisfaction, but only an aggravation of the mental state.