Decorating the hall on February 23 with your own hands. Russian coat of arms and flag

How to decorate a room (house, classroom, office, ...) by February 23? Festive mood is the main basis of any celebration. And the decoration of the house or hall where the celebration will take place greatly contributes to the creation of a truly festive mood. How to create that special holiday atmosphere that is so memorable and pleases? The most interesting ideas for festive room decor How to decorate an office? February 23 at the office is a special day. Where there are few women, they do everything possible to please their men, where there are many women, they do everything so that men do not feel abandoned. And where there are no women, men arrange a celebration for themselves according to their own understanding. But all these options require creating a festive mood and supporting morale, therefore, decorating the room. How to decorate the office by February 23? Most often, balloons are used for this. But let's diversify decorating ideas. Surely, in every office there are New Year's garlands of light bulbs. They can put the number 23 on a wall or bulletin board. Luminous bulbs will add a festive mood. Decorate the office with postcards on the theme of February 23. Now they are sold in a great variety, all shapes and sizes. Large ones - use to decorate the walls, and install small ones on the tables of employees. Make a holiday poster. It may be the simplest - on a large sheet of drawing paper the inscription "Congratulations on February 23!". And you can try and create a completely creative work. With photographs of men and personalized congratulations, with a playful "military" horoscope or with photo collages in which the men of your office are placed in various branches of the military. Let them become tankers, pilots, gunners, sailors for one day. Remember your childhood and decorate your office with colorful flags. Collect paper flags into garlands and stretch them in offices and rooms. Larger flags, which are fixed on sticks, arrange on the tables. And hang large panels on the walls. Despite the unpretentiousness of this decoration, it greatly diversifies the office interior and creates a cheerful, festive mood. Making a holiday on February 23 in the classroom In order for classmates to feel that this holiday is not just another date, but a real event, creating the right atmosphere is simply necessary. How to do it in school or student conditions? 1) Small balloons of blue, green and white colors, collected in bouquets, are perfect. Such "inflorescences" can decorate walls, boards and doors. You can tie helium-filled balloons to the chairs of young people. Tie a small congratulatory note to each balloon. It will add intrigue! 2) The tradition of school wall newspapers is a thing of the past; instead, records are left on the Vkontakte wall. But for the sake of the holiday, you can make an exception. Get creative with this process. Draw a heroic comic featuring classmates and classmates. So that there is no doubt, glue photos of the “originals” to the bodies of the drawn superheroes. 3) Ribbons tied next to each other to a long rope look beautiful. They may be the primary colors of the Russian flag. It will turn out not only elegant, but also patriotic.

The holiday of men, the day of the defender of the fatherland, will come soon. Well, of course, women are already thinking about how to congratulate men on February 23, and what gift to give. How to decorate a room with festive decorations at home or at work. What to cook and set on the table, how to decorate the festive table, and most importantly, whether to put alcohol on the table. (I’ll immediately advise you to put alcohol on the table, but the question is different - how much to put? The answer is the norm - the golden mean, so that there is not much to drink before losing momentum, but so that there is not too little, or rather, you need to put a festive bouquet of wine more as a symbol of the holiday and respect for those you are going to congratulate. And the bouquet is simple - champagne, vodka, cognac and a bottle of good wine for women and girls present at the celebration. Some women decide not to put alcohol because of the fear that men will get drunk, or rather get drunk, but this approach is not correct, it offends men, so it is imperative to put wine on the table, at least symbolically, at least a bottle.Champagne is a must, and it is men who open it with a shot.So, let's consider some ideas-notes about the holiday on February 23 and how to organize a holiday for your men and congratulate them so that they remember your congratulations not with their minds, but with their hearts m.

It just so happened that in our country this day is a holiday for all men, regardless of age and attitude to the Army.

How to congratulate men on February 23?

Congratulations to men on February 23 can be arranged in a romantic style. For example, on a festive morning, you can wake up your favorite defender of the fatherland by serving him breakfast in bed, or prepare a romantic dinner by preparing his favorite dishes and presenting a gift. It all depends on your imagination and finances. Congratulations to men on February 23, when there are children in your family, you can prepare in the form of a collective holiday greeting to dad: by putting on a skit or playing a real performance. It is a good tradition to celebrate any event or holiday with a homemade festive feast, and February 23 is a great occasion for fun meetings with mutual friends or relatives.

What to give men on February 23?

Let's talk a little about what to give men on February 23rd. After all, men also love to receive gifts, so we recommend that you treat this issue with all care. Any man can be pleased with gifts related to fishing, hunting or travel, for example, car and barbecue sets, picnic cases and all kinds of accessories (thermoses and flasks, caskets, purses). You can give men souvenir weapons on February 23 - they love it. Equally gifts can be backgammon, or beautiful carved chess. Knowing their needs, you can give men more solid and at the same time useful items on February 23, for example, a mobile phone, watch, cufflinks, etc. An item for his favorite collection would be very appropriate - this is almost a win-win option.

The present you presented for Defender of the Fatherland Day, a man should use regularly. It can be a tie, a pen, a lighter, a folding knife, a pocket steel flask, an MP-3 player, and more. Tying a brand new beautiful tie in the morning, your chosen one, looking in the mirror, will think: “I have a real smart girl!”. Having put his signature on paper in his office, he will twist the pen you presented in his hand for a couple of seconds, and his heart will be filled with gratitude.

And imagine how pleasant it is, having chilled in the early morning while fishing or hunting, to get a stylish flask with an engraved gift signature out of your pocket, take a sip of warming cognac and remember that his only and beloved is waiting for him in a cozy house.

When choosing gifts in the form of clothes or accessories, it is important to understand that the older a man gets, the more he gravitates towards classics in style. For example, such men especially appreciate a strap made of chic leather in a watch, with the simplest dial. To absolutely nothing superfluous, his clothes and wardrobe details should be simply of high quality and appropriate to taste and individual preferences. When thinking about what to give men on February 23, it should be borne in mind that different sexes have their own special, sometimes radically different attitude to presents. For men, the main thing in a gift is its practical value. The success of cute trinkets lasts exactly as long as the young lady who gives this little thing is nearby. Then such a contraption, which cost the girl many hours, and even many days of mental torment in the process of acquiring it, is sent for life storage to the most rarely used desk drawer or distant shelf.

He has known about your feelings for a long time, but understanding of some weaknesses and gratitude to a strong person is often sorely lacking. Therefore, in order for a gift to really “hook” your man, it must have some qualities, or at least one of them: usefulness, giving masculinity, a source of pride, be of high quality or branded, correspond to hobbies, hobbies, addictions or realize old dreams.

If we are talking about what to give to men on February 23, who are your colleagues, then the main thing here is the usefulness of the gift.

For example, donate coasters for pens and pencils, a shelf for disks and other things that may come in handy at work. If a corporate party is planned at your work, then we recommend that you develop a fun holiday scenario, come up with small poems on postcards, and give inexpensive souvenirs.

Well, of course, what a holiday without any goodies! After all, it is well known that "the way to a man's heart is through the stomach." Show your own culinary skills, and, we assure you, men will appreciate it!

Congratulations to men on February 23 at work

By tradition, on February 23, women congratulate all men, regardless of whether they served in the army, whether they defended the Fatherland in the truest sense of the word. Therefore, long before the holiday, the representatives of the weaker sex are truly puzzled by how to congratulate men on February 23, their relatives and loved ones, colleagues and friends.

As a rule, it is the organization of the celebration of this day for colleagues that causes particular difficulties. In the team, I want to celebrate this holiday in such a way as not to leave anyone offended, and at the same time not to spend a lot, because my man, dad, son, brother, and so on will also buy gifts. To combine these conditions, congratulations to men from February 23 at work can be organized in several ways.

The most budgetary option for the holiday is to present postcards to colleagues containing holiday greetings from February 23 in pictures and verses. In addition to standard phrases, congratulations from men on February 23 may contain small funny poems composed by you personally, addressed to each colleague individually. If you do not have poetic talents, then pick up something suitable on the Internet. You can choose ready-made congratulations on February 23 in pictures and create individual postcards by printing them at any nearest photo salon.

An alternative, even more economical option for congratulating men on February 23 can be one single large postcard-poster, which will list the names of all colleagues, their best qualities and merits, and words of congratulations. If the relationship in the team allows it, congratulations to men on February 23 can be comic. Photos of male colleagues can be processed in Photoshop in a variety of ways and framed into a single poster. Hang this gift in a conspicuous place so that it attracts the attention of others - a great mood for the whole day will be simply guaranteed! The main thing is not to get too carried away in joking - remember: March 8 is just around the corner.

If finances allow you to make presents to everyone and everyone, you can use the following tips. Options for personal gifts are varied and depend solely on your own imagination and availability of funds.

Gifts for colleagues can be pens, lighters, perfume sets, components and accessories for phones or computers. A valuable gift will be a certificate for a certain amount for its implementation in an office equipment store, or auto parts. Your colleagues will certainly appreciate tickets for some entertainment events, for example, a boxing tournament or a football match.

Collective congratulations of men on February 23 Option one.

Unlike an individual gift, a collective gift may well be creative or even somewhat spicy. Now, in offices that are distinguished by free politics, it has become fashionable to order strippers as a congratulation for men on February 23 (of course, after work or at lunchtime).

Option two.

If it is customary in your team to celebrate events at one festive table, then cover the “meadow” with your colleagues. Try to do it in secret, organize the delivery of ready-made meals to the office, or cooperate and each bring one signature dish cooked at home on their own. Decorate the dining room where you will celebrate February 23rd with balloons, for example, and meet the heroes of the occasion with horns and whistles. All kinds of holiday accessories can be purchased at any children's store. Under the napkins, on the table, you can hide a small surprise for each colleague: a small personal postcard, lottery tickets or something else. You can also arrange a symbolic drawing of prizes-gifts for homemade tickets.

Option three.

To congratulate men on February 23, you will need: 1. - a holiday screensaver on your computer; 2. - festive wall newspaper; 3. - caviar, pancakes, vegetables, meat pies; 4. - gifts.

The form of congratulations, of course, depends on the possibilities of your budget and the form of relationships between employees in the team. An interesting and memorable congratulation of men on February 23 can be thought up, even if you are the only woman in the team. On the eve of the celebration, stay longer in the office and, after waiting for your colleagues to go home, put holiday computer screensavers on their desktops (try not to knock down any settings on the computer and not “demolish” the necessary files).

Step #2

Make a wall newspaper with your own hands by placing photographs of the men of your team and congratulations on it (the main thing is not to forget anyone, otherwise you will have to make amends for the whole next year). If your company does not have the necessary equipment, you can simply print the photos on a printer, attach them to a regular paper, and write congratulations verses to men on February 23 by hand.

Step #3

One of the main events is the festive table. The main thing here is not to confuse anything: leave the cakes and all kinds of sweets for the eighth of March, let the men give them to you. For the strong half of humanity, meat dishes are the best option: cook homemade meat pies (bachelors will especially appreciate home cooking), bake pancakes and buy a jar of caviar for them, bring vegetable slices. This will be the perfect treat for men. If you're not sure if you should actually put alcohol on the table, then don't. You don’t have to worry, men, in which case, they themselves will quickly decide which of them to run to the store. But, it’s better to put good cognac and vodka, and for the women present, in order to have good wine, champagne will not be superfluous at all. In this case, the main golden mean - the question is not - to set or not to set, but that it is necessary to set, but - the norm - there will be a lot - bad, not at all - even worse.

Step #4

The most important component of congratulations to men on February 23 is gifts. If you don't know your co-workers well enough to give each one individual gifts, then opt for gifts that will please most men. Such gifts can be towels or hats with funny inscriptions for going to the sauna or bath. You can buy a bottle of alcoholic drink and attach labels to them with photos of the gifted and listing the best qualities on each.

If there are few women in your male team, you can limit yourself to just a festive table or postcards - colleagues will appreciate your efforts and attention.

Step #5

If your team has free, informal relationships, you can arrange fun contests, sing a few songs with colleagues. You can play a humorous scene in front of men, arrange a kind of parade, all the women's team dressed in vests and military uniforms. Men will certainly appreciate your efforts and on March 8 they will definitely try to please you.

How to congratulate your beloved man on February 23

In anticipation of the holiday, I want to find an original and pleasant idea for congratulating a loved one. Here are some options that will help create a real festive atmosphere. How to arrange a surprise on February 23? Ideas for 23 February. Leave the standard congratulations and banal gifts in the past. Give yourself the opportunity to think creatively, and then you will easily organize a great surprise for your beloved man on February 23. For example…

1 Throw a surprise party

Invite your friends, set a dress code, and come up with special contests. Order a cake in the form of a soldier's helmet or an AK-47 assault rifle. When your loved one returns home, then let him be met by best friends, delicious dishes and a beloved woman in a seductive form.

2 Organize a romantic getaway for your loved one

Order a limousine, in which a bottle of good wine will be waiting. Let the walk end in a restaurant or cafe, and it will culminate in the presentation of a gift. Make a surprise out of this - order the delivery of your gift directly to the cafe, a table in which will be booked in advance. Such a scenario will leave a lot of pleasant impressions.

3 If you are fans of big and fun companies

rent an ice rink, order food there, and arrange fun competitions. Do not warn your beloved man in advance - just bring him by taxi to the venue of the event.

4 Come up with a holiday scenario that is unusual for you

If you are noteworthy stay-at-homes, spend this day actively. Go to the theatre, go hiking, go to a concert. If you prefer an active pastime, then arrange for yourself a weekend at home - lie in bed, watch your favorite movies, take a bath together, and in the evening arrange dinner in the dark. Such a holiday will be different from everything you are used to.

How to congratulate your beloved man in an original way?

An interesting and original congratulation will please any representative of the stronger sex.

Try one of the following options:

Write your own poetry dedicated to the courage and courage of their man. Let them be not very perfect, but absolutely exclusive!

Make a huge postcard from a whole sheet of paper. On it, write a congratulation on the topic "My protector." Decorate the postcard with pictures of various men's toys - cars, weapons, racing bikes and more. Make funny captions under the pictures. Decorate your room with this “holiday wall newspaper” while your loved one is still awake.

In advance take care of acquiring the form or any of its elements. For example, a long vest, caps and a belt. In this form, bring your beloved man breakfast in bed on the morning of February 23. Believe me, he will be impressed!

Come up with a slideshow with photos and captions. Let the main theme be the same - the heroism and courage of your man. Still, the holiday obliges. Put some good music on your slides and turn it up on a festive morning.

If things call your spouse to work that day, well, it doesn’t matter. You still have every chance to hit him to the core. At lunchtime, order pizza or grilled chicken, delicious salads and desserts to his work address, let your loved one and his colleagues rejoice. Your loved one will be pleasantly surprised by such care.

What gift will please a man?

What is a holiday without gifts?

Please your loved one with something unusual, pleasant, and even mischievous!

1) handmade gift, doubly enjoyable. You can knit an original scarf, armlets that are fashionable this season, sew a funny keychain, prepare a cake especially for him, or embroider a towel with his initials. This surprise can be a great gift in itself, or complement an already purchased present.

2) Let your gift become a wish at the same time. For example, for someone who works too hard, buy a relaxation set: a neck massager, a selection of CDs with pleasant music, and a lava lamp to relax. So you can not only please your loved one, but also help him.

3) In order to entertain your man and give him a good mood, you can take his photo and process it in a graphic editor, presenting your beloved in the form of a movie character that he especially likes. Then print this photo in the studio on a large format and present it on February 23rd. Such a surprise will bring a lot of joy!

4) February 23 is a holiday of real men! Give a selection of good movies: Action or science fiction, or maybe he prefers military themes? Arrange a real cinema hall at home: buy popcorn or nuts, prepare your favorite drinks, and turn off the lights. Enjoy watching, and don't forget that every decent movie theater has kissing spots!

5) All men love good food.. Therefore, a basket with his favorite delicacies, beautifully decorated and waiting for him on the white tablecloth of the kitchen table on an early holiday morning, is a great joyful surprise, no worse than the notorious rose petals.

Our men are so different! Everyone has their own taste, preferences and moods. But to arrange a pleasant surprise is quite within the power of every woman. All you need is a little imagination and desire, and then everything will definitely work out.

Ideas for February 23 surprise for your beloved man
How to arrange a memorable holiday for a loved one, so that both the impressions remain pleasant and the surprise is pleasant? Dedicated to those who want variety, in whom the fire of creativity and imagination has not died out! Ideas on how to arrange a surprise for your loved one on February 23rd. How to arrange an unexpected surprise? How often do you hear that a girl or wife does not share the interests of a loved one. Indeed, it is strange to demand from a woman that she experience joy at the thought that her man sits for several hours on a dirty and wet shore trying to catch an unfortunate fish with a bait. Or expect her to be indescribably delighted with the sight of her husband enthusiastically yelling something inarticulate in front of the TV, surrounded by beer and fish skeletons.

Surprise him by organizing his favorite pastime. If a man is a fan of the bath, order a good sauna for a few hours, stock up on herbal teas, honey and towels. Spend some really hot hours together. Give your favorite football fan a visit to a game of your favorite team or a visit to a good sports bar. Try to read at least something about the playing teams in advance, and surprise with unexpected knowledge of the subject.

The second variant of an unexpected surprise - organize his leisure time with a friendly male company. Let him go to play paintball with them, skate on the rink, fish on organized fishing ... But imagine how happy your loved one will be with such a gift, and with what pride he will listen to friendly congratulations on such a wonderful woman.

Another option - to create an impression that he had never experienced before. For example, a spa visit for two or a Thai massage, a shooting range or dinner in the dark. Or maybe rent a tram and ride around the winter city together?

How to arrange a romantic surprise for your loved one?

Love romance and passion never ends. Let February 23 be no exception, make a romantic surprise for your loved one:

1) A romantic candlelit dinner? It's trite! Much more interesting to arrange a whole romantic show in the style of a Japanese geisha. After all, it's men's day! Meet him from work in full dress, take him to the bathroom, where everything is already prepared, help your loved one take a bath (only a bathroom!). Then lead to the dining room, where a delicious dinner is served. Blindfold him and feed him with your own hands. Then lead to the bedroom ... And there, according to circumstances. Believe me, your beloved will remember such a surprise for a very long time!

2) Want more hot? Then go with your loved one not just anywhere, but to the strip club. New impressions and a passionate night are guaranteed!

3) A good surprise can be cinema visit, unless, of course, you buy not ordinary tickets, but a VIP-hall. You will be completely alone, in the hall you can order drinks and light snacks. Here is just the case when you find yourself "alone in the crowd." A very strange feeling!

Suppose you decide to stay at home, and the presence of relatives and children does not make it possible to fulfill passionate fantasies. How to be? Do you really have to give up the idea to please your loved one? Of course not! Take advantage of these surprise ideas for February 23:

Morning breakfast can be a pleasant surprise if you get up early and decorate the room with pre-prepared congratulations and cards. Cover a delicious breakfast and bring it into the room on a tray, wake up your loved one with a kiss, and let the first thing he sees on this festive day be a beautifully decorated room, a beloved woman and carefully prepared goodies.

Stretch a rope with flags around the room. Inside several, hide the clues by which you will need to find a gift. Let your loved one play this quest!

Order a personalized magazine with its photo on the cover as a gift, and put it in the mailbox in the morning, or put it in the front door handle. Under some pretext, ask him to leave the house, and let him find this magazine. Surprise will be great!

Order a personalized cake and flowers with home delivery. Flowers can be replaced with balloons. Arrange delivery by a specific time. You can also send a gift by the same courier mail. It will be interesting and unusual!

A variant of such a surprise congratulation may be a telegram sent to your husband from you or a registered letter written and sent in advance with a specified date of delivery. In the letter, write your congratulations and kind words dedicated to him - your defender.

Any event prepared and organized in advance can be a pleasant and unexpected surprise for your loved one. Focus on his taste and use your imagination, and then February 23 will become a truly unforgettable holiday!

Ideas for February 23 tohow to decorate a room

Festive mood is the main basis of any celebration. And the decoration of the house or hall where the celebration will take place greatly contributes to the creation of a truly festive mood. How to create that special holiday atmosphere that is so memorable and pleases?

The most interesting ideas for festive room decor

How to decorate an office?

February 23 at the office is a special day. Where there are few women, they do everything possible to please their men, where there are many women, they do everything so that men do not feel abandoned. And where there are no women, men arrange a celebration for themselves according to their own understanding. But all these options require creating a festive mood and supporting morale, therefore, decorating the room. How to decorate the office by February 23?

Most often used for this air balloons . But let's diversify decorating ideas. Surely, in every office there are New Year's garlands of light bulbs. They can put the number 23 on a wall or bulletin board. Luminous bulbs will add a festive mood.

Decorate the office with postcards on the theme of February 23 . Now they are sold in a great variety, all shapes and sizes. Large ones - use to decorate the walls, and install small ones on the tables of employees.

Make a holiday poster. It may be the simplest - on a large sheet of drawing paper the inscription "Congratulations on February 23!". And you can try and create a completely creative work. With photographs of men and personalized congratulations, with a playful "military" horoscope or with photo collages in which the men of your office are placed in various branches of the military. Let them become tankers, pilots, gunners, sailors for one day.

Remember childhood and Decorate your office with colorful flags. Collect paper flags into garlands and stretch them in offices and rooms. Larger flags, which are fixed on sticks, arrange on the tables. And hang large panels on the walls. Despite the unpretentiousness of this decoration, it greatly diversifies the office interior and creates a cheerful, festive mood.

Making a holiday on February 23 in the classroom

In order for classmates to feel that this holiday is not just another date, but a real event, creating the right atmosphere is simply necessary. How to do it in school or student conditions?

1) Perfect fit small balloons blue, green and white flowers, collected in bouquets. Such "inflorescences" can decorate walls, boards and doors. You can tie helium-filled balloons to the chairs of young people. Tie a small congratulatory note to each balloon. It will add intrigue!

2) The tradition of school wall newspapers is a thing of the past, instead of them, records are left on the wall of Vkontakte. But for the sake of the holiday, you can make an exception. Get creative with this process. Draw a heroic comic featuring classmates and classmates. So that there is no doubt, glue photos of the “originals” to the bodies of the drawn superheroes.

3) Look nice ribbons tied side by side to a long rope. They may be the primary colors of the Russian flag. It will turn out not only elegant, but also patriotic.

How to decorate a house for Defender of the Fatherland Day?

The best way to cheer up your family is to festively decorate your home for the holiday. What can be used as home decorations by February 23?

Children's drawings hung on the walls, will give a special, touching mood to the holiday. Share this in advance, agree with the children or nephews, so that by the 23rd day these drawings will be ready.

Air balloons- A great choice for household chores. Let them be certain colors. For example, green and white. This will give your jewelry the required masculine, understated style. Put a small surprise in each balloon - a candy, a note, a small magnet. Let men enjoy not only the festive decoration of the house, but also the bursting of balloons! For special surprises, get foil balloons filled with helium, for example, in the form of stars. They will make your home more solemn. Joyful play of light on their shiny surface will add a good mood to both adults and children.

On the wall you can post the number 23, using multi-colored pieces of paper for this. To do this, you can buy blocks of sheets for records. On each such leaf, write a few congratulatory words - it will not only be pleasant to look at, but also interesting to read!

You can decorate the house with bundles of ribbons the same colors as the balls, placing them on large interior items - mirrors, cabinets, refrigerators. Instead of ribbons, you can use flags - it will also turn out fun and interesting.

February is not an easy month. Winter is coming to an end, spring has not yet come. But by the end of February, many are seized by a real anticipation of spring. It excites women, men and children. The holidays traditionally celebrated in our country on a grand scale - February 23 "Defender of the Fatherland Day" and March 8 "International Women's Day" become a real event for almost every resident of Russia. In the same article, we’ll talk about how to make a design for February 23 that your loved ones will like.

February 23 is considered the main men's holiday. It always evokes a lot of emotions. As is typical for men, many of them diligently pretend that they are indifferent to the celebrations. But, nevertheless, they are waiting for this holiday and wondering what surprises await them at work and at home. Therefore, we have prepared ideas for decorating rooms by February 23 with our own hands, both for children and at home, as well as decorating an office for the holiday of Defender of the Fatherland Day.

This day has long been a celebration of not only warriors (men who served in the army or took part in hostilities). Today, February 23 among the people has become just a holiday for all men. Therefore, it is also celebrated by children in kindergartens and schools. The holiday has become a family holiday.

Women, when they begin to prepare for this day, always know “how best”, therefore, they often brilliantly organize home holidays for their beloved husbands, brothers, fathers and sons. Of course, children also take part in the preparations. Therefore, very often mothers begin to think about how to decorate a room on February 23 with their own hands, with the decision to involve younger family members in creativity.

Children's holiday decor for February 23

Baby fakes

Children love to make something - for the holiday they will be happy to make a lot of colorful paper crafts. For example, a paper star, or an order. They can be attached to the walls of the room or mounted on curtains. The more and brighter they are, the better.


You can spend time and make a real holiday garland with your child. From colored paper or foil, voluminous, from stars or individual flags - they will decorate the room and create the atmosphere of a real family holiday for dad. Preparations for garlands for every taste are sold in stores (there are also many of them in online stores). But they are easy to make with your own hands, as in school or kindergarten (most likely, the children themselves will teach their mother how to make garlands for every taste).

Be sure to make the inscription "Happy February 23" on the garland. Looks very impressive.

Wall newspaper

Of course, you can also draw a poster specifically for the holiday with congratulations. But it is even better to organize a family wall newspaper. Decorate it with photographs of dad, grandfather or brother and compose congratulatory verses for everyone. It's a little naive. But in our time, it is precisely this naivete that evokes more warm emotions than a newfangled device donated on occasion.

And yet, when decorating an apartment for the celebration of February 23, do not forget about children's toys. They will be very useful to you. At normal times, a mother can scold a child for scattered soldiers, cars and pistols. But on such a holiday - military toys can become festive props. They can easily decorate the table. Along with small flags. It will be very beautiful and touching.

Festive table

And, finally, when choosing a menu for February 23, any mother will think about making a birthday cake. Think shaped pastries in the form of airplanes, stars, cars and flags. Sweet holiday arrangements are also suitable. They will be appreciated by men of any age at the family ceremonial table. In addition to beauty, it is also simply delicious.

Thinking about window decorations by February 23, feel free to involve children. This is one of my favorite things to do around the holidays. Children themselves will create a festive atmosphere, but when they help their mothers decorate the house with their own hands, the holiday begins long before the celebration itself.

window decorations

Decorations on the windows by February 23 from paper can be made in the form of an airplane or a submarine. Especially the submarine is made very simply, you will not sit for days on crafts, no jewelry cuts with thin scissors.

To make this simple window decoration, you will need:

  • self-adhesive colored paper (the color of the paper should be bright, saturated);
  • a brush, a set of paints and clean water in a jar;
  • stationery pencil and soft eraser;
  • regular scissors.


From the inside of the sheet, you must first draw an oval (it must be lengthened and sharpened from the edges). This is our future submarine. Now it needs to be cut. Do not forget about the periscope and the tail section. You need to draw portholes with paints, or you can simply cut them out of lighter paper.

If the process drags you out, then you can add fish or jellyfish to the submarine. This will dilute the military mood, it will become more fun. To stick the figures to the glass, you need to remove the protective layer of the film from the paper (on the adhesive side). You can also make a congratulatory inscription. These figures can decorate windows and interior doors, any surfaces with glass.

Don't worry, they come off just as easily as they stick. But the pleasure of making them is enormous, not to mention the real festive decoration of the apartment for the Defender of the Fatherland Day, made by the hands of beloved children.

How to prepare for February 23 at the office

It is a completely different matter when the celebration of February 23 takes place within the framework of an office or enterprise. Here, the entire women's team is included in the organization. The scope of the celebration that women arrange for the male half of the team usually depends on the venue of the holiday.

You can stay in the office and hold an event in a familiar environment, or you can rent a banquet hall or a small cafe. It all depends on the imagination of women and the possibilities of leadership.

Even if the event is held in a small office space, for example, in a meeting room, the preparation for it should be even more serious than organizing a holiday in a rented hall. Because almost everything will have to be done by hand. But that doesn't scare anyone. We all come from childhood. And in our childhood it was full of socially useful events, collective holidays in schools, health camps, etc.

Wall newspaper in the office

As a rule, by February 23, women draw a wall newspaper and then solemnly open it to show it to men.


We really know how to organize a large number of people with different games, contests and even performances. The preparation of the program is approached very thoroughly. After all, it’s not enough to cook (or order) a chic table with snacks that will satisfy the taste preferences of all the men in the team (and all of them still need to be figured out). It is important to figure out what to do with people whose interests can be very, very different.


Very often recently, women's groups unite into real “girl bands” and delight (often, greatly surprise) their colleagues by singing karaoke on impromptu stages. Speaking of the stage. Since it is difficult to imagine a separate area for the stage in an office meeting room or conference room, you have to arrange it yourself. And how to zone the space for the holiday?

Decoration with balloons

Decoration with balloons on February 23 remains a hit of corporate parties in offices. It is with balls that you can decorate a separate area for performances. Special compositions from balloons, which are now not difficult to order, can make any accent.

Balls can fundamentally change the usual room. Of course, it is better to make the decoration with balloons meaningful, thematic - directly for February 23rd. Now there are not only designer decorations with balloons for any venues, but also a variety of solutions with a combination of colors with balloons and other bright materials.

Khaki balloons

From the balls you can make a real "male" decoration of the room with your own hands. For example, buy balloons in the colors green, white, yellow (khaki colors), hang them around the hall and you will get a decoration with military-style balloons, associations with a camouflage theme will return everyone present to the festive theme.

Original garlands, figures and numbers (23) from balloons

A great idea for decorating a festive room is to weave a garland of several khaki balls on your own and buy ribbons in the colors of the tricolor (the colors of the Russian flag) and run to the ceiling.

Some ladies make tanks and other military figurines from balloons on their own, and white and blue balloons, which symbolize the sky, are let up on the ceiling. You can also make a large figure of numbers 23 (its size can be limited only by the size of the room).

A holiday spent in a room decorated with your own hands with balloons, and even with imagination, will be remembered for a long time.

Russian flag

We should not forget about the popular state symbols of the holiday. Balloons come in different shapes and colors, so you can decorate the room, for example, with balloons in the colors of the Russian flag and add balloons in the form of golden stars to them. They will symbolize the stars on the shoulder straps of the military. Or you can generally hang a garland of such air stars from the ceiling.

Other options for decorating the office

What else can be made from balls for the festive decoration of the room:

  • decorate the front door or stage with garlands of balls, also, if there are columns, then the column of balls looks very impressive;
  • around the hall you can arrange floor compositions from balloons, make from several balloons with helium (be sure to tie them to a weight or to any rack - otherwise they will fly away);
  • on chairs or tables you can tie a bouquet of three balls in the color of the Russian tricolor;
  • many prefer panels of balloons, which weave with their own hands from thematic coloring flowers.

Of course, the embodiment of your creative fantasies in self-decoration with balloons by February 23 is very troublesome. But the surprise and childish delight that accompanies the appearance of each member of the team at a solemn event is a great reward for any woman.

Corporate celebration in the banquet hall

It is a completely different matter when the company's management decides to hold an event in a rented hall. For the female part of the team, there is no question of the menu. There are two questions that, as a rule, are solved on their own. What to give men and how to decorate the hall on February 23 with your own hands. If the first question in each team is solved individually, then the second has common solutions.

  • First, let's talk about balloons. They can also decorate a large banquet hall. At the same time, when the area already allows, you can combine balloons with flower arrangements;
  • Secondly, you can decorate the walls of the hall with camouflage fabric. It is sold in specialized stores and on websites. You can wrap boxes with this fabric and make themed bedside tables, place, for example, flags of the Russian Federation or photos of colleagues from the army years on them. Against the background of such walls, you can take memorable photographs;
  • Thirdly, it would be great to print large-format posters especially for this day (or buy them, there are a lot of them on sale). Propaganda posters from the times of the Great Patriotic War look great. Such decoration of the walls will add atmosphere to the holiday.

For many women, this amount of preparation is sheer chores. Refusals to participate in joint congratulations and celebrations are often heard. It is explainable. We live in an age of individualism. Many families choose not to celebrate this holiday. Gifts for men seem expensive. And the economic situation in the country is not conducive to unnecessary purchases. But let's think about whether we need to be so far away from our own traditions, whether the mentality of individualism is really close to us.

Let the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day at home or participation in a corporate event seem ridiculous and naive. Perhaps it would be easier for many to go to a concert or to a restaurant. But that special spirit of the holiday will no longer exist.

After all, if we gather more often for gatherings at work or at a common table with the family - on a festive occasion or without, with gifts or a delicious dinner, we will maintain our connection with childhood. When everything was different. When you know for sure, if you make a person a pleasant surprise, he will definitely smile and be happy. And tomorrow, most likely, you will receive your own cute surprise in return from him.

Hello my beloved readers. Tatyana Sukhikh is in touch and on the eve of the holiday of valor and courage, beloved by all men, Defenders of the Fatherland Day - on February 23, I want to talk about the design of the hall in kindergarten. After all, what is a holiday - it is something happy and joyful, it is when an inspiring atmosphere soars in the air, uniting families and teams, as well as each person individually. Kindergarten is far from an exception.

To cheer up a little, watch the kids dance, I think you'll like it))

After all, the kids will have to congratulate their dads, grandfathers and educators who were related to military affairs. Future men themselves are not averse to feeling their involvement in an important day, so everything around should correspond to the solemn and significant meaning of the holiday. I would like the guys to go to their group or the music hall, decorated by February 23 in kindergarten, where such events are most often held, and they just open their mouths in surprise: “What, they say, is beauty around”!

What could be more pleasant for the teaching staff. Moreover, only in this way it is possible to arouse the exorbitant interest of children in what is happening. They will remember the name of the holiday and the story of its origin, told by the teachers. Therefore, today I want to help you with such a design challenge by offering some decorating ideas. Forward!

Undoubtedly, ready-made kits that are intended for use both in specialized preschool institutions and at home will be excellent helpers in terms of decorating the hall by February 23 in kindergarten. Create a festive atmosphere with the help of 7 cutting elements on A1 sheet on adhesive tape and also get a holiday script as a bonus.

You can acquaint your child with the historical past with the help of the Hero Cities posters presented on this website in the amount of 16 pieces.

Balloons are the most common and acceptable solution for the holidays. It is these multi-colored decorations that are most often used during the celebration of birthdays, weddings, graduations and calendar holidays. The reason is clear - the cost of balloons is low, and the possibilities are almost endless.

  • From the balls you can beautifully twist the arch at the entrance to the hall or put them intertwined along the walls and on the stage.
  • If you inflate balloons with helium, they will look great under the ceiling. The main thing is that beautiful shiny ribbons twisted into a spiral are tied to the ponytails.
  • The balls make excellent voluminous flowers that can be mounted on the wall, on windows, curtains, and curtains.
  • The main thing, when you are going to decorate, is not to miscalculate with color. The most relevant tones on the holiday of February 23 are black and orange, like the famous St. George's ribbon, as well as red to match the classic carnation and the Red Army star. But this does not mean at all that balloons should be of just such colors. If you want, at least make a 7-color rainbow over the stage from them - the main thing is that it should be beautiful, solemn and pleasant for children and their parents.

  • Often they make a semblance of the Russian flag from the balls, that is, they attach the balls in three rows in the corresponding colors - white, blue, red. After all, the holiday is a national scale, so the flag will have to be the best it can be.

And by the way, the design of modern balloons can now also be very different. If you look at holiday themed stores, I'm sure you'll find military-colored khaki balloons with green spots. Such an attribute of the holiday can have a beautiful inscription congratulating the defenders of the fatherland. But for the decoration of the hall, by the way, signed balls are not suitable. It is better to take plain, but multi-colored to decorate the group.

How to decorate the hall by February 23 in kindergarten: themed garlands

Have you noticed how unusual hanging garlands look in kindergarten with all possible figures strung on a string. They can be hung from the ceiling or similar to balloons - along walls, in doorways, on curtains and curtains.

Undoubtedly, it will not be difficult to purchase such a garland in a store, but what could be better than a hand-made decoration. Children can also be involved in this process. Believe me, they will be so happy to cut out stars or numbers from colored paper, all sorts of thematic images. So you, as they say, will kill two birds with one stone: you will have an interesting lesson and decorate the hall for the holiday!

What do we need for this? Thread or thin rope, PVA glue, colored paper and that's it.

Now decide what exactly will be depicted on the hanging decoration: stars, flags, or maybe ordinary balls. We make this shape on cardboard and cut it out as a template. If you are not confident in your abilities, then the finished template can be purchased at a needlework store or copied from the Internet: redraw or print on a printer.

If you want to see only the same figures on your garland, then one template is enough for you. But the design of the hall by February 23 in kindergarten can be made from stars of different sizes, for example. And by the way, different colors or even patterns.

For each figure, you need to cut out 2 molds to glue them on both sides and fasten the thread inside.

When the garland dries, you can safely decorate the hall with it. To do this, it can be fixed in a semicircle on the wall, along the wall or suspended from the ceiling, as well as in the doorway.

Which of the educators or parents of kids wants a completely unusual garland, can sew stars or balls from multi-colored scraps of fabric. In addition to its unusualness and beauty, such a garland has another advantage - it can be used countless times, periodically washing and ironing the stitched figures.

You can make a number out of carnations!

Yes, not from simple ones, but made from napkins! We will only make buds to fix them on the curtain. To do this, we need red napkins and threads to match the paper.

On a napkin folded 4 times, draw a circle, which we cut out with scissors. We take the resulting circle in the middle and twist the resulting petals in different directions. A tail has formed at the bottom of the flower - we need to wrap it with a thread so that the carnation keeps its multi-layered shape.

For the same ponytails we fasten the buds with needles to the tulle in the form of numbers 2 3 and the word "February". Next to such a beautiful inscription, posters with methodological support “Military Patriotic Symbols”, which can be purchased, will look great.

If a larger inscription is required, then flowers can be made from an unfolded napkin. To do this, you need to fold several napkins one on one, draw a circle on the surface of the top and cut it out. The edges of the circle can be changed to a wavy line or a pointed one - the shape of the flower will depend on this.

Such flowers can also be used for a festive inscription or hung on strings from the ceiling. Have you highlighted at least once how unusual and beautiful it looks hanging from above. Do not limit your imagination - make the flowers colorful. Rainbow colors are exactly how we remember childhood.

Fans of special popularity

More recently, multi-colored fans made of cardboard have been especially popular. I don’t know how relevant this decoration will be on February 23, but what looks very beautiful and festive, for sure! To make one fan, you need a rectangular sheet of colored or multi-colored paper, which we collect into an accordion along the long side.

When you get a thick strip of bends, wrap it with a thread in the middle and fasten the edges of the upper and lower parts in the middle. It turned out to be such a pretty circle. If you don't like the center, cover it with a small circle of a different color. Such a fan will look even more fun and unusual.

But it is not always possible to find somewhere a colored sheet of paper of sufficient length so that it opens into a circle beautifully and without tension. In this case, you can use ordinary colored double-sided paper in A4 format. Which we bend with an accordion along the long side and bend the resulting strip twice. Then we fasten the extreme walls with glue or a stapler. And the resulting 3 fans are connected to each other in a similar way.

Such decorations are attached to the walls or the same curtains with the help of clerical needles.

And in general, the question about the design by February 23 in kindergarten for groups of an exclusively creative nature and imagination. It is not necessary to use well-known patterns, show your imagination, decorate in unusual ways. On the festive stage, you can make a stand with the image of a soldier, for example, or military equipment (tanks, planes, ships, and others). Or purchase thematic posters that you can choose from and 4 thematic posters with methodological support "Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" will add a touch of seriousness to the celebration. The main thing is that the solemn part of the speech contains information about them.

On this, I, Tatyana Sukhikh, say goodbye to you, share your ideas about the design of halls and rooms, subscribe to blog updates and do not forget to bring friends - they also want to know everything about the children's world and what surrounds it! Until we meet again and Happy Holidays, dear men!