We decorate a wicker basket with our own hands for New Year's crafts. A spectacular gift idea in a basket for the new year. Gift idea in a basket, master class

Hello dear readers. In this article, I can tell you how to make a basket that can fit all the Christmas tree decorations. You can store toys with tinsel in it, but it can also be used as an Easter egg basket.

What we need to create it:
- Clean, or scribbled but margined newspaper sheets;
- Glue, scissors;
- An object that serves as a support for the manufacture of the side walls of the basket;
- An object that serves as the bottom for the basket;
- Cardboard white sheet;
- A thin object for twisting newspaper leaves.

First of all, we cut newsprint into pieces no more than 2 and a half centimeters wide and 20 to 30 centimeters long.

Next, we twist clockwise from left to right (from the upper left corner) these strips into tubes. Twisting, be sure to glue each of them at the beginning, middle and end.

In all the created tubes, you can see that one tip is thinner than the other, but this can be useful to us when weaving.

Next, we take an object that can serve us as the bottom for the basket. In order for the weaving to go smoothly, I took a transparent top box from the cake for support, cutting it into two parts - separating the sides and bottom.

From white cardboard, I made a base for the bottom - so that it was not transparent. A little later, you will need to glue it, but for now we attach the newspaper tubes to the plastic bottom, sewing them to it.

Better, as it turned out, not simple threads are suitable for such work, but cotton floss threads (soft). As it turned out, coarse threads themselves begin to untie.

Having completed all the work with sewing on the tubes, we glue a cardboard white circle to the bottom from the inside (if desired, it will be possible to glue the second circle on the outside as well, but at the very end of the work before painting, since the color of the floss threads that attach the newspaper twigs to the base , it will be more convenient to determine the place from which weaving the basket on the sides begins).

In total, I have 96 tubes sewn to the plastic bottom.

Now I take the top of the plastic cake lid and tape the rods to it, then bend the ends over the top so that I get a flat surface. Then I tape the ends of these rods to the plastic box.

Next, we begin to braid the basket in a clockwise direction. We fix the first tube with a thin end to the bottom (glue it), and when it ends, add another tube to its wide hole, and so we continue weaving, introducing more and more new ones.

Next, I decided to braid with flattened twigs, but it’s also important for me to constantly know in which area the weaving begins, and the multi-colored coloring of the floss threads especially helps here (I started weaving the basket from the area where the row of tubes sewn with white thread ends and the row of tubes begins sewn with blue-green thread).

Having completed the weaving completely, we simply glue the last tip of the twig, and bend the protruding rods down in turn inward or outward, depending on which side the protruding twig is located in relation to the last vine that wraps around it. And then the ends should be drawn through the plexus from below.

We attach a newspaper rod handle to the basket, and then we strengthen it at the base (so that it does not fall), pasting it with paper in a circle in those places where the handle is too thin and bends.

Let's see how our basket will look like if it is filled with Christmas tree decorations, and whether it will withstand all of them.

Next, we paint the basket with gouache paints (I painted first from the inside, then from the outside, but there were no stains from the paints). And I decided to shorten the handle, after which I inserted a folded in two and intertwined copper wire inside.

I hid the area where the wire remained sticking out behind a bow, and that's it - after that our basket is completely ready.

In the resulting basket, you can add all the Christmas decorations.

Sincerely, Vorobyova Dinara.

    Sorry, maybe you are waiting for specific answers, but I just thought,

    But it doesn't have to be a basket.

    A Christmas sock can serve as a quite high-quality replacement for it (as is customary in Europe).

    But what prevents us from bringing this tradition into our families?)

    Firstly, it is practical, original and does not take long to decorate.

    Secondly, sweets and toys will fit there.

    AND Thirdly, most importantly, the kids will love this innovation and they will be extremely pleased to receive

    New Year's surprises in such socks.

    Feel free to experiment! :)

    For one new year, a young man gave me a New Year's basket pasted around the edge with dollar bills, in the basket itself, among beautifully arranged fruits, there was a pineapple on top of which there was a small box with perfume (which I really liked).

    First you need to purchase a basket. Homemade for a gift is hardly suitable. Ideally, if you have baskets from previous holidays in your house. Surely there remained and needed materials for registration. Like floristic wire and floristic sponge. I never throw away such things, since they can then be successfully used a second time and not spend money on a purchase (after all, floristic materials are sold in larger quantities than we usually need).

    At the bottom of the basket, you need to place a floral sponge soaked in water (or a cube of thick foam), packing it in a file or dense polyethylene. Now you can insert coniferous branches into the sponge. You can spruce, fir, cedar, pine, blue spruce is especially beautiful. Among the coniferous decoration, you can place roses, gerberas, chrysanthemums, cutting their stems to the desired level. In order for the flowers to stand, their stems must be carefully wrapped in a spiral with floral wire.

    The next stage is a beautiful placement of products: a piece of expensive cheese, a bottle of good wine, bright apples, fruits of contrasting color, a brush of large grapes. And such a basket should please the host of the party!

    A very effective gift for visiting and just a surprise for friends, relatives or work colleagues - this is a New Year's gift basket!

    The most important thing is to prepare the basket itself, New Year's tinsel, a bottle of champagne, beautiful bright sweets with shiny candy wrappers, chocolate.

    Fruits - pineapple, tangerines, apples, bananas and others can also be suitable for filling such a basket.

    Original candles and Christmas-tree decorations - toys and balls will look great.

    For decoration, you can also use artificial snow, foam balls.

    If you have little time and need to quickly do the simplest Christmas gift basket, then we take an ordinary basket of vines (you can paint it from a spray can with gold or silver paint) and decorate it. Spruce, pine, cones, New Year's rain, confetti, Christmas decorations are well suited for decorating a New Year's basket. Then we fill the basket with various gifts, for example, sweets, fruits, toys. You can add a basket and put a postcard with a wish for a happy New Year inside. Here is one of the video examples of the simplest master class on making do-it-yourself Christmas gift basket:

    The design of the New Year's gift basket depends on who it is intended as a gift for. For example, for a child, you can put kinders, a small toy, a chocolate bar, all kinds of sweets in a basket.

    For a man - put a good bottle in the center and add spruce branches for decoration or elite cheese, dark chocolate.

    For a woman - traditionally Raffaello, chocolate and flowers. You can also put a bottle of liquor or wine.

    I dare say that the gift basket does not have to be wicker at all. You can make a very original and beautiful basket, for example, from paper. To do this, we need a sheet of A4 colored cardboard and mark it according to the scheme:

    The strip remaining at the bottom of the sheet will serve as a pen for us, you just need to cut it off. As a result, we have a blank for our future basket. Let's do it as follows: the horizontal lines must be carefully bent, but the vertical ones should be cut to the fold line. The area highlighted in blue is simply cut out. Well, then we fold the basket and glue the joints. At the end, glue the handle and decorate the basket as you wish. We fill, respectively, also as we wish.

    In fact, there are a lot of options for gift baskets! For decoration, you must use the attributes of the New Year's style: tinsel, snowflakes, fir branches, bows and unbreakable Christmas decorations. You can paint the basket in gold color using spray paint).

    How to make the filling depends on who you are going to give such a gift to.

    You can put champagne, tangerines, chocolate and a ring in a beautiful box for your beloved girl)

    You can give your father or father-in-law a bottle of cognac and fruit (in principle, this option is also suitable for the boss).

    Mom or mother-in-law - wine or liquor.

    Knowing the preferences of your family and friends, making the filling will not be difficult at all !!!

    It’s great to put gifts in a basket for the New Year, decorate with taste and give them with your own hands.

    The basket itself can be made from a vine, woven with your own hands. After the holiday, the basket will be preserved, with it you can go for mushrooms and berries.

    Any design, as fantasy tells.

    You can decorate with Christmas tree branches, Christmas garlands, toys, cones, bows, tinsel, sparkles.

    Here's a cute basket you can make yourself.

    You will need to take newspapers, scissors, PVA glue, knitting needles, paint (gouache), New Year's toys and decorations.

    To make a basket, take a newspaper, cut it into strips. We wrap these strips around the knitting needles to make tubes. If you need white tubes, then we take white paper.

    We hold the needle with a slight angle in relation to the paper, and not strictly parallel to it. The smaller the angle, the more elegant.

    We wind paper on a knitting needle, fix it with glue.

    So we do for a start 20 - 30 tubes.

    From 8 tubes we make a row of 4 horizontal and 4 vertical. Then two more tubes, weave in a circle, start one from below, the other from above, change places in turn.

    Weave a basket, adding new tubes. We finish weaving by bending down the free ends. Fix with glue and paint.

    Paint with gouache, or acrylic paint, stain.

    When dry, you can decorate.

    I put spruce branches.

    We wrap the handle, decorate with hanging toys.

    We also decorate the lower part with tinsel. We fix bows on the handles.

The New Year is just around the corner and we are actively inventing New Year's home decor and decorating our dream homes. You will soon be able to see my Christmas tree in all its glory, and many have already seen it in my INSTAGRAM(Join!).

I sometimes do not put a full-fledged Christmas tree for various reasons. For example, in 2015 they were away, and many years ago I simply didn’t have a Christmas tree at all. But somehow you don’t want to stay at all without decor at home. First of all, it's not decorative. Secondly, we must raise our own mood - FACT.

Therefore, I always say to everyone: no Christmas tree - it's NOT a TROUBLE! There are many other decorations! So today I will tell you how to make such a basket so that it is beautiful, festive and atmospheric. This is what I often do to myself!

For such a simple decor, we need:

  • Big basket
  • Christmas tree branch-garland
  • Balls and other Christmas decorations
  • Christmas tree garland on batteries

Let's get started. We prepare all the ingredients, supervise the assistants very carefully.

We have business for 30 minutes, but then you can enjoy it for a long time. What is good about a wicker basket is that it is the most versatile piece of decor, especially if it fits into your interior.

In winter, you can put New Year's spruce branches with balls (which we do today), in spring an Easter set, in summer a beautiful bouquet, in autumn a bouquet of dried leaves ... and each time the basket will look different.

STEP ONE. Choose a color palette to decorate the basket. I settled on gold with the addition of pastel colored balls.

TIP: always choose a specific color scheme. this way your composition will become very stylish and modern! Don't limit your imagination to balloons. Fairy-tale characters, fruits and flowers are great companions!

We lower toys from the mezzanine and select the most suitable for such a decor.

Here is a tip from me right away: decide on the main central figure of the decor. What will it be? Just balloons, or some intricate vintage toy, or like my harlequin ...

Choose toys that are not very large in size, since you will not have a basket with the Hermitage, and you should not overload it with huge balls. 1-2 large, attention-grabbing jewelry is enough.

STEP TWO. We prepare the basket and “fluff” the garland. Where to get a garland: you can buy a ready-made one, or you can make it yourself from an old broken Christmas tree (I have just such a story).

STEP THREE. We put the “artistically” garland in a basket, wrap the handle with spruce branches ...

We look that from the side everything was beautiful and even. If necessary, we fix the garland in the right places with a rope, tape or wire.

STEP FOUR. We hang and lay out Christmas decorations. We try to build a beautiful composition.

In the basket you can put bright oranges together with balls, cinnamon sticks, scented candles ... there are a lot of options - fantasize!

In winter, you can put New Year's spruce branches with balls (which we do today), in spring an Easter set, in summer a beautiful bouquet, in autumn a bouquet of dried leaves ... and each time the basket will look different.

STEP FIVE. We step aside and examine our work with a critical eye. All good? If not, we refine, decorate, swap toys.

FESTIVE CHRISTMAS BASKET- an important, creative and interesting thing! Great evening with the kids. They really like this activity, and the basket can also be a wonderful gift for friends, colleagues or a “mobile” decoration of the office, their office - there is no limit to imagination!

And now we put it on the table, console, window sill and enjoy!

My basket is ready - and yours? :)))

I made a selection of Christmas baskets from Pinterest - ideas to steal beautifully!

Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thanks for that
for discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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Many people notice that the older they get, the more difficult it is to re-experience that magical feeling of a fairy tale and a miracle that always came to us in childhood on New Year's Eve.

But we are in website we are sure that the New Year mood will not keep you waiting if you make one of these wonderful decorations for the house and the Christmas tree with your own hands. Almost all, with the exception of two or three, do not require much time and some special materials - they can be made in half an hour from what is at hand.

Thread stars

A wreath of balloons and an old hanger

In just half an hour, you can make a colorful wreath by buying a couple of sets of inexpensive balloons. Blogger Jennifer, the author of this article, recommends unbending an old hanger, but if you don't have one, then a piece of strong wire will do just fine.

  • You will need: a couple of sets of balloons (20-25 balloons of different colors and sizes), a wire hanger or wire, spruce branches, braid or ready-made decoration for decorating a wreath.

Snowflake tablecloth

A delicate and surprisingly festive tablecloth will turn out from snowflakes, on which we have stuffed our hands since childhood. You can sit down and cut snowflakes with the whole family, and then lay them out on the table and fasten them with small pieces of tape. A wonderful solution for receiving guests or just having dinner with the family during the holidays.

multicolored hats

The cutest colored hats can be made from leftover yarn, which can be used to make a garland for a Christmas tree or for decorating a wall. Or hang them on a window or chandelier at different levels. Children over five years old will also do just fine with this simple decoration. See details.

  • You will need: a roll of toilet paper for rings (or regular cardboard or thick paper), scissors, multi-colored yarn and a good mood.

Lamp "Snowy City"

For this charming lamp, you need to measure a piece of paper around the circumference of the can with a small margin (to glue), depict and cut out the simplest urban or forest landscape. Wrap around the jar, and put a candle inside.

  • You will need: a jar, thick paper of any color, white can be, any candle. Alternatively, you can cover the top of the jar with "falling snow" using a special "snow" spray, which is sold in hobby stores.

Balloons with photos

A great idea for decorating the Christmas tree or as a gift to relatives and friends. The photo must be rolled up into a tube so that it passes into the hole of the ball, and then spread with a wooden stick or tweezers. Small black-and-white rectangular shots will do, and you can also cut out the photo in the shape of a ball or silhouette (as in the case of a cat in the snow).

  • You will need: plastic or glass balls, photographs, various things to fill the ball - tinsel, garlands, coarse salt (for snow).

Christmas lights

And this miracle is a matter of five minutes. It is enough to collect balls, fir branches, cones and put them in a transparent vase (or a pretty jar) and add luminous garlands.


Luminous garlands hidden among cones, branches and coniferous paws create the effect of coals smoldering in the fireplace or a cozy campfire. They even seem to be getting hot. For this purpose, a basket lying on the balcony for a hundred years, a nice bucket or, for example, a wicker container for small things from Ikea, is suitable. Everything else (except for the garland, of course) can be found in the park.

floating candles

A very simple decoration for a New Year's table or for a cozy evening with friends during the New Year holidays is a composition with candles floating in a vessel with water, cranberries and coniferous branches. You can use cones, circles of oranges, fresh flowers and leaves from a flower shop - whatever your fantasy tells you. And as a candlestick - deep plates, vases, jars, glasses, the main thing is that they are transparent.

Snowman on fridge or door

From this, the children will definitely be delighted - fast, fun and very simple, because even a three-year-old can handle cutting out large parts. It is enough to cut circles, a nose and a scarf from self-adhesive paper, wrapping paper or colored cardboard and attach them to regular or double-sided tape.

Snowflakes on the window

An interesting use for a glue gun lying around idle. In order to stick these snowflakes to the glass, just press them lightly to the surface. See details in our video.

  • You will need: a stencil with a snowflake drawn with a black marker, tracing paper (parchment, baking paper), a glue gun and a little patience.

Christmas trees-candy

Bright Christmas trees can be built together with the kids for a children's holiday or decorate a festive table with them. Cut out triangles from colored paper or cardboard, attach with tape to a toothpick and stick the resulting Christmas trees into sweets.

  • You will need: Hershey's Kisses or any other truffle candies, toothpicks, tape, colored paper or cardstock with a pattern.

Garland with photos and drawings

New Year, Christmas - warm, family holidays. And it will come in handy with photographs, children's drawings, pictures. They are easiest to secure with clothespins that can be decorated with hearts or snowflakes.

origami star

painted spoons

Ordinary metal spoons or wooden cooking spoons are turned into interesting Christmas decorations with the help of acrylic paints. This idea is sure to please the kids. If you bend the handle of metal spoons, they can be hung on a Christmas tree. And wooden spoons will look great in the kitchen or in a bouquet with spruce branches.

sock snowman

From unnecessary white socks you get such funny snowmen. Cut off the toe at the sock, and on the other hand, tie it with a thread. Pour in the rice, giving it a round shape, pull the thread again and pour in more rice, forming a smaller ball. Sew on the eyes and nose, make a scrap scarf, sew on the buttons. And from the cut off part you get a great hat.

You can congratulate the teacher on the upcoming 2018 from the class with a beautiful New Year's food basket. The filling of such a basket depends on the tastes of everyone, it can be products, as in our case, or fruits. Such a gift for the New Year is always relevant and will be received with gratitude, but let's also arrange it beautifully in order to give the teacher also aesthetic pleasure.

A beautiful festive decoration in a specialized salon will be expensive, so we suggest turning an ordinary grocery set into a beautiful New Year's gift on your own. A detailed master class on designing a gift basket as a gift for a teacher for the New Year 2018 will help you quickly and beautifully assemble and decorate a grocery set.

Prepare everything you need to fill the basket:

  1. A bottle of champagne as an essential ingredient of a New Year's gala dinner.
  2. Meat cut.
  3. Two beautiful packages of good tea.
  4. Cheese packaging.
  5. A jar of red game.
  6. Tangerines.

We have selected all the products so that the packaging harmonizes in color with each other and we will decorate the basket in a given color scheme, where the main colors will be brown, gold and green. The bright spot will be orange. The set of products depends on the financial capabilities of the giver. It may differ from what is given in our article.

In addition, we will prepare everything for a beautiful design:

  1. Wicker basket with handle.
  2. Milky sisal.
  3. A piece of cotton fabric that matches the color, we have it light brown with polka dots.
  4. Spruce artificial branches.
  5. A bunch of cinnamon sticks.
    Ribbons, we have brown polka dot satin ribbons.
  6. Flowers and leaves made of plastic in a golden hue.
  7. Jute rope, also called twine.
  8. Glue in the gun, stapler.
  9. Packaging - cellophane in a roll.

When everything is ready, we proceed to design:

  • at the bottom of the basket we lay the fabric and sisal on top of it;

  • we place products beautifully. A bottle of champagne will be tilted to the side, cold cuts in the center, on the other side tea, cheese and a jar of caviar in front;

  • refresh the whole composition with bright tangerines, which we lay on top randomly;

  • then we make decoration with sprigs of spruce. We will not stick them to the basket so that you can remove the decor if you wish;
  • we decorate the main bunch of branches with a ribbon with flowers and leaves of a golden hue, a bump, gluing them to the branches with hot glue;

  • we twist the branches together in threes and fasten to the edge of the basket and to the handle as in the photo below;

  • Spread the sprigs of a green Christmas tree inside the baskets randomly. We complement the composition with a bunch of cinnamon sticks and gilded cones;

  • we got a wonderful basket, but in order to make it convenient to transport, we will continue wrapping it in film with a beautiful boutonniere;

  • to do this, roll out a roll of film, install a basket on the film and cut off the required amount of film;
  • we collect the film up into a beautiful bundle, tie it with a rope, leave the ends to descend beautifully. On the sides we fasten with a stapler;

  • Now let's make a boutonniere. We glue several spruce branches with glue;
  • glue a few loops of tape, leave the ends to go down;
  • glue a beautiful straw toy on top of the ribbon and complement it with an orange bow from a thin orange ribbon;
  • tie a boutonniere over the cellophane wrapping.

This is how you can easily and quickly arrange a New Year's basket with products for a teacher's gift for the New Year.