Postcard for February 23 drawing in pencil. Variants of funny pictures with Defender of the Fatherland Day

Anna Egorova

On the eve of the holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day, the guys from the preparatory group prepared gifts for dads and grandpas. The guys had a goal - to make a picture in the technique of " stained glass window"Destination- holiday gift for loved ones.

To work in this technique, we needed the following materials:

Photo frame 10*15;

Kit stained glass paints;

Black outline.

Our work went through several stages. To begin with, the guys and I decided what the drawings would be. We chose water transport. Here are the blanks we have chosen

Next stage. Carefully put our sketch under the glass,

Outline our drawing with a black outline. (you can use other colors for the outline from the set).For safety reasons, this work is done by the educator.

Let dry paints. It's 2-3 hours. We left overnight.

From colored paper, cut out the base to fit the frame

Here are some amazing pieces of work we've done!

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On the eve of the holiday on February 23, I would like the children to make such a gift for their dads that would please not only the children, but also.

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All sections | Drawings for February 23. Drawing on the theme of Defender of the Fatherland Day

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In this lesson, we will look at what can be drawn by February 23, the Defender of the Fatherland Day and how to draw February 23 - the Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday with a pencil in stages. Previously, this holiday was called differently, in the USSR - the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy from 1943 to 1993, and was first established in 1922 as a holiday, the Day of the Red Army and Navy. And now let's see the drawing that we will draw by February 23. It is not very complex, the elements of which are in separate lessons.

Before we start step-by-step drawing, let's also look at the options for drawings for Defender of the Fatherland Day.
Here is a similar picture, just a little different.

Eternal flame, there is a separate lesson.

Another attribute of the holiday is, below are two options.

Now let's start. In this tutorial, we will use a protractor to divide a circle into five equal parts. If you don't have it, there is a lesson where you can draw a star without it -.
So, draw a circle and cut it in half. Mark 72 degrees from the vertical line and draw the line completely, because we will need them.

Measure it at 72 degrees, also, in order not to get confused, I marked our divisions with dots.

Now mark the dashes on the 1/2 lines that are not marked and draw like this shape, the corners of which are slightly rounded.

Erase the circle and what is outside the star. Make another outline of the star on the outside, the sides of which should be at the same distance from each other.

We draw

Here is a schematic drawing of February 23rd. Now you can colorize it.

Every year in Russia and a number of other countries on February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated, a beloved and long-awaited holiday by many. According to historical data, the original idea of ​​the Soviet government was to establish the Day of the Red Army and Navy on this date. However, over time, February 23 lost its original meaning and turned from a “military holiday” into a generally recognized holiday for all men. On this February day, for the strong half of humanity, the most sincere congratulations are heard with wishes of good luck, health and happiness. Women prepare delicious treats and gifts for their courageous "second" halves, and children learn beautiful poems and songs on a military theme. In addition, many dads and grandfathers receive a drawing for February 23 as a gift from their beloved child or grandson. As a rule, these drawings depict the symbolic attributes of the holiday in different variations - what a child's fantasy will tell you! How beautiful to draw a picture by February 23? Today we will conduct several step-by-step master classes with photos and videos on creating a drawing for February 23 with a pencil or paints. Having shown patience and perseverance, with the help of our step-by-step lessons, you will be able to master the drawing technique. Ready-made children's drawings can be sent to a kindergarten or school - to a competition or exhibition in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day. So let's get started!

A beautiful pencil drawing for February 23 in kindergarten, a step-by-step master class with a photo

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a great occasion to please dad or grandfather with a symbolic gift. In kindergarten, on the eve of the holiday, kids draw beautiful drawings on a military theme, diligently drawing on paper all kinds of tanks with stars, planes, boats and brave soldiers in “protective” uniforms. We offer you to go through a step-by-step master class with a photo and draw a tank with a pencil - even a novice painter of kindergarten age can easily cope with the lesson. By carefully following our recommendations, you can create an original drawing for February 23 as a gift for dad, older brother or grandfather.

Materials and tools for drawing in kindergarten by February 23:

  • A4 paper - sheet
  • simple pencil
  • set of colored pencils for drawing
  • eraser

Step-by-step instructions for a drawing master class for February 23 with a pencil, with a photo:

Everything, our beautiful drawing for February 23 is ready! You can put up for a thematic competition of children's drawings in kindergarten or "hide" for dad on Defender of the Fatherland Day.

How to draw a drawing for a school competition by February 23, a step-by-step description, photo

With February 23 approaching, many schools are beginning to prepare for this significant event. Concerts with patriotic songs, dances and poems, solemn congratulatory speeches, sports competitions, meetings with veterans - the festive program for the Defender of the Fatherland Day is extremely extensive. In addition, children's drawing competitions are held on February 23, in which the best works of students from different classes take part. How to draw a drawing on a military theme by February 23? With the help of our step-by-step description with a photo, the drawing process will become simple and understandable - we are sure that such a masterpiece of fine art will take its rightful place at the school competition.

The list of materials for a children's drawing on February 23 for a school competition:

  • paper
  • simple pencil
  • compass
  • ruler
  • colored pencils for coloring

A step-by-step description of the drawing on the theme "Defender of the Fatherland Day" for the competition at school:

Drawing for February 23 with paints in stages for children, a master class on video

Defender of the Fatherland Day is just around the corner - it's time to prepare gifts for your beloved men! With our step-by-step video master class for children, everyone can easily paint a touching picture with paints and please dad, brother or grandfather on their holiday.

Celebrated annually on February 23, this is a holiday for all men who defended their homeland or are ready to take up arms to defend it. In the post-Soviet space, it also has historical significance, acting as a day of honor for all the heroes who fought in the Great Patriotic War against the fascist invaders.
That is why the educational system in preschool and school educational institutions pays special attention to this day. The celebration of February 23 is intended to instill in the modern generation respect for the selflessness and heroism of the warriors who gave us all a peaceful sky above our heads.

Traditionally, on this day, children make home-made items for the military, male relatives: crafts, stucco figurines, drawings. As a rule, the guys do not even think about what they can draw on February 23, because the drawing is born on its own, from the heart. As practice shows, boys most often draw a tank, and girls - a ship. And do not be surprised if the ship suddenly turns pink, or, for example, a tank, an airplane and a steamer are nearby - the fantasy of a preschool child is limitless.

But for older children, drawing a drawing for dad on February 23 is a little more difficult. First, the child does it already consciously. He is more informed and feels responsible for the image resulting from his efforts. Therefore, adults should explain to the student, on February 23, and what meaning each component of the image will have. We will consider in the article the elements inherent in the Defender of the Fatherland Day and explain their meanings. And how to arrange them in the figure, the artist himself will decide.

Military equipment

An airplane, a tank or a warship - that's what you can draw on February 23 as the main element. Indeed, without the military power of the Soviet Prmiya, there would have been no Great Victory, so all this would be appropriate.

five pointed star

A five-pointed red or yellow star is one of the symbols of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. This sign was present on military uniforms on military equipment.

Under scarlet banners with a yellow star, the soldiers rushed into battle. And such a flag was hoisted over the Reichstag when Berlin was taken by Soviet troops. Therefore, the five-pointed star in the figure indicates that we remember who exactly we owe the victory over the Nazis. So it is advisable to draw a postcard for February 23 with this element. The star can be placed on military equipment, in the form of an order or an independent element.

St. George Ribbon

The St. George's Ribbon was used to wrap the order blocks for the medals "For the Capture of Berlin", issued to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. Therefore, it symbolizes admiration for the courage and courage of those who participated in the hostilities. The ribbon consists of stripes of two colors, alternating with each other: black and orange.

There are many ways to depict the St. George ribbon in the figure. Younger children can draw a poster for February 23 or a postcard and frame them with a St. George ribbon so that it forms a rectangle. You can draw it horizontally, vertically, crosswise - in general, rectilinearly so that it is not too difficult. High school students can decorate the ribbon in the form of a loop or in the form of waves developing in the wind - here you can already dream up a lot.


Flowers are a universally recognized sign of love and respect. Therefore, the presence of flowers in the drawing dedicated to February 23 is very desirable. As a rule, drawings for Defender of the Fatherland Day are decorated with scarlet carnations. Why? The fact is that this flower has long been considered a symbol of courage and striving for justice, the triumph of right over evil. No matter how the child decides to draw a card by February 23: with pencils, paints or felt-tip pens, a bouquet of carnations will look great on it. Well, even a preschooler can handle the very process of depicting a bouquet.

Of course, what can be drawn for February 23 is not limited to the four elements we have described. We are sure that your child is talented enough to bring his own zest to the drawing. The main thing is that the image is located on the possibly illuminated by the sun's rays. After all, it is thanks to the Great Victory that today there is a peaceful sky above our heads!