Whitening nails at home. How to whiten yellow nails after varnish

How to whiten nails at home? A similar question must have been asked by many representatives of the weaker sex. It turns out that solving the problem is quite simple, since the usual means available in every home will help to cope with the yellowness of the nails. However, before starting the whitening procedure, it is necessary to understand what caused the change in the color of the nail plate.

As a rule, the darkening of the nail indicates any negative changes in the body. The most common culprits for this are:

  • chronic or fungal diseases;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals in the body;
  • smoking;
  • frequent use of red or any other dark varnish without a base coat.

Folk remedies for whitening nail plates

You can whiten your nails with ordinary hydrogen peroxide.

However, using this method, you should be careful: the concentration of the agent should not exceed 3%.

Otherwise, you can damage the nail. Cleaning nails with hydrogen peroxide can be done in two ways. Peroxide is mixed with baking soda (1: 2) until smooth. The resulting slurry is applied to the nail plates for 3 minutes, and then washed off. Such whitening of nails at home should be carried out no more than once every 10 days. The effect will be noticeable after the first two sessions, however, it will be possible to return the original color to the nail only after 4-5 procedures.

For the next method, hydrogen peroxide is mixed with glycerin (1:2). Thus, a nail whitening lotion can be obtained. The liquid is applied to the problem area for several minutes with a cotton pad, and then washed off with warm water. Such whitening can be done every 3 days. In addition to changing color, nails, thanks to glycerin, will receive additional nutrition.

A good result can be obtained by cleaning the nail plate with citric acid. However, before using it, be sure to test for the absence of allergies. To strengthen and brighten the nail plate, it is enough to take baths with lemon juice several times a week or wipe the problem area with a weak solution of citric acid.

Nails are an important protective component in the human body, in addition, their condition can be used to understand the main health problems. It happens that the nails begin to turn yellow, this indicates that there are any problems inside the body. But even if they are solved, the color does not always return. We will tell you how to whiten nails at home with folk recipes.

Color can change for various reasons, and even careful cosmetic hand care does not always solve this problem. The most popular factor in this condition is the frequent use of cosmetic varnish, nicotine, or homework without protective equipment. Chemical preparations negatively affect the condition and structure of the nail, due to which the color may be lost.

Another common cause is nail fungus. The plate, as a rule, acquires a brown or pale yellow color, and in this case, you should immediately contact a dermatologist who will prescribe an official treatment. Traditional medicine also helps to get rid of such an ailment, we recommend using pumpkin seed oil, as well as tincture of starflower. These components will help get rid of the fungus in a short time.

How to whiten nails at home

There are a number of effective tips that allow you to whiten your nails at home without much effort. They are quite reliable, proven, but it is worth remembering that in parallel it is necessary to understand the root cause of the problem. If you do not eradicate it, the yellowness will return again, and you will have to redo such cosmetic procedures at home. So, here are the main ways to whiten nails:

  1. Application of toothpaste. Wash your hands well, and apply a little of the regular toothpaste you use daily to each nail plate. Next, you need to use a special brush, or you can use a regular toothbrush, which you need to carefully rub this area. Leave the component for about 7 minutes, then rinse with plain water. It is necessary to carry out such a procedure a couple of times a week, the effect will not be long in coming. It is recommended to use a whitening toothpaste, it will cope with the task much faster.
  2. Cooked soda paste. You need to take baking soda, as well as lemon juice. The components are taken in approximately equal parts, the task is to create a paste of a uniform consistency. For example, you can take each component 1 tablespoon. The mixture should be applied to the nail, and massaged for 5 minutes with a brush, or just with your finger. After that, the soda paste is washed off, and the nail becomes much lighter. You need to carry out this procedure once a week. But you can not use this recipe if there are wounds or other damage to the fingers, as it will burn badly.
  3. Lemon juice. Natural lemon juice also helps to solve this problem. Just a few drops are enough to apply on each nail, then wait about a minute. After that, we recommend applying Chamomile cream, which will relieve inflammation. Too often, this method of whitening should not be carried away.
  4. An effective solution of glycerin and hydrogen peroxide. You need to take a 3% peroxide solution, and mix with glycerin in a ratio of 5: 1. It is necessary to wipe the nails with the resulting product, or apply the mass with a regular cosmetic brush.
  5. Ordinary baby soap. Take a container, pour hot water into it, and put a piece of baby soap. Lower your hands so that they dissolve, when the soap becomes a little softer, run your fingers so that the component gets under the nail. Remove your hands from the water, and wait a couple of minutes, then repeat the procedure. Then, with a regular brush, you can clean your nails, and rinse with water. After this procedure, we recommend using hemp oil, apply the component on a cotton pad, and wipe each nail.
  6. Apple vinegar. Another effective component that allows you to whiten your nails at home. Place your hands in this mixture for a few minutes, then rinse with running water. This technique will allow you to very quickly improve the condition of the plate, and also remove excess enzymes. By the way, this technique can be used after cooking vinaigrette, herring under a fur coat, or other products containing beets. If you wash your hands with soap after peeling the beets, your nails will turn purple. It is best to use regular apple cider vinegar.
  7. Salt bath. Sea salt is used, which you need to take 2 teaspoons, as well as a glass of hot water. Mix the ingredients, and place your hands in the solution for 15 minutes. After that, rinse with water, and apply pine nut oil to the plate. Instead, you can still use some kind of nourishing cream, in particular, "Nut" cream is suitable.

These are the basic recipes that will whiten your nails at home. You can choose the most suitable for yourself, or alternate them, and see the effectiveness of each. Also, do not forget about traditional medicine, because herbal medicine also helps to get rid of this problem, moreover, it acts not only externally, but also internally on the body. As a result, overall health improves.

How to whiten nails with traditional medicine

Whitening nails with folk remedies is quite simple, there are several effective recipes that have a positive effect on the plate. Unlike the cosmetics and techniques described above, such methods will last a little longer, but the process will be complex. After all, they help not only improve the external condition of the nails, but also internal health. After all, as we have already said, a problem with nails occurs when there are any abnormalities in the body. So, here are some traditional medicine recipes that allow you to whiten your nails:

  • Use a decoction of chamomile. To do this, take a tablespoon of the component, and pour boiling water, which needs 300 ml. The broth is prepared for 15 minutes using a water bath. Or you can pour over the herbal tea and let it brew for 40 minutes. As soon as it cools, you need to strain, and lower your hands there for 30 minutes. But it is recommended to apply this method every day for a month.
  • Use an essential oil. You can add a few drops to warm water and hold your hands for 20 minutes. You also need to apply oil on the nail itself, but mix it with lemon juice. To create a bath, you do not need to use plastic dishes, since ethers can dissolve it. Jojoba oil, grape bone cosmetic oil is ideal.
  • Eat hemp seeds. This is a very valuable nutritional product that improves health in general, but in particular, it has a very powerful effect on the condition of the skin, hair, and nails. It eliminates brittleness, damage, loss of color, yellowness. But before using such a product, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor for advice. It is worth noting that hemp seeds do not contain narcotic components in their composition. This is a natural purified product that is actively used in traditional medicine.
  • Apply walnut oil. It can be used internally for general strengthening of the body and saturation with valuable trace elements, as well as to wipe the nail plates. To do this, after hygiene procedures, it is worth applying walnut oil to a small piece of cotton wool and wiping the nail. Rinse off the component is not necessary, leave until completely absorbed.
  • Another effective product is pine nut oil. It is applied in the same way as the previous component, and has powerful strengthening properties. It helps to get rid of yellowness very quickly, destroys the fungus.
  • Peel the potatoes from the skin, and grate on a fine grater. The resulting product must be applied to the plate, and hold for 30 minutes. The gruel will fall off the nails, so we recommend dipping your hands into this mixture.
  • Take aloe juice and wipe the nail plate with it, then wash your hands in warm water. Additionally, you can use aloe extract in oil, which must also be applied to the affected areas.
  • Apply cucumber juice. You also need to get porridge from it, for this you should grate it. To enhance the effect, you can add aloe juice. Dip your hands in the resulting mixture for 30 minutes.

Such recipes will allow you to quickly whiten your nails with folk remedies. Apply these recommendations, and the result will not be long in coming. You can buy some traditional medicine preparations in our online store. Choose the most suitable, add to cart and place an order. In the near future you will receive valuable products that will help get rid of yellowness and whiten your nails at home.

If you have beautiful and healthy nails, you won't even need a very expensive French manicure at the salon. By the color of your nails, you can tell what state your health is in. A lot of factors can affect the color, including malnutrition, too many chemical procedures, hypothermia. As soon as you notice that your nails begin to acquire an unhealthy shade, you should immediately take up treatment and do not leave the problem just like that and wait for it to pass by itself. After all, the longer you put off solving the cause, the more work you will then have to report. You can whiten your nails both in the salon and at home.

There are many reasons why nails change color. These include causes with the liver or with the kidneys. Also smoking, frequent use of antibiotics, the occurrence of fungus. The color will also change due to the fact that the nails are painted very often (the nail lacks oxygen, which causes a change in color, brittleness and delamination). In order to avoid bumps on the surface of the nails and they shine noticeably, you need to regularly use a special grinding file, which will also make the color of the nail quite pleasant. Also, let your nails rest and do not paint them with decorative varnish at least once a month. Also, between painting your nails in different colors, take small breaks in between so that your nails have time to breathe.

What can be used to effectively whiten nails?

In order to whiten nails, a lot of methods and means have been found. For example, very often women make baths from decoctions of medicinal herbs, hydrogen peroxide, lemon juice or vinegar. Such baths must be taken several times a week and after a couple of procedures you will notice that your nails have become lighter by at least one tone. The potato also gives a beautiful color, and it also makes the skin around the nails very soft and well-groomed. Some women use the easiest way to make their nails bright and beautiful - they rub lemon juice on them. This should be done for five minutes and you can use the juice of both lemon and lime. It is worth remembering that although it is a safe and inexpensive way to make nails attractive compared to salon whitening, the procedure should be performed daily for at least one month.

Sometimes lemon juice is mixed with olive oil and they rub the nails not only on the hands, but also on the legs. This will be an excellent preparatory step before polishing the nail. Also, a variety of essential oils should become your companions in the fight against these problems, which will help nourish your nails with vitamins and trace elements, which they clearly lack. Quite often, you can do baths with the same oils, as well as based on chamomile. Or the infusion can be applied with cotton wool to each nail. If you mix glycerin, rose water and hydrogen peroxide, you will get an excellent nail whitening product, after which you can see the result very soon. But at the same time, you should not stop this course and apply the resulting mixture for another thirty days. Remember that for such a mixture, you can take an exceptionally weak hydrogen peroxide, because a stronger substance can greatly damage the structure of your nails and bring even more problems that will not be so easy to deal with. Some women, in order not to injure their nails, can replace the nail files with a small piece of suede and thus polish their nails.

On the legs, the nails are whitened in exactly the same way, with the only difference being that before starting the procedure, it is necessary to steam the nails well in a solution of water and sea salt.

Beautiful nails are the decoration of a modern person. It happens that the nails turn yellow. Why? How can you quickly get rid of the yellowness of the nails?

Why do nails turn yellow and lose their natural color?

Have you noticed that your nails have turned yellow? Nails are a barometer of the internal state of the body, and also reflect a person's habits.

Problems within the body

Yellow nails are caused by certain ailments, such as diseases of the liver, lungs, diabetes, kidney disease, lack of nutrients in the body, such as iron and zinc.

Nail fungus

If the nail plate turns yellow or brown, this may be the first sign of nail fungus. In this case, you need to contact a dermatologist who will prescribe an adequate treatment.


Often smokers' nails turn yellow from cigarette soot. Of course, the ideal option to get rid of yellowness is. Or use simple ways to whiten nails at home.

Constant use of nail polish

If you constantly cover your nails with nail polish, then due to lack of oxygen, your nails turn yellow.

If the yellowness of the nails is caused by bad habits and the wrong way of caring for the nails, then the problem can be corrected at home.

Ways to whiten nails:

Don't polish your nails sometimes

Periodically for several days do not varnish your nails. When the nails are constantly covered with varnish, oxygen does not enter the nail plate, and oxygen is necessary for the normal color of the nails.


Apply a little toothpaste to each nail plate, rub your nails with a nail brush (which can be an ordinary toothbrush). Then leave the toothpaste on the nail for 5-7 minutes, rinse off the toothpaste with water. For best results, use a whitening toothpaste. The paste helps to remove stains and yellowness from the nail plate. Cleaning your nails with toothpaste can be done several times a week, the nails will become whiter and shiny.

Soda solution (Soda paste)

Recipe 1. A baking soda solution is great for whitening nails. Mix 2.5 tablespoons of baking soda with 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide. Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous mixture is formed. If the mixture does not gain the consistency of a paste, then add a little more baking soda. Apply the mixture on and under the nails. You can also dip your hands into the bowl of the mixture to keep everything around you (the mixture may start to melt due to body temperature). The procedure should be carried out for 20-30 minutes. Then gently rub your nails with a nail brush, but do not overdo it, because soda grains can injure the nail plate. Wash off the baking soda mixture with warm water.

Recipe 2. Mix a tablespoon of baking soda with a tablespoon of lemon juice until a smooth paste forms. Apply the resulting mixture on the nail plates, gently scrub the surface of the nail plates with a nail brush for 5 minutes. Wash off the soda mixture 5 minutes after application. Lime juice can be used instead of lemon juice.

Do not use the recipe with lemon juice if you have cuts or sores near the nail beds.

Also, the mixture can be added to disposable rubber gloves, put on and wait for the right time.

Lemon juice

Squeeze a few drops of lemon juice on each nail, rub into the nail plate for 30 seconds, rinse with water.

Or squeeze the juice of a lemon into a bowl so you can freely dip your nails into it. Soak your nails in lemon juice for 1-2 minutes, then wash your hands with water and apply cream.

You can also immerse your nails in lemon water for 10 minutes: mix the juice of 1 lemon with a glass of cold boiled water.

After exposure to lemon juice, yellowed nails become noticeably white. Lemon juice, in this case, acts as a natural astringent and helps eliminate blemishes. To completely get rid of ugly spots and yellowness on the nails, the nail whitening procedure must be carried out several times.

Lemon juice can dry out skin and nails, so apply a moisturizer afterwards.

Denture cleaning tablets

In the pharmacy, you can buy special tablets for cleaning dentures, which get rid of stains from coffee, tea, red wine, etc. Also, these pills are effective for whitening nails. It is necessary to dissolve 1-2 tablets in a bowl of warm water, then soak the nails there for several minutes.

Whitening agent

If there are strong, stubborn stains on the nails, then you can use a bleaching agent for washing. Dilute the bleach in water 1 to 1. Dip your fingertips into the solution, rub the solution thoroughly into your nails. Use a toothbrush to remove stains from your nails. Rinse the solution off your nails thoroughly with warm water.

It may be that no nail whitening procedure helps at all. This may indicate more serious problems in the body than just yellow nails. Serious illnesses can be the cause.

One whitening procedure may not be enough, several procedures may be needed. And to keep your nails always white and shiny, especially if you often paint your nails, the whitening procedure should be done once a week.

Questions from readers

October 18, 2013, 17:25 Good evening! Help me please. Got my nails done 2 months ago. a week after the extension, a light spot appeared on the nail (little finger). I thought that air got under the tips. But when I took off the extended nails, it became clear that the nail was half gone !! I didn't hit anywhere. Tell me, please, what can it be? And how to treat it? Thanks a lot.

Nails can turn yellow from excessive use of colored varnishes, as well as from their improper use. Smoking, visiting a solarium, health problems can also provoke the appearance of yellow spots on the nails.

You can whiten your nails and put them in order with the help of proven home remedies, and for special whitening preparations it makes sense to go to a pharmacy or a cosmetic store.

Among home remedies for whitening nails, lemon is considered to be the undisputed leader. The lemon is simply cut into two halves and the nails are dipped into the pulp of the fruit. You can also simply wipe your nails with squeezed lemon juice.

You can prepare a mixture of a few drops of olive oil and lemon juice. Thoroughly wipe the nails with the finished mixture with a cotton swab. Then the nails are carefully polished with a nail file.

Essential oils can help whiten nails. To prepare an effective mask for nails, you will need the juice of one lemon, one teaspoon of jojoba oil, a few drops of ylang-ylang. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied to the nails with a cotton swab.

Baths with chamomile can also be useful in combating yellowing nails. A few tablespoons of dry chamomile are brewed with boiling water and allowed to infuse for 20 minutes. Then fingers are dipped into the infusion of chamomile and kept there for 10-15 minutes. Such a bath for nails is recommended to be done 2-3 times a week, while rubbing lemon juice into the nails will not be superfluous at all.

Salt bath for nails is not difficult to prepare. It is necessary to dissolve a few teaspoons of sea salt in warm water. Fingers are lowered into the bath for 10-15 minutes. If desired, in addition to salt, you can add lemon juice and a few drops of essential oil to warm water. It will take 2-3 weeks to achieve a good result.

Rose water is widely used in cosmetology, it can also be used to whiten nails. Mix 40 ml of rose water, 10 g of glycerol, 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide (3%). All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, the finished mixture is applied to the nails with a cotton swab.

To whiten nails, you can prepare a solution of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. One tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide and two tablespoons of baking soda are placed in a non-metallic bowl, the mixture is stirred to a paste consistency. The mixture is applied to the nails and left for 2-3 minutes, then washed off with warm water. Nails can be further cleaned with a brush.

Glycerin is mixed with hydrogen peroxide in a ratio of 1:5 and applied to yellowed nails. Hydrogen peroxide can cause skin irritation, so this remedy is applied to the nails for no longer than 2-3 minutes. Use a three percent hydrogen peroxide, a more concentrated solution can not be used.

Nonyellowing Top professional coating with whitening effect is produced by the American company Duri Cosmetics. This tool is applied to the nails, it gives a matte leveling effect, it can be used under varnish for a brighter manicure. Regular use of Nonyellowing Top prevents yellowing of the nail plate. A similar effect on the nails has a bleaching agent Mava-White by the Swiss company Mavala.

The well-known American company Orly has developed Nail Whitener specially for whitening nails. This effervescent tea tree oil bleach powder removes yellow stains from nails and can be used on both natural and artificial nails. The contents of the sachet are dissolved in warm water, hands are dipped into the solution and kept there for 5 minutes. Then the hands must be washed with clean water, you can use a brush to remove dirt from under the nails. This procedure can be carried out regularly to maintain normal healthy nail color.

Nubar offers a mask for whitening nails Nail Clear. The mask eliminates yellow spots, prevents yellowing of nails, preserves the original color of French manicure. The Nail Clear mask has a white color, it is applied to the nails in a thin layer, after drying it becomes transparent, then the surface of the nails is polished with a special napkin.

Before applying a layer of colored varnish on your nails, do not forget that you must first cover your nails with a transparent base - this will help prevent yellowing of the nails. Salt or chamomile baths can be an obligatory part of a weekly manicure.


Yes, the advice is really good and very good. I myself whiten my nails according to such advice. It turns out very well and the procedure itself is quite pleasant!

oo! thanks for the helpful tips!

Comment on the article "How to whiten nails"

I want to get my hands in order, get a manicure and gel polish on my nails. We need a good professional master in Moscow, preferably in the area of ​​​​the Akademicheskaya metro station. Advise who makes where and whether you are satisfied with the service and quality...

My nails were terrible, they hurt a lot. Put in order for a long time, until completely new industries. I don’t advise you to build up, although if I wore acrylic for 5 years in a row, then I put my nails in order for more than a year, the nail plate became very thin, cut it under ...


I built up once with gel. Nice, but not comfortable for me. I went with them for 3 months and did not get used to it. The last straw was 4 torn tights when collecting for work. How carefully I did not try, but broke through. Because of these tights, I was late for work and with psychos I myself ripped them off. My nails were terrible, they hurt a lot. Put in order for a long time, until completely new industries. I do not advise you to build up, although if you really want to, try it. If you don't like it, you can withdraw it the next day, only the money will be lost.

Definitely not!! Now it's silly

I'm embarrassed to go for a manicure.... Nail care. Fashion and beauty. if your hands were always in order, then there would be no manicurists. They work in order to bring hands / feet in order.


Thanks a lot for the replies.
I'll try, I'll ask my friends where they do it.
I will love myself and be beautiful. :)

25.10.2013 11:19:43, hide, I'm sorry.

oh, you should have seen my mom after the summer season)) and she has flowers, roses, etc., plus berries, black (!) Currant jam, chokeberry, etc. He always waits when he comes from the dacha to the city and immediately for a manicure and pedicure. You should not have any complex. In extreme cases, if you are embarrassed, say that you were sitting in the country with flowers and berries, making jam))

About false nails. Nail care. Fashion and beauty. Section: Nail care (Girls, you are beautiful, you know everything :) tell me the village: for the first time in my life I want to grow my nails.


What are your reasons for wanting to grow? Are yours not growing? Check out the Japanese manicure. For me it turned out to be a miraculous miracle and salvation.

The procedure is as follows - powder from the same substances consisting of is rubbed into one's own nails. Your nails become much stronger and grow to an unimaginable length!

Better than extensions in many ways:
- their own do not deteriorate, but quite the contrary
- completely natural look
- much more plastic - my extensions broke 1-2 times a week, but these ones did not!

Girls, sorry teapot. I didn’t do anything like that - a regular manicure. I looked at the pictures, I was horrified at how unnatural these nails look. What's the point? In order to immediately see that these are expensive artificial nails? Or that they are painted?

12/18/2011 07:47:38 PM, Off topic

Buy yourself beautiful underwear - it helps a lot with depression, and you immediately want to put on makeup, put your nails in order, and of course depilation, which should always be (everyone has their own, I have my own - a trimmed and painted head on time, not broken nails - at least without ...


Get enough sleep. Review the organization of the salon. Since it takes 6 days / 12 hours, then something is not optimal. Change a couple of employees. To get acquainted with a pleasant caring man, to use him without a twinge of conscience. Get enough sleep.

What is the daily routine? Maybe you just don’t get enough sleep, what beauty is there?

And the toenails!! which is no longer necessary, twisted like a screw and with a leg behind the ear, put in order for forty minutes each ?? +1 I have blood vessels close to each other + thin skin and "edged" manicure I can't even do in the salon, because it's always with blood :-(well, at home there are rivers...


1 I have blood vessels close to each other + thin skin and “edged” manicure I can’t even do in the salon, because it’s always with blood :-(well, at home there are rivers of blood and then sores, burrs :-(a couple of years ago I found this method for myself and sooo glad - the time has decreased and the fingers of a normal appearance :-)

And it is possible on in more detail for stupid??
Avon care?
Apply and wait a while
Or at once a brush in a course to start up?
And then again (for the night) smear care??

Urgent survey about false nails. I have very small nails, so in order to fit overhead ones on them, they (the false ones) had to be cut and filed to size for each nail for a long and tedious time. But even after that, they did not want to stick, especially not on liquid glue ...


And the wash is preferably without acetone. Well, if you wash it off with acetone once, nothing will happen, but it’s better not to risk it. And it’s desirable to make the length wearable, otherwise you will constantly feel long nails on your hands, and this is not very pleasant.

Do you mean extended nails? If yes, then wear as much as you want, just make a correction in time, otherwise the regrown roots will be visible (it's like with dyed hair), paint as much as you want and with any color. But red varnishes are slightly absorbed into the nail and if then paint light, it will not be very neat (this applies to acrylic nails, I only worked with them).

Section: Skin care (Girls, help with advice - how to quickly tidy up the skin on your fingers - trips to the country (collecting plums). And before I work in the garden, I wash my hands dry with soap (this is not only from dirt under nails helps, but also from roughness).


From home remedies you can make a face mask from apples - peeled
Grate an apple, add a tablespoon of milk or sour cream. For oily skin, add one egg white.
For the body, you can make a Cleopatra bath:
1 tablespoon of olive oil and 1 glass of milk should be mixed and poured into the bath.

12/30/2000 02:05:17 PM, Milena

Fire measures depend on the type of skin. If you have oily make a mask based on beaten egg white. Add what you have at home from products that are only non-fatty and contain acid: lemon juice, soaked oatmeal, sauerkraut juice or fresh chopped cabbage, and soak the flakes with juice, etc.

For normal - you can smear almost everything on your face only in smaller doses :)) and with the addition of not very fatty foods: fresh kefir, an egg (both yolk and protein), a little growth oil and a product that necessarily contains acid.

For dry skin it is more difficult. Try the classic.
1. renewing mask. grate raw potatoes and keep on the face for min. 10-20. Rinse and leave for 10 minutes. n face gauze soaked in warm vegetable oil.
2. mask of Cleopatra. Egg yolk + teaspoon of honey + kaimak (40% -50% sour cream). If there is no kaimak, sour cream should not be sour and whipped (in a mixer). Buttermilk - drain or use for masks d. norms. and oily skin (it is optimal to soak flakes in it). Make sure that the skin does not redden or tingle.

Do not neglect scrub masks and nourishing creams.

If you have the means, then it is better to go to the salon - there are more effective means. Good luck and get well!

how to fix yourself quickly? I was so unlucky - a week before the new year, I got the flu. I still hope to cure him, but I don’t know what to do with his sharply deteriorated appearance. How to whiten nails. how to put yourself in order?


Ritulya, have you tried to go to the Bakkaras salon? It is opposite the stop "Tsvetmetavtomatika". The salon has recently opened. I did a manicure there (I didn’t really like it), highlighting and a haircut for a baby - pretty good. Unfortunately, there is no phone at hand, but it is very easy to find a salon: a new house opposite the bus stop from the center, address: Beskudn. boulevard house 2 (it seems)
Plprobuyte, anyway, in our wilderness there is nothing else. :))
Good luck!

08/01/2000 23:54:43, Olga