Do-it-yourself postcard for Valentine's Day. For Valentine's Day. We make a voluminous heart

Are you planning to make a warm and sincere 2019 for your loved one? We have collected several ideas for you, from simple and cute to stylish and trendy. These are suitable for both schoolchildren and adult lovers. Pick an idea and get creative.

Also, these postcards can be used as. And although many people think that children have nothing to do with Valentine's Day, we are sure that there is nothing wrong with teaching children to express their feelings and show subtle signs of attention to those who are dear to you. By the way, such cards can be made not only on February 14, but also on other holidays: birthday, mother's or father's day, March 8.

To make such a card for Valentine's Day with your own hands, you do not need to have special talents or skills. It is enough to draw yourself (as it turns out) in the middle of a sheet of cardboard, cut out several hearts of different sizes from colored paper, and glue them to the center. Then we bend the sheet in half - and the card is ready.


How to make such a valentine card with a rotating heart cannot be explained in a nutshell. So it's better to watch the video with step by step instructions.

These Valentine's Day cards are great crafts for kids. Making them is not at all difficult, just familiarize yourself with the principle of creating with your own hands.



Another idea for children is Valentine's Day cards with appliqués made from pieces of colored paper.

Photo by

Postcards for Valentine's Day can not only be drawn, but also embroidered. To do this, you will need cardboard, thread, a needle and a hole punch, which you need to punch holes in the cardboard along the contour of the future heart before starting work.



Hearts with faces - an original postcard for Valentine's Day, which is not at all difficult to make with your own hands: draw or make in the form of an application.


Video how to quickly and easily make a Valentine's Day card with a voluminous heart inside.

There are never too many hearts on Valentine's Day. We suggest that before you start creating postcards with your own hands, make stamps: from potatoes, an eraser on the tip of a pencil, yes, however, from everything that is at hand. And then using these stamps to create unique "heart" patterns.


Funny cards with meaning for Valentine's Day are a special kind of art. Making such a postcard with your own hands, you can be sure that no one else will have such a card. Here are a couple of ideas: a heart cut out of a card with the caption "You are my world." Or glue a card with the king of hearts on a cardboard folded in half and sign "King of my heart".

A postcard with your photo for Valentine's Day will be a pleasant surprise for whoever gets it. Such a Valentine can be made in several ways: specially take a photo with hearts, make a collage of photos and hearts, cut out and paper. Or use the app to turn any of your photos into a Valentine's Day card in two clicks.

A card with a whole bouquet of hearts is perfect as a gift for your beloved mother on Valentine's Day. Hearts can be decorated with an additional pattern. This can be supplemented with a rhyme of your own composition or a painted portrait of your mother.

A card in the form of two palms with a heart inside will incredibly touch the recipient. Fold a card with a gentle message in an envelope so as not to give out the whole surprise at once. Do-it-yourself valentine is ready!

A small transparent envelope filled with paper hearts and glued to sheets of cardboard is a great postcard for Valentine's Day.

Such a Valentine's Day card can be given to someone very passionate about the exact sciences, schedules and planning. And best of all, you can make it yourself in 10 minutes. The theme of the graph can be different: "The reasons why I love you", "What holds a place in my heart" or it can be a comparison of various space objects and your love.

The most common matchbox can become. You can "fold" into the words that you would like to say to your soulmate, and decorate the box with drawings, stickers or photographs.

How to make a paper heart flower for a Valentine's Day card: cut out several identical paper hearts, fold them in half and glue them in a circle with one half to the cardboard, and the other half remains free, creating a volume effect.


Unusual, stylish and concise postcard for Valentine's Day. It is enough to draw a template according to the example in the picture and cut it out.

How to make an original postcard with your own hands from paper: take a sheet of white paper or cardboard. And stick multi-colored hearts on it, the main thing is to show a little imagination.

Now you have 19 great ideas on how to make and decorate a Valentine's Day 2019 card with your own hands. Choose and start creating an original Valentine, because there are only a few days left before the holiday.

Do-it-yourself postcard for Valentine's Day. Master class with photo.

Birina Daria, 9 years old, student of the association
"Needlewoman" MBOU DOD Lesnovsky House of Children's Art.
Supervisor: teacher of additional education Novichkova Tamara Alexandrovna MBOU DOD Lesnovsky House of children's creativity.
Description of work. The master class is designed for children of preschool and primary school age, teachers, educators, parents.
Purpose: The card will be a gift for relatives, friends on Valentine's Day, for a birthday.
Target: making a postcard as a gift.
- learn how to create postcards with your own hands and decorate them beautifully;
- teach correctly, select materials and color combinations;
- improve the skills of working with paper, scissors, observing the rules of safety;
- develop individual creative abilities, artistic taste;
- to cultivate diligence, accuracy, the desire to do something pleasant for people close to you.

Materials and tools:

Scissors with straight blades;
- scissors with curly blades;
- pencil;
- glue stick;
- red, white sparkling paper;
- pink, white office paper;
- Double-sided tape;
- heart pattern, dove pattern.

Dove pattern:

Valentine's Day is celebrated by adults and children, with family and friends. For several years now, this day has ceased to be just a holiday for lovers. “Valentines” are already given by children: to girlfriends and friends, parents, grandparents, teachers. There is nothing wrong with our children learning to express their feelings from an early age. This day has been celebrated for a long time. This holiday is associated with a touching and sad story. In the III century AD. Roman emperor Claudius II issued a decree forbidding people to marry. He believed that marriage kept men at home. And the main purpose of men is to be good soldiers and defend Rome. But there was a man who secretly covered the unions of lovers. The young Christian priest was named Valentine. February 14th is considered Valentine's Day.

Step by step postcard.

We put the heart template on a white sheet of office paper. We circle the heart with an allowance of 2 cm, cut it out with curly scissors. This is the basis of our postcard.

With the help of a figured hole punch, we decorate the edges of the white heart.

Again we put the template on a red sheet of paper, circle around the outer edge of the heart. Cut out.

Now we make a small pink heart. Outline the inner heart. Cut it out and decorate the edges with a figured hole punch.

We start assembly. Using double-sided tape, glue a red heart on the base, then a pink one.

Trace and cut out the doves.

Before gluing the doves onto the card, lift the wings and tail up a little. Using double-sided tape, glue the pigeons by placing the tape in the middle of the pigeon's body. Let's create volume.

This is how our Valentine card and children's work look like.

We offer the option of making a souvenir "heart".

It will not be difficult even for kids to make it. But how nice it is to receive a small, cute, mischievous heart from the hands of a child.

Heart and pen templates:

Materials and tools:

Red velvet paper;
- a piece of cotton wool, eyes;
- scissors, glue "Titan";
- heart and pen templates.

We trace two hearts according to the template on red velvet paper and cut them out.

Having folded a strip of red paper in half, circle and cut out the handles. We glue the two halves.

We put a piece of cotton wool on one half of the heart. Lubricate the edges with glue and apply the second half of the heart on top. Don't forget to put in the handles. We press the edges, we give the opportunity for the two halves to stick together well.

Glue eyes, draw a mouth. And here it is, our little heart, which we will give to our dear, beloved person. And that will be my mom.

Happy Valentine's Day!
On this holiday we are united:
Celebrate, have fun
We do not skimp on smiles
We give loved ones "valentines" -
Romantic pictures!

Holiday of all lovers. There are a few weeks left until February 14th, you can already start thinking about a gift, looking for recipes for delicious dishes for a romantic dinner ... You can get a few sheets of multi-colored paper, scissors and glue and make interesting valentines with your own hands, stylishly decorate a house in romantic colors, beautifully decorate the holiday table.

This article contains the most interesting handmade ideas for the holiday of all lovers. We hope that with our help your significant other will remember this day for a long time. So, we will surprise with all kinds of hearts, let's go!

For these romantic crafts, you will need colored paper, scissors, glue, sometimes even wire and salt (!), but we can promise you that you will not need any special skills and secret ingredients that can only be obtained on a full moon by surpassing through an empty well » is not required!

1. Decorate the house!

Wreath of lovers on the door

We cut out a circle from plain white paper, with a diameter of 30-40 cm. We glue it with cut out hearts. Choose the necessary tonality for yourself - a wreath can be made more delicate using white and light pink hearts, or more passionate by choosing red and burgundy colors. You can make it in a fashionable combination of pink and black or in a gothic style - using black and red hearts. The size of the hearts can also be chosen differently - so the wreath will turn out to be more voluminous and textured.

An interesting option is a wreath of roses.

How to make, see our detailed.

If you want something more cozy and warm on a cold February evening, pay attention to the option.

A wreath can decorate a door, window or hang it on the wall.

Garland of hearts

We string the cut out hearts on a thread. Very simple and beautiful decoration. Please note that hearts can be strung either across or along. If strung across, you get a vertical garland, which can be used to arrange a doorway.

If along, then horizontal - such a garland can be hung on a wall, decorate a bed, a window with it, or drag it across the entire room under the ceiling.

It is even easier to make a garland with clothespins. Then it is better to cut out hearts from thicker paper so that they do not deform due to clothespins. And of course, you can attach romantic wishes, favorite photos, memorable candy wrappers and tickets to such a garland.

Romantic little things

Remember when we were kids growing crystals on sticks in a saline solution? Try to make such crystal hearts by February 14th!

A heart can be made from colored wire, after which it must be placed in a concentrated saline solution (add salt gradually to warm water until it stops dissolving). It remains to wait a few days, and in order for the heart to grow faster, then change the solution to a new one every 2-3 days.

And, of course, candles! Decorate candle holders with hearts, just don't forget about fire safety!

2. We make valentines with our own hands!

The most important paper heart on this day is your Valentine card. And you can make it with your own hands and it will turn out no worse than the store, even more original! For example, you can send...

Message in an envelope

We string 6-8 hearts on a thread and put them in an envelope...

You can write words on each of the hearts, which, as the hearts are pulled out, will add up to a phrase. Do not confuse the beginning and end when putting a message in an envelope, otherwise it will turn out “I love you, I am Zina” instead of “Zina, I love you” :)

A couple more options with envelopes - mini messages with nice words and compliments and an envelope that opens into a heart

Postcard with hearts

And here are easy cute design ideas for romantic valentines cards:

Another idea of ​​a three-dimensional postcard with two hearts flowing into each other - it turns out a very symbolic Valentine. It will take you only 10 minutes to create it - follow ours and here's what you get in the end

And here is a video instruction on how to make a Valentine card with hearts resembling balloons on strings

Subscribe to our youtube channel so as not to miss new master classes for Valentine's Day and February 23

Button hearts

Cool postcards are made with button hearts - bright and cheerful

Valentine cards with photos

Your joint happy photo can be the best Valentine for Valentine's Day. Add a line of wishes in Photoshop, a few hearts and paste it into a pretty frame. Or make a heart out of your little photographs

And also Origami Valentines. Watch this simple video tutorial showing how to make a beating heart out of a sheet of paper.

In nomination "Last Minute Valentine" this uncomplicated boxed cardboard heart wins. Beloved is almost on the doorstep, but the valentine is not ready? Feel free to tear off a piece of the box and, following this simple video instruction, make a romantic surprise.

3. We have fun colleagues!

To do this, you will need plastic (yes, in principle, any) soldiers! We write heartbreaking requests for help on hearts, such as “Elena Arnoldovna, you killed me with your smile!”, “I can’t fight these feelings anymore!” “I’m dying of love for you”, “Smitten by your look on the spot!”. We “distribute” hearts to the soldiers and arrange the regiment dying of love on the tables of colleagues, window sills and in a cupboard for coffee cups.

4. Have a romantic tea party

Cute tea bags. We have already written about this. You can decorate the whole tea ceremony in a romantic style.

However, you can drink hot tea outside from a thermos and, embracing, look at the romantic sky lanterns flying into the sky in the form of hearts.

5. Making bookmark hearts for a book

What could be simpler - we take two hearts of different sizes and stick a small one on a large one (only the upper part, and the bottom tab will just “cling” to the desired page!)

6. Bouquets of hearts

We fasten 6-8 hearts together with a pin, fasten the pin with the resulting bud to the “twig”, which can be a wire, a cocktail tube or a real tree branch. The flower is ready. We make 5-7 flowers for a bouquet, of different sizes and shades. We “decorate” the petals with wishes and compliments!

And this option will especially appeal to those with a sweet tooth - we fix the flower not with a pin, but with lollipop candy

7. Delicious love. Cooking a romantic breakfast for your loved one

We will please your loved one on this day with goodies. I will not include a recipe for baked salmon with an exotic sauce in this article, there are many similar instructions on the Internet. Let's stop at a beautiful presentation. Pancakes and scrambled eggs can be prepared in special molds. You can also cut hearts from all kinds of fruits and vegetables: carrots, strawberries, bananas, apples and kiwi.

This wonderful holiday inspires even the most notorious pragmatists to take romantic steps. And so they buy the most expensive gifts, do the craziest things, put on real shows in order to please their loved one. And all you need is nothing - just learn how to make do-it-yourself Valentine's Day cards.

The art of making valentines does not require abstruse skills or expensive materials. It is enough just to make an almost naive heart-shaped card, but be sure to put a piece of your soul into it. From such crafts, your beloved heart will open to meet your feelings, better than from a love potion. So do not hesitate for a minute and get down to needlework.

From small pieces of colored paper, twist the “buds” and arrange them like a bouquet on a white sheet of cardboard.

And yes, do not forget about a bouquet of fresh flowers)

So, the easiest and, at the same time, quite creative way to create a heart card is a button mosaic. By the way, this material is adored by many lovers of needlework. They are especially convenient for making applications. And postcards decorated with buttons are especially cozy, because they show the features of cute childish touchingness and warm sincerity. You can do it in the simplest way by laying out a heart appliqué from buttons of the same color. Or you can make a rainbow heart from multi-colored buttons: first lay out a small heart in the center of three scarlet buttons, and then make a circle around a row of light buttons of the same color, for example, white. Then another one is drawn along this stroke, but already from red buttons. So you can continue until you have enough time, strength and buttons. And if you wish, you can make a valentine card in the form of a real button tree, the trunk of which you just need to draw on the card or cut it out of cardboard, or you can even lay it out of ropes or vines.

Here is such a prospectus card, made in several techniques at once: quilling, scrapbooking, mosaic and photo collage.

If you make the card small, you can carry it in your wallet.

It also looks very cute Valentine with a bouquet of buttons. First you need to put the smallest button on top of the big one, and then stretch the wire through both pairs of holes, decorate this center with the outlines of petals cut out of cardboard, pierce the cardboard in the center with the same wire. The ends of the wire are twisted, resulting in a stem for the flower. If desired, sheets of paper can also be put on this leg.

Children's Valentine will look so harmonious in a heart-shaped envelope.

And this is how the envelope itself is made in the shape of a heart.

Very beautiful cards for Valentine's Day are obtained from beads strung on a wire and attached to a cardboard base. For such a homemade product, you need to string beads of various shapes and sizes onto a fishing line or wire, while adhering to the same tone, with a slight deviation. The wire with strung beads must be bent in the shape of a heart and glued. True, one cannot do without romantic inscriptions on a postcard.

Such a card with voluminous hearts is within the power of real loving craftswomen.

We will need scrapbooking paper, a patterned hole punch, scissors, an envelope and a sewing machine.

Use a hole punch to make hearts.

Now we attach two hearts.

Machine sew hearts.

Cut off the threads.

Fold over the top hearts.

Here we have such a wonderful postcard for Valentine.

Now is the time to sign the postcard and pack it in an envelope.

You can make an incomparable valentine card with a sprinkling of beads. To do this, glue should be applied to the designated place and sprinkled with beads. After the glue has hardened, the extra beads are shaken off the valentine or swept away with a soft brush. But if there are gaps, then you need to drop glue on them again and sprinkle with beads.

The pinnacle of craftsmanship looks like a valentine made of plastic, which can be purchased at stationery. By the way, mastic is outwardly similar to plasticine, but differs only in that products from it can be baked in the oven, as a result of which it will turn into hard, durable plastic. Believe me: most molded fridge magnets are made from this material - plastics. It is very convenient for needlework, so cute hearts are easily molded from it. They can be studded with beads, rhinestones, buttons and any other little things suitable for such a design. The craft is baked in a non-hot oven for about 3 minutes. And when the heart has cooled down, you can safely attach it to a postcard. And one more secret: to make the heart look shiny and smooth, it should be polished first with fine sandpaper, then with a denim rag, and at the end - varnish the product. Any varnish is suitable for this: yacht, furniture, manicure varnish or even hairspray.

And here is another wonderful postcard with confetti from newspapers and colored paper.

For such a postcard, do not forget to make a red envelope.

Fold the cardboard in half and cut out a heart in the middle of the front side.

Now make confetti with a hole punch.

Cut out two squares from the transparent film.

Sew a square on three sides and fill with confetti.

Now sew the envelope completely and boldly attach it to the heart neckline.

Secure the confetti envelope with tape.

Now glue a sheet of paper of the same size to hide the confetti.

Now sign and pack in an envelope.

tinkering homemade greeting cards for valentine's day it is possible with different cute troubles. So very popular are valentine cards, equipped with pockets for sweets, knitted hearts, voluminous fabric applications or collages from other postcards with the theme of Valentine's Day. And so that your loved one never forgets you, you can give him a heart made of a double-sided decorative ribbon, which is used to decorate bouquets. Its width should be about half a centimeter. 14 different modules of lotus flower petals are made from the ribbon. For one module, you need 4 thirty-centimeter strips, which are bent so that at the same time a third of the length is at the top. The modules are threaded through the ends into each other, and after pulling the ends, the base of the flower is woven. The blank is turned over and attached to a postcard cut in the shape of a heart.

You can please your loved one with such a photo.

Here is the guys version.

Candy postcard.

With gouache and stencils you will get such wonderful postcards.

The card is made using stencils and a sponge soaked in paint.

DIY Valentine's Day cards video

And how to make such a postcard will tell the video.

A postcard for Valentine's Day, or just a Valentine's Day, is one of the main symbols of Valentine's Day. That is why many truly put their soul into its creation. A hand-made valentine's card is a symbol of tender and reverent attitude towards a partner, care and attention to him. Couples who have been together for a long time or have a great sense of humor can add fun elements to the love theme. But most lovers on this day prefer romantic motives. For those who do not know how to make a Valentine's Day card with their own hands, there are many ways and techniques, from elementary to requiring certain skills and abilities.

Paper valentines

A paper valentine is the most common type of card for this holiday. There is a huge variety of techniques in which you can create a real masterpiece with paper, glue and scissors.


One of the simplest and most time-tested methods for creating a valentine is appliqué. It does not require artistic skills, while allowing you to show individuality. To work in this technique, you will need cardboard for the base or interesting scrapbooking paper, glue, as well as elements for gluing. These can be ready-made stickers bought from a bookstore or ordered online, images taken from the Internet and printed on a color printer, or your own collections of pictures. The advantage of the application is that the valentine is practically unlimited in size, and in order to surprise a loved one, it can be made up to A3 format.

Valentine envelope

This version of the postcard combines the features of the envelope and the message itself. For its manufacture, a large heart should be cut out on paper. In its center on the back, place a confession and fold the edges of the heart so that it takes the shape of a rectangle, and the message is hidden inside.

Volumetric valentines

Despite the apparent complexity of such designs, with a template, they are no more difficult to implement than any other option. To do this, it is necessary to transfer the contours of the elements to a sheet of cardboard, cut them out and connect them together. Volumetric hearts, as well as heart-boxes look very impressive.

Flowers valentine

This is one of the options for voluminous valentines, made from small flowers. You can make them yourself from colored double-sided paper or buy ready-made ones. Traditionally, red roses are considered a symbol of love and passion. It's quite easy to make them. To do this, on a sheet of red paper, you need to draw a spiral and make a cut along the line. The resulting tape is wound around a pencil or thinner base, starting from the outer end. Peeling the paper off the pencil produces a miniature rosette that is easy to attach to a heart-shaped base. Instead of roses, you can make carnations in a similar way, and decorate the finished valentine with ribbons or beads.


The ancient Japanese art of creating three-dimensional figures from paper is applicable to valentines. By folding several of these open, you can create a whole composition dedicated to the holiday.

Creative Options

Of course, there is always the option to just give a bouquet or candy as a congratulation, but for those who want to surprise their soul mate, there are also many interesting ideas.

fluffy valentine

To make such a postcard, you will need a thick sheet of cardboard and a ball of red woolen thread. From cardboard we cut out the contour of the heart 3-4 cm wide, depending on the size of the valentine itself, and wrap it with threads in several layers. The thicker and fluffier the thread, the more cute the card will turn out. A declaration of love or a joint photo can be attached to such a soft heart with a pin.

wicker valentine

You can weave a card for Valentine's Day from any more or less flexible material. It can be paper, cardboard, macrame threads. Production can take a long time, depending on the complexity of the model, but the result is worth it.

In addition to all the options proposed above, a Valentine can also be made:

  • from wire, pulling it on a hard workpiece in the shape of a heart;
  • from beads and threads, embroidering a message or a picture on the fabric;
  • from buttons, creating a semblance of a mosaic and selecting buttons by color, shape and size;
  • from ice. To do this, you need to prepare a mold in the shape of a heart, put decor elements in it and fill it with clean water;
  • from smooth stones, painting them with water-based paints;
  • from felt. There are many models for this option;
  • dipping fingers or palms entirely in red paint, folding them in the shape of a heart and leaving prints on a piece of paper;
  • in quilling technique.

Another original way to create a valentine is to order in a photo workshop. You can not only transfer the desired image with romantic symbols or a joint photo to a mug, T-shirt or pillow, but also order a whole collage.

The appearance of each handmade valentine will be completely individual, and its design is limited only by imagination and the desire to surprise and please your loved one.